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<?php /** * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ namespace Google\Cloud\Storage\Connection; use Google\Auth\GetUniverseDomainInterface; use Google\Cloud\Core\RequestBuilder; use Google\Cloud\Core\RequestWrapper; use Google\Cloud\Core\RestTrait; use Google\Cloud\Core\Retry; use Google\Cloud\Storage\Connection\RetryTrait; use Google\Cloud\Core\Upload\AbstractUploader; use Google\Cloud\Core\Upload\MultipartUploader; use Google\Cloud\Core\Upload\ResumableUploader; use Google\Cloud\Core\Upload\StreamableUploader; use Google\Cloud\Core\UriTrait; use Google\Cloud\Storage\Connection\ConnectionInterface; use Google\Cloud\Storage\StorageClient; use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException; use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\MimeType; use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request; use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils; use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface; use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid; /** * Implementation of the * [Google Cloud Storage JSON API](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/). * * @internal */ class Rest implements ConnectionInterface { use RestTrait { send as private traitSend; } use RetryTrait; use UriTrait; /** * Header and value that helps us identify a transcoded obj * w/o making a metadata(info) call. */ private const TRANSCODED_OBJ_HEADER_KEY = 'X-Goog-Stored-Content-Encoding'; private const TRANSCODED_OBJ_HEADER_VAL = 'gzip'; /** * @deprecated */ const BASE_URI = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/storage/v1/'; /** * @deprecated */ const DEFAULT_API_ENDPOINT = 'https://storage.googleapis.com'; const DEFAULT_API_ENDPOINT_TEMPLATE = 'https://storage.UNIVERSE_DOMAIN'; /** * @deprecated */ const UPLOAD_URI = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/upload/storage/v1/b/{bucket}/o{?query*}'; const UPLOAD_PATH = 'upload/storage/v1/b/{bucket}/o{?query*}'; /** * @deprecated */ const DOWNLOAD_URI = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/storage/v1/b/{bucket}/o/{object}{?query*}'; const DOWNLOAD_PATH = 'storage/v1/b/{bucket}/o/{object}{?query*}'; /** * @var string */ private $projectId; /** * @var string */ private $apiEndpoint; /** * @var callable * value null accepted */ private $restRetryFunction; /** * @param array $config */ public function __construct(array $config = []) { $config += [ 'serviceDefinitionPath' => __DIR__ . '/ServiceDefinition/storage-v1.json', 'componentVersion' => StorageClient::VERSION, 'apiEndpoint' => null, // If the user has not supplied a universe domain, use the environment variable if set. // Otherwise, use the default ("googleapis.com"). 'universeDomain' => getenv('GOOGLE_CLOUD_UNIVERSE_DOMAIN') ?: GetUniverseDomainInterface::DEFAULT_UNIVERSE_DOMAIN, // Cloud Storage needs to provide a default scope because the Storage // API does not accept JWTs with "audience" 'scopes' => StorageClient::FULL_CONTROL_SCOPE, ]; $this->apiEndpoint = $this->getApiEndpoint(null, $config, self::DEFAULT_API_ENDPOINT_TEMPLATE); $this->setRequestWrapper(new RequestWrapper($config)); $this->setRequestBuilder(new RequestBuilder( $config['serviceDefinitionPath'], $this->apiEndpoint )); $this->projectId = $this->pluck('projectId', $config, false); $this->restRetryFunction = (isset($config['restRetryFunction'])) ? $config['restRetryFunction'] : null; } /** * @return string */ public function projectId() { return $this->projectId; } /** * @param array $args */ public function deleteAcl(array $args = []) { return $this->send($args['type'], 'delete', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function getAcl(array $args = []) { return $this->send($args['type'], 'get', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function listAcl(array $args = []) { return $this->send($args['type'], 'list', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function insertAcl(array $args = []) { return $this->send($args['type'], 'insert', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function patchAcl(array $args = []) { return $this->send($args['type'], 'patch', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function deleteBucket(array $args = []) { return $this->send('buckets', 'delete', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function getBucket(array $args = []) { return $this->send('buckets', 'get', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function listBuckets(array $args = []) { return $this->send('buckets', 'list', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function insertBucket(array $args = []) { return $this->send('buckets', 'insert', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function patchBucket(array $args = []) { return $this->send('buckets', 'patch', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function deleteObject(array $args = []) { return $this->send('objects', 'delete', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function copyObject(array $args = []) { return $this->send('objects', 'copy', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function rewriteObject(array $args = []) { return $this->send('objects', 'rewrite', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function composeObject(array $args = []) { return $this->send('objects', 'compose', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function getObject(array $args = []) { return $this->send('objects', 'get', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function listObjects(array $args = []) { return $this->send('objects', 'list', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function patchObject(array $args = []) { return $this->send('objects', 'patch', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function downloadObject(array $args = []) { // This makes sure we honour the range headers specified by the user $requestedBytes = $this->getRequestedBytes($args); $resultStream = Utils::streamFor(null); $transcodedObj = false; list($request, $requestOptions) = $this->buildDownloadObjectParams($args); $invocationId = Uuid::uuid4()->toString(); $requestOptions['retryHeaders'] = self::getRetryHeaders($invocationId, 1); $requestOptions['restRetryFunction'] = $this->getRestRetryFunction('objects', 'get', $requestOptions); // We try to deduce if the object is a transcoded object when we receive the headers. $requestOptions['restOptions']['on_headers'] = function ($response) use (&$transcodedObj) { $header = $response->getHeader(self::TRANSCODED_OBJ_HEADER_KEY); if (is_array($header) && in_array(self::TRANSCODED_OBJ_HEADER_VAL, $header)) { $transcodedObj = true; } }; $requestOptions['restRetryListener'] = function ( \Exception $e, $retryAttempt, &$arguments ) use ( $resultStream, $requestedBytes, $invocationId ) { // if the exception has a response for us to use if ($e instanceof RequestException && $e->hasResponse()) { $msg = (string) $e->getResponse()->getBody(); $fetchedStream = Utils::streamFor($msg); // add the partial response to our stream that we will return Utils::copyToStream($fetchedStream, $resultStream); // Start from the byte that was last fetched $startByte = intval($requestedBytes['startByte']) + $resultStream->getSize(); $endByte = $requestedBytes['endByte']; // modify the range headers to fetch the remaining data $arguments[1]['headers']['Range'] = sprintf('bytes=%s-%s', $startByte, $endByte); $arguments[0] = $this->modifyRequestForRetry($arguments[0], $retryAttempt, $invocationId); } }; $fetchedStream = $this->requestWrapper->send( $request, $requestOptions )->getBody(); // If our object is a transcoded object, then Range headers are not honoured. // That means even if we had a partial download available, the final obj // that was fetched will contain the complete object. So, we don't need to copy // the partial stream, we can just return the stream we fetched. if ($transcodedObj) { return $fetchedStream; } Utils::copyToStream($fetchedStream, $resultStream); $resultStream->seek(0); return $resultStream; } /** * @param array $args * @experimental The experimental flag means that while we believe this method * or class is ready for use, it may change before release in backwards- * incompatible ways. Please use with caution, and test thoroughly when * upgrading. */ public function downloadObjectAsync(array $args = []) { list($request, $requestOptions) = $this->buildDownloadObjectParams($args); return $this->requestWrapper->sendAsync( $request, $requestOptions )->then(function (ResponseInterface $response) { return $response->getBody(); }); } /** * @param array $args */ public function insertObject(array $args = []) { $args = $this->resolveUploadOptions($args); $uploadType = AbstractUploader::UPLOAD_TYPE_RESUMABLE; if ($args['streamable']) { $uploaderClass = StreamableUploader::class; } elseif ($args['resumable']) { $uploaderClass = ResumableUploader::class; } else { $uploaderClass = MultipartUploader::class; $uploadType = AbstractUploader::UPLOAD_TYPE_MULTIPART; } $uriParams = [ 'bucket' => $args['bucket'], 'query' => [ 'predefinedAcl' => $args['predefinedAcl'], 'uploadType' => $uploadType, 'userProject' => $args['userProject'] ] ]; // Passing the preconditions we want to extract out of arguments // into our query params. $preconditions = self::$condIdempotentOps['objects.insert']; foreach ($preconditions as $precondition) { if (isset($args[$precondition])) { $uriParams['query'][$precondition] = $args[$precondition]; } } return new $uploaderClass( $this->requestWrapper, $args['data'], $this->expandUri($this->apiEndpoint . self::UPLOAD_PATH, $uriParams), $args['uploaderOptions'] ); } /** * @param array $args */ private function resolveUploadOptions(array $args) { $args += [ 'bucket' => null, 'name' => null, 'validate' => true, 'resumable' => null, 'streamable' => null, 'predefinedAcl' => null, 'metadata' => [], 'userProject' => null, ]; $args['data'] = Utils::streamFor($args['data']); if ($args['resumable'] === null) { $args['resumable'] = $args['data']->getSize() > AbstractUploader::RESUMABLE_LIMIT; } if (!$args['name']) { $args['name'] = basename($args['data']->getMetadata('uri')); } $validate = $this->chooseValidationMethod($args); if ($validate === 'md5') { $args['metadata']['md5Hash'] = base64_encode(Utils::hash($args['data'], 'md5', true)); } elseif ($validate === 'crc32') { $args['metadata']['crc32c'] = $this->crcFromStream($args['data']); } $args['metadata']['name'] = $args['name']; if (isset($args['retention'])) { // during object creation retention properties go into metadata // but not into request body $args['metadata']['retention'] = $args['retention']; unset($args['retention']); } unset($args['name']); $args['contentType'] = $args['metadata']['contentType'] ?? MimeType::fromFilename($args['metadata']['name']); $uploaderOptionKeys = [ 'restOptions', 'retries', 'requestTimeout', 'chunkSize', 'contentType', 'metadata', 'uploadProgressCallback', 'restDelayFunction', 'restCalcDelayFunction', ]; $args['uploaderOptions'] = array_intersect_key($args, array_flip($uploaderOptionKeys)); $args = array_diff_key($args, array_flip($uploaderOptionKeys)); // Passing on custom retry function to $args['uploaderOptions'] $retryFunc = $this->getRestRetryFunction( 'objects', 'insert', $args ); $args['uploaderOptions']['restRetryFunction'] = $retryFunc; $args['uploaderOptions'] = $this->addRetryHeaderLogic( $args['uploaderOptions'] ); return $args; } /** * @param array $args */ public function getBucketIamPolicy(array $args) { return $this->send('buckets', 'getIamPolicy', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function setBucketIamPolicy(array $args) { return $this->send('buckets', 'setIamPolicy', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function testBucketIamPermissions(array $args) { return $this->send('buckets', 'testIamPermissions', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function getNotification(array $args = []) { return $this->send('notifications', 'get', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function deleteNotification(array $args = []) { return $this->send('notifications', 'delete', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function insertNotification(array $args = []) { return $this->send('notifications', 'insert', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function listNotifications(array $args = []) { return $this->send('notifications', 'list', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function getServiceAccount(array $args = []) { return $this->send('projects.resources.serviceAccount', 'get', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function lockRetentionPolicy(array $args = []) { return $this->send('buckets', 'lockRetentionPolicy', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function createHmacKey(array $args = []) { return $this->send('projects.resources.hmacKeys', 'create', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function deleteHmacKey(array $args = []) { return $this->send('projects.resources.hmacKeys', 'delete', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function getHmacKey(array $args = []) { return $this->send('projects.resources.hmacKeys', 'get', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function updateHmacKey(array $args = []) { return $this->send('projects.resources.hmacKeys', 'update', $args); } /** * @param array $args */ public function listHmacKeys(array $args = []) { return $this->send('projects.resources.hmacKeys', 'list', $args); } /** * @param array $args * @return array */ private function buildDownloadObjectParams(array $args) { $args += [ 'bucket' => null, 'object' => null, 'generation' => null, 'userProject' => null ]; $requestOptions = array_intersect_key($args, [ 'restOptions' => null, 'retries' => null, 'restRetryFunction' => null, 'restCalcDelayFunction' => null, 'restDelayFunction' => null ]); $uri = $this->expandUri($this->apiEndpoint . self::DOWNLOAD_PATH, [ 'bucket' => $args['bucket'], 'object' => $args['object'], 'query' => [ 'generation' => $args['generation'], 'alt' => 'media', 'userProject' => $args['userProject'] ] ]); return [ new Request('GET', Utils::uriFor($uri)), $requestOptions ]; } /** * Choose a upload validation method based on user input and platform * requirements. * * @param array $args * @return bool|string */ private function chooseValidationMethod(array $args) { // If the user provided a hash, skip hashing. if (isset($args['metadata']['md5Hash']) || isset($args['metadata']['crc32c'])) { return false; } $validate = $args['validate']; if (in_array($validate, [false, 'crc32', 'md5'], true)) { return $validate; } // not documented, but the feature is called crc32c, so let's accept that as input anyways. if ($validate === 'crc32c') { return 'crc32'; } // is the extension loaded? if ($this->crc32cExtensionLoaded()) { return 'crc32'; } // is crc32c available in `hash()`? if ($this->supportsBuiltinCrc32c()) { return 'crc32'; } return 'md5'; } /** * Generate a CRC32c checksum from a stream. * * @param StreamInterface $data * @return string */ private function crcFromStream(StreamInterface $data) { $pos = $data->tell(); $data->rewind(); $crc32c = hash_init('crc32c'); while (!$data->eof()) { $buffer = $data->read(1048576); hash_update($crc32c, $buffer); } $data->seek($pos); $hash = hash_final($crc32c, true); return base64_encode($hash); } /** * Check if the crc32c extension is available. * * Protected access for unit testing. * * @return bool */ protected function crc32cExtensionLoaded() { return extension_loaded('crc32c'); } /** * Check if hash() supports crc32c. * * @deprecated * @return bool */ protected function supportsBuiltinCrc32c() { return extension_loaded('hash') && in_array('crc32c', hash_algos()); } /** * Add the required retry function and send the request. * * @param string $resource resource name, eg: buckets. * @param string $method method name, eg: get * @param array $options [optional] Options used to build out the request. * @param array $whitelisted [optional] */ public function send($resource, $method, array $options = [], $whitelisted = false) { $retryMap = [ 'projects.resources.serviceAccount' => 'serviceaccount', 'projects.resources.hmacKeys' => 'hmacKey', 'bucketAccessControls' => 'bucket_acl', 'defaultObjectAccessControls' => 'default_object_acl', 'objectAccessControls' => 'object_acl' ]; $retryResource = isset($retryMap[$resource]) ? $retryMap[$resource] : $resource; $options['restRetryFunction'] = $this->restRetryFunction ?? $this->getRestRetryFunction( $retryResource, $method, $options ); $options = $this->addRetryHeaderLogic($options); return $this->traitSend($resource, $method, $options); } /** * Adds the retry headers to $args which amends retry hash and attempt * count to the required header. * @param array $args * @return array */ private function addRetryHeaderLogic(array $args) { $invocationId = Uuid::uuid4()->toString(); $args['retryHeaders'] = self::getRetryHeaders($invocationId, 1); // Adding callback logic to update headers while retrying $args['restRetryListener'] = function ( \Exception $e, $retryAttempt, &$arguments ) use ( $invocationId ) { $arguments[0] = $this->modifyRequestForRetry( $arguments[0], $retryAttempt, $invocationId ); }; return $args; } private function modifyRequestForRetry( RequestInterface $request, int $retryAttempt, string $invocationId ) { $changes = self::getRetryHeaders($invocationId, $retryAttempt + 1); $headerLine = $request->getHeaderLine(Retry::RETRY_HEADER_KEY); // An associative array to contain final header values as // $headerValueKey => $headerValue $headerElements = []; // Adding existing values $headerLineValues = explode(' ', $headerLine); foreach ($headerLineValues as $value) { $key = explode('/', $value)[0]; $headerElements[$key] = $value; } // Adding changes with replacing value if $key already present foreach ($changes as $change) { $key = explode('/', $change)[0]; $headerElements[$key] = $change; } return $request->withHeader( Retry::RETRY_HEADER_KEY, implode(' ', $headerElements) ); } /** * Util function to compute the bytes requested for a download request. * * @param array $options Request options * @return array */ private function getRequestedBytes(array $options) { $startByte = 0; $endByte = ''; if (isset($options['restOptions']) && isset($options['restOptions']['headers'])) { $headers = $options['restOptions']['headers']; if (isset($headers['Range']) || isset($headers['range'])) { $header = isset($headers['Range']) ? $headers['Range'] : $headers['range']; $range = explode('=', $header); $bytes = explode('-', $range[1]); $startByte = $bytes[0]; $endByte = $bytes[1]; } } return compact('startByte', 'endByte'); } }
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