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/* * jQuery Plugin: Tokenizing Autocomplete Text Entry * Version 1.6.0 * * Copyright (c) 2009 James Smith (http://loopj.com) * Licensed jointly under the GPL and MIT licenses, * choose which one suits your project best! * */ (function ($) { // Default settings var DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { // Search settings method: "GET", contentType: "json", queryParam: "q", searchDelay: 300, minChars: 1, propertyToSearch: "name", jsonContainer: null, // Display settings hintText: "Type in a search term", noResultsText: "No results", searchingText: "Searching...", deleteText: "×", animateDropdown: true, // Tokenization settings tokenLimit: null, tokenDelimiter: ",", preventDuplicates: false, // Output settings tokenValue: "id", // Prepopulation settings prePopulate: null, processPrePopulate: false, // Manipulation settings idPrefix: "token-input-", // Formatters resultsFormatter: function (item) { return "<li>" + item[this.propertyToSearch] + "</li>"; }, tokenFormatter: function (item) { return "<li><p>" + item[this.propertyToSearch] + "</p></li>"; }, // Callbacks onResult: null, onAdd: null, onDelete: null, onReady: null, }; // Default classes to use when theming var DEFAULT_CLASSES = { tokenList: "token-input-list", token: "token-input-token", tokenDelete: "token-input-delete-token", selectedToken: "token-input-selected-token", highlightedToken: "token-input-highlighted-token", dropdown: "token-input-dropdown", dropdownItem: "token-input-dropdown-item", dropdownItem2: "token-input-dropdown-item2", selectedDropdownItem: "token-input-selected-dropdown-item", inputToken: "token-input-input-token", }; // Input box position "enum" var POSITION = { BEFORE: 0, AFTER: 1, END: 2, }; // Keys "enum" var KEY = { BACKSPACE: 8, TAB: 9, ENTER: 13, ESCAPE: 27, SPACE: 32, PAGE_UP: 33, PAGE_DOWN: 34, END: 35, HOME: 36, LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, DOWN: 40, NUMPAD_ENTER: 108, COMMA: 188, }; // Additional public (exposed) methods var methods = { init: function (url_or_data_or_function, options) { var settings = $.extend({}, DEFAULT_SETTINGS, options || {}); return this.each(function () { $(this).data( "tokenInputObject", new $.TokenList(this, url_or_data_or_function, settings) ); }); }, clear: function () { this.data("tokenInputObject").clear(); return this; }, add: function (item) { this.data("tokenInputObject").add(item); return this; }, remove: function (item) { this.data("tokenInputObject").remove(item); return this; }, get: function () { return this.data("tokenInputObject").getTokens(); }, }; // Expose the .tokenInput function to jQuery as a plugin $.fn.tokenInput = function (method) { // Method calling and initialization logic if (methods[method]) { return methods[method].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) ); } else { return methods.init.apply(this, arguments); } }; // TokenList class for each input $.TokenList = function (input, url_or_data, settings) { // // Initialization // // Configure the data source if ( $.type(url_or_data) === "string" || $.type(url_or_data) === "function" ) { // Set the url to query against settings.url = url_or_data; // If the URL is a function, evaluate it here to do our initalization work var url = computeURL(); // Make a smart guess about cross-domain if it wasn't explicitly specified if (settings.crossDomain === undefined) { if (url.indexOf("://") === -1) { settings.crossDomain = false; } else { settings.crossDomain = location.href.split(/\/+/g)[1] !== url.split(/\/+/g)[1]; } } } else if (typeof url_or_data === "object") { // Set the local data to search through settings.local_data = url_or_data; } // Build class names if (settings.classes) { // Use custom class names settings.classes = $.extend({}, DEFAULT_CLASSES, settings.classes); } else if (settings.theme) { // Use theme-suffixed default class names settings.classes = {}; $.each(DEFAULT_CLASSES, function (key, value) { settings.classes[key] = value + "-" + settings.theme; }); } else { settings.classes = DEFAULT_CLASSES; } // Save the tokens var saved_tokens = []; // Keep track of the number of tokens in the list var token_count = 0; // Basic cache to save on db hits var cache = new $.TokenList.Cache(); // Keep track of the timeout, old vals var timeout; var input_val; // Create a new text input an attach keyup events var input_box = $('<input type="text" autocomplete="off">') .css({ outline: "none", }) .attr("id", settings.idPrefix + input.id) .focus(function () { if ( settings.tokenLimit === null || settings.tokenLimit !== token_count ) { show_dropdown_hint(); } }) .blur(function () { hide_dropdown(); $(this).val(""); }) .bind("keyup keydown blur update", resize_input) .keydown(function (event) { var previous_token; var next_token; switch (event.keyCode) { case KEY.LEFT: case KEY.RIGHT: case KEY.UP: case KEY.DOWN: if (!$(this).val()) { previous_token = input_token.prev(); next_token = input_token.next(); if ( (previous_token.length && previous_token.get(0) === selected_token) || (next_token.length && next_token.get(0) === selected_token) ) { // Check if there is a previous/next token and it is selected if (event.keyCode === KEY.LEFT || event.keyCode === KEY.UP) { deselect_token($(selected_token), POSITION.BEFORE); } else { deselect_token($(selected_token), POSITION.AFTER); } } else if ( (event.keyCode === KEY.LEFT || event.keyCode === KEY.UP) && previous_token.length ) { // We are moving left, select the previous token if it exists select_token($(previous_token.get(0))); } else if ( (event.keyCode === KEY.RIGHT || event.keyCode === KEY.DOWN) && next_token.length ) { // We are moving right, select the next token if it exists select_token($(next_token.get(0))); } } else { var dropdown_item = null; if (event.keyCode === KEY.DOWN || event.keyCode === KEY.RIGHT) { dropdown_item = $(selected_dropdown_item).next(); } else { dropdown_item = $(selected_dropdown_item).prev(); } if (dropdown_item.length) { select_dropdown_item(dropdown_item); } return false; } break; case KEY.BACKSPACE: previous_token = input_token.prev(); if (!$(this).val().length) { if (selected_token) { delete_token($(selected_token)); hidden_input.change(); } else if (previous_token.length) { select_token($(previous_token.get(0))); } return false; } else if ($(this).val().length === 1) { hide_dropdown(); } else { // set a timeout just long enough to let this function finish. setTimeout(function () { do_search(); }, 5); } break; case KEY.TAB: case KEY.ENTER: case KEY.NUMPAD_ENTER: case KEY.COMMA: if (selected_dropdown_item) { add_token($(selected_dropdown_item).data("tokeninput")); hidden_input.change(); return false; } break; case KEY.ESCAPE: hide_dropdown(); return true; default: if (String.fromCharCode(event.which)) { // set a timeout just long enough to let this function finish. setTimeout(function () { do_search(); }, 5); } break; } }); // Keep a reference to the original input box var hidden_input = $(input) .hide() .val("") .focus(function () { input_box.focus(); }) .blur(function () { input_box.blur(); }); // Keep a reference to the selected token and dropdown item var selected_token = null; var selected_token_index = 0; var selected_dropdown_item = null; // The list to store the token items in var token_list = $("<ul />") .addClass(settings.classes.tokenList) .click(function (event) { var li = $(event.target).closest("li"); if (li && li.get(0) && $.data(li.get(0), "tokeninput")) { toggle_select_token(li); } else { // Deselect selected token if (selected_token) { deselect_token($(selected_token), POSITION.END); } // Focus input box input_box.focus(); } }) .mouseover(function (event) { var li = $(event.target).closest("li"); if (li && selected_token !== this) { li.addClass(settings.classes.highlightedToken); } }) .mouseout(function (event) { var li = $(event.target).closest("li"); if (li && selected_token !== this) { li.removeClass(settings.classes.highlightedToken); } }) .insertBefore(hidden_input); // The token holding the input box var input_token = $("<li />") .addClass(settings.classes.inputToken) .appendTo(token_list) .append(input_box); // The list to store the dropdown items in var dropdown = $("<div>") .addClass(settings.classes.dropdown) .appendTo("body") .hide(); // Magic element to help us resize the text input var input_resizer = $("<tester/>") .insertAfter(input_box) .css({ position: "absolute", top: -9999, left: -9999, width: "auto", fontSize: input_box.css("fontSize"), fontFamily: input_box.css("fontFamily"), fontWeight: input_box.css("fontWeight"), letterSpacing: input_box.css("letterSpacing"), whiteSpace: "nowrap", }); // Pre-populate list if items exist hidden_input.val(""); var li_data = settings.prePopulate || hidden_input.data("pre"); if (settings.processPrePopulate && $.isFunction(settings.onResult)) { li_data = settings.onResult.call(hidden_input, li_data); } if (li_data && li_data.length) { $.each(li_data, function (index, value) { insert_token(value); checkTokenLimit(); }); } // Initialization is done if ($.isFunction(settings.onReady)) { settings.onReady.call(); } // // Public functions // this.clear = function () { token_list.children("li").each(function () { if ($(this).children("input").length === 0) { delete_token($(this)); } }); }; this.add = function (item) { add_token(item); }; this.remove = function (item) { token_list.children("li").each(function () { if ($(this).children("input").length === 0) { var currToken = $(this).data("tokeninput"); var match = true; for (var prop in item) { if (item[prop] !== currToken[prop]) { match = false; break; } } if (match) { delete_token($(this)); } } }); }; this.getTokens = function () { return saved_tokens; }; // // Private functions // function checkTokenLimit() { if (settings.tokenLimit !== null && token_count >= settings.tokenLimit) { input_box.hide(); hide_dropdown(); return; } } function resize_input() { if (input_val === (input_val = input_box.val())) { return; } // Enter new content into resizer and resize input accordingly var escaped = input_val .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(/\s/g, " ") .replace(/</g, "<") .replace(/>/g, ">"); input_resizer.html(escaped); input_box.width(input_resizer.width() + 30); } function is_printable_character(keycode) { return ( (keycode >= 48 && keycode <= 90) || // 0-1a-z (keycode >= 96 && keycode <= 111) || // numpad 0-9 + - / * . (keycode >= 186 && keycode <= 192) || // ; = , - . / ^ (keycode >= 219 && keycode <= 222) ); // ( \ ) ' } // Inner function to a token to the list function insert_token(item) { var this_token = settings.tokenFormatter(item); this_token = $(this_token) .addClass(settings.classes.token) .insertBefore(input_token); // The 'delete token' button $("<span>" + settings.deleteText + "</span>") .addClass(settings.classes.tokenDelete) .appendTo(this_token) .click(function () { delete_token($(this).parent()); hidden_input.change(); return false; }); // Store data on the token var token_data = { id: item.id }; token_data[settings.propertyToSearch] = item[settings.propertyToSearch]; $.data(this_token.get(0), "tokeninput", item); // Save this token for duplicate checking saved_tokens = saved_tokens .slice(0, selected_token_index) .concat([token_data]) .concat(saved_tokens.slice(selected_token_index)); selected_token_index++; // Update the hidden input update_hidden_input(saved_tokens, hidden_input); token_count += 1; // Check the token limit if (settings.tokenLimit !== null && token_count >= settings.tokenLimit) { input_box.hide(); hide_dropdown(); } return this_token; } // Add a token to the token list based on user input function add_token(item) { var callback = settings.onAdd; // See if the token already exists and select it if we don't want duplicates if (token_count > 0 && settings.preventDuplicates) { var found_existing_token = null; token_list.children().each(function () { var existing_token = $(this); var existing_data = $.data(existing_token.get(0), "tokeninput"); if (existing_data && existing_data.id === item.id) { found_existing_token = existing_token; return false; } }); if (found_existing_token) { select_token(found_existing_token); input_token.insertAfter(found_existing_token); input_box.focus(); return; } } // Insert the new tokens if (settings.tokenLimit == null || token_count < settings.tokenLimit) { insert_token(item); checkTokenLimit(); } // Clear input box input_box.val(""); // Don't show the help dropdown, they've got the idea hide_dropdown(); // Execute the onAdd callback if defined if ($.isFunction(callback)) { callback.call(hidden_input, item); } } // Select a token in the token list function select_token(token) { token.addClass(settings.classes.selectedToken); selected_token = token.get(0); // Hide input box input_box.val(""); // Hide dropdown if it is visible (eg if we clicked to select token) hide_dropdown(); } // Deselect a token in the token list function deselect_token(token, position) { token.removeClass(settings.classes.selectedToken); selected_token = null; if (position === POSITION.BEFORE) { input_token.insertBefore(token); selected_token_index--; } else if (position === POSITION.AFTER) { input_token.insertAfter(token); selected_token_index++; } else { input_token.appendTo(token_list); selected_token_index = token_count; } // Show the input box and give it focus again input_box.focus(); } // Toggle selection of a token in the token list function toggle_select_token(token) { var previous_selected_token = selected_token; if (selected_token) { deselect_token($(selected_token), POSITION.END); } if (previous_selected_token === token.get(0)) { deselect_token(token, POSITION.END); } else { select_token(token); } } // Delete a token from the token list function delete_token(token) { // Remove the id from the saved list var token_data = $.data(token.get(0), "tokeninput"); var callback = settings.onDelete; var index = token.prevAll().length; if (index > selected_token_index) index--; // Delete the token token.remove(); selected_token = null; // Show the input box and give it focus again input_box.focus(); // Remove this token from the saved list saved_tokens = saved_tokens .slice(0, index) .concat(saved_tokens.slice(index + 1)); if (index < selected_token_index) selected_token_index--; // Update the hidden input update_hidden_input(saved_tokens, hidden_input); token_count -= 1; if (settings.tokenLimit !== null) { input_box.show().val("").focus(); } // Execute the onDelete callback if defined if ($.isFunction(callback)) { callback.call(hidden_input, token_data); } } // Update the hidden input box value function update_hidden_input(saved_tokens, hidden_input) { var token_values = $.map(saved_tokens, function (el) { return el[settings.tokenValue]; }); hidden_input.val(token_values.join(settings.tokenDelimiter)); } // Hide and clear the results dropdown function hide_dropdown() { dropdown.hide().empty(); selected_dropdown_item = null; } function show_dropdown() { dropdown .css({ position: "absolute", top: $(token_list).offset().top + $(token_list).outerHeight(), left: $(token_list).offset().left, zindex: 999, }) .show(); } function show_dropdown_searching() { if (settings.searchingText) { dropdown.html("<p>" + settings.searchingText + "</p>"); show_dropdown(); } } function show_dropdown_hint() { if (settings.hintText) { dropdown.html("<p>" + settings.hintText + "</p>"); show_dropdown(); } } // Highlight the query part of the search term function highlight_term(value, term) { return value.replace( new RegExp( "(?![^&;]+;)(?!<[^<>]*)(" + term + ")(?![^<>]*>)(?![^&;]+;)", "gi" ), "<b>$1</b>" ); } function find_value_and_highlight_term(template, value, term) { return template.replace( new RegExp( "(?![^&;]+;)(?!<[^<>]*)(" + escapeRegex(value) + ")(?![^<>]*>)(?![^&;]+;)", "g" ), highlight_term(value, term) ); } function escapeRegex(string) { return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); } // Populate the results dropdown with some results function populate_dropdown(query, results) { if (results && results.length) { dropdown.empty(); var dropdown_ul = $("<ul>") .appendTo(dropdown) .mouseover(function (event) { select_dropdown_item($(event.target).closest("li")); }) .mousedown(function (event) { add_token($(event.target).closest("li").data("tokeninput")); hidden_input.change(); return false; }) .hide(); $.each(results, function (index, value) { var this_li = settings.resultsFormatter(value); this_li = find_value_and_highlight_term( this_li, value[settings.propertyToSearch], query ); this_li = $(this_li).appendTo(dropdown_ul); if (index % 2) { this_li.addClass(settings.classes.dropdownItem); } else { this_li.addClass(settings.classes.dropdownItem2); } if (index === 0) { select_dropdown_item(this_li); } $.data(this_li.get(0), "tokeninput", value); }); show_dropdown(); if (settings.animateDropdown) { dropdown_ul.slideDown("fast"); } else { dropdown_ul.show(); } } else { if (settings.noResultsText) { dropdown.html("<p>" + settings.noResultsText + "</p>"); show_dropdown(); } } } // Highlight an item in the results dropdown function select_dropdown_item(item) { if (item) { if (selected_dropdown_item) { deselect_dropdown_item($(selected_dropdown_item)); } item.addClass(settings.classes.selectedDropdownItem); selected_dropdown_item = item.get(0); } } // Remove highlighting from an item in the results dropdown function deselect_dropdown_item(item) { item.removeClass(settings.classes.selectedDropdownItem); selected_dropdown_item = null; } // Do a search and show the "searching" dropdown if the input is longer // than settings.minChars function do_search() { var query = input_box.val().toLowerCase(); if (query && query.length) { if (selected_token) { deselect_token($(selected_token), POSITION.AFTER); } if (query.length >= settings.minChars) { show_dropdown_searching(); clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(function () { run_search(query); }, settings.searchDelay); } else { hide_dropdown(); } } } // Do the actual search function run_search(query) { var cache_key = query + computeURL(); var cached_results = cache.get(cache_key); if (cached_results) { populate_dropdown(query, cached_results); } else { // Are we doing an ajax search or local data search? if (settings.url) { var url = computeURL(); // Extract exisiting get params var ajax_params = {}; ajax_params.data = {}; if (url.indexOf("?") > -1) { var parts = url.split("?"); ajax_params.url = parts[0]; var param_array = parts[1].split("&"); $.each(param_array, function (index, value) { var kv = value.split("="); ajax_params.data[kv[0]] = kv[1]; }); } else { ajax_params.url = url; } // Prepare the request ajax_params.data[settings.queryParam] = query; ajax_params.type = settings.method; ajax_params.dataType = settings.contentType; if (settings.crossDomain) { ajax_params.dataType = "jsonp"; } // Attach the success callback ajax_params.success = function (results) { if ($.isFunction(settings.onResult)) { results = settings.onResult.call(hidden_input, results); } cache.add( cache_key, settings.jsonContainer ? results[settings.jsonContainer] : results ); // only populate the dropdown if the results are associated with the active search query if (input_box.val().toLowerCase() === query) { populate_dropdown( query, settings.jsonContainer ? results[settings.jsonContainer] : results ); } }; // Make the request $.ajax(ajax_params); } else if (settings.local_data) { // Do the search through local data var results = $.grep(settings.local_data, function (row) { return ( row[settings.propertyToSearch] .toLowerCase() .indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) > -1 ); }); if ($.isFunction(settings.onResult)) { results = settings.onResult.call(hidden_input, results); } cache.add(cache_key, results); populate_dropdown(query, results); } } } // compute the dynamic URL function computeURL() { var url = settings.url; if (typeof settings.url == "function") { url = settings.url.call(); } return url; } }; // Really basic cache for the results $.TokenList.Cache = function (options) { var settings = $.extend( { max_size: 500, }, options ); var data = {}; var size = 0; var flush = function () { data = {}; size = 0; }; this.add = function (query, results) { if (size > settings.max_size) { flush(); } if (!data[query]) { size += 1; } data[query] = results; }; this.get = function (query) { return data[query]; }; }; })(jQuery);
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