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<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Kreait\Firebase; use Firebase\Auth\Token\Domain\Generator as TokenGenerator; use Firebase\Auth\Token\Domain\Verifier; use Firebase\Auth\Token\Exception\ExpiredToken; use Firebase\Auth\Token\Exception\InvalidSignature; use Firebase\Auth\Token\Exception\InvalidToken; use Firebase\Auth\Token\Exception\IssuedInTheFuture; use Firebase\Auth\Token\Exception\UnknownKey; use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\ActionCodeSettings; use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\ActionCodeSettings\ValidatedActionCodeSettings; use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\ApiClient; use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\CreateActionLink; use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\CreateActionLink\FailedToCreateActionLink; use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\IdTokenVerifier; use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\SendActionLink; use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\SendActionLink\FailedToSendActionLink; use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\SignIn\FailedToSignIn; use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\SignIn\Handler as SignInHandler; use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\SignInAnonymously; use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\SignInResult; use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\SignInWithCustomToken; use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\SignInWithEmailAndOobCode; use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\SignInWithEmailAndPassword; use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\SignInWithIdpCredentials; use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\SignInWithRefreshToken; use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\UserRecord; use Kreait\Firebase\Exception\Auth\ExpiredOobCode; use Kreait\Firebase\Exception\Auth\InvalidOobCode; use Kreait\Firebase\Exception\Auth\OperationNotAllowed; use Kreait\Firebase\Exception\Auth\RevokedIdToken; use Kreait\Firebase\Exception\Auth\UserDisabled; use Kreait\Firebase\Exception\Auth\UserNotFound; use Kreait\Firebase\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Kreait\Firebase\Util\Deprecation; use Kreait\Firebase\Util\DT; use Kreait\Firebase\Util\JSON; use Kreait\Firebase\Value\ClearTextPassword; use Kreait\Firebase\Value\Email; use Kreait\Firebase\Value\PhoneNumber; use Kreait\Firebase\Value\Provider; use Kreait\Firebase\Value\Uid; use Lcobucci\JWT\Parser; use Lcobucci\JWT\Token; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface; use Throwable; use Traversable; class Auth { /** @var ApiClient */ private $client; /** @var TokenGenerator */ private $tokenGenerator; /** @var Verifier */ private $idTokenVerifier; /** @var SignInHandler */ private $signInHandler; /** * @param array<int, ApiClient|TokenGenerator|Verifier|SignInHandler> $x * * @internal */ public function __construct(...$x) { foreach ($x as $arg) { if ($arg instanceof ApiClient) { $this->client = $arg; } elseif ($arg instanceof TokenGenerator) { $this->tokenGenerator = $arg; } elseif ($arg instanceof Verifier) { $this->idTokenVerifier = $arg; } elseif ($arg instanceof SignInHandler) { $this->signInHandler = $arg; } } } /** * @param Uid|string $uid * * @throws UserNotFound * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException */ public function getUser($uid): UserRecord { $uid = $uid instanceof Uid ? $uid : new Uid($uid); $response = $this->client->getAccountInfo((string) $uid); $data = JSON::decode((string) $response->getBody(), true); if (empty($data['users'][0])) { throw new UserNotFound("No user with uid '{$uid}' found."); } return UserRecord::fromResponseData($data['users'][0]); } /** * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException * * @return Traversable<UserRecord>|UserRecord[] */ public function listUsers(int $maxResults = 1000, int $batchSize = 1000): Traversable { $pageToken = null; $count = 0; do { $response = $this->client->downloadAccount($batchSize, $pageToken); $result = JSON::decode((string) $response->getBody(), true); foreach ((array) ($result['users'] ?? []) as $userData) { yield UserRecord::fromResponseData($userData); if (++$count === $maxResults) { return; } } $pageToken = $result['nextPageToken'] ?? null; } while ($pageToken); } /** * Creates a new user with the provided properties. * * @param array<string, mixed>|Request\CreateUser $properties * * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException */ public function createUser($properties): UserRecord { $request = $properties instanceof Request\CreateUser ? $properties : Request\CreateUser::withProperties($properties); $response = $this->client->createUser($request); return $this->getUserRecordFromResponse($response); } /** * Updates the given user with the given properties. * * @param Uid|string $uid * @param array<string, mixed>|Request\UpdateUser $properties * * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException */ public function updateUser($uid, $properties): UserRecord { $request = $properties instanceof Request\UpdateUser ? $properties : Request\UpdateUser::withProperties($properties); $request = $request->withUid($uid); $response = $this->client->updateUser($request); return $this->getUserRecordFromResponse($response); } /** * @param Email|string $email * @param ClearTextPassword|string $password * * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException */ public function createUserWithEmailAndPassword($email, $password): UserRecord { return $this->createUser(Request\CreateUser::new() ->withUnverifiedEmail($email) ->withClearTextPassword($password) ); } /** * @param Email|string $email * * @throws UserNotFound * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException */ public function getUserByEmail($email): UserRecord { $email = $email instanceof Email ? $email : new Email($email); $response = $this->client->getUserByEmail((string) $email); $data = JSON::decode((string) $response->getBody(), true); if (empty($data['users'][0])) { throw new UserNotFound("No user with email '{$email}' found."); } return UserRecord::fromResponseData($data['users'][0]); } /** * @param PhoneNumber|string $phoneNumber * * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException */ public function getUserByPhoneNumber($phoneNumber): UserRecord { $phoneNumber = $phoneNumber instanceof PhoneNumber ? $phoneNumber : new PhoneNumber($phoneNumber); $response = $this->client->getUserByPhoneNumber((string) $phoneNumber); $data = JSON::decode((string) $response->getBody(), true); if (empty($data['users'][0])) { throw new UserNotFound("No user with phone number '{$phoneNumber}' found."); } return UserRecord::fromResponseData($data['users'][0]); } /** * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException */ public function createAnonymousUser(): UserRecord { return $this->createUser(Request\CreateUser::new()); } /** * @param Uid|string $uid * @param ClearTextPassword|string $newPassword * * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException */ public function changeUserPassword($uid, $newPassword): UserRecord { return $this->updateUser($uid, Request\UpdateUser::new()->withClearTextPassword($newPassword)); } /** * @param Uid|string $uid * @param Email|string $newEmail * * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException */ public function changeUserEmail($uid, $newEmail): UserRecord { return $this->updateUser($uid, Request\UpdateUser::new()->withEmail($newEmail)); } /** * @param Uid|string $uid * * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException */ public function enableUser($uid): UserRecord { return $this->updateUser($uid, Request\UpdateUser::new()->markAsEnabled()); } /** * @param Uid|string $uid * * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException */ public function disableUser($uid): UserRecord { return $this->updateUser($uid, Request\UpdateUser::new()->markAsDisabled()); } /** * @param Uid|string $uid * * @throws UserNotFound * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException */ public function deleteUser($uid): void { $uid = $uid instanceof Uid ? $uid : new Uid($uid); try { $this->client->deleteUser((string) $uid); } catch (UserNotFound $e) { throw new UserNotFound("No user with uid '{$uid}' found."); } } /** * @param Email|string $email * @param ActionCodeSettings|array<string, mixed>|null $actionCodeSettings * * @throws FailedToCreateActionLink */ public function getEmailActionLink(string $type, $email, $actionCodeSettings = null): string { $email = $email instanceof Email ? $email : new Email((string) $email); if ($actionCodeSettings === null) { $actionCodeSettings = ValidatedActionCodeSettings::empty(); } else { $actionCodeSettings = $actionCodeSettings instanceof ActionCodeSettings ? $actionCodeSettings : ValidatedActionCodeSettings::fromArray($actionCodeSettings); } return (new CreateActionLink\GuzzleApiClientHandler($this->client)) ->handle(CreateActionLink::new($type, $email, $actionCodeSettings)); } /** * @param Email|string $email * @param ActionCodeSettings|array<string, mixed>|null $actionCodeSettings * * @throws UserNotFound * @throws FailedToSendActionLink */ public function sendEmailActionLink(string $type, $email, $actionCodeSettings = null, ?string $locale = null): void { $email = $email instanceof Email ? $email : new Email((string) $email); if ($actionCodeSettings === null) { $actionCodeSettings = ValidatedActionCodeSettings::empty(); } else { $actionCodeSettings = $actionCodeSettings instanceof ActionCodeSettings ? $actionCodeSettings : ValidatedActionCodeSettings::fromArray($actionCodeSettings); } $createAction = CreateActionLink::new($type, $email, $actionCodeSettings); $sendAction = new SendActionLink($createAction, $locale); if (\mb_strtolower($type) === 'verify_email') { // The Firebase API expects an ID token for the user belonging to this email address // see https://github.com/firebase/firebase-js-sdk/issues/1958 try { $user = $this->getUserByEmail($email); } catch (Throwable $e) { throw new FailedToSendActionLink($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } try { $signInResult = $this->signInAsUser($user); } catch (Throwable $e) { throw new FailedToSendActionLink($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } if (!($idToken = $signInResult->idToken())) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart // This only happens if the response on Google's side has changed // If it does, the tests will fail, but we don't have to cover that throw new FailedToSendActionLink("Failed to send action link: Unable to retrieve ID token for user assigned to email {$email}"); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } $sendAction = $sendAction->withIdTokenString($idToken); } (new SendActionLink\GuzzleApiClientHandler($this->client))->handle($sendAction); } /** * @param Email|string $email * @param ActionCodeSettings|array<string, mixed>|null $actionCodeSettings * * @throws FailedToCreateActionLink */ public function getEmailVerificationLink($email, $actionCodeSettings = null): string { return $this->getEmailActionLink('VERIFY_EMAIL', $email, $actionCodeSettings); } /** * @param Email|string $email * @param ActionCodeSettings|array<string, mixed>|null $actionCodeSettings * * @throws FailedToSendActionLink */ public function sendEmailVerificationLink($email, $actionCodeSettings = null, ?string $locale = null): void { $this->sendEmailActionLink('VERIFY_EMAIL', $email, $actionCodeSettings, $locale); } /** * @param Email|string $email * @param ActionCodeSettings|array<string, mixed>|null $actionCodeSettings * * @throws FailedToCreateActionLink */ public function getPasswordResetLink($email, $actionCodeSettings = null): string { return $this->getEmailActionLink('PASSWORD_RESET', $email, $actionCodeSettings); } /** * @param Email|string $email * @param ActionCodeSettings|array<string, mixed>|null $actionCodeSettings * * @throws FailedToSendActionLink */ public function sendPasswordResetLink($email, $actionCodeSettings = null, ?string $locale = null): void { $this->sendEmailActionLink('PASSWORD_RESET', $email, $actionCodeSettings, $locale); } /** * @param Email|string $email * @param ActionCodeSettings|array<string, mixed>|null $actionCodeSettings * * @throws FailedToCreateActionLink */ public function getSignInWithEmailLink($email, $actionCodeSettings = null): string { return $this->getEmailActionLink('EMAIL_SIGNIN', $email, $actionCodeSettings); } /** * @param Email|string $email * @param ActionCodeSettings|array<string, mixed>|null $actionCodeSettings * * @throws FailedToSendActionLink */ public function sendSignInWithEmailLink($email, $actionCodeSettings = null, ?string $locale = null): void { $this->sendEmailActionLink('EMAIL_SIGNIN', $email, $actionCodeSettings, $locale); } /** * @deprecated 5.4.0 use {@see setCustomUserClaims}($id, array $claims) instead * @see setCustomUserClaims * * @param Uid|string $uid * @param array<string, mixed> $attributes * * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException */ public function setCustomUserAttributes($uid, array $attributes): UserRecord { Deprecation::trigger(__METHOD__, __CLASS__.'::setCustomUserClaims($uid, $claims)'); $this->setCustomUserClaims($uid, $attributes); return $this->getUser($uid); } /** * @deprecated 5.4.0 use {@see setCustomUserClaims}($uid) instead * @see removeCustomUserClaims * * @param Uid|string $uid * * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException */ public function deleteCustomUserAttributes($uid): UserRecord { Deprecation::trigger(__METHOD__, __CLASS__.'::setCustomUserClaims($uid, null)'); $this->setCustomUserClaims($uid, null); return $this->getUser($uid); } /** * Sets additional developer claims on an existing user identified by the provided UID. * * @see https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/admin/custom-claims * * @param Uid|string $uid * @param array<string, mixed>|null $claims * * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException */ public function setCustomUserClaims($uid, ?array $claims): void { $uid = $uid instanceof Uid ? (string) $uid : $uid; $claims = $claims ?? []; $this->client->setCustomUserClaims($uid, $claims); } /** * @param Uid|string $uid * @param array<string, mixed> $claims */ public function createCustomToken($uid, array $claims = []): Token { $uid = $uid instanceof Uid ? $uid : new Uid($uid); return $this->tokenGenerator->createCustomToken($uid, $claims); } public function parseToken(string $tokenString): Token { try { return (new Parser())->parse($tokenString); } catch (Throwable $e) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The given token could not be parsed: '.$e->getMessage()); } } /** * Verifies a JWT auth token. Returns a Promise with the tokens claims. Rejects the promise if the token * could not be verified. If checkRevoked is set to true, verifies if the session corresponding to the * ID token was revoked. If the corresponding user's session was invalidated, a RevokedToken * exception is thrown. If not specified the check is not applied. * * NOTE: Allowing time inconsistencies might impose a security risk. Do this only when you are not able * to fix your environment's time to be consistent with Google's servers. This parameter is here * for backwards compatibility reasons, and will be removed in the next major version. You * shouldn't rely on it. * * @param Token|string $idToken the JWT to verify * @param bool $checkIfRevoked whether to check if the ID token is revoked * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the token could not be parsed * @throws InvalidToken if the token could be parsed, but is invalid for any reason (invalid signature, expired, time errors) * @throws InvalidSignature if the signature doesn't match * @throws ExpiredToken if the token is expired * @throws IssuedInTheFuture if the token is issued in the future * @throws UnknownKey if the token's kid header doesnt' contain a known key */ public function verifyIdToken($idToken, bool $checkIfRevoked = false): Token { $leewayInSeconds = 300; $verifier = $this->idTokenVerifier; if ($verifier instanceof IdTokenVerifier) { $verifier = $verifier->withLeewayInSeconds($leewayInSeconds); } $verifiedToken = $verifier->verifyIdToken($idToken); if ($checkIfRevoked) { try { $user = $this->getUser($verifiedToken->getClaim('sub')); } catch (Throwable $e) { throw new InvalidToken($verifiedToken, "Error while getting the token's user: {$e->getMessage()}", $e->getCode(), $e); } // The timestamp, in seconds, which marks a boundary, before which Firebase ID token are considered revoked. if (!($validSince = $user->tokensValidAfterTime ?? null)) { return $verifiedToken; } $tokenAuthenticatedAt = DT::toUTCDateTimeImmutable($verifiedToken->getClaim('auth_time')); $tokenAuthenticatedAtWithLeeway = $tokenAuthenticatedAt->modify('-'.$leewayInSeconds.' seconds'); $validSinceWithLeeway = DT::toUTCDateTimeImmutable($validSince)->modify('-'.$leewayInSeconds.' seconds'); if ($tokenAuthenticatedAtWithLeeway < $validSinceWithLeeway) { throw new RevokedIdToken($verifiedToken); } } return $verifiedToken; } /** * Verifies the given password reset code. * * @see https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/rest/auth#section-verify-password-reset-code * * @throws ExpiredOobCode * @throws InvalidOobCode * @throws OperationNotAllowed * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException */ public function verifyPasswordResetCode(string $oobCode): void { $this->client->verifyPasswordResetCode($oobCode); } /** * Applies the password reset requested via the given OOB code. * * @see https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/rest/auth#section-confirm-reset-password * * @param string $oobCode the email action code sent to the user's email for resetting the password * @param ClearTextPassword|string $newPassword * @param bool $invalidatePreviousSessions Invalidate sessions initialized with the previous credentials * * @throws ExpiredOobCode * @throws InvalidOobCode * @throws OperationNotAllowed * @throws UserDisabled * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException */ public function confirmPasswordReset(string $oobCode, $newPassword, bool $invalidatePreviousSessions = true): void { $newPassword = $newPassword instanceof ClearTextPassword ? $newPassword : new ClearTextPassword($newPassword); $response = $this->client->confirmPasswordReset($oobCode, (string) $newPassword); $email = JSON::decode((string) $response->getBody(), true)['email'] ?? null; if ($invalidatePreviousSessions && $email) { $this->revokeRefreshTokens($this->getUserByEmail($email)->uid); } } /** * Revokes all refresh tokens for the specified user identified by the uid provided. * In addition to revoking all refresh tokens for a user, all ID tokens issued * before revocation will also be revoked on the Auth backend. Any request with an * ID token generated before revocation will be rejected with a token expired error. * * @param Uid|string $uid the user whose tokens are to be revoked * * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException */ public function revokeRefreshTokens($uid): void { $uid = $uid instanceof Uid ? $uid : new Uid($uid); $this->client->revokeRefreshTokens((string) $uid); } /** * @param Uid|string $uid * @param Provider[]|string[]|string $provider * * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException */ public function unlinkProvider($uid, $provider): UserRecord { $uid = $uid instanceof Uid ? $uid : new Uid($uid); $provider = \array_map(static function ($provider) { return $provider instanceof Provider ? $provider : new Provider($provider); }, (array) $provider); $response = $this->client->unlinkProvider((string) $uid, $provider); return $this->getUserRecordFromResponse($response); } /** * @param UserRecord|Uid|string $user * @param array<string, mixed> $claims * * @throws FailedToSignIn */ public function signInAsUser($user, ?array $claims = null): SignInResult { $claims = $claims ?? []; $uid = $user instanceof UserRecord ? $user->uid : (string) $user; return $this->signInHandler->handle( SignInWithCustomToken::fromValue((string) $this->createCustomToken($uid, $claims)) ); } /** * @param Token|string $token * * @throws FailedToSignIn */ public function signInWithCustomToken($token): SignInResult { return $this->signInHandler->handle( SignInWithCustomToken::fromValue((string) $token) ); } /** * @throws FailedToSignIn */ public function signInWithRefreshToken(string $refreshToken): SignInResult { return $this->signInHandler->handle( SignInWithRefreshToken::fromValue($refreshToken) ); } /** * @param string|Email $email * @param string|ClearTextPassword $clearTextPassword * * @throws FailedToSignIn */ public function signInWithEmailAndPassword($email, $clearTextPassword): SignInResult { $email = $email instanceof Email ? (string) $email : $email; $clearTextPassword = $clearTextPassword instanceof ClearTextPassword ? (string) $clearTextPassword : $clearTextPassword; return $this->signInHandler->handle( SignInWithEmailAndPassword::fromValues($email, $clearTextPassword) ); } /** * @param string|Email $email * @param string $oobCode * * @throws FailedToSignIn */ public function signInWithEmailAndOobCode($email, $oobCode): SignInResult { $email = $email instanceof Email ? (string) $email : $email; return $this->signInHandler->handle( SignInWithEmailAndOobCode::fromValues($email, $oobCode) ); } /** * @throws FailedToSignIn */ public function signInAnonymously(): SignInResult { $result = $this->signInHandler->handle(SignInAnonymously::new()); if ($result->idToken()) { return $result; } if ($uid = ($result->data()['localId'] ?? null)) { return $this->signInAsUser($uid); } throw new FailedToSignIn('Failed to sign in anonymously: No ID token or UID available'); } /** * @param Provider|string $provider * @param UriInterface|string|null $redirectUrl * * @throws FailedToSignIn */ public function signInWithIdpAccessToken($provider, string $accessToken, $redirectUrl = null): SignInResult { $provider = $provider instanceof Provider ? (string) $provider : $provider; $redirectUrl = $redirectUrl ?? 'http://localhost'; if ($redirectUrl instanceof UriInterface) { $redirectUrl = (string) $redirectUrl; } $action = SignInWithIdpCredentials::withAccessToken($provider, $accessToken); if ($redirectUrl) { $action = $action->withRequestUri($redirectUrl); } return $this->signInHandler->handle($action); } /** * @param Provider|string $provider * @param Token|string $idToken * @param UriInterface|string|null $redirectUrl * * @throws FailedToSignIn */ public function signInWithIdpIdToken($provider, $idToken, $redirectUrl = null): SignInResult { $provider = $provider instanceof Provider ? (string) $provider : $provider; if ($idToken instanceof Token) { $idToken = (string) $idToken; } $redirectUrl = $redirectUrl ?? 'http://localhost'; if ($redirectUrl instanceof UriInterface) { $redirectUrl = (string) $redirectUrl; } $action = SignInWithIdpCredentials::withIdToken($provider, $idToken); if ($redirectUrl) { $action = $action->withRequestUri($redirectUrl); } return $this->signInHandler->handle($action); } /** * Gets the user ID from the response and queries a full UserRecord object for it. * * @throws Exception\AuthException * @throws Exception\FirebaseException */ private function getUserRecordFromResponse(ResponseInterface $response): UserRecord { $uid = JSON::decode((string) $response->getBody(), true)['localId']; return $this->getUser($uid); } }
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