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name :
/* Plugin Name: amCharts Export Description: Adds export capabilities to amCharts products Author: Benjamin Maertz, amCharts Version: 1.4.56 Author URI: http://www.amcharts.com/ Copyright 2016 amCharts Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Please note that the above license covers only this plugin. It by all means does not apply to any other amCharts products that are covered by different licenses. */ /* ** Polyfill translation */ if ( !AmCharts.translations[ "export" ] ) { AmCharts.translations[ "export" ] = {} } if ( !AmCharts.translations[ "export" ][ "en" ] ) { AmCharts.translations[ "export" ][ "en" ] = { "fallback.save.text": "CTRL + C to copy the data into the clipboard.", "fallback.save.image": "Rightclick -> Save picture as... to save the image.", "capturing.delayed.menu.label": "{{duration}}", "capturing.delayed.menu.title": "Click to cancel", "menu.label.print": "Print", "menu.label.undo": "Undo", "menu.label.redo": "Redo", "menu.label.cancel": "Cancel", "menu.label.save.image": "Download as ...", "menu.label.save.data": "Save as ...", "menu.label.draw": "Annotate ...", "menu.label.draw.change": "Change ...", "menu.label.draw.add": "Add ...", "menu.label.draw.shapes": "Shape ...", "menu.label.draw.colors": "Color ...", "menu.label.draw.widths": "Size ...", "menu.label.draw.opacities": "Opacity ...", "menu.label.draw.text": "Text", "menu.label.draw.modes": "Mode ...", "menu.label.draw.modes.pencil": "Pencil", "menu.label.draw.modes.line": "Line", "menu.label.draw.modes.arrow": "Arrow", "label.saved.from": "Saved from: " } } /* ** Polyfill export class */ ( function() { AmCharts[ "export" ] = function( chart, config ) { var _timer; var _this = { name: "export", version: "1.4.56", libs: { async: true, autoLoad: true, reload: false, resources: [ "fabric.js/fabric.min.js", "FileSaver.js/FileSaver.min.js", { "jszip/jszip.min.js": [ "xlsx/xlsx.min.js" ], "pdfmake/pdfmake.min.js": [ "pdfmake/vfs_fonts.js" ] } ], namespaces: { "pdfmake.min.js": "pdfMake", "jszip.min.js": "JSZip", "xlsx.min.js": "XLSX", "fabric.min.js": "fabric", "FileSaver.min.js": "saveAs" }, loadTimeout: 10000 }, config: {}, setup: { chart: chart, hasBlob: false, wrapper: false, isIE: !!window.document.documentMode, IEversion: window.document.documentMode, hasTouch: typeof window.Touch == "object" }, drawing: { enabled: false, undos: [], redos: [], buffer: { position: { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0, xD: 0, yD: 0 } }, handler: { undo: function( options, skipped ) { var item = _this.drawing.undos.pop(); if ( item ) { item.selectable = true; _this.drawing.redos.push( item ); if ( item.action == "added" ) { _this.setup.fabric.remove( item.target ); } var state = JSON.parse( item.state ); item.target.set( state ); if ( item.target instanceof fabric.Group ) { _this.drawing.handler.change( { color: state.cfg.color, width: state.cfg.width, opacity: state.cfg.opacity }, true, item.target ); } _this.setup.fabric.renderAll(); // RECALL if ( item.state == item.target.recentState && !skipped ) { _this.drawing.handler.undo( item, true ); } } }, redo: function( options, skipped ) { var item = _this.drawing.redos.pop(); if ( item ) { item.selectable = true; _this.drawing.undos.push( item ); if ( item.action == "added" ) { _this.setup.fabric.add( item.target ); } var state = JSON.parse( item.state ); item.target.recentState = item.state; item.target.set( state ); if ( item.target instanceof fabric.Group ) { _this.drawing.handler.change( { color: state.cfg.color, width: state.cfg.width, opacity: state.cfg.opacity }, true, item.target ); } _this.setup.fabric.renderAll(); // RECALL if ( item.action == "addified" ) { _this.drawing.handler.redo(); } } }, done: function( options ) { _this.drawing.enabled = false; _this.drawing.buffer.enabled = false; _this.drawing.undos = []; _this.drawing.redos = []; _this.createMenu( _this.config.menu ); _this.setup.fabric.deactivateAll(); if ( _this.setup.wrapper ) { _this.setup.chart.containerDiv.removeChild( _this.setup.wrapper ); _this.setup.wrapper = false; } }, add: function( options ) { var cfg = _this.deepMerge( { top: _this.setup.fabric.height / 2, left: _this.setup.fabric.width / 2 }, options || {} ); var method = cfg.url.indexOf( ".svg" ) != -1 ? fabric.loadSVGFromURL : fabric.Image.fromURL; method( cfg.url, function( objects, options ) { var group = options !== undefined ? fabric.util.groupSVGElements( objects, options ) : objects; var ratio = false; // RESCALE ONLY IF IT EXCEEDS THE CANVAS if ( group.height > _this.setup.fabric.height || group.width > _this.setup.fabric.width ) { ratio = ( _this.setup.fabric.height / 2 ) / group.height; } if ( cfg.top > _this.setup.fabric.height ) { cfg.top = _this.setup.fabric.height / 2; } if ( cfg.left > _this.setup.fabric.width ) { cfg.left = _this.setup.fabric.width / 2; } // SET DRAWING FLAG _this.drawing.buffer.isDrawing = true; group.set( { originX: "center", originY: "center", top: cfg.top, left: cfg.left, width: ratio ? group.width * ratio : group.width, height: ratio ? group.height * ratio : group.height, fill: _this.drawing.color } ); _this.setup.fabric.add( group ); } ); }, change: function( options, skipped, target ) { var cfg = _this.deepMerge( {}, options || {} ); var state, i1, rgba; var current = target || _this.drawing.buffer.target; var objects = current ? current._objects ? current._objects : [ current ] : null; // UPDATE DRAWING OBJECT if ( cfg.mode ) { _this.drawing.mode = cfg.mode; } if ( cfg.width ) { _this.drawing.width = cfg.width; _this.drawing.fontSize = cfg.fontSize = cfg.width * 3; // BACK TO DEFAULT if ( _this.drawing.width == 1 ) { _this.drawing.fontSize = cfg.fontSize = _this.defaults.fabric.drawing.fontSize; } } if ( cfg.fontSize ) { _this.drawing.fontSize = cfg.fontSize; } if ( cfg.color ) { _this.drawing.color = cfg.color; } if ( cfg.opacity ) { _this.drawing.opacity = cfg.opacity; } // APPLY OPACITY ON CURRENT COLOR rgba = _this.getRGBA( _this.drawing.color ); rgba.pop(); rgba.push( _this.drawing.opacity ); _this.drawing.color = "rgba(" + rgba.join() + ")"; _this.setup.fabric.freeDrawingBrush.color = _this.drawing.color; _this.setup.fabric.freeDrawingBrush.width = _this.drawing.width; // UPDATE CURRENT SELECTION if ( current ) { state = JSON.parse( current.recentState ).cfg; // UPDATE GIVE OPTIONS ONLY if ( state ) { cfg.color = cfg.color || state.color; cfg.width = cfg.width || state.width; cfg.opacity = cfg.opacity || state.opacity; cfg.fontSize = cfg.fontSize || state.fontSize; rgba = _this.getRGBA( cfg.color ); rgba.pop(); rgba.push( cfg.opacity ); cfg.color = "rgba(" + rgba.join() + ")"; } // UPDATE OBJECTS for ( i1 = 0; i1 < objects.length; i1++ ) { if ( objects[ i1 ] instanceof fabric.Text || objects[ i1 ] instanceof fabric.PathGroup || objects[ i1 ] instanceof fabric.Triangle ) { if ( cfg.color || cfg.opacity ) { objects[ i1 ].set( { fill: cfg.color } ); } if ( cfg.fontSize ) { objects[ i1 ].set( { fontSize: cfg.fontSize } ); } } else if ( objects[ i1 ] instanceof fabric.Path || objects[ i1 ] instanceof fabric.Line ) { if ( current instanceof fabric.Group ) { if ( cfg.color || cfg.opacity ) { objects[ i1 ].set( { stroke: cfg.color } ); } } else { if ( cfg.color || cfg.opacity ) { objects[ i1 ].set( { stroke: cfg.color } ); } if ( cfg.width ) { objects[ i1 ].set( { strokeWidth: cfg.width } ); } } } } // ADD UNDO if ( !skipped ) { state = JSON.stringify( _this.deepMerge( current.saveState().originalState, { cfg: { color: cfg.color, width: cfg.width, opacity: cfg.opacity } } ) ); current.recentState = state; _this.drawing.redos = []; _this.drawing.undos.push( { action: "modified", target: current, state: state } ); } _this.setup.fabric.renderAll(); } }, text: function( options ) { var cfg = _this.deepMerge( { text: _this.i18l( "menu.label.draw.text" ), top: _this.setup.fabric.height / 2, left: _this.setup.fabric.width / 2, fontSize: _this.drawing.fontSize, fontFamily: _this.setup.chart.fontFamily || "Verdana", fill: _this.drawing.color }, options || {} ); cfg.click = function() {}; var text = new fabric.IText( cfg.text, cfg ); // SET DRAWING FLAG _this.drawing.buffer.isDrawing = true; _this.setup.fabric.add( text ); _this.setup.fabric.setActiveObject( text ); text.selectAll(); text.enterEditing(); return text; }, line: function( options ) { var cfg = _this.deepMerge( { x1: ( _this.setup.fabric.width / 2 ) - ( _this.setup.fabric.width / 10 ), x2: ( _this.setup.fabric.width / 2 ) + ( _this.setup.fabric.width / 10 ), y1: ( _this.setup.fabric.height / 2 ), y2: ( _this.setup.fabric.height / 2 ), angle: 90, strokeLineCap: _this.drawing.lineCap, arrow: _this.drawing.arrow, color: _this.drawing.color, width: _this.drawing.width, group: [], }, options || {} ); var i1, arrow, arrowTop, arrowLeft; var line = new fabric.Line( [ cfg.x1, cfg.y1, cfg.x2, cfg.y2 ], { stroke: cfg.color, strokeWidth: cfg.width, strokeLineCap: cfg.strokeLineCap } ); cfg.group.push( line ); if ( cfg.arrow ) { cfg.angle = cfg.angle ? cfg.angle : _this.getAngle( cfg.x1, cfg.y1, cfg.x2, cfg.y2 ); if ( cfg.arrow == "start" ) { arrowTop = cfg.y1 + ( cfg.width / 2 ); arrowLeft = cfg.x1 + ( cfg.width / 2 ); } else if ( cfg.arrow == "middle" ) { arrowTop = cfg.y2 + ( cfg.width / 2 ) - ( ( cfg.y2 - cfg.y1 ) / 2 ); arrowLeft = cfg.x2 + ( cfg.width / 2 ) - ( ( cfg.x2 - cfg.x1 ) / 2 ); } else { // arrow: end arrowTop = cfg.y2 + ( cfg.width / 2 ); arrowLeft = cfg.x2 + ( cfg.width / 2 ); } arrow = new fabric.Triangle( { top: arrowTop, left: arrowLeft, fill: cfg.color, height: cfg.width * 7, width: cfg.width * 7, angle: cfg.angle, originX: "center", originY: "bottom" } ); cfg.group.push( arrow ); } // SET DRAWING FLAG _this.drawing.buffer.isDrawing = true; if ( cfg.action != "config" ) { if ( cfg.arrow ) { var group = new fabric.Group( cfg.group ); group.set( { cfg: cfg, fill: cfg.color, action: cfg.action, selectable: true, known: cfg.action == "change" } ); if ( cfg.action == "change" ) { _this.setup.fabric.setActiveObject( group ); } _this.setup.fabric.add( group ); return group; } else { _this.setup.fabric.add( line ); return line; } } else { for ( i1 = 0; i1 < cfg.group.length; i1++ ) { _this.setup.fabric.add( cfg.group[ i1 ] ); } } return cfg; } } }, defaults: { position: "top-right", fileName: "amCharts", action: "download", overflow: true, path: ( ( chart.path || "" ) + "plugins/export/" ), formats: { JPG: { mimeType: "image/jpg", extension: "jpg", capture: true }, PNG: { mimeType: "image/png", extension: "png", capture: true }, SVG: { mimeType: "text/xml", extension: "svg", capture: true }, PDF: { mimeType: "application/pdf", extension: "pdf", capture: true }, CSV: { mimeType: "text/plain", extension: "csv" }, JSON: { mimeType: "text/plain", extension: "json" }, XLSX: { mimeType: "application/octet-stream", extension: "xlsx" } }, fabric: { backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF", removeImages: true, forceRemoveImages: false, selection: false, loadTimeout: 5000, drawing: { enabled: true, arrow: "end", lineCap: "butt", mode: "pencil", modes: [ "pencil", "line", "arrow" ], color: "#000000", colors: [ "#000000", "#FFFFFF", "#FF0000", "#00FF00", "#0000FF" ], shapes: [ "11.svg", "14.svg", "16.svg", "17.svg", "20.svg", "27.svg" ], width: 1, fontSize: 11, widths: [ 1, 5, 10, 15 ], opacity: 1, opacities: [ 1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 ], menu: undefined, autoClose: true }, border: { fill: "", fillOpacity: 0, stroke: "#000000", strokeWidth: 1, strokeOpacity: 1 } }, pdfMake: { images: {}, pageOrientation: "portrait", pageMargins: 40, pageOrigin: true, pageSize: "A4", pageSizes: { "4A0": [ 4767.87, 6740.79 ], "2A0": [ 3370.39, 4767.87 ], "A0": [ 2383.94, 3370.39 ], "A1": [ 1683.78, 2383.94 ], "A2": [ 1190.55, 1683.78 ], "A3": [ 841.89, 1190.55 ], "A4": [ 595.28, 841.89 ], "A5": [ 419.53, 595.28 ], "A6": [ 297.64, 419.53 ], "A7": [ 209.76, 297.64 ], "A8": [ 147.40, 209.76 ], "A9": [ 104.88, 147.40 ], "A10": [ 73.70, 104.88 ], "B0": [ 2834.65, 4008.19 ], "B1": [ 2004.09, 2834.65 ], "B2": [ 1417.32, 2004.09 ], "B3": [ 1000.63, 1417.32 ], "B4": [ 708.66, 1000.63 ], "B5": [ 498.90, 708.66 ], "B6": [ 354.33, 498.90 ], "B7": [ 249.45, 354.33 ], "B8": [ 175.75, 249.45 ], "B9": [ 124.72, 175.75 ], "B10": [ 87.87, 124.72 ], "C0": [ 2599.37, 3676.54 ], "C1": [ 1836.85, 2599.37 ], "C2": [ 1298.27, 1836.85 ], "C3": [ 918.43, 1298.27 ], "C4": [ 649.13, 918.43 ], "C5": [ 459.21, 649.13 ], "C6": [ 323.15, 459.21 ], "C7": [ 229.61, 323.15 ], "C8": [ 161.57, 229.61 ], "C9": [ 113.39, 161.57 ], "C10": [ 79.37, 113.39 ], "RA0": [ 2437.80, 3458.27 ], "RA1": [ 1729.13, 2437.80 ], "RA2": [ 1218.90, 1729.13 ], "RA3": [ 864.57, 1218.90 ], "RA4": [ 609.45, 864.57 ], "SRA0": [ 2551.18, 3628.35 ], "SRA1": [ 1814.17, 2551.18 ], "SRA2": [ 1275.59, 1814.17 ], "SRA3": [ 907.09, 1275.59 ], "SRA4": [ 637.80, 907.09 ], "EXECUTIVE": [ 521.86, 756.00 ], "FOLIO": [ 612.00, 936.00 ], "LEGAL": [ 612.00, 1008.00 ], "LETTER": [ 612.00, 792.00 ], "TABLOID": [ 792.00, 1224.00 ] } }, menu: undefined, divId: null, menuReviver: null, menuWalker: null, fallback: true, keyListener: true, fileListener: true, compress: true, debug: false }, /** * Returns translated message, takes english as default */ i18l: function( key, language ) { var lang = language ? language : _this.setup.chart.language ? _this.setup.chart.language : "en"; var catalog = AmCharts.translations[ _this.name ][ lang ] || AmCharts.translations[ _this.name ][ "en" ]; return catalog[ key ] || key; }, /** * Generates download file; if unsupported offers fallback to save manually */ download: function( data, type, filename ) { // SAVE if ( window.saveAs && _this.setup.hasBlob ) { var blob = _this.toBlob( { data: data, type: type }, function( data ) { saveAs( data, filename ); } ); // FALLBACK TEXTAREA } else if ( _this.config.fallback && type == "text/plain" ) { var div = document.createElement( "div" ); var msg = document.createElement( "div" ); var textarea = document.createElement( "textarea" ); msg.innerHTML = _this.i18l( "fallback.save.text" ); div.appendChild( msg ); div.appendChild( textarea ); msg.setAttribute( "class", "amcharts-export-fallback-message" ); div.setAttribute( "class", "amcharts-export-fallback" ); _this.setup.chart.containerDiv.appendChild( div ); // FULFILL TEXTAREA AND PRESELECT textarea.setAttribute( "readonly", "" ); textarea.value = data; textarea.focus(); textarea.select(); // UPDATE MENU _this.createMenu( [ { "class": "export-main export-close", label: "Done", click: function() { _this.createMenu( _this.config.menu ); _this.setup.chart.containerDiv.removeChild( div ); } } ] ); // FALLBACK IMAGE } else if ( _this.config.fallback && type.split( "/" )[ 0 ] == "image" ) { var div = document.createElement( "div" ); var msg = document.createElement( "div" ); var img = _this.toImage( { data: data } ); msg.innerHTML = _this.i18l( "fallback.save.image" ); // FULFILL TEXTAREA AND PRESELECT div.appendChild( msg ); div.appendChild( img ); msg.setAttribute( "class", "amcharts-export-fallback-message" ); div.setAttribute( "class", "amcharts-export-fallback" ); _this.setup.chart.containerDiv.appendChild( div ); // UPDATE MENU _this.createMenu( [ { "class": "export-main export-close", label: "Done", click: function() { _this.createMenu( _this.config.menu ); _this.setup.chart.containerDiv.removeChild( div ); } } ] ); // ERROR } else { throw new Error( "Unable to create file. Ensure saveAs (FileSaver.js) is supported." ); } return data; }, /** * Generates script, links tags and places them into the document's head * In case of reload it replaces the node to force the download */ loadResource: function( src, addons ) { var i1, exist, node, item, check, type; var url = src.indexOf( "//" ) != -1 ? src : [ _this.libs.path, src ].join( "" ); var loadCallback = function callback() { if ( addons ) { for ( i1 = 0; i1 < addons.length; i1++ ) { _this.loadResource( addons[ i1 ] ); } } } if ( src.indexOf( ".js" ) != -1 ) { node = document.createElement( "script" ); node.setAttribute( "type", "text/javascript" ); node.setAttribute( "src", url ); if ( _this.libs.async ) { node.setAttribute( "async", "" ); } } else if ( src.indexOf( ".css" ) != -1 ) { node = document.createElement( "link" ); node.setAttribute( "type", "text/css" ); node.setAttribute( "rel", "stylesheet" ); node.setAttribute( "href", url ); } // NODE CHECK for ( i1 = 0; i1 < document.head.childNodes.length; i1++ ) { item = document.head.childNodes[ i1 ]; check = item ? ( item.src || item.href ) : false; type = item ? item.tagName : false; if ( item && check && check.indexOf( src ) != -1 ) { if ( _this.libs.reload ) { document.head.removeChild( item ); } exist = true; break; } } // NAMESPACE CHECK for ( i1 in _this.libs.namespaces ) { var namespace = _this.libs.namespaces[ i1 ]; var check = src.toLowerCase(); var item = i1.toLowerCase(); if ( check.indexOf( item ) != -1 && window[ namespace ] !== undefined ) { exist = true; break; } } if ( !exist || _this.libs.reload ) { node.addEventListener( "load", loadCallback ); node.addEventListener( "error", function() { _this.handleLog( [ "amCharts[export]: Loading error on ", this.src || this.href ].join( "" ) ); } ); document.head.appendChild( node ); if ( !_this.listenersToRemove ) { _this.listenersToRemove = []; } _this.listenersToRemove.push( { node: node, method: loadCallback, event: "load" } ); } }, /** * Walker to generate the script,link tags */ loadDependencies: function() { var i1, i2; if ( _this.libs.autoLoad ) { for ( i1 = 0; i1 < _this.libs.resources.length; i1++ ) { if ( _this.libs.resources[ i1 ] instanceof Object ) { for ( i2 in _this.libs.resources[ i1 ] ) { _this.loadResource( i2, _this.libs.resources[ i1 ][ i2 ] ); } } else { _this.loadResource( _this.libs.resources[ i1 ] ); } } } }, /** * Converts string to number */ pxToNumber: function( attr, returnUndefined ) { if ( !attr && returnUndefined ) { return undefined; } return Number( String( attr ).replace( "px", "" ) ) || 0; }, /** * Converts number to string */ numberToPx: function( attr ) { return String( attr ) + "px"; }, /** * Referenceless copy of object type variables */ cloneObject: function( o ) { var clone, v, k, isObject, isDate; clone = Array.isArray( o ) ? [] : {}; // Walkthrough values for ( k in o ) { v = o[ k ]; isObject = typeof v === "object"; isDate = v instanceof Date; // Set value; call recursivly if value is an object clone[ k ] = isObject && !isDate ? _this.cloneObject( v ) : v; } return clone; }, /** * Recursive method to merge the given objects together * Overwrite flag replaces the value instead to crawl through */ deepMerge: function( a, b, overwrite ) { var i1, v, type = b instanceof Array ? "array" : "object"; // SKIP; OBJECTS AND ARRAYS ONLY if ( !( a instanceof Object || a instanceof Array ) ) { return a; } // WALKTHOUGH SOURCE for ( i1 in b ) { // PREVENT METHODS if ( type == "array" && isNaN( i1 ) ) { continue; } // ASSIGN VALUE v = b[ i1 ]; // NEW INSTANCE if ( a[ i1 ] == undefined || overwrite ) { if ( v instanceof Array ) { a[ i1 ] = new Array(); } else if ( v instanceof Function ) { a[ i1 ] = function() {}; } else if ( v instanceof Date ) { a[ i1 ] = new Date(); } else if ( v instanceof Object ) { a[ i1 ] = new Object(); } else if ( v instanceof Number ) { a[ i1 ] = new Number(); } else if ( v instanceof String ) { a[ i1 ] = new String(); } } // WALKTHROUGH RECURSIVLY if ( ( v instanceof Object || v instanceof Array ) && !( v instanceof Function || v instanceof Date || _this.isElement( v ) ) && i1 != "chart" && i1 != "scope" ) { _this.deepMerge( a[ i1 ], v, overwrite ); // ASSIGN } else { if ( a instanceof Array && !overwrite ) { a.push( v ); } else { a[ i1 ] = v; } } } return a; }, /** * Checks if given argument is a valid node */ isElement: function( thingy ) { return thingy instanceof Object && thingy && thingy.nodeType === 1; }, /** * Checks if given argument contains a hashbang and returns it */ isHashbanged: function( thingy ) { var str = String( thingy ).replace( /\"/g, "" ); return str.slice( 0, 3 ) == "url" ? str.slice( str.indexOf( "#" ) + 1, str.length - 1 ) : false; }, /** * Checks if given event has been thrown with pressed click / touch */ isPressed: function( event ) { // IE EXCEPTION if ( event.type == "mousemove" && event.which === 1 ) { // IGNORE // OTHERS } else if ( event.type == "touchmove" || event.buttons === 1 || event.button === 1 || event.which === 1 ) { _this.drawing.buffer.isPressed = true; } else { _this.drawing.buffer.isPressed = false; } return _this.drawing.buffer.isPressed; }, /** * Checks if given source needs to be removed */ removeImage: function( source ) { if ( source ) { // FORCE REMOVAL if ( _this.config.fabric.forceRemoveImages ) { return true; // REMOVE TAINTED } else if ( _this.config.fabric.removeImages && _this.isTainted( source ) ) { return true; // IE 10 internal bug handling SVG images in canvas context } else if ( _this.setup.isIE && ( _this.setup.IEversion == 10 || _this.setup.IEversion == 11 ) && source.toLowerCase().indexOf( ".svg" ) != -1 ) { return true; } } return false }, /** * Checks if given source is within the current origin */ isTainted: function( source ) { var origin = String( window.location.origin || window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname + ( window.location.port ? ':' + window.location.port : '' ) ); // CHECK GIVEN SOURCE if ( source ) { // LOCAL FILES ARE ALWAYS TAINTED if ( origin.indexOf( ":\\" ) != -1 || source.indexOf( ":\\" ) != -1 || origin.indexOf( "file://" ) != -1 || source.indexOf( "file://" ) != -1 ) { return true // MISMATCHING ORIGIN } else if ( source.indexOf( "//" ) != -1 && source.indexOf( origin.replace( /.*:/, "" ) ) == -1 ) { return true; } } return false; }, /* ** Checks several indicators for acceptance; */ isSupported: function() { // CHECK CONFIG if ( !_this.config.enabled ) { return false; } // CHECK IE; ATTEMPT TO ACCESS HEAD ELEMENT if ( _this.setup.isIE && _this.setup.IEversion <= 9 ) { if ( !Array.prototype.indexOf || !document.head || _this.config.fallback === false ) { return false; } } return true; }, getAngle: function( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) { var x = x2 - x1; var y = y2 - y1; var angle; if ( x == 0 ) { if ( y == 0 ) { angle = 0; } else if ( y > 0 ) { angle = Math.PI / 2; } else { angle = Math.PI * 3 / 2; } } else if ( y == 0 ) { if ( x > 0 ) { angle = 0; } else { angle = Math.PI; } } else { if ( x < 0 ) { angle = Math.atan( y / x ) + Math.PI; } else if ( y < 0 ) { angle = Math.atan( y / x ) + ( 2 * Math.PI ); } else { angle = Math.atan( y / x ); } } return angle * 180 / Math.PI; }, /** * Recursive method which crawls upwards to gather the requested attribute */ gatherAttribute: function( elm, attr, limit, lvl ) { var value, lvl = lvl ? lvl : 0, limit = limit ? limit : 3; if ( elm ) { value = elm.getAttribute( attr ); if ( !value && lvl < limit ) { return _this.gatherAttribute( elm.parentNode, attr, limit, lvl + 1 ); } } return value; }, /** * Recursive method which crawls upwards to gather the requested classname */ gatherClassName: function( elm, className, limit, lvl ) { var value, lvl = lvl ? lvl : 0, limit = limit ? limit : 3; if ( _this.isElement( elm ) ) { value = ( elm.getAttribute( "class" ) || "" ).split( " " ).indexOf( className ) != -1; if ( !value && lvl < limit ) { return _this.gatherClassName( elm.parentNode, className, limit, lvl + 1 ); } else if ( value ) { value = elm; } } return value; }, /** * Collects the clip-paths and patterns */ gatherElements: function( group, cfg, images ) { var i1, i2; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < group.children.length; i1++ ) { var childNode = group.children[ i1 ]; // CLIPPATH if ( childNode.tagName == "clipPath" ) { var bbox = {}; var transform = fabric.parseTransformAttribute( _this.gatherAttribute( childNode, "transform" ) ); // HIDE SIBLINGS; GATHER IT'S DIMENSIONS for ( i2 = 0; i2 < childNode.childNodes.length; i2++ ) { childNode.childNodes[ i2 ].setAttribute( "fill", "transparent" ); bbox = { x: _this.pxToNumber( childNode.childNodes[ i2 ].getAttribute( "x" ) ), y: _this.pxToNumber( childNode.childNodes[ i2 ].getAttribute( "y" ) ), width: _this.pxToNumber( childNode.childNodes[ i2 ].getAttribute( "width" ) ), height: _this.pxToNumber( childNode.childNodes[ i2 ].getAttribute( "height" ) ) } } group.clippings[ childNode.id ] = { svg: childNode, bbox: bbox, transform: transform }; // PATTERN } else if ( childNode.tagName == "pattern" ) { var props = { node: childNode, source: childNode.getAttribute( "xlink:href" ), width: Number( childNode.getAttribute( "width" ) ), height: Number( childNode.getAttribute( "height" ) ), repeat: "repeat", offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 } // GATHER BACKGROUND for ( i2 = 0; i2 < childNode.childNodes.length; i2++ ) { // RECT; COLOR if ( childNode.childNodes[ i2 ].tagName == "rect" ) { props.fill = childNode.childNodes[ i2 ].getAttribute( "fill" ); // IMAGE } else if ( childNode.childNodes[ i2 ].tagName == "image" ) { var attrs = fabric.parseAttributes( childNode.childNodes[ i2 ], fabric.SHARED_ATTRIBUTES ); if ( attrs.transformMatrix ) { props.offsetX = attrs.transformMatrix[ 4 ]; props.offsetY = attrs.transformMatrix[ 5 ]; } } } // TAINTED if ( _this.removeImage( props.source ) ) { group.patterns[ childNode.id ] = props.fill ? props.fill : "transparent"; } else { group.patterns[ props.node.id ] = props; } // IMAGES } else if ( childNode.tagName == "image" ) { images.included++; // LOAD IMAGE MANUALLY; TO RERENDER THE CANVAS fabric.Image.fromURL( childNode.getAttribute( "xlink:href" ), function( img ) { images.loaded++; } ); // FILL STROKE POLYFILL ON EVERY ELEMENT } else { var attrs = [ "fill", "stroke" ]; for ( i2 = 0; i2 < attrs.length; i2++ ) { var attr = attrs[ i2 ]; var attrVal = childNode.getAttribute( attr ); var attrRGBA = _this.getRGBA( attrVal ); var isHashbanged = _this.isHashbanged( attrVal ); // VALIDATE AND RESET UNKNOWN COLORS (avoids fabric to crash) if ( attrVal && !attrRGBA && !isHashbanged ) { childNode.setAttribute( attr, "none" ); childNode.setAttribute( attr + "-opacity", "0" ); } } } } return group; }, /* ** GET RGBA COLOR ARRAY FROM INPUT */ getRGBA: function( source, returnInstance ) { if ( source != "none" && source != "transparent" && !_this.isHashbanged( source ) ) { source = new fabric.Color( source ); if ( source._source ) { return returnInstance ? source : source.getSource(); } } return false; }, /* ** GATHER MOUSE POSITION; */ gatherPosition: function( event, type ) { var ref = _this.drawing.buffer.position; var ivt = fabric.util.invertTransform( _this.setup.fabric.viewportTransform ); var pos; if ( event.type == "touchmove" ) { if ( "touches" in event ) { event = event.touches[ 0 ]; } else if ( "changedTouches" in event ) { event = event.changedTouches[ 0 ]; } } pos = fabric.util.transformPoint( _this.setup.fabric.getPointer( event, true ), ivt ); if ( type == 1 ) { ref.x1 = pos.x; ref.y1 = pos.y; } ref.x2 = pos.x; ref.y2 = pos.y; ref.xD = ( ref.x1 - ref.x2 ) < 0 ? ( ref.x1 - ref.x2 ) * -1 : ( ref.x1 - ref.x2 ); ref.yD = ( ref.y1 - ref.y2 ) < 0 ? ( ref.y1 - ref.y2 ) * -1 : ( ref.y1 - ref.y2 ); return ref; }, modifyFabric: function() { // ADAPTED THE WAY TO RECEIVE THE GRADIENTID fabric.ElementsParser.prototype.resolveGradient = function( obj, property ) { var instanceFillValue = obj.get( property ); if ( !( /^url\(/ ).test( instanceFillValue ) ) { return; } var gradientId = instanceFillValue.slice( instanceFillValue.indexOf( "#" ) + 1, instanceFillValue.length - 1 ); if ( fabric.gradientDefs[ this.svgUid ][ gradientId ] ) { var tmp = fabric.Gradient.fromElement( fabric.gradientDefs[ this.svgUid ][ gradientId ], obj ); // WORKAROUND FOR VERTICAL GRADIENT ISSUE; FOR NONE PIE CHARTS if ( tmp.coords.y1 && _this.setup.chart.type != "pie" ) { tmp.coords.y2 = tmp.coords.y1 * -1; tmp.coords.y1 = 0; } obj.set( property, tmp ); } }; // MULTILINE SUPPORT; TODO: BETTER POSITIONING fabric.Text.fromElement = function( element, options ) { if ( !element ) { return null; } var parsedAttributes = fabric.parseAttributes( element, fabric.Text.ATTRIBUTE_NAMES ); options = fabric.util.object.extend( ( options ? fabric.util.object.clone( options ) : {} ), parsedAttributes ); options.top = options.top || 0; options.left = options.left || 0; if ( 'dx' in parsedAttributes ) { options.left += parsedAttributes.dx; } if ( 'dy' in parsedAttributes ) { options.top += parsedAttributes.dy; } if ( !( 'fontSize' in options ) ) { options.fontSize = fabric.Text.DEFAULT_SVG_FONT_SIZE; } if ( !options.originX ) { options.originX = 'left'; } var textContent = ''; var textBuffer = []; // The XML is not properly parsed in IE9 so a workaround to get // textContent is through firstChild.data. Another workaround would be // to convert XML loaded from a file to be converted using DOMParser (same way loadSVGFromString() does) if ( !( 'textContent' in element ) ) { if ( 'firstChild' in element && element.firstChild !== null ) { if ( 'data' in element.firstChild && element.firstChild.data !== null ) { textBuffer.push( element.firstChild.data ); } } } else if ( element.childNodes ) { for ( var i1 = 0; i1 < element.childNodes.length; i1++ ) { textBuffer.push( element.childNodes[ i1 ].textContent ); } } else { textBuffer.push( element.textContent ); } textContent = textBuffer.join( "\n" ); //textContent = textContent.replace(/^\s+|\s+$|\n+/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' '); var text = new fabric.Text( textContent, options ), /* Adjust positioning: x/y attributes in SVG correspond to the bottom-left corner of text bounding box top/left properties in Fabric correspond to center point of text bounding box */ offX = 0; if ( text.originX === 'left' ) { offX = text.getWidth() / 2; } if ( text.originX === 'right' ) { offX = -text.getWidth() / 2; } if ( textBuffer.length > 1 ) { text.set( { left: text.getLeft() + offX, top: text.getTop() + text.fontSize * ( textBuffer.length - 1 ) * ( 0.18 + text._fontSizeFraction ), textAlign: options.originX, lineHeight: textBuffer.length > 1 ? 0.965 : 1.16, } ); } else { text.set( { left: text.getLeft() + offX, top: text.getTop() - text.getHeight() / 2 + text.fontSize * ( 0.18 + text._fontSizeFraction ) /* 0.3 is the old lineHeight */ } ); } return text; }; }, /** * Method to capture the current state of the chart */ capture: function( options, callback ) { var i1; var cfg = _this.deepMerge( _this.deepMerge( {}, _this.config.fabric ), options || {} ); var groups = []; var offset = { x: 0, y: 0, pX: 0, pY: 0, lX: 0, lY: 0, width: _this.setup.chart.divRealWidth, height: _this.setup.chart.divRealHeight }; var images = { loaded: 0, included: 0 } var legends = { items: [], width: 0, height: 0, maxWidth: 0, maxHeight: 0 } // NAMESPACE CHECK if ( !_this.handleNamespace( "fabric", { scope: this, cb: _this.capture, args: arguments } ) ) { return false; } // MODIFY FABRIC UNTIL IT'S OFFICIALLY SUPPORTED _this.modifyFabric(); // BEFORE CAPTURING _this.handleCallback( cfg.beforeCapture, cfg ); // GATHER SVGS var svgs = _this.setup.chart.containerDiv.getElementsByTagName( "svg" ); for ( i1 = 0; i1 < svgs.length; i1++ ) { var group = { svg: svgs[ i1 ], parent: svgs[ i1 ].parentNode, children: svgs[ i1 ].getElementsByTagName( "*" ), offset: { x: 0, y: 0 }, patterns: {}, clippings: {}, has: { legend: false, panel: false, scrollbar: false } } // CHECK IT'S SURROUNDINGS group.has.legend = _this.gatherClassName( group.parent, _this.setup.chart.classNamePrefix + "-legend-div", 1 ); group.has.panel = _this.gatherClassName( group.parent, _this.setup.chart.classNamePrefix + "-stock-panel-div" ); group.has.scrollbar = _this.gatherClassName( group.parent, _this.setup.chart.classNamePrefix + "-scrollbar-chart-div" ); // GATHER ELEMENTS group = _this.gatherElements( group, cfg, images ); // APPEND GROUP groups.push( group ); } // GATHER EXTERNAL LEGEND if ( _this.config.legend ) { // STOCK if ( _this.setup.chart.type == "stock" ) { for ( i1 = 0; i1 < _this.setup.chart.panels.length; i1++ ) { if ( _this.setup.chart.panels[ i1 ].stockLegend && _this.setup.chart.panels[ i1 ].stockLegend.divId ) { legends.items.push( _this.setup.chart.panels[ i1 ].stockLegend ); } } // NORMAL } else if ( _this.setup.chart.legend && _this.setup.chart.legend.divId ) { legends.items.push( _this.setup.chart.legend ); } // WALKTHROUGH for ( i1 = 0; i1 < legends.items.length; i1++ ) { var legend = legends.items[ i1 ]; var group = { svg: legend.container.container, parent: legend.container.container.parentNode, children: legend.container.container.getElementsByTagName( "*" ), offset: { x: 0, y: 0 }, legend: { id: i1, type: [ "top", "left" ].indexOf( _this.config.legend.position ) != -1 ? "unshift" : "push", position: _this.config.legend.position, width: _this.config.legend.width ? _this.config.legend.width : legend.container.div.offsetWidth, height: _this.config.legend.height ? _this.config.legend.height : legend.container.div.offsetHeight }, patterns: {}, clippings: {}, has: { legend: false, panel: false, scrollbar: false } } // GATHER DIMENSIONS legends.width += group.legend.width; legends.height += group.legend.height; legends.maxWidth = group.legend.width > legends.maxWidth ? group.legend.width : legends.maxWidth; legends.maxHeight = group.legend.height > legends.maxHeight ? group.legend.height : legends.maxHeight; // GATHER ELEMENTS group = _this.gatherElements( group, cfg, images ); // PRE/APPEND SVG groups[ group.legend.type ]( group ); } // ADAPT WIDTH IF NEEDED; EXPAND HEIGHT if ( [ "top", "bottom" ].indexOf( _this.config.legend.position ) != -1 ) { offset.width = legends.maxWidth > offset.width ? legends.maxWidth : offset.width; offset.height += legends.height; // EXPAND WIDTH; ADAPT HEIGHT IF NEEDED } else if ( [ "left", "right" ].indexOf( _this.config.legend.position ) != -1 ) { offset.width += legends.maxWidth; offset.height = legends.height > offset.height ? legends.height : offset.height; // SIMPLY EXPAND CANVAS } else { offset.height += legends.height; offset.width += legends.maxWidth; } } // CLEAR IF EXIST _this.drawing.enabled = cfg.drawing.enabled = cfg.action == "draw"; _this.drawing.buffer.enabled = _this.drawing.enabled; // history reasons _this.setup.wrapper = document.createElement( "div" ); _this.setup.wrapper.setAttribute( "class", _this.setup.chart.classNamePrefix + "-export-canvas" ); _this.setup.chart.containerDiv.appendChild( _this.setup.wrapper ); // STOCK CHART; SELECTOR OFFSET if ( _this.setup.chart.type == "stock" ) { var padding = { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 } if ( _this.setup.chart.leftContainer ) { offset.width -= _this.setup.chart.leftContainer.offsetWidth; padding.left = _this.setup.chart.leftContainer.offsetWidth + ( _this.setup.chart.panelsSettings.panelSpacing * 2 ); } if ( _this.setup.chart.rightContainer ) { offset.width -= _this.setup.chart.rightContainer.offsetWidth; padding.right = _this.setup.chart.rightContainer.offsetWidth + ( _this.setup.chart.panelsSettings.panelSpacing * 2 ); } if ( _this.setup.chart.periodSelector && [ "top", "bottom" ].indexOf( _this.setup.chart.periodSelector.position ) != -1 ) { offset.height -= _this.setup.chart.periodSelector.offsetHeight + _this.setup.chart.panelsSettings.panelSpacing; padding[ _this.setup.chart.periodSelector.position ] += _this.setup.chart.periodSelector.offsetHeight + _this.setup.chart.panelsSettings.panelSpacing; } if ( _this.setup.chart.dataSetSelector && [ "top", "bottom" ].indexOf( _this.setup.chart.dataSetSelector.position ) != -1 ) { offset.height -= _this.setup.chart.dataSetSelector.offsetHeight; padding[ _this.setup.chart.dataSetSelector.position ] += _this.setup.chart.dataSetSelector.offsetHeight; } // APPLY OFFSET ON WRAPPER _this.setup.wrapper.style.paddingTop = _this.numberToPx( padding.top ); _this.setup.wrapper.style.paddingRight = _this.numberToPx( padding.right ); _this.setup.wrapper.style.paddingBottom = _this.numberToPx( padding.bottom ); _this.setup.wrapper.style.paddingLeft = _this.numberToPx( padding.left ); } // CREATE CANVAS _this.setup.canvas = document.createElement( "canvas" ); _this.setup.wrapper.appendChild( _this.setup.canvas ); _this.setup.fabric = new fabric.Canvas( _this.setup.canvas, _this.deepMerge( { width: offset.width, height: offset.height, isDrawingMode: true }, cfg ) ); // REAPPLY FOR SOME REASON _this.deepMerge( _this.setup.fabric, cfg ); _this.deepMerge( _this.setup.fabric.freeDrawingBrush, cfg.drawing ); // RELIABLE VARIABLES; UPDATE DRAWING _this.deepMerge( _this.drawing, cfg.drawing ); _this.drawing.handler.change( cfg.drawing ); // OBSERVE MOUSE EVENTS _this.setup.fabric.on( "mouse:down", function( e ) { var p = _this.gatherPosition( e.e, 1 ); _this.drawing.buffer.pressedTS = Number( new Date() ); _this.isPressed( e.e ); // FLAG ISDRAWING _this.drawing.buffer.isDrawing = false; _this.drawing.buffer.isDrawingTimer = setTimeout( function() { if ( !_this.drawing.buffer.isSelected ) { _this.drawing.buffer.isDrawing = true; } }, 200 ); } ); _this.setup.fabric.on( "mouse:move", function( e ) { var p = _this.gatherPosition( e.e, 2 ); _this.isPressed( e.e ); // IS PRESSED BUT UNSELECTED if ( _this.drawing.buffer.isPressed && !_this.drawing.buffer.isSelected ) { // FLAG ISDRAWING _this.drawing.buffer.isDrawing = true; // CREATE INITIAL LINE / ARROW; JUST ON LEFT CLICK if ( !_this.drawing.buffer.line && _this.drawing.mode != "pencil" && ( p.xD > 5 || p.yD > 5 ) ) { // FORCE FABRIC TO DISABLE DRAWING MODE WHILE PRESSED / MOVEING MOUSE INPUT _this.setup.fabric.isDrawingMode = false; _this.setup.fabric._isCurrentlyDrawing = false; _this.setup.fabric.freeDrawingBrush.onMouseUp(); _this.setup.fabric.remove( _this.setup.fabric._objects.pop() ); // INITIAL POINT _this.drawing.buffer.line = _this.drawing.handler.line( { x1: p.x1, y1: p.y1, x2: p.x2, y2: p.y2, arrow: _this.drawing.mode == "line" ? false : _this.drawing.arrow, action: "config" } ); } } if ( _this.drawing.buffer.isSelected ) { _this.setup.fabric.isDrawingMode = false; } // UPDATE LINE / ARROW if ( _this.drawing.buffer.line ) { var obj, top, left; var l = _this.drawing.buffer.line; l.x2 = p.x2; l.y2 = p.y2; // // RESET INTERNAL FLAGS // _this.drawing.buffer.isDrawing = true; // _this.drawing.buffer.isPressed = true; // _this.drawing.buffer.hasLine = true; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < l.group.length; i1++ ) { obj = l.group[ i1 ]; if ( obj instanceof fabric.Line ) { obj.set( { x2: l.x2, y2: l.y2 } ); } else if ( obj instanceof fabric.Triangle ) { l.angle = ( _this.getAngle( l.x1, l.y1, l.x2, l.y2 ) + 90 ); if ( l.arrow == "start" ) { top = l.y1 + ( l.width / 2 ); left = l.x1 + ( l.width / 2 ); } else if ( l.arrow == "middle" ) { top = l.y2 + ( l.width / 2 ) - ( ( l.y2 - l.y1 ) / 2 ); left = l.x2 + ( l.width / 2 ) - ( ( l.x2 - l.x1 ) / 2 ); } else { // arrow: end top = l.y2 + ( l.width / 2 ); left = l.x2 + ( l.width / 2 ); } obj.set( { top: top, left: left, angle: l.angle } ); } } _this.setup.fabric.renderAll(); } } ); _this.setup.fabric.on( "mouse:up", function( e ) { // SELECT TARGET if ( !_this.drawing.buffer.isDrawing ) { var target = _this.setup.fabric.findTarget( e.e ); if ( target && target.selectable ) { _this.setup.fabric.setActiveObject( target ); } } // UPDATE LINE / ARROW if ( _this.drawing.buffer.line ) { for ( i1 = 0; i1 < _this.drawing.buffer.line.group.length; i1++ ) { _this.drawing.buffer.line.group[ i1 ].remove(); } delete _this.drawing.buffer.line.action; delete _this.drawing.buffer.line.group; _this.drawing.handler.line( _this.drawing.buffer.line ); } _this.drawing.buffer.line = false; _this.drawing.buffer.hasLine = false; _this.drawing.buffer.isPressed = false; // RESET ISDRAWING FLAG clearTimeout( _this.drawing.buffer.isDrawingTimer ); _this.drawing.buffer.isDrawing = false; } ); // OBSERVE OBJECT SELECTION _this.setup.fabric.on( "object:selected", function( e ) { _this.drawing.buffer.isSelected = true; _this.drawing.buffer.target = e.target; _this.setup.fabric.isDrawingMode = false; } ); _this.setup.fabric.on( "selection:cleared", function( e ) { _this.drawing.buffer.target = false; // FREEHAND WORKAROUND if ( _this.drawing.buffer.isSelected ) { _this.setup.fabric._isCurrentlyDrawing = false; } _this.drawing.buffer.isSelected = false; _this.setup.fabric.isDrawingMode = true; } ); _this.setup.fabric.on( "path:created", function( e ) { var item = e.path; if ( !_this.drawing.buffer.isDrawing || _this.drawing.buffer.hasLine ) { _this.setup.fabric.remove( item ); _this.setup.fabric.renderAll(); return; } } ); // OBSERVE OBJECT MODIFICATIONS _this.setup.fabric.on( "object:added", function( e ) { var item = e.target; var state = _this.deepMerge( item.saveState().originalState, { cfg: { color: _this.drawing.color, width: _this.drawing.width, opacity: _this.drawing.opacity, fontSize: _this.drawing.fontSize } } ); state = JSON.stringify( state ); item.recentState = state; if ( item.selectable && !item.known ) { item.isAnnotation = true; _this.drawing.undos.push( { action: "added", target: item, state: state } ); _this.drawing.undos.push( { action: "addified", target: item, state: state } ); _this.drawing.redos = []; } item.known = true; _this.setup.fabric.isDrawingMode = true; } ); _this.setup.fabric.on( "object:modified", function( e ) { var item = e.target; var recentState = JSON.parse( item.recentState ); var state = _this.deepMerge( item.saveState().originalState, { cfg: recentState.cfg } ); state = JSON.stringify( state ); item.recentState = state; _this.drawing.undos.push( { action: "modified", target: item, state: state } ); _this.drawing.redos = []; } ); _this.setup.fabric.on( "text:changed", function( e ) { var item = e.target; clearTimeout( item.timer ); item.timer = setTimeout( function() { var state = JSON.stringify( item.saveState().originalState ); item.recentState = state; _this.drawing.redos = []; _this.drawing.undos.push( { action: "modified", target: item, state: state } ); }, 250 ); } ); // DRAWING if ( _this.drawing.enabled ) { _this.setup.wrapper.setAttribute( "class", _this.setup.chart.classNamePrefix + "-export-canvas active" ); _this.setup.wrapper.style.backgroundColor = cfg.backgroundColor; _this.setup.wrapper.style.display = "block"; } else { _this.setup.wrapper.setAttribute( "class", _this.setup.chart.classNamePrefix + "-export-canvas" ); _this.setup.wrapper.style.display = "none"; } for ( i1 = 0; i1 < groups.length; i1++ ) { var group = groups[ i1 ]; // STOCK CHART; SVG OFFSET; SVG OFFSET if ( _this.setup.chart.type == "stock" && _this.setup.chart.legendSettings.position ) { // TOP / BOTTOM if ( [ "top", "bottom" ].indexOf( _this.setup.chart.legendSettings.position ) != -1 ) { // POSITION; ABSOLUTE if ( group.parent.style.top && group.parent.style.left ) { group.offset.y = _this.pxToNumber( group.parent.style.top ); group.offset.x = _this.pxToNumber( group.parent.style.left ); // POSITION; RELATIVE } else { group.offset.x = offset.x; group.offset.y = offset.y; offset.y += _this.pxToNumber( group.parent.style.height ); // LEGEND; OFFSET if ( group.has.panel ) { offset.pY = _this.pxToNumber( group.has.panel.style.marginTop ); group.offset.y += offset.pY; // SCROLLBAR; OFFSET } else if ( group.has.scrollbar ) { group.offset.y += offset.pY; } } // LEFT / RIGHT } else if ( [ "left", "right" ].indexOf( _this.setup.chart.legendSettings.position ) != -1 ) { group.offset.y = _this.pxToNumber( group.parent.style.top ) + offset.pY; group.offset.x = _this.pxToNumber( group.parent.style.left ) + offset.pX; // LEGEND; OFFSET if ( group.has.legend ) { offset.pY += _this.pxToNumber( group.has.panel.style.height ) + _this.setup.chart.panelsSettings.panelSpacing; // SCROLLBAR; OFFSET } else if ( group.has.scrollbar ) { group.offset.y -= _this.setup.chart.panelsSettings.panelSpacing; } } // REGULAR CHARTS; SVG OFFSET } else { // POSITION; ABSOLUTE if ( group.parent.style.position == "absolute" ) { group.offset.absolute = true; group.offset.top = _this.pxToNumber( group.parent.style.top ); group.offset.right = _this.pxToNumber( group.parent.style.right, true ); group.offset.bottom = _this.pxToNumber( group.parent.style.bottom, true ); group.offset.left = _this.pxToNumber( group.parent.style.left ); group.offset.width = _this.pxToNumber( group.parent.style.width ); group.offset.height = _this.pxToNumber( group.parent.style.height ); // POSITION; RELATIVE } else if ( group.parent.style.top && group.parent.style.left ) { group.offset.y = _this.pxToNumber( group.parent.style.top ); group.offset.x = _this.pxToNumber( group.parent.style.left ); // POSITION; GENERIC } else { // EXTERNAL LEGEND if ( group.legend ) { if ( group.legend.position == "left" ) { offset.x = legends.maxWidth; } else if ( group.legend.position == "right" ) { group.offset.x = offset.width - legends.maxWidth; } else if ( group.legend.position == "top" ) { offset.y += group.legend.height; } else if ( group.legend.position == "bottom" ) { group.offset.y = offset.height - legends.height; } // STACK LEGENDS group.offset.y += offset.lY; offset.lY += group.legend.height; // NORMAL } else { group.offset.x = offset.x; group.offset.y = offset.y + offset.pY; offset.y += _this.pxToNumber( group.parent.style.height ); } } // PANEL OFFSET (STOCK CHARTS) if ( group.has.legend && group.has.panel && group.has.panel.style.marginTop ) { offset.y += _this.pxToNumber( group.has.panel.style.marginTop ); group.offset.y += _this.pxToNumber( group.has.panel.style.marginTop ); // GENERAL LEFT / RIGHT POSITION } else if ( _this.setup.chart.legend && [ "left", "right" ].indexOf( _this.setup.chart.legend.position ) != -1 ) { group.offset.y = _this.pxToNumber( group.parent.style.top ); group.offset.x = _this.pxToNumber( group.parent.style.left ); } } // ADD TO CANVAS fabric.parseSVGDocument( group.svg, ( function( group ) { return function( objects, options ) { var i1, i2; var g = fabric.util.groupSVGElements( objects, options ); var paths = []; var tmp = { selectable: false, isCoreElement: true }; // GROUP OFFSET; ABSOLUTE if ( group.offset.absolute ) { if ( group.offset.bottom !== undefined ) { tmp.top = offset.height - group.offset.height - group.offset.bottom; } else { tmp.top = group.offset.top; } if ( group.offset.right !== undefined ) { tmp.left = offset.width - group.offset.width - group.offset.right; } else { tmp.left = group.offset.left; } // GROUP OFFSET; REGULAR } else { tmp.top = group.offset.y; tmp.left = group.offset.x; } // WALKTHROUGH ELEMENTS for ( i1 = 0; i1 < g.paths.length; i1++ ) { var PID = null; // OPACITY; TODO: DISTINGUISH OPACITY TYPES if ( g.paths[ i1 ] ) { // CHECK ORIGIN; REMOVE TAINTED if ( _this.removeImage( g.paths[ i1 ][ "xlink:href" ] ) ) { continue; } // SET OPACITY if ( g.paths[ i1 ].fill instanceof Object ) { // MISINTERPRETATION OF FABRIC if ( g.paths[ i1 ].fill.type == "radial" ) { // OTHERS if ( [ "pie", "gauge" ].indexOf( _this.setup.chart.type ) == -1 ) { g.paths[ i1 ].fill.coords.r2 = g.paths[ i1 ].fill.coords.r1 * -1; g.paths[ i1 ].fill.coords.r1 = 0; g.paths[ i1 ].set( { opacity: g.paths[ i1 ].fillOpacity } ); } } // FILLING; TODO: DISTINGUISH OPACITY TYPES } else if ( PID = _this.isHashbanged( g.paths[ i1 ].fill ) ) { // PATTERN if ( group.patterns && group.patterns[ PID ] ) { var props = group.patterns[ PID ]; images.included++; // LOAD IMAGE MANUALLY; TO RERENDER THE CANVAS fabric.Image.fromURL( props.source, ( function( props, i1 ) { return function( img ) { images.loaded++; // ADAPT IMAGE img.set( { top: props.offsetY, left: props.offsetX, width: props.width, height: props.height } ); // RETINA DISPLAY if ( _this.setup.fabric._isRetinaScaling() ) { img.set( { top: props.offsetY / 2, left: props.offsetX / 2, scaleX: 0.5, scaleY: 0.5 } ); } // CREATE CANVAS WITH BACKGROUND COLOR var patternSourceCanvas = new fabric.StaticCanvas( undefined, { backgroundColor: props.fill, width: img.getWidth(), height: img.getHeight() } ); patternSourceCanvas.add( img ); // CREATE PATTERN OBTAIN OFFSET TO TARGET var pattern = new fabric.Pattern( { source: patternSourceCanvas.getElement(), offsetX: g.paths[ i1 ].width / 2, offsetY: g.paths[ i1 ].height / 2, repeat: 'repeat', } ); // ASSIGN TO OBJECT g.paths[ i1 ].set( { fill: pattern, opacity: g.paths[ i1 ].fillOpacity } ); } } )( props, i1 ) ); } } // CLIPPATH; if ( PID = _this.isHashbanged( g.paths[ i1 ].clipPath ) ) { if ( group.clippings && group.clippings[ PID ] ) { // TODO: WAIT UNTIL FABRICJS HANDLES CLIPPATH FOR SVG OUTPUT ( function( i1, PID ) { var toSVG = g.paths[ i1 ].toSVG; g.paths[ i1 ].toSVG = function( original_reviver ) { return toSVG.apply( this, [ function( string ) { return original_reviver( string, group.clippings[ PID ] ); } ] ); } } )( i1, PID ); g.paths[ i1 ].set( { clipTo: ( function( i1, PID ) { return function( ctx ) { var cp = group.clippings[ PID ]; var tm = this.transformMatrix || [ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]; var dim = { top: cp.bbox.y, left: cp.bbox.x, width: cp.bbox.width, height: cp.bbox.height } if ( _this.setup.chart.type == "map" ) { dim.top += cp.transform[ 5 ]; dim.left += cp.transform[ 4 ]; } if ( cp.bbox.x && tm[ 4 ] && cp.bbox.y && tm[ 5 ] ) { dim.top -= tm[ 5 ]; dim.left -= tm[ 4 ]; } ctx.rect( dim.left, dim.top, dim.width, dim.height ); } } )( i1, PID ) } ); } } } paths.push( g.paths[ i1 ] ); } // REPLACE WITH WHITELIST g.paths = paths; // CANCEL HALFPIXEL OFFSET ON CANVAS, KEEPS THE DECIMALS ON INDIVIDUAL PATHS tmp.top += 0.5; tmp.left += 0.5; // SET PROPS g.set( tmp ); // ADD TO CANVAS _this.setup.fabric.add( g ); // ADD BALLOONS if ( group.svg.parentNode && group.svg.parentNode.getElementsByTagName ) { var balloons = group.svg.parentNode.getElementsByClassName( _this.setup.chart.classNamePrefix + "-balloon-div" ); for ( i1 = 0; i1 < balloons.length; i1++ ) { if ( cfg.balloonFunction instanceof Function ) { cfg.balloonFunction.apply( _this, [ balloons[ i1 ], group ] ); } else { var elm_parent = balloons[ i1 ]; var style_parent = fabric.parseStyleAttribute( elm_parent ); var style_text = fabric.parseStyleAttribute( elm_parent.childNodes[ 0 ] ); var fabric_label = new fabric.Text( elm_parent.innerText || elm_parent.textContent || elm_parent.innerHTML, { selectable: false, top: style_parent.top + group.offset.y, left: style_parent.left + group.offset.x, fill: style_text[ "color" ], fontSize: style_text[ "fontSize" ], fontFamily: style_text[ "fontFamily" ], textAlign: style_text[ "text-align" ], isCoreElement: true } ); _this.setup.fabric.add( fabric_label ); } } } if ( group.svg.nextSibling && group.svg.nextSibling.tagName == "A" ) { var elm_parent = group.svg.nextSibling; var style_parent = fabric.parseStyleAttribute( elm_parent ); var fabric_label = new fabric.Text( elm_parent.innerText || elm_parent.textContent || elm_parent.innerHTML, { selectable: false, top: style_parent.top + group.offset.y, left: style_parent.left + group.offset.x, fill: style_parent[ "color" ], fontSize: style_parent[ "fontSize" ], fontFamily: style_parent[ "fontFamily" ], opacity: style_parent[ "opacity" ], isCoreElement: true } ); if ( !group.has.scrollbar ) { _this.setup.fabric.add( fabric_label ); } } groups.pop(); // TRIGGER CALLBACK WITH SAFETY DELAY if ( !groups.length ) { var ts1 = Number( new Date() ); var timer = setInterval( function() { var ts2 = Number( new Date() ); // WAIT FOR LOADED IMAGES OR UNTIL THE TIMEOUT KICKS IN if ( images.loaded == images.included || ts2 - ts1 > _this.config.fabric.loadTimeout ) { clearTimeout( timer ); _this.handleBorder( cfg ); _this.handleCallback( cfg.afterCapture, cfg ); _this.setup.fabric.renderAll(); _this.handleCallback( callback, cfg ); } }, AmCharts.updateRate ); } } // IDENTIFY ELEMENTS THROUGH CLASSNAMES } )( group ), function( svg, obj ) { var i1; var className = _this.gatherAttribute( svg, "class" ); var visibility = _this.gatherAttribute( svg, "visibility" ); var clipPath = _this.gatherAttribute( svg, "clip-path" ); obj.className = String( className ); obj.classList = String( className ).split( " " ); obj.clipPath = clipPath; obj.svg = svg; // TRANSPORT FILL/STROKE OPACITY var attrs = [ "fill", "stroke" ]; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < attrs.length; i1++ ) { var attr = attrs[ i1 ] var attrVal = String( svg.getAttribute( attr ) || "none" ); var attrOpacity = Number( svg.getAttribute( attr + "-opacity" ) || "1" ); var attrRGBA = _this.getRGBA( attrVal ); // HIDE HIDDEN ELEMENTS; TODO: FIND A BETTER WAY TO HANDLE THAT if ( visibility == "hidden" ) { obj.opacity = 0; attrOpacity = 0; } // SET COLOR if ( attrRGBA ) { attrRGBA.pop(); attrRGBA.push( attrOpacity ) obj[ attr ] = "rgba(" + attrRGBA.join() + ")"; obj[ attr + _this.capitalize( "opacity" ) ] = attrOpacity; } } // REVIVER _this.handleCallback( cfg.reviver, obj, svg ); } ); } }, /** * Returns the current canvas */ toCanvas: function( options, callback ) { var cfg = _this.deepMerge( { // NUFFIN }, options || {} ); var data = _this.setup.canvas; // TRIGGER CALLBACK _this.handleCallback( callback, data, cfg ); return data; }, /** * Returns an image; by default PNG */ toImage: function( options, callback ) { var cfg = _this.deepMerge( { format: "png", quality: 1, multiplier: _this.config.multiplier }, options || {} ); var data = cfg.data; var img = document.createElement( "img" ); // NAMESPACE CHECK if ( !_this.handleNamespace( "fabric", { scope: this, cb: _this.toImage, args: arguments } ) ) { return false; } if ( !cfg.data ) { if ( cfg.lossless || cfg.format == "svg" ) { data = _this.toSVG( _this.deepMerge( cfg, { getBase64: true } ) ); } else { data = _this.setup.fabric.toDataURL( cfg ); } } img.setAttribute( "src", data ); _this.handleCallback( callback, img, cfg ); return img; }, /** * Generates a blob instance image; returns base64 datastring */ toBlob: function( options, callback ) { var cfg = _this.deepMerge( { data: "empty", type: "text/plain" }, options || {} ); var data; var isBase64 = /^data:.+;base64,(.*)$/.exec( cfg.data ); // GATHER BODY if ( isBase64 ) { cfg.data = isBase64[ 0 ]; cfg.type = cfg.data.slice( 5, cfg.data.indexOf( "," ) - 7 ); cfg.data = _this.toByteArray( { data: cfg.data.slice( cfg.data.indexOf( "," ) + 1, cfg.data.length ) } ); } if ( cfg.getByteArray ) { data = cfg.data; } else { data = new Blob( [ cfg.data ], { type: cfg.type } ); } // TRIGGER CALLBACK _this.handleCallback( callback, data, cfg ); return data; }, /** * Generates JPG image; returns base64 datastring */ toJPG: function( options, callback ) { var cfg = _this.deepMerge( { format: "jpeg", quality: 1, multiplier: _this.config.multiplier }, options || {} ); cfg.format = cfg.format.toLowerCase(); var data; // NAMESPACE CHECK if ( !_this.handleNamespace( "fabric", { scope: this, cb: _this.toJPG, args: arguments } ) ) { return false; } // Get data context from fabric data = _this.setup.fabric.toDataURL( cfg ); // TRIGGER CALLBACK _this.handleCallback( callback, data, cfg ); return data; }, /** * Generates PNG image; returns base64 datastring */ toPNG: function( options, callback ) { var cfg = _this.deepMerge( { format: "png", quality: 1, multiplier: _this.config.multiplier }, options || {} ); var data; // NAMESPACE CHECK if ( !_this.handleNamespace( "fabric", { scope: this, cb: _this.toPNG, args: arguments } ) ) { return false; } // Get data context from fabric data = _this.setup.fabric.toDataURL( cfg ); // TRIGGER CALLBACK _this.handleCallback( callback, data, cfg ); return data; }, /** * Generates SVG image; returns base64 datastring */ toSVG: function( options, callback ) { var clipPaths = []; var clipPathIds = []; var cfg = _this.deepMerge( { compress: _this.config.compress, reviver: function( string, clipPath ) { var matcher = new RegExp( /\bstyle=(['"])(.*?)\1/ ); var match = matcher.exec( string )[ 0 ].slice( 7, -1 ); var styles = match.split( ";" ); var replacement = []; // BEAUTIFY STYLES for ( i1 = 0; i1 < styles.length; i1++ ) { if ( styles[ i1 ] ) { var pair = styles[ i1 ].replace( /\s/g, "" ).split( ":" ); var key = pair[ 0 ]; var value = pair[ 1 ]; if ( [ "fill", "stroke" ].indexOf( key ) != -1 ) { value = _this.getRGBA( value, true ); if ( value ) { var color = "#" + value.toHex(); var opacity = value._source[ 3 ]; replacement.push( [ key, color ].join( ":" ) ); replacement.push( [ key + "-opacity", opacity ].join( ":" ) ); } else { replacement.push( styles[ i1 ] ); } } else if ( key != "opactiy" ) { replacement.push( styles[ i1 ] ); } } } string = string.replace( match, replacement.join( ";" ) ); // TODO: WAIT UNTIL FABRICJS HANDLES CLIPPATH FOR SVG OUTPUT if ( clipPath && clipPath.svg ) { var clipPathId = clipPath.svg.id; if ( clipPathIds.indexOf( clipPathId ) == -1 ) { var sliceOffset = 2; var end = string.slice( -sliceOffset ); clipPathIds.push( clipPath.svg.id ); if ( end != "/>" ) { sliceOffset = 3; end = string.slice( -sliceOffset ); } var start = string.slice( 0, string.length - sliceOffset ); var clipPathAttr = " clip-path=\"url(#" + clipPath.svg.id + ")\" "; var clipPathString = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString( clipPath.svg ); string = start + clipPathAttr + end; clipPaths.push( clipPathString ); } } return string; } }, options || {} ); var data; // NAMESPACE CHECK if ( !_this.handleNamespace( "fabric", { scope: this, cb: _this.toSVG, args: arguments } ) ) { return false; } // Get SVG context from fabric data = _this.setup.fabric.toSVG( cfg, cfg.reviver ); // TODO: WAIT UNTIL FABRICJS HANDLES CLIPPATH FOR SVG OUTPUT if ( clipPaths.length ) { var start = data.slice( 0, data.length - 6 ); var end = data.slice( -6 ); data = start + clipPaths.join( "" ) + end; } // SOLVES #21840 if ( cfg.compress ) { data = data.replace( /[\t\r\n]+/g, "" ); } if ( cfg.getBase64 ) { data = "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + btoa( data ); } // TRIGGER CALLBACK _this.handleCallback( callback, data, cfg ); return data; }, /** * Generates PDF; returns base64 datastring */ toPDF: function( options, callback ) { var cfg = _this.deepMerge( _this.deepMerge( { multiplier: _this.config.multiplier || 2, pageOrigin: _this.config.pageOrigin === undefined ? true : false }, _this.config.pdfMake ), options || {}, true ); var data; // NAMESPACE CHECK if ( !_this.handleNamespace( "pdfMake", { scope: this, cb: _this.toPDF, args: arguments } ) ) { return false; } // Create PDF instance data = new pdfMake.createPdf( cfg ); // Get image data cfg.images.reference = _this.toPNG( cfg ); // Get page margins; exported from pdfMake function getMargins( margin ) { if ( typeof margin === 'number' || margin instanceof Number ) { margin = { left: margin, right: margin, top: margin, bottom: margin }; } else if ( margin instanceof Array ) { if ( margin.length === 2 ) { margin = { left: margin[ 0 ], top: margin[ 1 ], right: margin[ 0 ], bottom: margin[ 1 ] }; } else if ( margin.length === 4 ) { margin = { left: margin[ 0 ], top: margin[ 1 ], right: margin[ 2 ], bottom: margin[ 3 ] }; } else throw 'Invalid pageMargins definition'; } else { margin = { left: _this.defaults.pdfMake.pageMargins, top: _this.defaults.pdfMake.pageMargins, right: _this.defaults.pdfMake.pageMargins, bottom: _this.defaults.pdfMake.pageMargins }; } return margin; } // Get page dimensions function getSize( pageSize, pageOrientation ) { var pageDimensions = _this.defaults.pdfMake.pageSizes[ String( pageSize ).toUpperCase() ].slice(); if ( !pageDimensions ) { throw new Error( "The given pageSize \"" + pageSize + "\" does not exist!" ); } // Revers in case of landscape if ( pageOrientation == "landscape" ) { pageDimensions.reverse(); } return pageDimensions; } // Polyfill default content if none is given if ( !cfg.content ) { var pageContent = []; var pageDimensions = getSize( cfg.pageSize, cfg.pageOrientation ); var pageMargins = getMargins( cfg.pageMargins ); pageDimensions[ 0 ] -= ( pageMargins.left + pageMargins.right ); pageDimensions[ 1 ] -= ( pageMargins.top + pageMargins.bottom ); if ( cfg.pageOrigin ) { pageContent.push( _this.i18l( "label.saved.from" ) ); pageContent.push( window.location.href ); pageDimensions[ 1 ] -= ( 14.064 * 2 ); } pageContent.push( { image: "reference", fit: pageDimensions } ); cfg.content = pageContent; } if ( callback ) { data.getDataUrl( ( function( callback ) { return function( a ) { callback.apply( _this, arguments ); } } )( callback ) ); } return data; }, /** * Generates an image; hides all elements on page to trigger native print method */ toPRINT: function( options, callback ) { var i1; var cfg = _this.deepMerge( { delay: 0.01, lossless: false }, options || {} ); var data = _this.toImage( cfg ); var states = []; var items = document.body.childNodes; var scroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; data.setAttribute( "style", "width: 100%; max-height: 100%;" ); for ( i1 = 0; i1 < items.length; i1++ ) { if ( _this.isElement( items[ i1 ] ) ) { states[ i1 ] = items[ i1 ].style.display; items[ i1 ].style.display = "none"; } } document.body.appendChild( data ); window.print(); // CONVERT TO SECONDS cfg.delay *= 1000; // IOS EXCEPTION DELAY MIN. 1 SECOND var isIOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test( navigator.userAgent ) && !window.MSStream; if ( isIOS && cfg.delay < 1000 ) { cfg.delay = 1000; } setTimeout( function() { for ( i1 = 0; i1 < items.length; i1++ ) { if ( _this.isElement( items[ i1 ] ) ) { items[ i1 ].style.display = states[ i1 ]; } } document.body.removeChild( data ); document.documentElement.scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop = scroll; // TRIGGER CALLBACK _this.handleCallback( callback, data, cfg ); }, cfg.delay ); return data; }, /** * Generates JSON string */ toJSON: function( options, callback ) { var cfg = _this.deepMerge( { dateFormat: _this.config.dateFormat || "dateObject" }, options || {}, true ); var data = {}; // NAMESPACE CHECK if ( !_this.handleNamespace( "JSON", { scope: this, cb: _this.toJSON, args: arguments } ) ) { return false; } // GATHER DATA cfg.data = cfg.data !== undefined ? cfg.data : _this.getChartData( cfg ); // STRINGIFY DATA data = JSON.stringify( cfg.data, undefined, "\t" ); // TRIGGER CALLBACK _this.handleCallback( callback, data, cfg ); return data; }, /** * Generates CSV string */ toCSV: function( options, callback ) { var row, col; var cfg = _this.deepMerge( { delimiter: ",", quotes: true, escape: true, withHeader: true }, options || {}, true ); var buffer = []; var data = ""; // GATHER DATA buffer = _this.toArray( cfg ); // MERGE for ( row in buffer ) { if ( !isNaN( row ) ) { data += buffer[ row ].join( cfg.delimiter ) + "\n"; } } // TRIGGER CALLBACK _this.handleCallback( callback, data, cfg ); return data; }, /** * Generates excel sheet; returns base64 datastring */ toXLSX: function( options, callback ) { var cfg = _this.deepMerge( { name: "amCharts", dateFormat: _this.config.dateFormat || "dateObject", withHeader: true, stringify: false }, options || {}, true ); var buffer = []; var data = ""; var wb = { SheetNames: [], Sheets: {} } // NAMESPACE CHECK if ( !_this.handleNamespace( "XLSX", { scope: this, cb: _this.toXLSX, args: arguments } ) ) { return false; } // GATHER DATA buffer = _this.toArray( cfg ); function datenum( v, date1904 ) { if ( date1904 ) v += 1462; var epoch = Date.parse( v ); var offset = v.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000; return ( epoch - offset - new Date( Date.UTC( 1899, 11, 30 ) ) ) / ( 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ); } function sheet_from_array_of_arrays( data, opts ) { var ws = {}; var range = { s: { c: 10000000, r: 10000000 }, e: { c: 0, r: 0 } }; for ( var R = 0; R != data.length; ++R ) { for ( var C = 0; C != data[ R ].length; ++C ) { if ( range.s.r > R ) range.s.r = R; if ( range.s.c > C ) range.s.c = C; if ( range.e.r < R ) range.e.r = R; if ( range.e.c < C ) range.e.c = C; var cell = { v: data[ R ][ C ] }; if ( cell.v == null ) continue; var cell_ref = XLSX.utils.encode_cell( { c: C, r: R } ); if ( typeof cell.v === "number" ) { cell.t = "n"; } else if ( typeof cell.v === "boolean" ) { cell.t = "b"; } else if ( cell.v instanceof Date ) { cell.t = "n"; cell.z = XLSX.SSF._table[ 14 ]; cell.v = datenum( cell.v ); } else if ( cell.v instanceof Object ) { cell.t = "s"; cell.v = JSON.stringify( cell.v ); } else { cell.t = "s"; } ws[ cell_ref ] = cell; } } if ( range.s.c < 10000000 ) ws[ "!ref" ] = XLSX.utils.encode_range( range ); return ws; } wb.SheetNames.push( cfg.name ); wb.Sheets[ cfg.name ] = sheet_from_array_of_arrays( buffer ); data = XLSX.write( wb, { bookType: "xlsx", bookSST: true, type: "base64" } ); data = "data:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet;base64," + data; // TRIGGER CALLBACK _this.handleCallback( callback, data, cfg ); return data; }, /** * Generates an array of arrays */ toArray: function( options, callback ) { var row, col; var cfg = _this.deepMerge( { withHeader: false, stringify: true, escape: false, quotes: false }, options || {}, true ); var data = []; var cols = []; var buffer = []; var _processData = _this.config.processData; // RETRIEVES RIGHT FIELD ORDER OF TRANSLATED FIELDS function processData( data, cfg ) { var fields = cfg.exportFields || Object.keys( cfg.dataFieldsMap ); // WALKTHROUGH FIELDS for ( col = 0; col < fields.length; col++ ) { var key = fields[ col ]; var field = cfg.dataFieldsTitlesMap[ key ]; cols.push( field ); } // TRIGGER GIVEN CALLBACK if ( _processData ) { return _this.handleCallback( _processData, data, cfg ); } return data; } // STRING PROCESSOR function enchant( value ) { if ( typeof value === "string" ) { if ( cfg.escape ) { value = value.replace( '"', '""' ); } if ( cfg.quotes ) { value = [ '"', value, '"' ].join( "" ); } } return value; } // INVOKE PROCESS DATA cfg.processData = processData; // GET DATA cfg.data = cfg.data !== undefined ? _this.processData( cfg ) : _this.getChartData( cfg ); // HEADER if ( cfg.withHeader ) { buffer = []; for ( col in cols ) { if ( !isNaN( col ) ) { buffer.push( enchant( cols[ col ] ) ); } } data.push( buffer ); } // BODY for ( row in cfg.data ) { buffer = []; if ( !isNaN( row ) ) { for ( col in cols ) { if ( !isNaN( col ) ) { var col = cols[ col ]; var value = cfg.data[ row ][ col ]; if ( value == null ) { value = ""; } else if ( cfg.stringify ) { value = String( value ); } else { value = value; } buffer.push( enchant( value ) ); } } data.push( buffer ); } } // TRIGGER CALLBACK _this.handleCallback( callback, data, cfg ); return data; }, /** * Generates byte array with given base64 datastring; returns byte array */ toByteArray: function( options, callback ) { var cfg = _this.deepMerge( { // NUFFIN }, options || {} ); var Arr = ( typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined' ) ? Uint8Array : Array var PLUS = '+'.charCodeAt( 0 ) var SLASH = '/'.charCodeAt( 0 ) var NUMBER = '0'.charCodeAt( 0 ) var LOWER = 'a'.charCodeAt( 0 ) var UPPER = 'A'.charCodeAt( 0 ) var data = b64ToByteArray( cfg.data ); function decode( elt ) { var code = elt.charCodeAt( 0 ) if ( code === PLUS ) return 62 // '+' if ( code === SLASH ) return 63 // '/' if ( code < NUMBER ) return -1 //no match if ( code < NUMBER + 10 ) return code - NUMBER + 26 + 26 if ( code < UPPER + 26 ) return code - UPPER if ( code < LOWER + 26 ) return code - LOWER + 26 } function b64ToByteArray( b64 ) { var i, j, l, tmp, placeHolders, arr if ( b64.length % 4 > 0 ) { throw new Error( 'Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4' ) } // THE NUMBER OF EQUAL SIGNS (PLACE HOLDERS) // IF THERE ARE TWO PLACEHOLDERS, THAN THE TWO CHARACTERS BEFORE IT // REPRESENT ONE BYTE // IF THERE IS ONLY ONE, THEN THE THREE CHARACTERS BEFORE IT REPRESENT 2 BYTES // THIS IS JUST A CHEAP HACK TO NOT DO INDEXOF TWICE var len = b64.length placeHolders = '=' === b64.charAt( len - 2 ) ? 2 : '=' === b64.charAt( len - 1 ) ? 1 : 0 // BASE64 IS 4/3 + UP TO TWO CHARACTERS OF THE ORIGINAL DATA arr = new Arr( b64.length * 3 / 4 - placeHolders ) // IF THERE ARE PLACEHOLDERS, ONLY GET UP TO THE LAST COMPLETE 4 CHARS l = placeHolders > 0 ? b64.length - 4 : b64.length var L = 0 function push( v ) { arr[ L++ ] = v } for ( i = 0, j = 0; i < l; i += 4, j += 3 ) { tmp = ( decode( b64.charAt( i ) ) << 18 ) | ( decode( b64.charAt( i + 1 ) ) << 12 ) | ( decode( b64.charAt( i + 2 ) ) << 6 ) | decode( b64.charAt( i + 3 ) ) push( ( tmp & 0xFF0000 ) >> 16 ) push( ( tmp & 0xFF00 ) >> 8 ) push( tmp & 0xFF ) } if ( placeHolders === 2 ) { tmp = ( decode( b64.charAt( i ) ) << 2 ) | ( decode( b64.charAt( i + 1 ) ) >> 4 ) push( tmp & 0xFF ) } else if ( placeHolders === 1 ) { tmp = ( decode( b64.charAt( i ) ) << 10 ) | ( decode( b64.charAt( i + 1 ) ) << 4 ) | ( decode( b64.charAt( i + 2 ) ) >> 2 ) push( ( tmp >> 8 ) & 0xFF ) push( tmp & 0xFF ) } return arr } // TRIGGER CALLBACK _this.handleCallback( callback, data, cfg ); return data; }, /** * Callback handler; injects additional arguments to callback */ handleCallback: function( callback ) { var i1, data = Array(); if ( callback && callback instanceof Function ) { for ( i1 = 0; i1 < arguments.length; i1++ ) { if ( i1 > 0 ) { data.push( arguments[ i1 ] ); } } return callback.apply( _this, data ); } }, /** * Logger */ handleLog: function( msg ) { if ( _this.config.debug === true ) { console.log(msg); } }, /** * Namespace checker; delays given callback until the dependency is available */ handleNamespace: function( namespace, opts ) { var scope = _this.config.scope || window; var exists = false; var startTS = Number( new Date() ); var timer; // SIMPLE CHECK exists = !!( namespace in scope ); // RESURSIVE DEPENDENCY CHECK function waitForIt() { var tmpTS = Number( new Date() ); // SIMPLE CHECK exists = !!( namespace in scope ); // PDFMAKE EXCEPTION; WAIT ADDITIONALLY FOR FONTS if ( namespace == "pdfMake" && exists ) { exists = scope.pdfMake.vfs; } // FOUND TRIGGER GIVEN CALLBACK if ( exists ) { clearTimeout( timer ); opts.cb.apply( opts.scope, opts.args ); _this.handleLog( [ "AmCharts [export]: Namespace \"", namespace, "\" showed up in: ", String( scope ) ].join( "" ) ); // NOT FOUND SCHEDULE RECHECK } else if ( tmpTS - startTS < _this.libs.loadTimeout ) { timer = setTimeout( waitForIt, 250 ); // LIBS TIMEOUT REACHED } else { _this.handleLog( [ "AmCharts [export]: Gave up waiting for \"", namespace, "\" in: ", String( scope ) ].join( "" ) ); } } // THROW MESSAGE IF IT DOESNT EXIST if ( !exists ) { _this.handleLog( [ "AmCharts [export]: Could not find \"", namespace, "\" in: ", String( scope ) ].join( "" ) ); waitForIt(); } return exists; }, /** * Border handler; injects additional border to canvas */ handleBorder: function( options ) { if ( _this.config.border instanceof Object ) { var cfg = _this.deepMerge( _this.defaults.fabric.border, options.border || {}, true ); var border = new fabric.Rect(); cfg.width = _this.setup.fabric.width - cfg.strokeWidth; cfg.height = _this.setup.fabric.height - cfg.strokeWidth; border.set( cfg ); _this.setup.fabric.add( border ); } }, /** * Handles drag/drop events; loads given imagery */ handleDropbox: function( e ) { if ( _this.drawing.enabled ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); // DRAG OVER if ( e.type == "dragover" ) { _this.setup.wrapper.setAttribute( "class", _this.setup.chart.classNamePrefix + "-export-canvas active dropbox" ); // DRAGLEAVE; DROP } else { _this.setup.wrapper.setAttribute( "class", _this.setup.chart.classNamePrefix + "-export-canvas active" ); if ( e.type == "drop" && e.dataTransfer.files.length ) { for ( var i1 = 0; i1 < e.dataTransfer.files.length; i1++ ) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = ( function( index ) { return function() { _this.drawing.handler.add( { url: reader.result, top: e.layerY - ( index * 10 ), left: e.layerX - ( index * 10 ) } ); } } )( i1 ); reader.readAsDataURL( e.dataTransfer.files[ i1 ] ); } } } } }, /** * Calls ready callback when dependencies are available within window scope */ handleReady: function( callback ) { var t1, t2; var _this = this; var tsStart = Number( new Date() ); // READY FOR DATA EXPORT _this.handleCallback( callback, "data", false ); // READY CALLBACK FOR EACH DEPENDENCY for ( filename in _this.libs.namespaces ) { var namespace = _this.libs.namespaces[ filename ]; ( function( namespace ) { var t1 = setInterval( function() { var tsEnd = Number( new Date() ); if ( tsEnd - tsStart > _this.libs.loadTimeout || namespace in window ) { clearTimeout( t1 ); _this.handleCallback( callback, namespace, tsEnd - tsStart > _this.libs.loadTimeout ); } }, AmCharts.updateRate ) } )( namespace ); } }, /** * Gathers chart data according to its type */ getChartData: function( options ) { var cfg = _this.deepMerge( { data: [], titles: {}, dateFields: [], dataFields: [], dataFieldsMap: {}, exportTitles: _this.config.exportTitles, exportFields: _this.config.exportFields, exportSelection: _this.config.exportSelection, columnNames: _this.config.columnNames }, options || {}, true ); var uid, i1, i2, i3; var lookupFields = [ "valueField", "openField", "closeField", "highField", "lowField", "xField", "yField" ]; var buffer; // HANDLE FIELDS function addField( field, title, type ) { function checkExistance( field, type ) { if ( cfg.dataFields.indexOf( field ) != -1 ) { return checkExistance( [ field, ".", type ].join( "" ) ); } return field; } if ( field && cfg.exportTitles && _this.setup.chart.type != "gantt" ) { uid = checkExistance( field, type ); cfg.dataFieldsMap[ uid ] = field; cfg.dataFields.push( uid ); cfg.titles[ uid ] = title || uid; } } if ( cfg.data.length == 0 ) { // STOCK DATA; GATHER COMPARED GRAPHS if ( _this.setup.chart.type == "stock" ) { cfg.data = _this.cloneObject( _this.setup.chart.mainDataSet.dataProvider ); // CATEGORY AXIS addField( _this.setup.chart.mainDataSet.categoryField ); cfg.dateFields.push( _this.setup.chart.mainDataSet.categoryField ); // WALKTHROUGH GRAPHS for ( i1 = 0; i1 < _this.setup.chart.mainDataSet.fieldMappings.length; i1++ ) { var fieldMap = _this.setup.chart.mainDataSet.fieldMappings[ i1 ]; for ( i2 = 0; i2 < _this.setup.chart.panels.length; i2++ ) { var panel = _this.setup.chart.panels[ i2 ] for ( i3 = 0; i3 < panel.stockGraphs.length; i3++ ) { var graph = panel.stockGraphs[ i3 ]; for ( i4 = 0; i4 < lookupFields.length; i4++ ) { if ( graph[ lookupFields[ i4 ] ] == fieldMap.toField ) { addField( fieldMap.fromField, graph.title, lookupFields[ i4 ] ); } } } } } // MERGE DATA OF COMPARED GRAPHS IN RIGHT PLACE if ( _this.setup.chart.comparedGraphs.length ) { // BUFFER DATES FROM MAIN DATA SET buffer = []; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < cfg.data.length; i1++ ) { buffer.push( cfg.data[ i1 ][ _this.setup.chart.mainDataSet.categoryField ] ); } // WALKTHROUGH COMPARISON AND MERGE IT'S DATA for ( i1 = 0; i1 < _this.setup.chart.comparedGraphs.length; i1++ ) { var graph = _this.setup.chart.comparedGraphs[ i1 ]; for ( i2 = 0; i2 < graph.dataSet.dataProvider.length; i2++ ) { var categoryField = graph.dataSet.categoryField; var categoryValue = graph.dataSet.dataProvider[ i2 ][ categoryField ]; var comparedIndex = buffer.indexOf( categoryValue ); // PLACE IN RIGHT PLACE if ( comparedIndex != -1 ) { for ( i3 = 0; i3 < graph.dataSet.fieldMappings.length; i3++ ) { var fieldMap = graph.dataSet.fieldMappings[ i3 ]; var uid = graph.dataSet.id + "_" + fieldMap.toField; cfg.data[ comparedIndex ][ uid ] = graph.dataSet.dataProvider[ i2 ][ fieldMap.fromField ]; // UNIQUE TITLE if ( !cfg.titles[ uid ] ) { addField( uid, graph.dataSet.title ) } } } } } } // GANTT DATA; FLATTEN SEGMENTS } else if ( _this.setup.chart.type == "gantt" ) { // CATEGORY AXIS addField( _this.setup.chart.categoryField ); cfg.dateFields.push( _this.setup.chart.categoryField ); var field = _this.setup.chart.segmentsField; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < _this.setup.chart.dataProvider.length; i1++ ) { var dataItem = _this.setup.chart.dataProvider[ i1 ]; if ( dataItem[ field ] ) { for ( i2 = 0; i2 < dataItem[ field ].length; i2++ ) { dataItem[ field ][ i2 ][ _this.setup.chart.categoryField ] = dataItem[ _this.setup.chart.categoryField ]; cfg.data.push( dataItem[ field ][ i2 ] ); } } } // GRAPHS for ( i1 = 0; i1 < _this.setup.chart.graphs.length; i1++ ) { var graph = _this.setup.chart.graphs[ i1 ]; for ( i2 = 0; i2 < lookupFields.length; i2++ ) { var dataField = lookupFields[ i2 ]; var graphField = graph[ dataField ]; var title = graph.title; addField( graphField, graph.title, dataField ); } } // PIE/FUNNEL DATA; } else if ( [ "pie", "funnel" ].indexOf( _this.setup.chart.type ) != -1 ) { cfg.data = _this.setup.chart.dataProvider; // CATEGORY AXIS addField( _this.setup.chart.titleField ); cfg.dateFields.push( _this.setup.chart.titleField ); // VALUE addField( _this.setup.chart.valueField ); // DEFAULT DATA; } else if ( _this.setup.chart.type != "map" ) { cfg.data = _this.setup.chart.dataProvider; // CATEGORY AXIS if ( _this.setup.chart.categoryAxis ) { addField( _this.setup.chart.categoryField, _this.setup.chart.categoryAxis.title ); if ( _this.setup.chart.categoryAxis.parseDates !== false ) { cfg.dateFields.push( _this.setup.chart.categoryField ); } } // GRAPHS for ( i1 = 0; i1 < _this.setup.chart.graphs.length; i1++ ) { var graph = _this.setup.chart.graphs[ i1 ]; for ( i2 = 0; i2 < lookupFields.length; i2++ ) { var dataField = lookupFields[ i2 ]; var graphField = graph[ dataField ]; addField( graphField, graph.title, dataField ); } } } } return _this.processData( cfg ); }, /** * Returns embedded annotations in an array */ getAnnotations: function( options, callback ) { var cfg = _this.deepMerge( { // For the future }, options || {}, true ); var i1; var data = []; // Collect annotations for ( i1 = 0; i1 < _this.setup.fabric._objects.length; i1++ ) { // Internal flag to distinguish between annotations and "core" elements if ( !_this.setup.fabric._objects[ i1 ].isCoreElement ) { var obj = _this.setup.fabric._objects[ i1 ].toJSON(); // Revive before adding to allow modifying the object _this.handleCallback( cfg.reviver, obj, i1 ); // Push into output data.push( obj ); } } _this.handleCallback( callback, data ); return data; }, /** * Inserts the given annotations */ setAnnotations: function( options, callback ) { var cfg = _this.deepMerge( { data: [] }, options || {}, true ); // Convert annotations objects into fabric instances fabric.util.enlivenObjects( cfg.data, function( enlivenedObjects ) { enlivenedObjects.forEach( function( obj, i1 ) { // Revive before adding to allow modifying the object _this.handleCallback( cfg.reviver, obj, i1 ); // Add into active instance canvas _this.setup.fabric.add( obj ); } ); _this.handleCallback( callback, cfg ); } ); return cfg.data; }, /** * Walkthrough data to format dates and titles */ processData: function( options ) { var cfg = _this.deepMerge( { data: [], titles: {}, dateFields: [], dataFields: [], dataFieldsMap: {}, dataFieldsTitlesMap: {}, dataDateFormat: _this.setup.chart.dataDateFormat, dateFormat: _this.config.dateFormat || _this.setup.chart.dataDateFormat || "YYYY-MM-DD", exportTitles: _this.config.exportTitles, exportFields: _this.config.exportFields, exportSelection: _this.config.exportSelection, columnNames: _this.config.columnNames, processData: _this.config.processData }, options || {}, true ); var i1, i2; if ( cfg.data.length ) { // GATHER MISSING FIELDS for ( i1 = 0; i1 < cfg.data.length; i1++ ) { for ( i2 in cfg.data[ i1 ] ) { if ( cfg.dataFields.indexOf( i2 ) == -1 ) { cfg.dataFields.push( i2 ); cfg.dataFieldsMap[ i2 ] = i2; } } } // REMOVE FIELDS SELECTIVELY if ( cfg.exportFields !== undefined ) { cfg.dataFields = cfg.exportFields.filter( function( n ) { return cfg.dataFields.indexOf( n ) != -1; } ); } // REBUILD DATA var buffer = []; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < cfg.data.length; i1++ ) { var tmp = {}; var skip = false; for ( i2 = 0; i2 < cfg.dataFields.length; i2++ ) { var uniqueField = cfg.dataFields[ i2 ]; var dataField = cfg.dataFieldsMap[ uniqueField ]; var title = ( cfg.columnNames && cfg.columnNames[ uniqueField ] ) || cfg.titles[ uniqueField ] || uniqueField; var value = cfg.data[ i1 ][ dataField ]; // SKIP NULL ONES if ( value == null ) { value = undefined; } // TITLEFY if ( cfg.exportTitles && _this.setup.chart.type != "gantt" ) { if ( title in tmp ) { title += [ "( ", uniqueField, " )" ].join( "" ); } } // PROCESS CATEGORY if ( cfg.dateFields.indexOf( dataField ) != -1 ) { // CONVERT DATESTRING TO DATE OBJECT if ( cfg.dataDateFormat && ( value instanceof String || typeof value == "string" ) ) { value = AmCharts.stringToDate( value, cfg.dataDateFormat ); // CONVERT TIMESTAMP TO DATE OBJECT } else if ( cfg.dateFormat && ( value instanceof Number || typeof value == "number" ) ) { value = new Date( value ); } // CATEGORY RANGE if ( cfg.exportSelection ) { if ( value instanceof Date ) { if ( value < chart.startDate || value > chart.endDate ) { skip = true; } } else if ( i1 < chart.startIndex || i1 > chart.endIndex ) { skip = true; } } // CATEGORY FORMAT if ( cfg.dateFormat && cfg.dateFormat != "dateObject" && value instanceof Date ) { value = AmCharts.formatDate( value, cfg.dateFormat ); } } cfg.dataFieldsTitlesMap[ dataField ] = title; tmp[ title ] = value; } if ( !skip ) { buffer.push( tmp ); } } cfg.data = buffer; } if ( cfg.processData !== undefined ) { cfg.data = _this.handleCallback( cfg.processData, cfg.data, cfg ); } return cfg.data; }, /** * Prettifies string */ capitalize: function( string ) { return string.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + string.slice( 1 ).toLowerCase(); }, /** * Generates export menu; returns UL node */ createMenu: function( list, container ) { var div; var buffer = []; function buildList( list, container ) { var i1, i2, ul = document.createElement( "ul" ); for ( i1 = 0; i1 < list.length; i1++ ) { var item = typeof list[ i1 ] === "string" ? { format: list[ i1 ] } : list[ i1 ]; var li = document.createElement( "li" ); var a = document.createElement( "a" ); var img = document.createElement( "img" ); var span = document.createElement( "span" ); var action = String( item.action ? item.action : item.format ).toLowerCase(); item.format = String( item.format ).toUpperCase(); // MERGE WITH GIVEN FORMAT if ( _this.config.formats[ item.format ] ) { item = _this.deepMerge( { label: item.icon ? "" : item.format, format: item.format, mimeType: _this.config.formats[ item.format ].mimeType, extension: _this.config.formats[ item.format ].extension, capture: _this.config.formats[ item.format ].capture, action: _this.config.action, fileName: _this.config.fileName }, item ); } else if ( !item.label ) { item.label = item.label ? item.label : _this.i18l( "menu.label." + action ); } // FILTER; TOGGLE FLAG if ( [ "CSV", "JSON", "XLSX" ].indexOf( item.format ) != -1 && [ "map", "gauge" ].indexOf( _this.setup.chart.type ) != -1 ) { continue; // BLOB EXCEPTION } else if ( !_this.setup.hasBlob && item.format != "UNDEFINED" ) { if ( item.mimeType && item.mimeType.split( "/" )[ 0 ] != "image" && item.mimeType != "text/plain" ) { continue; } } // DRAWING if ( item.action == "draw" ) { if ( _this.config.fabric.drawing.enabled ) { item.menu = item.menu ? item.menu : _this.config.fabric.drawing.menu; item.click = ( function( item ) { return function() { this.capture( item, function() { this.createMenu( item.menu ); } ); } } )( item ); } else { item.menu = []; } // DRAWING CHOICES } else if ( !item.populated && item.action && item.action.indexOf( "draw." ) != -1 ) { var type = item.action.split( "." )[ 1 ]; var items = item[ type ] || _this.config.fabric.drawing[ type ] || []; item.menu = []; item.populated = true; for ( i2 = 0; i2 < items.length; i2++ ) { var tmp = { "label": items[ i2 ] } if ( type == "shapes" ) { var io = items[ i2 ].indexOf( "//" ) == -1; var url = ( io ? _this.config.path + "shapes/" : "" ) + items[ i2 ]; tmp.action = "add"; tmp.url = url; tmp.icon = url; tmp.ignore = io; tmp[ "class" ] = "export-drawing-shape"; } else if ( type == "colors" ) { tmp.style = "background-color: " + items[ i2 ]; tmp.action = "change"; tmp.color = items[ i2 ]; tmp[ "class" ] = "export-drawing-color"; } else if ( type == "widths" ) { tmp.action = "change"; tmp.width = items[ i2 ]; tmp.label = document.createElement( "span" ); tmp.label.style.width = _this.numberToPx( items[ i2 ] ); tmp.label.style.height = _this.numberToPx( items[ i2 ] ); tmp[ "class" ] = "export-drawing-width"; } else if ( type == "opacities" ) { tmp.style = "opacity: " + items[ i2 ]; tmp.action = "change"; tmp.opacity = items[ i2 ]; tmp.label = ( items[ i2 ] * 100 ) + "%"; tmp[ "class" ] = "export-drawing-opacity"; } else if ( type == "modes" ) { tmp.label = _this.i18l( "menu.label.draw.modes." + items[ i2 ] ); tmp.click = ( function( mode ) { return function() { _this.drawing.mode = mode; } } )( items[ i2 ] ); tmp[ "class" ] = "export-drawing-mode"; } item.menu.push( tmp ); } // ADD CLICK HANDLER } else if ( !item.click && !item.menu && !item.items ) { // DRAWING METHODS if ( _this.drawing.handler[ action ] instanceof Function ) { item.action = action; item.click = ( function( item ) { return function() { this.drawing.handler[ item.action ]( item ); } } )( item ); // DRAWING } else if ( _this.drawing.enabled ) { item.click = ( function( item ) { return function() { if ( this.config.drawing.autoClose ) { this.drawing.handler.done(); } this[ "to" + item.format ]( item, function( data ) { if ( item.action == "download" ) { this.download( data, item.mimeType, [ item.fileName, item.extension ].join( "." ) ); } } ); } } )( item ); // REGULAR } else if ( item.format != "UNDEFINED" ) { item.click = ( function( item ) { return function() { if ( item.capture || item.action == "print" || item.format == "PRINT" ) { this.capture( item, function() { this.drawing.handler.done(); this[ "to" + item.format ]( item, function( data ) { if ( item.action == "download" ) { this.download( data, item.mimeType, [ item.fileName, item.extension ].join( "." ) ); } } ); } ) } else if ( this[ "to" + item.format ] ) { this[ "to" + item.format ]( item, function( data ) { this.download( data, item.mimeType, [ item.fileName, item.extension ].join( "." ) ); } ); } else { throw new Error( 'Invalid format. Could not determine output type.' ); } } } )( item ); } } // HIDE EMPTY ONES if ( item.menu !== undefined && !item.menu.length ) { continue; } // ADD LINK ATTR a.setAttribute( "href", "#" ); a.addEventListener( "click", ( function( callback, item ) { return function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var args = [ e, item ]; // DELAYED if ( ( item.action == "draw" || item.format == "PRINT" || ( item.format != "UNDEFINED" && item.capture ) ) && !_this.drawing.enabled ) { // VALIDATE DELAY if ( !isNaN( item.delay ) || !isNaN( _this.config.delay ) ) { item.delay = !isNaN( item.delay ) ? item.delay : _this.config.delay; _this.delay( item, callback ); return; } } callback.apply( _this, args ); } } )( item.click || function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); }, item ) ); // ENABLE MANUAL ACTIVE STATE ON TOUCH DEVICES if ( _this.setup.hasTouch && li.classList ) { a.addEventListener( "click", ( function( item ) { return function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var li = item.elements.li; var parentIsActive = hasActiveParent( li ); var siblingIsActive = hasActiveSibling( li ); var childHasSubmenu = hasSubmenu( li ); // CHECK IF PARENT IS ACTIVE function hasActiveParent( elm ) { var parentNode = elm.parentNode.parentNode; var classList = parentNode.classList; if ( parentNode.tagName == "LI" && classList.contains( "active" ) ) { return true; } return false; } // CHECK IF ANY SIBLING IS ACTIVE function hasActiveSibling( elm ) { var siblings = elm.parentNode.children; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < siblings.length; i1++ ) { var sibling = siblings[ i1 ]; var classList = sibling.classList; if ( sibling !== elm && classList.contains( "active" ) ) { classList.remove( "active" ); return true; } } return false; } // CHECK IF SUBEMNU EXIST function hasSubmenu( elm ) { return elm.getElementsByTagName( "ul" ).length > 0; } // CHECK FOR ROOT ITEMS function isRoot( elm ) { return elm.classList.contains( "export-main" ) || elm.classList.contains( "export-drawing" ); } // TOGGLE MAIN MENU if ( isRoot( li ) || !childHasSubmenu ) { _this.setup.menu.classList.toggle( "active" ); } // UNTOGGLE BUFFERED ITEMS if ( !parentIsActive || !childHasSubmenu ) { while ( buffer.length ) { var tmp = buffer.pop(); var tmpRoot = isRoot( tmp ); var tmpOdd = tmp !== li; if ( tmpRoot ) { if ( !childHasSubmenu ) { tmp.classList.remove( "active" ); } } else if ( tmpOdd ) { tmp.classList.remove( "active" ); } } } // BUFFER ITEMS buffer.push( li ); // TOGGLE CLASS if ( childHasSubmenu ) { li.classList.toggle( "active" ); } } } )( item ) ); } li.appendChild( a ); // ADD LABEL if ( _this.isElement( item.label ) ) { span.appendChild( item.label ); } else { span.innerHTML = item.label; } // APPEND ITEMS if ( item[ "class" ] ) { li.className = item[ "class" ]; } if ( item.style ) { li.setAttribute( "style", item.style ); } if ( item.icon ) { img.setAttribute( "src", ( !item.ignore && item.icon.slice( 0, 10 ).indexOf( "//" ) == -1 ? chart.pathToImages : "" ) + item.icon ); a.appendChild( img ); } if ( item.label ) { a.appendChild( span ); } if ( item.title ) { a.setAttribute( "title", item.title ); } // CALLBACK; REVIVER FOR MENU ITEMS if ( _this.config.menuReviver ) { li = _this.config.menuReviver.apply( _this, [ item, li ] ); } // ADD ELEMENTS FOR EASY ACCESS item.elements = { li: li, a: a, img: img, span: span } // ADD SUBLIST; JUST WITH ENTRIES if ( ( item.menu || item.items ) && item.action != "draw" ) { if ( buildList( item.menu || item.items, li ).childNodes.length ) { ul.appendChild( li ); } } else { ul.appendChild( li ); } } // JUST ADD THOSE WITH ENTRIES if ( ul.childNodes.length ) { container.appendChild( ul ); } return ul; } // DETERMINE CONTAINER if ( !container ) { if ( typeof _this.config.divId == "string" ) { _this.config.divId = container = document.getElementById( _this.config.divId ); } else if ( _this.isElement( _this.config.divId ) ) { container = _this.config.divId; } else { container = _this.setup.chart.containerDiv; } } // CREATE / RESET MENU CONTAINER if ( _this.isElement( _this.setup.menu ) ) { _this.setup.menu.innerHTML = ""; } else { _this.setup.menu = document.createElement( "div" ); } _this.setup.menu.setAttribute( "class", _this.setup.chart.classNamePrefix + "-export-menu " + _this.setup.chart.classNamePrefix + "-export-menu-" + _this.config.position + " amExportButton" ); // CALLBACK; REPLACES THE MENU WALKER if ( _this.config.menuWalker ) { buildList = _this.config.menuWalker; } buildList.apply( this, [ list, _this.setup.menu ] ); // JUST ADD THOSE WITH ENTRIES if ( _this.setup.menu.childNodes.length ) { container.appendChild( _this.setup.menu ); } return _this.setup.menu; }, /** * Method to trigger the callback delayed */ delay: function( options, callback ) { var cfg = _this.deepMerge( { delay: 3, precision: 2 }, options || {} ); var t1, t2, start = Number( new Date() ); var menu = _this.createMenu( [ { label: _this.i18l( "capturing.delayed.menu.label" ).replace( "{{duration}}", AmCharts.toFixed( cfg.delay, cfg.precision ) ), title: _this.i18l( "capturing.delayed.menu.title" ), "class": "export-delayed-capturing", click: function() { clearTimeout( t1 ); clearTimeout( t2 ); _this.createMenu( _this.config.menu ); } } ] ); var label = menu.getElementsByTagName( "a" )[ 0 ]; // MENU UPDATE t1 = setInterval( function() { var diff = cfg.delay - ( Number( new Date() ) - start ) / 1000; if ( diff <= 0 ) { clearTimeout( t1 ); if ( cfg.action != "draw" ) { _this.createMenu( _this.config.menu ); } } else if ( label ) { label.innerHTML = _this.i18l( "capturing.delayed.menu.label" ).replace( "{{duration}}", AmCharts.toFixed( diff, 2 ) ); } }, AmCharts.updateRate ); // CALLBACK t2 = setTimeout( function() { callback.apply( _this, arguments ); }, cfg.delay * 1000 ); }, /** * Migration method to support old export setup */ migrateSetup: function( setup ) { var cfg = { enabled: true, migrated: true, libs: { autoLoad: true }, menu: [] }; function crawler( object ) { var key; for ( key in object ) { var value = object[ key ]; if ( key.slice( 0, 6 ) == "export" && value ) { cfg.menu.push( key.slice( 6 ) ); } else if ( key == "userCFG" ) { crawler( value ); } else if ( key == "menuItems" ) { cfg.menu = value; } else if ( key == "libs" ) { cfg.libs = value; } else if ( typeof key == "string" ) { cfg[ key ] = value; } } } crawler( setup ); return cfg; }, clear: function() { _this.setup = undefined; if ( _this.docListener ) { document.removeEventListener( "keydown", _this.docListener ); } var listenersToRemove = _this.listenersToRemove; if ( listenersToRemove ) { for ( var i = 0; i < listenersToRemove.length; i++ ) { var listenerToRemove = listenersToRemove[ i ]; listenerToRemove.node.removeEventListener( listenerToRemove.event, listenerToRemove.method ) } } _this.listenersToRemove = []; }, /* ** Add event listener */ loadListeners: function() { function handleClone( clone ) { if ( clone ) { clone.set( { top: clone.top + 10, left: clone.left + 10 } ); _this.setup.fabric.add( clone ); } } // OBSERVE; KEY LISTENER; DRAWING FEATURES if ( _this.config.keyListener && _this.config.keyListener != "attached" ) { _this.docListener = function( e ) { var current = _this.drawing.buffer.target; // REMOVE; key: BACKSPACE / DELETE if ( ( e.keyCode == 8 || e.keyCode == 46 ) && current ) { e.preventDefault(); _this.setup.fabric.remove( current ); // ESCAPE DRAWIN MODE; key: escape } else if ( e.keyCode == 27 && _this.drawing.enabled ) { e.preventDefault(); // DESELECT ACTIVE OBJECTS if ( _this.drawing.buffer.isSelected ) { _this.setup.fabric.discardActiveObject(); // QUIT DRAWING MODE } else { _this.drawing.handler.done(); } // COPY; key: C } else if ( e.keyCode == 67 && ( e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey ) && current ) { _this.drawing.buffer.copy = current; // CUT; key: X } else if ( e.keyCode == 88 && ( e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey ) && current ) { _this.drawing.buffer.copy = current; _this.setup.fabric.remove( current ); // PASTE; key: V } else if ( e.keyCode == 86 && ( e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey ) ) { if ( _this.drawing.buffer.copy ) { handleClone( _this.drawing.buffer.copy.clone( handleClone ) ) } // UNDO / REDO; key: Z } else if ( e.keyCode == 90 && ( e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey ) ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( e.shiftKey ) { _this.drawing.handler.redo(); } else { _this.drawing.handler.undo(); } } } _this.config.keyListener = "attached"; document.addEventListener( "keydown", _this.docListener ); } // OBSERVE; DRAG AND DROP LISTENER; DRAWING FEATURE if ( _this.config.fileListener ) { _this.setup.chart.containerDiv.addEventListener( "dragover", _this.handleDropbox ); _this.setup.chart.containerDiv.addEventListener( "dragleave", _this.handleDropbox ); _this.setup.chart.containerDiv.addEventListener( "drop", _this.handleDropbox ); } }, /** * Initiate export menu; waits for chart container to place menu */ init: function() { clearTimeout( _timer ); _timer = setInterval( function() { if ( _this.setup.chart.containerDiv ) { clearTimeout( _timer ); if ( _this.config.enabled ) { // CREATE REFERENCE _this.setup.chart.AmExport = _this; // OVERWRITE PARENT OVERFLOW if ( _this.config.overflow ) { _this.setup.chart.div.style.overflow = "visible"; } // ATTACH EVENTS _this.loadListeners(); // CREATE MENU _this.createMenu( _this.config.menu ); _this.handleReady( _this.config.onReady ); } } }, AmCharts.updateRate ); }, /** * Initiates export instance; merges given config; attaches event listener */ construct: function() { // ANNOTATION; MAP "DONE" _this.drawing.handler.cancel = _this.drawing.handler.done; // CHECK BLOB CONSTRUCTOR try { _this.setup.hasBlob = !!new Blob; } catch ( e ) {} // WORK AROUND TO BYPASS FILESAVER CHECK TRYING TO OPEN THE BLOB URL IN SAFARI BROWSER window.safari = window.safari ? window.safari : {}; // OVERTAKE CHART FONTSIZE IF GIVEN _this.defaults.fabric.drawing.fontSize = _this.setup.chart.fontSize || 11; // MERGE SETTINGS _this.config.drawing = _this.deepMerge( _this.defaults.fabric.drawing, _this.config.drawing || {}, true ); if ( _this.config.border ) { _this.config.border = _this.deepMerge( _this.defaults.fabric.border, _this.config.border || {}, true ); } _this.deepMerge( _this.defaults.fabric, _this.config, true ); _this.deepMerge( _this.defaults.fabric, _this.config.fabric || {}, true ); _this.deepMerge( _this.defaults.pdfMake, _this.config, true ); _this.deepMerge( _this.defaults.pdfMake, _this.config.pdfMake || {}, true ); _this.deepMerge( _this.libs, _this.config.libs || {}, true ); // UPDATE CONFIG _this.config.drawing = _this.defaults.fabric.drawing; _this.config.fabric = _this.defaults.fabric; _this.config.pdfMake = _this.defaults.pdfMake; _this.config = _this.deepMerge( _this.defaults, _this.config, true ); // MERGE; SETUP DRAWING MENU if ( _this.config.fabric.drawing.enabled ) { if ( _this.config.fabric.drawing.menu === undefined ) { _this.config.fabric.drawing.menu = []; _this.deepMerge( _this.config.fabric.drawing.menu, [ { "class": "export-drawing", menu: [ { label: _this.i18l( "menu.label.draw.add" ), menu: [ { label: _this.i18l( "menu.label.draw.shapes" ), action: "draw.shapes" }, { label: _this.i18l( "menu.label.draw.text" ), action: "text" } ] }, { label: _this.i18l( "menu.label.draw.change" ), menu: [ { label: _this.i18l( "menu.label.draw.modes" ), action: "draw.modes" }, { label: _this.i18l( "menu.label.draw.colors" ), action: "draw.colors" }, { label: _this.i18l( "menu.label.draw.widths" ), action: "draw.widths" }, { label: _this.i18l( "menu.label.draw.opacities" ), action: "draw.opacities" }, "UNDO", "REDO" ] }, { label: _this.i18l( "menu.label.save.image" ), menu: [ "PNG", "JPG", "SVG", "PDF" ] }, "PRINT", "CANCEL" ] } ] ); } } // MERGE; SETUP MAIN MENU if ( _this.config.menu === undefined ) { _this.config.menu = []; // PARENT MENU _this.deepMerge( _this.config, { menu: [ { "class": "export-main", menu: [ { label: _this.i18l( "menu.label.save.image" ), menu: [ "PNG", "JPG", "SVG", "PDF" ] }, { label: _this.i18l( "menu.label.save.data" ), menu: [ "CSV", "XLSX", "JSON" ] }, { label: _this.i18l( "menu.label.draw" ), action: "draw", menu: _this.config.fabric.drawing.menu }, { format: "PRINT", label: _this.i18l( "menu.label.print" ) } ] } ] } ); } // ADD MISSING PATH if ( !_this.libs.path ) { _this.libs.path = _this.config.path + "libs/"; } // CHECK ACCEPTANCE if ( _this.isSupported() ) { // LOAD DEPENDENCIES _this.loadDependencies( _this.libs.resources, _this.libs.reload ); // ADD CLASSNAMES _this.setup.chart.addClassNames = true; // REFERENCE _this.setup.chart[ _this.name ] = _this; // INIT MENU; WAIT FOR CHART INSTANCE _this.init(); } } } // USE GIVEN CONFIG if ( config ) { _this.config = config; // USE CHART EXPORT CONFIG } else if ( _this.setup.chart[ _this.name ] ) { _this.config = _this.setup.chart[ _this.name ]; // MIGRATE OLD EXPORT CHART CONFIG } else if ( _this.setup.chart.amExport || _this.setup.chart.exportConfig ) { _this.config = _this.migrateSetup( _this.setup.chart.amExport || _this.setup.chart.exportConfig ); // EXIT; NO CONFIG } else { return; } // CONSTRUCT INSTANCE _this.construct(); // EXPORT SCOPE return _this.deepMerge( this, _this ); } } )(); /** * Set init handler */ AmCharts.addInitHandler( function( chart ) { new AmCharts[ "export" ]( chart ); }, [ "pie", "serial", "xy", "funnel", "radar", "gauge", "stock", "map", "gantt" ] );
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