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<?php /** * Class for parsing ODS files * * @author Martins Pilsetnieks */ class SpreadsheetReader_ODS implements Iterator, Countable { private $Options = array( 'TempDir' => '', 'ReturnDateTimeObjects' => false ); /** * @var string Path to temporary content file */ private $ContentPath = ''; /** * @var XMLReader XML reader object */ private $Content = false; /** * @var array Data about separate sheets in the file */ private $Sheets = false; private $CurrentRow = null; /** * @var int Number of the sheet we're currently reading */ private $CurrentSheet = 0; private $Index = 0; private $TableOpen = false; private $RowOpen = false; /** * @param string Path to file * @param array Options: * TempDir => string Temporary directory path * ReturnDateTimeObjects => bool True => dates and times will be returned as PHP DateTime objects, false => as strings */ public function __construct($Filepath, array $Options = null) { if (!is_readable($Filepath)) { throw new Exception('SpreadsheetReader_ODS: File not readable ('.$Filepath.')'); } $this -> TempDir = isset($Options['TempDir']) && is_writable($Options['TempDir']) ? $Options['TempDir'] : sys_get_temp_dir(); $this -> TempDir = rtrim($this -> TempDir, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $this -> TempDir = $this -> TempDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.uniqid().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $Zip = new ZipArchive; $Status = $Zip -> open($Filepath); if ($Status !== true) { throw new Exception('SpreadsheetReader_ODS: File not readable ('.$Filepath.') (Error '.$Status.')'); } if ($Zip -> locateName('content.xml') !== false) { $Zip -> extractTo($this -> TempDir, 'content.xml'); $this -> ContentPath = $this -> TempDir.'content.xml'; } $Zip -> close(); if ($this -> ContentPath && is_readable($this -> ContentPath)) { $this -> Content = new XMLReader; $this -> Content -> open($this -> ContentPath); $this -> Valid = true; } } /** * Destructor, destroys all that remains (closes and deletes temp files) */ public function __destruct() { if ($this -> Content && $this -> Content instanceof XMLReader) { $this -> Content -> close(); unset($this -> Content); } if (file_exists($this -> ContentPath)) { @unlink($this -> ContentPath); unset($this -> ContentPath); } } /** * Retrieves an array with information about sheets in the current file * * @return array List of sheets (key is sheet index, value is name) */ public function Sheets() { if ($this -> Sheets === false) { $this -> Sheets = array(); if ($this -> Valid) { $this -> SheetReader = new XMLReader; $this -> SheetReader -> open($this -> ContentPath); while ($this -> SheetReader -> read()) { if ($this -> SheetReader -> name == 'table:table') { $this -> Sheets[] = $this -> SheetReader -> getAttribute('table:name'); $this -> SheetReader -> next(); } } $this -> SheetReader -> close(); } } return $this -> Sheets; } /** * Changes the current sheet in the file to another * * @param int Sheet index * * @return bool True if sheet was successfully changed, false otherwise. */ public function ChangeSheet($Index) { $Index = (int)$Index; $Sheets = $this -> Sheets(); if (isset($Sheets[$Index])) { $this -> CurrentSheet = $Index; $this -> rewind(); return true; } return false; } // !Iterator interface methods /** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element. * Similar to the reset() function for arrays in PHP */ public function rewind() { if ($this -> Index > 0) { // If the worksheet was already iterated, XML file is reopened. // Otherwise it should be at the beginning anyway $this -> Content -> close(); $this -> Content -> open($this -> ContentPath); $this -> Valid = true; $this -> TableOpen = false; $this -> RowOpen = false; $this -> CurrentRow = null; } $this -> Index = 0; } /** * Return the current element. * Similar to the current() function for arrays in PHP * * @return mixed current element from the collection */ public function current() { if ($this -> Index == 0 && is_null($this -> CurrentRow)) { $this -> next(); $this -> Index--; } return $this -> CurrentRow; } /** * Move forward to next element. * Similar to the next() function for arrays in PHP */ public function next() { $this -> Index++; $this -> CurrentRow = array(); if (!$this -> TableOpen) { $TableCounter = 0; $SkipRead = false; while ($this -> Valid = ($SkipRead || $this -> Content -> read())) { if ($SkipRead) { $SkipRead = false; } if ($this -> Content -> name == 'table:table' && $this -> Content -> nodeType != XMLReader::END_ELEMENT) { if ($TableCounter == $this -> CurrentSheet) { $this -> TableOpen = true; break; } $TableCounter++; $this -> Content -> next(); $SkipRead = true; } } } if ($this -> TableOpen && !$this -> RowOpen) { while ($this -> Valid = $this -> Content -> read()) { switch ($this -> Content -> name) { case 'table:table': $this -> TableOpen = false; $this -> Content -> next('office:document-content'); $this -> Valid = false; break 2; case 'table:table-row': if ($this -> Content -> nodeType != XMLReader::END_ELEMENT) { $this -> RowOpen = true; break 2; } break; } } } if ($this -> RowOpen) { $LastCellContent = ''; while ($this -> Valid = $this -> Content -> read()) { switch ($this -> Content -> name) { case 'table:table-cell': if ($this -> Content -> nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT || $this -> Content -> isEmptyElement) { if ($this -> Content -> nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT) { $CellValue = $LastCellContent; } elseif ($this -> Content -> isEmptyElement) { $LastCellContent = ''; $CellValue = $LastCellContent; } $this -> CurrentRow[] = $LastCellContent; if ($this -> Content -> getAttribute('table:number-columns-repeated') !== null) { $RepeatedColumnCount = $this -> Content -> getAttribute('table:number-columns-repeated'); // Checking if larger than one because the value is already added to the row once before if ($RepeatedColumnCount > 1) { $this -> CurrentRow = array_pad($this -> CurrentRow, count($this -> CurrentRow) + $RepeatedColumnCount - 1, $LastCellContent); } } } else { $LastCellContent = ''; } case 'text:p': if ($this -> Content -> nodeType != XMLReader::END_ELEMENT) { $LastCellContent = $this -> Content -> readString(); } break; case 'table:table-row': $this -> RowOpen = false; break 2; } } } return $this -> CurrentRow; } /** * Return the identifying key of the current element. * Similar to the key() function for arrays in PHP * * @return mixed either an integer or a string */ public function key() { return $this -> Index; } /** * Check if there is a current element after calls to rewind() or next(). * Used to check if we've iterated to the end of the collection * * @return boolean FALSE if there's nothing more to iterate over */ public function valid() { return $this -> Valid; } // !Countable interface method /** * Ostensibly should return the count of the contained items but this just returns the number * of rows read so far. It's not really correct but at least coherent. */ public function count() { return $this -> Index + 1; } } ?>
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