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/* Monthly 2.0.5 by Kevin Thornbloom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. */ (function($) { $.fn.extend({ monthly: function(options) { // These are overridden by options declared in footer var defaults = { weekStart: 'Sun', mode: '', xmlUrl: '', target: '', eventList: true, maxWidth: false, setWidth: false, startHidden: false, showTrigger: '', stylePast: false, disablePast: false } var options = $.extend(defaults, options), that = this, uniqueId = $(this).attr('id'), d = new Date(), currentMonth = d.getMonth() + 1, currentYear = d.getFullYear(), currentDay = d.getDate(), monthNames = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "June", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], dayNames = ['SUN','MON','TUE','WED','THU','FRI','SAT']; if (options.maxWidth != false){ $('#'+uniqueId).css('maxWidth',options.maxWidth); } if (options.setWidth != false){ $('#'+uniqueId).css('width',options.setWidth); } if (options.startHidden == true){ $('#'+uniqueId).addClass('monthly-pop').css({ 'position' : 'absolute', 'display' : 'none' }); $(document).on('focus', ''+options.showTrigger+'', function (e) { $('#'+uniqueId).show(); e.preventDefault(); }); $(document).on('click', ''+options.showTrigger+', .monthly-pop', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $(document).on('click', function (e) { $('#'+uniqueId).hide(); }); } // Add Day Of Week Titles if (options.weekStart == 'Sun') { $('#' + uniqueId).append('<div class="monthly-day-title-wrap"><div>Sun</div><div>Mon</div><div>Tue</div><div>Wed</div><div>Thu</div><div>Fri</div><div>Sat</div></div><div class="monthly-day-wrap"></div>'); } else if (options.weekStart == 'Mon') { $('#' + uniqueId).append('<div class="monthly-day-title-wrap"><div>Mon</div><div>Tue</div><div>Wed</div><div>Thu</div><div>Fri</div><div>Sat</div><div>Sun</div></div><div class="monthly-day-wrap"></div>'); } else { console.log('Incorrect entry for weekStart variable.') } // Add Header & event list markup $('#' + uniqueId).prepend('<div class="monthly-header"><div class="monthly-header-title"></div><a href="#" class="monthly-prev"></a><a href="#" class="monthly-next"></a></div>').append('<div class="monthly-event-list"></div>'); // How many days are in this month? function daysInMonth(m, y){ return m===2?y&3||!(y%25)&&y&15?28:29:30+(m+(m>>3)&1); } // Massive function to build the month function setMonthly(m, y){ $('#' + uniqueId).data('setMonth', m).data('setYear', y); // Get number of days var dayQty = daysInMonth(m, y), // Get day of the week the first day is mZeroed = m -1, firstDay = new Date(y, mZeroed, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).getDay(); // Remove old days $('#' + uniqueId + ' .monthly-day, #' + uniqueId + ' .monthly-day-blank').remove(); $('#'+uniqueId+' .monthly-event-list').empty(); // Print out the days if (options.mode == 'event') { for(var i = 0; i < dayQty; i++) { var day = i + 1; // Fix 0 indexed days var dayNamenum = new Date(y, mZeroed, day, 0, 0, 0, 0).getDay() $('#' + uniqueId + ' .monthly-day-wrap').append('<a href="#" class="m-d monthly-day monthly-day-event" data-number="'+day+'"><div class="monthly-day-number">'+day+'</div><div class="monthly-indicator-wrap"></div></a>'); $('#' + uniqueId + ' .monthly-event-list').append('<div class="monthly-list-item" id="'+uniqueId+'day'+day+'" data-number="'+day+'"><div class="monthly-event-list-date">'+dayNames[dayNamenum]+'<br>'+day+'</div></div>'); } } else { for(var i = 0; i < dayQty; i++) { // Fix 0 indexed days var day = i + 1; // Check if it's a day in the past if(((day < currentDay && m === currentMonth) || y < currentYear || (m < currentMonth && y == currentYear)) && options.stylePast == true){ $('#' + uniqueId + ' .monthly-day-wrap').append('<a href="#" class="m-d monthly-day monthly-day-pick monthly-past-day" data-number="'+day+'"><div class="monthly-day-number">'+day+'</div><div class="monthly-indicator-wrap"></div></a>'); } else { $('#' + uniqueId + ' .monthly-day-wrap').append('<a href="#" class="m-d monthly-day monthly-day-pick" data-number="'+day+'"><div class="monthly-day-number">'+day+'</div><div class="monthly-indicator-wrap"></div></a>'); } } } // Set Today var setMonth = $('#' + uniqueId).data('setMonth'), setYear = $('#' + uniqueId).data('setYear'); if (setMonth == currentMonth && setYear == currentYear) { $('#' + uniqueId + ' *[data-number="'+currentDay+'"]').addClass('monthly-today'); } // Reset button if (setMonth == currentMonth && setYear == currentYear) { $('#' + uniqueId + ' .monthly-header-title').html(monthNames[m - 1] +' '+ y); } else { $('#' + uniqueId + ' .monthly-header-title').html(monthNames[m - 1] +' '+ y +'<a href="#" class="monthly-reset" title="Back To This Month"></a> '); } // Account for empty days at start if(options.weekStart == 'Sun' && firstDay != 7) { for(var i = 0; i < firstDay; i++) { $('#' + uniqueId + ' .monthly-day-wrap').prepend('<div class="m-d monthly-day-blank"><div class="monthly-day-number"></div></div>'); } } else if (options.weekStart == 'Mon' && firstDay == 0) { for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { $('#' + uniqueId + ' .monthly-day-wrap').prepend('<div class="m-d monthly-day-blank" ><div class="monthly-day-number"></div></div>'); } } else if (options.weekStart == 'Mon' && firstDay != 1) { for(var i = 0; i < (firstDay - 1); i++) { $('#' + uniqueId + ' .monthly-day-wrap').prepend('<div class="m-d monthly-day-blank" ><div class="monthly-day-number"></div></div>'); } } //Account for empty days at end var numdays = $('#' + uniqueId + ' .monthly-day').length, numempty = $('#' + uniqueId + ' .monthly-day-blank').length, totaldays = numdays + numempty, roundup = Math.ceil(totaldays/7) * 7, daysdiff = roundup - totaldays; if(totaldays % 7 != 0) { for(var i = 0; i < daysdiff; i++) { $('#' + uniqueId + ' .monthly-day-wrap').append('<div class="m-d monthly-day-blank"><div class="monthly-day-number"></div></div>'); } } // Events if (options.mode == 'event') { // Remove previous events // Add Events $.get(''+options.xmlUrl+'', function(d){ $(d).find('event').each(function(){ // Year [0] Month [1] Day [2] var fullstartDate = $(this).find('startdate').text(), startArr = fullstartDate.split("-"), startYear = startArr[0], startMonth = parseInt(startArr[1], 10), startDay = parseInt(startArr[2], 10), fullendDate = $(this).find('enddate').text(), endArr = fullendDate.split("-"), endYear = endArr[0], endMonth = parseInt(endArr[1], 10), endDay = parseInt(endArr[2], 10), eventURL = $(this).find('url').text(), eventTitle = $(this).find('name').text(), eventColor = $(this).find('color').text(), eventId = $(this).find('id').text(), startTime = $(this).find('starttime').text(), startSplit = startTime.split(":"); startPeriod = 'AM', endTime = $(this).find('endtime').text(), endSplit = endTime.split(":"); endPeriod = 'AM', eventLink = ''; /* Convert times to 12 hour & determine AM or PM */ if(parseInt(startSplit[0]) >= 12) { var startTime = (startSplit[0] - 12)+':'+startSplit[1]+''; var startPeriod = 'PM' } if(parseInt(startTime) == 0) { var startTime = '12:'+startSplit[1]+''; } if(parseInt(endSplit[0]) >= 12) { var endTime = (endSplit[0] - 12)+':'+endSplit[1]+''; var endPeriod = 'PM' } if(parseInt(endTime) == 0) { var endTime = '12:'+endSplit[1]+''; } if (eventURL){ var eventLink = 'href="'+eventURL+'"'; } // function to print out list for multi day events function multidaylist(){ $('#'+uniqueId+' .monthly-list-item[data-number="'+i+'"]').addClass('item-has-event').append('<a href="'+eventURL+'" class="listed-event" data-eventid="'+ eventId +'" style="background:'+eventColor+'" title="'+eventTitle+'">'+eventTitle+'<div><div class="monthly-list-time-start">'+startTime+' '+startPeriod+'</div><div class="monthly-list-time-end">'+endTime+' '+endPeriod+'</div></div></a>'); } // If event is one day & within month if (!fullendDate && startMonth == setMonth && startYear == setYear) { // Add Indicators $('#'+uniqueId+' *[data-number="'+startDay+'"] .monthly-indicator-wrap').append('<div class="monthly-event-indicator" data-eventid="'+ eventId +'" style="background:'+eventColor+'" title="'+eventTitle+'">'+eventTitle+'</div>'); // Print out event list for single day event $('#'+uniqueId+' .monthly-list-item[data-number="'+startDay+'"]').addClass('item-has-event').append('<a href="'+eventURL+'" class="listed-event" data-eventid="'+ eventId +'" style="background:'+eventColor+'" title="'+eventTitle+'">'+eventTitle+'<div><div class="monthly-list-time-start">'+startTime+' '+startPeriod+'</div><div class="monthly-list-time-end">'+endTime+' '+endPeriod+'</div></div></a>'); // If event is multi day & within month } else if (startMonth == setMonth && startYear == setYear && endMonth == setMonth && endYear == setYear){ for(var i = parseInt(startDay); i <= parseInt(endDay); i++) { // If first day, add title if (i == parseInt(startDay)) { $('#'+uniqueId+' *[data-number="'+i+'"] .monthly-indicator-wrap').append('<div class="monthly-event-indicator" data-eventid="'+ eventId +'" style="background:'+eventColor+'" title="'+eventTitle+'">'+eventTitle+'</div>'); } else { $('#'+uniqueId+' *[data-number="'+i+'"] .monthly-indicator-wrap').append('<div class="monthly-event-indicator" data-eventid="'+ eventId +'" style="background:'+eventColor+'" title="'+eventTitle+'"></div>'); } multidaylist(); } // If event is multi day, starts in prev month, and ends in current month } else if ((endMonth == setMonth && endYear == setYear) && ((startMonth < setMonth && startYear == setYear) || (startYear < setYear))) { for(var i = 0; i <= parseInt(endDay); i++) { // If first day, add title if (i==1){ $('#'+uniqueId+' *[data-number="'+i+'"] .monthly-indicator-wrap').append('<div class="monthly-event-indicator" data-eventid="'+ eventId +'" style="background:'+eventColor+'" title="'+eventTitle+'">'+eventTitle+'</div>'); } else { $('#'+uniqueId+' *[data-number="'+i+'"] .monthly-indicator-wrap').append('<div class="monthly-event-indicator" data-eventid="'+ eventId +'" style="background:'+eventColor+'" title="'+eventTitle+'"></div>'); } multidaylist(); } // If event is multi day, starts in this month, but ends in next } else if ((startMonth == setMonth && startYear == setYear) && ((endMonth > setMonth && endYear == setYear) || (endYear > setYear))){ for(var i = parseInt(startDay); i <= dayQty; i++) { // If first day, add title if (i == parseInt(startDay)) { $('#'+uniqueId+' *[data-number="'+i+'"] .monthly-indicator-wrap').append('<div class="monthly-event-indicator" data-eventid="'+ eventId +'" style="background:'+eventColor+'" title="'+eventTitle+'">'+eventTitle+'</div>'); } else { $('#'+uniqueId+' *[data-number="'+i+'"] .monthly-indicator-wrap').append('<div class="monthly-event-indicator" data-eventid="'+ eventId +'" style="background:'+eventColor+'" title="'+eventTitle+'"></div>'); } multidaylist(); } // If event is multi day, starts in a prev month, ends in a future month } else if (((startMonth < setMonth && startYear == setYear) || (startYear < setYear)) && ((endMonth > setMonth && endYear == setYear) || (endYear > setYear))){ for(var i = 0; i <= dayQty; i++) { // If first day, add title if (i == 1){ $('#'+uniqueId+' *[data-number="'+i+'"] .monthly-indicator-wrap').append('<div class="monthly-event-indicator" data-eventid="'+ eventId +'" style="background:'+eventColor+'" title="'+eventTitle+'">'+eventTitle+'</div>'); } else { $('#'+uniqueId+' *[data-number="'+i+'"] .monthly-indicator-wrap').append('<div class="monthly-event-indicator" data-eventid="'+ eventId +'" style="background:'+eventColor+'" title="'+eventTitle+'"></div>'); } multidaylist(); } } }); }); } var divs = $("#"+uniqueId+" .m-d"); for(var i = 0; i < divs.length; i+=7) { divs.slice(i, i+7).wrapAll("<div class='monthly-week'></div>"); } } // Set the calendar the first time setMonthly(currentMonth, currentYear); // Function to go back to the month view function viewToggleButton(){ if($('#'+uniqueId+' .monthly-event-list').is(":visible")) { $('#'+uniqueId+' .monthly-cal').remove(); $('#'+uniqueId+' .monthly-header-title').prepend('<a href="#" class="monthly-cal" title="Back To Month View"><div></div></a>'); } } // Advance months $(document.body).on('click', '#'+uniqueId+' .monthly-next', function (e) { var setMonth = $('#' + uniqueId).data('setMonth'), setYear = $('#' + uniqueId).data('setYear'); if (setMonth == 12) { var newMonth = 1, newYear = setYear + 1; setMonthly(newMonth, newYear); } else { var newMonth = setMonth + 1, newYear = setYear; setMonthly(newMonth, newYear); } viewToggleButton(); e.preventDefault(); }); // Go back in months $(document.body).on('click', '#'+uniqueId+' .monthly-prev', function (e) { var setMonth = $('#' + uniqueId).data('setMonth'), setYear = $('#' + uniqueId).data('setYear'); if (setMonth == 1) { var newMonth = 12, newYear = setYear - 1; setMonthly(newMonth, newYear); } else { var newMonth = setMonth - 1, newYear = setYear; setMonthly(newMonth, newYear); } viewToggleButton(); e.preventDefault(); }); // Reset Month $(document.body).on('click', '#'+uniqueId+' .monthly-reset', function (e) { setMonthly(currentMonth, currentYear); viewToggleButton(); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); // Back to month view $(document.body).on('click', '#'+uniqueId+' .monthly-cal', function (e) { $(this).remove(); $('#' + uniqueId+' .monthly-event-list').css('transform','scale(0)').delay('800').hide(); e.preventDefault(); }); // Click A Day $(document.body).on('click', '#'+uniqueId+' a.monthly-day', function (e) { // If events, show events list if(options.mode == 'event' && options.eventList == true) { var whichDay = $(this).data('number'); $('#' + uniqueId+' .monthly-event-list').show(); $('#' + uniqueId+' .monthly-event-list').css('transform'); $('#' + uniqueId+' .monthly-event-list').css('transform','scale(1)'); $('#'+uniqueId+' .monthly-list-item[data-number="'+whichDay+'"]').show(); var myElement = document.getElementById(uniqueId+'day'+whichDay); var topPos = myElement.offsetTop; //document.getElementByClassname('scrolling_div').scrollTop = topPos; $('#'+uniqueId+' .monthly-event-list').scrollTop(topPos); viewToggleButton(); // If picker, pick date } else if (options.mode == 'picker') { var whichDay = $(this).data('number'), setMonth = $('#' + uniqueId).data('setMonth'), setYear = $('#' + uniqueId).data('setYear'); // Should days in the past be disabled? if($(this).hasClass('monthly-past-day') && options.disablePast == true) { // If so, don't do anything. e.preventDefault(); } else { // Otherwise, select the date ... $(''+options.target+'').val(setMonth+'/'+whichDay+'/'+setYear); // ... and then hide the calendar if it started that way if(options.startHidden == true) { $('#'+uniqueId).hide(); } } } e.preventDefault(); }); // Clicking an event within the list $(document.body).on('click', '#'+uniqueId+' .listed-event', function (e) { var href = $(this).attr('href'); // If there isn't a link, don't go anywhere if(!href) { e.preventDefault(); } }); } }); })(jQuery);
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