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<?php namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style; class Color extends Supervisor { const NAMED_COLORS = [ 'Black', 'White', 'Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Magenta', 'Cyan', ]; // Colors const COLOR_BLACK = 'FF000000'; const COLOR_WHITE = 'FFFFFFFF'; const COLOR_RED = 'FFFF0000'; const COLOR_DARKRED = 'FF800000'; const COLOR_BLUE = 'FF0000FF'; const COLOR_DARKBLUE = 'FF000080'; const COLOR_GREEN = 'FF00FF00'; const COLOR_DARKGREEN = 'FF008000'; const COLOR_YELLOW = 'FFFFFF00'; const COLOR_DARKYELLOW = 'FF808000'; const COLOR_MAGENTA = 'FFFF00FF'; const COLOR_CYAN = 'FF00FFFF'; const NAMED_COLOR_TRANSLATIONS = [ 'Black' => self::COLOR_BLACK, 'White' => self::COLOR_WHITE, 'Red' => self::COLOR_RED, 'Green' => self::COLOR_GREEN, 'Blue' => self::COLOR_BLUE, 'Yellow' => self::COLOR_YELLOW, 'Magenta' => self::COLOR_MAGENTA, 'Cyan' => self::COLOR_CYAN, ]; const VALIDATE_ARGB_SIZE = 8; const VALIDATE_RGB_SIZE = 6; const VALIDATE_COLOR_6 = '/^[A-F0-9]{6}$/i'; const VALIDATE_COLOR_8 = '/^[A-F0-9]{8}$/i'; private const INDEXED_COLORS = [ 1 => 'FF000000', // System Colour #1 - Black 2 => 'FFFFFFFF', // System Colour #2 - White 3 => 'FFFF0000', // System Colour #3 - Red 4 => 'FF00FF00', // System Colour #4 - Green 5 => 'FF0000FF', // System Colour #5 - Blue 6 => 'FFFFFF00', // System Colour #6 - Yellow 7 => 'FFFF00FF', // System Colour #7- Magenta 8 => 'FF00FFFF', // System Colour #8- Cyan 9 => 'FF800000', // Standard Colour #9 10 => 'FF008000', // Standard Colour #10 11 => 'FF000080', // Standard Colour #11 12 => 'FF808000', // Standard Colour #12 13 => 'FF800080', // Standard Colour #13 14 => 'FF008080', // Standard Colour #14 15 => 'FFC0C0C0', // Standard Colour #15 16 => 'FF808080', // Standard Colour #16 17 => 'FF9999FF', // Chart Fill Colour #17 18 => 'FF993366', // Chart Fill Colour #18 19 => 'FFFFFFCC', // Chart Fill Colour #19 20 => 'FFCCFFFF', // Chart Fill Colour #20 21 => 'FF660066', // Chart Fill Colour #21 22 => 'FFFF8080', // Chart Fill Colour #22 23 => 'FF0066CC', // Chart Fill Colour #23 24 => 'FFCCCCFF', // Chart Fill Colour #24 25 => 'FF000080', // Chart Line Colour #25 26 => 'FFFF00FF', // Chart Line Colour #26 27 => 'FFFFFF00', // Chart Line Colour #27 28 => 'FF00FFFF', // Chart Line Colour #28 29 => 'FF800080', // Chart Line Colour #29 30 => 'FF800000', // Chart Line Colour #30 31 => 'FF008080', // Chart Line Colour #31 32 => 'FF0000FF', // Chart Line Colour #32 33 => 'FF00CCFF', // Standard Colour #33 34 => 'FFCCFFFF', // Standard Colour #34 35 => 'FFCCFFCC', // Standard Colour #35 36 => 'FFFFFF99', // Standard Colour #36 37 => 'FF99CCFF', // Standard Colour #37 38 => 'FFFF99CC', // Standard Colour #38 39 => 'FFCC99FF', // Standard Colour #39 40 => 'FFFFCC99', // Standard Colour #40 41 => 'FF3366FF', // Standard Colour #41 42 => 'FF33CCCC', // Standard Colour #42 43 => 'FF99CC00', // Standard Colour #43 44 => 'FFFFCC00', // Standard Colour #44 45 => 'FFFF9900', // Standard Colour #45 46 => 'FFFF6600', // Standard Colour #46 47 => 'FF666699', // Standard Colour #47 48 => 'FF969696', // Standard Colour #48 49 => 'FF003366', // Standard Colour #49 50 => 'FF339966', // Standard Colour #50 51 => 'FF003300', // Standard Colour #51 52 => 'FF333300', // Standard Colour #52 53 => 'FF993300', // Standard Colour #53 54 => 'FF993366', // Standard Colour #54 55 => 'FF333399', // Standard Colour #55 56 => 'FF333333', // Standard Colour #56 ]; /** * ARGB - Alpha RGB. * * @var null|string */ protected $argb; /** @var bool */ private $hasChanged = false; /** * Create a new Color. * * @param string $colorValue ARGB value for the colour, or named colour * @param bool $isSupervisor Flag indicating if this is a supervisor or not * Leave this value at default unless you understand exactly what * its ramifications are * @param bool $isConditional Flag indicating if this is a conditional style or not * Leave this value at default unless you understand exactly what * its ramifications are */ public function __construct($colorValue = self::COLOR_BLACK, $isSupervisor = false, $isConditional = false) { // Supervisor? parent::__construct($isSupervisor); // Initialise values if (!$isConditional) { $this->argb = $this->validateColor($colorValue) ?: self::COLOR_BLACK; } } /** * Get the shared style component for the currently active cell in currently active sheet. * Only used for style supervisor. * * @return Color */ public function getSharedComponent() { /** @var Style */ $parent = $this->parent; /** @var Border|Fill $sharedComponent */ $sharedComponent = $parent->getSharedComponent(); if ($sharedComponent instanceof Fill) { if ($this->parentPropertyName === 'endColor') { return $sharedComponent->getEndColor(); } return $sharedComponent->getStartColor(); } return $sharedComponent->getColor(); } /** * Build style array from subcomponents. * * @param array $array * * @return array */ public function getStyleArray($array) { /** @var Style */ $parent = $this->parent; return $parent->/** @scrutinizer ignore-call */ getStyleArray([$this->parentPropertyName => $array]); } /** * Apply styles from array. * * <code> * $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('B2')->getFont()->getColor()->applyFromArray(['rgb' => '808080']); * </code> * * @param array $styleArray Array containing style information * * @return $this */ public function applyFromArray(array $styleArray) { if ($this->isSupervisor) { $this->getActiveSheet()->getStyle($this->getSelectedCells())->applyFromArray($this->getStyleArray($styleArray)); } else { if (isset($styleArray['rgb'])) { $this->setRGB($styleArray['rgb']); } if (isset($styleArray['argb'])) { $this->setARGB($styleArray['argb']); } } return $this; } private function validateColor(?string $colorValue): string { if ($colorValue === null || $colorValue === '') { return self::COLOR_BLACK; } $named = ucfirst(strtolower($colorValue)); if (array_key_exists($named, self::NAMED_COLOR_TRANSLATIONS)) { return self::NAMED_COLOR_TRANSLATIONS[$named]; } if (preg_match(self::VALIDATE_COLOR_8, $colorValue) === 1) { return $colorValue; } if (preg_match(self::VALIDATE_COLOR_6, $colorValue) === 1) { return 'FF' . $colorValue; } return ''; } /** * Get ARGB. */ public function getARGB(): ?string { if ($this->isSupervisor) { return $this->getSharedComponent()->getARGB(); } return $this->argb; } /** * Set ARGB. * * @param string $colorValue ARGB value, or a named color * * @return $this */ public function setARGB(?string $colorValue = self::COLOR_BLACK) { $this->hasChanged = true; $colorValue = $this->validateColor($colorValue); if ($colorValue === '') { return $this; } if ($this->isSupervisor) { $styleArray = $this->getStyleArray(['argb' => $colorValue]); $this->getActiveSheet()->getStyle($this->getSelectedCells())->applyFromArray($styleArray); } else { $this->argb = $colorValue; } return $this; } /** * Get RGB. */ public function getRGB(): string { if ($this->isSupervisor) { return $this->getSharedComponent()->getRGB(); } return substr($this->argb ?? '', 2); } /** * Set RGB. * * @param string $colorValue RGB value, or a named color * * @return $this */ public function setRGB(?string $colorValue = self::COLOR_BLACK) { return $this->setARGB($colorValue); } /** * Get a specified colour component of an RGB value. * * @param string $rgbValue The colour as an RGB value (e.g. FF00CCCC or CCDDEE * @param int $offset Position within the RGB value to extract * @param bool $hex Flag indicating whether the component should be returned as a hex or a * decimal value * * @return int|string The extracted colour component */ private static function getColourComponent($rgbValue, $offset, $hex = true) { $colour = substr($rgbValue, $offset, 2) ?: ''; if (preg_match('/^[0-9a-f]{2}$/i', $colour) !== 1) { $colour = '00'; } return ($hex) ? $colour : (int) hexdec($colour); } /** * Get the red colour component of an RGB value. * * @param string $rgbValue The colour as an RGB value (e.g. FF00CCCC or CCDDEE * @param bool $hex Flag indicating whether the component should be returned as a hex or a * decimal value * * @return int|string The red colour component */ public static function getRed($rgbValue, $hex = true) { return self::getColourComponent($rgbValue, strlen($rgbValue) - 6, $hex); } /** * Get the green colour component of an RGB value. * * @param string $rgbValue The colour as an RGB value (e.g. FF00CCCC or CCDDEE * @param bool $hex Flag indicating whether the component should be returned as a hex or a * decimal value * * @return int|string The green colour component */ public static function getGreen($rgbValue, $hex = true) { return self::getColourComponent($rgbValue, strlen($rgbValue) - 4, $hex); } /** * Get the blue colour component of an RGB value. * * @param string $rgbValue The colour as an RGB value (e.g. FF00CCCC or CCDDEE * @param bool $hex Flag indicating whether the component should be returned as a hex or a * decimal value * * @return int|string The blue colour component */ public static function getBlue($rgbValue, $hex = true) { return self::getColourComponent($rgbValue, strlen($rgbValue) - 2, $hex); } /** * Adjust the brightness of a color. * * @param string $hexColourValue The colour as an RGBA or RGB value (e.g. FF00CCCC or CCDDEE) * @param float $adjustPercentage The percentage by which to adjust the colour as a float from -1 to 1 * * @return string The adjusted colour as an RGBA or RGB value (e.g. FF00CCCC or CCDDEE) */ public static function changeBrightness($hexColourValue, $adjustPercentage) { $rgba = (strlen($hexColourValue) === 8); $adjustPercentage = max(-1.0, min(1.0, $adjustPercentage)); /** @var int $red */ $red = self::getRed($hexColourValue, false); /** @var int $green */ $green = self::getGreen($hexColourValue, false); /** @var int $blue */ $blue = self::getBlue($hexColourValue, false); return (($rgba) ? 'FF' : '') . RgbTint::rgbAndTintToRgb($red, $green, $blue, $adjustPercentage); } /** * Get indexed color. * * @param int $colorIndex Index entry point into the colour array * @param bool $background Flag to indicate whether default background or foreground colour * should be returned if the indexed colour doesn't exist */ public static function indexedColor($colorIndex, $background = false, ?array $palette = null): self { // Clean parameter $colorIndex = (int) $colorIndex; if (empty($palette)) { if (isset(self::INDEXED_COLORS[$colorIndex])) { return new self(self::INDEXED_COLORS[$colorIndex]); } } else { if (isset($palette[$colorIndex])) { return new self($palette[$colorIndex]); } } return ($background) ? new self(self::COLOR_WHITE) : new self(self::COLOR_BLACK); } /** * Get hash code. * * @return string Hash code */ public function getHashCode(): string { if ($this->isSupervisor) { return $this->getSharedComponent()->getHashCode(); } return md5( $this->argb . __CLASS__ ); } protected function exportArray1(): array { $exportedArray = []; $this->exportArray2($exportedArray, 'argb', $this->getARGB()); return $exportedArray; } public function getHasChanged(): bool { if ($this->isSupervisor) { return $this->getSharedComponent()->hasChanged; } return $this->hasChanged; } }
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