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" Language: tmux(1) configuration file " Version: 2.9a (git-0d64531f) " URL: https://github.com/ericpruitt/tmux.vim/ " Maintainer: Eric Pruitt <eric.pruitt@gmail.com> " License: 2-Clause BSD (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause) if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " Explicitly change compatiblity options to Vim's defaults because this file " uses line continuations. let s:original_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim let b:current_syntax = "tmux" syntax iskeyword @,48-57,_,192-255,- syntax case match syn keyword tmuxAction none any current other syn keyword tmuxBoolean off on syn keyword tmuxTodo FIXME NOTE TODO XXX contained syn match tmuxColour /\<colour[0-9]\+/ display syn match tmuxKey /\(C-\|M-\|\^\)\+\S\+/ display syn match tmuxNumber /\<\d\+\>/ display syn match tmuxFlags /\s-\a\+/ display syn match tmuxVariable /\w\+=/ display syn match tmuxVariableExpansion /\${\=\w\+}\=/ display syn region tmuxComment start=/#/ skip=/\\\@<!\\$/ end=/$/ contains=tmuxTodo syn region tmuxString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"\|\\$+ excludenl end=+"+ end='$' contains=tmuxFormatString syn region tmuxString start=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'\|\\$+ excludenl end=+'+ end='$' contains=tmuxFormatString " TODO: Figure out how escaping works inside of #(...) and #{...} blocks. syn region tmuxFormatString start=/#[#DFhHIPSTW]/ end=// contained keepend syn region tmuxFormatString start=/#{/ skip=/#{.\{-}}/ end=/}/ contained keepend syn region tmuxFormatString start=/#(/ skip=/#(.\{-})/ end=/)/ contained keepend hi def link tmuxFormatString Identifier hi def link tmuxAction Boolean hi def link tmuxBoolean Boolean hi def link tmuxCommands Keyword hi def link tmuxComment Comment hi def link tmuxKey Special hi def link tmuxNumber Number hi def link tmuxFlags Identifier hi def link tmuxOptions Function hi def link tmuxString String hi def link tmuxTodo Todo hi def link tmuxVariable Identifier hi def link tmuxVariableExpansion Identifier " Make the foreground of colourXXX keywords match the color they represent. " Darker colors have their background set to white. for s:i in range(0, 255) let s:bg = (!s:i || s:i == 16 || (s:i > 231 && s:i < 235)) ? 15 : "none" exec "syn match tmuxColour" . s:i . " /\\<colour" . s:i . "\\>/ display" \ " | highlight tmuxColour" . s:i . " ctermfg=" . s:i . " ctermbg=" . s:bg endfor syn keyword tmuxOptions \ buffer-limit command-alias default-terminal escape-time exit-empty \ activity-action assume-paste-time base-index bell-action default-command \ default-shell default-size destroy-unattached detach-on-destroy \ display-panes-active-colour display-panes-colour display-panes-time \ display-time exit-unattached focus-events history-file history-limit \ key-table lock-after-time lock-command message-command-style message-limit \ message-style mouse aggressive-resize allow-rename alternate-screen \ automatic-rename automatic-rename-format clock-mode-colour \ clock-mode-style main-pane-height main-pane-width mode-keys mode-style \ monitor-activity monitor-bell monitor-silence other-pane-height \ other-pane-width pane-active-border-style pane-base-index \ pane-border-format pane-border-status pane-border-style prefix prefix2 \ remain-on-exit renumber-windows repeat-time set-clipboard set-titles \ set-titles-string silence-action status status-bg status-fg status-format \ status-interval status-justify status-keys status-left status-left-length \ status-left-style status-position status-right status-right-length \ status-right-style status-style synchronize-panes terminal-overrides \ update-environment user-keys visual-activity visual-bell visual-silence \ window-active-style window-size window-status-activity-style \ window-status-bell-style window-status-current-format \ window-status-current-style window-status-format window-status-last-style \ window-status-separator window-status-style window-style word-separators \ wrap-search xterm-keys syn keyword tmuxCommands \ attach attach-session bind bind-key break-pane breakp capture-pane \ capturep choose-buffer choose-client choose-tree clear-history clearhist \ clock-mode command-prompt confirm confirm-before copy-mode detach \ detach-client display display-menu display-message display-panes displayp \ find-window findw if if-shell join-pane joinp kill-pane kill-server \ kill-session kill-window killp has-session has killw link-window linkw \ list-buffers list-clients list-commands list-keys list-panes list-sessions \ list-windows load-buffer loadb lock lock-client lock-server lock-session \ lockc last-pane lastp locks ls last-window last lsb lsc delete-buffer \ deleteb lscm lsk lsp lsw menu move-pane move-window movep movew new \ new-session new-window neww next next-layout next-window nextl \ paste-buffer pasteb pipe-pane pipep prev previous-layout previous-window \ prevl refresh refresh-client rename rename-session rename-window renamew \ resize-pane resize-window resizep resizew respawn-pane respawn-window \ respawnp respawnw rotate-window rotatew run run-shell save-buffer saveb \ select-layout select-pane select-window selectl selectp selectw send \ send-keys send-prefix set set-buffer set-environment set-hook set-option \ set-window-option setb setenv setw show show-buffer show-environment \ show-hooks show-messages show-options show-window-options showb showenv \ showmsgs showw source source-file split-window splitw start start-server \ suspend-client suspendc swap-pane swap-window swapp swapw switch-client \ switchc unbind unbind-key unlink-window unlinkw wait wait-for let &cpo = s:original_cpo unlet! s:original_cpo s:bg s:i
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