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" matchit.vim: (global plugin) Extended "%" matching " Maintainer: Christian Brabandt " Version: 1.16 " Last Change: 2019 Oct 24 " Repository: https://github.com/chrisbra/matchit " Previous URL:http://www.vim.org/script.php?script_id=39 " Previous Maintainer: Benji Fisher PhD <benji@member.AMS.org> " Documentation: " The documentation is in a separate file: ../doc/matchit.txt " Credits: " Vim editor by Bram Moolenaar (Thanks, Bram!) " Original script and design by Raul Segura Acevedo " Support for comments by Douglas Potts " Support for back references and other improvements by Benji Fisher " Support for many languages by Johannes Zellner " Suggestions for improvement, bug reports, and support for additional " languages by Jordi-Albert Batalla, Neil Bird, Servatius Brandt, Mark " Collett, Stephen Wall, Dany St-Amant, Yuheng Xie, and Johannes Zellner. " Debugging: " If you'd like to try the built-in debugging commands... " :MatchDebug to activate debugging for the current buffer " This saves the values of several key script variables as buffer-local " variables. See the MatchDebug() function, below, for details. " TODO: I should think about multi-line patterns for b:match_words. " This would require an option: how many lines to scan (default 1). " This would be useful for Python, maybe also for *ML. " TODO: Maybe I should add a menu so that people will actually use some of " the features that I have implemented. " TODO: Eliminate the MultiMatch function. Add yet another argument to " Match_wrapper() instead. " TODO: Allow :let b:match_words = '\(\(foo\)\(bar\)\):\3\2:end\1' " TODO: Make backrefs safer by using '\V' (very no-magic). " TODO: Add a level of indirection, so that custom % scripts can use my " work but extend it. " Allow user to prevent loading and prevent duplicate loading. if exists("g:loaded_matchit") || &cp finish endif let g:loaded_matchit = 1 let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(MatchitNormalForward) :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',1,'n')<CR> nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(MatchitNormalBackward) :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',0,'n')<CR> xnoremap <silent> <Plug>(MatchitVisualForward) :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',1,'v')<CR>m'gv`` xnoremap <silent> <Plug>(MatchitVisualBackward) :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',0,'v')<CR>m'gv`` onoremap <silent> <Plug>(MatchitOperationForward) :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',1,'o')<CR> onoremap <silent> <Plug>(MatchitOperationBackward) :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',0,'o')<CR> nmap <silent> % <Plug>(MatchitNormalForward) nmap <silent> g% <Plug>(MatchitNormalBackward) xmap <silent> % <Plug>(MatchitVisualForward) xmap <silent> g% <Plug>(MatchitVisualBackward) omap <silent> % <Plug>(MatchitOperationForward) omap <silent> g% <Plug>(MatchitOperationBackward) " Analogues of [{ and ]} using matching patterns: nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiBackward) :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("bW", "n")<CR> nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiForward) :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("W", "n")<CR> xnoremap <silent> <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiBackward) :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("bW", "n")<CR>m'gv`` xnoremap <silent> <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiForward) :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("W", "n")<CR>m'gv`` onoremap <silent> <Plug>(MatchitOperationMultiBackward) :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("bW", "o")<CR> onoremap <silent> <Plug>(MatchitOperationMultiForward) :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("W", "o")<CR> nmap <silent> [% <Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiBackward) nmap <silent> ]% <Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiForward) xmap <silent> [% <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiBackward) xmap <silent> ]% <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiForward) omap <silent> [% <Plug>(MatchitOperationMultiBackward) omap <silent> ]% <Plug>(MatchitOperationMultiForward) " text object: xmap <silent> <Plug>(MatchitVisualTextObject) <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiBackward)o<Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiForward) xmap a% <Plug>(MatchitVisualTextObject) " Call this function to turn on debugging information. Every time the main " script is run, buffer variables will be saved. These can be used directly " or viewed using the menu items below. if !exists(":MatchDebug") command! -nargs=0 MatchDebug call matchit#Match_debug() endif let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim:sts=2:sw=2:et:
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