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#!/usr/bin/perl -w # This file was preprocessed, do not edit! package Debconf::FrontEnd::Passthrough; use strict; use Carp; use IO::Socket; use IO::Handle; use IO::Select; use Debconf::FrontEnd; use Debconf::Element; use Debconf::Element::Select; use Debconf::Element::Multiselect; use Debconf::Log qw(:all); use Debconf::Encoding; use base qw(Debconf::FrontEnd); sub init { my $this=shift; if (not defined $this->{readfh} or not defined $this->{writefh}) { if (not defined $this->init_fh_from_env()) { die "Neither DEBCONF_PIPE nor DEBCONF_READFD and DEBCONF_WRITEFD were set\n"; } } binmode $this->{readfh}, ":utf8"; binmode $this->{writefh}, ":utf8"; $this->{readfh}->autoflush(1); $this->{writefh}->autoflush(1); $this->elements([]); $this->interactive(1); $this->need_tty(0); } sub init_fh_from_env { my $this = shift; my ($socket_path, $readfd, $writefd); if (defined $ENV{DEBCONF_PIPE}) { my $socket_path = $ENV{DEBCONF_PIPE}; $this->{readfh} = $this->{writefh} = IO::Socket::UNIX->new( Type => SOCK_STREAM, Peer => $socket_path ) || croak "Cannot connect to $socket_path: $!"; return "socket"; } elsif (defined $ENV{DEBCONF_READFD} and defined $ENV{DEBCONF_WRITEFD}) { $readfd = $ENV{DEBCONF_READFD}; $writefd = $ENV{DEBCONF_WRITEFD}; $this->{readfh} = IO::Handle->new_from_fd(int($readfd), "r") or croak "Failed to open fd $readfd: $!"; $this->{writefh} = IO::Handle->new_from_fd(int($writefd), "w") or croak "Failed to open fd $writefd: $!"; return "fifo"; } return undef; } sub talk_with_timeout { my $this=shift; my $timeout=shift; my $command=join(' ', map { Debconf::Encoding::to_Unicode($_) } @_); my $reply; my $readfh = $this->{readfh} || croak "Broken pipe"; my $writefh = $this->{writefh} || croak "Broken pipe"; debug developer => "----> (passthrough) $command"; print $writefh $command."\n"; $writefh->flush; if (defined $timeout) { my $select = IO::Select->new($readfh); return undef if !$select->can_read($timeout); } return undef if ($readfh->eof()); $reply = <$readfh>; chomp($reply); debug developer => "<---- (passthrough) $reply"; my ($tag, $val) = split(' ', $reply, 2); $val = '' unless defined $val; $val = Debconf::Encoding::convert("UTF-8", $val); return ($tag, $val) if wantarray; return $tag; } sub talk { my $this=shift; return $this->talk_with_timeout(undef, @_); } sub makeelement { my $this=shift; my $question=shift; my $type=$question->type; if ($type eq "select" || $type eq "multiselect") { $type=ucfirst($type); return "Debconf::Element::$type"->new(question => $question); } else { return Debconf::Element->new(question => $question); } } sub capb_backup { my $this=shift; my $val = shift; $this->{capb_backup} = $val; $this->talk('CAPB', 'backup') if $val; } sub capb { my $this=shift; my $ret; return $this->{capb} if exists $this->{capb}; ($ret, $this->{capb}) = $this->talk('CAPB'); return $this->{capb} if $ret eq '0'; } sub title { my $this = shift; return $this->{title} unless @_; my $title = shift; $this->{title} = $title; $this->talk('TITLE', $title); } sub settitle { my $this = shift; my $question = shift; $this->{title} = $question->description; my $tag = $question->template->template; my $type = $question->template->type; my $desc = $question->description; my $extdesc = $question->extended_description; $this->talk('DATA', $tag, 'type', $type); if ($desc) { $desc =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $this->talk('DATA', $tag, 'description', $desc); } if ($extdesc) { $extdesc =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $this->talk('DATA', $tag, 'extended_description', $extdesc); } $this->talk('SETTITLE', $tag); } sub go { my $this = shift; my @elements=grep $_->visible, @{$this->elements}; foreach my $element (@elements) { my $question = $element->question; my $tag = $question->template->template; my $type = $question->template->type; my $desc = $question->description; my $extdesc = $question->extended_description; my $default; if ($type eq 'select') { $default = $element->translate_default; } elsif ($type eq 'multiselect') { $default = join ', ', $element->translate_default; } else { $default = $question->value; } $this->talk('DATA', $tag, 'type', $type); if ($desc) { $desc =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $this->talk('DATA', $tag, 'description', $desc); } if ($extdesc) { $extdesc =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $this->talk('DATA', $tag, 'extended_description', $extdesc); } if ($type eq "select" || $type eq "multiselect") { my $choices = $question->choices; $choices =~ s/\n/\\n/g if ($choices); $this->talk('DATA', $tag, 'choices', $choices); } $this->talk('SET', $tag, $default) if $default ne ''; my @vars=$Debconf::Db::config->variables($question->{name}); for my $var (@vars) { my $val=$Debconf::Db::config->getvariable($question->{name}, $var); $val='' unless defined $val; $this->talk('SUBST', $tag, $var, $val); } $this->talk('INPUT', $question->priority, $tag); } if (@elements && (scalar($this->talk('GO')) eq "30") && $this->{capb_backup}) { return; } foreach my $element (@{$this->elements}) { if ($element->visible) { my $tag = $element->question->template->template; my $type = $element->question->template->type; my ($ret, $val)=$this->talk('GET', $tag); if ($ret eq "0") { if ($type eq 'select') { $element->value($element->translate_to_C($val)); } elsif ($type eq 'multiselect') { $element->value(join(', ', map { $element->translate_to_C($_) } split(', ', $val))); } else { $element->value($val); } debug developer => "Got \"$val\" for $tag"; } } else { $element->show; } } return 1; } sub progress_data { my $this=shift; my $question=shift; my $tag=$question->template->template; my $type=$question->template->type; my $desc=$question->description; my $extdesc=$question->extended_description; $this->talk('DATA', $tag, 'type', $type); if ($desc) { $desc =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $this->talk('DATA', $tag, 'description', $desc); } if ($extdesc) { $extdesc =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $this->talk('DATA', $tag, 'extended_description', $extdesc); } } sub progress_start { my $this=shift; $this->progress_data($_[2]); return $this->talk('PROGRESS', 'START', $_[0], $_[1], $_[2]->template->template); } sub progress_set { my $this=shift; return (scalar($this->talk('PROGRESS', 'SET', $_[0])) ne "30"); } sub progress_step { my $this=shift; return (scalar($this->talk('PROGRESS', 'STEP', $_[0])) ne "30"); } sub progress_info { my $this=shift; $this->progress_data($_[0]); return (scalar($this->talk('PROGRESS', 'INFO', $_[0]->template->template)) ne "30"); } sub progress_stop { my $this=shift; return $this->talk('PROGRESS', 'STOP'); } sub shutdown { my $this=shift; $this->SUPER::shutdown(); if (defined $this->{readfh} && (not defined $this->{writefh} or $this->{readfh} != $this->{writefh})) { close $this->{readfh}; delete $this->{readfh}; } if (defined $this->{writefh}) { close $this->{writefh}; delete $this->{writefh}; } } 1
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