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require 5; package Pod::Simple::SimpleTree; use strict; use Carp (); use Pod::Simple (); use vars qw( $ATTR_PAD @ISA $VERSION $SORT_ATTRS); $VERSION = '3.35'; BEGIN { @ISA = ('Pod::Simple'); *DEBUG = \&Pod::Simple::DEBUG unless defined &DEBUG; } __PACKAGE__->_accessorize( 'root', # root of the tree ); #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sub _handle_element_start { # self, tagname, attrhash DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "Handling $_[1] start-event\n"; my $x = [$_[1], $_[2]]; if($_[0]{'_currpos'}) { push @{ $_[0]{'_currpos'}[0] }, $x; # insert in parent's child-list unshift @{ $_[0]{'_currpos'} }, $x; # prefix to stack } else { DEBUG and print STDERR " And oo, it gets to be root!\n"; $_[0]{'_currpos'} = [ $_[0]{'root'} = $x ]; # first event! set to stack, and set as root. } DEBUG > 3 and print STDERR "Stack is now: ", join(">", map $_->[0], @{$_[0]{'_currpos'}}), "\n"; return; } sub _handle_element_end { # self, tagname DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "Handling $_[1] end-event\n"; shift @{$_[0]{'_currpos'}}; DEBUG > 3 and print STDERR "Stack is now: ", join(">", map $_->[0], @{$_[0]{'_currpos'}}), "\n"; return; } sub _handle_text { # self, text DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "Handling $_[1] text-event\n"; push @{ $_[0]{'_currpos'}[0] }, $_[1]; return; } # A bit of evil from the black box... please avert your eyes, kind souls. sub _traverse_treelet_bit { DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "Handling $_[1] paragraph event\n"; my $self = shift; push @{ $self->{'_currpos'}[0] }, [@_]; return; } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Pod::Simple::SimpleTree -- parse Pod into a simple parse tree =head1 SYNOPSIS % cat ptest.pod =head1 PIE I like B<pie>! % perl -MPod::Simple::SimpleTree -MData::Dumper -e \ "print Dumper(Pod::Simple::SimpleTree->new->parse_file(shift)->root)" \ ptest.pod $VAR1 = [ 'Document', { 'start_line' => 1 }, [ 'head1', { 'start_line' => 1 }, 'PIE' ], [ 'Para', { 'start_line' => 3 }, 'I like ', [ 'B', {}, 'pie' ], '!' ] ]; =head1 DESCRIPTION This class is of interest to people writing a Pod processor/formatter. This class takes Pod and parses it, returning a parse tree made just of arrayrefs, and hashrefs, and strings. This is a subclass of L<Pod::Simple> and inherits all its methods. This class is inspired by XML::Parser's "Tree" parsing-style, although it doesn't use exactly the same LoL format. =head1 METHODS At the end of the parse, call C<< $parser->root >> to get the tree's top node. =head1 Tree Contents Every element node in the parse tree is represented by an arrayref of the form: C<[ I<elementname>, \%attributes, I<...subnodes...> ]>. See the example tree dump in the Synopsis, above. Every text node in the tree is represented by a simple (non-ref) string scalar. So you can test C<ref($node)> to see whether you have an element node or just a text node. The top node in the tree is C<[ 'Document', \%attributes, I<...subnodes...> ]> =head1 SEE ALSO L<Pod::Simple> L<perllol> L<The "Tree" subsubsection in XML::Parser|XML::Parser/"Tree"> =head1 SUPPORT Questions or discussion about POD and Pod::Simple should be sent to the pod-people@perl.org mail list. Send an empty email to pod-people-subscribe@perl.org to subscribe. This module is managed in an open GitHub repository, L<https://github.com/perl-pod/pod-simple/>. Feel free to fork and contribute, or to clone L<git://github.com/perl-pod/pod-simple.git> and send patches! Patches against Pod::Simple are welcome. Please send bug reports to <bug-pod-simple@rt.cpan.org>. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMERS Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. =head1 AUTHOR Pod::Simple was created by Sean M. Burke <sburke@cpan.org>. But don't bother him, he's retired. Pod::Simple is maintained by: =over =item * Allison Randal C<allison@perl.org> =item * Hans Dieter Pearcey C<hdp@cpan.org> =item * David E. Wheeler C<dwheeler@cpan.org> =back =cut
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