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package ExtUtils::Install; use strict; use Config qw(%Config); use Cwd qw(cwd); use Exporter (); use File::Basename qw(dirname); use File::Copy; use File::Path; use File::Spec; our @ISA = ('Exporter'); our @EXPORT = ('install','uninstall','pm_to_blib', 'install_default'); our $MUST_REBOOT; =pod =head1 NAME ExtUtils::Install - install files from here to there =head1 SYNOPSIS use ExtUtils::Install; install({ 'blib/lib' => 'some/install/dir' } ); uninstall($packlist); pm_to_blib({ 'lib/Foo/Bar.pm' => 'blib/lib/Foo/Bar.pm' }); =head1 VERSION 2.14 =cut our $VERSION = '2.14'; # <-- do not forget to update the POD section just above this line! $VERSION = eval $VERSION; =pod =head1 DESCRIPTION Handles the installing and uninstalling of perl modules, scripts, man pages, etc... Both install() and uninstall() are specific to the way ExtUtils::MakeMaker handles the installation and deinstallation of perl modules. They are not designed as general purpose tools. On some operating systems such as Win32 installation may not be possible until after a reboot has occurred. This can have varying consequences: removing an old DLL does not impact programs using the new one, but if a new DLL cannot be installed properly until reboot then anything depending on it must wait. The package variable $ExtUtils::Install::MUST_REBOOT is used to store this status. If this variable is true then such an operation has occurred and anything depending on this module cannot proceed until a reboot has occurred. If this value is defined but false then such an operation has ocurred, but should not impact later operations. =over =begin _private =item _chmod($$;$) Wrapper to chmod() for debugging and error trapping. =item _warnonce(@) Warns about something only once. =item _choke(@) Dies with a special message. =back =end _private =cut BEGIN { *Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS' ? sub(){1} : sub(){0}; *Is_Win32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? sub(){1} : sub(){0}; *Is_cygwin = $^O eq 'cygwin' ? sub(){1} : sub(){0}; *CanMoveAtBoot = ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'cygwin') ? sub(){1} : sub(){0}; } my $Inc_uninstall_warn_handler; # install relative to here my $INSTALL_ROOT = $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}; my $INSTALL_QUIET = $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_QUIET}; $INSTALL_QUIET = 1 if (!exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_QUIET} and defined $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} and $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} =~ /\b(s|silent|quiet)\b/); my $Curdir = File::Spec->curdir; sub _estr(@) { return join "\n",'!' x 72,@_,'!' x 72,''; } {my %warned; sub _warnonce(@) { my $first=shift; my $msg=_estr "WARNING: $first",@_; warn $msg unless $warned{$msg}++; }} sub _choke(@) { my $first=shift; my $msg=_estr "ERROR: $first",@_; require Carp; Carp::croak($msg); } sub _croak { require Carp; Carp::croak(@_); } sub _confess { require Carp; Carp::confess(@_); } sub _compare { require File::Compare; File::Compare::compare(@_); } sub _chmod($$;$) { my ( $mode, $item, $verbose )=@_; $verbose ||= 0; if (chmod $mode, $item) { printf "chmod(0%o, %s)\n",$mode, $item if $verbose > 1; } else { my $err="$!"; _warnonce sprintf "WARNING: Failed chmod(0%o, %s): %s\n", $mode, $item, $err if -e $item; } } =begin _private =over =item _move_file_at_boot( $file, $target, $moan ) OS-Specific, Win32/Cygwin Schedules a file to be moved/renamed/deleted at next boot. $file should be a filespec of an existing file $target should be a ref to an array if the file is to be deleted otherwise it should be a filespec for a rename. If the file is existing it will be replaced. Sets $MUST_REBOOT to 0 to indicate a deletion operation has occurred and sets it to 1 to indicate that a move operation has been requested. returns 1 on success, on failure if $moan is false errors are fatal. If $moan is true then returns 0 on error and warns instead of dies. =end _private =cut { my $Has_Win32API_File; sub _move_file_at_boot { #XXX OS-SPECIFIC my ( $file, $target, $moan )= @_; _confess("Panic: Can't _move_file_at_boot on this platform!") unless CanMoveAtBoot; my $descr= ref $target ? "'$file' for deletion" : "'$file' for installation as '$target'"; # *note* CanMoveAtBoot is only incidentally the same condition as below # this needs not hold true in the future. $Has_Win32API_File = (Is_Win32 || Is_cygwin) ? (eval {require Win32API::File; 1} || 0) : 0 unless defined $Has_Win32API_File; if ( ! $Has_Win32API_File ) { my @msg=( "Cannot schedule $descr at reboot.", "Try installing Win32API::File to allow operations on locked files", "to be scheduled during reboot. Or try to perform the operation by", "hand yourself. (You may need to close other perl processes first)" ); if ( $moan ) { _warnonce(@msg) } else { _choke(@msg) } return 0; } my $opts= Win32API::File::MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT(); $opts= $opts | Win32API::File::MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING() unless ref $target; _chmod( 0666, $file ); _chmod( 0666, $target ) unless ref $target; if (Win32API::File::MoveFileEx( $file, $target, $opts )) { $MUST_REBOOT ||= ref $target ? 0 : 1; return 1; } else { my @msg=( "MoveFileEx $descr at reboot failed: $^E", "You may try to perform the operation by hand yourself. ", "(You may need to close other perl processes first).", ); if ( $moan ) { _warnonce(@msg) } else { _choke(@msg) } } return 0; } } =begin _private =item _unlink_or_rename( $file, $tryhard, $installing ) OS-Specific, Win32/Cygwin Tries to get a file out of the way by unlinking it or renaming it. On some OS'es (Win32 based) DLL files can end up locked such that they can be renamed but not deleted. Likewise sometimes a file can be locked such that it cant even be renamed or changed except at reboot. To handle these cases this routine finds a tempfile name that it can either rename the file out of the way or use as a proxy for the install so that the rename can happen later (at reboot). $file : the file to remove. $tryhard : should advanced tricks be used for deletion $installing : we are not merely deleting but we want to overwrite When $tryhard is not true if the unlink fails its fatal. When $tryhard is true then the file is attempted to be renamed. The renamed file is then scheduled for deletion. If the rename fails then $installing governs what happens. If it is false the failure is fatal. If it is true then an attempt is made to schedule installation at boot using a temporary file to hold the new file. If this fails then a fatal error is thrown, if it succeeds it returns the temporary file name (which will be a derivative of the original in the same directory) so that the caller can use it to install under. In all other cases of success returns $file. On failure throws a fatal error. =end _private =cut sub _unlink_or_rename { #XXX OS-SPECIFIC my ( $file, $tryhard, $installing )= @_; # this chmod was originally unconditional. However, its not needed on # POSIXy systems since permission to unlink a file is specified by the # directory rather than the file; and in fact it screwed up hard- and # symlinked files. Keep it for other platforms in case its still # needed there. if ($^O =~ /^(dos|os2|MSWin32|VMS)$/) { _chmod( 0666, $file ); } my $unlink_count = 0; while (unlink $file) { $unlink_count++; } return $file if $unlink_count > 0; my $error="$!"; _choke("Cannot unlink '$file': $!") unless CanMoveAtBoot && $tryhard; my $tmp= "AAA"; ++$tmp while -e "$file.$tmp"; $tmp= "$file.$tmp"; warn "WARNING: Unable to unlink '$file': $error\n", "Going to try to rename it to '$tmp'.\n"; if ( rename $file, $tmp ) { warn "Rename successful. Scheduling '$tmp'\nfor deletion at reboot.\n"; # when $installing we can set $moan to true. # IOW, if we cant delete the renamed file at reboot its # not the end of the world. The other cases are more serious # and need to be fatal. _move_file_at_boot( $tmp, [], $installing ); return $file; } elsif ( $installing ) { _warnonce("Rename failed: $!. Scheduling '$tmp'\nfor". " installation as '$file' at reboot.\n"); _move_file_at_boot( $tmp, $file ); return $tmp; } else { _choke("Rename failed:$!", "Cannot proceed."); } } =pod =back =head2 Functions =begin _private =over =item _get_install_skip Handles loading the INSTALL.SKIP file. Returns an array of patterns to use. =cut sub _get_install_skip { my ( $skip, $verbose )= @_; if ($ENV{EU_INSTALL_IGNORE_SKIP}) { print "EU_INSTALL_IGNORE_SKIP is set, ignore skipfile settings\n" if $verbose>2; return []; } if ( ! defined $skip ) { print "Looking for install skip list\n" if $verbose>2; for my $file ( 'INSTALL.SKIP', $ENV{EU_INSTALL_SITE_SKIPFILE} ) { next unless $file; print "\tChecking for $file\n" if $verbose>2; if (-e $file) { $skip= $file; last; } } } if ($skip && !ref $skip) { print "Reading skip patterns from '$skip'.\n" if $verbose; if (open my $fh,$skip ) { my @patterns; while (<$fh>) { chomp; next if /^\s*(?:#|$)/; print "\tSkip pattern: $_\n" if $verbose>3; push @patterns, $_; } $skip= \@patterns; } else { warn "Can't read skip file:'$skip':$!\n"; $skip=[]; } } elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa($skip,'ARRAY') ) { print "Using array for skip list\n" if $verbose>2; } elsif ($verbose) { print "No skip list found.\n" if $verbose>1; $skip= []; } warn "Got @{[0+@$skip]} skip patterns.\n" if $verbose>3; return $skip } =pod =item _have_write_access Abstract a -w check that tries to use POSIX::access() if possible. =cut { my $has_posix; sub _have_write_access { my $dir=shift; unless (defined $has_posix) { $has_posix = (!Is_cygwin && !Is_Win32 && eval { local $^W; require POSIX; 1} ) || 0; } if ($has_posix) { return POSIX::access($dir, POSIX::W_OK()); } else { return -w $dir; } } } =pod =item _can_write_dir(C<$dir>) Checks whether a given directory is writable, taking account the possibility that the directory might not exist and would have to be created first. Returns a list, containing: C<($writable, $determined_by, @create)> C<$writable> says whether the directory is (hypothetically) writable C<$determined_by> is the directory the status was determined from. It will be either the C<$dir>, or one of its parents. C<@create> is a list of directories that would probably have to be created to make the requested directory. It may not actually be correct on relative paths with C<..> in them. But for our purposes it should work ok =cut sub _can_write_dir { my $dir=shift; return unless defined $dir and length $dir; my ($vol, $dirs, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($dir,1); my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($dirs); unshift @dirs, File::Spec->curdir unless File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($dir); my $path=''; my @make; while (@dirs) { if (Is_VMS) { $dir = File::Spec->catdir($vol,@dirs); } else { $dir = File::Spec->catdir(@dirs); $dir = File::Spec->catpath($vol,$dir,'') if defined $vol and length $vol; } next if ( $dir eq $path ); if ( ! -e $dir ) { unshift @make,$dir; next; } if ( _have_write_access($dir) ) { return 1,$dir,@make } else { return 0,$dir,@make } } continue { pop @dirs; } return 0; } =pod =item _mkpath($dir,$show,$verbose,$dry_run) Wrapper around File::Path::mkpath() to handle errors. If $verbose is true and >1 then additional diagnostics will be produced, also this will force $show to true. If $dry_run is true then the directory will not be created but a check will be made to see whether it would be possible to write to the directory, or that it would be possible to create the directory. If $dry_run is not true dies if the directory can not be created or is not writable. =cut sub _mkpath { my ($dir,$show,$verbose,$dry_run)=@_; if ( $verbose && $verbose > 1 && ! -d $dir) { $show= 1; printf "mkpath(%s,%d)\n", $dir, $show; } if (!$dry_run) { if ( ! eval { File::Path::mkpath($dir,$show); 1 } ) { _choke("Can't create '$dir'","$@"); } } my ($can,$root,@make)=_can_write_dir($dir); if (!$can) { my @msg=( "Can't create '$dir'", $root ? "Do not have write permissions on '$root'" : "Unknown Error" ); if ($dry_run) { _warnonce @msg; } else { _choke @msg; } } elsif ($show and $dry_run) { print "$_\n" for @make; } } =pod =item _copy($from,$to,$verbose,$dry_run) Wrapper around File::Copy::copy to handle errors. If $verbose is true and >1 then additional diagnostics will be emitted. If $dry_run is true then the copy will not actually occur. Dies if the copy fails. =cut sub _copy { my ( $from, $to, $verbose, $dry_run)=@_; if ($verbose && $verbose>1) { printf "copy(%s,%s)\n", $from, $to; } if (!$dry_run) { File::Copy::copy($from,$to) or _croak( _estr "ERROR: Cannot copy '$from' to '$to': $!" ); } } =pod =item _chdir($from) Wrapper around chdir to catch errors. If not called in void context returns the cwd from before the chdir. dies on error. =cut sub _chdir { my ($dir)= @_; my $ret; if (defined wantarray) { $ret= cwd; } chdir $dir or _choke("Couldn't chdir to '$dir': $!"); return $ret; } =pod =back =end _private =over =item B<install> # deprecated forms install(\%from_to); install(\%from_to, $verbose, $dry_run, $uninstall_shadows, $skip, $always_copy, \%result); # recommended form as of 1.47 install([ from_to => \%from_to, verbose => 1, dry_run => 0, uninstall_shadows => 1, skip => undef, always_copy => 1, result => \%install_results, ]); Copies each directory tree of %from_to to its corresponding value preserving timestamps and permissions. There are two keys with a special meaning in the hash: "read" and "write". These contain packlist files. After the copying is done, install() will write the list of target files to $from_to{write}. If $from_to{read} is given the contents of this file will be merged into the written file. The read and the written file may be identical, but on AFS it is quite likely that people are installing to a different directory than the one where the files later appear. If $verbose is true, will print out each file removed. Default is false. This is "make install VERBINST=1". $verbose values going up to 5 show increasingly more diagnostics output. If $dry_run is true it will only print what it was going to do without actually doing it. Default is false. If $uninstall_shadows is true any differing versions throughout @INC will be uninstalled. This is "make install UNINST=1" As of 1.37_02 install() supports the use of a list of patterns to filter out files that shouldn't be installed. If $skip is omitted or undefined then install will try to read the list from INSTALL.SKIP in the CWD. This file is a list of regular expressions and is just like the MANIFEST.SKIP file used by L<ExtUtils::Manifest>. A default site INSTALL.SKIP may be provided by setting then environment variable EU_INSTALL_SITE_SKIPFILE, this will only be used when there isn't a distribution specific INSTALL.SKIP. If the environment variable EU_INSTALL_IGNORE_SKIP is true then no install file filtering will be performed. If $skip is undefined then the skip file will be autodetected and used if it is found. If $skip is a reference to an array then it is assumed the array contains the list of patterns, if $skip is a true non reference it is assumed to be the filename holding the list of patterns, any other value of $skip is taken to mean that no install filtering should occur. B<Changes As of Version 1.47> As of version 1.47 the following additions were made to the install interface. Note that the new argument style and use of the %result hash is recommended. The $always_copy parameter which when true causes files to be updated regardless as to whether they have changed, if it is defined but false then copies are made only if the files have changed, if it is undefined then the value of the environment variable EU_INSTALL_ALWAYS_COPY is used as default. The %result hash will be populated with the various keys/subhashes reflecting the install. Currently these keys and their structure are: install => { $target => $source }, install_fail => { $target => $source }, install_unchanged => { $target => $source }, install_filtered => { $source => $pattern }, uninstall => { $uninstalled => $source }, uninstall_fail => { $uninstalled => $source }, where C<$source> is the filespec of the file being installed. C<$target> is where it is being installed to, and C<$uninstalled> is any shadow file that is in C<@INC> or C<$ENV{PERL5LIB}> or other standard locations, and C<$pattern> is the pattern that caused a source file to be skipped. In future more keys will be added, such as to show created directories, however this requires changes in other modules and must therefore wait. These keys will be populated before any exceptions are thrown should there be an error. Note that all updates of the %result are additive, the hash will not be cleared before use, thus allowing status results of many installs to be easily aggregated. B<NEW ARGUMENT STYLE> If there is only one argument and it is a reference to an array then the array is assumed to contain a list of key-value pairs specifying the options. In this case the option "from_to" is mandatory. This style means that you do not have to supply a cryptic list of arguments and can use a self documenting argument list that is easier to understand. This is now the recommended interface to install(). B<RETURN> If all actions were successful install will return a hashref of the results as described above for the $result parameter. If any action is a failure then install will die, therefore it is recommended to pass in the $result parameter instead of using the return value. If the result parameter is provided then the returned hashref will be the passed in hashref. =cut sub install { #XXX OS-SPECIFIC my($from_to,$verbose,$dry_run,$uninstall_shadows,$skip,$always_copy,$result) = @_; if (@_==1 and eval { 1+@$from_to }) { my %opts = @$from_to; $from_to = $opts{from_to} or _confess("from_to is a mandatory parameter"); $verbose = $opts{verbose}; $dry_run = $opts{dry_run}; $uninstall_shadows = $opts{uninstall_shadows}; $skip = $opts{skip}; $always_copy = $opts{always_copy}; $result = $opts{result}; } $result ||= {}; $verbose ||= 0; $dry_run ||= 0; $skip= _get_install_skip($skip,$verbose); $always_copy = $ENV{EU_INSTALL_ALWAYS_COPY} || $ENV{EU_ALWAYS_COPY} || 0 unless defined $always_copy; my(%from_to) = %$from_to; my(%pack, $dir, %warned); require ExtUtils::Packlist; my($packlist) = ExtUtils::Packlist->new(); local(*DIR); for (qw/read write/) { $pack{$_}=$from_to{$_}; delete $from_to{$_}; } my $tmpfile = install_rooted_file($pack{"read"}); $packlist->read($tmpfile) if (-f $tmpfile); my $cwd = cwd(); my @found_files; my %check_dirs; require File::Find; my $blib_lib = File::Spec->catdir('blib', 'lib'); my $blib_arch = File::Spec->catdir('blib', 'arch'); # File::Find seems to always be Unixy except on MacPerl :( my $current_directory = $^O eq 'MacOS' ? $Curdir : '.'; MOD_INSTALL: foreach my $source (sort keys %from_to) { #copy the tree to the target directory without altering #timestamp and permission and remember for the .packlist #file. The packlist file contains the absolute paths of the #install locations. AFS users may call this a bug. We'll have #to reconsider how to add the means to satisfy AFS users also. #October 1997: we want to install .pm files into archlib if #there are any files in arch. So we depend on having ./blib/arch #hardcoded here. my $targetroot = install_rooted_dir($from_to{$source}); if ($source eq $blib_lib and exists $from_to{$blib_arch} and directory_not_empty($blib_arch) ){ $targetroot = install_rooted_dir($from_to{$blib_arch}); print "Files found in $blib_arch: installing files in $blib_lib into architecture dependent library tree\n"; } next unless -d $source; _chdir($source); # 5.5.3's File::Find missing no_chdir option # XXX OS-SPECIFIC File::Find::find(sub { my ($mode,$size,$atime,$mtime) = (stat)[2,7,8,9]; return if !-f _; my $origfile = $_; return if $origfile eq ".exists"; my $targetdir = File::Spec->catdir($targetroot, $File::Find::dir); my $targetfile = File::Spec->catfile($targetdir, $origfile); my $sourcedir = File::Spec->catdir($source, $File::Find::dir); my $sourcefile = File::Spec->catfile($sourcedir, $origfile); for my $pat (@$skip) { if ( $sourcefile=~/$pat/ ) { print "Skipping $targetfile (filtered)\n" if $verbose>1; $result->{install_filtered}{$sourcefile} = $pat; return; } } # we have to do this for back compat with old File::Finds # and because the target is relative my $save_cwd = _chdir($cwd); my $diff = 0; # XXX: I wonder how useful this logic is actually -- demerphq if ( $always_copy or !-f $targetfile or -s $targetfile != $size) { $diff++; } else { # we might not need to copy this file $diff = _compare($sourcefile, $targetfile); } $check_dirs{$targetdir}++ unless -w $targetfile; push @found_files, [ $diff, $File::Find::dir, $origfile, $mode, $size, $atime, $mtime, $targetdir, $targetfile, $sourcedir, $sourcefile, ]; #restore the original directory we were in when File::Find #called us so that it doesn't get horribly confused. _chdir($save_cwd); }, $current_directory ); _chdir($cwd); } foreach my $targetdir (sort keys %check_dirs) { _mkpath( $targetdir, 0, $verbose, $dry_run ); } foreach my $found (@found_files) { my ($diff, $ffd, $origfile, $mode, $size, $atime, $mtime, $targetdir, $targetfile, $sourcedir, $sourcefile)= @$found; my $realtarget= $targetfile; if ($diff) { eval { if (-f $targetfile) { print "_unlink_or_rename($targetfile)\n" if $verbose>1; $targetfile= _unlink_or_rename( $targetfile, 'tryhard', 'install' ) unless $dry_run; } elsif ( ! -d $targetdir ) { _mkpath( $targetdir, 0, $verbose, $dry_run ); } print "Installing $targetfile\n"; _copy( $sourcefile, $targetfile, $verbose, $dry_run, ); #XXX OS-SPECIFIC print "utime($atime,$mtime,$targetfile)\n" if $verbose>1; utime($atime,$mtime + Is_VMS,$targetfile) unless $dry_run>1; $mode = 0444 | ( $mode & 0111 ? 0111 : 0 ); $mode = $mode | 0222 if $realtarget ne $targetfile; _chmod( $mode, $targetfile, $verbose ); $result->{install}{$targetfile} = $sourcefile; 1 } or do { $result->{install_fail}{$targetfile} = $sourcefile; die $@; }; } else { $result->{install_unchanged}{$targetfile} = $sourcefile; print "Skipping $targetfile (unchanged)\n" if $verbose; } if ( $uninstall_shadows ) { inc_uninstall($sourcefile,$ffd, $verbose, $dry_run, $realtarget ne $targetfile ? $realtarget : "", $result); } # Record the full pathname. $packlist->{$targetfile}++; } if ($pack{'write'}) { $dir = install_rooted_dir(dirname($pack{'write'})); _mkpath( $dir, 0, $verbose, $dry_run ); print "Writing $pack{'write'}\n" if $verbose; $packlist->write(install_rooted_file($pack{'write'})) unless $dry_run; } _do_cleanup($verbose); return $result; } =begin _private =item _do_cleanup Standardize finish event for after another instruction has occurred. Handles converting $MUST_REBOOT to a die for instance. =end _private =cut sub _do_cleanup { my ($verbose) = @_; if ($MUST_REBOOT) { die _estr "Operation not completed! ", "You must reboot to complete the installation.", "Sorry."; } elsif (defined $MUST_REBOOT & $verbose) { warn _estr "Installation will be completed at the next reboot.\n", "However it is not necessary to reboot immediately.\n"; } } =begin _undocumented =item install_rooted_file( $file ) Returns $file, or catfile($INSTALL_ROOT,$file) if $INSTALL_ROOT is defined. =item install_rooted_dir( $dir ) Returns $dir, or catdir($INSTALL_ROOT,$dir) if $INSTALL_ROOT is defined. =end _undocumented =cut sub install_rooted_file { if (defined $INSTALL_ROOT) { File::Spec->catfile($INSTALL_ROOT, $_[0]); } else { $_[0]; } } sub install_rooted_dir { if (defined $INSTALL_ROOT) { File::Spec->catdir($INSTALL_ROOT, $_[0]); } else { $_[0]; } } =begin _undocumented =item forceunlink( $file, $tryhard ) Tries to delete a file. If $tryhard is true then we will use whatever devious tricks we can to delete the file. Currently this only applies to Win32 in that it will try to use Win32API::File to schedule a delete at reboot. A wrapper for _unlink_or_rename(). =end _undocumented =cut sub forceunlink { my ( $file, $tryhard )= @_; #XXX OS-SPECIFIC _unlink_or_rename( $file, $tryhard, not("installing") ); } =begin _undocumented =item directory_not_empty( $dir ) Returns 1 if there is an .exists file somewhere in a directory tree. Returns 0 if there is not. =end _undocumented =cut sub directory_not_empty ($) { my($dir) = @_; my $files = 0; require File::Find; File::Find::find(sub { return if $_ eq ".exists"; if (-f) { $File::Find::prune++; $files = 1; } }, $dir); return $files; } =pod =item B<install_default> I<DISCOURAGED> install_default(); install_default($fullext); Calls install() with arguments to copy a module from blib/ to the default site installation location. $fullext is the name of the module converted to a directory (ie. Foo::Bar would be Foo/Bar). If $fullext is not specified, it will attempt to read it from @ARGV. This is primarily useful for install scripts. B<NOTE> This function is not really useful because of the hard-coded install location with no way to control site vs core vs vendor directories and the strange way in which the module name is given. Consider its use discouraged. =cut sub install_default { @_ < 2 or _croak("install_default should be called with 0 or 1 argument"); my $FULLEXT = @_ ? shift : $ARGV[0]; defined $FULLEXT or die "Do not know to where to write install log"; my $INST_LIB = File::Spec->catdir($Curdir,"blib","lib"); my $INST_ARCHLIB = File::Spec->catdir($Curdir,"blib","arch"); my $INST_BIN = File::Spec->catdir($Curdir,'blib','bin'); my $INST_SCRIPT = File::Spec->catdir($Curdir,'blib','script'); my $INST_MAN1DIR = File::Spec->catdir($Curdir,'blib','man1'); my $INST_MAN3DIR = File::Spec->catdir($Curdir,'blib','man3'); my @INST_HTML; if($Config{installhtmldir}) { my $INST_HTMLDIR = File::Spec->catdir($Curdir,'blib','html'); @INST_HTML = ($INST_HTMLDIR => $Config{installhtmldir}); } install({ read => "$Config{sitearchexp}/auto/$FULLEXT/.packlist", write => "$Config{installsitearch}/auto/$FULLEXT/.packlist", $INST_LIB => (directory_not_empty($INST_ARCHLIB)) ? $Config{installsitearch} : $Config{installsitelib}, $INST_ARCHLIB => $Config{installsitearch}, $INST_BIN => $Config{installbin} , $INST_SCRIPT => $Config{installscript}, $INST_MAN1DIR => $Config{installman1dir}, $INST_MAN3DIR => $Config{installman3dir}, @INST_HTML, },1,0,0); } =item B<uninstall> uninstall($packlist_file); uninstall($packlist_file, $verbose, $dont_execute); Removes the files listed in a $packlist_file. If $verbose is true, will print out each file removed. Default is false. If $dont_execute is true it will only print what it was going to do without actually doing it. Default is false. =cut sub uninstall { my($fil,$verbose,$dry_run) = @_; $verbose ||= 0; $dry_run ||= 0; die _estr "ERROR: no packlist file found: '$fil'" unless -f $fil; # my $my_req = $self->catfile(qw(auto ExtUtils Install forceunlink.al)); # require $my_req; # Hairy, but for the first require ExtUtils::Packlist; my ($packlist) = ExtUtils::Packlist->new($fil); foreach (sort(keys(%$packlist))) { chomp; print "unlink $_\n" if $verbose; forceunlink($_,'tryhard') unless $dry_run; } print "unlink $fil\n" if $verbose; forceunlink($fil, 'tryhard') unless $dry_run; _do_cleanup($verbose); } =begin _undocumented =item inc_uninstall($filepath,$libdir,$verbose,$dry_run,$ignore,$results) Remove shadowed files. If $ignore is true then it is assumed to hold a filename to ignore. This is used to prevent spurious warnings from occurring when doing an install at reboot. We now only die when failing to remove a file that has precedence over our own, when our install has precedence we only warn. $results is assumed to contain a hashref which will have the keys 'uninstall' and 'uninstall_fail' populated with keys for the files removed and values of the source files they would shadow. =end _undocumented =cut sub inc_uninstall { my($filepath,$libdir,$verbose,$dry_run,$ignore,$results) = @_; my($dir); $ignore||=""; my $file = (File::Spec->splitpath($filepath))[2]; my %seen_dir = (); my @PERL_ENV_LIB = split $Config{path_sep}, defined $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} ? $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} : $ENV{'PERLLIB'} || ''; my @dirs=( @PERL_ENV_LIB, @INC, @Config{qw(archlibexp privlibexp sitearchexp sitelibexp)}); #warn join "\n","---",@dirs,"---"; my $seen_ours; foreach $dir ( @dirs ) { my $canonpath = Is_VMS ? $dir : File::Spec->canonpath($dir); next if $canonpath eq $Curdir; next if $seen_dir{$canonpath}++; my $targetfile = File::Spec->catfile($canonpath,$libdir,$file); next unless -f $targetfile; # The reason why we compare file's contents is, that we cannot # know, which is the file we just installed (AFS). So we leave # an identical file in place my $diff = 0; if ( -f $targetfile && -s _ == -s $filepath) { # We have a good chance, we can skip this one $diff = _compare($filepath,$targetfile); } else { $diff++; } print "#$file and $targetfile differ\n" if $diff && $verbose > 1; if (!$diff or $targetfile eq $ignore) { $seen_ours = 1; next; } if ($dry_run) { $results->{uninstall}{$targetfile} = $filepath; if ($verbose) { $Inc_uninstall_warn_handler ||= ExtUtils::Install::Warn->new(); $libdir =~ s|^\./||s ; # That's just cosmetics, no need to port. It looks prettier. $Inc_uninstall_warn_handler->add( File::Spec->catfile($libdir, $file), $targetfile ); } # if not verbose, we just say nothing } else { print "Unlinking $targetfile (shadowing?)\n" if $verbose; eval { die "Fake die for testing" if $ExtUtils::Install::Testing and ucase(File::Spec->canonpath($ExtUtils::Install::Testing)) eq ucase($targetfile); forceunlink($targetfile,'tryhard'); $results->{uninstall}{$targetfile} = $filepath; 1; } or do { $results->{fail_uninstall}{$targetfile} = $filepath; if ($seen_ours) { warn "Failed to remove probably harmless shadow file '$targetfile'\n"; } else { die "$@\n"; } }; } } } =begin _undocumented =item run_filter($cmd,$src,$dest) Filter $src using $cmd into $dest. =end _undocumented =cut sub run_filter { my ($cmd, $src, $dest) = @_; local(*CMD, *SRC); open(CMD, "|$cmd >$dest") || die "Cannot fork: $!"; open(SRC, $src) || die "Cannot open $src: $!"; my $buf; my $sz = 1024; while (my $len = sysread(SRC, $buf, $sz)) { syswrite(CMD, $buf, $len); } close SRC; close CMD or die "Filter command '$cmd' failed for $src"; } =pod =item B<pm_to_blib> pm_to_blib(\%from_to); pm_to_blib(\%from_to, $autosplit_dir); pm_to_blib(\%from_to, $autosplit_dir, $filter_cmd); Copies each key of %from_to to its corresponding value efficiently. If an $autosplit_dir is provided, all .pm files will be autosplit into it. Any destination directories are created. $filter_cmd is an optional shell command to run each .pm file through prior to splitting and copying. Input is the contents of the module, output the new module contents. You can have an environment variable PERL_INSTALL_ROOT set which will be prepended as a directory to each installed file (and directory). By default verbose output is generated, setting the PERL_INSTALL_QUIET environment variable will silence this output. =cut sub pm_to_blib { my($fromto,$autodir,$pm_filter) = @_; _mkpath($autodir,0) if defined $autodir; while(my($from, $to) = each %$fromto) { if( -f $to && -s $from == -s $to && -M $to < -M $from ) { print "Skip $to (unchanged)\n" unless $INSTALL_QUIET; next; } # When a pm_filter is defined, we need to pre-process the source first # to determine whether it has changed or not. Therefore, only perform # the comparison check when there's no filter to be ran. # -- RAM, 03/01/2001 my $need_filtering = defined $pm_filter && length $pm_filter && $from =~ /\.pm$/; if (!$need_filtering && 0 == _compare($from,$to)) { print "Skip $to (unchanged)\n" unless $INSTALL_QUIET; next; } if (-f $to){ # we wont try hard here. its too likely to mess things up. forceunlink($to); } else { _mkpath(dirname($to),0); } if ($need_filtering) { run_filter($pm_filter, $from, $to); print "$pm_filter <$from >$to\n"; } else { _copy( $from, $to ); print "cp $from $to\n" unless $INSTALL_QUIET; } my($mode,$atime,$mtime) = (stat $from)[2,8,9]; utime($atime,$mtime+Is_VMS,$to); _chmod(0444 | ( $mode & 0111 ? 0111 : 0 ),$to); next unless $from =~ /\.pm$/; _autosplit($to,$autodir) if defined $autodir; } } =begin _private =item _autosplit From 1.0307 back, AutoSplit will sometimes leave an open filehandle to the file being split. This causes problems on systems with mandatory locking (ie. Windows). So we wrap it and close the filehandle. =end _private =cut sub _autosplit { #XXX OS-SPECIFIC require AutoSplit; my $retval = AutoSplit::autosplit(@_); close *AutoSplit::IN if defined *AutoSplit::IN{IO}; return $retval; } package ExtUtils::Install::Warn; sub new { bless {}, shift } sub add { my($self,$file,$targetfile) = @_; push @{$self->{$file}}, $targetfile; } sub DESTROY { unless(defined $INSTALL_ROOT) { my $self = shift; my($file,$i,$plural); foreach $file (sort keys %$self) { $plural = @{$self->{$file}} > 1 ? "s" : ""; print "## Differing version$plural of $file found. You might like to\n"; for (0..$#{$self->{$file}}) { print "rm ", $self->{$file}[$_], "\n"; $i++; } } $plural = $i>1 ? "all those files" : "this file"; my $inst = (_invokant() eq 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker') ? ( $Config::Config{make} || 'make' ).' install' . ( ExtUtils::Install::Is_VMS ? '/MACRO="UNINST"=1' : ' UNINST=1' ) : './Build install uninst=1'; print "## Running '$inst' will unlink $plural for you.\n"; } } =begin _private =item _invokant Does a heuristic on the stack to see who called us for more intelligent error messages. Currently assumes we will be called only by Module::Build or by ExtUtils::MakeMaker. =end _private =cut sub _invokant { my @stack; my $frame = 0; while (my $file = (caller($frame++))[1]) { push @stack, (File::Spec->splitpath($file))[2]; } my $builder; my $top = pop @stack; if ($top =~ /^Build/i || exists($INC{'Module/Build.pm'})) { $builder = 'Module::Build'; } else { $builder = 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'; } return $builder; } =pod =back =head1 ENVIRONMENT =over 4 =item B<PERL_INSTALL_ROOT> Will be prepended to each install path. =item B<EU_INSTALL_IGNORE_SKIP> Will prevent the automatic use of INSTALL.SKIP as the install skip file. =item B<EU_INSTALL_SITE_SKIPFILE> If there is no INSTALL.SKIP file in the make directory then this value can be used to provide a default. =item B<EU_INSTALL_ALWAYS_COPY> If this environment variable is true then normal install processes will always overwrite older identical files during the install process. Note that the alias EU_ALWAYS_COPY will be supported if EU_INSTALL_ALWAYS_COPY is not defined until at least the 1.50 release. Please ensure you use the correct EU_INSTALL_ALWAYS_COPY. =back =head1 AUTHOR Original author lost in the mists of time. Probably the same as Makemaker. Production release currently maintained by demerphq C<yves at cpan.org>, extensive changes by Michael G. Schwern. Send bug reports via http://rt.cpan.org/. Please send your generated Makefile along with your report. =head1 LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html> =cut 1;
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