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package ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS; use warnings; use strict; use ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base; our $VERSION = '0.280231'; # VERSION our @ISA = qw(ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base); use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile catdir); use Config; # We do prelink, but don't want the parent to redo it. sub need_prelink { 0 } sub arg_defines { my ($self, %args) = @_; s/"/""/g foreach values %args; my @config_defines; # VMS can only have one define qualifier; add the one from config, if any. if ($self->{config}{ccflags} =~ s{/ def[^=]+ =+ \(? ([^\/\)]*) } {}ix) { push @config_defines, $1; } return '' unless keys(%args) || @config_defines; return ('/define=(' . join(',', @config_defines, map "\"$_" . ( length($args{$_}) ? "=$args{$_}" : '') . "\"", sort keys %args) . ')'); } sub arg_include_dirs { my ($self, @dirs) = @_; # VMS can only have one include list, add the one from config. if ($self->{config}{ccflags} =~ s{/inc[^=]+(?:=)+(?:\()?([^\/\)]*)} {}i) { unshift @dirs, $1; } return unless @dirs; return ('/include=(' . join(',', @dirs) . ')'); } # We override the compile method because we consume the includes and defines # parts of ccflags in the process of compiling but don't save those parts # anywhere, so $self->{config}{ccflags} needs to be reset for each compile # operation. sub compile { my ($self, %args) = @_; $self->{config}{ccflags} = $Config{ccflags}; $self->{config}{ccflags} = $ENV{CFLAGS} if defined $ENV{CFLAGS}; return $self->SUPER::compile(%args); } sub _do_link { my ($self, $type, %args) = @_; my $objects = delete $args{objects}; $objects = [$objects] unless ref $objects; if ($args{lddl}) { # prelink will call Mksymlists, which creates the extension-specific # linker options file and populates it with the boot symbol. my @temp_files = $self->prelink(%args, dl_name => $args{module_name}); # We now add the rest of what we need to the linker options file. We # should replicate the functionality of C<ExtUtils::MM_VMS::dlsyms>, # but there is as yet no infrastructure for handling object libraries, # so for now we depend on object files being listed individually on the # command line, which should work for simple cases. We do bring in our # own version of C<ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid::ext> so that any additional # libraries (including PERLSHR) can be added to the options file. my @optlibs = $self->_liblist_ext( $args{'libs'} ); my $optfile = 'sys$disk:[]' . $temp_files[0]; open my $opt_fh, '>>', $optfile or die "_do_link: Unable to open $optfile: $!"; for my $lib (@optlibs) {print $opt_fh "$lib\n" if length $lib } close $opt_fh; $objects->[-1] .= ','; push @$objects, $optfile . '/OPTIONS,'; # This one not needed for DEC C, but leave for completeness. push @$objects, $self->perl_inc() . 'perlshr_attr.opt/OPTIONS'; } return $self->SUPER::_do_link($type, %args, objects => $objects); } sub arg_nolink { return; } sub arg_object_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; return "/obj=$file"; } sub arg_exec_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; return ("/exe=$file"); } sub arg_share_object_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; return ("$self->{config}{lddlflags}=$file"); } # The following is reproduced almost verbatim from ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid::_vms_ext. # We can't just call that because it's tied up with the MakeMaker object hierarchy. sub _liblist_ext { my($self, $potential_libs,$verbose,$give_libs) = @_; $verbose ||= 0; my(@crtls,$crtlstr); @crtls = ( ($self->{'config'}{'ldflags'} =~ m-/Debug-i ? $self->{'config'}{'dbgprefix'} : '') . 'PerlShr/Share' ); push(@crtls, grep { not /\(/ } split /\s+/, $self->{'config'}{'perllibs'}); push(@crtls, grep { not /\(/ } split /\s+/, $self->{'config'}{'libc'}); # In general, we pass through the basic libraries from %Config unchanged. # The one exception is that if we're building in the Perl source tree, and # a library spec could be resolved via a logical name, we go to some trouble # to ensure that the copy in the local tree is used, rather than one to # which a system-wide logical may point. if ($self->perl_src) { my($lib,$locspec,$type); foreach $lib (@crtls) { if (($locspec,$type) = $lib =~ m{^([\w\$-]+)(/\w+)?} and $locspec =~ /perl/i) { if (lc $type eq '/share') { $locspec .= $self->{'config'}{'exe_ext'}; } elsif (lc $type eq '/library') { $locspec .= $self->{'config'}{'lib_ext'}; } else { $locspec .= $self->{'config'}{'obj_ext'}; } $locspec = catfile($self->perl_src, $locspec); $lib = "$locspec$type" if -e $locspec; } } } $crtlstr = @crtls ? join(' ',@crtls) : ''; unless ($potential_libs) { warn "Result:\n\tEXTRALIBS: \n\tLDLOADLIBS: $crtlstr\n" if $verbose; return ('', '', $crtlstr, '', ($give_libs ? [] : ())); } my(@dirs,@libs,$dir,$lib,%found,@fndlibs,$ldlib); my $cwd = cwd(); my($so,$lib_ext,$obj_ext) = @{$self->{'config'}}{'so','lib_ext','obj_ext'}; # List of common Unix library names and their VMS equivalents # (VMS equivalent of '' indicates that the library is automatically # searched by the linker, and should be skipped here.) my(@flibs, %libs_seen); my %libmap = ( 'm' => '', 'f77' => '', 'F77' => '', 'V77' => '', 'c' => '', 'malloc' => '', 'crypt' => '', 'resolv' => '', 'c_s' => '', 'socket' => '', 'X11' => 'DECW$XLIBSHR', 'Xt' => 'DECW$XTSHR', 'Xm' => 'DECW$XMLIBSHR', 'Xmu' => 'DECW$XMULIBSHR'); warn "Potential libraries are '$potential_libs'\n" if $verbose; # First, sort out directories and library names in the input foreach $lib (split ' ',$potential_libs) { push(@dirs,$1), next if $lib =~ /^-L(.*)/; push(@dirs,$lib), next if $lib =~ /[:>\]]$/; push(@dirs,$lib), next if -d $lib; push(@libs,$1), next if $lib =~ /^-l(.*)/; push(@libs,$lib); } push(@dirs,split(' ',$self->{'config'}{'libpth'})); # Now make sure we've got VMS-syntax absolute directory specs # (We don't, however, check whether someone's hidden a relative # path in a logical name.) foreach $dir (@dirs) { unless (-d $dir) { warn "Skipping nonexistent Directory $dir\n" if $verbose > 1; $dir = ''; next; } warn "Resolving directory $dir\n" if $verbose; if (!File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($dir)) { $dir = catdir($cwd,$dir); } } @dirs = grep { length($_) } @dirs; unshift(@dirs,''); # Check each $lib without additions first LIB: foreach $lib (@libs) { if (exists $libmap{$lib}) { next unless length $libmap{$lib}; $lib = $libmap{$lib}; } my(@variants,$variant,$cand); my($ctype) = ''; # If we don't have a file type, consider it a possibly abbreviated name and # check for common variants. We try these first to grab libraries before # a like-named executable image (e.g. -lperl resolves to perlshr.exe # before perl.exe). if ($lib !~ /\.[^:>\]]*$/) { push(@variants,"${lib}shr","${lib}rtl","${lib}lib"); push(@variants,"lib$lib") if $lib !~ /[:>\]]/; } push(@variants,$lib); warn "Looking for $lib\n" if $verbose; foreach $variant (@variants) { my($fullname, $name); foreach $dir (@dirs) { my($type); $name = "$dir$variant"; warn "\tChecking $name\n" if $verbose > 2; $fullname = VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand($name); if (defined $fullname and -f $fullname) { # It's got its own suffix, so we'll have to figure out the type if ($fullname =~ /(?:$so|exe)$/i) { $type = 'SHR'; } elsif ($fullname =~ /(?:$lib_ext|olb)$/i) { $type = 'OLB'; } elsif ($fullname =~ /(?:$obj_ext|obj)$/i) { warn "Note (probably harmless): " ."Plain object file $fullname found in library list\n"; $type = 'OBJ'; } else { warn "Note (probably harmless): " ."Unknown library type for $fullname; assuming shared\n"; $type = 'SHR'; } } elsif (-f ($fullname = VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand($name,$so)) or -f ($fullname = VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand($name,'.exe'))) { $type = 'SHR'; $name = $fullname unless $fullname =~ /exe;?\d*$/i; } elsif (not length($ctype) and # If we've got a lib already, # don't bother ( -f ($fullname = VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand($name,$lib_ext)) or -f ($fullname = VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand($name,'.olb')))) { $type = 'OLB'; $name = $fullname unless $fullname =~ /olb;?\d*$/i; } elsif (not length($ctype) and # If we've got a lib already, # don't bother ( -f ($fullname = VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand($name,$obj_ext)) or -f ($fullname = VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand($name,'.obj')))) { warn "Note (probably harmless): " ."Plain object file $fullname found in library list\n"; $type = 'OBJ'; $name = $fullname unless $fullname =~ /obj;?\d*$/i; } if (defined $type) { $ctype = $type; $cand = $name; last if $ctype eq 'SHR'; } } if ($ctype) { push @{$found{$ctype}}, $cand; warn "\tFound as $cand (really $fullname), type $ctype\n" if $verbose > 1; push @flibs, $name unless $libs_seen{$fullname}++; next LIB; } } warn "Note (probably harmless): " ."No library found for $lib\n"; } push @fndlibs, @{$found{OBJ}} if exists $found{OBJ}; push @fndlibs, map { "$_/Library" } @{$found{OLB}} if exists $found{OLB}; push @fndlibs, map { "$_/Share" } @{$found{SHR}} if exists $found{SHR}; $lib = join(' ',@fndlibs); $ldlib = $crtlstr ? "$lib $crtlstr" : $lib; warn "Result:\n\tEXTRALIBS: $lib\n\tLDLOADLIBS: $ldlib\n" if $verbose; wantarray ? ($lib, '', $ldlib, '', ($give_libs ? \@flibs : ())) : $lib; } 1;
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