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########################################################## # Copyright (C) 2010-2017,2020-2021 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1 and no later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Lesser GNU General Public # License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # ########################################################## arg.command = "command" arg.config.key = "config key" arg.config.operation = "config operation" arg.config.section = "config section" arg.config.value = "config value" arg.devicename = "device name" arg.info.class = "info infoclass" arg.info.subcommand = "info operation" arg.logging.level = "logging level" arg.logging.service = "logging servicename" arg.logging.subcommand = "logging operation" arg.mountpoint = "mount point" arg.scriptpath = "script path" arg.scripttype = "script type" arg.subcommand = "subcommand" device.connect.error = "Unable to connect device %1$s.\n" device.disconnect.error = "Unable to disconnect device %1$s.\n" device.notfound = "Error fetching interface information: device not found.\n" disk.shrink.canceled = "Disk shrink canceled.\n" disk.shrink.complete = "Disk shrinking complete.\n" disk.shrink.conflict = "Error, The Toolbox believes disk shrinking is enabled while the host believes it is disabled.\n\n Please close and reopen the Toolbox to synchronize it with the host.\n" disk.shrink.disabled = "Shrink disk is disabled for this virtual machine.\n\nShrinking is disabled for linked clones, parents of linked clones, \npre-allocated disks, snapshots, or due to other factors. \nSee the User's manual for more information.\n" disk.shrink.error = "Error while shrinking: %1$s\n" disk.shrink.incomplete = "Shrinking not completed.\n" disk.shrink.partition.error = "Unable to collect partition data.\n" disk.shrink.partition.notfound = "Unable to find partition %1$s\n" disk.shrink.partition.unsupported = "Partition %1$s is not shrinkable\n" disk.shrink.unavailable = "The shrink feature is not available,\n\neither because you are running an old version of a VMware product, or because too many communication channels are open.\n\nIf you are running an old version of a VMware product, you should consider upgrading.\n\nIf too many communication channels are open, you should power off your virtual machine and then power it back on.\n" disk.shrink.ignoreFreeSpaceWarnings = "Please disregard any warnings about disk space for the duration of shrink process.\n" disk.wipe.ignoreFreeSpaceWarnings = "Please disregard any warnings about disk space for the duration of wipe process.\n" disk.wiper.file.error = "Error, Unable to create wiper file.\n" disk.wiper.progress = "\rProgress: %1$d" error.message = "Error: %1$s\n" error.missing = "%1$s: Missing %2$s\n" error.noadmin.posix = "%1$s: You must be root to perform %2$s operations.\n" error.noadmin.win = "%1$s: Administrator permissions are needed to perform %2$s operations.\nUse an administrator command prompt to complete these tasks.\n" error.novirtual = "%1$s must be run inside a virtual machine.\n" error.unknown = "%1$s: Unknown %2$s '%3$s'\n" help.config = "%1$s: modify Tools configuration\nUsage: %2$s %3$s <subcommand>\n\nSubcommands:\n get <section> <key>: display current value for <key>\n NOTE: If the <key> is not present in tools.conf, its\n value from the global configuration is returned if present\n set <section> <key> <value>: set <key> to <value>\n\n remove <section> <key>: remove <key>\n\n<section> can be any supported section, such as logging, guestoperations or guestinfo.\n<key> can be any configuration key.\n<value> can be any value.\n" help.device = "%1$s: functions related to the virtual machine's hardware devices\nUsage: %2$s %3$s <subcommand> [args]\ndev is the name of the device.\n\nSubcommands:\n enable <dev>: enable the device dev\n disable <dev>: disable the device dev\n list: list all available devices\n status <dev>: print the status of a device\n" help.disk = "%1$s: perform disk shrink operations\nUsage: %2$s %3$s <subcommand> [args]\n\nSubcommands:\n list: list available locations\n shrink <location>: wipes and shrinks a file system at the given location\n shrinkonly: shrinks all disks\n wipe <location>: wipes a file system at the given location\n" help.globalconf = "%1$s: Manage global configuration downloads from the GuestStore\nUsage: %2$s %3$s <subcommand>\n\nESX guests only subcommands:\n enable: Enable the global configuration module\n disable: Disable the global configuration module\n refresh: Trigger a new download of the global configuration from the GuestStore\n status: Print the status of the global configuration module\n" help.gueststore = "%1$s: get resource content from GuestStore\nUsage: %2$s %3$s <subcommand>\n\nESX guests only subcommands:\n getcontent <resource path> <output file>: get resource content from GuestStore and save to output file.\n\n<resource path> starts with / and represents a unique resource in GuestStore. If it ends with /, defaults to retrieve the underlying 'metadata.json' resource.\n<output file> is the path of a file to save resource content to.\n" help.hint = "Try '%1$s %2$s%3$s%4$s' for more information.\n" help.info = "%1$s: update guest information on the host\nUsage: %2$s %3$s update <infoclass>\n\nSubcommands:\n update <infoclass>: update information identified by <infoclass>\n<infoclass> can be 'network'\n" help.logging = "%1$s: modify tools logging\nUsage: %2$s %3$s level <subcommand> <servicename> <level>\n\nSubcommands:\n get <servicename>: display current level\n NOTE: If the level is not present in tools.conf, its\n value from the global configuration is returned if present\n set <servicename> <level>: set current level\n\n<servicename> can be any supported service, such as vmsvc or vmusr\n<level> can be one of error, critical, warning, info, message, debug\n default is %4$s\n" help.main = "Usage: %1$s <command> [options] [subcommand]\nType '%2$s %3$s <command>' for help on a specific command.\nType '%4$s -v' to see the VMware Tools version.\nUse '-q' option to suppress stdout output.\nMost commands take a subcommand.\n\nAvailable commands:\n config\n device\n disk (not available on all operating systems)\n globalconf (not available on all operating systems)\n gueststore (not available on all operating systems)\n info\n logging\n script\n stat\n timesync\n upgrade (not available on all operating systems)\n" help.script = "%1$s: control the scripts run in response to power operations\nUsage: %2$s %3$s <power|resume|suspend|shutdown> <subcommand> [args]\n\nSubcommands:\n enable: enable the given script and restore its path to the default\n disable: disable the given script\n set <full_path>: set the given script to the given path\n default: print the default path of the given script\n current: print the current path of the given script\n NOTE: If the path is not present in tools.conf, its\n value from the global configuration is returned if present\n" help.stat = "%1$s: print useful guest and host information\nUsage: %2$s %3$s <subcommand>\n\nSubcommands:\n hosttime: print the host time\n speed: print the CPU speed in MHz\nESX guests only subcommands:\n sessionid: print the current session id\n balloon: print memory ballooning information\n swap: print memory swapping information\n memlimit: print memory limit information\n memres: print memory reservation information\n cpures: print CPU reservation information\n cpulimit: print CPU limit information\n raw [<encoding> <stat name>]: print raw stat information\n <encoding> can be one of 'text', 'json', 'xml', 'yaml'.\n <stat name> includes session, host, resources, vscsi and\n vnet (Some stats like vscsi are two words, e.g. 'vscsi scsi0:0').\n Prints the available stats if <encoding> and <stat name>\n arguments are not specified.\n" help.timesync = "%1$s: functions for controlling time synchronization on the guest OS\nUsage: %2$s %3$s <subcommand>\n\nSubcommands:\n enable: enable time synchronization\n disable: disable time synchronization\n status: print the time synchronization status\n" help.upgrade = "%1$s: functions related to upgrading VMware Tools.\nUsage: %2$s %3$s <subcommand> [args]\nSubcommands:\n status: check the VMware Tools upgrade status.\n start: initiate an auto-upgrade of VMware Tools.\n\nFor upgrades to work, the VMware Tools service needs to be running.\n" globalconf.refresh.failed = "'%1$s' failed, since globalconf module is disabled.\n" globalconf.start_vmtools = "%1$s: Starting the %2$s service.\n" globalconf.status = "The status of globalconf module is '%1$s'\n" globalconf.stop_vmtools = "%1$s: Stopping the %2$s service.\n" globalconf.update_config = "%1$s: Updating the Configuration.\n" gueststore.content_size = "Content size in bytes: " gueststore.error.client_lib = "'%1$s' failed, GuestStore client library error: %2$s.\n" gueststore.progress = "\rProgress: %1$d%%" option.disabled = "Disabled" option.enabled = "Enabled" result.error.failed = "'%1$s' failed, check %2$s log for more information.\n" result.succeeded = "'%1$s' succeeded.\n" script.notfound = "%1$s doesn't exist.\n" script.operation = "operation" script.unknownop = "No script for operation %1$s.\n" script.write.error = "Error writing config: %1$s\n" stat.balloon.failed = "Failed to get ballooned memory: %1$s\n" stat.cpumax.failed = "Failed to get CPU limit: %1$s\n" stat.cpumin.failed = "Failed to get CPU minimum: %1$s\n" stat.formattime.failed = "Unable to format host time.\n" stat.get.failed = "Failed to get stat: %1$s\n" stat.getsession.failed = "Failed to get session ID: %1$s\n" stat.getspeed.failed = "Unable to get processor speed.\n" stat.gettime.failed = "Unable to get host time.\n" stat.maxmem.failed = "Failed to get memory limit: %1$s\n" stat.memres.failed = "Failed to get memory reservation: %1$s\n" stat.memswap.failed = "Failed to get swapped memory: %1$s\n" stat.openhandle.failed = "OpenHandle failed: %1$s\n" stat.update.failed = "UpdateInfo failed: %1$s\n" stat.processorSpeed.info = "%1$u MHz\n" stat.memoryBalloon.info = "%1$u MB\n" stat.memoryReservation.info = "%1$u MB\n" stat.memorySwapped.info = "%1$u MB\n" stat.memoryLimit.info = "%1$u MB\n" stat.cpuReservation.info = "%1$u MHz\n" stat.cpuLimit.info = "%1$u MHz\n" upgrade.available = "A new version of VMware Tools is available.\n" upgrade.error.check_error = "Error checking upgrade availability.\n" upgrade.error.error = "Error starting VMware Tools upgrade.\n" upgrade.error.not_supported = "The host does not support auto upgrade of VMware Tools.\n" upgrade.error.unknown_reply = "Unexpected host reply: %1$s\n" upgrade.started = "The upgrade has started.\n" upgrade.uptodate = "VMware Tools are up-to-date.\n"
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