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#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Copyright (C) 2003 by Bill Allombert <ballombe@debian.org> # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # based on a design and a bash/gawk script # # Copyright (C) 1998,2000 by Avery Pennarun, for the Debian Project. # Use, modify, and redistribute modified or unmodified versions in any # way you wish. use strict; use 5.6.0; my $dpkg_db="/var/lib/dpkg/info"; my $dpkg_origin="/etc/dpkg/origins/default"; my $popcon_conf="/etc/popularity-contest.conf"; # $popcon_conf is in shell-script format my $HOSTID = qx(unset MY_HOSTID; . $popcon_conf; echo \$MY_HOSTID ); chomp $HOSTID; if ( $HOSTID eq "") { print STDERR "You must set MY_HOSTID in $popcon_conf!\n"; exit 1; } if ( $HOSTID eq "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e") { print STDERR "Warning: MY_HOSTID is the md5sum of the empty file!\n"; print STDERR "Please change it to the md5sum of a random file in $popcon_conf!\n"; } if ( $HOSTID !~ /^([a-f0-9]{32})$/) { print STDERR "Error: MY_HOSTID does not match ^([a-f0-9]{32})\$\n"; print STDERR "Please edit $popcon_conf to use a valid md5sum value\n"; exit 1; } # Architecture. my $debarch = `dpkg --print-architecture`; chomp $debarch; # Popcon release my $popconver=`dpkg-query --showformat='\${version}' --show popularity-contest`; # Vendor my $vendor="unknown"; if (open(VENDOR, "<", $dpkg_origin)) { while (<VENDOR>) { m/^Vendor: *(.*)/ and $vendor=$1; } close(VENDOR); } # Initialise time computations my $now = time; my $halfdaylen = 12 * 60 *60; my $daylen = 2 * $halfdaylen; my $monthlen = $daylen * 30; my $lastmonth = $now - $monthlen; sub trunc_time { return $halfdaylen * int($_[0] / $halfdaylen); } my %popcon=(); # List all mapped files my %mapped; if (opendir(PROC, "/proc")) { my @procfiles = readdir(PROC); closedir(PROC); foreach (@procfiles) { -d "/proc/$_" or next; m{^[0-9]+$} or next; open MAPS, "/proc/$_/maps" or next; while (<MAPS>) { m{(/.*)} or next; $mapped{$1} = 1; } close MAPS; } } # List files diverted by dpkg my %diverted; if (open DIVERSIONS, "env LC_ALL=C dpkg-divert --list|") { while (<DIVERSIONS>) { next unless /^(?:local )?diversion of (\S+) to (?:\S+)(?: by (\S+))?\s*$/; $diverted{$1} = defined $2 ? $2 : "" } close DIVERSIONS; } my %pkgs_files = (); if (opendir(my $DPKG_DB, $dpkg_db)) { for my $e (readdir($DPKG_DB)) { if ($e =~ m/^([^:]+) .*? \. list$/x) { $pkgs_files{$1} ||= []; push @{$pkgs_files{$1}}, "$dpkg_db/$e"; } } closedir($DPKG_DB); } # Read dpkg database of installed packages open PACKAGES, "dpkg-query --show --showformat='\${status} \${package}\\n'|"; while (<PACKAGES>) { /^.*installed *(.+)$/ or next; my $pkg=$1; my $bestatime = undef; my $list; # dpkg-query reports multiple times the same package for diff archs next if $popcon{$pkg}; $popcon{$pkg}=[0,0,$pkg,"<NOFILES>"]; foreach (@{$pkgs_files{$pkg}}) { open FILES, $_ or next; while (<FILES>) { chop; next unless ( ( m{/bin/|/sbin/|/lib/.+/|^/usr/games/|\.[ah]$|\.pm$|\.php$|^/boot/System\.map-} && ! m{/lib/.+-.+-.+/} && ! m{^/usr/lib/mime/packages/} || defined $mapped{$_} ) && -f $_); next if defined $diverted{$_} and $diverted{$_} ne $pkg; my($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size, $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat; if (defined $mapped{$_}) { # It's currently being accessed by a process $atime = time(); } if (!defined($bestatime) || $atime >= $bestatime) { # Truncate time to reduce informaton leak. my $tatime = &trunc_time($atime); my $tctime = &trunc_time($ctime); $bestatime=$atime; if ($atime < $lastmonth) { # Not accessed since more than 30 days. $popcon{$pkg}=[$tatime,$tctime,$pkg,$_,"<OLD>"]; } elsif ($ctime > $lastmonth && $atime-$ctime < $daylen) { # Installed/upgraded less than a month ago and not used after # install/upgrade day. $popcon{$pkg}=[$tatime,$tctime,$pkg,$_,"<RECENT-CTIME>"]; } else { # Else we `vote' for the package. $popcon{$pkg}=[$tatime,$tctime,$pkg,$_]; } } } close FILES; } } close PACKAGES; # We're not done yet. Sort the output in reverse by atime, and # add a header/footer. print "POPULARITY-CONTEST-0 TIME:",time," ID:$HOSTID ". "ARCH:$debarch POPCONVER:$popconver VENDOR:$vendor\n"; for (sort { $popcon{$b}[0] <=> $popcon{$a}[0] } keys %popcon) { print join(' ',@{$popcon{$_}}),"\n"; } print "END-POPULARITY-CONTEST-0 TIME:",time,"\n";
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