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/** * jQuery Editable Select * Indri Muska <indrimuska@gmail.com> * * Source on GitHub @ https://github.com/indrimuska/jquery-editable-select */ +(function ($) { // jQuery Editable Select EditableSelect = function (select, options) { var that = this; this.options = options; this.$select = $(select); this.$input = $('<input type="text" autocomplete="off">'); this.$list = $('<ul class="es-list">'); this.utility = new EditableSelectUtility(this); if (['focus', 'manual'].indexOf(this.options.trigger) < 0) this.options.trigger = 'focus'; if (['default', 'fade', 'slide'].indexOf(this.options.effects) < 0) this.options.effects = 'default'; if (isNaN(this.options.duration) && ['fast', 'slow'].indexOf(this.options.duration) < 0) this.options.duration = 'fast'; // create text input var events = $._data(select, "events"); if (events) { Object.keys(events).forEach(key => { var event = events[key][0]; this.$input.bind(event.type + "." + event.namespace, event.handler); }); } this.$select.replaceWith(this.$input); this.$list.appendTo(this.options.appendTo || this.$input.parent()); // initalization this.utility.initialize(); this.utility.initializeList(); this.utility.initializeInput(); this.utility.trigger('created'); } EditableSelect.DEFAULTS = { filter: true, effects: 'default', duration: 'fast', trigger: 'focus' }; EditableSelect.prototype.filter = function () { var hiddens = 0; var search = this.$input.val().toLowerCase().trim(); this.$list.find('li').addClass('es-visible').show(); if (this.options.filter) { hiddens = this.$list.find('li').filter(function (i, li) { return $(li).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(search) < 0; }).hide().removeClass('es-visible').length; if (this.$list.find('li').length == hiddens) this.hide(); } }; EditableSelect.prototype.show = function () { this.$list.css({ top: this.$input.position().top + this.$input.outerHeight() - 1, left: this.$input.position().left, width: this.$input.outerWidth() }); if (!this.$list.is(':visible') && this.$list.find('li.es-visible').length > 0) { var fns = { default: 'show', fade: 'fadeIn', slide: 'slideDown' }; var fn = fns[this.options.effects]; this.utility.trigger('show'); this.$input.addClass('open'); this.$list[fn](this.options.duration, $.proxy(this.utility.trigger, this.utility, 'shown')); } }; EditableSelect.prototype.hide = function () { var fns = { default: 'hide', fade: 'fadeOut', slide: 'slideUp' }; var fn = fns[this.options.effects]; this.utility.trigger('hide'); this.$input.removeClass('open'); this.$list[fn](this.options.duration, $.proxy(this.utility.trigger, this.utility, 'hidden')); }; EditableSelect.prototype.select = function ($li) { if (!this.$list.has($li) || !$li.is('li.es-visible:not([disabled])')) return; this.$input.val($li.text()); if (this.options.filter) this.hide(); this.filter(); this.utility.trigger('select', $li); }; EditableSelect.prototype.add = function (text, index, attrs, data) { var $li = $('<li>').html(text); var $option = $('<option>').text(text); var last = this.$list.find('li').length; if (isNaN(index)) index = last; else index = Math.min(Math.max(0, index), last); if (index == 0) { this.$list.prepend($li); this.$select.prepend($option); } else { this.$list.find('li').eq(index - 1).after($li); this.$select.find('option').eq(index - 1).after($option); } this.utility.setAttributes($li, attrs, data); this.utility.setAttributes($option, attrs, data); this.filter(); }; EditableSelect.prototype.remove = function (index) { var last = this.$list.find('li').length; if (isNaN(index)) index = last; else index = Math.min(Math.max(0, index), last - 1); this.$list.find('li').eq(index).remove(); this.$select.find('option').eq(index).remove(); this.filter(); }; EditableSelect.prototype.clear = function () { this.$list.find('li').remove(); this.$select.find('option').remove(); this.filter(); }; EditableSelect.prototype.destroy = function () { this.$list.off('mousemove mousedown mouseup'); this.$input.off('focus blur input keydown'); this.$input.replaceWith(this.$select); this.$list.remove(); this.$select.removeData('editable-select'); }; // Utility EditableSelectUtility = function (es) { this.es = es; } EditableSelectUtility.prototype.initialize = function () { var that = this; that.setAttributes(that.es.$input, that.es.$select[0].attributes, that.es.$select.data()); that.es.$input.addClass('es-input').data('editable-select', that.es); that.es.$select.find('option').each(function (i, option) { var $option = $(option).remove(); that.es.add($option.text(), i, option.attributes, $option.data()); if ($option.attr('selected')) that.es.$input.val($option.text()); }); that.es.filter(); }; EditableSelectUtility.prototype.initializeList = function () { var that = this; that.es.$list .on('mousemove', 'li:not([disabled])', function () { that.es.$list.find('.selected').removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); }) .on('mousedown', 'li', function (e) { if ($(this).is('[disabled]')) e.preventDefault(); else that.es.select($(this)); }) .on('mouseup', function () { that.es.$list.find('li.selected').removeClass('selected'); }); }; EditableSelectUtility.prototype.initializeInput = function () { var that = this; switch (this.es.options.trigger) { default: case 'focus': that.es.$input .on('focus', $.proxy(that.es.show, that.es)) .on("blur", $.proxy(function() { if ($(".es-list:hover").length === 0) { that.es.hide(); } else { this.$input.focus(); } }, that.es )); break; case 'manual': break; } that.es.$input.on('input keydown', function (e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 38: // Up var visibles = that.es.$list.find('li.es-visible:not([disabled])'); var selectedIndex = visibles.index(visibles.filter('li.selected')); that.highlight(selectedIndex - 1); e.preventDefault(); break; case 40: // Down var visibles = that.es.$list.find('li.es-visible:not([disabled])'); var selectedIndex = visibles.index(visibles.filter('li.selected')); that.highlight(selectedIndex + 1); e.preventDefault(); break; case 13: // Enter if (that.es.$list.is(':visible')) { that.es.select(that.es.$list.find('li.selected')); e.preventDefault(); } break; case 9: // Tab case 27: // Esc that.es.hide(); break; default: that.es.filter(); that.highlight(0); break; } }); }; EditableSelectUtility.prototype.highlight = function (index) { var that = this; that.es.show(); setTimeout(function () { var visibles = that.es.$list.find('li.es-visible'); var oldSelected = that.es.$list.find('li.selected').removeClass('selected'); var oldSelectedIndex = visibles.index(oldSelected); if (visibles.length > 0) { var selectedIndex = (visibles.length + index) % visibles.length; var selected = visibles.eq(selectedIndex); var top = selected.position().top; selected.addClass('selected'); if (selectedIndex < oldSelectedIndex && top < 0) that.es.$list.scrollTop(that.es.$list.scrollTop() + top); if (selectedIndex > oldSelectedIndex && top + selected.outerHeight() > that.es.$list.outerHeight()) that.es.$list.scrollTop(that.es.$list.scrollTop() + selected.outerHeight() + 2 * (top - that.es.$list.outerHeight())); } }); }; EditableSelectUtility.prototype.setAttributes = function ($element, attrs, data) { $.each(attrs || {}, function (i, attr) { $element.attr(attr.name, attr.value); }); $element.data(data); }; EditableSelectUtility.prototype.trigger = function (event) { var params = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); var args = [event + '.editable-select']; args.push(params); this.es.$select.trigger.apply(this.es.$select, args); this.es.$input.trigger.apply(this.es.$input, args); }; // Plugin Plugin = function (option) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var data = $this.data('editable-select'); var options = $.extend({}, EditableSelect.DEFAULTS, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option); if (!data) data = new EditableSelect(this, options); if (typeof option == 'string') data[option].apply(data, args); }); } $.fn.editableSelect = Plugin; $.fn.editableSelect.Constructor = EditableSelect; })(jQuery);
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