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from enum import Enum from typing import Any, Dict, List from apt import Cache # type: ignore from apt import package as apt_package from uaclient.config import UAConfig from uaclient.util import get_platform_info ESM_SERVICES = ("esm-infra", "esm-apps") SECURITY_REPO_TEMPLATES = ( "{}-security", "{}-apps-security", "{}-infra-security", ) ESM_INFRA_ORIGIN = "UbuntuESM" ESM_APPS_ORIGIN = "UbuntuESMApps" class UpdateStatus(Enum): "Represents the availability of a security package." AVAILABLE = "upgrade_available" UNATTACHED = "pending_attach" NOT_ENABLED = "pending_enable" UNAVAILABLE = "upgrade_unavailable" def get_service_name(origins: List[apt_package.Origin]) -> str: "Translates the archive name in the version origin to a UA service name." for origin in origins: if ( "infra-security" in origin.archive and origin.origin == ESM_INFRA_ORIGIN ): return "esm-infra" if ( "apps-security" in origin.archive and origin.origin == ESM_APPS_ORIGIN ): return "esm-apps" return "standard-security" def get_update_status(service_name: str, ua_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: """Defines the update status for a package based on the service name. For ESM-[Infra|Apps] packages, first checks if UA is attached. If this is the case, also check for availability of the service. """ if service_name == "standard-security" or ( ua_info["attached"] and service_name in ua_info["enabled_services"] ): return UpdateStatus.AVAILABLE.value if not ua_info["attached"]: return UpdateStatus.UNATTACHED.value if service_name in ua_info["entitled_services"]: return UpdateStatus.NOT_ENABLED.value return UpdateStatus.UNAVAILABLE.value def filter_security_updates( packages: List[apt_package.Package] ) -> List[apt_package.Package]: """Filters a list of packages looking for available security updates. Checks if the package has a greater version available, and if the origin of this version matches any of the series' security repositories. """ series = get_platform_info()["series"] security_repos = [ template.format(series) for template in SECURITY_REPO_TEMPLATES ] return [ package for package in packages if max(package.versions) > package.installed and any( origin.archive in security_repos for origin in max(package.versions).origins ) ] def get_ua_info(cfg: UAConfig) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns the UA information based on the config object.""" ua_info = { "attached": False, "enabled_services": [], "entitled_services": [], } # type: Dict[str, Any] status = cfg.status(show_beta=True) if status["attached"]: ua_info["attached"] = True for service in status["services"]: if service["name"] in ESM_SERVICES: if service["entitled"] == "yes": ua_info["entitled_services"].append(service["name"]) if service["status"] == "enabled": ua_info["enabled_services"].append(service["name"]) return ua_info def security_status(cfg: UAConfig) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns the status of security updates on a system. The returned dict has a 'packages' key with a list of all installed packages which can receive security updates, with or without ESM, reflecting the availability of the update based on the UA status. There is also a summary with the UA information and the package counts. """ ua_info = get_ua_info(cfg) summary = {"ua": ua_info} # type: Dict[str, Any] packages = [] cache = Cache() installed_packages = [package for package in cache if package.is_installed] summary["num_installed_packages"] = len(installed_packages) security_upgradable_packages = filter_security_updates(installed_packages) package_count = {"esm-infra": 0, "esm-apps": 0, "standard-security": 0} for package in security_upgradable_packages: candidate = max(package.versions) version = candidate.version service_name = get_service_name(candidate.origins) status = get_update_status(service_name, ua_info) package_count[service_name] += 1 packages.append( { "package": package.name, "version": version, "service_name": service_name, "status": status, } ) summary["num_esm_infra_updates"] = package_count["esm-infra"] summary["num_esm_apps_updates"] = package_count["esm-apps"] summary["num_standard_security_updates"] = package_count[ "standard-security" ] return {"_schema_version": "0", "summary": summary, "packages": packages}
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