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import copy import enum import itertools import os import socket import textwrap from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime from typing import Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Set, Tuple from uaclient import apt, exceptions, serviceclient, status, util from uaclient.clouds.identity import ( CLOUD_TYPE_TO_TITLE, PRO_CLOUDS, get_cloud_type, ) from uaclient.config import UAConfig from uaclient.defaults import BASE_UA_URL, PRINT_WRAP_WIDTH from uaclient.entitlements import ENTITLEMENT_CLASS_BY_NAME CVE_OR_USN_REGEX = ( r"((CVE|cve)-\d{4}-\d{4,7}$|(USN|usn|LSN|lsn)-\d{1,5}-\d{1,2}$)" ) API_V1_CVES = "cves.json" API_V1_CVE_TMPL = "cves/{cve}.json" API_V1_NOTICES = "notices.json" API_V1_NOTICE_TMPL = "notices/{notice}.json" UBUNTU_STANDARD_UPDATES_POCKET = "Ubuntu standard updates" UA_INFRA_POCKET = "UA Infra" UA_APPS_POCKET = "UA Apps" ReleasedPackagesInstallResult = NamedTuple( "ReleasedPackagesInstallResult", [ ("fix_status", bool), ("unfixed_pkgs", Set[str]), ("installed_pkgs", Set[str]), ("all_already_installed", bool), ], ) @enum.unique class FixStatus(enum.Enum): """ An enum to represent the system status after fix operation """ SYSTEM_NON_VULNERABLE = 0 SYSTEM_STILL_VULNERABLE = 1 SYSTEM_VULNERABLE_UNTIL_REBOOT = 2 class SecurityAPIError(util.UrlError): def __init__(self, e, error_response): super().__init__(e, e.code, e.headers, e.url) self.message = error_response.get("message", "") def __contains__(self, error_code): return bool(error_code in self.message) def __get__(self, error_str, default=None): if error_str in self.message: return self.message return default def __str__(self): prefix = super().__str__() details = [self.message] if details: return prefix + ": [" + self.url + "] " + ", ".join(details) return prefix + ": [" + self.url + "]" class UASecurityClient(serviceclient.UAServiceClient): url_timeout = 20 cfg_url_base_attr = "security_url" api_error_cls = SecurityAPIError def _get_query_params( self, query_params: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Update query params with data from feature config. """ extra_security_params = self.cfg.cfg.get("features", {}).get( "extra_security_params", {} ) if query_params: query_params.update(extra_security_params) return query_params return extra_security_params @util.retry(socket.timeout, retry_sleeps=[1, 3, 5]) def request_url( self, path, data=None, headers=None, method=None, query_params=None ): query_params = self._get_query_params(query_params) return super().request_url( path=path, data=data, headers=headers, method=method, query_params=query_params, ) def get_cves( self, query: Optional[str] = None, priority: Optional[str] = None, package: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, component: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[str] = None, status: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> List["CVE"]: """Query to match multiple-CVEs. @return: List of CVE instances based on the the JSON response. """ query_params = { "q": query, "priority": priority, "package": package, "limit": limit, "offset": offset, "component": component, "version": version, "status": status, } cves_response, _headers = self.request_url( API_V1_CVES, query_params=query_params ) return [CVE(client=self, response=cve_md) for cve_md in cves_response] def get_cve(self, cve_id: str) -> "CVE": """Query to match single-CVE. @return: CVE instance for JSON response from the Security API. """ cve_response, _headers = self.request_url( API_V1_CVE_TMPL.format(cve=cve_id) ) return CVE(client=self, response=cve_response) def get_notices( self, details: Optional[str] = None, release: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, order: Optional[str] = None, ) -> List["USN"]: """Query to match multiple-USNs. @return: Sorted list of USN instances based on the the JSON response. """ query_params = { "details": details, "release": release, "limit": limit, "offset": offset, "order": order, } usns_response, _headers = self.request_url( API_V1_NOTICES, query_params=query_params ) return sorted( [ USN(client=self, response=usn_md) for usn_md in usns_response.get("notices", []) if details is None or details in usn_md.get("cves_ids", []) ], key=lambda x: x.id, ) def get_notice(self, notice_id: str) -> "USN": """Query to match single-USN. @return: USN instance representing the JSON response. """ notice_response, _headers = self.request_url( API_V1_NOTICE_TMPL.format(notice=notice_id) ) return USN(client=self, response=notice_response) # Model for Security API responses class CVEPackageStatus: """Class representing specific CVE PackageStatus on an Ubuntu series""" def __init__(self, cve_response: Dict[str, Any]): self.response = cve_response @property def description(self): return self.response["description"] @property def fixed_version(self): return self.description @property def pocket(self): return self.response["pocket"] @property def release_codename(self): return self.response["release_codename"] @property def status(self): return self.response["status"] @property def status_message(self): if self.status == "needed": return "Sorry, no fix is available yet." elif self.status == "needs-triage": return "Ubuntu security engineers are investigating this issue." elif self.status == "pending": return "A fix is coming soon. Try again tomorrow." elif self.status in ("ignored", "deferred"): return "Sorry, no fix is available." elif self.status == "DNE": return "Source package does not exist on this release." elif self.status == "not-affected": return "Source package is not affected on this release." elif self.status == "released": return status.MESSAGE_SECURITY_FIX_RELEASE_STREAM.format( fix_stream=self.pocket_source ) return "UNKNOWN: {}".format(self.status) @property def requires_ua(self) -> bool: """Return True if the package requires an active UA subscription.""" return bool(self.pocket_source != UBUNTU_STANDARD_UPDATES_POCKET) @property def pocket_source(self): """Human-readable string representing where the fix is published.""" if self.pocket == "esm-infra": fix_source = UA_INFRA_POCKET elif self.pocket == "esm-apps": fix_source = UA_APPS_POCKET elif self.pocket in ("updates", "security"): fix_source = UBUNTU_STANDARD_UPDATES_POCKET else: # TODO(GH: #1376 drop this when esm* pockets supplied by API) if "esm" in self.fixed_version: fix_source = UA_INFRA_POCKET else: fix_source = UBUNTU_STANDARD_UPDATES_POCKET return fix_source class CVE: """Class representing CVE response from the SecurityClient""" def __init__(self, client: UASecurityClient, response: Dict[str, Any]): self.response = response self.client = client def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, CVE): return False return self.response == other.response @property def id(self): return self.response.get("id", "UNKNOWN_CVE_ID").upper() def get_url_header(self): """Return a string representing the URL for this cve.""" title = self.description for notice in self.notices: # Only look at the most recent USN title title = notice.title break lines = [ "{issue}: {title}".format(issue=self.id, title=title), "https://ubuntu.com/security/{}".format(self.id), ] return "\n".join(lines) @property def notices_ids(self) -> List[str]: return self.response.get("notices_ids", []) @property def notices(self) -> List["USN"]: """Return a list of USN instances from API response 'notices'. Cache the value to avoid extra work on multiple calls. """ if not hasattr(self, "_notices"): self._notices = sorted( [ USN(self.client, notice) for notice in self.response.get("notices", []) ], key=lambda n: n.id, reverse=True, ) return self._notices @property def description(self): return self.response.get("description") @property def packages_status(self) -> Dict[str, CVEPackageStatus]: """Dict of package status dicts for the current Ubuntu series. Top-level keys are source packages names and each value is a CVEPackageStatus object """ if hasattr(self, "_packages_status"): return self._packages_status # type: ignore self._packages_status = {} series = util.get_platform_info()["series"] for package in self.response["packages"]: for pkg_status in package["statuses"]: if pkg_status["release_codename"] == series: self._packages_status[package["name"]] = CVEPackageStatus( pkg_status ) return self._packages_status class USN: """Class representing USN response from the SecurityClient""" def __init__(self, client: UASecurityClient, response: Dict[str, Any]): self.response = response self.client = client def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, USN): return False return self.response == other.response @property def id(self) -> str: return self.response.get("id", "UNKNOWN_USN_ID").upper() @property def cves_ids(self) -> List[str]: """List of CVE IDs related to this USN.""" return self.response.get("cves_ids", []) @property def cves(self) -> List[CVE]: """List of CVE instances based on API response 'cves' key. Cache the values to avoid extra work for multiple call-sites. """ if not hasattr(self, "_cves"): self._cves = sorted( [ CVE(self.client, cve) for cve in self.response.get("cves", []) ], key=lambda n: n.id, reverse=True, ) # type: List[CVE] return self._cves @property def title(self): return self.response.get("title") def get_url_header(self): """Return a string representing the URL for this notice.""" lines = [ "{issue}: {title}".format(issue=self.id, title=self.title), "Found CVEs:", ] for cve in self.cves_ids: lines.append("https://ubuntu.com/security/{}".format(cve)) return "\n".join(lines) @property def release_packages(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]]: """Binary package information available for this release. Reformat the USN.release_packages response to key it based on source package name and related binary package names. :return: Dict keyed by source package name. The second-level key will be binary package names generated from that source package and the values will be the dict response from USN.release_packages for that binary package. The binary metadata contains the following keys: name, version. Optional additional keys: pocket and component. """ if hasattr(self, "_release_packages"): return self._release_packages series = util.get_platform_info()["series"] self._release_packages = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] # Organize source and binary packages under a common source package key for pkg in self.response.get("release_packages", {}).get(series, []): if pkg.get("is_source"): # Create a "source" key under src_pkg_name with API response if pkg["name"] in self._release_packages: if "source" in self._release_packages[pkg["name"]]: raise exceptions.SecurityAPIMetadataError( "{usn} metadata defines duplicate source packages" " {pkg}".format(usn=self.id, pkg=pkg["name"]), issue_id=self.id, ) self._release_packages[pkg["name"]]["source"] = pkg else: self._release_packages[pkg["name"]] = {"source": pkg} else: # is_source == False or None, then this is a binary package. # If processed before a source item, the top-level key will # not exist yet. # TODO(GH: 1465: determine if this is expected on kern pkgs) if not pkg.get("source_link"): raise exceptions.SecurityAPIMetadataError( "{issue} metadata does not define release_packages" " source_link for {bin_pkg}.".format( issue=self.id, bin_pkg=pkg["name"] ), issue_id=self.id, ) elif "/" not in pkg["source_link"]: raise exceptions.SecurityAPIMetadataError( "{issue} metadata has unexpected release_packages" " source_link value for {bin_pkg}: {link}".format( issue=self.id, bin_pkg=pkg["name"], link=pkg["source_link"], ), issue_id=self.id, ) source_pkg_name = pkg["source_link"].split("/")[-1] if source_pkg_name not in self._release_packages: self._release_packages[source_pkg_name] = {} self._release_packages[source_pkg_name][pkg["name"]] = pkg return self._release_packages def query_installed_source_pkg_versions() -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]: """Return a dict of all source packages installed on the system. The dict keys will be source package name: "krb5". The value will be a dict with keys binary_pkg and version. """ series = util.get_platform_info()["series"] if series == "trusty": status_field = "${Status}" else: status_field = "${db:Status-Status}" out, _err = util.subp( [ "dpkg-query", "-f=${Package},${Source},${Version}," + status_field + "\n", "-W", ] ) installed_packages = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] for pkg_line in out.splitlines(): pkg_name, source_pkg_name, pkg_version, status = pkg_line.split(",") if not source_pkg_name: # some package don't define the Source source_pkg_name = pkg_name if "installed" not in status: continue if source_pkg_name in installed_packages: installed_packages[source_pkg_name][pkg_name] = pkg_version else: installed_packages[source_pkg_name] = {pkg_name: pkg_version} return installed_packages def merge_usn_released_binary_package_versions( usns: List[USN], beta_pockets: Dict[str, bool] ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]]: """Walk related USNs, merging the released binary package versions. For each USN, iterate over release_packages to collect released binary package names and required fix version. If multiple related USNs require differnt version fixes to the same binary package, track the maximum version required across all USNs. :param usns: List of USN response instances from which to calculate merge. :param beta_pockets: Dict keyed on service name: esm-infra, esm-apps the values of which will be true of USN response instances from which to calculate merge. :return: Dict keyed by source package name. Under each source package will be a dict with binary package name as keys and binary package metadata as the value. """ usn_pkg_versions = {} for usn in usns: # Aggregate USN.release_package binary versions into usn_pkg_versions for src_pkg, binary_pkg_versions in usn.release_packages.items(): public_bin_pkg_versions = { bin_pkg_name: bin_pkg_md for bin_pkg_name, bin_pkg_md in binary_pkg_versions.items() if False is beta_pockets.get(bin_pkg_md.get("pocket", "None"), False) } if src_pkg not in usn_pkg_versions and public_bin_pkg_versions: usn_pkg_versions[src_pkg] = public_bin_pkg_versions elif src_pkg in usn_pkg_versions: # Since src_pkg exists, only record this USN's binary version # when it is greater than the previous version in usn_src_pkg. usn_src_pkg = usn_pkg_versions[src_pkg] for bin_pkg, binary_pkg_md in public_bin_pkg_versions.items(): if bin_pkg not in usn_src_pkg: usn_src_pkg[bin_pkg] = binary_pkg_md else: prev_version = usn_src_pkg[bin_pkg]["version"] current_version = binary_pkg_md["version"] if not version_cmp_le(current_version, prev_version): # binary_version is greater than prev_version usn_src_pkg[bin_pkg] = binary_pkg_md return usn_pkg_versions def fix_security_issue_id(cfg: UAConfig, issue_id: str) -> FixStatus: issue_id = issue_id.upper() client = UASecurityClient(cfg=cfg) installed_packages = query_installed_source_pkg_versions() # Used to filter out beta pockets during merge_usns beta_pockets = { "esm-apps": _is_pocket_used_by_beta_service("esm-apps", cfg), "esm-infra": _is_pocket_used_by_beta_service("esm-infra", cfg), } if "CVE" in issue_id: try: cve = client.get_cve(cve_id=issue_id) usns = client.get_notices(details=issue_id) except SecurityAPIError as e: msg = str(e) if "not found" in msg.lower(): msg = status.MESSAGE_SECURITY_FIX_NOT_FOUND_ISSUE.format( issue_id=issue_id ) raise exceptions.UserFacingError(msg) affected_pkg_status = get_cve_affected_source_packages_status( cve=cve, installed_packages=installed_packages ) print(cve.get_url_header()) usn_released_pkgs = merge_usn_released_binary_package_versions( usns, beta_pockets ) else: # USN related_usns = {} try: usn = client.get_notice(notice_id=issue_id) for cve in usn.cves: for related_usn_id in cve.notices_ids: if related_usn_id not in related_usns: related_usns[related_usn_id] = client.get_notice( notice_id=related_usn_id ) usns = list(sorted(related_usns.values(), key=lambda x: x.id)) except SecurityAPIError as e: msg = str(e) if "not found" in msg.lower(): msg = status.MESSAGE_SECURITY_FIX_NOT_FOUND_ISSUE.format( issue_id=issue_id ) raise exceptions.UserFacingError(msg) affected_pkg_status = get_usn_affected_packages_status( usn=usn, installed_packages=installed_packages ) usn_released_pkgs = merge_usn_released_binary_package_versions( usns, beta_pockets ) print(usn.get_url_header()) related_cves = set(itertools.chain(*[u.cves_ids for u in usns])) if not related_cves: raise exceptions.SecurityAPIMetadataError( "{} metadata defines no related CVEs.".format(issue_id), issue_id=issue_id, ) if not usn.response["release_packages"]: # Since usn.release_packages filters to our current release only # check overall metadata and error if empty. raise exceptions.SecurityAPIMetadataError( "{} metadata defines no fixed package versions.".format( issue_id ), issue_id=issue_id, ) return prompt_for_affected_packages( cfg=cfg, issue_id=issue_id, affected_pkg_status=affected_pkg_status, installed_packages=installed_packages, usn_released_pkgs=usn_released_pkgs, ) def get_usn_affected_packages_status( usn: USN, installed_packages: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] ) -> Dict[str, CVEPackageStatus]: """Walk CVEs related to a USN and return a dict of all affected packages. :return: Dict keyed on source package name, with active CVEPackageStatus for the current Ubuntu release. """ affected_pkgs = {} # type: Dict[str, CVEPackageStatus] for cve in usn.cves: for pkg_name, pkg_status in get_cve_affected_source_packages_status( cve, installed_packages ).items(): if pkg_name not in affected_pkgs: affected_pkgs[pkg_name] = pkg_status else: current_ver = affected_pkgs[pkg_name].fixed_version if not version_cmp_le(current_ver, pkg_status.fixed_version): affected_pkgs[pkg_name] = pkg_status return affected_pkgs def get_cve_affected_source_packages_status( cve: CVE, installed_packages: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] ) -> Dict[str, CVEPackageStatus]: """Get a dict of any CVEPackageStatuses affecting this Ubuntu release. :return: Dict of active CVEPackageStatus keyed by source package names. """ affected_pkg_versions = {} for source_pkg, package_status in cve.packages_status.items(): if package_status.status == "not-affected": continue if source_pkg in installed_packages: affected_pkg_versions[source_pkg] = package_status return affected_pkg_versions def print_affected_packages_header( issue_id: str, affected_pkg_status: Dict[str, CVEPackageStatus] ): """Print header strings describing affected packages related to a CVE/USN. :param issue_id: String of USN or CVE issue id. :param affected_pkg_status: Dict keyed on source package name, with active CVEPackageStatus for the current Ubuntu release. """ count = len(affected_pkg_status) if count == 0: print( status.MESSAGE_SECURITY_AFFECTED_PKGS.format( count="No", plural_str="s are" ) + "." ) print(status.MESSAGE_SECURITY_ISSUE_UNAFFECTED.format(issue=issue_id)) return if count == 1: plural_str = " is" else: plural_str = "s are" msg = ( status.MESSAGE_SECURITY_AFFECTED_PKGS.format( count=count, plural_str=plural_str ) + ": " + ", ".join(sorted(affected_pkg_status.keys())) ) print(textwrap.fill(msg, width=PRINT_WRAP_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=" ")) def override_usn_release_package_status( pkg_status: CVEPackageStatus, usn_src_released_pkgs: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]], ) -> CVEPackageStatus: """Parse release status based on both pkg_status and USN.release_packages. Since some source packages in universe are not represented in CVEPackageStatus, rely on presence of such source packages in usn_src_released_pkgs to represent package as a "released" status. :param pkg_status: the CVEPackageStatus for this source package. :param usn_src_released_pkgs: The USN.release_packages representing only this source package. Normally, release_packages would have data on multiple source packages. :return: Tuple of: human-readable status message, boolean whether released, boolean whether the fix requires access to UA """ usn_pkg_status = copy.deepcopy(pkg_status) if usn_src_released_pkgs and usn_src_released_pkgs.get("source"): usn_pkg_status.response["status"] = "released" usn_pkg_status.response["description"] = usn_src_released_pkgs[ "source" ]["version"] for pkg_name, usn_released_pkg in usn_src_released_pkgs.items(): # Copy the pocket from any valid binary package pocket = usn_released_pkg.get("pocket") if pocket: usn_pkg_status.response["pocket"] = pocket break return usn_pkg_status def group_by_usn_package_status(affected_pkg_status, usn_released_pkgs): status_groups = {} for src_pkg, pkg_status in sorted(affected_pkg_status.items()): usn_released_src = usn_released_pkgs.get(src_pkg, {}) usn_pkg_status = override_usn_release_package_status( pkg_status, usn_released_src ) status_group = usn_pkg_status.status.replace("ignored", "deferred") if status_group not in status_groups: status_groups[status_group] = [] status_groups[status_group].append((src_pkg, usn_pkg_status)) return status_groups def _format_packages_message( pkg_status_list: List[Tuple[str, CVEPackageStatus]], pkg_index: int, num_pkgs: int, ) -> str: """Format the packages and status to an user friendly message.""" if not pkg_status_list: return "" msg_index = [] src_pkgs = [] for src_pkg, pkg_status in pkg_status_list: pkg_index += 1 msg_index.append("{}/{}".format(pkg_index, num_pkgs)) src_pkgs.append(src_pkg) msg_header = textwrap.fill( "{} {}:".format( "(" + ", ".join(msg_index) + ")", ", ".join(sorted(src_pkgs)) ), width=PRINT_WRAP_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=" ", ) return "{}\n{}".format(msg_header, pkg_status.status_message) def _get_service_for_pocket(pocket: str, cfg: UAConfig): service_to_check = "no-service-needed" if pocket == UA_INFRA_POCKET: service_to_check = "esm-infra" elif pocket == UA_APPS_POCKET: service_to_check = "esm-apps" ent_cls = ENTITLEMENT_CLASS_BY_NAME.get(service_to_check) return ent_cls(cfg) if ent_cls else None def _is_pocket_used_by_beta_service(pocket: str, cfg: UAConfig) -> bool: """Check if the pocket where the fix is at belongs to a beta service.""" ent = _get_service_for_pocket(pocket, cfg) if ent: ent_status, _ = ent.user_facing_status() # If the service is already enabled, we proceed with the fix # even if the service is a beta stage. if ent_status == status.UserFacingStatus.ACTIVE: return False return ent.valid_service return False def _handle_released_package_fixes( cfg: UAConfig, src_pocket_pkgs: Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, CVEPackageStatus]]], binary_pocket_pkgs: Dict[str, List[str]], pkg_index: int, num_pkgs: int, ) -> ReleasedPackagesInstallResult: """Handle the packages that could be fixed and have a released status. :returns: Tuple of boolean whether all packages were successfully upgraded, list of strings containing the packages that were not upgraded, boolean whether all packages were already installed """ all_already_installed = True upgrade_status = True unfixed_pkgs = set() installed_pkgs = set() if src_pocket_pkgs: for pocket in [ UBUNTU_STANDARD_UPDATES_POCKET, UA_INFRA_POCKET, UA_APPS_POCKET, ]: pkg_src_group = src_pocket_pkgs[pocket] binary_pkgs = binary_pocket_pkgs[pocket] if upgrade_status: msg = _format_packages_message( pkg_status_list=pkg_src_group, pkg_index=pkg_index, num_pkgs=num_pkgs, ) if msg: print(msg) if not binary_pkgs: print(status.MESSAGE_SECURITY_UPDATE_INSTALLED) continue else: # if even one pocket has binary_pkgs to install # then we can't say that everything was already # installed. all_already_installed = False pkg_index += len(pkg_src_group) upgrade_status &= upgrade_packages_and_attach( cfg, binary_pkgs, pocket ) if not upgrade_status: unfixed_pkgs.update([src_pkg for src_pkg, _ in pkg_src_group]) else: installed_pkgs.update(binary_pkgs) return ReleasedPackagesInstallResult( fix_status=upgrade_status, unfixed_pkgs=unfixed_pkgs, installed_pkgs=installed_pkgs, all_already_installed=all_already_installed, ) def _format_unfixed_packages_msg(unfixed_pkgs: List[str]) -> str: """Format the list of unfixed packages into an message. :returns: A string containing the message output for the unfixed packages. """ num_pkgs_unfixed = len(unfixed_pkgs) return textwrap.fill( "{} package{} {} still affected: {}".format( num_pkgs_unfixed, "s" if num_pkgs_unfixed > 1 else "", "are" if num_pkgs_unfixed > 1 else "is", ", ".join(sorted(unfixed_pkgs)), ), width=PRINT_WRAP_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=" ", ) def prompt_for_affected_packages( cfg: UAConfig, issue_id: str, affected_pkg_status: Dict[str, CVEPackageStatus], installed_packages: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]], usn_released_pkgs: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]], ) -> FixStatus: """Process security CVE dict returning a CVEStatus object. Since CVEs point to a USN if active, get_notice may be called to fill in CVE title details. :returns: An FixStatus enum value corresponding to the system state after processing the affected packages """ count = len(affected_pkg_status) print_affected_packages_header(issue_id, affected_pkg_status) if count == 0: return FixStatus.SYSTEM_NON_VULNERABLE fix_message = status.MESSAGE_SECURITY_ISSUE_RESOLVED.format(issue=issue_id) src_pocket_pkgs = defaultdict(list) binary_pocket_pkgs = defaultdict(list) pkg_index = 0 pkg_status_groups = group_by_usn_package_status( affected_pkg_status, usn_released_pkgs ) unfixed_pkgs = [] for status_value, pkg_status_group in sorted(pkg_status_groups.items()): if status_value != "released": fix_message = status.MESSAGE_SECURITY_ISSUE_NOT_RESOLVED.format( issue=issue_id ) print( _format_packages_message( pkg_status_list=pkg_status_group, pkg_index=pkg_index, num_pkgs=count, ) ) pkg_index += len(pkg_status_group) unfixed_pkgs += [src_pkg for src_pkg, _ in pkg_status_group] else: for src_pkg, pkg_status in pkg_status_group: src_pocket_pkgs[pkg_status.pocket_source].append( (src_pkg, pkg_status) ) for binary_pkg, version in installed_packages[src_pkg].items(): usn_released_src = usn_released_pkgs.get(src_pkg, {}) if binary_pkg not in usn_released_src: unfixed_pkgs += [ src_pkg for src_pkg, _ in pkg_status_group ] msg = ( "{issue} metadata defines no fixed version for" " {pkg}.\n".format(pkg=binary_pkg, issue=issue_id) ) msg += _format_unfixed_packages_msg(unfixed_pkgs) raise exceptions.SecurityAPIMetadataError( msg, issue_id ) fixed_pkg = usn_released_src[binary_pkg] fixed_version = fixed_pkg["version"] # type: ignore if not version_cmp_le(fixed_version, version): binary_pocket_pkgs[pkg_status.pocket_source].append( binary_pkg ) released_pkgs_install_result = _handle_released_package_fixes( cfg=cfg, src_pocket_pkgs=src_pocket_pkgs, binary_pocket_pkgs=binary_pocket_pkgs, pkg_index=pkg_index, num_pkgs=count, ) unfixed_pkgs += released_pkgs_install_result.unfixed_pkgs if unfixed_pkgs: print(_format_unfixed_packages_msg(unfixed_pkgs)) if released_pkgs_install_result.fix_status: # fix_status is True if either: # (1) we successfully installed all the packages we needed to # (2) we didn't need to install any packages # In case (2), then all_already_installed is also True if released_pkgs_install_result.all_already_installed: # we didn't install any packages, so we're good print(util.handle_unicode_characters(fix_message)) return ( FixStatus.SYSTEM_STILL_VULNERABLE if unfixed_pkgs else FixStatus.SYSTEM_NON_VULNERABLE ) elif util.should_reboot( installed_pkgs=released_pkgs_install_result.installed_pkgs ): # we successfully installed some packages, but # system reboot-required. This might be because # or our installations. reboot_msg = status.MESSAGE_ENABLE_REBOOT_REQUIRED_TMPL.format( operation="fix operation" ) print(reboot_msg) cfg.add_notice("", reboot_msg) print( util.handle_unicode_characters( status.MESSAGE_SECURITY_ISSUE_NOT_RESOLVED.format( issue=issue_id ) ) ) return FixStatus.SYSTEM_VULNERABLE_UNTIL_REBOOT else: # we successfully installed some packages, and the system # reboot-required flag is not set, so we're good print(util.handle_unicode_characters(fix_message)) return ( FixStatus.SYSTEM_STILL_VULNERABLE if unfixed_pkgs else FixStatus.SYSTEM_NON_VULNERABLE ) else: print( util.handle_unicode_characters( status.MESSAGE_SECURITY_ISSUE_NOT_RESOLVED.format( issue=issue_id ) ) ) return FixStatus.SYSTEM_STILL_VULNERABLE def _inform_ubuntu_pro_existence_if_applicable() -> None: """Alert the user when running UA on cloud with PRO support.""" cloud_type, _ = get_cloud_type() if cloud_type in PRO_CLOUDS: print( status.MESSAGE_SECURITY_USE_PRO_TMPL.format( title=CLOUD_TYPE_TO_TITLE.get(cloud_type), cloud=cloud_type ) ) def _run_ua_attach(cfg: UAConfig, token: str) -> bool: """Attach to a UA subscription with a given token. :return: True if attach performed without errors. """ import argparse from uaclient import cli print(status.colorize_commands([["ua", "attach", token]])) return bool( 0 == cli.action_attach( argparse.Namespace(token=token, auto_enable=True), cfg ) ) def _prompt_for_attach(cfg: UAConfig) -> bool: """Prompt for attach to a subscription or token. :return: True if attach performed. """ _inform_ubuntu_pro_existence_if_applicable() print(status.MESSAGE_SECURITY_UPDATE_NOT_INSTALLED_SUBSCRIPTION) choice = util.prompt_choices( "Choose: [S]ubscribe at ubuntu.com [A]ttach existing token [C]ancel", valid_choices=["s", "a", "c"], ) if choice == "c": return False if choice == "s": print(status.PROMPT_UA_SUBSCRIPTION_URL) # TODO(GH: #1413: magic subscription attach) input("Hit [Enter] when subscription is complete.") if choice in ("a", "s"): print(status.PROMPT_ENTER_TOKEN) token = input("> ") return _run_ua_attach(cfg, token) return True def _prompt_for_enable(cfg: UAConfig, service: str) -> bool: """Prompt for enable a ua service. :return: True if enable performed. """ import argparse from uaclient import cli print(status.MESSAGE_SECURITY_SERVICE_DISABLED.format(service=service)) choice = util.prompt_choices( "Choose: [E]nable {} [C]ancel".format(service), valid_choices=["e", "c"], ) if choice == "e": print(status.colorize_commands([["ua", "enable", service]])) return bool( 0 == cli.action_enable( argparse.Namespace( service=[service], assume_yes=True, beta=False ), cfg, ) ) return False def _check_subscription_for_required_service( pocket: str, cfg: UAConfig ) -> bool: """Verify if the ua subscription has the required service enabled.""" ent = _get_service_for_pocket(pocket, cfg) if ent: ent_status, _ = ent.user_facing_status() if ent_status == status.UserFacingStatus.ACTIVE: return True applicability_status, _ = ent.applicability_status() if applicability_status == status.ApplicabilityStatus.APPLICABLE: if _prompt_for_enable(cfg, ent.name): return True else: print( status.MESSAGE_SECURITY_UA_SERVICE_NOT_ENABLED.format( service=ent.name ) ) else: print( status.MESSAGE_SECURITY_UA_SERVICE_NOT_ENTITLED.format( service=ent.name ) ) return False def _prompt_for_new_token(cfg: UAConfig) -> bool: """Prompt for attach a new subscription token to the user. :return: True if attach performed. """ import argparse from uaclient import cli _inform_ubuntu_pro_existence_if_applicable() print(status.MESSAGE_SECURITY_UPDATE_NOT_INSTALLED_EXPIRED) choice = util.prompt_choices( "Choose: [R]enew your subscription (at {}) [C]ancel".format( BASE_UA_URL ), valid_choices=["r", "c"], ) if choice == "r": print(status.PROMPT_EXPIRED_ENTER_TOKEN) token = input("> ") print(status.colorize_commands([["ua", "detach"]])) cli.action_detach(argparse.Namespace(assume_yes=True), cfg) return _run_ua_attach(cfg, token) return False def _check_subscription_is_expired(cfg: UAConfig) -> bool: """Check if user UA subscription is expired. :returns: True if subscription is expired and not renewed. """ contract_expiry_datetime = cfg.contract_expiry_datetime tzinfo = contract_expiry_datetime.tzinfo if contract_expiry_datetime < datetime.now(tzinfo): return not _prompt_for_new_token(cfg) return False def upgrade_packages_and_attach( cfg: UAConfig, upgrade_packages: List[str], pocket: str ) -> bool: """Upgrade available packages to fix a CVE. Upgrade all packages in upgrades_packages and, if necessary, prompt regarding system attach prior to upgrading UA packages. :return: True if package upgrade completed or unneeded, False otherwise. """ if not upgrade_packages: return True if os.getuid() != 0: print(status.MESSAGE_SECURITY_APT_NON_ROOT) return False if pocket != UBUNTU_STANDARD_UPDATES_POCKET: if not cfg.is_attached: if not _prompt_for_attach(cfg): return False # User opted to cancel elif _check_subscription_is_expired(cfg): # UA subscription is expired and the user has not # renewed it return False if not _check_subscription_for_required_service(pocket, cfg): # User subscription does not have required service enabled return False print( status.colorize_commands( [ ["apt", "update", "&&"] + ["apt", "install", "--only-upgrade", "-y"] + sorted(upgrade_packages) ] ) ) apt.run_apt_command( cmd=["apt-get", "update"], error_msg=status.MESSAGE_APT_UPDATE_FAILED ) apt.run_apt_command( cmd=["apt-get", "install", "--only-upgrade", "-y"] + upgrade_packages, error_msg=status.MESSAGE_APT_INSTALL_FAILED, env={"DEBIAN_FRONTEND": "noninteractive"}, ) return True def version_cmp_le(version1: str, version2: str) -> bool: """Return True when version1 is less than or equal to version2.""" try: util.subp(["dpkg", "--compare-versions", version1, "le", version2]) return True except util.ProcessExecutionError: return False
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