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import abc import logging import os from typing import List, Optional from cloudinit import net, subp, util from cloudinit.distros.parsers import ifconfig LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Type aliases (https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html#type-aliases), # used to make the signatures of methods a little clearer DeviceName = str NetworkConfig = dict class Networking(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """The root of the Networking hierarchy in cloud-init. This is part of an ongoing refactor in the cloud-init codebase, for more details see "``cloudinit.net`` -> ``cloudinit.distros.networking`` Hierarchy" in CONTRIBUTING.rst for full details. """ def __init__(self): self.blacklist_drivers: Optional[List[str]] = None def _get_current_rename_info(self) -> dict: return net._get_current_rename_info() def _rename_interfaces(self, renames: list, *, current_info=None) -> None: return net._rename_interfaces(renames, current_info=current_info) @abc.abstractmethod def apply_network_config_names(self, netcfg: NetworkConfig) -> None: """Read the network config and rename devices accordingly.""" def device_devid(self, devname: DeviceName): return net.device_devid(devname) def device_driver(self, devname: DeviceName): return net.device_driver(devname) def extract_physdevs(self, netcfg: NetworkConfig) -> list: return net.extract_physdevs(netcfg) def find_fallback_nic(self, *, blacklist_drivers=None): return net.find_fallback_nic(blacklist_drivers=blacklist_drivers) def generate_fallback_config( self, *, blacklist_drivers=None, config_driver: bool = False ): return net.generate_fallback_config( blacklist_drivers=blacklist_drivers, config_driver=config_driver ) def get_devicelist(self) -> list: return net.get_devicelist() def get_ib_hwaddrs_by_interface(self) -> dict: return net.get_ib_hwaddrs_by_interface() def get_ib_interface_hwaddr( self, devname: DeviceName, ethernet_format: bool ): return net.get_ib_interface_hwaddr(devname, ethernet_format) def get_interface_mac(self, devname: DeviceName): return net.get_interface_mac(devname) def get_interfaces(self) -> list: return net.get_interfaces() def get_interfaces_by_mac(self) -> dict: return net.get_interfaces_by_mac( blacklist_drivers=self.blacklist_drivers ) def get_master(self, devname: DeviceName): return net.get_master(devname) def interface_has_own_mac( self, devname: DeviceName, *, strict: bool = False ) -> bool: return net.interface_has_own_mac(devname, strict=strict) def is_bond(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: return net.is_bond(devname) def is_bridge(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: return net.is_bridge(devname) @abc.abstractmethod def is_physical(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: """ Is ``devname`` a physical network device? Examples of non-physical network devices: bonds, bridges, tunnels, loopback devices. """ def is_renamed(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: return net.is_renamed(devname) def is_up(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: return net.is_up(devname) def is_vlan(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: return net.is_vlan(devname) def master_is_bridge_or_bond(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: return net.master_is_bridge_or_bond(devname) @abc.abstractmethod def settle(self, *, exists=None) -> None: """Wait for device population in the system to complete. :param exists: An optional optimisation. If given, only perform as much of the settle process as is required for the given DeviceName to be present in the system. (This may include skipping the settle process entirely, if the device already exists.) :type exists: Optional[DeviceName] """ def wait_for_physdevs( self, netcfg: NetworkConfig, *, strict: bool = True ) -> None: """Wait for all the physical devices in `netcfg` to exist on the system Specifically, this will call `self.settle` 5 times, and check after each one if the physical devices are now present in the system. :param netcfg: The NetworkConfig from which to extract physical devices to wait for. :param strict: Raise a `RuntimeError` if any physical devices are not present after waiting. """ physdevs = self.extract_physdevs(netcfg) # set of expected iface names and mac addrs expected_ifaces = dict([(iface[0], iface[1]) for iface in physdevs]) expected_macs = set(expected_ifaces.keys()) # set of current macs present_macs = self.get_interfaces_by_mac().keys() # compare the set of expected mac address values to # the current macs present; we only check MAC as cloud-init # has not yet renamed interfaces and the netcfg may include # such renames. for _ in range(0, 5): if expected_macs.issubset(present_macs): LOG.debug("net: all expected physical devices present") return missing = expected_macs.difference(present_macs) LOG.debug("net: waiting for expected net devices: %s", missing) for mac in missing: # trigger a settle, unless this interface exists devname = expected_ifaces[mac] msg = "Waiting for settle or {} exists".format(devname) util.log_time( LOG.debug, msg, func=self.settle, kwargs={"exists": devname}, ) # update present_macs after settles present_macs = self.get_interfaces_by_mac().keys() msg = "Not all expected physical devices present: %s" % missing LOG.warning(msg) if strict: raise RuntimeError(msg) @abc.abstractmethod def try_set_link_up(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: """Try setting the link to up explicitly and return if it is up.""" class BSDNetworking(Networking): """Implementation of networking functionality shared across BSDs.""" def __init__(self): self.ifc = ifconfig.Ifconfig() self.ifs = {} self._update_ifs() super().__init__() def _update_ifs(self): ifconf = subp.subp(["ifconfig", "-a"]) # ``ifconfig -a`` always returns at least ``lo0``. # So this ``if`` is really just to make testing/mocking easier if ifconf[0]: self.ifs = self.ifc.parse(ifconf[0]) def apply_network_config_names(self, netcfg: NetworkConfig) -> None: LOG.debug("Cannot rename network interface.") def is_physical(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: return self.ifs[devname].is_physical def is_bond(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: return self.ifs[devname].is_bond def is_bridge(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: return self.ifs[devname].is_bridge def is_vlan(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: return self.ifs[devname].is_vlan def is_up(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: return self.ifs[devname].up def settle(self, *, exists=None) -> None: """BSD has no equivalent to `udevadm settle`; noop.""" def try_set_link_up(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: """Try setting the link to up explicitly and return if it is up. Not guaranteed to bring the interface up. The caller is expected to add wait times before retrying.""" subp.subp(["ifconfig", devname, "up"]) return self.is_up(devname) class FreeBSDNetworking(BSDNetworking): def apply_network_config_names(self, netcfg: NetworkConfig) -> None: # This is handled by the freebsd network renderer. It writes in # /etc/rc.conf a line with the following format: # ifconfig_OLDNAME_name=NEWNAME # FreeBSD network script will rename the interface automatically. pass def is_renamed(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: if not self.ifs[devname].is_physical: # Only physical devices can be renamed. # cloned devices can be given any arbitrary name, so it makes no # sense on them anyway return False # check that `devinfo -p devname` returns the driver chain: # $ devinfo -p em0 # => em0 pci0 pcib0 acpi0 nexus0 # if it doesn't, we know something's up: # $ devinfo -p eth0 # => devinfo: eth0: Not found # we could be catching exit codes here and check if they are 0 # (success: not renamed) or 1 (failure: renamed), instead of # ripping thru the stack with an exception. # unfortunately, subp doesn't return exit codes. # so we do the next best thing, and compare the output. _, err = subp.subp(["devinfo", "-p", devname], rcs=[0, 1]) if err == "devinfo: {}: Not found\n".format(devname): return True return False class LinuxNetworking(Networking): """Implementation of networking functionality common to Linux distros.""" def apply_network_config_names(self, netcfg: NetworkConfig) -> None: """Read the network config and rename devices accordingly. Renames are only attempted for interfaces of type 'physical'. It is expected that the network system will create other devices with the correct name in place. """ try: self._rename_interfaces(self.extract_physdevs(netcfg)) except RuntimeError as e: raise RuntimeError( "Failed to apply network config names: %s" % e ) from e def get_dev_features(self, devname: DeviceName) -> str: return net.get_dev_features(devname) def has_netfail_standby_feature(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: return net.has_netfail_standby_feature(devname) def is_netfailover(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: return net.is_netfailover(devname) def is_netfail_master(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: return net.is_netfail_master(devname) def is_netfail_primary(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: return net.is_netfail_primary(devname) def is_netfail_standby(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: return net.is_netfail_standby(devname) def is_physical(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: return os.path.exists(net.sys_dev_path(devname, "device")) def settle(self, *, exists=None) -> None: if exists is not None: exists = net.sys_dev_path(exists) util.udevadm_settle(exists=exists) def try_set_link_up(self, devname: DeviceName) -> bool: """Try setting the link to up explicitly and return if it is up. Not guaranteed to bring the interface up. The caller is expected to add wait times before retrying.""" subp.subp(["ip", "link", "set", devname, "up"]) return self.is_up(devname)
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