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# Copyright (C) 2014 Rackspace, US Inc. # # Author: Nate House <nathan.house@rackspace.com> # # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. import os from cloudinit import distros, helpers from cloudinit import log as logging from cloudinit import subp, util from cloudinit.distros import net_util from cloudinit.distros.parsers.hostname import HostnameConf from cloudinit.net.renderer import Renderer from cloudinit.net.renderers import RendererNotFoundError from cloudinit.settings import PER_INSTANCE LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Distro(distros.Distro): locale_gen_fn = "/etc/locale.gen" network_conf_dir = "/etc/netctl" init_cmd = ["systemctl"] # init scripts renderer_configs = { "netplan": { "netplan_path": "/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml", "netplan_header": "# generated by cloud-init\n", "postcmds": True, } } def __init__(self, name, cfg, paths): distros.Distro.__init__(self, name, cfg, paths) # This will be used to restrict certain # calls from repeatly happening (when they # should only happen say once per instance...) self._runner = helpers.Runners(paths) self.osfamily = "arch" cfg["ssh_svcname"] = "sshd" def apply_locale(self, locale, out_fn=None): if out_fn is not None and out_fn != "/etc/locale.conf": LOG.warning( "Invalid locale_configfile %s, only supported " "value is /etc/locale.conf", out_fn, ) lines = [ util.make_header(), # Hard-coding the charset isn't ideal, but there is no other way. "%s UTF-8" % (locale), "", ] util.write_file(self.locale_gen_fn, "\n".join(lines)) subp.subp(["locale-gen"], capture=False) # In the future systemd can handle locale-gen stuff: # https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/9864 subp.subp(["localectl", "set-locale", locale], capture=False) def install_packages(self, pkglist): self.update_package_sources() self.package_command("", pkgs=pkglist) def _get_renderer(self) -> Renderer: try: return super()._get_renderer() except RendererNotFoundError as e: # Fall back to old _write_network raise NotImplementedError from e def _write_network(self, settings): entries = net_util.translate_network(settings) LOG.debug( "Translated ubuntu style network settings %s into %s", settings, entries, ) return _render_network( entries, resolv_conf=self.resolve_conf_fn, conf_dir=self.network_conf_dir, enable_func=self._enable_interface, ) def _enable_interface(self, device_name): cmd = ["netctl", "reenable", device_name] try: (_out, err) = subp.subp(cmd) if len(err): LOG.warning( "Running %s resulted in stderr output: %s", cmd, err ) except subp.ProcessExecutionError: util.logexc(LOG, "Running interface command %s failed", cmd) def _bring_up_interface(self, device_name): cmd = ["netctl", "restart", device_name] LOG.debug( "Attempting to run bring up interface %s using command %s", device_name, cmd, ) try: (_out, err) = subp.subp(cmd) if len(err): LOG.warning( "Running %s resulted in stderr output: %s", cmd, err ) return True except subp.ProcessExecutionError: util.logexc(LOG, "Running interface command %s failed", cmd) return False def _write_hostname(self, hostname, filename): conf = None try: # Try to update the previous one # so lets see if we can read it first. conf = self._read_hostname_conf(filename) except IOError: pass if not conf: conf = HostnameConf("") conf.set_hostname(hostname) util.write_file(filename, str(conf), omode="w", mode=0o644) def _read_system_hostname(self): sys_hostname = self._read_hostname(self.hostname_conf_fn) return (self.hostname_conf_fn, sys_hostname) def _read_hostname_conf(self, filename): conf = HostnameConf(util.load_file(filename)) conf.parse() return conf def _read_hostname(self, filename, default=None): hostname = None try: conf = self._read_hostname_conf(filename) hostname = conf.hostname except IOError: pass if not hostname: return default return hostname # hostname (inetutils) isn't installed per default on arch, so we use # hostnamectl which is installed per default (systemd). def _apply_hostname(self, hostname): LOG.debug( "Non-persistently setting the system hostname to %s", hostname ) try: subp.subp(["hostnamectl", "--transient", "set-hostname", hostname]) except subp.ProcessExecutionError: util.logexc( LOG, "Failed to non-persistently adjust the system hostname to %s", hostname, ) def set_timezone(self, tz): distros.set_etc_timezone(tz=tz, tz_file=self._find_tz_file(tz)) def package_command(self, command, args=None, pkgs=None): if pkgs is None: pkgs = [] cmd = ["pacman", "-Sy", "--quiet", "--noconfirm"] # Redirect output if args and isinstance(args, str): cmd.append(args) elif args and isinstance(args, list): cmd.extend(args) if command == "upgrade": command = "-u" if command: cmd.append(command) pkglist = util.expand_package_list("%s-%s", pkgs) cmd.extend(pkglist) # Allow the output of this to flow outwards (ie not be captured) subp.subp(cmd, capture=False) def update_package_sources(self): self._runner.run( "update-sources", self.package_command, ["-y"], freq=PER_INSTANCE ) def _render_network( entries, target="/", conf_dir="etc/netctl", resolv_conf="etc/resolv.conf", enable_func=None, ): """Render the translate_network format into netctl files in target. Paths will be rendered under target. """ devs = [] nameservers = [] resolv_conf = subp.target_path(target, resolv_conf) conf_dir = subp.target_path(target, conf_dir) for (dev, info) in entries.items(): if dev == "lo": # no configuration should be rendered for 'lo' continue devs.append(dev) net_fn = os.path.join(conf_dir, dev) net_cfg = { "Connection": "ethernet", "Interface": dev, "IP": info.get("bootproto"), "Address": "%s/%s" % (info.get("address"), info.get("netmask")), "Gateway": info.get("gateway"), "DNS": info.get("dns-nameservers", []), } util.write_file(net_fn, convert_netctl(net_cfg)) if enable_func and info.get("auto"): enable_func(dev) if "dns-nameservers" in info: nameservers.extend(info["dns-nameservers"]) if nameservers: util.write_file(resolv_conf, convert_resolv_conf(nameservers)) return devs def convert_netctl(settings): """Given a dictionary, returns a string in netctl profile format. netctl profile is described at: https://git.archlinux.org/netctl.git/tree/docs/netctl.profile.5.txt Note that the 'Special Quoting Rules' are not handled here.""" result = [] for key in sorted(settings): val = settings[key] if val is None: val = "" elif isinstance(val, (tuple, list)): val = "(" + " ".join("'%s'" % v for v in val) + ")" result.append("%s=%s\n" % (key, val)) return "".join(result) def convert_resolv_conf(settings): """Returns a settings string formatted for resolv.conf.""" result = "" if isinstance(settings, list): for ns in settings: result = result + "nameserver %s\n" % ns return result # vi: ts=4 expandtab
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