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# Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd. # Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. # # Author: Scott Moser <scott.moser@canonical.com> # Author: Juerg Haefliger <juerg.haefliger@hp.com> # Author: Joshua Harlow <harlowja@yahoo-inc.com> # Author: Ben Howard <ben.howard@canonical.com> # # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. import abc import os import re import stat import string import urllib.parse from io import StringIO from typing import Any, Mapping, MutableMapping, Optional, Type from cloudinit import importer from cloudinit import log as logging from cloudinit import ( net, persistence, ssh_util, subp, temp_utils, type_utils, util, ) from cloudinit.distros.networking import LinuxNetworking, Networking from cloudinit.distros.parsers import hosts from cloudinit.features import ALLOW_EC2_MIRRORS_ON_NON_AWS_INSTANCE_TYPES from cloudinit.net import activators, eni, network_state, renderers from cloudinit.net.network_state import parse_net_config_data from cloudinit.net.renderer import Renderer # Used when a cloud-config module can be run on all cloud-init distibutions. # The value 'all' is surfaced in module documentation for distro support. ALL_DISTROS = "all" OSFAMILIES = { "alpine": ["alpine"], "arch": ["arch"], "debian": ["debian", "ubuntu"], "freebsd": ["freebsd", "dragonfly"], "gentoo": ["gentoo", "cos"], "netbsd": ["netbsd"], "openbsd": ["openbsd"], "redhat": [ "almalinux", "amazon", "centos", "cloudlinux", "eurolinux", "fedora", "mariner", "miraclelinux", "openmandriva", "photon", "rhel", "rocky", "virtuozzo", ], "suse": [ "opensuse", "opensuse-leap", "opensuse-microos", "opensuse-tumbleweed", "sle_hpc", "sle-micro", "sles", ], "openEuler": ["openEuler"], "OpenCloudOS": ["OpenCloudOS", "TencentOS"], } LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # This is a best guess regex, based on current EC2 AZs on 2017-12-11. # It could break when Amazon adds new regions and new AZs. _EC2_AZ_RE = re.compile("^[a-z][a-z]-(?:[a-z]+-)+[0-9][a-z]$") # Default NTP Client Configurations PREFERRED_NTP_CLIENTS = ["chrony", "systemd-timesyncd", "ntp", "ntpdate"] # Letters/Digits/Hyphen characters, for use in domain name validation LDH_ASCII_CHARS = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "-" class Distro(persistence.CloudInitPickleMixin, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): pip_package_name = "python3-pip" usr_lib_exec = "/usr/lib" hosts_fn = "/etc/hosts" ci_sudoers_fn = "/etc/sudoers.d/90-cloud-init-users" hostname_conf_fn = "/etc/hostname" tz_zone_dir = "/usr/share/zoneinfo" default_owner = "root:root" init_cmd = ["service"] # systemctl, service etc renderer_configs: Mapping[str, MutableMapping[str, Any]] = {} _preferred_ntp_clients = None networking_cls: Type[Networking] = LinuxNetworking # This is used by self.shutdown_command(), and can be overridden in # subclasses shutdown_options_map = {"halt": "-H", "poweroff": "-P", "reboot": "-r"} _ci_pkl_version = 1 prefer_fqdn = False resolve_conf_fn = "/etc/resolv.conf" osfamily: str def __init__(self, name, cfg, paths): self._paths = paths self._cfg = cfg self.name = name self.networking: Networking = self.networking_cls() def _unpickle(self, ci_pkl_version: int) -> None: """Perform deserialization fixes for Distro.""" if "networking" not in self.__dict__ or not self.networking.__dict__: # This is either a Distro pickle with no networking attribute OR # this is a Distro pickle with a networking attribute but from # before ``Networking`` had any state (meaning that # Networking.__setstate__ will not be called). In either case, we # want to ensure that `self.networking` is freshly-instantiated: # either because it isn't present at all, or because it will be # missing expected instance state otherwise. self.networking = self.networking_cls() @abc.abstractmethod def install_packages(self, pkglist): raise NotImplementedError() def _write_network(self, settings): """Deprecated. Remove if/when arch and gentoo support renderers.""" raise NotImplementedError( "Legacy function '_write_network' was called in distro '%s'.\n" "_write_network_config needs implementation.\n" % self.name ) @property def network_activator(self) -> Optional[Type[activators.NetworkActivator]]: """Return the configured network activator for this environment.""" priority = util.get_cfg_by_path( self._cfg, ("network", "activators"), None ) try: return activators.select_activator(priority=priority) except activators.NoActivatorException: return None def _get_renderer(self) -> Renderer: priority = util.get_cfg_by_path( self._cfg, ("network", "renderers"), None ) name, render_cls = renderers.select(priority=priority) LOG.debug( "Selected renderer '%s' from priority list: %s", name, priority ) renderer = render_cls(config=self.renderer_configs.get(name)) return renderer def _write_network_state(self, network_state, renderer: Renderer): renderer.render_network_state(network_state) def _find_tz_file(self, tz): tz_file = os.path.join(self.tz_zone_dir, str(tz)) if not os.path.isfile(tz_file): raise IOError( "Invalid timezone %s, no file found at %s" % (tz, tz_file) ) return tz_file def get_option(self, opt_name, default=None): return self._cfg.get(opt_name, default) def set_option(self, opt_name, value=None): self._cfg[opt_name] = value def set_hostname(self, hostname, fqdn=None): writeable_hostname = self._select_hostname(hostname, fqdn) self._write_hostname(writeable_hostname, self.hostname_conf_fn) self._apply_hostname(writeable_hostname) def uses_systemd(self): """Wrapper to report whether this distro uses systemd or sysvinit.""" return uses_systemd() @abc.abstractmethod def package_command(self, command, args=None, pkgs=None): raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def update_package_sources(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_primary_arch(self): arch = os.uname()[4] if arch in ("i386", "i486", "i586", "i686"): return "i386" return arch def _get_arch_package_mirror_info(self, arch=None): mirror_info = self.get_option("package_mirrors", []) if not arch: arch = self.get_primary_arch() return _get_arch_package_mirror_info(mirror_info, arch) def get_package_mirror_info(self, arch=None, data_source=None): # This resolves the package_mirrors config option # down to a single dict of {mirror_name: mirror_url} arch_info = self._get_arch_package_mirror_info(arch) return _get_package_mirror_info( data_source=data_source, mirror_info=arch_info ) def apply_network(self, settings, bring_up=True): """Deprecated. Remove if/when arch and gentoo support renderers.""" # this applies network where 'settings' is interfaces(5) style # it is obsolete compared to apply_network_config # Write it out # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return # We have implementations in arch and gentoo still dev_names = self._write_network(settings) # pylint: enable=assignment-from-no-return # Now try to bring them up if bring_up: return self._bring_up_interfaces(dev_names) return False def _apply_network_from_network_config(self, netconfig, bring_up=True): """Deprecated. Remove if/when arch and gentoo support renderers.""" distro = self.__class__ LOG.warning( "apply_network_config is not currently implemented " "for distribution '%s'. Attempting to use apply_network", distro, ) header = "\n".join( [ "# Converted from network_config for distro %s" % distro, "# Implementation of _write_network_config is needed.", ] ) ns = network_state.parse_net_config_data(netconfig) contents = eni.network_state_to_eni( ns, header=header, render_hwaddress=True ) return self.apply_network(contents, bring_up=bring_up) def generate_fallback_config(self): return net.generate_fallback_config() def apply_network_config(self, netconfig, bring_up=False) -> bool: """Apply the network config. If bring_up is True, attempt to bring up the passed in devices. If devices is None, attempt to bring up devices returned by _write_network_config. Returns True if any devices failed to come up, otherwise False. """ # This method is preferred to apply_network which only takes # a much less complete network config format (interfaces(5)). try: renderer = self._get_renderer() except NotImplementedError: # backwards compat until all distros have apply_network_config return self._apply_network_from_network_config( netconfig, bring_up=bring_up ) network_state = parse_net_config_data(netconfig, renderer=renderer) self._write_network_state(network_state, renderer) # Now try to bring them up if bring_up: LOG.debug("Bringing up newly configured network interfaces") network_activator = self.network_activator if not network_activator: LOG.warning( "No network activator found, not bringing up " "network interfaces" ) return True network_activator.bring_up_all_interfaces(network_state) else: LOG.debug("Not bringing up newly configured network interfaces") return False @abc.abstractmethod def apply_locale(self, locale, out_fn=None): raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def set_timezone(self, tz): raise NotImplementedError() def _get_localhost_ip(self): return "" def get_locale(self): raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def _read_hostname(self, filename, default=None): raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def _write_hostname(self, hostname, filename): raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def _read_system_hostname(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _apply_hostname(self, hostname): # This really only sets the hostname # temporarily (until reboot so it should # not be depended on). Use the write # hostname functions for 'permanent' adjustments. LOG.debug( "Non-persistently setting the system hostname to %s", hostname ) try: subp.subp(["hostname", hostname]) except subp.ProcessExecutionError: util.logexc( LOG, "Failed to non-persistently adjust the system hostname to %s", hostname, ) def _select_hostname(self, hostname, fqdn): # Prefer the short hostname over the long # fully qualified domain name if ( util.get_cfg_option_bool( self._cfg, "prefer_fqdn_over_hostname", self.prefer_fqdn ) and fqdn ): return fqdn if not hostname: return fqdn return hostname @staticmethod def expand_osfamily(family_list): distros = [] for family in family_list: if family not in OSFAMILIES: raise ValueError( "No distributions found for osfamily {}".format(family) ) distros.extend(OSFAMILIES[family]) return distros def update_hostname(self, hostname, fqdn, prev_hostname_fn): applying_hostname = hostname # Determine what the actual written hostname should be hostname = self._select_hostname(hostname, fqdn) # If the previous hostname file exists lets see if we # can get a hostname from it if prev_hostname_fn and os.path.exists(prev_hostname_fn): prev_hostname = self._read_hostname(prev_hostname_fn) else: prev_hostname = None # Lets get where we should write the system hostname # and what the system hostname is (sys_fn, sys_hostname) = self._read_system_hostname() update_files = [] # If there is no previous hostname or it differs # from what we want, lets update it or create the # file in the first place if not prev_hostname or prev_hostname != hostname: update_files.append(prev_hostname_fn) # If the system hostname is different than the previous # one or the desired one lets update it as well if (not sys_hostname) or ( sys_hostname == prev_hostname and sys_hostname != hostname ): update_files.append(sys_fn) # If something else has changed the hostname after we set it # initially, we should not overwrite those changes (we should # only be setting the hostname once per instance) if sys_hostname and prev_hostname and sys_hostname != prev_hostname: LOG.info( "%s differs from %s, assuming user maintained hostname.", prev_hostname_fn, sys_fn, ) return # Remove duplicates (incase the previous config filename) # is the same as the system config filename, don't bother # doing it twice update_files = set([f for f in update_files if f]) LOG.debug( "Attempting to update hostname to %s in %s files", hostname, len(update_files), ) for fn in update_files: try: self._write_hostname(hostname, fn) except IOError: util.logexc( LOG, "Failed to write hostname %s to %s", hostname, fn ) # If the system hostname file name was provided set the # non-fqdn as the transient hostname. if sys_fn in update_files: self._apply_hostname(applying_hostname) def update_etc_hosts(self, hostname, fqdn): header = "" if os.path.exists(self.hosts_fn): eh = hosts.HostsConf(util.load_file(self.hosts_fn)) else: eh = hosts.HostsConf("") header = util.make_header(base="added") local_ip = self._get_localhost_ip() prev_info = eh.get_entry(local_ip) need_change = False if not prev_info: eh.add_entry(local_ip, fqdn, hostname) need_change = True else: need_change = True for entry in prev_info: entry_fqdn = None entry_aliases = [] if len(entry) >= 1: entry_fqdn = entry[0] if len(entry) >= 2: entry_aliases = entry[1:] if entry_fqdn is not None and entry_fqdn == fqdn: if hostname in entry_aliases: # Exists already, leave it be need_change = False if need_change: # Doesn't exist, add that entry in... new_entries = list(prev_info) new_entries.append([fqdn, hostname]) eh.del_entries(local_ip) for entry in new_entries: if len(entry) == 1: eh.add_entry(local_ip, entry[0]) elif len(entry) >= 2: eh.add_entry(local_ip, *entry) if need_change: contents = StringIO() if header: contents.write("%s\n" % (header)) contents.write("%s\n" % (eh)) util.write_file(self.hosts_fn, contents.getvalue(), mode=0o644) @property def preferred_ntp_clients(self): """Allow distro to determine the preferred ntp client list""" if not self._preferred_ntp_clients: self._preferred_ntp_clients = list(PREFERRED_NTP_CLIENTS) return self._preferred_ntp_clients def _bring_up_interface(self, device_name): """Deprecated. Remove if/when arch and gentoo support renderers.""" raise NotImplementedError def _bring_up_interfaces(self, device_names): """Deprecated. Remove if/when arch and gentoo support renderers.""" am_failed = 0 for d in device_names: if not self._bring_up_interface(d): am_failed += 1 if am_failed == 0: return True return False def get_default_user(self): return self.get_option("default_user") def add_user(self, name, **kwargs): """ Add a user to the system using standard GNU tools This should be overriden on distros where useradd is not desirable or not available. """ # XXX need to make add_user idempotent somehow as we # still want to add groups or modify SSH keys on pre-existing # users in the image. if util.is_user(name): LOG.info("User %s already exists, skipping.", name) return if "create_groups" in kwargs: create_groups = kwargs.pop("create_groups") else: create_groups = True useradd_cmd = ["useradd", name] log_useradd_cmd = ["useradd", name] if util.system_is_snappy(): useradd_cmd.append("--extrausers") log_useradd_cmd.append("--extrausers") # Since we are creating users, we want to carefully validate the # inputs. If something goes wrong, we can end up with a system # that nobody can login to. useradd_opts = { "gecos": "--comment", "homedir": "--home", "primary_group": "--gid", "uid": "--uid", "groups": "--groups", "passwd": "--password", "shell": "--shell", "expiredate": "--expiredate", "inactive": "--inactive", "selinux_user": "--selinux-user", } useradd_flags = { "no_user_group": "--no-user-group", "system": "--system", "no_log_init": "--no-log-init", } redact_opts = ["passwd"] # support kwargs having groups=[list] or groups="g1,g2" groups = kwargs.get("groups") if groups: if isinstance(groups, str): groups = groups.split(",") if isinstance(groups, dict): LOG.warning( "DEPRECATED: The user %s has a 'groups' config value of" " type dict which is deprecated and will be removed in a" " future version of cloud-init. Use a comma-delimited" " string or array instead: group1,group2.", name, ) # remove any white spaces in group names, most likely # that came in as a string like: groups: group1, group2 groups = [g.strip() for g in groups] # kwargs.items loop below wants a comma delimeted string # that can go right through to the command. kwargs["groups"] = ",".join(groups) primary_group = kwargs.get("primary_group") if primary_group: groups.append(primary_group) if create_groups and groups: for group in groups: if not util.is_group(group): self.create_group(group) LOG.debug("created group '%s' for user '%s'", group, name) if "uid" in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["uid"] = str(kwargs["uid"]) # Check the values and create the command for key, val in sorted(kwargs.items()): if key in useradd_opts and val and isinstance(val, str): useradd_cmd.extend([useradd_opts[key], val]) # Redact certain fields from the logs if key in redact_opts: log_useradd_cmd.extend([useradd_opts[key], "REDACTED"]) else: log_useradd_cmd.extend([useradd_opts[key], val]) elif key in useradd_flags and val: useradd_cmd.append(useradd_flags[key]) log_useradd_cmd.append(useradd_flags[key]) # Don't create the home directory if directed so or if the user is a # system user if kwargs.get("no_create_home") or kwargs.get("system"): useradd_cmd.append("-M") log_useradd_cmd.append("-M") else: useradd_cmd.append("-m") log_useradd_cmd.append("-m") # Run the command LOG.debug("Adding user %s", name) try: subp.subp(useradd_cmd, logstring=log_useradd_cmd) except Exception as e: util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to create user %s", name) raise e def add_snap_user(self, name, **kwargs): """ Add a snappy user to the system using snappy tools """ snapuser = kwargs.get("snapuser") known = kwargs.get("known", False) create_user_cmd = ["snap", "create-user", "--sudoer", "--json"] if known: create_user_cmd.append("--known") create_user_cmd.append(snapuser) # Run the command LOG.debug("Adding snap user %s", name) try: (out, err) = subp.subp( create_user_cmd, logstring=create_user_cmd, capture=True ) LOG.debug("snap create-user returned: %s:%s", out, err) jobj = util.load_json(out) username = jobj.get("username", None) except Exception as e: util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to create snap user %s", name) raise e return username def create_user(self, name, **kwargs): """ Creates or partially updates the ``name`` user in the system. This defers the actual user creation to ``self.add_user`` or ``self.add_snap_user``, and most of the keys in ``kwargs`` will be processed there if and only if the user does not already exist. Once the existence of the ``name`` user has been ensured, this method then processes these keys (for both just-created and pre-existing users): * ``plain_text_passwd`` * ``hashed_passwd`` * ``lock_passwd`` * ``sudo`` * ``ssh_authorized_keys`` * ``ssh_redirect_user`` """ # Add a snap user, if requested if "snapuser" in kwargs: return self.add_snap_user(name, **kwargs) # Add the user self.add_user(name, **kwargs) # Set password if plain-text password provided and non-empty if "plain_text_passwd" in kwargs and kwargs["plain_text_passwd"]: self.set_passwd(name, kwargs["plain_text_passwd"]) # Set password if hashed password is provided and non-empty if "hashed_passwd" in kwargs and kwargs["hashed_passwd"]: self.set_passwd(name, kwargs["hashed_passwd"], hashed=True) # Default locking down the account. 'lock_passwd' defaults to True. # lock account unless lock_password is False. if kwargs.get("lock_passwd", True): self.lock_passwd(name) # Configure sudo access if "sudo" in kwargs: if kwargs["sudo"]: self.write_sudo_rules(name, kwargs["sudo"]) elif kwargs["sudo"] is False: LOG.warning( "DEPRECATED: The user %s has a 'sudo' config value of" " 'false' which will be dropped after April 2027." " Use 'null' instead.", name, ) # Import SSH keys if "ssh_authorized_keys" in kwargs: # Try to handle this in a smart manner. keys = kwargs["ssh_authorized_keys"] if isinstance(keys, str): keys = [keys] elif isinstance(keys, dict): keys = list(keys.values()) if keys is not None: if not isinstance(keys, (tuple, list, set)): LOG.warning( "Invalid type '%s' detected for" " 'ssh_authorized_keys', expected list," " string, dict, or set.", type(keys), ) keys = [] else: keys = set(keys) or [] ssh_util.setup_user_keys(set(keys), name) if "ssh_redirect_user" in kwargs: cloud_keys = kwargs.get("cloud_public_ssh_keys", []) if not cloud_keys: LOG.warning( "Unable to disable SSH logins for %s given" " ssh_redirect_user: %s. No cloud public-keys present.", name, kwargs["ssh_redirect_user"], ) else: redirect_user = kwargs["ssh_redirect_user"] disable_option = ssh_util.DISABLE_USER_OPTS disable_option = disable_option.replace("$USER", redirect_user) disable_option = disable_option.replace("$DISABLE_USER", name) ssh_util.setup_user_keys( set(cloud_keys), name, options=disable_option ) return True def lock_passwd(self, name): """ Lock the password of a user, i.e., disable password logins """ # passwd must use short '-l' due to SLES11 lacking long form '--lock' lock_tools = (["passwd", "-l", name], ["usermod", "--lock", name]) try: cmd = next(tool for tool in lock_tools if subp.which(tool[0])) except StopIteration as e: raise RuntimeError( "Unable to lock user account '%s'. No tools available. " " Tried: %s." % (name, [c[0] for c in lock_tools]) ) from e try: subp.subp(cmd) except Exception as e: util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to disable password for user %s", name) raise e def expire_passwd(self, user): try: subp.subp(["passwd", "--expire", user]) except Exception as e: util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to set 'expire' for %s", user) raise e def set_passwd(self, user, passwd, hashed=False): pass_string = "%s:%s" % (user, passwd) cmd = ["chpasswd"] if hashed: # Need to use the short option name '-e' instead of '--encrypted' # (which would be more descriptive) since SLES 11 doesn't know # about long names. cmd.append("-e") try: subp.subp(cmd, pass_string, logstring="chpasswd for %s" % user) except Exception as e: util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to set password for %s", user) raise e return True def chpasswd(self, plist_in: list, hashed: bool): payload = ( "\n".join( (":".join([name, password]) for name, password in plist_in) ) + "\n" ) cmd = ["chpasswd"] + (["-e"] if hashed else []) subp.subp(cmd, payload) def ensure_sudo_dir(self, path, sudo_base="/etc/sudoers"): # Ensure the dir is included and that # it actually exists as a directory sudoers_contents = "" base_exists = False if os.path.exists(sudo_base): sudoers_contents = util.load_file(sudo_base) base_exists = True found_include = False for line in sudoers_contents.splitlines(): line = line.strip() include_match = re.search(r"^[#|@]includedir\s+(.*)$", line) if not include_match: continue included_dir = include_match.group(1).strip() if not included_dir: continue included_dir = os.path.abspath(included_dir) if included_dir == path: found_include = True break if not found_include: try: if not base_exists: lines = [ "# See sudoers(5) for more information" ' on "#include" directives:', "", util.make_header(base="added"), "#includedir %s" % (path), "", ] sudoers_contents = "\n".join(lines) util.write_file(sudo_base, sudoers_contents, 0o440) else: lines = [ "", util.make_header(base="added"), "#includedir %s" % (path), "", ] sudoers_contents = "\n".join(lines) util.append_file(sudo_base, sudoers_contents) LOG.debug("Added '#includedir %s' to %s", path, sudo_base) except IOError as e: util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to write %s", sudo_base) raise e util.ensure_dir(path, 0o750) def write_sudo_rules(self, user, rules, sudo_file=None): if not sudo_file: sudo_file = self.ci_sudoers_fn lines = [ "", "# User rules for %s" % user, ] if isinstance(rules, (list, tuple)): for rule in rules: lines.append("%s %s" % (user, rule)) elif isinstance(rules, str): lines.append("%s %s" % (user, rules)) else: msg = "Can not create sudoers rule addition with type %r" raise TypeError(msg % (type_utils.obj_name(rules))) content = "\n".join(lines) content += "\n" # trailing newline self.ensure_sudo_dir(os.path.dirname(sudo_file)) if not os.path.exists(sudo_file): contents = [ util.make_header(), content, ] try: util.write_file(sudo_file, "\n".join(contents), 0o440) except IOError as e: util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to write sudoers file %s", sudo_file) raise e else: try: util.append_file(sudo_file, content) except IOError as e: util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to append sudoers file %s", sudo_file) raise e def create_group(self, name, members=None): group_add_cmd = ["groupadd", name] if util.system_is_snappy(): group_add_cmd.append("--extrausers") if not members: members = [] # Check if group exists, and then add it doesn't if util.is_group(name): LOG.warning("Skipping creation of existing group '%s'", name) else: try: subp.subp(group_add_cmd) LOG.info("Created new group %s", name) except Exception: util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to create group %s", name) # Add members to the group, if so defined if len(members) > 0: for member in members: if not util.is_user(member): LOG.warning( "Unable to add group member '%s' to group '%s'" "; user does not exist.", member, name, ) continue subp.subp(["usermod", "-a", "-G", name, member]) LOG.info("Added user '%s' to group '%s'", member, name) def shutdown_command(self, *, mode, delay, message): # called from cc_power_state_change.load_power_state command = ["shutdown", self.shutdown_options_map[mode]] try: if delay != "now": delay = "+%d" % int(delay) except ValueError as e: raise TypeError( "power_state[delay] must be 'now' or '+m' (minutes)." " found '%s'." % (delay,) ) from e args = command + [delay] if message: args.append(message) return args def manage_service(self, action: str, service: str): """ Perform the requested action on a service. This handles the common 'systemctl' and 'service' cases and may be overridden in subclasses as necessary. May raise ProcessExecutionError """ init_cmd = self.init_cmd if self.uses_systemd() or "systemctl" in init_cmd: init_cmd = ["systemctl"] cmds = { "stop": ["stop", service], "start": ["start", service], "enable": ["enable", service], "disable": ["disable", service], "restart": ["restart", service], "reload": ["reload-or-restart", service], "try-reload": ["reload-or-try-restart", service], "status": ["status", service], } else: cmds = { "stop": [service, "stop"], "start": [service, "start"], "enable": [service, "start"], "disable": [service, "stop"], "restart": [service, "restart"], "reload": [service, "restart"], "try-reload": [service, "restart"], "status": [service, "status"], } cmd = list(init_cmd) + list(cmds[action]) return subp.subp(cmd, capture=True) def set_keymap(self, layout, model, variant, options): if self.uses_systemd(): subp.subp( [ "localectl", "set-x11-keymap", layout, model, variant, options, ] ) else: raise NotImplementedError() def get_tmp_exec_path(self) -> str: tmp_dir = temp_utils.get_tmp_ancestor(needs_exe=True) if not util.has_mount_opt(tmp_dir, "noexec"): return tmp_dir return os.path.join(self.usr_lib_exec, "cloud-init", "clouddir") def do_as(self, command: list, user: str, cwd: str = "", **kwargs): """ Perform a command as the requested user. Behaves like subp() Note: We pass `PATH` to the user env by using `env`. This could be probably simplified after bionic EOL by using `su --whitelist-environment=PATH ...`, more info on: https://lore.kernel.org/all/20180815110445.4qefy5zx5gfgbqly@ws.net.home/T/ """ directory = f"cd {cwd} && " if cwd else "" return subp.subp( [ "su", "-", user, "-c", directory + "env PATH=$PATH " + " ".join(command), ], **kwargs, ) def _apply_hostname_transformations_to_url(url: str, transformations: list): """ Apply transformations to a URL's hostname, return transformed URL. This is a separate function because unwrapping and rewrapping only the hostname portion of a URL is complex. :param url: The URL to operate on. :param transformations: A list of ``(str) -> Optional[str]`` functions, which will be applied in order to the hostname portion of the URL. If any function (regardless of ordering) returns None, ``url`` will be returned without any modification. :return: A string whose value is ``url`` with the hostname ``transformations`` applied, or ``None`` if ``url`` is unparseable. """ try: parts = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url) except ValueError: # If we can't even parse the URL, we shouldn't use it for anything return None new_hostname = parts.hostname if new_hostname is None: # The URL given doesn't have a hostname component, so (a) we can't # transform it, and (b) it won't work as a mirror; return None. return None for transformation in transformations: new_hostname = transformation(new_hostname) if new_hostname is None: # If a transformation returns None, that indicates we should abort # processing and return `url` unmodified return url new_netloc = new_hostname if parts.port is not None: new_netloc = "{}:{}".format(new_netloc, parts.port) return urllib.parse.urlunsplit(parts._replace(netloc=new_netloc)) def _sanitize_mirror_url(url: str): """ Given a mirror URL, replace or remove any invalid URI characters. This performs the following actions on the URL's hostname: * Checks if it is an IP address, returning the URL immediately if it is * Converts it to its IDN form (see below for details) * Replaces any non-Letters/Digits/Hyphen (LDH) characters in it with hyphens * Removes any leading/trailing hyphens from each domain name label Before we replace any invalid domain name characters, we first need to ensure that any valid non-ASCII characters in the hostname will not be replaced, by ensuring the hostname is in its Internationalized domain name (IDN) representation (see RFC 5890). This conversion has to be applied to the whole hostname (rather than just the substitution variables), because the Punycode algorithm used by IDNA transcodes each part of the hostname as a whole string (rather than encoding individual characters). It cannot be applied to the whole URL, because (a) the Punycode algorithm expects to operate on domain names so doesn't output a valid URL, and (b) non-ASCII characters in non-hostname parts of the URL aren't encoded via Punycode. To put this in RFC 5890's terminology: before we remove or replace any characters from our domain name (which we do to ensure that each label is a valid LDH Label), we first ensure each label is in its A-label form. (Note that Python's builtin idna encoding is actually IDNA2003, not IDNA2008. This changes the specifics of how some characters are encoded to ASCII, but doesn't affect the logic here.) :param url: The URL to operate on. :return: A sanitized version of the URL, which will have been IDNA encoded if necessary, or ``None`` if the generated string is not a parseable URL. """ # Acceptable characters are LDH characters, plus "." to separate each label acceptable_chars = LDH_ASCII_CHARS + "." transformations = [ # This is an IP address, not a hostname, so no need to apply the # transformations lambda hostname: None if net.is_ip_address(hostname) else hostname, # Encode with IDNA to get the correct characters (as `bytes`), then # decode with ASCII so we return a `str` lambda hostname: hostname.encode("idna").decode("ascii"), # Replace any unacceptable characters with "-" lambda hostname: "".join( c if c in acceptable_chars else "-" for c in hostname ), # Drop leading/trailing hyphens from each part of the hostname lambda hostname: ".".join( part.strip("-") for part in hostname.split(".") ), ] return _apply_hostname_transformations_to_url(url, transformations) def _get_package_mirror_info( mirror_info, data_source=None, mirror_filter=util.search_for_mirror ): # given a arch specific 'mirror_info' entry (from package_mirrors) # search through the 'search' entries, and fallback appropriately # return a dict with only {name: mirror} entries. if not mirror_info: mirror_info = {} subst = {} if data_source and data_source.availability_zone: subst["availability_zone"] = data_source.availability_zone # ec2 availability zones are named cc-direction-[0-9][a-d] (us-east-1b) # the region is us-east-1. so region = az[0:-1] if _EC2_AZ_RE.match(data_source.availability_zone): ec2_region = data_source.availability_zone[0:-1] if ALLOW_EC2_MIRRORS_ON_NON_AWS_INSTANCE_TYPES: subst["ec2_region"] = "%s" % ec2_region elif data_source.platform_type == "ec2": subst["ec2_region"] = "%s" % ec2_region if data_source and data_source.region: subst["region"] = data_source.region results = {} for (name, mirror) in mirror_info.get("failsafe", {}).items(): results[name] = mirror for (name, searchlist) in mirror_info.get("search", {}).items(): mirrors = [] for tmpl in searchlist: try: mirror = tmpl % subst except KeyError: continue mirror = _sanitize_mirror_url(mirror) if mirror is not None: mirrors.append(mirror) found = mirror_filter(mirrors) if found: results[name] = found LOG.debug("filtered distro mirror info: %s", results) return results def _get_arch_package_mirror_info(package_mirrors, arch): # pull out the specific arch from a 'package_mirrors' config option default = None for item in package_mirrors: arches = item.get("arches") if arch in arches: return item if "default" in arches: default = item return default def fetch(name: str) -> Type[Distro]: locs, looked_locs = importer.find_module(name, ["", __name__], ["Distro"]) if not locs: raise ImportError( "No distribution found for distro %s (searched %s)" % (name, looked_locs) ) mod = importer.import_module(locs[0]) cls = getattr(mod, "Distro") return cls def set_etc_timezone( tz, tz_file=None, tz_conf="/etc/timezone", tz_local="/etc/localtime" ): util.write_file(tz_conf, str(tz).rstrip() + "\n") # This ensures that the correct tz will be used for the system if tz_local and tz_file: # use a symlink if there exists a symlink or tz_local is not present islink = os.path.islink(tz_local) if islink or not os.path.exists(tz_local): if islink: util.del_file(tz_local) os.symlink(tz_file, tz_local) else: util.copy(tz_file, tz_local) return def uses_systemd(): try: res = os.lstat("/run/systemd/system") return stat.S_ISDIR(res.st_mode) except Exception: return False # vi: ts=4 expandtab
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