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import errno import fnmatch import re from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict from functools import wraps from typing import Optional, Dict, Any, List, Union, Callable, Iterable import six import yaml from ceph.deployment.hostspec import HostSpec from ceph.deployment.utils import unwrap_ipv6 class ServiceSpecValidationError(Exception): """ Defining an exception here is a bit problematic, cause you cannot properly catch it, if it was raised in a different mgr module. """ def __init__(self, msg: str, errno: int = -errno.EINVAL): super(ServiceSpecValidationError, self).__init__(msg) self.errno = errno def assert_valid_host(name): p = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$') try: assert len(name) <= 250, 'name is too long (max 250 chars)' for part in name.split('.'): assert len(part) > 0, '.-delimited name component must not be empty' assert len(part) <= 63, '.-delimited name component must not be more than 63 chars' assert p.match(part), 'name component must include only a-z, 0-9, and -' except AssertionError as e: raise ServiceSpecValidationError(e) def handle_type_error(method): @wraps(method) def inner(cls, *args, **kwargs): try: return method(cls, *args, **kwargs) except (TypeError, AttributeError) as e: error_msg = '{}: {}'.format(cls.__name__, e) raise ServiceSpecValidationError(error_msg) return inner class HostPlacementSpec(namedtuple('HostPlacementSpec', ['hostname', 'network', 'name'])): def __str__(self): res = '' res += self.hostname if self.network: res += ':' + self.network if self.name: res += '=' + self.name return res @classmethod @handle_type_error def from_json(cls, data): if isinstance(data, str): return cls.parse(data) return cls(**data) def to_json(self) -> str: return str(self) @classmethod def parse(cls, host, require_network=True): # type: (str, bool) -> HostPlacementSpec """ Split host into host, network, and (optional) daemon name parts. The network part can be an IP, CIDR, or ceph addrvec like '[v2:,v1:]'. e.g., "myhost" "myhost=name" "myhost:" "myhost:" "myhost:" "myhost:" "myhost:[v2:]=name" "myhost:[v2:,v1:]=name" """ # Matches from start to : or = or until end of string host_re = r'^(.*?)(:|=|$)' # Matches from : to = or until end of string ip_re = r':(.*?)(=|$)' # Matches from = to end of string name_re = r'=(.*?)$' # assign defaults host_spec = cls('', '', '') match_host = re.search(host_re, host) if match_host: host_spec = host_spec._replace(hostname=match_host.group(1)) name_match = re.search(name_re, host) if name_match: host_spec = host_spec._replace(name=name_match.group(1)) ip_match = re.search(ip_re, host) if ip_match: host_spec = host_spec._replace(network=ip_match.group(1)) if not require_network: return host_spec from ipaddress import ip_network, ip_address networks = list() # type: List[str] network = host_spec.network # in case we have [v2:,v1:] if ',' in network: networks = [x for x in network.split(',')] else: if network != '': networks.append(network) for network in networks: # only if we have versioned network configs if network.startswith('v') or network.startswith('[v'): # if this is ipv6 we can't just simply split on ':' so do # a split once and rsplit once to leave us with just ipv6 addr network = network.split(':', 1)[1] network = network.rsplit(':', 1)[0] try: # if subnets are defined, also verify the validity if '/' in network: ip_network(six.text_type(network)) else: ip_address(unwrap_ipv6(network)) except ValueError as e: # logging? raise e host_spec.validate() return host_spec def validate(self): assert_valid_host(self.hostname) class PlacementSpec(object): """ For APIs that need to specify a host subset """ def __init__(self, label=None, # type: Optional[str] hosts=None, # type: Union[List[str],List[HostPlacementSpec]] count=None, # type: Optional[int] host_pattern=None # type: Optional[str] ): # type: (...) -> None self.label = label self.hosts = [] # type: List[HostPlacementSpec] if hosts: self.set_hosts(hosts) self.count = count # type: Optional[int] #: fnmatch patterns to select hosts. Can also be a single host. self.host_pattern = host_pattern # type: Optional[str] self.validate() def is_empty(self): return self.label is None and \ not self.hosts and \ not self.host_pattern and \ self.count is None def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, PlacementSpec): return self.label == other.label \ and self.hosts == other.hosts \ and self.count == other.count \ and self.host_pattern == other.host_pattern return NotImplemented def set_hosts(self, hosts): # To backpopulate the .hosts attribute when using labels or count # in the orchestrator backend. if all([isinstance(host, HostPlacementSpec) for host in hosts]): self.hosts = hosts # type: ignore else: self.hosts = [HostPlacementSpec.parse(x, require_network=False) # type: ignore for x in hosts if x] # deprecated def filter_matching_hosts(self, _get_hosts_func: Callable) -> List[str]: return self.filter_matching_hostspecs(_get_hosts_func(as_hostspec=True)) def filter_matching_hostspecs(self, hostspecs: Iterable[HostSpec]) -> List[str]: if self.hosts: all_hosts = [hs.hostname for hs in hostspecs] return [h.hostname for h in self.hosts if h.hostname in all_hosts] elif self.label: return [hs.hostname for hs in hostspecs if self.label in hs.labels] elif self.host_pattern: all_hosts = [hs.hostname for hs in hostspecs] return fnmatch.filter(all_hosts, self.host_pattern) else: # This should be caught by the validation but needs to be here for # get_host_selection_size return [] def get_host_selection_size(self, hostspecs: Iterable[HostSpec]): if self.count: return self.count return len(self.filter_matching_hostspecs(hostspecs)) def pretty_str(self): """ >>> #doctest: +SKIP ... ps = PlacementSpec(...) # For all placement specs: ... PlacementSpec.from_string(ps.pretty_str()) == ps """ kv = [] if self.hosts: kv.append(';'.join([str(h) for h in self.hosts])) if self.count: kv.append('count:%d' % self.count) if self.label: kv.append('label:%s' % self.label) if self.host_pattern: kv.append(self.host_pattern) return ';'.join(kv) def __repr__(self): kv = [] if self.count: kv.append('count=%d' % self.count) if self.label: kv.append('label=%s' % repr(self.label)) if self.hosts: kv.append('hosts={!r}'.format(self.hosts)) if self.host_pattern: kv.append('host_pattern={!r}'.format(self.host_pattern)) return "PlacementSpec(%s)" % ', '.join(kv) @classmethod @handle_type_error def from_json(cls, data): c = data.copy() hosts = c.get('hosts', []) if hosts: c['hosts'] = [] for host in hosts: c['hosts'].append(HostPlacementSpec.from_json(host)) _cls = cls(**c) _cls.validate() return _cls def to_json(self): r = {} if self.label: r['label'] = self.label if self.hosts: r['hosts'] = [host.to_json() for host in self.hosts] if self.count: r['count'] = self.count if self.host_pattern: r['host_pattern'] = self.host_pattern return r def validate(self): if self.hosts and self.label: # TODO: a less generic Exception raise ServiceSpecValidationError('Host and label are mutually exclusive') if self.count is not None and self.count <= 0: raise ServiceSpecValidationError("num/count must be > 1") if self.host_pattern and self.hosts: raise ServiceSpecValidationError('cannot combine host patterns and hosts') for h in self.hosts: h.validate() @classmethod def from_string(cls, arg): # type: (Optional[str]) -> PlacementSpec """ A single integer is parsed as a count: >>> PlacementSpec.from_string('3') PlacementSpec(count=3) A list of names is parsed as host specifications: >>> PlacementSpec.from_string('host1 host2') PlacementSpec(hosts=[HostPlacementSpec(hostname='host1', network='', name=''), HostPlacemen\ tSpec(hostname='host2', network='', name='')]) You can also prefix the hosts with a count as follows: >>> PlacementSpec.from_string('2 host1 host2') PlacementSpec(count=2, hosts=[HostPlacementSpec(hostname='host1', network='', name=''), Hos\ tPlacementSpec(hostname='host2', network='', name='')]) You can specify labels using `label:<label>` >>> PlacementSpec.from_string('label:mon') PlacementSpec(label='mon') Labels also support a count: >>> PlacementSpec.from_string('3 label:mon') PlacementSpec(count=3, label='mon') fnmatch is also supported: >>> PlacementSpec.from_string('data[1-3]') PlacementSpec(host_pattern='data[1-3]') >>> PlacementSpec.from_string(None) PlacementSpec() """ if arg is None or not arg: strings = [] elif isinstance(arg, str): if ' ' in arg: strings = arg.split(' ') elif ';' in arg: strings = arg.split(';') elif ',' in arg and '[' not in arg: # FIXME: this isn't quite right. we want to avoid breaking # a list of mons with addrvecs... so we're basically allowing # , most of the time, except when addrvecs are used. maybe # ok? strings = arg.split(',') else: strings = [arg] else: raise ServiceSpecValidationError('invalid placement %s' % arg) count = None if strings: try: count = int(strings[0]) strings = strings[1:] except ValueError: pass for s in strings: if s.startswith('count:'): try: count = int(s[6:]) strings.remove(s) break except ValueError: pass advanced_hostspecs = [h for h in strings if (':' in h or '=' in h or not any(c in '[]?*:=' for c in h)) and 'label:' not in h] for a_h in advanced_hostspecs: strings.remove(a_h) labels = [x for x in strings if 'label:' in x] if len(labels) > 1: raise ServiceSpecValidationError('more than one label provided: {}'.format(labels)) for l in labels: strings.remove(l) label = labels[0][6:] if labels else None host_patterns = strings if len(host_patterns) > 1: raise ServiceSpecValidationError( 'more than one host pattern provided: {}'.format(host_patterns)) ps = PlacementSpec(count=count, hosts=advanced_hostspecs, label=label, host_pattern=host_patterns[0] if host_patterns else None) return ps class ServiceSpec(object): """ Details of service creation. Request to the orchestrator for a cluster of daemons such as MDS, RGW, iscsi gateway, MONs, MGRs, Prometheus This structure is supposed to be enough information to start the services. """ KNOWN_SERVICE_TYPES = 'alertmanager crash grafana iscsi mds mgr mon nfs ' \ 'node-exporter osd prometheus rbd-mirror rgw ' \ 'container'.split() REQUIRES_SERVICE_ID = 'iscsi mds nfs osd rgw container'.split() @classmethod def _cls(cls, service_type): from ceph.deployment.drive_group import DriveGroupSpec ret = { 'rgw': RGWSpec, 'nfs': NFSServiceSpec, 'osd': DriveGroupSpec, 'iscsi': IscsiServiceSpec, 'alertmanager': AlertManagerSpec, 'container': CustomContainerSpec, }.get(service_type, cls) if ret == ServiceSpec and not service_type: raise ServiceSpecValidationError('Spec needs a "service_type" key.') return ret def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Some Python foo to make sure, we don't have an object like `ServiceSpec('rgw')` of type `ServiceSpec`. Now we have: >>> type(ServiceSpec('rgw')) == type(RGWSpec('rgw')) True """ if cls != ServiceSpec: return object.__new__(cls) service_type = kwargs.get('service_type', args[0] if args else None) sub_cls = cls._cls(service_type) return object.__new__(sub_cls) def __init__(self, service_type: str, service_id: Optional[str] = None, placement: Optional[PlacementSpec] = None, count: Optional[int] = None, unmanaged: bool = False, preview_only: bool = False, ): self.placement = PlacementSpec() if placement is None else placement # type: PlacementSpec assert service_type in ServiceSpec.KNOWN_SERVICE_TYPES, service_type self.service_type = service_type self.service_id = None if self.service_type in self.REQUIRES_SERVICE_ID: self.service_id = service_id self.unmanaged = unmanaged self.preview_only = preview_only @classmethod @handle_type_error def from_json(cls, json_spec): # type: (dict) -> Any # Python 3: # >>> ServiceSpecs = TypeVar('Base', bound=ServiceSpec) # then, the real type is: (dict) -> ServiceSpecs """ Initialize 'ServiceSpec' object data from a json structure There are two valid styles for service specs: the "old" style: .. code:: yaml service_type: nfs service_id: foo pool: mypool namespace: myns and the "new" style: .. code:: yaml service_type: nfs service_id: foo spec: pool: mypool namespace: myns In https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/45321 we decided that we'd like to prefer the new style as it is more readable and provides a better understanding of what fields are special for a give service type. Note, we'll need to stay compatible with both versions for the the next two major releases (octoups, pacific). :param json_spec: A valid dict with ServiceSpec """ c = json_spec.copy() # kludge to make `from_json` compatible to `Orchestrator.describe_service` # Open question: Remove `service_id` form to_json? if c.get('service_name', ''): service_type_id = c['service_name'].split('.', 1) if not c.get('service_type', ''): c['service_type'] = service_type_id[0] if not c.get('service_id', '') and len(service_type_id) > 1: c['service_id'] = service_type_id[1] del c['service_name'] service_type = c.get('service_type', '') _cls = cls._cls(service_type) if 'status' in c: del c['status'] # kludge to make us compatible to `ServiceDescription.to_json()` return _cls._from_json_impl(c) # type: ignore @classmethod def _from_json_impl(cls, json_spec): args = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[Any, Any]] for k, v in json_spec.items(): if k == 'placement': v = PlacementSpec.from_json(v) if k == 'spec': args.update(v) continue args.update({k: v}) _cls = cls(**args) _cls.validate() return _cls def service_name(self): n = self.service_type if self.service_id: n += '.' + self.service_id return n def to_json(self): # type: () -> OrderedDict[str, Any] ret: OrderedDict[str, Any] = OrderedDict() ret['service_type'] = self.service_type if self.service_id: ret['service_id'] = self.service_id ret['service_name'] = self.service_name() ret['placement'] = self.placement.to_json() if self.unmanaged: ret['unmanaged'] = self.unmanaged c = {} for key, val in sorted(self.__dict__.items(), key=lambda tpl: tpl[0]): if key in ret: continue if hasattr(val, 'to_json'): val = val.to_json() if val: c[key] = val if c: ret['spec'] = c return ret def validate(self): if not self.service_type: raise ServiceSpecValidationError('Cannot add Service: type required') if self.service_type in self.REQUIRES_SERVICE_ID: if not self.service_id: raise ServiceSpecValidationError('Cannot add Service: id required') elif self.service_id: raise ServiceSpecValidationError( f'Service of type \'{self.service_type}\' should not contain a service id') if self.placement is not None: self.placement.validate() def __repr__(self): return "{}({!r})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.__dict__) def __eq__(self, other): return (self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__) def one_line_str(self): return '<{} for service_name={}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.service_name()) @staticmethod def yaml_representer(dumper: 'yaml.SafeDumper', data: 'ServiceSpec'): return dumper.represent_dict(data.to_json().items()) yaml.add_representer(ServiceSpec, ServiceSpec.yaml_representer) class NFSServiceSpec(ServiceSpec): def __init__(self, service_type: str = 'nfs', service_id: Optional[str] = None, pool: Optional[str] = None, namespace: Optional[str] = None, placement: Optional[PlacementSpec] = None, unmanaged: bool = False, preview_only: bool = False ): assert service_type == 'nfs' super(NFSServiceSpec, self).__init__( 'nfs', service_id=service_id, placement=placement, unmanaged=unmanaged, preview_only=preview_only) #: RADOS pool where NFS client recovery data is stored. self.pool = pool #: RADOS namespace where NFS client recovery data is stored in the pool. self.namespace = namespace def validate(self): super(NFSServiceSpec, self).validate() if not self.pool: raise ServiceSpecValidationError( 'Cannot add NFS: No Pool specified') def rados_config_name(self): # type: () -> str return 'conf-' + self.service_name() def rados_config_location(self): # type: () -> str url = '' if self.pool: url += 'rados://' + self.pool + '/' if self.namespace: url += self.namespace + '/' url += self.rados_config_name() return url yaml.add_representer(NFSServiceSpec, ServiceSpec.yaml_representer) class RGWSpec(ServiceSpec): """ Settings to configure a (multisite) Ceph RGW """ def __init__(self, service_type: str = 'rgw', service_id: Optional[str] = None, placement: Optional[PlacementSpec] = None, rgw_realm: Optional[str] = None, rgw_zone: Optional[str] = None, subcluster: Optional[str] = None, rgw_frontend_port: Optional[int] = None, rgw_frontend_ssl_certificate: Optional[List[str]] = None, rgw_frontend_ssl_key: Optional[List[str]] = None, unmanaged: bool = False, ssl: bool = False, preview_only: bool = False, ): assert service_type == 'rgw', service_type if service_id: a = service_id.split('.', 2) rgw_realm = a[0] if len(a) > 1: rgw_zone = a[1] if len(a) > 2: subcluster = a[2] else: if subcluster: service_id = '%s.%s.%s' % (rgw_realm, rgw_zone, subcluster) else: service_id = '%s.%s' % (rgw_realm, rgw_zone) super(RGWSpec, self).__init__( 'rgw', service_id=service_id, placement=placement, unmanaged=unmanaged, preview_only=preview_only) self.rgw_realm = rgw_realm self.rgw_zone = rgw_zone self.subcluster = subcluster self.rgw_frontend_port = rgw_frontend_port self.rgw_frontend_ssl_certificate = rgw_frontend_ssl_certificate self.rgw_frontend_ssl_key = rgw_frontend_ssl_key self.ssl = ssl def get_port(self): if self.rgw_frontend_port: return self.rgw_frontend_port if self.ssl: return 443 else: return 80 def rgw_frontends_config_value(self): ports = [] if self.ssl: ports.append(f"ssl_port={self.get_port()}") ports.append(f"ssl_certificate=config://rgw/cert/{self.rgw_realm}/{self.rgw_zone}.crt") ports.append(f"ssl_key=config://rgw/cert/{self.rgw_realm}/{self.rgw_zone}.key") else: ports.append(f"port={self.get_port()}") return f'beast {" ".join(ports)}' def validate(self): super(RGWSpec, self).validate() if not self.rgw_realm: raise ServiceSpecValidationError( 'Cannot add RGW: No realm specified') if not self.rgw_zone: raise ServiceSpecValidationError( 'Cannot add RGW: No zone specified') yaml.add_representer(RGWSpec, ServiceSpec.yaml_representer) class IscsiServiceSpec(ServiceSpec): def __init__(self, service_type: str = 'iscsi', service_id: Optional[str] = None, pool: Optional[str] = None, trusted_ip_list: Optional[str] = None, api_port: Optional[int] = None, api_user: Optional[str] = None, api_password: Optional[str] = None, api_secure: Optional[bool] = None, ssl_cert: Optional[str] = None, ssl_key: Optional[str] = None, placement: Optional[PlacementSpec] = None, unmanaged: bool = False, preview_only: bool = False ): assert service_type == 'iscsi' super(IscsiServiceSpec, self).__init__('iscsi', service_id=service_id, placement=placement, unmanaged=unmanaged, preview_only=preview_only) #: RADOS pool where ceph-iscsi config data is stored. self.pool = pool self.trusted_ip_list = trusted_ip_list self.api_port = api_port self.api_user = api_user self.api_password = api_password self.api_secure = api_secure self.ssl_cert = ssl_cert self.ssl_key = ssl_key if not self.api_secure and self.ssl_cert and self.ssl_key: self.api_secure = True def validate(self): super(IscsiServiceSpec, self).validate() if not self.pool: raise ServiceSpecValidationError( 'Cannot add ISCSI: No Pool specified') # Do not need to check for api_user and api_password as they # now default to 'admin' when setting up the gateway url. Older # iSCSI specs from before this change should be fine as they will # have been required to have an api_user and api_password set and # will be unaffected by the new default value. yaml.add_representer(IscsiServiceSpec, ServiceSpec.yaml_representer) class AlertManagerSpec(ServiceSpec): def __init__(self, service_type: str = 'alertmanager', service_id: Optional[str] = None, placement: Optional[PlacementSpec] = None, unmanaged: bool = False, preview_only: bool = False, user_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): assert service_type == 'alertmanager' super(AlertManagerSpec, self).__init__( 'alertmanager', service_id=service_id, placement=placement, unmanaged=unmanaged, preview_only=preview_only) # Custom configuration. # # Example: # service_type: alertmanager # service_id: xyz # user_data: # default_webhook_urls: # - "https://foo" # - "https://bar" # # Documentation: # default_webhook_urls - A list of additional URL's that are # added to the default receivers' # <webhook_configs> configuration. self.user_data = user_data or {} yaml.add_representer(AlertManagerSpec, ServiceSpec.yaml_representer) class CustomContainerSpec(ServiceSpec): def __init__(self, service_type: str = 'container', service_id: str = None, placement: Optional[PlacementSpec] = None, unmanaged: bool = False, preview_only: bool = False, image: str = None, entrypoint: Optional[str] = None, uid: Optional[int] = None, gid: Optional[int] = None, volume_mounts: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = {}, args: Optional[List[str]] = [], envs: Optional[List[str]] = [], privileged: Optional[bool] = False, bind_mounts: Optional[List[List[str]]] = None, ports: Optional[List[int]] = [], dirs: Optional[List[str]] = [], files: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = {}, ): assert service_type == 'container' assert service_id is not None assert image is not None super(CustomContainerSpec, self).__init__( service_type, service_id, placement=placement, unmanaged=unmanaged, preview_only=preview_only) self.image = image self.entrypoint = entrypoint self.uid = uid self.gid = gid self.volume_mounts = volume_mounts self.args = args self.envs = envs self.privileged = privileged self.bind_mounts = bind_mounts self.ports = ports self.dirs = dirs self.files = files def config_json(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Helper function to get the value of the `--config-json` cephadm command line option. It will contain all specification properties that haven't a `None` value. Such properties will get default values in cephadm. :return: Returns a dictionary containing all specification properties. """ config_json = {} for prop in ['image', 'entrypoint', 'uid', 'gid', 'args', 'envs', 'volume_mounts', 'privileged', 'bind_mounts', 'ports', 'dirs', 'files']: value = getattr(self, prop) if value is not None: config_json[prop] = value return config_json yaml.add_representer(CustomContainerSpec, ServiceSpec.yaml_representer)
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