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# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. """Common utility functions for interacting with subprocess.""" import collections import logging import os import subprocess import time from errno import ENOEXEC from io import TextIOWrapper from typing import List, Optional, Union LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) SubpResult = collections.namedtuple("SubpResult", ["stdout", "stderr"]) def prepend_base_command(base_command, commands): """Ensure user-provided commands start with base_command; warn otherwise. Each command is either a list or string. Perform the following: - If the command is a list, pop the first element if it is None - If the command is a list, insert base_command as the first element if not present. - When the command is a string not starting with 'base-command', warn. Allow flexibility to provide non-base-command environment/config setup if needed. @commands: List of commands. Each command element is a list or string. @return: List of 'fixed up' commands. @raise: TypeError on invalid config item type. """ warnings = [] errors = [] fixed_commands = [] for command in commands: if isinstance(command, list): if command[0] is None: # Avoid warnings by specifying None command = command[1:] elif command[0] != base_command: # Automatically prepend command.insert(0, base_command) elif isinstance(command, str): if not command.startswith(f"{base_command} "): warnings.append(command) else: errors.append(str(command)) continue fixed_commands.append(command) if warnings: LOG.warning( "Non-%s commands in %s config:\n%s", base_command, base_command, "\n".join(warnings), ) if errors: raise TypeError( "Invalid {name} config." " These commands are not a string or list:\n{errors}".format( name=base_command, errors="\n".join(errors) ) ) return fixed_commands class ProcessExecutionError(IOError): MESSAGE_TMPL = ( "%(description)s\n" "Command: %(cmd)s\n" "Exit code: %(exit_code)s\n" "Reason: %(reason)s\n" "Stdout: %(stdout)s\n" "Stderr: %(stderr)s" ) empty_attr = "-" def __init__( self, stdout=None, stderr=None, exit_code=None, cmd=None, description=None, reason=None, errno=None, ): self.cmd = cmd or self.empty_attr if description: self.description = description elif not exit_code and errno == ENOEXEC: self.description = "Exec format error. Missing #! in script?" else: self.description = "Unexpected error while running command." self.exit_code = ( exit_code if isinstance(exit_code, int) else self.empty_attr ) if not stderr: self.stderr = self.empty_attr if stderr is None else stderr else: self.stderr = self._indent_text(stderr) if not stdout: self.stdout = self.empty_attr if stdout is None else stdout else: self.stdout = self._indent_text(stdout) self.reason = reason or self.empty_attr if errno: self.errno = errno message = self.MESSAGE_TMPL % { "description": self._ensure_string(self.description), "cmd": self._ensure_string(self.cmd), "exit_code": self._ensure_string(self.exit_code), "stdout": self._ensure_string(self.stdout), "stderr": self._ensure_string(self.stderr), "reason": self._ensure_string(self.reason), } IOError.__init__(self, message) def _ensure_string(self, text): """ if data is bytes object, decode """ return text.decode() if isinstance(text, bytes) else text def _indent_text( self, text: Union[str, bytes], indent_level=8 ) -> Union[str, bytes]: """ indent text on all but the first line, allowing for easy to read output remove any newlines at end of text first to prevent unneeded blank line in output """ if not isinstance(text, bytes): return text.rstrip("\n").replace("\n", "\n" + " " * indent_level) return text.rstrip(b"\n").replace(b"\n", b"\n" + b" " * indent_level) def raise_on_invalid_command(args: Union[List[str], List[bytes]]): """check argument types to ensure that subp() can run the argument Throw a user-friendly exception which explains the issue. args: list of arguments passed to subp() raises: ProcessExecutionError with information explaining the issue """ for component in args: # if already bytes, or implements encode(), then it should be safe if not (isinstance(component, bytes) or hasattr(component, "encode")): LOG.warning("Running invalid command: %s", args) raise ProcessExecutionError( cmd=args, reason=f"Running invalid command: {args}" ) def subp( args: Union[str, bytes, List[str], List[bytes]], *, data=None, rcs=None, capture=True, shell=False, logstring=False, decode="replace", update_env=None, cwd=None, timeout=None, ) -> SubpResult: """Run a subprocess. :param args: command to run in a list. [cmd, arg1, arg2...] :param data: input to the command, made available on its stdin. :param rcs: a list of allowed return codes. If subprocess exits with a value not in this list, a ProcessExecutionError will be raised. By default, data is returned as a string. See 'decode' parameter. :param capture: boolean indicating if output should be captured. If True, then stderr and stdout will be returned. If False, they will not be redirected. :param shell: boolean indicating if this should be run with a shell. :param logstring: the command will be logged to DEBUG. If it contains info that should not be logged, then logstring will be logged instead. :param decode: if False, no decoding will be done and returned stdout and stderr will be bytes. Other allowed values are 'strict', 'ignore', and 'replace'. These values are passed through to bytes().decode() as the 'errors' parameter. There is no support for decoding to other than utf-8. :param update_env: update the environment for this command with this dictionary. this will not affect the current processes os.environ. :param cwd: change the working directory to cwd before executing the command. :param timeout: maximum time for the subprocess to run, passed directly to the timeout parameter of Popen.communicate() :return if not capturing, return is (None, None) if capturing, stdout and stderr are returned. if decode: entries in tuple will be string if not decode: entries in tuple will be bytes """ if rcs is None: rcs = [0] env = os.environ.copy() if update_env: env.update(update_env) LOG.debug( "Running command %s with allowed return codes %s" " (shell=%s, capture=%s)", logstring if logstring else args, rcs, shell, capture, ) stdin: Union[TextIOWrapper, int] stdout = None stderr = None if capture: stdout = subprocess.PIPE stderr = subprocess.PIPE if data is None: # using devnull assures any reads get null, rather # than possibly waiting on input. stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL else: stdin = subprocess.PIPE if not isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.encode() # Popen converts entries in the arguments array from non-bytes to bytes. # When locale is unset it may use ascii for that encoding which can # cause UnicodeDecodeErrors. (LP: #1751051) bytes_args: Union[bytes, List[bytes]] if isinstance(args, bytes): bytes_args = args elif isinstance(args, str): bytes_args = args.encode("utf-8") else: raise_on_invalid_command(args) bytes_args = [ x if isinstance(x, bytes) else x.encode("utf-8") for x in args ] try: before = time.monotonic() sp = subprocess.Popen( bytes_args, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, stdin=stdin, env=env, shell=shell, cwd=cwd, ) out, err = sp.communicate(data, timeout=timeout) total = time.monotonic() - before if total > 0.1: LOG.debug( "%s took %.3ss to run", logstring if logstring else args, total, ) except OSError as e: raise ProcessExecutionError( cmd=args, reason=e, errno=e.errno, stdout="-" if decode else b"-", stderr="-" if decode else b"-", ) from e if decode: def ldecode(data, m="utf-8"): return data.decode(m, decode) if isinstance(data, bytes) else data out = ldecode(out) err = ldecode(err) rc = sp.returncode if rc not in rcs: raise ProcessExecutionError( stdout=out, stderr=err, exit_code=rc, cmd=args ) return SubpResult(out, err) def target_path(target=None, path=None): # return 'path' inside target, accepting target as None if target in (None, ""): target = "/" elif not isinstance(target, str): raise ValueError(f"Unexpected input for target: {target}") else: target = os.path.abspath(target) # abspath("//") returns "//" specifically for 2 slashes. if target.startswith("//"): target = target[1:] if not path: return target # os.path.join("/etc", "/foo") returns "/foo". Chomp all leading /. while len(path) and path[0] == "/": path = path[1:] return os.path.join(target, path) def which(program, search=None, target=None) -> Optional[str]: target = target_path(target) if os.path.sep in program and is_exe(target_path(target, program)): # if program had a '/' in it, then do not search PATH # 'which' does consider cwd here. (cd / && which bin/ls) = bin/ls # so effectively we set cwd to / (or target) return program if search is None: paths = [ p.strip('"') for p in os.environ.get("PATH", "").split(os.pathsep) ] search = ( paths if target == "/" else [p for p in paths if p.startswith("/")] ) # normalize path input search = [os.path.abspath(p) for p in search] for path in search: ppath = os.path.sep.join((path, program)) if is_exe(target_path(target, ppath)): return ppath return None def is_exe(fpath): # return boolean indicating if fpath exists and is executable. return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) def runparts(dirp, skip_no_exist=True, exe_prefix=None): if skip_no_exist and not os.path.isdir(dirp): return failed = [] attempted = [] if exe_prefix is None: prefix = [] elif isinstance(exe_prefix, str): prefix = [str(exe_prefix)] elif isinstance(exe_prefix, list): prefix = exe_prefix else: raise TypeError("exe_prefix must be None, str, or list") for exe_name in sorted(os.listdir(dirp)): exe_path = os.path.join(dirp, exe_name) if is_exe(exe_path): attempted.append(exe_path) try: subp(prefix + [exe_path], capture=False) except ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.debug(e) failed.append(exe_name) elif os.path.isfile(exe_path): LOG.warning( "skipping %s as its not executable " "or the underlying file system is mounted without " "executable permissions.", exe_path, ) else: LOG.debug("Not executing special file [%s]", exe_path) if failed and attempted: raise RuntimeError( f'Runparts: {len(failed)} failures ({",".join(failed)}) in ' f"{len(attempted)} attempted commands" )
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