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#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Copyright (C) 2018 Canonical, Ltd. # Author: Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <mathieu.trudel-lapierre@canonical.com> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 3. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. '''netplan migrate command line''' import logging import os import sys import re from glob import glob import yaml from collections import OrderedDict import ipaddress import netplan.cli.utils as utils class NetplanMigrate(utils.NetplanCommand): def __init__(self): super().__init__(command_id='migrate', description='Migration of /etc/network/interfaces to netplan', leaf=True, testing=True) def parse_dns_options(self, if_options, if_config): """Parse dns options (dns-nameservers and dns-search) from if_options (an interface options dict) into the interface configuration if_config Mutates the arguments in place. """ if 'dns-nameservers' in if_options: if 'nameservers' not in if_config: if_config['nameservers'] = {} if 'addresses' not in if_config['nameservers']: if_config['nameservers']['addresses'] = [] for ns in if_options['dns-nameservers'].split(' '): # allow multiple spaces in the dns-nameservers entry if not ns: continue # validate? if_config['nameservers']['addresses'] += [ns] del if_options['dns-nameservers'] if 'dns-search' in if_options: if 'nameservers' not in if_config: if_config['nameservers'] = {} if 'search' not in if_config['nameservers']: if_config['nameservers']['search'] = [] for domain in if_options['dns-search'].split(' '): # allow multiple spaces in the dns-search entry if not domain: continue if_config['nameservers']['search'] += [domain] del if_options['dns-search'] def parse_mtu(self, iface, if_options, if_config): """Parse out the MTU. Operates the same way as parse_dns_options iface is the name of the interface, used only to print error messages """ if 'mtu' in if_options: try: mtu = int(if_options['mtu']) except ValueError: logging.error('%s: cannot parse "%s" as an MTU', iface, if_options['mtu']) sys.exit(2) if 'mtu' in if_config and not if_config['mtu'] == mtu: logging.error('%s: tried to set MTU=%d, but already have MTU=%d', iface, mtu, if_config['mtu']) sys.exit(2) if_config['mtu'] = mtu del if_options['mtu'] def parse_hwaddress(self, iface, if_options, if_config): """Parse out the manually configured MAC. Operates the same way as parse_dns_options iface is the name of the interface, used only to print error messages """ if 'hwaddress' in if_options: if 'macaddress' in if_config and not if_config['macaddress'] == if_options['hwaddress']: logging.error('%s: tried to set MAC %s, but already have MAC %s', iface, if_options['hwaddress'], if_config['macaddress']) sys.exit(2) if_config['macaddress'] = if_options['hwaddress'] del if_options['hwaddress'] def run(self): self.parser.add_argument('--root-dir', help='Search for and generate configuration files in this root directory instead of /') self.parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', help='Print converted netplan configuration to stdout instead of writing/changing files') self.func = self.command_migrate self.parse_args() self.run_command() def command_migrate(self): netplan_config = {} try: ifaces, auto_ifaces = self.parse_ifupdown(self.root_dir or '') except ValueError as e: logging.error(str(e)) sys.exit(2) for iface, family_config in ifaces.items(): for family, config in family_config.items(): logging.debug('Converting %s family %s %s', iface, family, config) if iface not in auto_ifaces: logging.error('%s: non-automatic interfaces are not supported', iface) sys.exit(2) if config['method'] == 'loopback': # both systemd and modern ifupdown set up lo automatically logging.debug('Ignoring loopback interface %s', iface) elif config['method'] == 'dhcp': c = netplan_config.setdefault('network', {}).setdefault('ethernets', {}).setdefault(iface, {}) self.parse_dns_options(config['options'], c) self.parse_hwaddress(iface, config['options'], c) if config['options']: logging.error('%s: option(s) %s are not supported for dhcp method', iface, ", ".join(config['options'].keys())) sys.exit(2) if family == 'inet': c['dhcp4'] = True else: assert family == 'inet6' c['dhcp6'] = True elif config['method'] == 'static': c = netplan_config.setdefault('network', {}).setdefault('ethernets', {}).setdefault(iface, {}) if 'addresses' not in c: c['addresses'] = [] self.parse_dns_options(config['options'], c) self.parse_mtu(iface, config['options'], c) self.parse_hwaddress(iface, config['options'], c) # ipv4 if family == 'inet': # Already handled: mtu, hwaddress # Supported: address netmask gateway # Not supported yet: metric(?) # No YAML support: pointopoint scope broadcast supported_opts = set(['address', 'netmask', 'gateway']) unsupported_opts = set(['broadcast', 'metric', 'pointopoint', 'scope']) opts = set(config['options'].keys()) bad_opts = opts - supported_opts if bad_opts: for unsupported in bad_opts.intersection(unsupported_opts): logging.error('%s: unsupported %s option "%s"', iface, family, unsupported) sys.exit(2) for unknown in bad_opts - unsupported_opts: logging.error('%s: unknown %s option "%s"', iface, family, unknown) sys.exit(2) # the address may contain a /prefix suffix, or # the netmask property may be used. It's not clear # what happens if both are supplied. if 'address' not in config['options']: logging.error('%s: no address supplied in static method', iface) sys.exit(2) if '/' in config['options']['address']: addr_spec = config['options']['address'].split('/')[0] net_spec = config['options']['address'] else: if 'netmask' not in config['options']: logging.error('%s: address does not specify prefix length, and netmask not specified', iface) sys.exit(2) addr_spec = config['options']['address'] net_spec = config['options']['address'] + '/' + config['options']['netmask'] try: ipaddr = ipaddress.IPv4Address(addr_spec) except ipaddress.AddressValueError as a: logging.error('%s: error parsing "%s" as an IPv4 address: %s', iface, addr_spec, a) sys.exit(2) try: ipnet = ipaddress.IPv4Network(net_spec, strict=False) except ipaddress.NetmaskValueError as a: logging.error('%s: error parsing "%s" as an IPv4 network: %s', iface, net_spec, a) sys.exit(2) c['addresses'] += [str(ipaddr) + '/' + str(ipnet.prefixlen)] if 'gateway' in config['options']: # validate? c['gateway4'] = config['options']['gateway'] # ipv6 else: assert family == 'inet6' # Already handled: mtu, hwaddress # supported: address netmask gateway # partially supported: accept_ra (0/1 supported, 2 has no YAML rep) # unsupported: metric(?) # no YAML representation: media autoconf privext scope # preferred-lifetime dad-attempts dad-interval supported_opts = set(['address', 'netmask', 'gateway', 'accept_ra']) unsupported_opts = set(['metric', 'media', 'autoconf', 'privext', 'scope', 'preferred-lifetime', 'dad-attempts', 'dad-interval']) opts = set(config['options'].keys()) bad_opts = opts - supported_opts if bad_opts: for unsupported in bad_opts.intersection(unsupported_opts): logging.error('%s: unsupported %s option "%s"', iface, family, unsupported) sys.exit(2) for unknown in bad_opts - unsupported_opts: logging.error('%s: unknown %s option "%s"', iface, family, unknown) sys.exit(2) # the address may contain a /prefix suffix, or # the netmask property may be used. It's not clear # what happens if both are supplied. if 'address' not in config['options']: logging.error('%s: no address supplied in static method', iface) sys.exit(2) if '/' in config['options']['address']: addr_spec = config['options']['address'].split('/')[0] net_spec = config['options']['address'] else: if 'netmask' not in config['options']: logging.error('%s: address does not specify prefix length, and netmask not specified', iface) sys.exit(2) addr_spec = config['options']['address'] net_spec = config['options']['address'] + '/' + config['options']['netmask'] try: ipaddr = ipaddress.IPv6Address(addr_spec) except ipaddress.AddressValueError as a: logging.error('%s: error parsing "%s" as an IPv6 address: %s', iface, addr_spec, a) sys.exit(2) try: ipnet = ipaddress.IPv6Network(net_spec, strict=False) except ipaddress.NetmaskValueError as a: logging.error('%s: error parsing "%s" as an IPv6 network: %s', iface, net_spec, a) sys.exit(2) c['addresses'] += [str(ipaddr) + '/' + str(ipnet.prefixlen)] if 'gateway' in config['options']: # validate? c['gateway6'] = config['options']['gateway'] if 'accept_ra' in config['options']: if config['options']['accept_ra'] == '0': c['accept_ra'] = False elif config['options']['accept_ra'] == '1': c['accept_ra'] = True elif config['options']['accept_ra'] == '2': logging.error('%s: netplan does not support accept_ra=2', iface) sys.exit(2) else: logging.error('%s: unexpected accept_ra value "%s"', iface, config['options']['accept_ra']) sys.exit(2) else: # pragma nocover # this should be unreachable logging.error('%s: method %s is not supported', iface, config['method']) sys.exit(2) if_config = os.path.join(self.root_dir or '/', 'etc/network/interfaces') if netplan_config: netplan_config['network']['version'] = 2 netplan_yaml = yaml.dump(netplan_config) if self.dry_run: print(netplan_yaml) else: dest = os.path.join(self.root_dir or '/', 'etc/netplan/10-ifupdown.yaml') try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest)) except FileExistsError: pass try: with open(dest, 'x') as f: f.write(netplan_yaml) except FileExistsError: logging.error('%s already exists; remove it if you want to run the migration again', dest) sys.exit(3) logging.info('migration complete, wrote %s', dest) else: logging.info('ifupdown does not configure any interfaces, nothing to migrate') if not self.dry_run: logging.info('renaming %s to %s.netplan-converted', if_config, if_config) os.rename(if_config, if_config + '.netplan-converted') def _ifupdown_lines_from_file(self, rootdir, path): '''Return normalized lines from ifupdown config This resolves "source" and "source-directory" includes. ''' def expand_source_arg(rootdir, curdir, line): arg = line.split()[1] if arg.startswith('/'): return rootdir + arg else: return curdir + '/' + arg lines = [] rootdir_len = len(rootdir) + 1 try: with open(rootdir + '/' + path) as f: logging.debug('reading %s', f.name) for line in f: # normalize, strip empty lines and comments line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue if line.startswith('source-directory '): valid_re = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$') d = expand_source_arg(rootdir, os.path.dirname(f.name), line) for f in os.listdir(d): if valid_re.match(f): lines += self._ifupdown_lines_from_file(rootdir, os.path.join(d[rootdir_len:], f)) elif line.startswith('source '): for f in glob(expand_source_arg(rootdir, os.path.dirname(f.name), line)): lines += self._ifupdown_lines_from_file(rootdir, f[rootdir_len:]) else: lines.append(line) except FileNotFoundError: logging.debug('%s/%s does not exist, ignoring', rootdir, path) return lines def parse_ifupdown(self, rootdir='/'): '''Parse ifupdown configuration. Return (iface_name → family → {method, options}, auto_ifaces: set) tuple on successful parsing, or a ValueError when encountering an invalid file or ifupdown features which are not supported (such as "mapping"). options is itself a dictionary option_name → value. ''' # expected number of fields for every possible keyword, excluding the keyword itself fieldlen = {'auto': 1, 'allow-auto': 1, 'allow-hotplug': 1, 'mapping': 1, 'no-scripts': 1, 'iface': 3} # read and normalize all lines from config, with resolving includes lines = self._ifupdown_lines_from_file(rootdir, '/etc/network/interfaces') ifaces = OrderedDict() auto = set() in_options = None # interface name if parsing options lines after iface stanza in_family = None # we now have resolved all includes and normalized lines for line in lines: fields = line.split() try: # does the line start with a known stanza field? exp_len = fieldlen[fields[0]] logging.debug('line fields %s (expected length: %i)', fields, exp_len) in_options = None # stop option line parsing of iface stanza in_family = None except KeyError: # no known stanza field, are we in an iface stanza and parsing options? if in_options: logging.debug('in_options %s, parsing as option: %s', in_options, line) ifaces[in_options][in_family]['options'][fields[0]] = line.split(maxsplit=1)[1] continue else: raise ValueError('Unknown stanza type %s' % fields[0]) # do we have the expected #parameters? if len(fields) != exp_len + 1: raise ValueError('Expected %i fields for stanza type %s but got %i' % (exp_len, fields[0], len(fields) - 1)) # we have a valid stanza line now, handle them if fields[0] in ('auto', 'allow-auto', 'allow-hotplug'): auto.add(fields[1]) elif fields[0] == 'mapping': raise ValueError('mapping stanza is not supported') elif fields[0] == 'no-scripts': pass # ignore these elif fields[0] == 'iface': if fields[2] not in ('inet', 'inet6'): raise ValueError('Unknown address family %s' % fields[2]) if fields[3] not in ('loopback', 'static', 'dhcp'): raise ValueError('Unsupported method %s' % fields[3]) in_options = fields[1] in_family = fields[2] ifaces.setdefault(fields[1], OrderedDict())[in_family] = {'method': fields[3], 'options': {}} else: raise NotImplementedError('stanza type %s is not implemented' % fields[0]) # pragma nocover logging.debug('final parsed interfaces: %s; auto ifaces: %s', ifaces, auto) return (ifaces, auto)
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