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#!/usr/bin/python # # Urwid terminal emulation widget # Copyright (C) 2010 aszlig # Copyright (C) 2011 Ian Ward # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Urwid web site: http://excess.org/urwid/ from __future__ import division, print_function import os import sys import time import copy import errno import select import struct import signal import atexit import traceback try: import pty import fcntl import termios except ImportError: pass # windows from urwid import util from urwid.escape import DEC_SPECIAL_CHARS, ALT_DEC_SPECIAL_CHARS from urwid.canvas import Canvas from urwid.widget import Widget, BOX from urwid.display_common import AttrSpec, RealTerminal, _BASIC_COLORS from urwid.compat import ord2, chr2, B, bytes, PYTHON3, xrange ESC = chr(27) KEY_TRANSLATIONS = { 'enter': chr(13), 'backspace': chr(127), 'tab': chr(9), 'esc': ESC, 'up': ESC + '[A', 'down': ESC + '[B', 'right': ESC + '[C', 'left': ESC + '[D', 'home': ESC + '[1~', 'insert': ESC + '[2~', 'delete': ESC + '[3~', 'end': ESC + '[4~', 'page up': ESC + '[5~', 'page down': ESC + '[6~', 'f1': ESC + '[[A', 'f2': ESC + '[[B', 'f3': ESC + '[[C', 'f4': ESC + '[[D', 'f5': ESC + '[[E', 'f6': ESC + '[17~', 'f7': ESC + '[18~', 'f8': ESC + '[19~', 'f9': ESC + '[20~', 'f10': ESC + '[21~', 'f11': ESC + '[23~', 'f12': ESC + '[24~', } KEY_TRANSLATIONS_DECCKM = { 'up': ESC + 'OA', 'down': ESC + 'OB', 'right': ESC + 'OC', 'left': ESC + 'OD', 'f1': ESC + 'OP', 'f2': ESC + 'OQ', 'f3': ESC + 'OR', 'f4': ESC + 'OS', 'f5': ESC + '[15~', } CSI_COMMANDS = { # possible values: # None -> ignore sequence # (<minimum number of args>, <fallback if no argument>, callback) # ('alias', <symbol>) # # while callback is executed as: # callback(<instance of TermCanvas>, arguments, has_question_mark) B('@'): (1, 1, lambda s, number, q: s.insert_chars(chars=number[0])), B('A'): (1, 1, lambda s, rows, q: s.move_cursor(0, -rows[0], relative=True)), B('B'): (1, 1, lambda s, rows, q: s.move_cursor(0, rows[0], relative=True)), B('C'): (1, 1, lambda s, cols, q: s.move_cursor(cols[0], 0, relative=True)), B('D'): (1, 1, lambda s, cols, q: s.move_cursor(-cols[0], 0, relative=True)), B('E'): (1, 1, lambda s, rows, q: s.move_cursor(0, rows[0], relative_y=True)), B('F'): (1, 1, lambda s, rows, q: s.move_cursor(0, -rows[0], relative_y=True)), B('G'): (1, 1, lambda s, col, q: s.move_cursor(col[0] - 1, 0, relative_y=True)), B('H'): (2, 1, lambda s, x_y, q: s.move_cursor(x_y[1] - 1, x_y[0] - 1)), B('J'): (1, 0, lambda s, mode, q: s.csi_erase_display(mode[0])), B('K'): (1, 0, lambda s, mode, q: s.csi_erase_line(mode[0])), B('L'): (1, 1, lambda s, number, q: s.insert_lines(lines=number[0])), B('M'): (1, 1, lambda s, number, q: s.remove_lines(lines=number[0])), B('P'): (1, 1, lambda s, number, q: s.remove_chars(chars=number[0])), B('X'): (1, 1, lambda s, number, q: s.erase(s.term_cursor, (s.term_cursor[0]+number[0] - 1, s.term_cursor[1]))), B('a'): ('alias', B('C')), B('c'): (0, 0, lambda s, none, q: s.csi_get_device_attributes(q)), B('d'): (1, 1, lambda s, row, q: s.move_cursor(0, row[0] - 1, relative_x=True)), B('e'): ('alias', B('B')), B('f'): ('alias', B('H')), B('g'): (1, 0, lambda s, mode, q: s.csi_clear_tabstop(mode[0])), B('h'): (1, 0, lambda s, modes, q: s.csi_set_modes(modes, q)), B('l'): (1, 0, lambda s, modes, q: s.csi_set_modes(modes, q, reset=True)), B('m'): (1, 0, lambda s, attrs, q: s.csi_set_attr(attrs)), B('n'): (1, 0, lambda s, mode, q: s.csi_status_report(mode[0])), B('q'): (1, 0, lambda s, mode, q: s.csi_set_keyboard_leds(mode[0])), B('r'): (2, 0, lambda s, t_b, q: s.csi_set_scroll(t_b[0], t_b[1])), B('s'): (0, 0, lambda s, none, q: s.save_cursor()), B('u'): (0, 0, lambda s, none, q: s.restore_cursor()), B('`'): ('alias', B('G')), } CHARSET_DEFAULT = 1 CHARSET_UTF8 = 2 class TermModes(object): def __init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self): # ECMA-48 self.display_ctrl = False self.insert = False self.lfnl = False # DEC private modes self.keys_decckm = False self.reverse_video = False self.constrain_scrolling = False self.autowrap = True self.visible_cursor = True # charset stuff self.main_charset = CHARSET_DEFAULT class TermCharset(object): MAPPING = { 'default': None, 'vt100': '0', 'ibmpc': 'U', 'user': None, } def __init__(self): self._g = [ 'default', 'vt100', ] self._sgr_mapping = False self.activate(0) def define(self, g, charset): """ Redefine G'g' with new mapping. """ self._g[g] = charset self.activate(g=self.active) def activate(self, g): """ Activate the given charset slot. """ self.active = g self.current = self.MAPPING.get(self._g[g], None) def set_sgr_ibmpc(self): """ Set graphics rendition mapping to IBM PC CP437. """ self._sgr_mapping = True def reset_sgr_ibmpc(self): """ Reset graphics rendition mapping to IBM PC CP437. """ self._sgr_mapping = False self.activate(g=self.active) def apply_mapping(self, char): if self._sgr_mapping or self._g[self.active] == 'ibmpc': dec_pos = DEC_SPECIAL_CHARS.find(char.decode('cp437')) if dec_pos >= 0: self.current = '0' return str(ALT_DEC_SPECIAL_CHARS[dec_pos]) else: self.current = 'U' return char else: return char class TermScroller(list): """ List subclass that handles the terminal scrollback buffer, truncating it as necessary. """ SCROLLBACK_LINES = 10000 def trunc(self): if len(self) >= self.SCROLLBACK_LINES: self.pop(0) def append(self, obj): self.trunc() super(TermScroller, self).append(obj) def insert(self, idx, obj): self.trunc() super(TermScroller, self).insert(idx, obj) def extend(self, seq): self.trunc() super(TermScroller, self).extend(seq) class TermCanvas(Canvas): cacheable = False def __init__(self, width, height, widget): Canvas.__init__(self) self.width, self.height = width, height self.widget = widget self.modes = widget.term_modes self.scrollback_buffer = TermScroller() self.scrolling_up = 0 self.utf8_eat_bytes = None self.utf8_buffer = bytes() self.coords["cursor"] = (0, 0, None) self.reset() def set_term_cursor(self, x=None, y=None): """ Set terminal cursor to x/y and update canvas cursor. If one or both axes are omitted, use the values of the current position. """ if x is None: x = self.term_cursor[0] if y is None: y = self.term_cursor[1] self.term_cursor = self.constrain_coords(x, y) if self.modes.visible_cursor and self.scrolling_up < self.height - y: self.cursor = (x, y + self.scrolling_up) else: self.cursor = None def reset_scroll(self): """ Reset scrolling region to full terminal size. """ self.scrollregion_start = 0 self.scrollregion_end = self.height - 1 def scroll_buffer(self, up=True, reset=False, lines=None): """ Scroll the scrolling buffer up (up=True) or down (up=False) the given amount of lines or half the screen height. If just 'reset' is True, set the scrollbuffer view to the current terminal content. """ if reset: self.scrolling_up = 0 self.set_term_cursor() return if lines is None: lines = self.height // 2 if not up: lines = -lines maxscroll = len(self.scrollback_buffer) self.scrolling_up += lines if self.scrolling_up > maxscroll: self.scrolling_up = maxscroll elif self.scrolling_up < 0: self.scrolling_up = 0 self.set_term_cursor() def reset(self): """ Reset the terminal. """ self.escbuf = bytes() self.within_escape = False self.parsestate = 0 self.attrspec = None self.charset = TermCharset() self.saved_cursor = None self.saved_attrs = None self.is_rotten_cursor = False self.reset_scroll() self.init_tabstops() # terminal modes self.modes.reset() # initialize self.term self.clear() def init_tabstops(self, extend=False): tablen, mod = divmod(self.width, 8) if mod > 0: tablen += 1 if extend: while len(self.tabstops) < tablen: self.tabstops.append(1 << 0) else: self.tabstops = [1 << 0] * tablen def set_tabstop(self, x=None, remove=False, clear=False): if clear: for tab in xrange(len(self.tabstops)): self.tabstops[tab] = 0 return if x is None: x = self.term_cursor[0] div, mod = divmod(x, 8) if remove: self.tabstops[div] &= ~(1 << mod) else: self.tabstops[div] |= (1 << mod) def is_tabstop(self, x=None): if x is None: x = self.term_cursor[0] div, mod = divmod(x, 8) return (self.tabstops[div] & (1 << mod)) > 0 def empty_line(self, char=B(' ')): return [self.empty_char(char)] * self.width def empty_char(self, char=B(' ')): return (self.attrspec, self.charset.current, char) def addstr(self, data): if self.width <= 0 or self.height <= 0: # not displayable, do nothing! return for byte in data: self.addbyte(ord2(byte)) def resize(self, width, height): """ Resize the terminal to the given width and height. """ x, y = self.term_cursor if width > self.width: # grow for y in xrange(self.height): self.term[y] += [self.empty_char()] * (width - self.width) elif width < self.width: # shrink for y in xrange(self.height): self.term[y] = self.term[y][:width] self.width = width if height > self.height: # grow for y in xrange(self.height, height): try: last_line = self.scrollback_buffer.pop() except IndexError: # nothing in scrollback buffer, append an empty line self.term.append(self.empty_line()) self.scrollregion_end += 1 continue # adjust x axis of scrollback buffer to the current width if len(last_line) < self.width: last_line += [self.empty_char()] * \ (self.width - len(last_line)) else: last_line = last_line[:self.width] y += 1 self.term.insert(0, last_line) elif height < self.height: # shrink for y in xrange(height, self.height): self.scrollback_buffer.append(self.term.pop(0)) self.height = height self.reset_scroll() x, y = self.constrain_coords(x, y) self.set_term_cursor(x, y) # extend tabs self.init_tabstops(extend=True) def set_g01(self, char, mod): """ Set G0 or G1 according to 'char' and modifier 'mod'. """ if self.modes.main_charset != CHARSET_DEFAULT: return if mod == B('('): g = 0 else: g = 1 if char == B('0'): cset = 'vt100' elif char == B('U'): cset = 'ibmpc' elif char == B('K'): cset = 'user' else: cset = 'default' self.charset.define(g, cset) def parse_csi(self, char): """ Parse ECMA-48 CSI (Control Sequence Introducer) sequences. """ qmark = self.escbuf.startswith(B('?')) escbuf = [] for arg in self.escbuf[qmark and 1 or 0:].split(B(';')): try: num = int(arg) except ValueError: num = None escbuf.append(num) if CSI_COMMANDS[char] is not None: if CSI_COMMANDS[char][0] == 'alias': csi_cmd = CSI_COMMANDS[(CSI_COMMANDS[char][1])] else: csi_cmd = CSI_COMMANDS[char] number_of_args, default_value, cmd = csi_cmd while len(escbuf) < number_of_args: escbuf.append(default_value) for i in xrange(len(escbuf)): if escbuf[i] is None or escbuf[i] == 0: escbuf[i] = default_value try: cmd(self, escbuf, qmark) except ValueError: # ignore commands that don't match the # unpacked tuples in CSI_COMMANDS. pass def parse_noncsi(self, char, mod=None): """ Parse escape sequences which are not CSI. """ if mod == B('#') and char == B('8'): self.decaln() elif mod == B('%'): # select main character set if char == B('@'): self.modes.main_charset = CHARSET_DEFAULT elif char in B('G8'): # 8 is obsolete and only for backwards compatibility self.modes.main_charset = CHARSET_UTF8 elif mod == B('(') or mod == B(')'): # define G0/G1 self.set_g01(char, mod) elif char == B('M'): # reverse line feed self.linefeed(reverse=True) elif char == B('D'): # line feed self.linefeed() elif char == B('c'): # reset terminal self.reset() elif char == B('E'): # newline self.newline() elif char == B('H'): # set tabstop self.set_tabstop() elif char == B('Z'): # DECID self.widget.respond(ESC + '[?6c') elif char == B('7'): # save current state self.save_cursor(with_attrs=True) elif char == B('8'): # restore current state self.restore_cursor(with_attrs=True) def parse_osc(self, buf): """ Parse operating system command. """ if buf.startswith(B(';')): # set window title and icon self.widget.set_title(buf[1:]) elif buf.startswith(B('3;')): # set window title self.widget.set_title(buf[2:]) def parse_escape(self, char): if self.parsestate == 1: # within CSI if char in CSI_COMMANDS.keys(): self.parse_csi(char) self.parsestate = 0 elif char in B('0123456789;') or (not self.escbuf and char == B('?')): self.escbuf += char return elif self.parsestate == 0 and char == B(']'): # start of OSC self.escbuf = bytes() self.parsestate = 2 return elif self.parsestate == 2 and char == B("\x07"): # end of OSC self.parse_osc(self.escbuf.lstrip(B('0'))) elif self.parsestate == 2 and self.escbuf[-1:] + char == B(ESC + '\\'): # end of OSC self.parse_osc(self.escbuf[:-1].lstrip(B('0'))) elif self.parsestate == 2 and self.escbuf.startswith(B('P')) and \ len(self.escbuf) == 8: # set palette (ESC]Pnrrggbb) pass elif self.parsestate == 2 and not self.escbuf and char == B('R'): # reset palette pass elif self.parsestate == 2: self.escbuf += char return elif self.parsestate == 0 and char == B('['): # start of CSI self.escbuf = bytes() self.parsestate = 1 return elif self.parsestate == 0 and char in (B('%'), B('#'), B('('), B(')')): # non-CSI sequence self.escbuf = char self.parsestate = 3 return elif self.parsestate == 3: self.parse_noncsi(char, self.escbuf) elif char in (B('c'), B('D'), B('E'), B('H'), B('M'), B('Z'), B('7'), B('8'), B('>'), B('=')): self.parse_noncsi(char) self.leave_escape() def leave_escape(self): self.within_escape = False self.parsestate = 0 self.escbuf = bytes() def get_utf8_len(self, bytenum): """ Process startbyte and return the number of bytes following it to get a valid UTF-8 multibyte sequence. bytenum -- an integer ordinal """ length = 0 while bytenum & 0x40: bytenum <<= 1 length += 1 return length def addbyte(self, byte): """ Parse main charset and add the processed byte(s) to the terminal state machine. byte -- an integer ordinal """ if (self.modes.main_charset == CHARSET_UTF8 or util._target_encoding == 'utf8'): if byte >= 0xc0: # start multibyte sequence self.utf8_eat_bytes = self.get_utf8_len(byte) self.utf8_buffer = chr2(byte) return elif 0x80 <= byte < 0xc0 and self.utf8_eat_bytes is not None: if self.utf8_eat_bytes > 1: # continue multibyte sequence self.utf8_eat_bytes -= 1 self.utf8_buffer += chr2(byte) return else: # end multibyte sequence self.utf8_eat_bytes = None sequence = (self.utf8_buffer+chr2(byte)).decode('utf-8', 'ignore') if len(sequence) == 0: # invalid multibyte sequence, stop processing return char = sequence.encode(util._target_encoding, 'replace') else: self.utf8_eat_bytes = None char = chr2(byte) else: char = chr2(byte) self.process_char(char) def process_char(self, char): """ Process a single character (single- and multi-byte). char -- a byte string """ x, y = self.term_cursor if isinstance(char, int): char = chr(char) dc = self.modes.display_ctrl if char == B("\x1b") and self.parsestate != 2: # escape self.within_escape = True elif not dc and char == B("\x0d"): # carriage return self.carriage_return() elif not dc and char == B("\x0f"): # activate G0 self.charset.activate(0) elif not dc and char == B("\x0e"): # activate G1 self.charset.activate(1) elif not dc and char in B("\x0a\x0b\x0c"): # line feed self.linefeed() if self.modes.lfnl: self.carriage_return() elif not dc and char == B("\x09"): # char tab self.tab() elif not dc and char == B("\x08"): # backspace if x > 0: self.set_term_cursor(x - 1, y) elif not dc and char == B("\x07") and self.parsestate != 2: # beep # we need to check if we're in parsestate 2, as an OSC can be # terminated by the BEL character! self.widget.beep() elif not dc and char in B("\x18\x1a"): # CAN/SUB self.leave_escape() elif not dc and char in B("\x00\x7f"): # NUL/DEL pass # this is ignored elif self.within_escape: self.parse_escape(char) elif not dc and char == B("\x9b"): # CSI (equivalent to "ESC [") self.within_escape = True self.escbuf = bytes() self.parsestate = 1 else: self.push_cursor(char) def set_char(self, char, x=None, y=None): """ Set character of either the current cursor position or a position given by 'x' and/or 'y' to 'char'. """ if x is None: x = self.term_cursor[0] if y is None: y = self.term_cursor[1] x, y = self.constrain_coords(x, y) self.term[y][x] = (self.attrspec, self.charset.current, char) def constrain_coords(self, x, y, ignore_scrolling=False): """ Checks if x/y are within the terminal and returns the corrected version. If 'ignore_scrolling' is set, constrain within the full size of the screen and not within scrolling region. """ if x >= self.width: x = self.width - 1 elif x < 0: x = 0 if self.modes.constrain_scrolling and not ignore_scrolling: if y > self.scrollregion_end: y = self.scrollregion_end elif y < self.scrollregion_start: y = self.scrollregion_start else: if y >= self.height: y = self.height - 1 elif y < 0: y = 0 return x, y def linefeed(self, reverse=False): """ Move the cursor down (or up if reverse is True) one line but don't reset horizontal position. """ x, y = self.term_cursor if reverse: if y <= 0 < self.scrollregion_start: pass elif y == self.scrollregion_start: self.scroll(reverse=True) else: y -= 1 else: if y >= self.height - 1 > self.scrollregion_end: pass elif y == self.scrollregion_end: self.scroll() else: y += 1 self.set_term_cursor(x, y) def carriage_return(self): self.set_term_cursor(0, self.term_cursor[1]) def newline(self): """ Do a carriage return followed by a line feed. """ self.carriage_return() self.linefeed() def move_cursor(self, x, y, relative_x=False, relative_y=False, relative=False): """ Move cursor to position x/y while constraining terminal sizes. If 'relative' is True, x/y is relative to the current cursor position. 'relative_x' and 'relative_y' is the same but just with the corresponding axis. """ if relative: relative_y = relative_x = True if relative_x: x = self.term_cursor[0] + x if relative_y: y = self.term_cursor[1] + y elif self.modes.constrain_scrolling: y += self.scrollregion_start self.set_term_cursor(x, y) def push_char(self, char, x, y): """ Push one character to current position and advance cursor to x/y. """ if char is not None: char = self.charset.apply_mapping(char) if self.modes.insert: self.insert_chars(char=char) else: self.set_char(char) self.set_term_cursor(x, y) def push_cursor(self, char=None): """ Move cursor one character forward wrapping lines as needed. If 'char' is given, put the character into the former position. """ x, y = self.term_cursor if self.modes.autowrap: if x + 1 >= self.width and not self.is_rotten_cursor: # "rotten cursor" - this is when the cursor gets to the rightmost # position of the screen, the cursor position remains the same but # one last set_char() is allowed for that piece of sh^H^H"border". self.is_rotten_cursor = True self.push_char(char, x, y) else: x += 1 if x >= self.width and self.is_rotten_cursor: if y >= self.scrollregion_end: self.scroll() else: y += 1 x = 1 self.set_term_cursor(0, y) self.push_char(char, x, y) self.is_rotten_cursor = False else: if x + 1 < self.width: x += 1 self.is_rotten_cursor = False self.push_char(char, x, y) def save_cursor(self, with_attrs=False): self.saved_cursor = tuple(self.term_cursor) if with_attrs: self.saved_attrs = (copy.copy(self.attrspec), copy.copy(self.charset)) def restore_cursor(self, with_attrs=False): if self.saved_cursor is None: return x, y = self.saved_cursor self.set_term_cursor(x, y) if with_attrs and self.saved_attrs is not None: self.attrspec, self.charset = (copy.copy(self.saved_attrs[0]), copy.copy(self.saved_attrs[1])) def tab(self, tabstop=8): """ Moves cursor to the next 'tabstop' filling everything in between with spaces. """ x, y = self.term_cursor while x < self.width - 1: self.set_char(B(" ")) x += 1 if self.is_tabstop(x): break self.is_rotten_cursor = False self.set_term_cursor(x, y) def scroll(self, reverse=False): """ Append a new line at the bottom and put the topmost line into the scrollback buffer. If reverse is True, do exactly the opposite, but don't save into scrollback buffer. """ if reverse: self.term.pop(self.scrollregion_end) self.term.insert(self.scrollregion_start, self.empty_line()) else: killed = self.term.pop(self.scrollregion_start) self.scrollback_buffer.append(killed) self.term.insert(self.scrollregion_end, self.empty_line()) def decaln(self): """ DEC screen alignment test: Fill screen with E's. """ for row in xrange(self.height): self.term[row] = self.empty_line('E') def blank_line(self, row): """ Blank a single line at the specified row, without modifying other lines. """ self.term[row] = self.empty_line() def insert_chars(self, position=None, chars=1, char=None): """ Insert 'chars' number of either empty characters - or those specified by 'char' - before 'position' (or the current position if not specified) pushing subsequent characters of the line to the right without wrapping. """ if position is None: position = self.term_cursor if chars == 0: chars = 1 if char is None: char = self.empty_char() else: char = (self.attrspec, self.charset.current, char) x, y = position while chars > 0: self.term[y].insert(x, char) self.term[y].pop() chars -= 1 def remove_chars(self, position=None, chars=1): """ Remove 'chars' number of empty characters from 'position' (or the current position if not specified) pulling subsequent characters of the line to the left without joining any subsequent lines. """ if position is None: position = self.term_cursor if chars == 0: chars = 1 x, y = position while chars > 0: self.term[y].pop(x) self.term[y].append(self.empty_char()) chars -= 1 def insert_lines(self, row=None, lines=1): """ Insert 'lines' of empty lines after the specified row, pushing all subsequent lines to the bottom. If no 'row' is specified, the current row is used. """ if row is None: row = self.term_cursor[1] else: row = self.scrollregion_start if lines == 0: lines = 1 while lines > 0: self.term.insert(row, self.empty_line()) self.term.pop(self.scrollregion_end) lines -= 1 def remove_lines(self, row=None, lines=1): """ Remove 'lines' number of lines at the specified row, pulling all subsequent lines to the top. If no 'row' is specified, the current row is used. """ if row is None: row = self.term_cursor[1] else: row = self.scrollregion_start if lines == 0: lines = 1 while lines > 0: self.term.pop(row) self.term.insert(self.scrollregion_end, self.empty_line()) lines -= 1 def erase(self, start, end): """ Erase a region of the terminal. The 'start' tuple (x, y) defines the starting position of the erase, while end (x, y) the last position. For example if the terminal size is 4x3, start=(1, 1) and end=(1, 2) would erase the following region: .... .XXX XX.. """ sx, sy = self.constrain_coords(*start) ex, ey = self.constrain_coords(*end) # within a single row if sy == ey: for x in xrange(sx, ex + 1): self.term[sy][x] = self.empty_char() return # spans multiple rows y = sy while y <= ey: if y == sy: for x in xrange(sx, self.width): self.term[y][x] = self.empty_char() elif y == ey: for x in xrange(ex + 1): self.term[y][x] = self.empty_char() else: self.blank_line(y) y += 1 def sgi_to_attrspec(self, attrs, fg, bg, attributes): """ Parse SGI sequence and return an AttrSpec representing the sequence including all earlier sequences specified as 'fg', 'bg' and 'attributes'. """ for attr in attrs: if 30 <= attr <= 37: fg = attr - 30 elif 40 <= attr <= 47: bg = attr - 40 elif attr == 38: # set default foreground color, set underline attributes.add('underline') fg = None elif attr == 39: # set default foreground color, remove underline attributes.discard('underline') fg = None elif attr == 49: # set default background color bg = None elif attr == 10: self.charset.reset_sgr_ibmpc() self.modes.display_ctrl = False elif attr in (11, 12): self.charset.set_sgr_ibmpc() self.modes.display_ctrl = True # set attributes elif attr == 1: attributes.add('bold') elif attr == 4: attributes.add('underline') elif attr == 5: attributes.add('blink') elif attr == 7: attributes.add('standout') # unset attributes elif attr == 24: attributes.discard('underline') elif attr == 25: attributes.discard('blink') elif attr == 27: attributes.discard('standout') elif attr == 0: # clear all attributes fg = bg = None attributes.clear() if 'bold' in attributes and fg is not None: fg += 8 def _defaulter(color): if color is None: return 'default' else: return _BASIC_COLORS[color] fg = _defaulter(fg) bg = _defaulter(bg) if len(attributes) > 0: fg = ','.join([fg] + list(attributes)) if fg == 'default' and bg == 'default': return None else: return AttrSpec(fg, bg) def csi_set_attr(self, attrs): """ Set graphics rendition. """ if attrs[-1] == 0: self.attrspec = None attributes = set() if self.attrspec is None: fg = bg = None else: # set default values from previous attrspec if 'default' in self.attrspec.foreground: fg = None else: fg = self.attrspec.foreground_number if fg >= 8: fg -= 8 if 'default' in self.attrspec.background: bg = None else: bg = self.attrspec.background_number if bg >= 8: bg -= 8 for attr in ('bold', 'underline', 'blink', 'standout'): if not getattr(self.attrspec, attr): continue attributes.add(attr) attrspec = self.sgi_to_attrspec(attrs, fg, bg, attributes) if self.modes.reverse_video: self.attrspec = self.reverse_attrspec(attrspec) else: self.attrspec = attrspec def reverse_attrspec(self, attrspec, undo=False): """ Put standout mode to the 'attrspec' given and remove it if 'undo' is True. """ if attrspec is None: attrspec = AttrSpec('default', 'default') attrs = [fg.strip() for fg in attrspec.foreground.split(',')] if 'standout' in attrs and undo: attrs.remove('standout') attrspec.foreground = ','.join(attrs) elif 'standout' not in attrs and not undo: attrs.append('standout') attrspec.foreground = ','.join(attrs) return attrspec def reverse_video(self, undo=False): """ Reverse video/scanmode (DECSCNM) by swapping fg and bg colors. """ for y in xrange(self.height): for x in xrange(self.width): char = self.term[y][x] attrs = self.reverse_attrspec(char[0], undo=undo) self.term[y][x] = (attrs,) + char[1:] def set_mode(self, mode, flag, qmark, reset): """ Helper method for csi_set_modes: set single mode. """ if qmark: # DEC private mode if mode == 1: # cursor keys send an ESC O prefix, rather than ESC [ self.modes.keys_decckm = flag elif mode == 3: # deccolm just clears the screen self.clear() elif mode == 5: if self.modes.reverse_video != flag: self.reverse_video(undo=not flag) self.modes.reverse_video = flag elif mode == 6: self.modes.constrain_scrolling = flag self.set_term_cursor(0, 0) elif mode == 7: self.modes.autowrap = flag elif mode == 25: self.modes.visible_cursor = flag self.set_term_cursor() else: # ECMA-48 if mode == 3: self.modes.display_ctrl = flag elif mode == 4: self.modes.insert = flag elif mode == 20: self.modes.lfnl = flag def csi_set_modes(self, modes, qmark, reset=False): """ Set (DECSET/ECMA-48) or reset modes (DECRST/ECMA-48) if reset is True. """ flag = not reset for mode in modes: self.set_mode(mode, flag, qmark, reset) def csi_set_scroll(self, top=0, bottom=0): """ Set scrolling region, 'top' is the line number of first line in the scrolling region. 'bottom' is the line number of bottom line. If both are set to 0, the whole screen will be used (default). """ if top == 0: top = 1 if bottom == 0: bottom = self.height if top < bottom <= self.height: self.scrollregion_start = self.constrain_coords( 0, top - 1, ignore_scrolling=True )[1] self.scrollregion_end = self.constrain_coords( 0, bottom - 1, ignore_scrolling=True )[1] self.set_term_cursor(0, 0) def csi_clear_tabstop(self, mode=0): """ Clear tabstop at current position or if 'mode' is 3, delete all tabstops. """ if mode == 0: self.set_tabstop(remove=True) elif mode == 3: self.set_tabstop(clear=True) def csi_get_device_attributes(self, qmark): """ Report device attributes (what are you?). In our case, we'll report ourself as a VT102 terminal. """ if not qmark: self.widget.respond(ESC + '[?6c') def csi_status_report(self, mode): """ Report various information about the terminal status. Information is queried by 'mode', where possible values are: 5 -> device status report 6 -> cursor position report """ if mode == 5: # terminal OK self.widget.respond(ESC + '[0n') elif mode == 6: x, y = self.term_cursor self.widget.respond(ESC + '[%d;%dR' % (y + 1, x + 1)) def csi_erase_line(self, mode): """ Erase current line, modes are: 0 -> erase from cursor to end of line. 1 -> erase from start of line to cursor. 2 -> erase whole line. """ x, y = self.term_cursor if mode == 0: self.erase(self.term_cursor, (self.width - 1, y)) elif mode == 1: self.erase((0, y), (x, y)) elif mode == 2: self.blank_line(y) def csi_erase_display(self, mode): """ Erase display, modes are: 0 -> erase from cursor to end of display. 1 -> erase from start to cursor. 2 -> erase the whole display. """ if mode == 0: self.erase(self.term_cursor, (self.width - 1, self.height - 1)) if mode == 1: self.erase((0, 0), (self.term_cursor[0] - 1, self.term_cursor[1])) elif mode == 2: self.clear(cursor=self.term_cursor) def csi_set_keyboard_leds(self, mode=0): """ Set keyboard LEDs, modes are: 0 -> clear all LEDs 1 -> set scroll lock LED 2 -> set num lock LED 3 -> set caps lock LED This currently just emits a signal, so it can be processed by another widget or the main application. """ states = { 0: 'clear', 1: 'scroll_lock', 2: 'num_lock', 3: 'caps_lock', } if mode in states: self.widget.leds(states[mode]) def clear(self, cursor=None): """ Clears the whole terminal screen and resets the cursor position to (0, 0) or to the coordinates given by 'cursor'. """ self.term = [self.empty_line() for x in xrange(self.height)] if cursor is None: self.set_term_cursor(0, 0) else: self.set_term_cursor(*cursor) def cols(self): return self.width def rows(self): return self.height def content(self, trim_left=0, trim_right=0, cols=None, rows=None, attr_map=None): if self.scrolling_up == 0: for line in self.term: yield line else: buf = self.scrollback_buffer + self.term for line in buf[-(self.height+self.scrolling_up):-self.scrolling_up]: yield line def content_delta(self, other): if other is self: return [self.cols()]*self.rows() return self.content() class Terminal(Widget): _selectable = True _sizing = frozenset([BOX]) signals = ['closed', 'beep', 'leds', 'title'] def __init__(self, command, env=None, main_loop=None, escape_sequence=None): """ A terminal emulator within a widget. 'command' is the command to execute inside the terminal, provided as a list of the command followed by its arguments. If 'command' is None, the command is the current user's shell. You can also provide a callable instead of a command, which will be executed in the subprocess. 'env' can be used to pass custom environment variables. If omitted, os.environ is used. 'main_loop' should be provided, because the canvas state machine needs to act on input from the PTY master device. This object must have watch_file and remove_watch_file methods. 'escape_sequence' is the urwid key symbol which should be used to break out of the terminal widget. If it's not specified, "ctrl a" is used. """ self.__super.__init__() if escape_sequence is None: self.escape_sequence = "ctrl a" else: self.escape_sequence = escape_sequence if env is None: self.env = dict(os.environ) else: self.env = dict(env) if command is None: self.command = [self.env.get('SHELL', '/bin/sh')] else: self.command = command self.keygrab = False self.last_key = None self.response_buffer = [] self.term_modes = TermModes() self.main_loop = main_loop self.master = None self.pid = None self.width = None self.height = None self.term = None self.has_focus = False self.terminated = False def spawn(self): env = self.env env['TERM'] = 'linux' self.pid, self.master = pty.fork() if self.pid == 0: if callable(self.command): try: try: self.command() except: sys.stderr.write(traceback.format_exc()) sys.stderr.flush() finally: os._exit(0) else: os.execvpe(self.command[0], self.command, env) if self.main_loop is None: fcntl.fcntl(self.master, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK) atexit.register(self.terminate) def terminate(self): if self.terminated: return self.terminated = True self.remove_watch() self.change_focus(False) if self.pid > 0: self.set_termsize(0, 0) for sig in (signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIGCONT, signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGKILL): try: os.kill(self.pid, sig) pid, status = os.waitpid(self.pid, os.WNOHANG) except OSError: break if pid == 0: break time.sleep(0.1) try: os.waitpid(self.pid, 0) except OSError: pass os.close(self.master) def beep(self): self._emit('beep') def leds(self, which): self._emit('leds', which) def respond(self, string): """ Respond to the underlying application with 'string'. """ self.response_buffer.append(string) def flush_responses(self): for string in self.response_buffer: os.write(self.master, string.encode('ascii')) self.response_buffer = [] def set_termsize(self, width, height): winsize = struct.pack("HHHH", height, width, 0, 0) fcntl.ioctl(self.master, termios.TIOCSWINSZ, winsize) def touch_term(self, width, height): process_opened = False if self.pid is None: self.spawn() process_opened = True if self.width == width and self.height == height: return self.set_termsize(width, height) if not self.term: self.term = TermCanvas(width, height, self) else: self.term.resize(width, height) self.width = width self.height = height if process_opened: self.add_watch() def set_title(self, title): self._emit('title', title) def change_focus(self, has_focus): """ Ignore SIGINT if this widget has focus. """ if self.terminated or self.has_focus == has_focus: return self.has_focus = has_focus if has_focus: self.old_tios = RealTerminal().tty_signal_keys() RealTerminal().tty_signal_keys(*(['undefined'] * 5)) else: RealTerminal().tty_signal_keys(*self.old_tios) def render(self, size, focus=False): if not self.terminated: self.change_focus(focus) width, height = size self.touch_term(width, height) if self.main_loop is None: self.feed() return self.term def add_watch(self): if self.main_loop is None: return self.main_loop.watch_file(self.master, self.feed) def remove_watch(self): if self.main_loop is None: return self.main_loop.remove_watch_file(self.master) def selectable(self): return True def wait_and_feed(self, timeout=1.0): while True: try: select.select([self.master], [], [], timeout) break except select.error as e: if e.args[0] != 4: raise self.feed() def feed(self): data = '' try: data = os.read(self.master, 4096) except OSError as e: if e.errno == 5: # End Of File data = '' elif e.errno == errno.EWOULDBLOCK: # empty buffer return else: raise if data == '': # EOF on BSD self.terminate() self._emit('closed') return self.term.addstr(data) self.flush_responses() def keypress(self, size, key): if self.terminated: return key if key == "window resize": width, height = size self.touch_term(width, height) return if (self.last_key == self.escape_sequence and key == self.escape_sequence): # escape sequence pressed twice... self.last_key = key self.keygrab = True # ... so pass it to the terminal elif self.keygrab: if self.escape_sequence == key: # stop grabbing the terminal self.keygrab = False self.last_key = key return else: if key == 'page up': self.term.scroll_buffer() self.last_key = key self._invalidate() return elif key == 'page down': self.term.scroll_buffer(up=False) self.last_key = key self._invalidate() return elif (self.last_key == self.escape_sequence and key != self.escape_sequence): # hand down keypress directly after ungrab. self.last_key = key return key elif self.escape_sequence == key: # start grabbing the terminal self.keygrab = True self.last_key = key return elif self._command_map[key] is None or key == 'enter': # printable character or escape sequence means: # lock in terminal... self.keygrab = True # ... and do key processing else: # hand down keypress self.last_key = key return key self.last_key = key self.term.scroll_buffer(reset=True) if key.startswith("ctrl "): if key[-1].islower(): key = chr(ord(key[-1]) - ord('a') + 1) else: key = chr(ord(key[-1]) - ord('A') + 1) else: if self.term_modes.keys_decckm and key in KEY_TRANSLATIONS_DECCKM: key = KEY_TRANSLATIONS_DECCKM.get(key) else: key = KEY_TRANSLATIONS.get(key, key) # ENTER transmits both a carriage return and linefeed in LF/NL mode. if self.term_modes.lfnl and key == "\x0d": key += "\x0a" if PYTHON3: key = key.encode('ascii') os.write(self.master, key)
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