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#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Urwid escape sequences common to curses_display and raw_display # Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Ian Ward # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Urwid web site: http://excess.org/urwid/ from __future__ import division, print_function """ Terminal Escape Sequences for input and display """ import re try: from urwid import str_util except ImportError: from urwid import old_str_util as str_util from urwid.compat import bytes, bytes3 within_double_byte = str_util.within_double_byte SO = "\x0e" SI = "\x0f" IBMPC_ON = "\x1b[11m" IBMPC_OFF = "\x1b[10m" DEC_TAG = "0" DEC_SPECIAL_CHARS = u'▮◆▒␉␌␍␊°±␋┘┐┌└┼⎺⎻─⎼⎽├┤┴┬│≤≥π≠£·' ALT_DEC_SPECIAL_CHARS = u"_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~" DEC_SPECIAL_CHARMAP = {} assert len(DEC_SPECIAL_CHARS) == len(ALT_DEC_SPECIAL_CHARS), repr((DEC_SPECIAL_CHARS, ALT_DEC_SPECIAL_CHARS)) for c, alt in zip(DEC_SPECIAL_CHARS, ALT_DEC_SPECIAL_CHARS): DEC_SPECIAL_CHARMAP[ord(c)] = SO + alt + SI SAFE_ASCII_DEC_SPECIAL_RE = re.compile(u"^[ -~%s]*$" % DEC_SPECIAL_CHARS) DEC_SPECIAL_RE = re.compile(u"[%s]" % DEC_SPECIAL_CHARS) ################### ## Input sequences ################### class MoreInputRequired(Exception): pass def escape_modifier( digit ): mode = ord(digit) - ord("1") return "shift "*(mode&1) + "meta "*((mode&2)//2) + "ctrl "*((mode&4)//4) input_sequences = [ ('[A','up'),('[B','down'),('[C','right'),('[D','left'), ('[E','5'),('[F','end'),('[G','5'),('[H','home'), ('[1~','home'),('[2~','insert'),('[3~','delete'),('[4~','end'), ('[5~','page up'),('[6~','page down'), ('[7~','home'),('[8~','end'), ('[[A','f1'),('[[B','f2'),('[[C','f3'),('[[D','f4'),('[[E','f5'), ('[11~','f1'),('[12~','f2'),('[13~','f3'),('[14~','f4'), ('[15~','f5'),('[17~','f6'),('[18~','f7'),('[19~','f8'), ('[20~','f9'),('[21~','f10'),('[23~','f11'),('[24~','f12'), ('[25~','f13'),('[26~','f14'),('[28~','f15'),('[29~','f16'), ('[31~','f17'),('[32~','f18'),('[33~','f19'),('[34~','f20'), ('OA','up'),('OB','down'),('OC','right'),('OD','left'), ('OH','home'),('OF','end'), ('OP','f1'),('OQ','f2'),('OR','f3'),('OS','f4'), ('Oo','/'),('Oj','*'),('Om','-'),('Ok','+'), ('[Z','shift tab'), ('On', '.'), ('[200~', 'begin paste'), ('[201~', 'end paste'), ] + [ (prefix + letter, modifier + key) for prefix, modifier in zip('O[', ('meta ', 'shift ')) for letter, key in zip('abcd', ('up', 'down', 'right', 'left')) ] + [ ("[" + digit + symbol, modifier + key) for modifier, symbol in zip(('shift ', 'meta '), '$^') for digit, key in zip('235678', ('insert', 'delete', 'page up', 'page down', 'home', 'end')) ] + [ ('O' + chr(ord('p')+n), str(n)) for n in range(10) ] + [ # modified cursor keys + home, end, 5 -- [#X and [1;#X forms (prefix+digit+letter, escape_modifier(digit) + key) for prefix in ("[", "[1;") for digit in "12345678" for letter,key in zip("ABCDEFGH", ('up','down','right','left','5','end','5','home')) ] + [ # modified F1-F4 keys -- O#X form ("O"+digit+letter, escape_modifier(digit) + key) for digit in "12345678" for letter,key in zip("PQRS",('f1','f2','f3','f4')) ] + [ # modified F1-F13 keys -- [XX;#~ form ("["+str(num)+";"+digit+"~", escape_modifier(digit) + key) for digit in "12345678" for num,key in zip( (3,5,6,11,12,13,14,15,17,18,19,20,21,23,24,25,26,28,29,31,32,33,34), ('delete', 'page up', 'page down', 'f1','f2','f3','f4','f5','f6','f7','f8','f9','f10','f11', 'f12','f13','f14','f15','f16','f17','f18','f19','f20')) ] + [ # mouse reporting (special handling done in KeyqueueTrie) ('[M', 'mouse'), # report status response ('[0n', 'status ok') ] class KeyqueueTrie(object): def __init__( self, sequences ): self.data = {} for s, result in sequences: assert type(result) != dict self.add(self.data, s, result) def add(self, root, s, result): assert type(root) == dict, "trie conflict detected" assert len(s) > 0, "trie conflict detected" if ord(s[0]) in root: return self.add(root[ord(s[0])], s[1:], result) if len(s)>1: d = {} root[ord(s[0])] = d return self.add(d, s[1:], result) root[ord(s)] = result def get(self, keys, more_available): result = self.get_recurse(self.data, keys, more_available) if not result: result = self.read_cursor_position(keys, more_available) return result def get_recurse(self, root, keys, more_available): if type(root) != dict: if root == "mouse": return self.read_mouse_info(keys, more_available) return (root, keys) if not keys: # get more keys if more_available: raise MoreInputRequired() return None if keys[0] not in root: return None return self.get_recurse(root[keys[0]], keys[1:], more_available) def read_mouse_info(self, keys, more_available): if len(keys) < 3: if more_available: raise MoreInputRequired() return None b = keys[0] - 32 x, y = (keys[1] - 33)%256, (keys[2] - 33)%256 # supports 0-255 prefix = "" if b & 4: prefix = prefix + "shift " if b & 8: prefix = prefix + "meta " if b & 16: prefix = prefix + "ctrl " if (b & MOUSE_MULTIPLE_CLICK_MASK)>>9 == 1: prefix = prefix + "double " if (b & MOUSE_MULTIPLE_CLICK_MASK)>>9 == 2: prefix = prefix + "triple " # 0->1, 1->2, 2->3, 64->4, 65->5 button = ((b&64)/64*3) + (b & 3) + 1 if b & 3 == 3: action = "release" button = 0 elif b & MOUSE_RELEASE_FLAG: action = "release" elif b & MOUSE_DRAG_FLAG: action = "drag" elif b & MOUSE_MULTIPLE_CLICK_MASK: action = "click" else: action = "press" return ( (prefix + "mouse " + action, button, x, y), keys[3:] ) def read_cursor_position(self, keys, more_available): """ Interpret cursor position information being sent by the user's terminal. Returned as ('cursor position', x, y) where (x, y) == (0, 0) is the top left of the screen. """ if not keys: if more_available: raise MoreInputRequired() return None if keys[0] != ord('['): return None # read y value y = 0 i = 1 for k in keys[i:]: i += 1 if k == ord(';'): if not y: return None break if k < ord('0') or k > ord('9'): return None if not y and k == ord('0'): return None y = y * 10 + k - ord('0') if not keys[i:]: if more_available: raise MoreInputRequired() return None # read x value x = 0 for k in keys[i:]: i += 1 if k == ord('R'): if not x: return None return (("cursor position", x-1, y-1), keys[i:]) if k < ord('0') or k > ord('9'): return None if not x and k == ord('0'): return None x = x * 10 + k - ord('0') if not keys[i:]: if more_available: raise MoreInputRequired() return None # This is added to button value to signal mouse release by curses_display # and raw_display when we know which button was released. NON-STANDARD MOUSE_RELEASE_FLAG = 2048 # This 2-bit mask is used to check if the mouse release from curses or gpm # is a double or triple release. 00 means single click, 01 double, # 10 triple. NON-STANDARD MOUSE_MULTIPLE_CLICK_MASK = 1536 # This is added to button value at mouse release to differentiate between # single, double and triple press. Double release adds this times one, # triple release adds this times two. NON-STANDARD MOUSE_MULTIPLE_CLICK_FLAG = 512 # xterm adds this to the button value to signal a mouse drag event MOUSE_DRAG_FLAG = 32 ################################################# # Build the input trie from input_sequences list input_trie = KeyqueueTrie(input_sequences) ################################################# _keyconv = { -1:None, 8:'backspace', 9:'tab', 10:'enter', 13:'enter', 127:'backspace', # curses-only keycodes follow.. (XXX: are these used anymore?) 258:'down', 259:'up', 260:'left', 261:'right', 262:'home', 263:'backspace', 265:'f1', 266:'f2', 267:'f3', 268:'f4', 269:'f5', 270:'f6', 271:'f7', 272:'f8', 273:'f9', 274:'f10', 275:'f11', 276:'f12', 277:'shift f1', 278:'shift f2', 279:'shift f3', 280:'shift f4', 281:'shift f5', 282:'shift f6', 283:'shift f7', 284:'shift f8', 285:'shift f9', 286:'shift f10', 287:'shift f11', 288:'shift f12', 330:'delete', 331:'insert', 338:'page down', 339:'page up', 343:'enter', # on numpad 350:'5', # on numpad 360:'end', } def process_keyqueue(codes, more_available): """ codes -- list of key codes more_available -- if True then raise MoreInputRequired when in the middle of a character sequence (escape/utf8/wide) and caller will attempt to send more key codes on the next call. returns (list of input, list of remaining key codes). """ code = codes[0] if code >= 32 and code <= 126: key = chr(code) return [key], codes[1:] if code in _keyconv: return [_keyconv[code]], codes[1:] if code >0 and code <27: return ["ctrl %s" % chr(ord('a')+code-1)], codes[1:] if code >27 and code <32: return ["ctrl %s" % chr(ord('A')+code-1)], codes[1:] em = str_util.get_byte_encoding() if (em == 'wide' and code < 256 and within_double_byte(chr(code),0,0)): if not codes[1:]: if more_available: raise MoreInputRequired() if codes[1:] and codes[1] < 256: db = chr(code)+chr(codes[1]) if within_double_byte(db, 0, 1): return [db], codes[2:] if em == 'utf8' and code>127 and code<256: if code & 0xe0 == 0xc0: # 2-byte form need_more = 1 elif code & 0xf0 == 0xe0: # 3-byte form need_more = 2 elif code & 0xf8 == 0xf0: # 4-byte form need_more = 3 else: return ["<%d>"%code], codes[1:] for i in range(need_more): if len(codes)-1 <= i: if more_available: raise MoreInputRequired() else: return ["<%d>"%code], codes[1:] k = codes[i+1] if k>256 or k&0xc0 != 0x80: return ["<%d>"%code], codes[1:] s = bytes3(codes[:need_more+1]) assert isinstance(s, bytes) try: return [s.decode("utf-8")], codes[need_more+1:] except UnicodeDecodeError: return ["<%d>"%code], codes[1:] if code >127 and code <256: key = chr(code) return [key], codes[1:] if code != 27: return ["<%d>"%code], codes[1:] result = input_trie.get(codes[1:], more_available) if result is not None: result, remaining_codes = result return [result], remaining_codes if codes[1:]: # Meta keys -- ESC+Key form run, remaining_codes = process_keyqueue(codes[1:], more_available) if run[0] == "esc" or run[0].find("meta ") >= 0: return ['esc']+run, remaining_codes return ['meta '+run[0]]+run[1:], remaining_codes return ['esc'], codes[1:] #################### ## Output sequences #################### ESC = "\x1b" CURSOR_HOME = ESC+"[H" CURSOR_HOME_COL = "\r" APP_KEYPAD_MODE = ESC+"=" NUM_KEYPAD_MODE = ESC+">" SWITCH_TO_ALTERNATE_BUFFER = ESC+"7"+ESC+"[?47h" RESTORE_NORMAL_BUFFER = ESC+"[?47l"+ESC+"8" #RESET_SCROLL_REGION = ESC+"[;r" #RESET = ESC+"c" REPORT_STATUS = ESC + "[5n" REPORT_CURSOR_POSITION = ESC+"[6n" INSERT_ON = ESC + "[4h" INSERT_OFF = ESC + "[4l" def set_cursor_position( x, y ): assert type(x) == int assert type(y) == int return ESC+"[%d;%dH" %(y+1, x+1) def move_cursor_right(x): if x < 1: return "" return ESC+"[%dC" % x def move_cursor_up(x): if x < 1: return "" return ESC+"[%dA" % x def move_cursor_down(x): if x < 1: return "" return ESC+"[%dB" % x HIDE_CURSOR = ESC+"[?25l" SHOW_CURSOR = ESC+"[?25h" MOUSE_TRACKING_ON = ESC+"[?1000h"+ESC+"[?1002h" MOUSE_TRACKING_OFF = ESC+"[?1002l"+ESC+"[?1000l" DESIGNATE_G1_SPECIAL = ESC+")0" ERASE_IN_LINE_RIGHT = ESC+"[K"
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