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# Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd. # Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. # # Author: Scott Moser <scott.moser@canonical.com> # Author: Juerg Haefliger <juerg.haefliger@hp.com> # Author: Joshua Harlow <harlowja@yahoo-inc.com> # # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. import json import re from copy import copy, deepcopy from ipaddress import IPv4Network from cloudinit import log as logging from cloudinit import subp, util from cloudinit.net.network_state import net_prefix_to_ipv4_mask from cloudinit.simpletable import SimpleTable LOG = logging.getLogger() # Example netdev format: # {'eth0': {'hwaddr': '00:16:3e:16:db:54', # 'ipv4': [{'bcast': '', # 'ip': '', # 'mask': '', # 'scope': 'global'}], # 'ipv6': [{'ip': 'fd42:baa2:3dd:17a:216:3eff:fe16:db54/64', # 'scope6': 'global'}, # {'ip': 'fe80::216:3eff:fe16:db54/64', 'scope6': 'link'}], # 'up': True}, # 'lo': {'hwaddr': '', # 'ipv4': [{'bcast': '', # 'ip': '', # 'mask': '', # 'scope': 'host'}], # 'ipv6': [{'ip': '::1/128', 'scope6': 'host'}], # 'up': True}} DEFAULT_NETDEV_INFO = {"ipv4": [], "ipv6": [], "hwaddr": "", "up": False} def _netdev_info_iproute_json(ipaddr_json): """Get network device dicts from ip route and ip link info. ipaddr_json: Output string from 'ip --json addr' command. Returns a dict of device info keyed by network device name containing device configuration values. Raises json.JSONDecodeError if json could not be decoded """ ipaddr_data = json.loads(ipaddr_json) devs = {} for dev in ipaddr_data: flags = dev["flags"] if "flags" in dev else [] address = dev["address"] if dev.get("link_type") == "ether" else "" dev_info = { "hwaddr": address, "up": bool("UP" in flags and "LOWER_UP" in flags), "ipv4": [], "ipv6": [], } for addr in dev.get("addr_info", []): if addr.get("family") == "inet": mask = ( str(IPv4Network(f'{addr["prefixlen"]}').netmask) if "prefixlen" in addr else "" ) parsed_addr = { "ip": addr.get("local", ""), "mask": mask, "bcast": addr.get("broadcast", ""), "scope": addr.get("scope", ""), } dev_info["ipv4"].append(parsed_addr) elif addr["family"] == "inet6": ip = addr.get("local", "") # address here refers to a peer address, and according # to "man 8 ip-address": # If a peer address is specified, the local address cannot # have a prefix length. The network prefix is associated # with the peer rather than with the local address. if ip and not addr.get("address"): ip = f"{ip}/{addr.get('prefixlen', 64)}" parsed_addr = { "ip": ip, "scope6": addr.get("scope", ""), } dev_info["ipv6"].append(parsed_addr) devs[dev["ifname"]] = dev_info return devs def _netdev_info_iproute(ipaddr_out): """ DEPRECATED: Only used on distros that don't support ip json output Use _netdev_info_iproute_json() when possible. @param ipaddr_out: Output string from 'ip addr show' command. @returns: A dict of device info keyed by network device name containing device configuration values. @raise: TypeError if ipaddr_out isn't a string. """ devs = {} dev_name = None for num, line in enumerate(ipaddr_out.splitlines()): m = re.match(r"^\d+:\s(?P<dev>[^:]+):\s+<(?P<flags>\S+)>\s+.*", line) if m: dev_name = m.group("dev").lower().split("@")[0] flags = m.group("flags").split(",") devs[dev_name] = { "ipv4": [], "ipv6": [], "hwaddr": "", "up": bool("UP" in flags and "LOWER_UP" in flags), } elif "inet6" in line: m = re.match( r"\s+inet6\s(?P<ip>\S+)" r"(\s(peer\s\S+))?" r"\sscope\s(?P<scope6>\S+).*", line, ) if not m: LOG.warning( "Could not parse ip addr show: (line:%d) %s", num, line ) continue devs[dev_name]["ipv6"].append(m.groupdict()) elif "inet" in line: m = re.match( r"\s+inet\s(?P<cidr4>\S+)" r"(\smetric\s(?P<metric>\d+))?" r"(\sbrd\s(?P<bcast>\S+))?" r"\sscope\s(?P<scope>\S+).*", line, ) if not m: LOG.warning( "Could not parse ip addr show: (line:%d) %s", num, line ) continue match = m.groupdict() cidr4 = match.pop("cidr4") addr, _, prefix = cidr4.partition("/") if not prefix: prefix = "32" devs[dev_name]["ipv4"].append( { "ip": addr, "bcast": match["bcast"] if match["bcast"] else "", "mask": net_prefix_to_ipv4_mask(prefix), "scope": match["scope"], } ) elif "link" in line: m = re.match( r"\s+link/(?P<link_type>\S+)\s(?P<hwaddr>\S+).*", line ) if not m: LOG.warning( "Could not parse ip addr show: (line:%d) %s", num, line ) continue if m.group("link_type") == "ether": devs[dev_name]["hwaddr"] = m.group("hwaddr") else: devs[dev_name]["hwaddr"] = "" else: continue return devs def _netdev_info_ifconfig_netbsd(ifconfig_data): # fields that need to be returned in devs for each dev devs = {} for line in ifconfig_data.splitlines(): if len(line) == 0: continue if line[0] not in ("\t", " "): curdev = line.split()[0] # current ifconfig pops a ':' on the end of the device if curdev.endswith(":"): curdev = curdev[:-1] if curdev not in devs: devs[curdev] = deepcopy(DEFAULT_NETDEV_INFO) toks = line.lower().strip().split() if len(toks) > 1: if re.search(r"flags=[x\d]+<up.*>", toks[1]): devs[curdev]["up"] = True for i in range(len(toks)): if toks[i] == "inet": # Create new ipv4 addr entry network, net_bits = toks[i + 1].split("/") devs[curdev]["ipv4"].append( {"ip": network, "mask": net_prefix_to_ipv4_mask(net_bits)} ) elif toks[i] == "broadcast": devs[curdev]["ipv4"][-1]["bcast"] = toks[i + 1] elif toks[i] == "address:": devs[curdev]["hwaddr"] = toks[i + 1] elif toks[i] == "inet6": if toks[i + 1] == "addr:": devs[curdev]["ipv6"].append({"ip": toks[i + 2]}) else: devs[curdev]["ipv6"].append({"ip": toks[i + 1]}) elif toks[i] == "prefixlen": # Add prefix to current ipv6 value addr6 = devs[curdev]["ipv6"][-1]["ip"] + "/" + toks[i + 1] devs[curdev]["ipv6"][-1]["ip"] = addr6 elif toks[i].startswith("scope:"): devs[curdev]["ipv6"][-1]["scope6"] = toks[i].lstrip("scope:") elif toks[i] == "scopeid": res = re.match(r".*<(\S+)>", toks[i + 1]) if res: devs[curdev]["ipv6"][-1]["scope6"] = res.group(1) else: devs[curdev]["ipv6"][-1]["scope6"] = toks[i + 1] return devs def _netdev_info_ifconfig(ifconfig_data): # fields that need to be returned in devs for each dev devs = {} for line in ifconfig_data.splitlines(): if len(line) == 0: continue if line[0] not in ("\t", " "): curdev = line.split()[0] # current ifconfig pops a ':' on the end of the device if curdev.endswith(":"): curdev = curdev[:-1] if curdev not in devs: devs[curdev] = deepcopy(DEFAULT_NETDEV_INFO) toks = line.lower().strip().split() if toks[0] == "up": devs[curdev]["up"] = True # If the output of ifconfig doesn't contain the required info in the # obvious place, use a regex filter to be sure. elif len(toks) > 1: if re.search(r"flags=\d+<up,", toks[1]): devs[curdev]["up"] = True for i in range(len(toks)): if toks[i] == "inet": # Create new ipv4 addr entry devs[curdev]["ipv4"].append( {"ip": toks[i + 1].lstrip("addr:")} ) elif toks[i].startswith("bcast:"): devs[curdev]["ipv4"][-1]["bcast"] = toks[i].lstrip("bcast:") elif toks[i] == "broadcast": devs[curdev]["ipv4"][-1]["bcast"] = toks[i + 1] elif toks[i].startswith("mask:"): devs[curdev]["ipv4"][-1]["mask"] = toks[i].lstrip("mask:") elif toks[i] == "netmask": devs[curdev]["ipv4"][-1]["mask"] = toks[i + 1] elif toks[i] == "hwaddr" or toks[i] == "ether": devs[curdev]["hwaddr"] = toks[i + 1] elif toks[i] == "inet6": if toks[i + 1] == "addr:": devs[curdev]["ipv6"].append({"ip": toks[i + 2]}) else: devs[curdev]["ipv6"].append({"ip": toks[i + 1]}) elif toks[i] == "prefixlen": # Add prefix to current ipv6 value addr6 = devs[curdev]["ipv6"][-1]["ip"] + "/" + toks[i + 1] devs[curdev]["ipv6"][-1]["ip"] = addr6 elif toks[i].startswith("scope:"): devs[curdev]["ipv6"][-1]["scope6"] = toks[i].lstrip("scope:") elif toks[i] == "scopeid": res = re.match(r".*<(\S+)>", toks[i + 1]) if res: devs[curdev]["ipv6"][-1]["scope6"] = res.group(1) else: devs[curdev]["ipv6"][-1]["scope6"] = toks[i + 1] return devs def netdev_info(empty=""): devs = {} if util.is_NetBSD(): (ifcfg_out, _err) = subp.subp(["ifconfig", "-a"], rcs=[0, 1]) devs = _netdev_info_ifconfig_netbsd(ifcfg_out) elif subp.which("ip"): # Try iproute first of all try: (ipaddr_out, _err) = subp.subp(["ip", "--json", "addr"]) devs = _netdev_info_iproute_json(ipaddr_out) except subp.ProcessExecutionError: # Can be removed when "ip --json" is available everywhere (ipaddr_out, _err) = subp.subp(["ip", "addr", "show"]) devs = _netdev_info_iproute(ipaddr_out) elif subp.which("ifconfig"): # Fall back to net-tools if iproute2 is not present (ifcfg_out, _err) = subp.subp(["ifconfig", "-a"], rcs=[0, 1]) devs = _netdev_info_ifconfig(ifcfg_out) else: LOG.warning( "Could not print networks: missing 'ip' and 'ifconfig' commands" ) if empty == "": return devs recurse_types = (dict, tuple, list) def fill(data, new_val="", empty_vals=("", b"")): """Recursively replace 'empty_vals' in data (dict, tuple, list) with new_val""" if isinstance(data, dict): myiter = data.items() elif isinstance(data, (tuple, list)): myiter = enumerate(data) else: raise TypeError("Unexpected input to fill") for key, val in myiter: if val in empty_vals: data[key] = new_val elif isinstance(val, recurse_types): fill(val, new_val) fill(devs, new_val=empty) return devs def _netdev_route_info_iproute(iproute_data): """ Get network route dicts from ip route info. @param iproute_data: Output string from ip route command. @returns: A dict containing ipv4 and ipv6 route entries as lists. Each item in the list is a route dictionary representing destination, gateway, flags, genmask and interface information. """ routes = {} routes["ipv4"] = [] routes["ipv6"] = [] entries = iproute_data.splitlines() default_route_entry = { "destination": "", "flags": "", "gateway": "", "genmask": "", "iface": "", "metric": "", } for line in entries: entry = copy(default_route_entry) if not line: continue toks = line.split() flags = ["U"] if toks[0] == "default": entry["destination"] = "" entry["genmask"] = "" else: if "/" in toks[0]: (addr, cidr) = toks[0].split("/") else: addr = toks[0] cidr = "32" flags.append("H") entry["genmask"] = net_prefix_to_ipv4_mask(cidr) entry["destination"] = addr entry["genmask"] = net_prefix_to_ipv4_mask(cidr) entry["gateway"] = "" for i in range(len(toks)): if toks[i] == "via": entry["gateway"] = toks[i + 1] flags.insert(1, "G") if toks[i] == "dev": entry["iface"] = toks[i + 1] if toks[i] == "metric": entry["metric"] = toks[i + 1] entry["flags"] = "".join(flags) routes["ipv4"].append(entry) try: (iproute_data6, _err6) = subp.subp( ["ip", "--oneline", "-6", "route", "list", "table", "all"], rcs=[0, 1], ) except subp.ProcessExecutionError: pass else: entries6 = iproute_data6.splitlines() for line in entries6: entry = {} if not line: continue toks = line.split() if toks[0] == "default": entry["destination"] = "::/0" entry["flags"] = "UG" else: entry["destination"] = toks[0] entry["gateway"] = "::" entry["flags"] = "U" for i in range(len(toks)): if toks[i] == "via": entry["gateway"] = toks[i + 1] entry["flags"] = "UG" if toks[i] == "dev": entry["iface"] = toks[i + 1] if toks[i] == "metric": entry["metric"] = toks[i + 1] if toks[i] == "expires": entry["flags"] = entry["flags"] + "e" routes["ipv6"].append(entry) return routes def _netdev_route_info_netstat(route_data): routes = {} routes["ipv4"] = [] routes["ipv6"] = [] entries = route_data.splitlines() for line in entries: if not line: continue toks = line.split() # FreeBSD shows 6 items in the routing table: # Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire # default UGS 0 34920 vtnet0 # # Linux netstat shows 2 more: # Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface # UG 0 0 0 eth0 if ( len(toks) < 6 or toks[0] == "Kernel" or toks[0] == "Destination" or toks[0] == "Internet" or toks[0] == "Internet6" or toks[0] == "Routing" ): continue if len(toks) < 8: toks.append("-") toks.append("-") toks[7] = toks[5] toks[5] = "-" entry = { "destination": toks[0], "gateway": toks[1], "genmask": toks[2], "flags": toks[3], "metric": toks[4], "ref": toks[5], "use": toks[6], "iface": toks[7], } routes["ipv4"].append(entry) try: (route_data6, _err6) = subp.subp( ["netstat", "-A", "inet6", "--route", "--numeric"], rcs=[0, 1] ) except subp.ProcessExecutionError: pass else: entries6 = route_data6.splitlines() for line in entries6: if not line: continue toks = line.split() if ( len(toks) < 7 or toks[0] == "Kernel" or toks[0] == "Destination" or toks[0] == "Internet" or toks[0] == "Proto" or toks[0] == "Active" ): continue entry = { "destination": toks[0], "gateway": toks[1], "flags": toks[2], "metric": toks[3], "ref": toks[4], "use": toks[5], "iface": toks[6], } # skip lo interface on ipv6 if entry["iface"] == "lo": continue # strip /128 from address if it's included if entry["destination"].endswith("/128"): entry["destination"] = re.sub( r"\/128$", "", entry["destination"] ) routes["ipv6"].append(entry) return routes def route_info(): routes = {} if subp.which("ip"): # Try iproute first of all (iproute_out, _err) = subp.subp(["ip", "-o", "route", "list"]) routes = _netdev_route_info_iproute(iproute_out) elif subp.which("netstat"): # Fall back to net-tools if iproute2 is not present (route_out, _err) = subp.subp( ["netstat", "--route", "--numeric", "--extend"], rcs=[0, 1] ) routes = _netdev_route_info_netstat(route_out) else: LOG.warning( "Could not print routes: missing 'ip' and 'netstat' commands" ) return routes def netdev_pformat(): lines = [] empty = "." try: netdev = netdev_info(empty=empty) except Exception as e: lines.append( util.center( "Net device info failed ({error})".format(error=str(e)), "!", 80, ) ) else: if not netdev: return "\n" fields = ["Device", "Up", "Address", "Mask", "Scope", "Hw-Address"] tbl = SimpleTable(fields) for (dev, data) in sorted(netdev.items()): for addr in data.get("ipv4"): tbl.add_row( ( dev, data["up"], addr["ip"], addr["mask"], addr.get("scope", empty), data["hwaddr"], ) ) for addr in data.get("ipv6"): tbl.add_row( ( dev, data["up"], addr["ip"], empty, addr.get("scope6", empty), data["hwaddr"], ) ) if len(data.get("ipv6")) + len(data.get("ipv4")) == 0: tbl.add_row( (dev, data["up"], empty, empty, empty, data["hwaddr"]) ) netdev_s = tbl.get_string() max_len = len(max(netdev_s.splitlines(), key=len)) header = util.center("Net device info", "+", max_len) lines.extend([header, netdev_s]) return "\n".join(lines) + "\n" def route_pformat(): lines = [] try: routes = route_info() except Exception as e: lines.append( util.center( "Route info failed ({error})".format(error=str(e)), "!", 80 ) ) util.logexc(LOG, "Route info failed: %s" % e) else: if routes.get("ipv4"): fields_v4 = [ "Route", "Destination", "Gateway", "Genmask", "Interface", "Flags", ] tbl_v4 = SimpleTable(fields_v4) for (n, r) in enumerate(routes.get("ipv4")): route_id = str(n) tbl_v4.add_row( [ route_id, r["destination"], r["gateway"], r["genmask"], r["iface"], r["flags"], ] ) route_s = tbl_v4.get_string() max_len = len(max(route_s.splitlines(), key=len)) header = util.center("Route IPv4 info", "+", max_len) lines.extend([header, route_s]) if routes.get("ipv6"): fields_v6 = [ "Route", "Destination", "Gateway", "Interface", "Flags", ] tbl_v6 = SimpleTable(fields_v6) for (n, r) in enumerate(routes.get("ipv6")): route_id = str(n) if r["iface"] == "lo": continue tbl_v6.add_row( [ route_id, r["destination"], r["gateway"], r["iface"], r["flags"], ] ) route_s = tbl_v6.get_string() max_len = len(max(route_s.splitlines(), key=len)) header = util.center("Route IPv6 info", "+", max_len) lines.extend([header, route_s]) return "\n".join(lines) + "\n" def debug_info(prefix="ci-info: "): lines = [] netdev_lines = netdev_pformat().splitlines() if prefix: for line in netdev_lines: lines.append("%s%s" % (prefix, line)) else: lines.extend(netdev_lines) route_lines = route_pformat().splitlines() if prefix: for line in route_lines: lines.append("%s%s" % (prefix, line)) else: lines.extend(route_lines) return "\n".join(lines) # vi: ts=4 expandtab
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