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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.python.test.test_setup -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. # pylint: disable=I0011,C0103,C9302,W9401,W9402 """ Setuptools convenience functionality. This file must not import anything from Twisted, as it is loaded by C{exec} in C{setup.py}. If you need compatibility functions for this code, duplicate them here. @var _EXTRA_OPTIONS: These are the actual package names and versions that will be used by C{extras_require}. This is not passed to setup directly so that combinations of the packages can be created without the need to copy package names multiple times. @var _EXTRAS_REQUIRE: C{extras_require} is a dictionary of items that can be passed to setup.py to install optional dependencies. For example, to install the optional dev dependencies one would type:: pip install -e ".[dev]" This has been supported by setuptools since 0.5a4. @var _PLATFORM_INDEPENDENT: A list of all optional cross-platform dependencies, as setuptools version specifiers, used to populate L{_EXTRAS_REQUIRE}. @var _EXTENSIONS: The list of L{ConditionalExtension} used by the setup process. @var notPortedModules: Modules that are not yet ported to Python 3. """ import os import platform import sys from distutils.command import build_ext from distutils.errors import CompileError from setuptools import Extension, find_packages from setuptools.command.build_py import build_py # Do not replace this with t.p.compat imports, this file must not import # from Twisted. See the docstring. if sys.version_info < (3, 0): _PY3 = False else: _PY3 = True STATIC_PACKAGE_METADATA = dict( name="Twisted", description="An asynchronous networking framework written in Python", author="Twisted Matrix Laboratories", author_email="twisted-python@twistedmatrix.com", maintainer="Glyph Lefkowitz", maintainer_email="glyph@twistedmatrix.com", url="http://twistedmatrix.com/", license="MIT", long_description="""\ An extensible framework for Python programming, with special focus on event-based network programming and multiprotocol integration. """, classifiers=[ "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7", ], ) _dev = [ 'pyflakes >= 1.0.0', 'twisted-dev-tools >= 0.0.2', 'python-subunit', 'sphinx >= 1.3.1', 'towncrier >= 17.4.0' ] if not _PY3: # These modules do not yet work on Python 3. _dev += [ 'twistedchecker >= 0.4.0', 'pydoctor >= 16.2.0', ] _EXTRA_OPTIONS = dict( dev=_dev, tls=[ 'pyopenssl >= 16.0.0', 'service_identity', # idna 2.3 introduced some changes that break a few things. Avoid it. # The problems were fixed in 2.4. 'idna >= 0.6, != 2.3', ], conch=[ 'pyasn1', 'cryptography >= 1.5', 'appdirs >= 1.4.0', ], soap=['soappy'], serial=['pyserial >= 3.0'], macos=['pyobjc-core', 'pyobjc-framework-CFNetwork', 'pyobjc-framework-Cocoa'], windows=['pywin32'], http2=['h2 >= 3.0, < 4.0', 'priority >= 1.1.0, < 2.0'], ) _PLATFORM_INDEPENDENT = ( _EXTRA_OPTIONS['tls'] + _EXTRA_OPTIONS['conch'] + _EXTRA_OPTIONS['soap'] + _EXTRA_OPTIONS['serial'] + _EXTRA_OPTIONS['http2'] ) _EXTRAS_REQUIRE = { 'dev': _EXTRA_OPTIONS['dev'], 'tls': _EXTRA_OPTIONS['tls'], 'conch': _EXTRA_OPTIONS['conch'], 'soap': _EXTRA_OPTIONS['soap'], 'serial': _EXTRA_OPTIONS['serial'], 'http2': _EXTRA_OPTIONS['http2'], 'all_non_platform': _PLATFORM_INDEPENDENT, 'macos_platform': ( _EXTRA_OPTIONS['macos'] + _PLATFORM_INDEPENDENT ), 'windows_platform': ( _EXTRA_OPTIONS['windows'] + _PLATFORM_INDEPENDENT ), } _EXTRAS_REQUIRE['osx_platform'] = _EXTRAS_REQUIRE['macos_platform'] # Scripts provided by Twisted on Python 2 and 3. _CONSOLE_SCRIPTS = [ "ckeygen = twisted.conch.scripts.ckeygen:run", "cftp = twisted.conch.scripts.cftp:run", "conch = twisted.conch.scripts.conch:run", "mailmail = twisted.mail.scripts.mailmail:run", "pyhtmlizer = twisted.scripts.htmlizer:run", "tkconch = twisted.conch.scripts.tkconch:run", "trial = twisted.scripts.trial:run", "twist = twisted.application.twist._twist:Twist.main", "twistd = twisted.scripts.twistd:run", ] class ConditionalExtension(Extension, object): """ An extension module that will only be compiled if certain conditions are met. @param condition: A callable of one argument which returns True or False to indicate whether the extension should be built. The argument is an instance of L{build_ext_twisted}, which has useful methods for checking things about the platform. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.condition = kwargs.pop("condition", lambda builder: True) Extension.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # The C extensions used for Twisted. _EXTENSIONS = [ ConditionalExtension( "twisted.test.raiser", sources=["src/twisted/test/raiser.c"], condition=lambda _: _isCPython), ConditionalExtension( "twisted.internet.iocpreactor.iocpsupport", sources=[ "src/twisted/internet/iocpreactor/iocpsupport/iocpsupport.c", "src/twisted/internet/iocpreactor/iocpsupport/winsock_pointers.c", ], libraries=["ws2_32"], condition=lambda _: _isCPython and sys.platform == "win32"), ConditionalExtension( "twisted.python._sendmsg", sources=["src/twisted/python/_sendmsg.c"], condition=lambda _: not _PY3 and sys.platform != "win32"), ] def _checkPythonVersion(): """ Fail if we detect a version of Python we don't support. """ version = getattr(sys, "version_info", (0,)) if version < (2, 7): raise ImportError("Twisted requires Python 2.7 or later.") elif version >= (3, 0) and version < (3, 4): raise ImportError("Twisted on Python 3 requires Python 3.4 or later.") def getSetupArgs(extensions=_EXTENSIONS): """ @return: The keyword arguments to be used the the setup method. @rtype: L{dict} """ _checkPythonVersion() arguments = STATIC_PACKAGE_METADATA.copy() # This is a workaround for distutils behavior; ext_modules isn't # actually used by our custom builder. distutils deep-down checks # to see if there are any ext_modules defined before invoking # the build_ext command. We need to trigger build_ext regardless # because it is the thing that does the conditional checks to see # if it should build any extensions. The reason we have to delay # the conditional checks until then is that the compiler objects # are not yet set up when this code is executed. arguments["ext_modules"] = extensions # Use custome class to build the extensions. class my_build_ext(build_ext_twisted): conditionalExtensions = extensions command_classes = { 'build_ext': my_build_ext, } if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: command_classes['build_py'] = BuildPy3 requirements = [ "zope.interface >= 4.4.2", "constantly >= 15.1", "incremental >= 16.10.1", "Automat >= 0.3.0", "hyperlink >= 17.1.1", "PyHamcrest >= 1.9.0", "attrs >= 17.4.0", ] arguments.update(dict( packages=find_packages("src"), use_incremental=True, setup_requires=["incremental >= 16.10.1"], install_requires=requirements, entry_points={ 'console_scripts': _CONSOLE_SCRIPTS }, cmdclass=command_classes, include_package_data=True, exclude_package_data={ "": ["*.c", "*.h", "*.pxi", "*.pyx", "build.bat"], }, zip_safe=False, extras_require=_EXTRAS_REQUIRE, package_dir={"": "src"}, )) return arguments class BuildPy3(build_py, object): """ A version of build_py that doesn't install the modules that aren't yet ported to Python 3. """ def find_package_modules(self, package, package_dir): modules = [ module for module in build_py.find_package_modules(self, package, package_dir) if ".".join([module[0], module[1]]) not in notPortedModules] return modules ## Helpers and distutil tweaks class build_ext_twisted(build_ext.build_ext, object): """ Allow subclasses to easily detect and customize Extensions to build at install-time. """ def prepare_extensions(self): """ Prepare the C{self.extensions} attribute (used by L{build_ext.build_ext}) by checking which extensions in I{conditionalExtensions} should be built. In addition, if we are building on NT, define the WIN32 macro to 1. """ # always define WIN32 under Windows if os.name == 'nt': self.define_macros = [("WIN32", 1)] else: self.define_macros = [] # On Solaris 10, we need to define the _XOPEN_SOURCE and # _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED macros to build in order to gain access to # the msg_control, msg_controllen, and msg_flags members in # sendmsg.c. (according to # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1034587). See the documentation # of X/Open CAE in the standards(5) man page of Solaris. if sys.platform.startswith('sunos'): self.define_macros.append(('_XOPEN_SOURCE', 1)) self.define_macros.append(('_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED', 1)) self.extensions = [ x for x in self.conditionalExtensions if x.condition(self) ] for ext in self.extensions: ext.define_macros.extend(self.define_macros) def build_extensions(self): """ Check to see which extension modules to build and then build them. """ self.prepare_extensions() build_ext.build_ext.build_extensions(self) def _remove_conftest(self): for filename in ("conftest.c", "conftest.o", "conftest.obj"): try: os.unlink(filename) except EnvironmentError: pass def _compile_helper(self, content): conftest = open("conftest.c", "w") try: with conftest: conftest.write(content) try: self.compiler.compile(["conftest.c"], output_dir='') except CompileError: return False return True finally: self._remove_conftest() def _check_header(self, header_name): """ Check if the given header can be included by trying to compile a file that contains only an #include line. """ self.compiler.announce("checking for {} ...".format(header_name), 0) return self._compile_helper("#include <{}>\n".format(header_name)) def _checkCPython(sys=sys, platform=platform): """ Checks if this implementation is CPython. This uses C{platform.python_implementation}. This takes C{sys} and C{platform} kwargs that by default use the real modules. You shouldn't care about these -- they are for testing purposes only. @return: C{False} if the implementation is definitely not CPython, C{True} otherwise. """ return platform.python_implementation() == "CPython" _isCPython = _checkCPython() notPortedModules = [ "twisted.mail.alias", "twisted.mail.bounce", "twisted.mail.mail", "twisted.mail.maildir", "twisted.mail.pb", "twisted.mail.relaymanager", "twisted.mail.scripts.__init__", "twisted.mail.tap", "twisted.mail.test.test_bounce", "twisted.mail.test.test_mail", "twisted.mail.test.test_options", "twisted.mail.test.test_scripts", "twisted.news.__init__", "twisted.news.database", "twisted.news.news", "twisted.news.nntp", "twisted.news.tap", "twisted.news.test.__init__", "twisted.news.test.test_database", "twisted.news.test.test_news", "twisted.news.test.test_nntp", "twisted.plugins.twisted_mail", "twisted.plugins.twisted_news", "twisted.protocols.mice.__init__", "twisted.protocols.mice.mouseman", "twisted.protocols.shoutcast", "twisted.python._pydoctor", "twisted.python.finalize", "twisted.python.hook", "twisted.python.test.cmodulepullpipe", "twisted.python.test.test_pydoctor", "twisted.python.test.test_win32", "twisted.test.test_hook", "twisted.web.soap", "twisted.web.test.test_soap", ]
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