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# Copyright (C) 2018 Warsaw Data Center # # Author: Malwina Leis <m.leis@rootbox.com> # Author: Grzegorz Brzeski <gregory@rootbox.io> # Author: Adam Dobrawy <a.dobrawy@hyperone.com> # # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. """ This file contains code used to gather the user data passed to an instance on rootbox / hyperone cloud platforms """ import errno import os import os.path import typing from ipaddress import IPv4Address from cloudinit import log as logging from cloudinit import sources, subp, util from cloudinit.event import EventScope, EventType LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) ETC_HOSTS = "/etc/hosts" def get_manage_etc_hosts(): hosts = util.load_file(ETC_HOSTS, quiet=True) if hosts: LOG.debug("/etc/hosts exists - setting manage_etc_hosts to False") return False LOG.debug("/etc/hosts does not exists - setting manage_etc_hosts to True") return True def increment_ip(addr, inc: int) -> str: return str(IPv4Address(int(IPv4Address(addr)) + inc)) def get_three_ips(addr) -> typing.List[str]: """Return a list of 3 IP addresses: [addr, addr + 2, addr + 3] @param addr: an object that is passed to IPvAddress @return: list of strings """ return [ addr, increment_ip(addr, 2), increment_ip(addr, 3), ] def _sub_arp(cmd): """ Uses the preferred cloud-init subprocess def of subp.subp and runs arping. Breaking this to a separate function for later use in mocking and unittests """ return subp.subp(["arping"] + cmd) def gratuitous_arp(items, distro): source_param = "-S" if distro.name in ["fedora", "centos", "rhel"]: source_param = "-s" for item in items: try: _sub_arp( ["-c", "2", source_param, item["source"], item["destination"]] ) except subp.ProcessExecutionError as error: # warning, because the system is able to function properly # despite no success - some ARP table may be waiting for # expiration, but the system may continue LOG.warning( 'Failed to arping from "%s" to "%s": %s', item["source"], item["destination"], error, ) def get_md(): """Returns False (not found or error) or a dictionary with metadata.""" devices = set( util.find_devs_with("LABEL=CLOUDMD") + util.find_devs_with("LABEL=cloudmd") ) if not devices: return False for device in devices: try: rbx_data = util.mount_cb( device=device, callback=read_user_data_callback, mtype=["vfat", "fat", "msdosfs"], ) if rbx_data: return rbx_data except OSError as err: if err.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise except util.MountFailedError: util.logexc( LOG, "Failed to mount %s when looking for user data", device ) LOG.debug( "Did not find RbxCloud data, searched devices: %s", ",".join(devices) ) return False def generate_network_config(netadps): """Generate network configuration @param netadps: A list of network adapter settings @returns: A dict containing network config """ return { "version": 1, "config": [ { "type": "physical", "name": "eth{}".format(str(i)), "mac_address": netadp["macaddress"].lower(), "subnets": [ { "type": "static", "address": ip["address"], "netmask": netadp["network"]["netmask"], "control": "auto", "gateway": netadp["network"]["gateway"], "dns_nameservers": netadp["network"]["dns"][ "nameservers" ], } for ip in netadp["ip"] ], } for i, netadp in enumerate(netadps) ], } def read_user_data_callback(mount_dir): """This callback will be applied by util.mount_cb() on the mounted drive. @param mount_dir: String representing path of directory where mounted drive is available @returns: A dict containing userdata, metadata and cfg based on metadata. """ meta_data = util.load_json( text=util.load_file( fname=os.path.join(mount_dir, "cloud.json"), decode=False ) ) user_data = util.load_file( fname=os.path.join(mount_dir, "user.data"), quiet=True ) if "vm" not in meta_data or "netadp" not in meta_data: util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to load metadata. Invalid format.") return None username = meta_data.get("additionalMetadata", {}).get("username") ssh_keys = meta_data.get("additionalMetadata", {}).get("sshKeys", []) hash = None if meta_data.get("additionalMetadata", {}).get("password"): hash = meta_data["additionalMetadata"]["password"]["sha512"] network = generate_network_config(meta_data["netadp"]) data = { "userdata": user_data, "metadata": { "instance-id": meta_data["vm"]["_id"], "local-hostname": meta_data["vm"]["name"], "public-keys": [], }, "gratuitous_arp": [ {"source": ip["address"], "destination": target} for netadp in meta_data["netadp"] for ip in netadp["ip"] for target in get_three_ips(netadp["network"]["gateway"]) ], "cfg": { "ssh_pwauth": True, "disable_root": True, "system_info": { "default_user": { "name": username, "gecos": username, "sudo": ["ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL"], "passwd": hash, "lock_passwd": False, "ssh_authorized_keys": ssh_keys, } }, "network_config": network, "manage_etc_hosts": get_manage_etc_hosts(), }, } LOG.debug("returning DATA object:") LOG.debug(data) return data class DataSourceRbxCloud(sources.DataSource): dsname = "RbxCloud" default_update_events = { EventScope.NETWORK: { EventType.BOOT_NEW_INSTANCE, EventType.BOOT, EventType.BOOT_LEGACY, } } def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths): sources.DataSource.__init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths) self.seed = None def __str__(self): root = sources.DataSource.__str__(self) return "%s [seed=%s]" % (root, self.seed) def _get_data(self): """ Metadata is passed to the launching instance which is used to perform instance configuration. """ rbx_data = get_md() if rbx_data is False: return False self.userdata_raw = rbx_data["userdata"] self.metadata = rbx_data["metadata"] self.gratuitous_arp = rbx_data["gratuitous_arp"] self.cfg = rbx_data["cfg"] return True @property def network_config(self): return self.cfg["network_config"] def get_public_ssh_keys(self): return self.metadata["public-keys"] def get_userdata_raw(self): return self.userdata_raw def get_config_obj(self): return self.cfg def activate(self, cfg, is_new_instance): gratuitous_arp(self.gratuitous_arp, self.distro) # Used to match classes to dependencies datasources = [ (DataSourceRbxCloud, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM,)), ] # Return a list of data sources that match this set of dependencies def get_datasource_list(depends): return sources.list_from_depends(depends, datasources)
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