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# Copyright (C) 2013 Canonical Ltd. # # Author: Scott Moser <scott.moser@canonical.com> # # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. import base64 import crypt import os import os.path import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from enum import Enum from pathlib import Path from time import sleep, time from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from cloudinit import dmi from cloudinit import log as logging from cloudinit import net, sources, ssh_util, subp, util from cloudinit.event import EventScope, EventType from cloudinit.net.dhcp import ( NoDHCPLeaseError, NoDHCPLeaseInterfaceError, NoDHCPLeaseMissingDhclientError, ) from cloudinit.net.ephemeral import EphemeralDHCPv4 from cloudinit.reporting import events from cloudinit.sources.azure import imds from cloudinit.sources.helpers import netlink from cloudinit.sources.helpers.azure import ( DEFAULT_WIRESERVER_ENDPOINT, BrokenAzureDataSource, ChassisAssetTag, NonAzureDataSource, OvfEnvXml, azure_ds_reporter, azure_ds_telemetry_reporter, build_minimal_ovf, dhcp_log_cb, get_boot_telemetry, get_ip_from_lease_value, get_metadata_from_fabric, get_system_info, is_byte_swapped, push_log_to_kvp, report_diagnostic_event, report_failure_to_fabric, ) from cloudinit.url_helper import UrlError LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) DS_NAME = "Azure" DEFAULT_METADATA = {"instance-id": "iid-AZURE-NODE"} # azure systems will always have a resource disk, and 66-azure-ephemeral.rules # ensures that it gets linked to this path. RESOURCE_DISK_PATH = "/dev/disk/cloud/azure_resource" DEFAULT_FS = "ext4" AGENT_SEED_DIR = "/var/lib/waagent" DEFAULT_PROVISIONING_ISO_DEV = "/dev/sr0" class PPSType(Enum): NONE = "None" OS_DISK = "PreprovisionedOSDisk" RUNNING = "Running" SAVABLE = "Savable" UNKNOWN = "Unknown" PLATFORM_ENTROPY_SOURCE: Optional[str] = "/sys/firmware/acpi/tables/OEM0" # List of static scripts and network config artifacts created by # stock ubuntu supported images. UBUNTU_EXTENDED_NETWORK_SCRIPTS = [ "/etc/netplan/90-hotplug-azure.yaml", "/usr/local/sbin/ephemeral_eth.sh", "/etc/udev/rules.d/10-net-device-added.rules", "/run/network/interfaces.ephemeral.d", ] # This list is used to blacklist devices that will be considered # for renaming or fallback interfaces. # # On Azure network devices using these drivers are automatically # configured by the platform and should not be configured by # cloud-init's network configuration. # # Note: # Azure Dv4 and Ev4 series VMs always have mlx5 hardware. # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/dv4-dsv4-series # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/ev4-esv4-series # Earlier D and E series VMs (such as Dv2, Dv3, and Ev3 series VMs) # can have either mlx4 or mlx5 hardware, with the older series VMs # having a higher chance of coming with mlx4 hardware. # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/dv2-dsv2-series # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/dv3-dsv3-series # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/ev3-esv3-series BLACKLIST_DRIVERS = ["mlx4_core", "mlx5_core"] def find_storvscid_from_sysctl_pnpinfo(sysctl_out, deviceid): # extract the 'X' from dev.storvsc.X. if deviceid matches """ dev.storvsc.1.%pnpinfo: classid=32412632-86cb-44a2-9b5c-50d1417354f5 deviceid=00000000-0001-8899-0000-000000000000 """ for line in sysctl_out.splitlines(): if re.search(r"pnpinfo", line): fields = line.split() if len(fields) >= 3: columns = fields[2].split("=") if ( len(columns) >= 2 and columns[0] == "deviceid" and columns[1].startswith(deviceid) ): comps = fields[0].split(".") return comps[2] return None def find_busdev_from_disk(camcontrol_out, disk_drv): # find the scbusX from 'camcontrol devlist -b' output # if disk_drv matches the specified disk driver, i.e. blkvsc1 """ scbus0 on ata0 bus 0 scbus1 on ata1 bus 0 scbus2 on blkvsc0 bus 0 scbus3 on blkvsc1 bus 0 scbus4 on storvsc2 bus 0 scbus5 on storvsc3 bus 0 scbus-1 on xpt0 bus 0 """ for line in camcontrol_out.splitlines(): if re.search(disk_drv, line): items = line.split() return items[0] return None def find_dev_from_busdev(camcontrol_out: str, busdev: str) -> Optional[str]: # find the daX from 'camcontrol devlist' output # if busdev matches the specified value, i.e. 'scbus2' """ <Msft Virtual CD/ROM 1.0> at scbus1 target 0 lun 0 (cd0,pass0) <Msft Virtual Disk 1.0> at scbus2 target 0 lun 0 (da0,pass1) <Msft Virtual Disk 1.0> at scbus3 target 1 lun 0 (da1,pass2) """ for line in camcontrol_out.splitlines(): if re.search(busdev, line): items = line.split("(") if len(items) == 2: dev_pass = items[1].split(",") return dev_pass[0] return None def normalize_mac_address(mac: str) -> str: """Normalize mac address with colons and lower-case.""" if len(mac) == 12: mac = ":".join( [mac[0:2], mac[2:4], mac[4:6], mac[6:8], mac[8:10], mac[10:12]] ) return mac.lower() @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def get_hv_netvsc_macs_normalized() -> List[str]: """Get Hyper-V NICs as normalized MAC addresses.""" return [ normalize_mac_address(n[1]) for n in net.get_interfaces() if n[2] == "hv_netvsc" ] @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def determine_device_driver_for_mac(mac: str) -> Optional[str]: """Determine the device driver to match on, if any.""" drivers = [ i[2] for i in net.get_interfaces(blacklist_drivers=BLACKLIST_DRIVERS) if mac == normalize_mac_address(i[1]) ] if "hv_netvsc" in drivers: return "hv_netvsc" if len(drivers) == 1: report_diagnostic_event( "Assuming driver for interface with mac=%s drivers=%r" % (mac, drivers), logger_func=LOG.debug, ) return drivers[0] report_diagnostic_event( "Unable to specify driver for interface with mac=%s drivers=%r" % (mac, drivers), logger_func=LOG.warning, ) return None def execute_or_debug(cmd, fail_ret=None) -> str: try: return subp.subp(cmd).stdout # pyright: ignore except subp.ProcessExecutionError: LOG.debug("Failed to execute: %s", " ".join(cmd)) return fail_ret def get_dev_storvsc_sysctl(): return execute_or_debug(["sysctl", "dev.storvsc"], fail_ret="") def get_camcontrol_dev_bus(): return execute_or_debug(["camcontrol", "devlist", "-b"]) def get_camcontrol_dev(): return execute_or_debug(["camcontrol", "devlist"]) def get_resource_disk_on_freebsd(port_id) -> Optional[str]: g0 = "00000000" if port_id > 1: g0 = "00000001" port_id = port_id - 2 g1 = "000" + str(port_id) g0g1 = "{0}-{1}".format(g0, g1) # search 'X' from # 'dev.storvsc.X.%pnpinfo: # classid=32412632-86cb-44a2-9b5c-50d1417354f5 # deviceid=00000000-0001-8899-0000-000000000000' sysctl_out = get_dev_storvsc_sysctl() storvscid = find_storvscid_from_sysctl_pnpinfo(sysctl_out, g0g1) if not storvscid: LOG.debug("Fail to find storvsc id from sysctl") return None camcontrol_b_out = get_camcontrol_dev_bus() camcontrol_out = get_camcontrol_dev() # try to find /dev/XX from 'blkvsc' device blkvsc = "blkvsc{0}".format(storvscid) scbusx = find_busdev_from_disk(camcontrol_b_out, blkvsc) if scbusx: devname = find_dev_from_busdev(camcontrol_out, scbusx) if devname is None: LOG.debug("Fail to find /dev/daX") return None return devname # try to find /dev/XX from 'storvsc' device storvsc = "storvsc{0}".format(storvscid) scbusx = find_busdev_from_disk(camcontrol_b_out, storvsc) if scbusx: devname = find_dev_from_busdev(camcontrol_out, scbusx) if devname is None: LOG.debug("Fail to find /dev/daX") return None return devname return None # update the FreeBSD specific information if util.is_FreeBSD(): DEFAULT_FS = "freebsd-ufs" res_disk = get_resource_disk_on_freebsd(1) if res_disk is not None: LOG.debug("resource disk is not None") RESOURCE_DISK_PATH = "/dev/" + res_disk else: LOG.debug("resource disk is None") # TODO Find where platform entropy data is surfaced PLATFORM_ENTROPY_SOURCE = None BUILTIN_DS_CONFIG = { "data_dir": AGENT_SEED_DIR, "disk_aliases": {"ephemeral0": RESOURCE_DISK_PATH}, "apply_network_config": True, # Use IMDS published network configuration } BUILTIN_CLOUD_EPHEMERAL_DISK_CONFIG = { "disk_setup": { "ephemeral0": { "table_type": "gpt", "layout": [100], "overwrite": True, }, }, "fs_setup": [{"filesystem": DEFAULT_FS, "device": "ephemeral0.1"}], } DS_CFG_PATH = ["datasource", DS_NAME] DS_CFG_KEY_PRESERVE_NTFS = "never_destroy_ntfs" DEF_EPHEMERAL_LABEL = "Temporary Storage" # The redacted password fails to meet password complexity requirements # so we can safely use this to mask/redact the password in the ovf-env.xml DEF_PASSWD_REDACTION = "REDACTED" @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def is_platform_viable(seed_dir: Optional[Path]) -> bool: """Check platform environment to report if this datasource may run.""" chassis_tag = ChassisAssetTag.query_system() if chassis_tag is not None: return True # If no valid chassis tag, check for seeded ovf-env.xml. if seed_dir is None: return False return (seed_dir / "ovf-env.xml").exists() class DataSourceAzure(sources.DataSource): dsname = "Azure" default_update_events = { EventScope.NETWORK: { EventType.BOOT_NEW_INSTANCE, EventType.BOOT, } } _negotiated = False _metadata_imds = sources.UNSET _ci_pkl_version = 1 def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths): sources.DataSource.__init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths) self.seed_dir = os.path.join(paths.seed_dir, "azure") self.cfg = {} self.seed = None self.ds_cfg = util.mergemanydict( [util.get_cfg_by_path(sys_cfg, DS_CFG_PATH, {}), BUILTIN_DS_CONFIG] ) self._iso_dev = None self._network_config = None self._ephemeral_dhcp_ctx = None self._wireserver_endpoint = DEFAULT_WIRESERVER_ENDPOINT self._reported_ready_marker_file = os.path.join( paths.cloud_dir, "data", "reported_ready" ) def _unpickle(self, ci_pkl_version: int) -> None: super()._unpickle(ci_pkl_version) self._ephemeral_dhcp_ctx = None self._iso_dev = None self._wireserver_endpoint = DEFAULT_WIRESERVER_ENDPOINT self._reported_ready_marker_file = os.path.join( self.paths.cloud_dir, "data", "reported_ready" ) def __str__(self): root = sources.DataSource.__str__(self) return "%s [seed=%s]" % (root, self.seed) def _get_subplatform(self): """Return the subplatform metadata source details.""" if self.seed is None: subplatform_type = "unknown" elif self.seed.startswith("/dev"): subplatform_type = "config-disk" elif self.seed.lower() == "imds": subplatform_type = "imds" else: subplatform_type = "seed-dir" return "%s (%s)" % (subplatform_type, self.seed) @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def _setup_ephemeral_networking( self, *, iface: Optional[str] = None, retry_sleep: int = 1, timeout_minutes: int = 5, ) -> None: """Setup ephemeral networking. Keep retrying DHCP up to specified number of minutes. This does not kill dhclient, so the timeout in practice may be up to timeout_minutes + the system-configured timeout for dhclient. :param timeout_minutes: Number of minutes to keep retrying for. :raises NoDHCPLeaseError: If unable to obtain DHCP lease. """ if self._ephemeral_dhcp_ctx is not None: raise RuntimeError( "Bringing up networking when already configured." ) LOG.debug("Requested ephemeral networking (iface=%s)", iface) self._ephemeral_dhcp_ctx = EphemeralDHCPv4( iface=iface, dhcp_log_func=dhcp_log_cb, tmp_dir=self.distro.get_tmp_exec_path(), ) lease = None timeout = timeout_minutes * 60 + time() with events.ReportEventStack( name="obtain-dhcp-lease", description="obtain dhcp lease", parent=azure_ds_reporter, ): while lease is None: try: lease = self._ephemeral_dhcp_ctx.obtain_lease() except NoDHCPLeaseInterfaceError: # Interface not found, continue after sleeping 1 second. report_diagnostic_event( "Interface not found for DHCP", logger_func=LOG.warning ) except NoDHCPLeaseMissingDhclientError: # No dhclient, no point in retrying. report_diagnostic_event( "dhclient executable not found", logger_func=LOG.error ) self._ephemeral_dhcp_ctx = None raise except NoDHCPLeaseError: # Typical DHCP failure, continue after sleeping 1 second. report_diagnostic_event( "Failed to obtain DHCP lease (iface=%s)" % iface, logger_func=LOG.error, ) except subp.ProcessExecutionError as error: # udevadm settle, ip link set dev eth0 up, etc. report_diagnostic_event( "Command failed: " "cmd=%r stderr=%r stdout=%r exit_code=%s" % ( error.cmd, error.stderr, error.stdout, error.exit_code, ), logger_func=LOG.error, ) # Sleep before retrying, otherwise break if we're past timeout. if lease is None and time() + retry_sleep < timeout: sleep(retry_sleep) else: break if lease is None: self._ephemeral_dhcp_ctx = None raise NoDHCPLeaseError() else: # Ensure iface is set. self._ephemeral_dhcp_ctx.iface = lease["interface"] # Update wireserver IP from DHCP options. if "unknown-245" in lease: self._wireserver_endpoint = get_ip_from_lease_value( lease["unknown-245"] ) @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def _teardown_ephemeral_networking(self) -> None: """Teardown ephemeral networking.""" if self._ephemeral_dhcp_ctx is None: return self._ephemeral_dhcp_ctx.clean_network() self._ephemeral_dhcp_ctx = None def _is_ephemeral_networking_up(self) -> bool: """Check if networking is configured.""" return not ( self._ephemeral_dhcp_ctx is None or self._ephemeral_dhcp_ctx.lease is None ) @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def crawl_metadata(self): """Walk all instance metadata sources returning a dict on success. @return: A dictionary of any metadata content for this instance. @raise: InvalidMetaDataException when the expected metadata service is unavailable, broken or disabled. """ crawled_data = {} # azure removes/ejects the cdrom containing the ovf-env.xml # file on reboot. So, in order to successfully reboot we # need to look in the datadir and consider that valid ddir = self.ds_cfg["data_dir"] # The order in which the candidates are inserted matters here, because # it determines the value of ret. More specifically, the first one in # the candidate list determines the path to take in order to get the # metadata we need. ovf_source = None md = {"local-hostname": ""} cfg = {"system_info": {"default_user": {"name": ""}}} userdata_raw = "" files = {} for src in list_possible_azure_ds(self.seed_dir, ddir): try: if src.startswith("/dev/"): if util.is_FreeBSD(): md, userdata_raw, cfg, files = util.mount_cb( src, load_azure_ds_dir, mtype="udf" ) else: md, userdata_raw, cfg, files = util.mount_cb( src, load_azure_ds_dir ) # save the device for ejection later self._iso_dev = src else: md, userdata_raw, cfg, files = load_azure_ds_dir(src) ovf_source = src report_diagnostic_event( "Found provisioning metadata in %s" % ovf_source, logger_func=LOG.debug, ) break except NonAzureDataSource: report_diagnostic_event( "Did not find Azure data source in %s" % src, logger_func=LOG.debug, ) continue except util.MountFailedError: report_diagnostic_event( "%s was not mountable" % src, logger_func=LOG.debug ) continue except BrokenAzureDataSource as exc: msg = "BrokenAzureDataSource: %s" % exc report_diagnostic_event(msg, logger_func=LOG.error) raise sources.InvalidMetaDataException(msg) else: msg = ( "Unable to find provisioning media, falling back to IMDS " "metadata. Be aware that IMDS metadata does not support " "admin passwords or custom-data (user-data only)." ) report_diagnostic_event(msg, logger_func=LOG.warning) # If we read OVF from attached media, we are provisioning. If OVF # is not found, we are probably provisioning on a system which does # not have UDF support. In either case, require IMDS metadata. # If we require IMDS metadata, try harder to obtain networking, waiting # for at least 20 minutes. Otherwise only wait 5 minutes. requires_imds_metadata = bool(self._iso_dev) or ovf_source is None timeout_minutes = 20 if requires_imds_metadata else 5 try: self._setup_ephemeral_networking(timeout_minutes=timeout_minutes) except NoDHCPLeaseError: pass imds_md = {} if self._is_ephemeral_networking_up(): imds_md = self.get_metadata_from_imds() if not imds_md and ovf_source is None: msg = "No OVF or IMDS available" report_diagnostic_event(msg) raise sources.InvalidMetaDataException(msg) # Refresh PPS type using metadata. pps_type = self._determine_pps_type(cfg, imds_md) if pps_type != PPSType.NONE: if util.is_FreeBSD(): msg = "Free BSD is not supported for PPS VMs" report_diagnostic_event(msg, logger_func=LOG.error) raise sources.InvalidMetaDataException(msg) if pps_type == PPSType.SAVABLE: self._wait_for_all_nics_ready() elif pps_type == PPSType.OS_DISK: self._report_ready_for_pps(create_marker=False) self._wait_for_pps_os_disk_shutdown() md, userdata_raw, cfg, files = self._reprovision() # fetch metadata again as it has changed after reprovisioning imds_md = self.get_metadata_from_imds() # Report errors if IMDS network configuration is missing data. self.validate_imds_network_metadata(imds_md=imds_md) self.seed = ovf_source or "IMDS" crawled_data.update( { "cfg": cfg, "files": files, "metadata": util.mergemanydict([md, {"imds": imds_md}]), "userdata_raw": userdata_raw, } ) imds_username = _username_from_imds(imds_md) imds_hostname = _hostname_from_imds(imds_md) imds_disable_password = _disable_password_from_imds(imds_md) if imds_username: LOG.debug("Username retrieved from IMDS: %s", imds_username) cfg["system_info"]["default_user"]["name"] = imds_username if imds_hostname: LOG.debug("Hostname retrieved from IMDS: %s", imds_hostname) crawled_data["metadata"]["local-hostname"] = imds_hostname if imds_disable_password: LOG.debug( "Disable password retrieved from IMDS: %s", imds_disable_password, ) crawled_data["metadata"][ "disable_password" ] = imds_disable_password if self.seed == "IMDS" and not crawled_data["files"]: try: contents = build_minimal_ovf( username=imds_username, # pyright: ignore hostname=imds_hostname, # pyright: ignore disableSshPwd=imds_disable_password, # pyright: ignore ) crawled_data["files"] = {"ovf-env.xml": contents} except Exception as e: report_diagnostic_event( "Failed to construct OVF from IMDS data %s" % e, logger_func=LOG.debug, ) # only use userdata from imds if OVF did not provide custom data # userdata provided by IMDS is always base64 encoded if not userdata_raw: imds_userdata = _userdata_from_imds(imds_md) if imds_userdata: LOG.debug("Retrieved userdata from IMDS") try: crawled_data["userdata_raw"] = base64.b64decode( "".join(imds_userdata.split()) ) except Exception: report_diagnostic_event( "Bad userdata in IMDS", logger_func=LOG.warning ) if ovf_source == ddir: report_diagnostic_event( "using files cached in %s" % ddir, logger_func=LOG.debug ) seed = _get_random_seed() if seed: crawled_data["metadata"]["random_seed"] = seed crawled_data["metadata"]["instance-id"] = self._iid() if self._negotiated is False and self._is_ephemeral_networking_up(): # Report ready and fetch public-keys from Wireserver, if required. pubkey_info = self._determine_wireserver_pubkey_info( cfg=cfg, imds_md=imds_md ) try: ssh_keys = self._report_ready(pubkey_info=pubkey_info) except Exception: # Failed to report ready, but continue with best effort. pass else: LOG.debug("negotiating returned %s", ssh_keys) if ssh_keys: crawled_data["metadata"]["public-keys"] = ssh_keys self._cleanup_markers() self._negotiated = True return crawled_data @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def get_metadata_from_imds(self, retries: int = 10) -> Dict: try: return imds.fetch_metadata_with_api_fallback(retries=retries) except (UrlError, ValueError) as error: report_diagnostic_event( "Ignoring IMDS metadata due to: %s" % error, logger_func=LOG.warning, ) return {} def clear_cached_attrs(self, attr_defaults=()): """Reset any cached class attributes to defaults.""" super(DataSourceAzure, self).clear_cached_attrs(attr_defaults) self._metadata_imds = sources.UNSET @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def _get_data(self): """Crawl and process datasource metadata caching metadata as attrs. @return: True on success, False on error, invalid or disabled datasource. """ if not is_platform_viable(Path(self.seed_dir)): return False try: get_boot_telemetry() except Exception as e: LOG.warning("Failed to get boot telemetry: %s", e) try: get_system_info() except Exception as e: LOG.warning("Failed to get system information: %s", e) self.distro.networking.blacklist_drivers = BLACKLIST_DRIVERS try: crawled_data = util.log_time( logfunc=LOG.debug, msg="Crawl of metadata service", func=self.crawl_metadata, ) except Exception as e: report_diagnostic_event( "Could not crawl Azure metadata: %s" % e, logger_func=LOG.error ) self._report_failure() return False finally: self._teardown_ephemeral_networking() if ( self.distro and self.distro.name == "ubuntu" and self.ds_cfg.get("apply_network_config") ): maybe_remove_ubuntu_network_config_scripts() # Process crawled data and augment with various config defaults # Only merge in default cloud config related to the ephemeral disk # if the ephemeral disk exists devpath = RESOURCE_DISK_PATH if os.path.exists(devpath): report_diagnostic_event( "Ephemeral resource disk '%s' exists. " "Merging default Azure cloud ephemeral disk configs." % devpath, logger_func=LOG.debug, ) self.cfg = util.mergemanydict( [crawled_data["cfg"], BUILTIN_CLOUD_EPHEMERAL_DISK_CONFIG] ) else: report_diagnostic_event( "Ephemeral resource disk '%s' does not exist. " "Not merging default Azure cloud ephemeral disk configs." % devpath, logger_func=LOG.debug, ) self.cfg = crawled_data["cfg"] self._metadata_imds = crawled_data["metadata"]["imds"] self.metadata = util.mergemanydict( [crawled_data["metadata"], DEFAULT_METADATA] ) self.userdata_raw = crawled_data["userdata_raw"] # walinux agent writes files world readable, but expects # the directory to be protected. write_files( self.ds_cfg["data_dir"], crawled_data["files"], dirmode=0o700 ) return True def get_instance_id(self): if not self.metadata or "instance-id" not in self.metadata: return self._iid() return str(self.metadata["instance-id"]) def device_name_to_device(self, name): return self.ds_cfg["disk_aliases"].get(name) @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def get_public_ssh_keys(self) -> List[str]: """ Retrieve public SSH keys. """ try: return self._get_public_keys_from_imds(self.metadata["imds"]) except (KeyError, ValueError): pass return self._get_public_keys_from_ovf() def _get_public_keys_from_imds(self, imds_md: dict) -> List[str]: """Get SSH keys from IMDS metadata. :raises KeyError: if IMDS metadata is malformed/missing. :raises ValueError: if key format is not supported. :returns: List of keys. """ try: ssh_keys = [ public_key["keyData"] for public_key in imds_md["compute"]["publicKeys"] ] except KeyError: log_msg = "No SSH keys found in IMDS metadata" report_diagnostic_event(log_msg, logger_func=LOG.debug) raise if any(not _key_is_openssh_formatted(key=key) for key in ssh_keys): log_msg = "Key(s) not in OpenSSH format" report_diagnostic_event(log_msg, logger_func=LOG.debug) raise ValueError(log_msg) log_msg = "Retrieved {} keys from IMDS".format(len(ssh_keys)) report_diagnostic_event(log_msg, logger_func=LOG.debug) return ssh_keys def _get_public_keys_from_ovf(self) -> List[str]: """Get SSH keys that were fetched from wireserver. :returns: List of keys. """ ssh_keys = [] try: ssh_keys = self.metadata["public-keys"] log_msg = "Retrieved {} keys from OVF".format(len(ssh_keys)) report_diagnostic_event(log_msg, logger_func=LOG.debug) except KeyError: log_msg = "No keys available from OVF" report_diagnostic_event(log_msg, logger_func=LOG.debug) return ssh_keys def get_config_obj(self): return self.cfg def check_instance_id(self, sys_cfg): # quickly (local check only) if self.instance_id is still valid return sources.instance_id_matches_system_uuid(self.get_instance_id()) def _iid(self, previous=None): prev_iid_path = os.path.join( self.paths.get_cpath("data"), "instance-id" ) # Older kernels than 4.15 will have UPPERCASE product_uuid. # We don't want Azure to react to an UPPER/lower difference as a new # instance id as it rewrites SSH host keys. # LP: #1835584 system_uuid = dmi.read_dmi_data("system-uuid") if system_uuid is None: raise RuntimeError("failed to read system-uuid") iid = system_uuid.lower() if os.path.exists(prev_iid_path): previous = util.load_file(prev_iid_path).strip() if previous.lower() == iid: # If uppercase/lowercase equivalent, return the previous value # to avoid new instance id. return previous if is_byte_swapped(previous.lower(), iid): return previous return iid @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def _wait_for_nic_detach(self, nl_sock): """Use the netlink socket provided to wait for nic detach event. NOTE: The function doesn't close the socket. The caller owns closing the socket and disposing it safely. """ try: ifname = None # Preprovisioned VM will only have one NIC, and it gets # detached immediately after deployment. with events.ReportEventStack( name="wait-for-nic-detach", description="wait for nic detach", parent=azure_ds_reporter, ): ifname = netlink.wait_for_nic_detach_event(nl_sock) if ifname is None: msg = ( "Preprovisioned nic not detached as expected. " "Proceeding without failing." ) report_diagnostic_event(msg, logger_func=LOG.warning) else: report_diagnostic_event( "The preprovisioned nic %s is detached" % ifname, logger_func=LOG.warning, ) except AssertionError as error: report_diagnostic_event(str(error), logger_func=LOG.error) raise @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def wait_for_link_up( self, ifname: str, retries: int = 100, retry_sleep: float = 0.1 ): for i in range(retries): if self.distro.networking.try_set_link_up(ifname): report_diagnostic_event( "The link %s is up." % ifname, logger_func=LOG.info ) break if (i + 1) < retries: sleep(retry_sleep) else: report_diagnostic_event( "The link %s is not up after %f seconds, continuing anyways." % (ifname, retries * retry_sleep), logger_func=LOG.info, ) @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def _create_report_ready_marker(self): path = self._reported_ready_marker_file LOG.info("Creating a marker file to report ready: %s", path) util.write_file( path, "{pid}: {time}\n".format(pid=os.getpid(), time=time()) ) report_diagnostic_event( "Successfully created reported ready marker file " "while in the preprovisioning pool.", logger_func=LOG.debug, ) @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def _report_ready_for_pps( self, *, create_marker: bool = True, expect_url_error: bool = False, ) -> None: """Report ready for PPS, creating the marker file upon completion. :raises sources.InvalidMetaDataException: On error reporting ready. """ try: self._report_ready() except Exception as error: # Ignore HTTP failures for Savable PPS as the call may appear to # fail if the network interface is unplugged or the VM is # suspended before we process the response. Worst case scenario # is that we failed to report ready for source PPS and this VM # will be discarded shortly, no harm done. if expect_url_error and isinstance(error, UrlError): report_diagnostic_event( "Ignoring http call failure, it was expected.", logger_func=LOG.debug, ) # The iso was ejected prior to reporting ready. self._iso_dev = None else: msg = ( "Failed reporting ready while in the preprovisioning pool." ) report_diagnostic_event(msg, logger_func=LOG.error) raise sources.InvalidMetaDataException(msg) from error if create_marker: self._create_report_ready_marker() @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def _wait_for_pps_os_disk_shutdown(self): report_diagnostic_event( "Waiting for host to shutdown VM...", logger_func=LOG.info, ) sleep(31536000) raise BrokenAzureDataSource("Shutdown failure for PPS disk.") @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def _check_if_nic_is_primary(self, ifname: str) -> bool: """Check if a given interface is the primary nic or not.""" # For now, only a VM's primary NIC can contact IMDS and WireServer. If # DHCP fails for a NIC, we have no mechanism to determine if the NIC is # primary or secondary. In this case, retry DHCP until successful. self._setup_ephemeral_networking(iface=ifname, timeout_minutes=20) # Primary nic detection will be optimized in the future. The fact that # primary nic is being attached first helps here. Otherwise each nic # could add several seconds of delay. imds_md = self.get_metadata_from_imds(retries=300) if imds_md: # Only primary NIC will get a response from IMDS. LOG.info("%s is the primary nic", ifname) return True # If we are not the primary nic, then clean the dhcp context. LOG.warning( "Failed to fetch IMDS metadata using nic %s. " "Assuming this is not the primary nic.", ifname, ) self._teardown_ephemeral_networking() return False @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def _wait_for_hot_attached_primary_nic(self, nl_sock): """Wait until the primary nic for the vm is hot-attached.""" LOG.info("Waiting for primary nic to be hot-attached") try: nics_found = [] primary_nic_found = False # Wait for netlink nic attach events. After the first nic is # attached, we are already in the customer vm deployment path and # so everything from then on should happen fast and avoid # unnecessary delays wherever possible. while True: ifname = None with events.ReportEventStack( name="wait-for-nic-attach", description=( "wait for nic attach after %d nics have been attached" % len(nics_found) ), parent=azure_ds_reporter, ): ifname = netlink.wait_for_nic_attach_event( nl_sock, nics_found ) # wait_for_nic_attach_event guarantees that ifname it not None nics_found.append(ifname) report_diagnostic_event( "Detected nic %s attached." % ifname, logger_func=LOG.info ) # Attempt to bring the interface's operating state to # UP in case it is not already. self.wait_for_link_up(ifname) # If primary nic is not found, check if this is it. The # platform will attach the primary nic first so we # won't be in primary_nic_found = false state for long. if not primary_nic_found: LOG.info("Checking if %s is the primary nic", ifname) primary_nic_found = self._check_if_nic_is_primary(ifname) # Exit criteria: check if we've discovered primary nic if primary_nic_found: LOG.info("Found primary nic for this VM.") break except AssertionError as error: report_diagnostic_event(str(error), logger_func=LOG.error) @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def _wait_for_all_nics_ready(self): """Wait for nic(s) to be hot-attached. There may be multiple nics depending on the customer request. But only primary nic would be able to communicate with wireserver and IMDS. So we detect and save the primary nic to be used later. """ nl_sock = None try: nl_sock = netlink.create_bound_netlink_socket() self._report_ready_for_pps(expect_url_error=True) try: self._teardown_ephemeral_networking() except subp.ProcessExecutionError as e: report_diagnostic_event( "Ignoring failure while tearing down networking, " "NIC was likely unplugged: %r" % e, logger_func=LOG.info, ) self._ephemeral_dhcp_ctx = None self._wait_for_nic_detach(nl_sock) self._wait_for_hot_attached_primary_nic(nl_sock) except netlink.NetlinkCreateSocketError as e: report_diagnostic_event(str(e), logger_func=LOG.warning) raise finally: if nl_sock: nl_sock.close() @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def _poll_imds(self): """Poll IMDS for the new provisioning data until we get a valid response. Then return the returned JSON object.""" nl_sock = None report_ready = bool( not os.path.isfile(self._reported_ready_marker_file) ) dhcp_attempts = 0 if report_ready: # Networking must be up for netlink to detect # media disconnect/connect. It may be down to due # initial DHCP failure, if so check for it and retry, # ensuring we flag it as required. if not self._is_ephemeral_networking_up(): self._setup_ephemeral_networking(timeout_minutes=20) try: if ( self._ephemeral_dhcp_ctx is None or self._ephemeral_dhcp_ctx.iface is None ): raise RuntimeError("Missing ephemeral context") iface = self._ephemeral_dhcp_ctx.iface nl_sock = netlink.create_bound_netlink_socket() self._report_ready_for_pps() LOG.debug( "Wait for vnetswitch to happen on %s", iface, ) with events.ReportEventStack( name="wait-for-media-disconnect-connect", description="wait for vnet switch", parent=azure_ds_reporter, ): try: netlink.wait_for_media_disconnect_connect( nl_sock, iface ) except AssertionError as e: report_diagnostic_event( "Error while waiting for vnet switch: %s" % e, logger_func=LOG.error, ) except netlink.NetlinkCreateSocketError as e: report_diagnostic_event( "Failed to create bound netlink socket: %s" % e, logger_func=LOG.warning, ) raise sources.InvalidMetaDataException( "Failed to report ready while in provisioning pool." ) from e except NoDHCPLeaseError as e: report_diagnostic_event( "DHCP failed while in provisioning pool", logger_func=LOG.warning, ) raise sources.InvalidMetaDataException( "Failed to report ready while in provisioning pool." ) from e finally: if nl_sock: nl_sock.close() # Teardown old network configuration. self._teardown_ephemeral_networking() reprovision_data = None while not reprovision_data: if not self._is_ephemeral_networking_up(): dhcp_attempts += 1 try: self._setup_ephemeral_networking(timeout_minutes=5) except NoDHCPLeaseError: continue with events.ReportEventStack( name="get-reprovision-data-from-imds", description="get reprovision data from imds", parent=azure_ds_reporter, ): try: reprovision_data = imds.fetch_reprovision_data() except UrlError: self._teardown_ephemeral_networking() continue report_diagnostic_event( "attempted dhcp %d times after reuse" % dhcp_attempts, logger_func=LOG.debug, ) return reprovision_data @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def _report_failure(self) -> bool: """Tells the Azure fabric that provisioning has failed. @param description: A description of the error encountered. @return: The success status of sending the failure signal. """ if self._is_ephemeral_networking_up(): try: report_diagnostic_event( "Using cached ephemeral dhcp context " "to report failure to Azure", logger_func=LOG.debug, ) report_failure_to_fabric(endpoint=self._wireserver_endpoint) return True except Exception as e: report_diagnostic_event( "Failed to report failure using " "cached ephemeral dhcp context: %s" % e, logger_func=LOG.error, ) try: report_diagnostic_event( "Using new ephemeral dhcp to report failure to Azure", logger_func=LOG.debug, ) self._teardown_ephemeral_networking() try: self._setup_ephemeral_networking(timeout_minutes=20) except NoDHCPLeaseError: # Reporting failure will fail, but it will emit telemetry. pass report_failure_to_fabric(endpoint=self._wireserver_endpoint) return True except Exception as e: report_diagnostic_event( "Failed to report failure using new ephemeral dhcp: %s" % e, logger_func=LOG.debug, ) return False @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def _report_ready( self, *, pubkey_info: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> Optional[List[str]]: """Tells the fabric provisioning has completed. :param pubkey_info: Fingerprints of keys to request from Wireserver. :raises Exception: if failed to report. :returns: List of SSH keys, if requested. """ try: data = get_metadata_from_fabric( endpoint=self._wireserver_endpoint, iso_dev=self._iso_dev, pubkey_info=pubkey_info, ) except Exception as e: report_diagnostic_event( "Error communicating with Azure fabric; You may experience " "connectivity issues: %s" % e, logger_func=LOG.warning, ) raise # Reporting ready ejected OVF media, no need to do so again. self._iso_dev = None return data def _ppstype_from_imds(self, imds_md: dict) -> Optional[str]: try: return imds_md["extended"]["compute"]["ppsType"] except Exception as e: report_diagnostic_event( "Could not retrieve pps configuration from IMDS: %s" % e, logger_func=LOG.debug, ) return None def _determine_pps_type(self, ovf_cfg: dict, imds_md: dict) -> PPSType: """Determine PPS type using OVF, IMDS data, and reprovision marker.""" if os.path.isfile(self._reported_ready_marker_file): pps_type = PPSType.UNKNOWN elif ( ovf_cfg.get("PreprovisionedVMType", None) == PPSType.SAVABLE.value or self._ppstype_from_imds(imds_md) == PPSType.SAVABLE.value ): pps_type = PPSType.SAVABLE elif ( ovf_cfg.get("PreprovisionedVMType", None) == PPSType.OS_DISK.value or self._ppstype_from_imds(imds_md) == PPSType.OS_DISK.value ): pps_type = PPSType.OS_DISK elif ( ovf_cfg.get("PreprovisionedVm") is True or ovf_cfg.get("PreprovisionedVMType", None) == PPSType.RUNNING.value or self._ppstype_from_imds(imds_md) == PPSType.RUNNING.value ): pps_type = PPSType.RUNNING else: pps_type = PPSType.NONE report_diagnostic_event( "PPS type: %s" % pps_type.value, logger_func=LOG.info ) return pps_type @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def _reprovision(self): """Initiate the reprovisioning workflow. Ephemeral networking is up upon successful reprovisioning. """ contents = self._poll_imds() with events.ReportEventStack( name="reprovisioning-read-azure-ovf", description="read azure ovf during reprovisioning", parent=azure_ds_reporter, ): md, ud, cfg = read_azure_ovf(contents) return (md, ud, cfg, {"ovf-env.xml": contents}) @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def _determine_wireserver_pubkey_info( self, *, cfg: dict, imds_md: dict ) -> Optional[List[str]]: """Determine the fingerprints we need to retrieve from Wireserver. :return: List of keys to request from Wireserver, if any, else None. """ pubkey_info: Optional[List[str]] = None try: self._get_public_keys_from_imds(imds_md) except (KeyError, ValueError): pubkey_info = cfg.get("_pubkeys", None) log_msg = "Retrieved {} fingerprints from OVF".format( len(pubkey_info) if pubkey_info is not None else 0 ) report_diagnostic_event(log_msg, logger_func=LOG.debug) return pubkey_info def _cleanup_markers(self): """Cleanup any marker files.""" util.del_file(self._reported_ready_marker_file) @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def activate(self, cfg, is_new_instance): instance_dir = self.paths.get_ipath_cur() try: address_ephemeral_resize( instance_dir, is_new_instance=is_new_instance, preserve_ntfs=self.ds_cfg.get(DS_CFG_KEY_PRESERVE_NTFS, False), ) finally: push_log_to_kvp(self.sys_cfg["def_log_file"]) return @property def availability_zone(self): return ( self.metadata.get("imds", {}) .get("compute", {}) .get("platformFaultDomain") ) @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def _generate_network_config(self): """Generate network configuration according to configuration.""" # Use IMDS network metadata, if configured. if ( self._metadata_imds and self._metadata_imds != sources.UNSET and self.ds_cfg.get("apply_network_config") ): try: return generate_network_config_from_instance_network_metadata( self._metadata_imds["network"] ) except Exception as e: LOG.error( "Failed generating network config " "from IMDS network metadata: %s", str(e), ) # Generate fallback configuration. try: return _generate_network_config_from_fallback_config() except Exception as e: LOG.error("Failed generating fallback network config: %s", str(e)) return {} @property def network_config(self): """Provide network configuration v2 dictionary.""" # Use cached config, if present. if self._network_config and self._network_config != sources.UNSET: return self._network_config self._network_config = self._generate_network_config() return self._network_config @property def region(self): return self.metadata.get("imds", {}).get("compute", {}).get("location") @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def validate_imds_network_metadata(self, imds_md: dict) -> bool: """Validate IMDS network config and report telemetry for errors.""" local_macs = get_hv_netvsc_macs_normalized() try: network_config = imds_md["network"] imds_macs = [ normalize_mac_address(i["macAddress"]) for i in network_config["interface"] ] except KeyError: report_diagnostic_event( "IMDS network metadata has incomplete configuration: %r" % imds_md.get("network"), logger_func=LOG.warning, ) return False missing_macs = [m for m in local_macs if m not in imds_macs] if not missing_macs: return True report_diagnostic_event( "IMDS network metadata is missing configuration for NICs %r: %r" % (missing_macs, network_config), logger_func=LOG.warning, ) if not self._ephemeral_dhcp_ctx or not self._ephemeral_dhcp_ctx.iface: # No primary interface to check against. return False primary_mac = net.get_interface_mac(self._ephemeral_dhcp_ctx.iface) if not primary_mac or not isinstance(primary_mac, str): # Unexpected data for primary interface. return False primary_mac = normalize_mac_address(primary_mac) if primary_mac in missing_macs: report_diagnostic_event( "IMDS network metadata is missing primary NIC %r: %r" % (primary_mac, network_config), logger_func=LOG.warning, ) return False def _username_from_imds(imds_data): try: return imds_data["compute"]["osProfile"]["adminUsername"] except KeyError: return None def _userdata_from_imds(imds_data): try: return imds_data["compute"]["userData"] except KeyError: return None def _hostname_from_imds(imds_data): try: return imds_data["compute"]["osProfile"]["computerName"] except KeyError: return None def _disable_password_from_imds(imds_data): try: return ( imds_data["compute"]["osProfile"]["disablePasswordAuthentication"] == "true" ) except KeyError: return None def _key_is_openssh_formatted(key): """ Validate whether or not the key is OpenSSH-formatted. """ # See https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1910835 if "\r\n" in key.strip(): return False parser = ssh_util.AuthKeyLineParser() try: akl = parser.parse(key) except TypeError: return False return akl.keytype is not None def _partitions_on_device(devpath, maxnum=16): # return a list of tuples (ptnum, path) for each part on devpath for suff in ("-part", "p", ""): found = [] for pnum in range(1, maxnum): ppath = devpath + suff + str(pnum) if os.path.exists(ppath): found.append((pnum, os.path.realpath(ppath))) if found: return found return [] @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def _has_ntfs_filesystem(devpath): ntfs_devices = util.find_devs_with("TYPE=ntfs", no_cache=True) LOG.debug("ntfs_devices found = %s", ntfs_devices) return os.path.realpath(devpath) in ntfs_devices @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def can_dev_be_reformatted(devpath, preserve_ntfs): """Determine if the ephemeral drive at devpath should be reformatted. A fresh ephemeral disk is formatted by Azure and will: a.) have a partition table (dos or gpt) b.) have 1 partition that is ntfs formatted, or have 2 partitions with the second partition ntfs formatted. (larger instances with >2TB ephemeral disk have gpt, and will have a microsoft reserved partition as part 1. LP: #1686514) c.) the ntfs partition will have no files other than possibly 'dataloss_warning_readme.txt' User can indicate that NTFS should never be destroyed by setting DS_CFG_KEY_PRESERVE_NTFS in dscfg. If data is found on NTFS, user is warned to set DS_CFG_KEY_PRESERVE_NTFS to make sure cloud-init does not accidentally wipe their data. If cloud-init cannot mount the disk to check for data, destruction will be allowed, unless the dscfg key is set.""" if preserve_ntfs: msg = "config says to never destroy NTFS (%s.%s), skipping checks" % ( ".".join(DS_CFG_PATH), DS_CFG_KEY_PRESERVE_NTFS, ) return False, msg if not os.path.exists(devpath): return False, "device %s does not exist" % devpath LOG.debug( "Resolving realpath of %s -> %s", devpath, os.path.realpath(devpath) ) # devpath of /dev/sd[a-z] or /dev/disk/cloud/azure_resource # where partitions are "<devpath>1" or "<devpath>-part1" or "<devpath>p1" partitions = _partitions_on_device(devpath) if len(partitions) == 0: return False, "device %s was not partitioned" % devpath elif len(partitions) > 2: msg = "device %s had 3 or more partitions: %s" % ( devpath, " ".join([p[1] for p in partitions]), ) return False, msg elif len(partitions) == 2: cand_part, cand_path = partitions[1] else: cand_part, cand_path = partitions[0] if not _has_ntfs_filesystem(cand_path): msg = "partition %s (%s) on device %s was not ntfs formatted" % ( cand_part, cand_path, devpath, ) return False, msg @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def count_files(mp): ignored = set(["dataloss_warning_readme.txt"]) return len([f for f in os.listdir(mp) if f.lower() not in ignored]) bmsg = "partition %s (%s) on device %s was ntfs formatted" % ( cand_part, cand_path, devpath, ) with events.ReportEventStack( name="mount-ntfs-and-count", description="mount-ntfs-and-count", parent=azure_ds_reporter, ) as evt: try: file_count = util.mount_cb( cand_path, count_files, mtype="ntfs", update_env_for_mount={"LANG": "C"}, ) except util.MountFailedError as e: evt.description = "cannot mount ntfs" if "unknown filesystem type 'ntfs'" in str(e): return ( True, ( bmsg + " but this system cannot mount NTFS," " assuming there are no important files." " Formatting allowed." ), ) return False, bmsg + " but mount of %s failed: %s" % (cand_part, e) if file_count != 0: evt.description = "mounted and counted %d files" % file_count LOG.warning( "it looks like you're using NTFS on the ephemeral" " disk, to ensure that filesystem does not get wiped," " set %s.%s in config", ".".join(DS_CFG_PATH), DS_CFG_KEY_PRESERVE_NTFS, ) return False, bmsg + " but had %d files on it." % file_count return True, bmsg + " and had no important files. Safe for reformatting." @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def address_ephemeral_resize( instance_dir: str, devpath: str = RESOURCE_DISK_PATH, is_new_instance: bool = False, preserve_ntfs: bool = False, ): if not os.path.exists(devpath): report_diagnostic_event( "Ephemeral resource disk '%s' does not exist." % devpath, logger_func=LOG.debug, ) return else: report_diagnostic_event( "Ephemeral resource disk '%s' exists." % devpath, logger_func=LOG.debug, ) result = False msg = None if is_new_instance: result, msg = (True, "First instance boot.") else: result, msg = can_dev_be_reformatted(devpath, preserve_ntfs) LOG.debug("reformattable=%s: %s", result, msg) if not result: return for mod in ["disk_setup", "mounts"]: sempath = os.path.join(instance_dir, "sem", "config_" + mod) bmsg = 'Marker "%s" for module "%s"' % (sempath, mod) if os.path.exists(sempath): try: os.unlink(sempath) LOG.debug("%s removed.", bmsg) except FileNotFoundError as e: LOG.warning("%s: remove failed! (%s)", bmsg, e) else: LOG.debug("%s did not exist.", bmsg) return @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def write_files(datadir, files, dirmode=None): def _redact_password(cnt, fname): """Azure provides the UserPassword in plain text. So we redact it""" try: root = ET.fromstring(cnt) for elem in root.iter(): if ( "UserPassword" in elem.tag and elem.text != DEF_PASSWD_REDACTION ): elem.text = DEF_PASSWD_REDACTION return ET.tostring(root) except Exception: LOG.critical("failed to redact userpassword in %s", fname) return cnt if not datadir: return if not files: files = {} util.ensure_dir(datadir, dirmode) for (name, content) in files.items(): fname = os.path.join(datadir, name) if "ovf-env.xml" in name: content = _redact_password(content, fname) util.write_file(filename=fname, content=content, mode=0o600) @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def read_azure_ovf(contents): """Parse OVF XML contents. :return: Tuple of metadata, configuration, userdata dicts. :raises NonAzureDataSource: if XML is not in Azure's format. :raises BrokenAzureDataSource: if XML is unparseable or invalid. """ ovf_env = OvfEnvXml.parse_text(contents) md: Dict[str, Any] = {} cfg = {} ud = ovf_env.custom_data or "" if ovf_env.hostname: md["local-hostname"] = ovf_env.hostname if ovf_env.public_keys: cfg["_pubkeys"] = ovf_env.public_keys if ovf_env.disable_ssh_password_auth is not None: cfg["ssh_pwauth"] = not ovf_env.disable_ssh_password_auth elif ovf_env.password: cfg["ssh_pwauth"] = True defuser = {} if ovf_env.username: defuser["name"] = ovf_env.username if ovf_env.password: defuser["lock_passwd"] = False if DEF_PASSWD_REDACTION != ovf_env.password: defuser["hashed_passwd"] = encrypt_pass(ovf_env.password) if defuser: cfg["system_info"] = {"default_user": defuser} cfg["PreprovisionedVm"] = ovf_env.preprovisioned_vm report_diagnostic_event( "PreprovisionedVm: %s" % ovf_env.preprovisioned_vm, logger_func=LOG.info, ) cfg["PreprovisionedVMType"] = ovf_env.preprovisioned_vm_type report_diagnostic_event( "PreprovisionedVMType: %s" % ovf_env.preprovisioned_vm_type, logger_func=LOG.info, ) return (md, ud, cfg) def encrypt_pass(password, salt_id="$6$"): return crypt.crypt(password, salt_id + util.rand_str(strlen=16)) @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def _check_freebsd_cdrom(cdrom_dev): """Return boolean indicating path to cdrom device has content.""" try: with open(cdrom_dev) as fp: fp.read(1024) return True except IOError: LOG.debug("cdrom (%s) is not configured", cdrom_dev) return False @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def _get_random_seed(source=PLATFORM_ENTROPY_SOURCE): """Return content random seed file if available, otherwise, return None.""" # azure / hyper-v provides random data here # now update ds_cfg to reflect contents pass in config if source is None: return None seed = util.load_file(source, quiet=True, decode=False) # The seed generally contains non-Unicode characters. load_file puts # them into bytes (in python 3). # bytes is a non-serializable type, and the handler load_file # uses applies b64 encoding *again* to handle it. The simplest solution # is to just b64encode the data and then decode it to a serializable # string. Same number of bits of entropy, just with 25% more zeroes. # There's no need to undo this base64-encoding when the random seed is # actually used in cc_seed_random.py. return base64.b64encode(seed).decode() # pyright: ignore @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def list_possible_azure_ds(seed, cache_dir): yield seed yield DEFAULT_PROVISIONING_ISO_DEV if util.is_FreeBSD(): cdrom_dev = "/dev/cd0" if _check_freebsd_cdrom(cdrom_dev): yield cdrom_dev else: for fstype in ("iso9660", "udf"): yield from util.find_devs_with("TYPE=%s" % fstype) if cache_dir: yield cache_dir @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def load_azure_ds_dir(source_dir): ovf_file = os.path.join(source_dir, "ovf-env.xml") if not os.path.isfile(ovf_file): raise NonAzureDataSource("No ovf-env file found") with open(ovf_file, "rb") as fp: contents = fp.read() md, ud, cfg = read_azure_ovf(contents) return (md, ud, cfg, {"ovf-env.xml": contents}) @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def generate_network_config_from_instance_network_metadata( network_metadata: dict, ) -> dict: """Convert imds network metadata dictionary to network v2 configuration. :param: network_metadata: Dict of "network" key from instance metdata. :return: Dictionary containing network version 2 standard configuration. """ netconfig: Dict[str, Any] = {"version": 2, "ethernets": {}} for idx, intf in enumerate(network_metadata["interface"]): has_ip_address = False # First IPv4 and/or IPv6 address will be obtained via DHCP. # Any additional IPs of each type will be set as static # addresses. nicname = "eth{idx}".format(idx=idx) dhcp_override = {"route-metric": (idx + 1) * 100} dev_config: Dict[str, Any] = { "dhcp4": True, "dhcp4-overrides": dhcp_override, "dhcp6": False, } for addr_type in ("ipv4", "ipv6"): addresses = intf.get(addr_type, {}).get("ipAddress", []) # If there are no available IP addresses, then we don't # want to add this interface to the generated config. if not addresses: LOG.debug("No %s addresses found for: %r", addr_type, intf) continue has_ip_address = True if addr_type == "ipv4": default_prefix = "24" else: default_prefix = "128" if addresses: dev_config["dhcp6"] = True # non-primary interfaces should have a higher # route-metric (cost) so default routes prefer # primary nic due to lower route-metric value dev_config["dhcp6-overrides"] = dhcp_override for addr in addresses[1:]: # Append static address config for ip > 1 netPrefix = intf[addr_type]["subnet"][0].get( "prefix", default_prefix ) privateIp = addr["privateIpAddress"] if not dev_config.get("addresses"): dev_config["addresses"] = [] dev_config["addresses"].append( "{ip}/{prefix}".format(ip=privateIp, prefix=netPrefix) ) if dev_config and has_ip_address: mac = normalize_mac_address(intf["macAddress"]) dev_config.update( {"match": {"macaddress": mac.lower()}, "set-name": nicname} ) driver = determine_device_driver_for_mac(mac) if driver: dev_config["match"]["driver"] = driver netconfig["ethernets"][nicname] = dev_config continue LOG.debug( "No configuration for: %s (dev_config=%r) (has_ip_address=%r)", nicname, dev_config, has_ip_address, ) return netconfig @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def _generate_network_config_from_fallback_config() -> dict: """Generate fallback network config excluding blacklisted devices. @return: Dictionary containing network version 2 standard configuration. """ cfg = net.generate_fallback_config( blacklist_drivers=BLACKLIST_DRIVERS, config_driver=True ) if cfg is None: return {} return cfg @azure_ds_telemetry_reporter def maybe_remove_ubuntu_network_config_scripts(paths=None): """Remove Azure-specific ubuntu network config for non-primary nics. @param paths: List of networking scripts or directories to remove when present. In certain supported ubuntu images, static udev rules or netplan yaml config is delivered in the base ubuntu image to support dhcp on any additional interfaces which get attached by a customer at some point after initial boot. Since the Azure datasource can now regenerate network configuration as metadata reports these new devices, we no longer want the udev rules or netplan's 90-hotplug-azure.yaml to configure networking on eth1 or greater as it might collide with cloud-init's configuration. Remove the any existing extended network scripts if the datasource is enabled to write network per-boot. """ if not paths: paths = UBUNTU_EXTENDED_NETWORK_SCRIPTS logged = False for path in paths: if os.path.exists(path): if not logged: LOG.info( "Removing Ubuntu extended network scripts because" " cloud-init updates Azure network configuration on the" " following events: %s.", [EventType.BOOT.value, EventType.BOOT_LEGACY.value], ) logged = True if os.path.isdir(path): util.del_dir(path) else: util.del_file(path) # Legacy: Must be present in case we load an old pkl object DataSourceAzureNet = DataSourceAzure # Used to match classes to dependencies datasources = [ (DataSourceAzure, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM,)), ] # Return a list of data sources that match this set of dependencies def get_datasource_list(depends): return sources.list_from_depends(depends, datasources) # vi: ts=4 expandtab
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