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#!/bin/sh # # pollinate: an Entropy-as-a-Service client # # Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Dustin Kirkland <dustin.kirkland@gmail.com> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. set -e set -f PKG="pollinate" TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d -t "${PKG}.XXXXXXXXXXXX") trap "rm -rf ${TMPDIR} 2>/dev/null || true" EXIT HUP INT QUIT TERM CACHEDIR="/var/cache/${PKG}" FLAG="${CACHEDIR}/seeded" LOG="${CACHEDIR}/log" HOSTNAME=$(hostname) STRICT=0 # Only recent logger version supports --id=[ID] logger_ver=$(logger -V 2>&1 | awk '{print $4}') dpkg --compare-versions $logger_ver ge 2.26.2 && LOGGER="logger --id=$$" || LOGGER="logger" # Log to both syslog, and stderr, if we're on an interactive terminal [ -t 0 ] && LOGGER="$LOGGER -s" error() { $LOGGER -t ${PKG} "ERROR: $@" exit 1 } warning() { if [ "$STRICT" = "1" ]; then $LOGGER -t ${PKG} "ERROR: $@" exit 1 else $LOGGER -t ${PKG} "WARNING: $@" exit 0 fi } log() { if [ "${QUIET}" = "1" ]; then # quiet mode, don't log to stderr if [ -w "$CACHEDIR" ]; then # log to file, if we can $LOGGER -t ${PKG} "$@" >>"${LOG}" 2>&1 else # log to syslog, if its up $LOGGER -t ${PKG} "$@" fi else # log to both stderr and syslog $LOGGER -t ${PKG} "$@" fi } random_hash() { # Read and print urandom bytes head -c "${BYTES}" /dev/urandom | sha512sum | awk '{print $1}' } hash_and_write() { # Whiten input with a hash, and write to device local hex=$(cat "${TMPDIR}/out" "${TMPDIR}/err" | sha512sum | awk '{print $1}') if [ "${BINARY}" = "1" ]; then if [ "${DEVICE}" = "-" ]; then printf "${hex}" | xxd -r -p else printf "${hex}" | xxd -r -p > "${DEVICE}" fi else if [ "${DEVICE}" = "-" ]; then printf "%s" "${hex}" else printf "%s" "${hex}" > "${DEVICE}" fi fi log "client hashed response from [${1}]" } read_build_info() { # ubuntu images place build information in /etc/cloud/build.info # format of file is '<key>: <value>' put these under img/<key>/<value> local bifile="${1:-/etc/cloud/build.info}" ret="" _RET="" [ -s "$bifile" ] || return 0 ret=$(awk '{ gsub(/#.*/, ""); gsub(/\s+$/, ""); if ($0 == "" || $0 !~ /:/) next; gsub(/:\s*/, "/"); printf("img/%s ", $0) }' "$bifile") || return _RET="${ret% }" } read_addl_info() { # allow additinal info file to contain entries one per line. lines must # have a '/' in them. remove trailing space and '#' as comment. example: # key/value # fookey/foovalue # written by foo local aifile="${1:-/etc/pollinate/add-user-agent}" ret="" _RET="" [ -s "$aifile" ] || return 0 ret=$(awk '{ gsub(/#.*/, ""); gsub(/\s+$/, ""); if ($0 == "" || $0 !~ /\//) next; printf("%s ", $0); }' "$aifile") || return _RET=${ret% } } read_virt() { # return virt/<value> where value is the virtualization platform the # system is running on. local ret="" _RET="" if command -v systemd-detect-virt >/dev/null; then ret=$(systemd-detect-virt) # systemd-detect-virt returns 1 for 'none' [ $? -eq 0 -o "$ret" = "none" ] || ret="" else # trusty would take this path. if [ -d /dev/xen ]; then ret="xen" elif [ -d /dev/lxd ]; then # call this 'lxc' for consistency with systemd-detect-virt. ret="lxc" elif dmesg | grep --quiet " kvm-clock:"; then ret="kvm" fi fi [ -n "$ret" ] || return _RET="virt/$ret" } read_package_versions() { local pkgs="pollinate curl cloud-init" data="" p="" data=$(dpkg-query \ -W --showformat='${Package}/${Version} ' $pkgs 2>/dev/null) || : # fill in 'package/' for any package not installed. for p in ${pkgs}; do [ "${data#*$p/}" = "$data" ] && data="${data} $p/" done if [ -n "$TESTING" ]; then p="pollinate" data="${data%%$p/*}$p${TESTING}/${data#*$p/}" fi set -- $data _RET="$*" } read_uname_info() { # taken from cloud-init ds-identify. # run uname, and parse output. # uname is tricky to parse as it outputs always in a given order # independent of option order. kernel-version is known to have spaces. # 1 -s kernel-name # 2 -n nodename # 3 -r kernel-release # 4.. -v kernel-version(whitespace) # N-2 -m machine # N-1 -o operating-system local out="" krel="" machine="" os="" out=$(uname -snrvmo) || { _RET=""; return; } set -- $out krel="$3" shift 3 while [ $# -gt 2 ]; do shift done machine=$1 os=$2 _RET="$os/$krel/$machine" return 0 } user_agent() { # Construct a user agent, with useful debug information # Very similar to Firefox and Chrome . /etc/lsb-release local pkg_info="" lsb="" platform="" cpu="" up="NA" idle="NA" uptime read_package_versions && pkg_info="$_RET" read_uname_info && platform="$_RET" lsb=$(echo "${DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION}" | sed -e "s/ /\//g") cpu="$(grep -m1 "^model name" /proc/cpuinfo | sed -e "s/.*: //" -e "s:\s\+:/:g")" { read up idle < /proc/uptime ; } >/dev/null 2>&1 || : uptime="uptime/$up/$idle" local addl_data="" build_info="" virt="" read_build_info && build_info="${_RET}" read_addl_info && addl_data="${_RET}" read_virt && virt="${_RET}" USER_AGENT="${pkg_info} ${lsb} ${platform} ${cpu} ${uptime}${virt:+ ${virt}}${build_info:+ ${build_info}}${addl_data:+ ${addl_data}}" } exchange() { local server="${1}" local f1="${TMPDIR}/challenge" case "${server}" in "http://"*|"https://"*) # looks good true ;; *) # otherwise, default to https:// server="https://${server}" ;; esac if [ "${NO_CHALLENGE}" != "1" ]; then # Create and enforce a challenge/response, to ensure personal communication local challenge=$(random_hash) local challenge_response=$(printf "${challenge}" | sha512sum | awk '{print $1}') printf "challenge=%s" "$challenge" > "${f1}" log "client sent challenge to [${1}]" else f1="/dev/null" fi local out="${TMPDIR}/out" local err="${TMPDIR}/err" user_agent if curl --connect-timeout "${WAIT}" --max-time "${WAIT}" -A "${USER_AGENT}" -o- -v --trace-time --data @${f1} ${CURL_OPTS} ${server} >"${out}" 2>"${err}"; then if [ "${NO_CHALLENGE}" != "1" ]; then if [ "${challenge_response}" = $(head -n1 "${out}") ]; then log "client verified challenge/response with [${server}]" else error "Server failed challenge/response [expected=${challenge_response}] != [got=$(head -n1 ${out})]" fi fi hash_and_write "${server}" log "client successfully seeded [${DEVICE}]" else case $? in 124) warning "Network communication failed [$?], timeout after [${WAIT}s] $(cat ${out} ${err})" ;; *) warning "Network communication failed [$?] $(cat ${out} ${err})" ;; esac fi } # Source configuration [ -r "/etc/default/${PKG}" ] && . "/etc/default/${PKG}" while [ ! -z "$1" ]; do case "${1}" in -b|--binary) BINARY=1 shift ;; -c|--curl-opts) CURL_OPTS="${CURL_OPTS} $2" shift 2 ;; -d|--device) DEVICE="$2" shift 2 ;; -i|--insecure) CURL_OPTS="${CURL_OPTS} --insecure" shift 1 ;; -n|--no-challenge) NO_CHALLENGE=1 shift 1 ;; -r|--reseed) RESEED=1 shift 1 ;; -s|--server) SERVER="$2" shift 2 ;; -p|--pool) POOL="${POOL} $2" shift 2 ;; -q|--quiet) QUIET=1 shift ;; --strict) STRICT=1 shift ;; -t|--testing) TESTING="-testing" shift 1 ;; -w|--wait) WAIT="$2" shift 2 ;; --print-user-agent) user_agent || error "Failed to get user-agent." echo "${USER_AGENT}" exit ;; *) error "Unknown options [$1]" ;; esac done # Pollinate prefers to run as a privileged user unless --testing communications if [ -z "${TESTING}" ]; then if [ ! -w "${CACHEDIR}" ]; then error "should execute as the [${PKG}] user" fi if [ -e "${FLAG}" ]; then timestamp=$(stat -c "%y" "${FLAG}") log "system was previously seeded at [${timestamp}]" if [ "${RESEED}" != "1" ]; then log "To re-seed this system again, use the -r|--reseed option" exit 0 fi fi else # Output device must be stdout if we're in testing mode DEVICE="-" fi [ -n "${DEVICE}" ] || DEVICE="/dev/urandom" [ -n "${BYTES}" ] || BYTES=64 [ -n "${WAIT}" ] || WAIT="10" if [ -n "${SERVER}" ]; then POOL="${SERVER}" fi if [ -z "${POOL}" ]; then error "No servers configured in pool" fi for i in ${POOL}; do exchange "${i}" done if [ -z "${TESTING}" ]; then touch "${FLAG}" fi
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