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.. Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Canonical Ltd. This file is part of wadllib. wadllib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. wadllib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with wadllib. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. wadllib ******* An Application object represents a web service described by a WADL file. >>> import os >>> import sys >>> import pkg_resources >>> from wadllib.application import Application The first argument to the Application constructor is the URL at which the WADL file was found. The second argument may be raw WADL markup. >>> wadl_string = pkg_resources.resource_string( ... 'wadllib.tests.data', 'launchpad-wadl.xml') >>> wadl = Application("http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/", wadl_string) Or the second argument may be an open filehandle containing the markup. >>> cleanups = [] >>> def application_for(filename, url="http://www.example.com/"): ... wadl_stream = pkg_resources.resource_stream( ... 'wadllib.tests.data', filename) ... cleanups.append(wadl_stream) ... return Application(url, wadl_stream) >>> wadl = application_for("launchpad-wadl.xml", ... "http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/") Link navigation =============== The preferred technique for finding a resource is to start at one of the resources defined in the WADL file, and follow links. This code retrieves the definition of the root resource. >>> service_root = wadl.get_resource_by_path('') >>> service_root.url 'http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/' >>> service_root.type_url '#service-root' The service root resource supports GET. >>> get_method = service_root.get_method('get') >>> get_method.id 'service-root-get' >>> get_method = service_root.get_method('GET') >>> get_method.id 'service-root-get' If we want to invoke this method, we send a GET request to the service root URL. >>> get_method.name 'get' >>> get_method.build_request_url() 'http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/' The WADL description of a resource knows which representations are available for that resource. In this case, the server root resource has a a JSON representation, and it defines parameters like 'people_collection_link', a link to a list of people in Launchpad. We should be able to use the get_parameter() method to get the WADL definition of the 'people_collection_link' parameter and find out more about it--for instance, is it a link to another resource? >>> def test_raises(exc_class, method, *args, **kwargs): ... try: ... method(*args, **kwargs) ... except Exception: ... # Contortion to support Python < 2.6 and >= 3 simultaneously. ... e = sys.exc_info()[1] ... if isinstance(e, exc_class): ... print(e) ... return ... raise ... raise Exception("Expected exception %s not raised" % exc_class) >>> from wadllib.application import NoBoundRepresentationError >>> link_name = 'people_collection_link' >>> test_raises( ... NoBoundRepresentationError, service_root.get_parameter, link_name) Resource is not bound to any representation, and no media media type was specified. Oops. The code has no way to know whether 'people_collection_link' is a parameter of the JSON representation or some other kind of representation. We can pass a media type to get_parameter and let it know which representation the parameter lives in. >>> link_parameter = service_root.get_parameter( ... link_name, 'application/json') >>> test_raises(NoBoundRepresentationError, link_parameter.get_value) Resource is not bound to any representation. Oops again. The parameter is available, but it has no value, because there's no actual data associated with the resource. The browser can look up the description of the GET method to make an actual GET request to the service root, and bind the resulting representation to the WADL description of the service root. You can't bind just any representation to a WADL resource description. It has to be of a media type understood by the WADL description. >>> from wadllib.application import UnsupportedMediaTypeError >>> test_raises( ... UnsupportedMediaTypeError, service_root.bind, ... '<html>Some HTML</html>', 'text/html') This resource doesn't define a representation for media type text/html The WADL description of the service root resource has a JSON representation. Here it is. >>> json_representation = service_root.get_representation_definition( ... 'application/json') >>> json_representation.media_type 'application/json' We already have a WADL representation of the service root resource, so let's try binding it to that JSON representation. We use test JSON data from a file to simulate the result of a GET request to the service root. >>> def get_testdata(filename): ... return pkg_resources.resource_string( ... 'wadllib.tests.data', filename + '.json') >>> def bind_to_testdata(resource, filename): ... return resource.bind(get_testdata(filename), 'application/json') The return value is a new Resource object that's "bound" to that JSON test data. >>> bound_service_root = bind_to_testdata(service_root, 'root') >>> sorted([param.name for param in bound_service_root.parameters()]) ['bugs_collection_link', 'people_collection_link'] >>> sorted(bound_service_root.parameter_names()) ['bugs_collection_link', 'people_collection_link'] >>> [method.id for method in bound_service_root.method_iter] ['service-root-get'] Now the bound resource object has a JSON representation, and now 'people_collection_link' makes sense. We can follow the 'people_collection_link' to a new Resource object. >>> link_parameter = bound_service_root.get_parameter(link_name) >>> link_parameter.style 'plain' >>> print(link_parameter.get_value()) http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/people >>> personset_resource = link_parameter.linked_resource >>> personset_resource.__class__ <class 'wadllib.application.Resource'> >>> print(personset_resource.url) http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/people >>> personset_resource.type_url 'http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/#people' This new resource is a collection of people. >>> personset_resource.id 'people' The "collection of people" resource supports a standard GET request as well as a special GET and an overloaded POST. The get_method() method is used to retrieve WADL definitions of the possible HTTP requests you might make. Here's how to get the WADL definition of the standard GET request. >>> get_method = personset_resource.get_method('get') >>> get_method.id 'people-get' The method name passed into get_method() is treated case-insensitively. >>> personset_resource.get_method('GET').id 'people-get' To invoke the special GET request, the client sets the 'ws.op' query parameter to the fixed string 'findPerson'. >>> find_method = personset_resource.get_method( ... query_params={'ws.op' : 'findPerson'}) >>> find_method.id 'people-findPerson' Given an end-user's values for the non-fixed parameters, it's possible to get the URL that should be used to invoke the method. >>> print(find_method.build_request_url(text='foo')) http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/people?text=foo&ws.op=findPerson >>> print(find_method.build_request_url( ... {'ws.op' : 'findPerson', 'text' : 'bar'})) http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/people?text=bar&ws.op=findPerson An error occurs if the end-user gives an incorrect value for a fixed parameter value, or omits a required parameter. >>> find_method.build_request_url() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: No value for required parameter 'text' >>> find_method.build_request_url( ... {'ws.op' : 'findAPerson', 'text' : 'foo'}) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Value 'findAPerson' for parameter 'ws.op' conflicts with fixed value 'findPerson' To invoke the overloaded POST request, the client sets the 'ws.op' query variable to the fixed string 'newTeam': >>> create_team_method = personset_resource.get_method( ... 'post', representation_params={'ws.op' : 'newTeam'}) >>> create_team_method.id 'people-newTeam' findMethod() returns None when there's no WADL method matching the name or the fixed parameters. >>> print(personset_resource.get_method('nosuchmethod')) None >>> print(personset_resource.get_method( ... 'post', query_params={'ws_op' : 'nosuchparam'})) None Let's say the browser makes a GET request to the person set resource and gets back a representation. We can bind that representation to our description of the person set resource. >>> bound_personset = bind_to_testdata(personset_resource, 'personset') >>> bound_personset.get_parameter("start").get_value() 0 >>> bound_personset.get_parameter("total_size").get_value() 63 We can keep following links indefinitely, so long as we bind to a representation to each resource as we get it, and use the representation to find the next link. >>> next_page_link = bound_personset.get_parameter("next_collection_link") >>> print(next_page_link.get_value()) http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/people?ws.start=5&ws.size=5 >>> page_two = next_page_link.linked_resource >>> bound_page_two = bind_to_testdata(page_two, 'personset-page2') >>> print(bound_page_two.url) http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/people?ws.start=5&ws.size=5 >>> bound_page_two.get_parameter("start").get_value() 5 >>> print(bound_page_two.get_parameter("next_collection_link").get_value()) http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/people?ws.start=10&ws.size=5 Let's say the browser makes a POST request that invokes the 'newTeam' named operation. The response will include a number of HTTP headers, including 'Location', which points the way to the newly created team. >>> headers = { 'Location' : 'http://api.launchpad.dev/~newteam' } >>> response = create_team_method.response.bind(headers) >>> location_parameter = response.get_parameter('Location') >>> location_parameter.get_value() 'http://api.launchpad.dev/~newteam' >>> new_team = location_parameter.linked_resource >>> new_team.url 'http://api.launchpad.dev/~newteam' >>> new_team.type_url 'http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/#team' Examining links --------------- The 'linked_resource' property of a parameter lets you follow a link to another object. The 'link' property of a parameter lets you examine links before following them. >>> import json >>> links_wadl = application_for('links-wadl.xml') >>> service_root = links_wadl.get_resource_by_path('') >>> representation = json.dumps( ... {'scalar_value': 'foo', ... 'known_link': 'http://known/', ... 'unknown_link': 'http://unknown/'}) >>> bound_root = service_root.bind(representation) >>> print(bound_root.get_parameter("scalar_value").link) None >>> known_resource = bound_root.get_parameter("known_link") >>> unknown_resource = bound_root.get_parameter("unknown_link") >>> print(known_resource.link.can_follow) True >>> print(unknown_resource.link.can_follow) False A link whose type is unknown is a link to a resource not described by WADL. Following this link using .linked_resource or .link.follow will cause a wadllib error. You'll need to follow the link using a general HTTP library or some other tool. >>> known_resource.link.follow <wadllib.application.Resource object ...> >>> known_resource.linked_resource <wadllib.application.Resource object ...> >>> from wadllib.application import WADLError >>> test_raises(WADLError, getattr, unknown_resource.link, 'follow') Cannot follow a link when the target has no WADL description. Try using a general HTTP client instead. >>> test_raises(WADLError, getattr, unknown_resource, 'linked_resource') Cannot follow a link when the target has no WADL description. Try using a general HTTP client instead. Creating a Resource from a representation definition ==================================================== Although every representation is a representation of some HTTP resource, an HTTP resource doesn't necessarily correspond directly to a WADL <resource> or <resource_type> tag. Sometimes a representation is defined within a WADL <method> tag. >>> find_method = personset_resource.get_method( ... query_params={'ws.op' : 'find'}) >>> find_method.id 'people-find' >>> representation_definition = ( ... find_method.response.get_representation_definition( ... 'application/json')) There may be no WADL <resource> or <resource_type> tag for the representation defined here. That's why wadllib makes it possible to instantiate an anonymous Resource object using only the representation definition. >>> from wadllib.application import Resource >>> anonymous_resource = Resource( ... wadl, "http://foo/", representation_definition.tag) We can bind this resource to a representation, as long as we explicitly pass in the representation definition. >>> anonymous_resource = anonymous_resource.bind( ... get_testdata('personset'), 'application/json', ... representation_definition=representation_definition) Once the resource is bound to a representation, we can get its parameter values. >>> print(anonymous_resource.get_parameter( ... 'total_size', 'application/json').get_value()) 63 Resource instantiation ====================== If you happen to have the URL to an object lying around, and you know its type, you can construct a Resource object directly instead of by following links. >>> from wadllib.application import Resource >>> limi_person = Resource(wadl, "http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/~limi", ... "http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/#person") >>> sorted([method.id for method in limi_person.method_iter])[:3] ['person-acceptInvitationToBeMemberOf', 'person-addMember', 'person-declineInvitationToBeMemberOf'] >>> bound_limi = bind_to_testdata(limi_person, 'person-limi') >>> sorted(bound_limi.parameter_names())[:3] ['admins_collection_link', 'confirmed_email_addresses_collection_link', 'date_created'] >>> languages_link = bound_limi.get_parameter("languages_collection_link") >>> print(languages_link.get_value()) http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/~limi/languages You can bind a Resource to a representation when you create it. >>> limi_data = get_testdata('person-limi') >>> bound_limi = Resource( ... wadl, "http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/~limi", ... "http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/#person", limi_data, ... "application/json") >>> print(bound_limi.get_parameter( ... "languages_collection_link").get_value()) http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/~limi/languages By default the representation is treated as a string and processed according to the media type you pass into the Resource constructor. If you've already processed the representation, pass in False for the 'representation_needs_processing' argument. >>> from wadllib import _make_unicode >>> processed_limi_data = json.loads(_make_unicode(limi_data)) >>> bound_limi = Resource(wadl, "http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/~limi", ... "http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/#person", processed_limi_data, ... "application/json", False) >>> print(bound_limi.get_parameter( ... "languages_collection_link").get_value()) http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/~limi/languages Most of the time, the representation of a resource is of the type you'd get by sending a standard GET to that resource. If that's not the case, you can specify a RepresentationDefinition as the 'representation_definition' argument to bind() or the Resource constructor, to show what the representation really looks like. Here's an example. There's a method on a person resource such as bound_limi that's identified by a distinctive query argument: ws.op=getMembersByStatus. >>> method = bound_limi.get_method( ... query_params={'ws.op' : 'findPathToTeam'}) Invoke this method with a GET request and you'll get back a page from a list of people. >>> people_page_repr_definition = ( ... method.response.get_representation_definition('application/json')) >>> people_page_repr_definition.tag.attrib['href'] 'http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/#person-page' As it happens, we have a page from a list of people to use as test data. >>> people_page_repr = get_testdata('personset') If we bind the resource to the result of the method invocation as happened above, we don't be able to access any of the parameters we'd expect. wadllib will think the representation is of type 'person-full', the default GET type for bound_limi. >>> bad_people_page = bound_limi.bind(people_page_repr) >>> print(bad_people_page.get_parameter('total_size')) None Since we don't actually have a 'person-full' representation, we won't be able to get values for the parameters of that kind of representation. >>> bad_people_page.get_parameter('name').get_value() Traceback (most recent call last): ... KeyError: 'name' So that's a dead end. *But*, if we pass the correct representation type into bind(), we can access the parameters associated with a 'person-page' representation. >>> people_page = bound_limi.bind( ... people_page_repr, ... representation_definition=people_page_repr_definition) >>> people_page.get_parameter('total_size').get_value() 63 If you invoke the method and ask for a media type other than JSON, you won't get anything. >>> print(method.response.get_representation_definition('text/html')) None Data type conversion -------------------- The values of date and dateTime parameters are automatically converted to Python datetime objects. >>> data_type_wadl = application_for('data-types-wadl.xml') >>> service_root = data_type_wadl.get_resource_by_path('') >>> representation = json.dumps( ... {'a_date': '2007-10-20', ... 'a_datetime': '2005-06-06T08:59:51.619713+00:00'}) >>> bound_root = service_root.bind(representation, 'application/json') >>> bound_root.get_parameter('a_date').get_value() datetime.datetime(2007, 10, 20, 0, 0) >>> bound_root.get_parameter('a_datetime').get_value() datetime.datetime(2005, 6, 6, 8, ...) A 'date' field can include a timestamp, and a 'datetime' field can omit one. wadllib will turn both into datetime objects. >>> representation = json.dumps( ... {'a_date': '2005-06-06T08:59:51.619713+00:00', ... 'a_datetime': '2007-10-20'}) >>> bound_root = service_root.bind(representation, 'application/json') >>> bound_root.get_parameter('a_datetime').get_value() datetime.datetime(2007, 10, 20, 0, 0) >>> bound_root.get_parameter('a_date').get_value() datetime.datetime(2005, 6, 6, 8, ...) If a date or dateTime parameter has a null value, you get None. If the value is a string that can't be parsed to a datetime object, you get a ValueError. >>> representation = json.dumps( ... {'a_date': 'foo', 'a_datetime': None}) >>> bound_root = service_root.bind(representation, 'application/json') >>> bound_root.get_parameter('a_date').get_value() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: foo >>> print(bound_root.get_parameter('a_datetime').get_value()) None Representation creation ======================= You must provide a representation when invoking certain methods. The representation() method helps you build one without knowing the details of how a representation is put together. >>> create_team_method.build_representation( ... display_name='Joe Bloggs', name='joebloggs') ('application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'display_name=Joe+Bloggs&name=joebloggs&ws.op=newTeam') The return value of build_representation is a 2-tuple containing the media type of the built representation, and the string representation itself. Along with the resource's URL, this is all you need to send the representation to a web server. >>> bound_limi.get_method('patch').build_representation(name='limi2') ('application/json', '{"name": "limi2"}') Representations may require values for certain parameters. >>> create_team_method.build_representation() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: No value for required parameter 'display_name' >>> bound_limi.get_method('put').build_representation(name='limi2') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: No value for required parameter 'mugshot_link' Some representations may safely include binary data. >>> binary_stream = pkg_resources.resource_stream( ... 'wadllib.tests.data', 'multipart-binary-wadl.xml') >>> cleanups.append(binary_stream) >>> binary_wadl = Application( ... "http://www.example.com/", binary_stream) >>> service_root = binary_wadl.get_resource_by_path('') Define a helper that processes the representation the same way zope.publisher would. >>> import cgi >>> import io >>> def assert_message_parts(media_type, doc, expected): ... if sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] < 3: ... # We can't do much due to https://bugs.python.org/issue18013. ... for value in expected: ... if not isinstance(value, bytes): ... value = value.encode('UTF-8') ... assert value in doc ... return ... environ = { ... 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST', ... 'CONTENT_TYPE': media_type, ... 'CONTENT_LENGTH': str(len(doc)), ... } ... kwargs = ( ... {'encoding': 'UTF-8'} if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 else {}) ... fs = cgi.FieldStorage( ... fp=io.BytesIO(doc), environ=environ, keep_blank_values=1, ... **kwargs) ... values = [] ... def append_values(fields): ... for field in fields: ... if field.list: ... append_values(field.list) ... else: ... values.append(field.value) ... append_values(fs.list) ... assert values == expected, ( ... 'Expected %s, got %s' % (expected, values)) >>> method = service_root.get_method('post', 'multipart/form-data') >>> media_type, doc = method.build_representation( ... text_field="text", binary_field=b"\x01\x02\r\x81\r") >>> print(media_type) multipart/form-data; boundary=... >>> assert_message_parts(media_type, doc, ['text', b'\x01\x02\r\x81\r']) >>> method = service_root.get_method('post', 'multipart/form-data') >>> media_type, doc = method.build_representation( ... text_field="text\n", binary_field=b"\x01\x02\r\x81\n\r") >>> print(media_type) multipart/form-data; boundary=... >>> assert_message_parts( ... media_type, doc, ['text\r\n', b'\x01\x02\r\x81\n\r']) >>> method = service_root.get_method('post', 'multipart/form-data') >>> media_type, doc = method.build_representation( ... text_field="text\r\nmore\r\n", ... binary_field=b"\x01\x02\r\n\x81\r\x82\n") >>> print(media_type) multipart/form-data; boundary=... >>> assert_message_parts( ... media_type, doc, ['text\r\nmore\r\n', b'\x01\x02\r\n\x81\r\x82\n']) >>> method = service_root.get_method('post', 'text/unknown') >>> method.build_representation(field="value") Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Unsupported media type: 'text/unknown' Options ======= Some parameters take values from a predefined list of options. >>> option_wadl = application_for('options-wadl.xml') >>> definitions = option_wadl.representation_definitions >>> service_root = option_wadl.get_resource_by_path('') >>> definition = definitions['service-root-json'] >>> param = definition.params(service_root)[0] >>> print(param.name) has_options >>> sorted([option.value for option in param.options]) ['Value 1', 'Value 2'] Such parameters cannot take values that are not in the list. >>> definition.validate_param_values( ... [param], {'has_options': 'Value 1'}) {'has_options': 'Value 1'} >>> definition.validate_param_values( ... [param], {'has_options': 'Invalid value'}) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Invalid value 'Invalid value' for parameter 'has_options': valid values are: "Value 1", "Value 2" Error conditions ================ You'll get None if you try to look up a nonexistent resource. >>> print(wadl.get_resource_by_path('nosuchresource')) None You'll get an exception if you try to look up a nonexistent resource type. >>> print(wadl.get_resource_type('#nosuchtype')) Traceback (most recent call last): KeyError: 'No such XML ID: "#nosuchtype"' You'll get None if you try to look up a method whose parameters don't match any defined method. >>> print(bound_limi.get_method( ... 'post', representation_params={ 'foo' : 'bar' })) None .. cleanup >>> for stream in cleanups: ... stream.close() .. toctree:: :glob: * docs/*
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