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import enum import json import os import sys import textwrap from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple from uaclient.defaults import ( BASE_UA_URL, CONFIG_FIELD_ENVVAR_ALLOWLIST, DOCUMENTATION_URL, PRINT_WRAP_WIDTH, ) class TxtColor: OKGREEN = "\033[92m" DISABLEGREY = "\033[37m" FAIL = "\033[91m" ENDC = "\033[0m" OKGREEN_CHECK = TxtColor.OKGREEN + "✔" + TxtColor.ENDC FAIL_X = TxtColor.FAIL + "✘" + TxtColor.ENDC @enum.unique class ApplicationStatus(enum.Enum): """ An enum to represent the current application status of an entitlement """ ENABLED = object() DISABLED = object() @enum.unique class ContractStatus(enum.Enum): """ An enum to represent whether a user is entitled to an entitlement (The value of each member is the string that will be used in status output.) """ ENTITLED = "yes" UNENTITLED = "no" @enum.unique class ApplicabilityStatus(enum.Enum): """ An enum to represent whether an entitlement could apply to this machine """ APPLICABLE = object() INAPPLICABLE = object() @enum.unique class UserFacingAvailability(enum.Enum): """ An enum representing whether a service could be available for a machine. 'Availability' means whether a service is available to machines with this architecture, series and kernel. Whether a contract is entitled to use the specific service is determined by the contract level. This enum should only be used in display code, it should not be used in business logic. """ AVAILABLE = "yes" UNAVAILABLE = "no" @enum.unique class UserFacingConfigStatus(enum.Enum): """ An enum representing the user-visible config status of UA system. This enum will be used in display code and will be written to status.json """ INACTIVE = "inactive" # No UA config commands/daemons ACTIVE = "active" # UA command is running REBOOTREQUIRED = "reboot-required" # System Reboot required @enum.unique class UserFacingStatus(enum.Enum): """ An enum representing the states we will display in status output. This enum should only be used in display code, it should not be used in business logic. """ ACTIVE = "enabled" INACTIVE = "disabled" INAPPLICABLE = "n/a" UNAVAILABLE = "—" @enum.unique class CanEnableFailureReason(enum.Enum): """ An enum representing the reasons an entitlement can't be enabled. """ NOT_ENTITLED = object() ALREADY_ENABLED = object() INAPPLICABLE = object() IS_BETA = object() INCOMPATIBLE_SERVICE = object() INACTIVE_REQUIRED_SERVICES = object() class CanEnableFailure: def __init__( self, reason: CanEnableFailureReason, message: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: self.reason = reason self.message = message ESSENTIAL = "essential" STANDARD = "standard" ADVANCED = "advanced" # Colorized status output for terminal STATUS_COLOR = { UserFacingStatus.ACTIVE.value: ( TxtColor.OKGREEN + UserFacingStatus.ACTIVE.value + TxtColor.ENDC ), UserFacingStatus.INACTIVE.value: ( TxtColor.FAIL + UserFacingStatus.INACTIVE.value + TxtColor.ENDC ), UserFacingStatus.INAPPLICABLE.value: ( TxtColor.DISABLEGREY + UserFacingStatus.INAPPLICABLE.value + TxtColor.ENDC ), # noqa: E501 UserFacingStatus.UNAVAILABLE.value: ( TxtColor.DISABLEGREY + UserFacingStatus.UNAVAILABLE.value + TxtColor.ENDC ), ContractStatus.ENTITLED.value: ( TxtColor.OKGREEN + ContractStatus.ENTITLED.value + TxtColor.ENDC ), ContractStatus.UNENTITLED.value: ( TxtColor.DISABLEGREY + ContractStatus.UNENTITLED.value + TxtColor.ENDC ), # noqa: E501 ESSENTIAL: TxtColor.OKGREEN + ESSENTIAL + TxtColor.ENDC, STANDARD: TxtColor.OKGREEN + STANDARD + TxtColor.ENDC, ADVANCED: TxtColor.OKGREEN + ADVANCED + TxtColor.ENDC, } MESSAGE_SECURITY_FIX_NOT_FOUND_ISSUE = "Error: {issue_id} not found." MESSAGE_SECURITY_FIX_RELEASE_STREAM = "A fix is available in {fix_stream}." MESSAGE_SECURITY_UPDATE_NOT_INSTALLED = "The update is not yet installed." MESSAGE_SECURITY_UPDATE_NOT_INSTALLED_SUBSCRIPTION = """\ The update is not installed because this system is not attached to a subscription. """ MESSAGE_SECURITY_UPDATE_NOT_INSTALLED_EXPIRED = """\ The update is not installed because this system is attached to an expired subscription. """ MESSAGE_SECURITY_SERVICE_DISABLED = """\ The update is not installed because this system does not have {service} enabled. """ MESSAGE_SECURITY_UPDATE_INSTALLED = "The update is already installed." MESSAGE_SECURITY_USE_PRO_TMPL = ( "For easiest security on {title}, use Ubuntu Pro." " https://ubuntu.com/{cloud}/pro." ) MESSAGE_SECURITY_ISSUE_RESOLVED = OKGREEN_CHECK + " {issue} is resolved." MESSAGE_SECURITY_ISSUE_NOT_RESOLVED = FAIL_X + " {issue} is not resolved." MESSAGE_SECURITY_ISSUE_UNAFFECTED = ( OKGREEN_CHECK + " {issue} does not affect your system." ) MESSAGE_SECURITY_AFFECTED_PKGS = ( "{count} affected package{plural_str} installed" ) MESSAGE_USN_FIXED = "{issue} is addressed." MESSAGE_CVE_FIXED = "{issue} is resolved." MESSAGE_SECURITY_URL = ( "{issue}: {title}\nhttps://ubuntu.com/security/{url_path}" ) MESSAGE_SECURITY_UA_SERVICE_NOT_ENABLED = """\ Error: UA service: {service} is not enabled. Without it, we cannot fix the system.""" MESSAGE_SECURITY_UA_SERVICE_NOT_ENTITLED = """\ Error: The current UA subscription is not entitled to: {service}. Without it, we cannot fix the system.""" MESSAGE_APT_INSTALL_FAILED = "APT install failed." MESSAGE_APT_UPDATE_FAILED = "APT update failed." MESSAGE_APT_UPDATE_INVALID_URL_CONFIG = ( "APT update failed to read APT config for the following URL{}:\n{}." ) MESSAGE_APT_POLICY_FAILED = "Failure checking APT policy." MESSAGE_APT_UPDATING_LISTS = "Updating package lists" MESSAGE_CONNECTIVITY_ERROR = """\ Failed to connect to authentication server Check your Internet connection and try again.""" LOG_CONNECTIVITY_ERROR_TMPL = MESSAGE_CONNECTIVITY_ERROR + " {error}" LOG_CONNECTIVITY_ERROR_WITH_URL_TMPL = ( MESSAGE_CONNECTIVITY_ERROR + " Failed to access URL: {url}. {error}" ) MESSAGE_SSL_VERIFICATION_ERROR_CA_CERTIFICATES = """\ Failed to access URL: {url} Cannot verify certificate of server Please install "ca-certificates" and try again.""" MESSAGE_SSL_VERIFICATION_ERROR_OPENSSL_CONFIG = """\ Failed to access URL: {url} Cannot verify certificate of server Please check your openssl configuration.""" MESSAGE_NONROOT_USER = "This command must be run as root (try using sudo)." MESSAGE_ALREADY_DISABLED_TMPL = """\ {title} is not currently enabled\nSee: sudo ua status""" MESSAGE_ENABLED_FAILED_TMPL = "Could not enable {title}." MESSAGE_DISABLE_FAILED_TMPL = "Could not disable {title}." MESSAGE_ENABLED_TMPL = "{title} enabled" MESSAGE_ALREADY_ATTACHED = """\ This machine is already attached to '{account_name}' To use a different subscription first run: sudo ua detach.""" MESSAGE_ALREADY_ENABLED_TMPL = """\ {title} is already enabled.\nSee: sudo ua status""" MESSAGE_INAPPLICABLE_ARCH_TMPL = """\ {title} is not available for platform {arch}. Supported platforms are: {supported_arches}.""" MESSAGE_INAPPLICABLE_SERIES_TMPL = """\ {title} is not available for Ubuntu {series}.""" MESSAGE_INAPPLICABLE_KERNEL_TMPL = """\ {title} is not available for kernel {kernel}. Supported flavors are: {supported_kernels}.""" MESSAGE_INAPPLICABLE_KERNEL_VER_TMPL = """\ {title} is not available for kernel {kernel}. Minimum kernel version required: {min_kernel}.""" MESSAGE_UNENTITLED_TMPL = ( """\ This subscription is not entitled to {title} For more information see: """ + BASE_UA_URL + "." ) MESSAGE_UNABLE_TO_DETERMINE_CLOUD_TYPE = ( """\ Unable to determine auto-attach platform support For more information see: """ + BASE_UA_URL + "." ) MESSAGE_UNSUPPORTED_AUTO_ATTACH_CLOUD_TYPE = ( """\ Auto-attach image support is not available on {cloud_type} See: """ + BASE_UA_URL ) MESSAGE_UNSUPPORTED_AUTO_ATTACH = ( """\ Auto-attach image support is not available on this image See: """ + BASE_UA_URL ) MESSAGE_UNATTACHED = ( """\ This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ + BASE_UA_URL ) MESSAGE_MISSING_APT_URL_DIRECTIVE = """\ Ubuntu Advantage server provided no aptURL directive for {entitlement_name}""" MESSAGE_NO_ACTIVE_OPERATIONS = """No Ubuntu Advantage operations are running""" MESSAGE_LOCK_HELD = """Operation in progress: {lock_holder} (pid:{pid})""" PROMPT_YES_NO = """Are you sure? (y/N) """ MESSAGE_REBOOT_SCRIPT_FAILED = ( "Failed running reboot_cmds script. See: /var/log/ubuntu-advantage.log" ) MESSAGE_LIVEPATCH_LTS_REBOOT_REQUIRED = ( "Livepatch support requires a system reboot across LTS upgrade." ) MESSAGE_SNAPD_DOES_NOT_HAVE_WAIT_CMD = ( "snapd does not have wait command.\n" "Enabling Livepatch can fail under this scenario\n" "Please, upgrade snapd if Livepatch enable fails and try again." ) MESSAGE_FIPS_INSTALL_OUT_OF_DATE = ( "This FIPS install is out of date, run: sudo ua enable fips" ) MESSAGE_FIPS_REBOOT_REQUIRED = ( "FIPS support requires system reboot to complete configuration." ) MESSAGE_FIPS_DISABLE_REBOOT_REQUIRED = ( "Disabling FIPS requires system reboot to complete operation." ) MESSAGE_FIPS_PACKAGE_NOT_AVAILABLE = ( "{service} {pkg} package could not be installed" ) NOTICE_FIPS_MANUAL_DISABLE_URL = """\ FIPS kernel is running in a disabled state. To manually remove fips kernel: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/20738 """ NOTICE_WRONG_FIPS_METAPACKAGE_ON_CLOUD = """\ Warning: FIPS kernel is not optimized for your specific cloud. To fix it, run the following commands: 1. sudo ua disable fips 2. sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-fips 3. sudo ua enable fips --assume-yes 4. sudo reboot """ PROMPT_FIPS_PRE_ENABLE = ( """\ This will install the FIPS core packages. """ + PROMPT_YES_NO ) PROMPT_FIPS_UPDATES_PRE_ENABLE = ( """\ This will install the FIPS core packages and will include priority updates with security fixes. """ + PROMPT_YES_NO ) PROMPT_FIPS_PRE_DISABLE = ( """\ This will disable access to certified FIPS packages. """ + PROMPT_YES_NO ) PROMPT_ENTER_TOKEN = """\ Enter your token (from {}) to attach this system:""".format( BASE_UA_URL ) PROMPT_EXPIRED_ENTER_TOKEN = """\ Enter your new token to renew UA subscription on this system:""" PROMPT_UA_SUBSCRIPTION_URL = """\ Open a browser to: {}/subscribe""".format( BASE_UA_URL ) STATUS_UNATTACHED_TMPL = "{name: <14}{available: <11}{description}" STATUS_HEADER = "SERVICE ENTITLED STATUS DESCRIPTION" # The widths listed below for entitled and status are actually 9 characters # less than reality because we colorize the values in entitled and status # columns. Colorizing has an opening and closing set of unprintable characters # that factor into formats len() calculations STATUS_TMPL = "{name: <14}{entitled: <19}{status: <19}{description}" MESSAGE_ATTACH_FORBIDDEN_EXPIRED = """\ Contract \"{contract_id}\" expired on {date}""" MESSAGE_ATTACH_FORBIDDEN_NOT_YET = """\ Contract \"{contract_id}\" is not effective until {date}""" MESSAGE_ATTACH_FORBIDDEN_NEVER = """\ Contract \"{contract_id}\" has never been effective""" MESSAGE_ATTACH_FORBIDDEN = """\ Attach denied: {{reason}} Visit {url} to manage contract tokens.""".format( url=BASE_UA_URL ) MESSAGE_ATTACH_EXPIRED_TOKEN = ( """\ Expired token or contract. To obtain a new token visit: """ + BASE_UA_URL ) MESSAGE_ATTACH_INVALID_TOKEN = ( """\ Invalid token. See """ + BASE_UA_URL ) MESSAGE_ATTACH_REQUIRES_TOKEN = ( """\ Attach requires a token: sudo ua attach <TOKEN> To obtain a token please visit: """ + BASE_UA_URL + "." ) MESSAGE_ATTACH_FAILURE = ( """\ Failed to attach machine. See """ + BASE_UA_URL ) MESSAGE_ATTACH_FAILURE_DEFAULT_SERVICES = """\ Failed to enable default services, check: sudo ua status""" MESSAGE_ATTACH_SUCCESS_TMPL = """\ This machine is now attached to '{contract_name}' """ MESSAGE_ATTACH_SUCCESS_NO_CONTRACT_NAME = """\ This machine is now successfully attached' """ MESSAGE_INVALID_SERVICE_OP_FAILURE_TMPL = """\ Cannot {operation} unknown service '{name}'. {service_msg}""" MESSAGE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR = """\ Unexpected error(s) occurred. For more details, see the log: /var/log/ubuntu-advantage.log To file a bug run: ubuntu-bug ubuntu-advantage-tools""" MESSAGE_ENABLE_FAILURE_UNATTACHED_TMPL = ( """\ To use '{name}' you need an Ubuntu Advantage subscription Personal and community subscriptions are available at no charge See """ + BASE_UA_URL ) MESSAGE_ENABLE_BY_DEFAULT_TMPL = "Enabling default service {name}" MESSAGE_ENABLE_REBOOT_REQUIRED_TMPL = """\ A reboot is required to complete {operation}.""" MESSAGE_ENABLE_BY_DEFAULT_MANUAL_TMPL = """\ Service {name} is recommended by default. Run: sudo ua enable {name}""" MESSAGE_DETACH_SUCCESS = "This machine is now detached." MESSAGE_DETACH_AUTOMATION_FAILURE = "Unable to automatically detach machine" MESSAGE_REFRESH_CONTRACT_ENABLE = ( "One moment, checking your subscription first" ) MESSAGE_REFRESH_CONTRACT_SUCCESS = "Successfully refreshed your subscription." MESSAGE_REFRESH_CONTRACT_FAILURE = "Unable to refresh your subscription" MESSAGE_REFRESH_CONFIG_SUCCESS = ( "Successfully processed your ua configuration." ) MESSAGE_REFRESH_CONFIG_FAILURE = "Unable to process uaclient.conf" MESSAGE_INCOMPATIBLE_SERVICE = """\ {service_being_enabled} cannot be enabled with {incompatible_service}. Disable {incompatible_service} and proceed to enable {service_being_enabled}? \ (y/N) """ MESSAGE_REQUIRED_SERVICE = """\ {service_being_enabled} cannot be enabled with {required_service} disabled. Enable {required_service} and proceed to enable {service_being_enabled}? \ (y/N) """ MESSAGE_DEPENDENT_SERVICE = """\ {dependent_service} depends on {service_being_disabled}. Disable {dependent_service} and proceed to disable {service_being_disabled}? \ (y/N) """ MESSAGE_INCOMPATIBLE_SERVICE_STOPS_ENABLE = """\ Cannot enable {service_being_enabled} when {incompatible_service} is enabled. """ MESSAGE_REQUIRED_SERVICE_STOPS_ENABLE = """\ Cannot enable {service_being_enabled} when {required_service} is disabled. """ MESSAGE_DEPENDENT_SERVICE_STOPS_DISABLE = """\ Cannot disable {service_being_disabled} when {dependent_service} is enabled. """ MESSAGE_FIPS_BLOCK_ON_CLOUD = ( """\ Ubuntu {series} does not provide {cloud} optimized FIPS kernel For help see: """ + BASE_UA_URL + "." ) ERROR_INVALID_CONFIG_VALUE = """\ Invalid value for {path_to_value} in /etc/ubuntu-advantage/uaclient.conf. \ Expected {expected_value}, found {value}.""" INVALID_PATH_FOR_MACHINE_TOKEN_OVERLAY = """\ Failed to find the machine token overlay file: {file_path}""" ERROR_JSON_DECODING_IN_FILE = """\ Found error: {error} when reading json file: {file_path}""" MESSAGE_SECURITY_APT_NON_ROOT = """\ Package fixes cannot be installed. To install them, run this command as root (try using sudo)""" # MOTD and APT command messaging MESSAGE_ANNOUNCE_ESM_TMPL = """\ * Introducing Extended Security Maintenance for Applications. Receive updates to over 30,000 software packages with your Ubuntu Advantage subscription. Free for personal use. {url} """ MESSAGE_CONTRACT_EXPIRED_SOON_TMPL = """\ CAUTION: Your {title} service will expire in {remaining_days} days. Renew UA subscription at {url} to ensure continued security coverage for your applications. """ MESSAGE_CONTRACT_EXPIRED_GRACE_PERIOD_TMPL = """\ CAUTION: Your {title} service expired on {expired_date}. Renew UA subscription at {url} to ensure continued security coverage for your applications. Your grace period will expire in {remaining_days} days. """ MESSAGE_CONTRACT_EXPIRED_MOTD_PKGS_TMPL = """\ *Your {title} subscription has EXPIRED* {pkg_num} additional security update(s) could have been applied via {title}. Renew your UA services at {url} """ MESSAGE_CONTRACT_EXPIRED_APT_PKGS_TMPL = """\ *Your {title} subscription has EXPIRED* Enabling {title} service would provide security updates for following packages: {pkg_names} {pkg_num} {name} security update(s) NOT APPLIED. Renew your UA services at {url} """ MESSAGE_DISABLED_MOTD_NO_PKGS_TMPL = """\ Enable {title} to receive additional future security updates. See {url} or run: sudo ua status """ MESSAGE_CONTRACT_EXPIRED_APT_NO_PKGS_TMPL = ( """\ *Your {title} subscription has EXPIRED* """ + MESSAGE_DISABLED_MOTD_NO_PKGS_TMPL ) MESSAGE_DISABLED_APT_PKGS_TMPL = """\ *The following packages could receive security updates \ with {title} service enabled: {pkg_names} Learn more about {title} service {eol_release}at {url} """ MESSAGE_UBUNTU_NO_WARRANTY = """\ Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. """ MESSAGE_APT_PROXY_CONFIG_HEADER = """\ /* * Autogenerated by ubuntu-advantage-tools * Do not edit this file directly * * To change what ubuntu-advantage-tools sets, run one of the following: * Substitute "apt_https_proxy" for "apt_http_proxy" as necessary. * sudo ua config set apt_http_proxy=<value> * sudo ua config unset apt_http_proxy */ """ MESSAGE_UACLIENT_CONF_HEADER = """\ # Ubuntu-Advantage client config file. # If you modify this file, run "ua refresh config" to ensure changes are # picked up by Ubuntu-Advantage client. """ MESSAGE_SETTING_SERVICE_PROXY = "Setting {service} proxy" MESSAGE_NOT_SETTING_PROXY_INVALID_URL = ( '"{proxy}" is not a valid url. Not setting as proxy.' ) MESSAGE_NOT_SETTING_PROXY_NOT_WORKING = ( '"{proxy}" is not working. Not setting as proxy.' ) MESSAGE_ERROR_USING_PROXY = ( 'Error trying to use "{proxy}" as proxy to reach "{test_url}": {error}' ) MESSAGE_PROXY_DETECTED_BUT_NOT_CONFIGURED = """\ No proxy set in config; however, proxy is configured for: {{services}}. See {docs_url} for more information on ua proxy configuration. """.format( docs_url=DOCUMENTATION_URL ) def colorize(string: str) -> str: """Return colorized string if using a tty, else original string.""" return STATUS_COLOR.get(string, string) if sys.stdout.isatty() else string def colorize_commands(commands: List[List[str]]) -> str: content = "" for cmd in commands: if content: content += " && " content += " ".join(cmd) # subtract 4 from print width to account for leading and trailing braces # and spaces wrapped_content = " \\\n".join( textwrap.wrap( content, width=(PRINT_WRAP_WIDTH - 4), subsequent_indent=" " ) ) if "\n" in wrapped_content: prefix = "{\n " suffix = "\n}" else: prefix = "{ " suffix = " }" return "{color}{prefix}{content}{suffix}{end}".format( color=TxtColor.DISABLEGREY, prefix=prefix, content=wrapped_content, suffix=suffix, end=TxtColor.ENDC, ) def get_section_column_content( column_data: List[Tuple[str, str]], header: Optional[str] = None ) -> List[str]: """Return a list of content lines to print to console for a section Content lines will be center-aligned based on max value length of first column. """ content = [""] if header: content.append(header) template_length = max([len(pair[0]) for pair in column_data]) if template_length > 0: template = "{{:>{}}}: {{}}".format(template_length) content.extend([template.format(*pair) for pair in column_data]) else: # Then we have an empty "label" column and only descriptions content.extend([pair[1] for pair in column_data]) return content def format_tabular(status: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: """Format status dict for tabular output.""" if not status["attached"]: content = [ STATUS_UNATTACHED_TMPL.format( name="SERVICE", available="AVAILABLE", description="DESCRIPTION", ) ] for service in status["services"]: content.append(STATUS_UNATTACHED_TMPL.format(**service)) content.extend(["", MESSAGE_UNATTACHED]) return "\n".join(content) content = [STATUS_HEADER] for service_status in status["services"]: entitled = service_status["entitled"] descr_override = service_status.get("description_override") description = ( descr_override if descr_override else service_status["description"] ) fmt_args = { "name": service_status["name"], "entitled": colorize(entitled), "status": colorize(service_status["status"]), "description": description, } content.append(STATUS_TMPL.format(**fmt_args)) tech_support_level = status["contract"]["tech_support_level"] if status.get("notices"): content.extend( get_section_column_content( status.get("notices") or [], header="NOTICES" ) ) content.append("\nEnable services with: ua enable <service>") pairs = [] account_name = status["account"]["name"] if account_name: pairs.append(("Account", account_name)) contract_name = status["contract"]["name"] if contract_name: pairs.append(("Subscription", contract_name)) if status["origin"] != "free": pairs.append(("Valid until", str(status["expires"]))) pairs.append(("Technical support level", colorize(tech_support_level))) if pairs: content.extend(get_section_column_content(column_data=pairs)) return "\n".join(content) def _format_status_output(status: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: status["environment_vars"] = [ {"name": name, "value": value} for name, value in sorted(os.environ.items()) if name.lower() in CONFIG_FIELD_ENVVAR_ALLOWLIST or name.startswith("UA_FEATURES") or name == "UA_CONFIG_FILE" ] available_services = [ service for service in status.get("services", []) if service.get("available", "yes") == "yes" ] status["services"] = available_services # We don't need the origin info in the json output status.pop("origin", "") return status def format_json_status(status: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: from uaclient.util import DatetimeAwareJSONEncoder return json.dumps( _format_status_output(status), cls=DatetimeAwareJSONEncoder ) def format_yaml_status(status: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: import yaml return yaml.dump(_format_status_output(status), default_flow_style=False)
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