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import logging from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from uaclient import clouds, exceptions, serviceclient, status, util API_V1_CONTEXT_MACHINE_TOKEN = "/v1/context/machines/token" API_V1_TMPL_CONTEXT_MACHINE_TOKEN_RESOURCE = ( "/v1/contracts/{contract}/context/machines/{machine}" ) API_V1_RESOURCES = "/v1/resources" API_V1_TMPL_RESOURCE_MACHINE_ACCESS = ( "/v1/resources/{resource}/context/machines/{machine}" ) API_V1_AUTO_ATTACH_CLOUD_TOKEN = "/v1/clouds/{cloud_type}/token" API_V1_MACHINE_ACTIVITY = "/v1/contracts/{contract}/machine-activity/{machine}" ATTACH_FAIL_DATE_FORMAT = "%B %d, %Y" class ContractAPIError(util.UrlError): def __init__(self, e, error_response): super().__init__(e, e.code, e.headers, e.url) if "error_list" in error_response: self.api_errors = error_response["error_list"] else: self.api_errors = [error_response] for error in self.api_errors: error["code"] = error.get("title", error.get("code")) def __contains__(self, error_code): for error in self.api_errors: if error_code == error.get("code"): return True if error.get("message", "").startswith(error_code): return True return False def __get__(self, error_code, default=None): for error in self.api_errors: if error["code"] == error_code: return error["detail"] return default def __str__(self): prefix = super().__str__() details = [] for err in self.api_errors: if not err.get("extra"): details.append(err.get("detail", err.get("message", ""))) else: for extra in err["extra"].values(): if isinstance(extra, list): details.extend(extra) else: details.append(extra) return prefix + ": [" + self.url + "]" + ", ".join(details) class UAContractClient(serviceclient.UAServiceClient): cfg_url_base_attr = "contract_url" api_error_cls = ContractAPIError def request_contract_machine_attach(self, contract_token, machine_id=None): """Requests machine attach to the provided contact_id. @param contract_id: Unique contract id provided by contract service. @param contract_token: Token string providing authentication to ContractBearer service endpoint. @param machine_id: Optional unique system machine id. When absent, contents of /etc/machine-id will be used. @return: Dict of the JSON response containing the machine-token. """ headers = self.headers() headers.update({"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(contract_token)}) data = self._get_platform_data(machine_id) machine_token, _headers = self.request_url( API_V1_CONTEXT_MACHINE_TOKEN, data=data, headers=headers ) self.cfg.write_cache("machine-token", machine_token) util.get_machine_id.cache_clear() machine_id = machine_token.get("machineTokenInfo", {}).get( "machineId", data.get("machineId") ) self.cfg.write_cache("machine-id", machine_id) return machine_token def request_resources(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Requests list of entitlements available to this machine type.""" platform = util.get_platform_info() query_params = { "architecture": platform["arch"], "series": platform["series"], "kernel": platform["kernel"], } resource_response, headers = self.request_url( API_V1_RESOURCES, query_params=query_params ) return resource_response def request_auto_attach_contract_token( self, *, instance: clouds.AutoAttachCloudInstance ): """Requests contract token for auto-attach images for Pro clouds. @param instance: AutoAttachCloudInstance for the cloud. @return: Dict of the JSON response containing the contract-token. """ response, _headers = self.request_url( API_V1_AUTO_ATTACH_CLOUD_TOKEN.format( cloud_type=instance.cloud_type ), data=instance.identity_doc, ) self.cfg.write_cache("contract-token", response) return response def request_resource_machine_access( self, machine_token: str, resource: str, machine_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Requests machine access context for a given resource @param machine_token: The authentication token needed to talk to this contract service endpoint. @param resource: Entitlement name. @param machine_id: Optional unique system machine id. When absent, contents of /etc/machine-id will be used. @return: Dict of the JSON response containing entitlement accessInfo. """ if not machine_id: machine_id = util.get_machine_id(self.cfg) headers = self.headers() headers.update({"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(machine_token)}) url = API_V1_TMPL_RESOURCE_MACHINE_ACCESS.format( resource=resource, machine=machine_id ) resource_access, headers = self.request_url(url, headers=headers) if headers.get("expires"): resource_access["expires"] = headers["expires"] self.cfg.write_cache( "machine-access-{}".format(resource), resource_access ) return resource_access def request_machine_token_update( self, machine_token: str, contract_id: str, machine_id: str = None ) -> Dict: """Update existing machine-token for an attached machine.""" return self._request_machine_token_update( machine_token=machine_token, contract_id=contract_id, machine_id=machine_id, detach=False, ) def report_machine_activity(self, enabled_services: "List[str]"): """Report current activity token and enabled services. This will report to the contracts backend all the current enabled services in the system. """ contract_id = self.cfg.contract_id activity_token = self.cfg.activity_token machine_token = self.cfg.machine_token.get("machineToken") machine_id = util.get_machine_id(self.cfg) # If the activityID is null we should provide the endpoint # with the instance machine id as the activityID activity_id = self.cfg.activity_id or machine_id request_data = { "activityToken": activity_token, "activityID": activity_id, "resources": enabled_services, } url = API_V1_MACHINE_ACTIVITY.format( contract=contract_id, machine=machine_id ) headers = self.headers() headers.update({"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(machine_token)}) response, _ = self.request_url(url, headers=headers, data=request_data) # We will update the `machine-token.json` based on the response # provided by the server. We expect the response to be # a full `activityInfo` object which belongs at the root of # `machine-token.json` if response: machine_token = self.cfg.read_cache("machine-token") # The activity information received as a response here # will not provide the information inside an activityInfo # structure. However, this structure will be reflected when # we reach the contract for attach and refresh requests. # Because of that, we will store the response directly on # the activityInfo key machine_token["activityInfo"] = response self.cfg.write_cache("machine-token", machine_token) def detach_machine_from_contract( self, machine_token: str, contract_id: str, machine_id: str = None ) -> Dict: """Report the attached machine should be detached from the contract.""" curr_machine_id = self._get_platform_data(machine_id=None).get( "machineId", "" ) past_machine_id = self.cfg.read_cache("machine-id") if str(curr_machine_id) != str(past_machine_id): logging.debug( "Found new machine-id. Do not call detach on contract backend" ) return {} return self._request_machine_token_update( machine_token=machine_token, contract_id=contract_id, machine_id=machine_id, detach=True, ) def _request_machine_token_update( self, machine_token: str, contract_id: str, machine_id: str = None, detach: bool = False, ) -> Dict: """Request machine token refresh from contract server. @param machine_token: The machine token needed to talk to this contract service endpoint. @param contract_id: Unique contract id provided by contract service. @param machine_id: Optional unique system machine id. When absent, contents of /etc/machine-id will be used. @param detach: Boolean set True if detaching this machine from the active contract. Default is False. @return: Dict of the JSON response containing refreshed machine-token """ headers = self.headers() headers.update({"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(machine_token)}) data = self._get_platform_data(machine_id) url = API_V1_TMPL_CONTEXT_MACHINE_TOKEN_RESOURCE.format( contract=contract_id, machine=data["machineId"] ) kwargs = {"headers": headers} if detach: kwargs["method"] = "DELETE" else: kwargs["method"] = "POST" kwargs["data"] = data response, headers = self.request_url(url, **kwargs) if headers.get("expires"): response["expires"] = headers["expires"] if not detach: self.cfg.write_cache("machine-token", response) util.get_machine_id.cache_clear() machine_id = response.get("machineTokenInfo", {}).get( "machineId", data.get("machineId") ) self.cfg.write_cache("machine-id", machine_id) return response def _get_platform_data(self, machine_id): """Return a dict of platform-related data for contract requests""" if not machine_id: machine_id = util.get_machine_id(self.cfg) platform = util.get_platform_info() platform_os = platform.copy() arch = platform_os.pop("arch") return { "machineId": machine_id, "architecture": arch, "os": platform_os, } def process_entitlements_delta( past_entitlements: Dict[str, Any], new_entitlements: Dict[str, Any], allow_enable: bool, series_overrides: bool = True, ) -> None: """Iterate over all entitlements in new_entitlement and apply any delta found according to past_entitlements. :param past_entitlements: dict containing the last valid information regarding service entitlements. :param new_entitlements: dict containing the current information regarding service entitlements. :param allow_enable: Boolean set True if allowed to perform the enable operation. When False, a message will be logged to inform the user about the recommended enabled service. :param series_overrides: Boolean set True if series overrides should be applied to the new_access dict. """ delta_error = False unexpected_error = False for name, new_entitlement in sorted(new_entitlements.items()): try: process_entitlement_delta( past_entitlements.get(name, {}), new_entitlement, allow_enable=allow_enable, series_overrides=series_overrides, ) except exceptions.UserFacingError: delta_error = True with util.disable_log_to_console(): logging.error( "Failed to process contract delta for {name}:" " {delta}".format(name=name, delta=new_entitlement) ) except Exception: unexpected_error = True with util.disable_log_to_console(): logging.exception( "Unexpected error processing contract delta for {name}:" " {delta}".format(name=name, delta=new_entitlement) ) if unexpected_error: raise exceptions.UserFacingError(status.MESSAGE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR) elif delta_error: raise exceptions.UserFacingError( status.MESSAGE_ATTACH_FAILURE_DEFAULT_SERVICES ) def process_entitlement_delta( orig_access: Dict[str, Any], new_access: Dict[str, Any], allow_enable: bool = False, series_overrides: bool = True, ) -> Dict: """Process a entitlement access dictionary deltas if they exist. :param orig_access: Dict with original entitlement access details before contract refresh deltas :param new_access: Dict with updated entitlement access details after contract refresh :param allow_enable: Boolean set True if allowed to perform the enable operation. When False, a message will be logged to inform the user about the recommended enabled service. :param series_overrides: Boolean set True if series overrides should be applied to the new_access dict. :raise UserFacingError: on failure to process deltas. :return: Dict of processed deltas """ from uaclient.entitlements import ENTITLEMENT_CLASS_BY_NAME if series_overrides: util.apply_series_overrides(new_access) deltas = util.get_dict_deltas(orig_access, new_access) if deltas: name = orig_access.get("entitlement", {}).get("type") if not name: name = deltas.get("entitlement", {}).get("type") if not name: raise RuntimeError( "Could not determine contract delta service type {} {}".format( orig_access, new_access ) ) try: ent_cls = ENTITLEMENT_CLASS_BY_NAME[name] except KeyError: logging.debug( 'Skipping entitlement deltas for "%s". No such class', name ) return deltas entitlement = ent_cls(assume_yes=allow_enable) entitlement.process_contract_deltas( orig_access, deltas, allow_enable=allow_enable ) return deltas def _create_attach_forbidden_message(e: ContractAPIError) -> str: msg = status.MESSAGE_ATTACH_EXPIRED_TOKEN if ( hasattr(e, "api_errors") and len(e.api_errors) > 0 and "info" in e.api_errors[0] ): info = e.api_errors[0]["info"] contract_id = info["contractId"] reason = info["reason"] reason_msg = "" if reason == "no-longer-effective": date = info["time"].strftime(ATTACH_FAIL_DATE_FORMAT) reason_msg = status.MESSAGE_ATTACH_FORBIDDEN_EXPIRED.format( contract_id=contract_id, date=date ) elif reason == "not-effective-yet": date = info["time"].strftime(ATTACH_FAIL_DATE_FORMAT) reason_msg = status.MESSAGE_ATTACH_FORBIDDEN_NOT_YET.format( contract_id=contract_id, date=date ) elif reason == "never-effective": reason_msg = status.MESSAGE_ATTACH_FORBIDDEN_NEVER.format( contract_id=contract_id ) msg = status.MESSAGE_ATTACH_FORBIDDEN.format(reason=reason_msg) return msg def request_updated_contract( cfg, contract_token: Optional[str] = None, allow_enable=False ): """Request contract refresh from ua-contracts service. Compare original token to new token and react to entitlement deltas. :param cfg: Instance of UAConfig for this machine. :param contract_token: String contraining an optional contract token. :param allow_enable: Boolean set True if allowed to perform the enable operation. When False, a message will be logged to inform the user about the recommended enabled service. :raise UserFacingError: on failure to update contract or error processing contract deltas :raise UrlError: On failure to contact the server """ orig_token = cfg.machine_token orig_entitlements = cfg.entitlements if orig_token and contract_token: raise RuntimeError( "Got unexpected contract_token on an already attached machine" ) contract_client = UAContractClient(cfg) if contract_token: # We are a mid ua-attach and need to get machinetoken try: contract_client.request_contract_machine_attach( contract_token=contract_token ) except util.UrlError as e: if isinstance(e, ContractAPIError): if hasattr(e, "code"): if e.code == 401: raise exceptions.UserFacingError( status.MESSAGE_ATTACH_INVALID_TOKEN ) elif e.code == 403: msg = _create_attach_forbidden_message(e) raise exceptions.UserFacingError(msg) raise e with util.disable_log_to_console(): logging.exception(str(e)) raise exceptions.UserFacingError(status.MESSAGE_CONNECTIVITY_ERROR) else: machine_token = orig_token["machineToken"] contract_id = orig_token["machineTokenInfo"]["contractInfo"]["id"] contract_client.request_machine_token_update( machine_token=machine_token, contract_id=contract_id ) process_entitlements_delta( orig_entitlements, cfg.entitlements, allow_enable ) def get_available_resources(cfg) -> List[Dict]: """Query available resources from the contrct server for this machine.""" client = UAContractClient(cfg) resources = client.request_resources() return resources.get("resources", [])
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