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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_flatten -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Context-free flattener/serializer for rendering Python objects, possibly complex or arbitrarily nested, as strings. """ from __future__ import division, absolute_import from io import BytesIO from sys import exc_info from types import GeneratorType from traceback import extract_tb try: from inspect import iscoroutine except ImportError: def iscoroutine(*args, **kwargs): return False from twisted.python.compat import unicode, nativeString, iteritems from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, ensureDeferred from twisted.web._stan import Tag, slot, voidElements, Comment, CDATA, CharRef from twisted.web.error import UnfilledSlot, UnsupportedType, FlattenerError from twisted.web.iweb import IRenderable def escapeForContent(data): """ Escape some character or UTF-8 byte data for inclusion in an HTML or XML document, by replacing metacharacters (C{&<>}) with their entity equivalents (C{&<>}). This is used as an input to L{_flattenElement}'s C{dataEscaper} parameter. @type data: C{bytes} or C{unicode} @param data: The string to escape. @rtype: C{bytes} @return: The quoted form of C{data}. If C{data} is unicode, return a utf-8 encoded string. """ if isinstance(data, unicode): data = data.encode('utf-8') data = data.replace(b'&', b'&' ).replace(b'<', b'<' ).replace(b'>', b'>') return data def attributeEscapingDoneOutside(data): """ Escape some character or UTF-8 byte data for inclusion in the top level of an attribute. L{attributeEscapingDoneOutside} actually passes the data through unchanged, because L{writeWithAttributeEscaping} handles the quoting of the text within attributes outside the generator returned by L{_flattenElement}; this is used as the C{dataEscaper} argument to that L{_flattenElement} call so that that generator does not redundantly escape its text output. @type data: C{bytes} or C{unicode} @param data: The string to escape. @return: The string, unchanged, except for encoding. @rtype: C{bytes} """ if isinstance(data, unicode): return data.encode("utf-8") return data def writeWithAttributeEscaping(write): """ Decorate a C{write} callable so that all output written is properly quoted for inclusion within an XML attribute value. If a L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>} C{x} is flattened within the context of the contents of another L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>} C{y}, the metacharacters (C{<>&"}) delimiting C{x} should be passed through unchanged, but the textual content of C{x} should still be quoted, as usual. For example: C{<y><x>&</x></y>}. That is the default behavior of L{_flattenElement} when L{escapeForContent} is passed as the C{dataEscaper}. However, when a L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>} C{x} is flattened within the context of an I{attribute} of another L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>} C{y}, then the metacharacters delimiting C{x} should be quoted so that it can be parsed from the attribute's value. In the DOM itself, this is not a valid thing to do, but given that renderers and slots may be freely moved around in a L{twisted.web.template} template, it is a condition which may arise in a document and must be handled in a way which produces valid output. So, for example, you should be able to get C{<y attr="<x />" />}. This should also be true for other XML/HTML meta-constructs such as comments and CDATA, so if you were to serialize a L{comment <twisted.web.template.Comment>} in an attribute you should get C{<y attr="<-- comment -->" />}. Therefore in order to capture these meta-characters, flattening is done with C{write} callable that is wrapped with L{writeWithAttributeEscaping}. The final case, and hopefully the much more common one as compared to serializing L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>} and arbitrary L{IRenderable} objects within an attribute, is to serialize a simple string, and those should be passed through for L{writeWithAttributeEscaping} to quote without applying a second, redundant level of quoting. @param write: A callable which will be invoked with the escaped L{bytes}. @return: A callable that writes data with escaping. """ def _write(data): write(escapeForContent(data).replace(b'"', b'"')) return _write def escapedCDATA(data): """ Escape CDATA for inclusion in a document. @type data: L{str} or L{unicode} @param data: The string to escape. @rtype: L{str} @return: The quoted form of C{data}. If C{data} is unicode, return a utf-8 encoded string. """ if isinstance(data, unicode): data = data.encode('utf-8') return data.replace(b']]>', b']]]]><![CDATA[>') def escapedComment(data): """ Escape a comment for inclusion in a document. @type data: L{str} or L{unicode} @param data: The string to escape. @rtype: C{str} @return: The quoted form of C{data}. If C{data} is unicode, return a utf-8 encoded string. """ if isinstance(data, unicode): data = data.encode('utf-8') data = data.replace(b'--', b'- - ').replace(b'>', b'>') if data and data[-1:] == b'-': data += b' ' return data def _getSlotValue(name, slotData, default=None): """ Find the value of the named slot in the given stack of slot data. """ for slotFrame in slotData[::-1]: if slotFrame is not None and name in slotFrame: return slotFrame[name] else: if default is not None: return default raise UnfilledSlot(name) def _flattenElement(request, root, write, slotData, renderFactory, dataEscaper): """ Make C{root} slightly more flat by yielding all its immediate contents as strings, deferreds or generators that are recursive calls to itself. @param request: A request object which will be passed to L{IRenderable.render}. @param root: An object to be made flatter. This may be of type C{unicode}, L{str}, L{slot}, L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>}, L{tuple}, L{list}, L{types.GeneratorType}, L{Deferred}, or an object that implements L{IRenderable}. @param write: A callable which will be invoked with each L{bytes} produced by flattening C{root}. @param slotData: A L{list} of L{dict} mapping L{str} slot names to data with which those slots will be replaced. @param renderFactory: If not L{None}, an object that provides L{IRenderable}. @param dataEscaper: A 1-argument callable which takes L{bytes} or L{unicode} and returns L{bytes}, quoted as appropriate for the rendering context. This is really only one of two values: L{attributeEscapingDoneOutside} or L{escapeForContent}, depending on whether the rendering context is within an attribute or not. See the explanation in L{writeWithAttributeEscaping}. @return: An iterator that eventually yields L{bytes} that should be written to the output. However it may also yield other iterators or L{Deferred}s; if it yields another iterator, the caller will iterate it; if it yields a L{Deferred}, the result of that L{Deferred} will either be L{bytes}, in which case it's written, or another generator, in which case it is iterated. See L{_flattenTree} for the trampoline that consumes said values. @rtype: An iterator which yields L{bytes}, L{Deferred}, and more iterators of the same type. """ def keepGoing(newRoot, dataEscaper=dataEscaper, renderFactory=renderFactory, write=write): return _flattenElement(request, newRoot, write, slotData, renderFactory, dataEscaper) if isinstance(root, (bytes, unicode)): write(dataEscaper(root)) elif isinstance(root, slot): slotValue = _getSlotValue(root.name, slotData, root.default) yield keepGoing(slotValue) elif isinstance(root, CDATA): write(b'<![CDATA[') write(escapedCDATA(root.data)) write(b']]>') elif isinstance(root, Comment): write(b'<!--') write(escapedComment(root.data)) write(b'-->') elif isinstance(root, Tag): slotData.append(root.slotData) if root.render is not None: rendererName = root.render rootClone = root.clone(False) rootClone.render = None renderMethod = renderFactory.lookupRenderMethod(rendererName) result = renderMethod(request, rootClone) yield keepGoing(result) slotData.pop() return if not root.tagName: yield keepGoing(root.children) return write(b'<') if isinstance(root.tagName, unicode): tagName = root.tagName.encode('ascii') else: tagName = root.tagName write(tagName) for k, v in iteritems(root.attributes): if isinstance(k, unicode): k = k.encode('ascii') write(b' ' + k + b'="') # Serialize the contents of the attribute, wrapping the results of # that serialization so that _everything_ is quoted. yield keepGoing( v, attributeEscapingDoneOutside, write=writeWithAttributeEscaping(write)) write(b'"') if root.children or nativeString(tagName) not in voidElements: write(b'>') # Regardless of whether we're in an attribute or not, switch back # to the escapeForContent dataEscaper. The contents of a tag must # be quoted no matter what; in the top-level document, just so # they're valid, and if they're within an attribute, they have to # be quoted so that after applying the *un*-quoting required to re- # parse the tag within the attribute, all the quoting is still # correct. yield keepGoing(root.children, escapeForContent) write(b'</' + tagName + b'>') else: write(b' />') elif isinstance(root, (tuple, list, GeneratorType)): for element in root: yield keepGoing(element) elif isinstance(root, CharRef): escaped = '&#%d;' % (root.ordinal,) write(escaped.encode('ascii')) elif isinstance(root, Deferred): yield root.addCallback(lambda result: (result, keepGoing(result))) elif iscoroutine(root): d = ensureDeferred(root) yield d.addCallback(lambda result: (result, keepGoing(result))) elif IRenderable.providedBy(root): result = root.render(request) yield keepGoing(result, renderFactory=root) else: raise UnsupportedType(root) def _flattenTree(request, root, write): """ Make C{root} into an iterable of L{bytes} and L{Deferred} by doing a depth first traversal of the tree. @param request: A request object which will be passed to L{IRenderable.render}. @param root: An object to be made flatter. This may be of type C{unicode}, L{bytes}, L{slot}, L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>}, L{tuple}, L{list}, L{types.GeneratorType}, L{Deferred}, or something providing L{IRenderable}. @param write: A callable which will be invoked with each L{bytes} produced by flattening C{root}. @return: An iterator which yields objects of type L{bytes} and L{Deferred}. A L{Deferred} is only yielded when one is encountered in the process of flattening C{root}. The returned iterator must not be iterated again until the L{Deferred} is called back. """ stack = [_flattenElement(request, root, write, [], None, escapeForContent)] while stack: try: frame = stack[-1].gi_frame element = next(stack[-1]) except StopIteration: stack.pop() except Exception as e: stack.pop() roots = [] for generator in stack: roots.append(generator.gi_frame.f_locals['root']) roots.append(frame.f_locals['root']) raise FlattenerError(e, roots, extract_tb(exc_info()[2])) else: if isinstance(element, Deferred): def cbx(originalAndToFlatten): original, toFlatten = originalAndToFlatten stack.append(toFlatten) return original yield element.addCallback(cbx) else: stack.append(element) def _writeFlattenedData(state, write, result): """ Take strings from an iterator and pass them to a writer function. @param state: An iterator of L{str} and L{Deferred}. L{str} instances will be passed to C{write}. L{Deferred} instances will be waited on before resuming iteration of C{state}. @param write: A callable which will be invoked with each L{str} produced by iterating C{state}. @param result: A L{Deferred} which will be called back when C{state} has been completely flattened into C{write} or which will be errbacked if an exception in a generator passed to C{state} or an errback from a L{Deferred} from state occurs. @return: L{None} """ while True: try: element = next(state) except StopIteration: result.callback(None) except: result.errback() else: def cby(original): _writeFlattenedData(state, write, result) return original element.addCallbacks(cby, result.errback) break def flatten(request, root, write): """ Incrementally write out a string representation of C{root} using C{write}. In order to create a string representation, C{root} will be decomposed into simpler objects which will themselves be decomposed and so on until strings or objects which can easily be converted to strings are encountered. @param request: A request object which will be passed to the C{render} method of any L{IRenderable} provider which is encountered. @param root: An object to be made flatter. This may be of type L{unicode}, L{bytes}, L{slot}, L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>}, L{tuple}, L{list}, L{types.GeneratorType}, L{Deferred}, or something that provides L{IRenderable}. @param write: A callable which will be invoked with each L{bytes} produced by flattening C{root}. @return: A L{Deferred} which will be called back when C{root} has been completely flattened into C{write} or which will be errbacked if an unexpected exception occurs. """ result = Deferred() state = _flattenTree(request, root, write) _writeFlattenedData(state, write, result) return result def flattenString(request, root): """ Collate a string representation of C{root} into a single string. This is basically gluing L{flatten} to an L{io.BytesIO} and returning the results. See L{flatten} for the exact meanings of C{request} and C{root}. @return: A L{Deferred} which will be called back with a single string as its result when C{root} has been completely flattened into C{write} or which will be errbacked if an unexpected exception occurs. """ io = BytesIO() d = flatten(request, root, io.write) d.addCallback(lambda _: io.getvalue()) return d
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