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# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Tests for L{twisted.runner.procmon}. """ import pickle from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.runner.procmon import LoggingProtocol, ProcessMonitor from twisted.internet.error import (ProcessDone, ProcessTerminated, ProcessExitedAlready) from twisted.internet.task import Clock from twisted.python.failure import Failure from twisted.python import log from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor class DummyProcess(object): """ An incomplete and fake L{IProcessTransport} implementation for testing how L{ProcessMonitor} behaves when its monitored processes exit. @ivar _terminationDelay: the delay in seconds after which the DummyProcess will appear to exit when it receives a TERM signal """ pid = 1 proto = None _terminationDelay = 1 def __init__(self, reactor, executable, args, environment, path, proto, uid=None, gid=None, usePTY=0, childFDs=None): self.proto = proto self._reactor = reactor self._executable = executable self._args = args self._environment = environment self._path = path self._uid = uid self._gid = gid self._usePTY = usePTY self._childFDs = childFDs def signalProcess(self, signalID): """ A partial implementation of signalProcess which can only handle TERM and KILL signals. - When a TERM signal is given, the dummy process will appear to exit after L{DummyProcess._terminationDelay} seconds with exit code 0 - When a KILL signal is given, the dummy process will appear to exit immediately with exit code 1. @param signalID: The signal name or number to be issued to the process. @type signalID: C{str} """ params = { "TERM": (self._terminationDelay, 0), "KILL": (0, 1) } if self.pid is None: raise ProcessExitedAlready() if signalID in params: delay, status = params[signalID] self._signalHandler = self._reactor.callLater( delay, self.processEnded, status) def processEnded(self, status): """ Deliver the process ended event to C{self.proto}. """ self.pid = None statusMap = { 0: ProcessDone, 1: ProcessTerminated, } self.proto.processEnded(Failure(statusMap[status](status))) class DummyProcessReactor(MemoryReactor, Clock): """ @ivar spawnedProcesses: a list that keeps track of the fake process instances built by C{spawnProcess}. @type spawnedProcesses: C{list} """ def __init__(self): MemoryReactor.__init__(self) Clock.__init__(self) self.spawnedProcesses = [] def spawnProcess(self, processProtocol, executable, args=(), env={}, path=None, uid=None, gid=None, usePTY=0, childFDs=None): """ Fake L{reactor.spawnProcess}, that logs all the process arguments and returns a L{DummyProcess}. """ proc = DummyProcess(self, executable, args, env, path, processProtocol, uid, gid, usePTY, childFDs) processProtocol.makeConnection(proc) self.spawnedProcesses.append(proc) return proc class ProcmonTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{ProcessMonitor}. """ def setUp(self): """ Create an L{ProcessMonitor} wrapped around a fake reactor. """ self.reactor = DummyProcessReactor() self.pm = ProcessMonitor(reactor=self.reactor) self.pm.minRestartDelay = 2 self.pm.maxRestartDelay = 10 self.pm.threshold = 10 def test_reprLooksGood(self): """ Repr includes all details """ self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["arg1", "arg2"], uid=1, gid=2, env={}) representation = repr(self.pm) self.assertIn('foo', representation) self.assertIn('1', representation) self.assertIn('2', representation) def test_simpleReprLooksGood(self): """ Repr does not include unneeded details. Values of attributes that just mean "inherit from launching process" do not appear in the repr of a process. """ self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["arg1", "arg2"], env={}) representation = repr(self.pm) self.assertNotIn('(', representation) self.assertNotIn(')', representation) def test_getStateIncludesProcesses(self): """ The list of monitored processes must be included in the pickle state. """ self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["arg1", "arg2"], uid=1, gid=2, env={}) self.assertEqual(self.pm.__getstate__()['processes'], {'foo': (['arg1', 'arg2'], 1, 2, {})}) def test_getStateExcludesReactor(self): """ The private L{ProcessMonitor._reactor} instance variable should not be included in the pickle state. """ self.assertNotIn('_reactor', self.pm.__getstate__()) def test_addProcess(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.addProcess} only starts the named program if L{ProcessMonitor.startService} has been called. """ self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["arg1", "arg2"], uid=1, gid=2, env={}) self.assertEqual(self.pm.protocols, {}) self.assertEqual(self.pm.processes, {"foo": (["arg1", "arg2"], 1, 2, {})}) self.pm.startService() self.reactor.advance(0) self.assertEqual(list(self.pm.protocols.keys()), ["foo"]) def test_addProcessDuplicateKeyError(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.addProcess} raises a C{KeyError} if a process with the given name already exists. """ self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["arg1", "arg2"], uid=1, gid=2, env={}) self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.pm.addProcess, "foo", ["arg1", "arg2"], uid=1, gid=2, env={}) def test_addProcessEnv(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.addProcess} takes an C{env} parameter that is passed to L{IReactorProcess.spawnProcess}. """ fakeEnv = {"KEY": "value"} self.pm.startService() self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"], uid=1, gid=2, env=fakeEnv) self.reactor.advance(0) self.assertEqual( self.reactor.spawnedProcesses[0]._environment, fakeEnv) def test_addProcessCwd(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.addProcess} takes an C{cwd} parameter that is passed to L{IReactorProcess.spawnProcess}. """ self.pm.startService() self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"], cwd='/mnt/lala') self.reactor.advance(0) self.assertEqual( self.reactor.spawnedProcesses[0]._path, '/mnt/lala') def test_removeProcess(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.removeProcess} removes the process from the public processes list. """ self.pm.startService() self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"]) self.assertEqual(len(self.pm.processes), 1) self.pm.removeProcess("foo") self.assertEqual(len(self.pm.processes), 0) def test_removeProcessUnknownKeyError(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.removeProcess} raises a C{KeyError} if the given process name isn't recognised. """ self.pm.startService() self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.pm.removeProcess, "foo") def test_startProcess(self): """ When a process has been started, an instance of L{LoggingProtocol} will be added to the L{ProcessMonitor.protocols} dict and the start time of the process will be recorded in the L{ProcessMonitor.timeStarted} dictionary. """ self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"]) self.pm.startProcess("foo") self.assertIsInstance(self.pm.protocols["foo"], LoggingProtocol) self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.timeStarted.keys()) def test_startProcessAlreadyStarted(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.startProcess} silently returns if the named process is already started. """ self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"]) self.pm.startProcess("foo") self.assertIsNone(self.pm.startProcess("foo")) def test_startProcessUnknownKeyError(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.startProcess} raises a C{KeyError} if the given process name isn't recognised. """ self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.pm.startProcess, "foo") def test_stopProcessNaturalTermination(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.stopProcess} immediately sends a TERM signal to the named process. """ self.pm.startService() self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"]) self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.protocols) # Configure fake process to die 1 second after receiving term signal timeToDie = self.pm.protocols["foo"].transport._terminationDelay = 1 # Advance the reactor to just before the short lived process threshold # and leave enough time for the process to die self.reactor.advance(self.pm.threshold) # Then signal the process to stop self.pm.stopProcess("foo") # Advance the reactor just enough to give the process time to die and # verify that the process restarts self.reactor.advance(timeToDie) # We expect it to be restarted immediately self.assertEqual(self.reactor.seconds(), self.pm.timeStarted["foo"]) def test_stopProcessForcedKill(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.stopProcess} kills a process which fails to terminate naturally within L{ProcessMonitor.killTime} seconds. """ self.pm.startService() self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"]) self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.protocols) self.reactor.advance(self.pm.threshold) proc = self.pm.protocols["foo"].transport # Arrange for the fake process to live longer than the killTime proc._terminationDelay = self.pm.killTime + 1 self.pm.stopProcess("foo") # If process doesn't die before the killTime, procmon should # terminate it self.reactor.advance(self.pm.killTime - 1) self.assertEqual(0.0, self.pm.timeStarted["foo"]) self.reactor.advance(1) # We expect it to be immediately restarted self.assertEqual(self.reactor.seconds(), self.pm.timeStarted["foo"]) def test_stopProcessUnknownKeyError(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.stopProcess} raises a C{KeyError} if the given process name isn't recognised. """ self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.pm.stopProcess, "foo") def test_stopProcessAlreadyStopped(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.stopProcess} silently returns if the named process is already stopped. eg Process has crashed and a restart has been rescheduled, but in the meantime, the service is stopped. """ self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"]) self.assertIsNone(self.pm.stopProcess("foo")) def test_outputReceivedCompleteLine(self): """ Getting a complete output line generates a log message. """ events = [] self.addCleanup(log.removeObserver, events.append) log.addObserver(events.append) self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"]) # Schedule the process to start self.pm.startService() # Advance the reactor to start the process self.reactor.advance(0) self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.protocols) # Long time passes self.reactor.advance(self.pm.threshold) # Process greets self.pm.protocols["foo"].outReceived(b'hello world!\n') self.assertEquals(len(events), 1) message = events[0]['message'] self.assertEquals(message, tuple([u'[foo] hello world!'])) def test_outputReceivedCompleteLineInvalidUTF8(self): """ Getting invalid UTF-8 results in the repr of the raw message """ events = [] self.addCleanup(log.removeObserver, events.append) log.addObserver(events.append) self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"]) # Schedule the process to start self.pm.startService() # Advance the reactor to start the process self.reactor.advance(0) self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.protocols) # Long time passes self.reactor.advance(self.pm.threshold) # Process greets self.pm.protocols["foo"].outReceived(b'\xffhello world!\n') self.assertEquals(len(events), 1) messages = events[0]['message'] self.assertEquals(len(messages), 1) message = messages[0] tag, output = message.split(' ', 1) self.assertEquals(tag, '[foo]') self.assertEquals(output, repr(b'\xffhello world!')) def test_outputReceivedPartialLine(self): """ Getting partial line results in no events until process end """ events = [] self.addCleanup(log.removeObserver, events.append) log.addObserver(events.append) self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"]) # Schedule the process to start self.pm.startService() # Advance the reactor to start the process self.reactor.advance(0) self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.protocols) # Long time passes self.reactor.advance(self.pm.threshold) # Process greets self.pm.protocols["foo"].outReceived(b'hello world!') self.assertEquals(len(events), 0) self.pm.protocols["foo"].processEnded(Failure(ProcessDone(0))) self.assertEquals(len(events), 1) message = events[0]['message'] self.assertEquals(message, tuple([u'[foo] hello world!'])) def test_connectionLostLongLivedProcess(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.connectionLost} should immediately restart a process if it has been running longer than L{ProcessMonitor.threshold} seconds. """ self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"]) # Schedule the process to start self.pm.startService() # advance the reactor to start the process self.reactor.advance(0) self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.protocols) # Long time passes self.reactor.advance(self.pm.threshold) # Process dies after threshold self.pm.protocols["foo"].processEnded(Failure(ProcessDone(0))) self.assertNotIn("foo", self.pm.protocols) # Process should be restarted immediately self.reactor.advance(0) self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.protocols) def test_connectionLostMurderCancel(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.connectionLost} cancels a scheduled process killer and deletes the DelayedCall from the L{ProcessMonitor.murder} list. """ self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"]) # Schedule the process to start self.pm.startService() # Advance 1s to start the process then ask ProcMon to stop it self.reactor.advance(1) self.pm.stopProcess("foo") # A process killer has been scheduled, delayedCall is active self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.murder) delayedCall = self.pm.murder["foo"] self.assertTrue(delayedCall.active()) # Advance to the point at which the dummy process exits self.reactor.advance( self.pm.protocols["foo"].transport._terminationDelay) # Now the delayedCall has been cancelled and deleted self.assertFalse(delayedCall.active()) self.assertNotIn("foo", self.pm.murder) def test_connectionLostProtocolDeletion(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.connectionLost} removes the corresponding ProcessProtocol instance from the L{ProcessMonitor.protocols} list. """ self.pm.startService() self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"]) self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.protocols) self.pm.protocols["foo"].transport.signalProcess("KILL") self.reactor.advance( self.pm.protocols["foo"].transport._terminationDelay) self.assertNotIn("foo", self.pm.protocols) def test_connectionLostMinMaxRestartDelay(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.connectionLost} will wait at least minRestartDelay s and at most maxRestartDelay s """ self.pm.minRestartDelay = 2 self.pm.maxRestartDelay = 3 self.pm.startService() self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"]) self.assertEqual(self.pm.delay["foo"], self.pm.minRestartDelay) self.reactor.advance(self.pm.threshold - 1) self.pm.protocols["foo"].processEnded(Failure(ProcessDone(0))) self.assertEqual(self.pm.delay["foo"], self.pm.maxRestartDelay) def test_connectionLostBackoffDelayDoubles(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.connectionLost} doubles the restart delay each time the process dies too quickly. """ self.pm.startService() self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"]) self.reactor.advance(self.pm.threshold - 1) #9s self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.protocols) self.assertEqual(self.pm.delay["foo"], self.pm.minRestartDelay) # process dies within the threshold and should not restart immediately self.pm.protocols["foo"].processEnded(Failure(ProcessDone(0))) self.assertEqual(self.pm.delay["foo"], self.pm.minRestartDelay * 2) def test_startService(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.startService} starts all monitored processes. """ self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"]) # Schedule the process to start self.pm.startService() # advance the reactor to start the process self.reactor.advance(0) self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.protocols) def test_stopService(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.stopService} should stop all monitored processes. """ self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"]) self.pm.addProcess("bar", ["bar"]) # Schedule the process to start self.pm.startService() # advance the reactor to start the processes self.reactor.advance(self.pm.threshold) self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.protocols) self.assertIn("bar", self.pm.protocols) self.reactor.advance(1) self.pm.stopService() # Advance to beyond the killTime - all monitored processes # should have exited self.reactor.advance(self.pm.killTime + 1) # The processes shouldn't be restarted self.assertEqual({}, self.pm.protocols) def test_restartAllRestartsOneProcess(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.restartAll} succeeds when there is one process. """ self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"]) self.pm.startService() self.reactor.advance(1) self.pm.restartAll() # Just enough time for the process to die, # not enough time to start a new one. self.reactor.advance(1) processes = list(self.reactor.spawnedProcesses) myProcess = processes.pop() self.assertEquals(processes, []) self.assertIsNone(myProcess.pid) def test_stopServiceCancelRestarts(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.stopService} should cancel any scheduled process restarts. """ self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"]) # Schedule the process to start self.pm.startService() # advance the reactor to start the processes self.reactor.advance(self.pm.threshold) self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.protocols) self.reactor.advance(1) # Kill the process early self.pm.protocols["foo"].processEnded(Failure(ProcessDone(0))) self.assertTrue(self.pm.restart['foo'].active()) self.pm.stopService() # Scheduled restart should have been cancelled self.assertFalse(self.pm.restart['foo'].active()) def test_stopServiceCleanupScheduledRestarts(self): """ L{ProcessMonitor.stopService} should cancel all scheduled process restarts. """ self.pm.threshold = 5 self.pm.minRestartDelay = 5 # Start service and add a process (started immediately) self.pm.startService() self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"]) # Stop the process after 1s self.reactor.advance(1) self.pm.stopProcess("foo") # Wait 1s for it to exit it will be scheduled to restart 5s later self.reactor.advance(1) # Meanwhile stop the service self.pm.stopService() # Advance to beyond the process restart time self.reactor.advance(6) # The process shouldn't have restarted because stopService has cancelled # all pending process restarts. self.assertEqual(self.pm.protocols, {}) class DeprecationTests(unittest.SynchronousTestCase): """ Tests that check functionality that should be deprecated is deprecated. """ def setUp(self): """ Create reactor and process monitor. """ self.reactor = DummyProcessReactor() self.pm = ProcessMonitor(reactor=self.reactor) def test_toTuple(self): """ _Process.toTuple is deprecated. When getting the deprecated processes property, the actual data (kept in the class _Process) is converted to a tuple -- which produces a DeprecationWarning per process so converted. """ self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"]) myprocesses = self.pm.processes self.assertEquals(len(myprocesses), 1) warnings = self.flushWarnings() foundToTuple = False for warning in warnings: self.assertIs(warning['category'], DeprecationWarning) if 'toTuple' in warning['message']: foundToTuple = True self.assertTrue(foundToTuple, "no tuple deprecation found:{}".format(repr(warnings))) def test_processes(self): """ Accessing L{ProcessMonitor.processes} results in deprecation warning Even when there are no processes, and thus no process is converted to a tuple, accessing the L{ProcessMonitor.processes} property should generate its own DeprecationWarning. """ myProcesses = self.pm.processes self.assertEquals(myProcesses, {}) warnings = self.flushWarnings() first = warnings.pop(0) self.assertIs(first['category'], DeprecationWarning) self.assertEquals(warnings, []) def test_getstate(self): """ Pickling an L{ProcessMonitor} results in deprecation warnings """ pickle.dumps(self.pm) warnings = self.flushWarnings() for warning in warnings: self.assertIs(warning['category'], DeprecationWarning)
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