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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.runner.test.test_procmon -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Support for starting, monitoring, and restarting child process. """ import attr import incremental from twisted.python import log, deprecate from twisted.internet import error, protocol, reactor as _reactor from twisted.application import service from twisted.protocols import basic @attr.s(frozen=True) class _Process(object): """ The parameters of a process to be restarted. @ivar args: command-line arguments (including name of command as first one) @type args: C{list} @ivar uid: user-id to run process as, or None (which means inherit uid) @type uid: C{int} @ivar gid: group-id to run process as, or None (which means inherit gid) @type gid: C{int} @ivar env: environment for process @type env: C{dict} @ivar cwd: initial working directory for process or None (which means inherit cwd) @type cwd: C{str} """ args = attr.ib() uid = attr.ib(default=None) gid = attr.ib(default=None) env = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(dict)) cwd = attr.ib(default=None) @deprecate.deprecated(incremental.Version('Twisted', 18, 7, 0)) def toTuple(self): """ Convert process to tuple. Convert process to tuple that looks like the legacy structure of processes, for potential users who inspected processes directly. This was only an accidental feature, and will be removed. If you need to remember what processes were added to a process monitor, keep track of that when they are added. The process list inside the process monitor is no longer a public API. This allows changing the internal structure of the process list, when warranted by bug fixes or additional features. @return: tuple representation of process """ return (self.args, self.uid, self.gid, self.env) class DummyTransport: disconnecting = 0 transport = DummyTransport() class LineLogger(basic.LineReceiver): tag = None delimiter = b'\n' def lineReceived(self, line): try: line = line.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: line = repr(line) log.msg(u'[%s] %s' % (self.tag, line)) class LoggingProtocol(protocol.ProcessProtocol): service = None name = None empty = 1 def connectionMade(self): self.output = LineLogger() self.output.tag = self.name self.output.makeConnection(transport) def outReceived(self, data): self.output.dataReceived(data) self.empty = data[-1] == b'\n' errReceived = outReceived def processEnded(self, reason): if not self.empty: self.output.dataReceived(b'\n') self.service.connectionLost(self.name) class ProcessMonitor(service.Service): """ ProcessMonitor runs processes, monitors their progress, and restarts them when they die. The ProcessMonitor will not attempt to restart a process that appears to die instantly -- with each "instant" death (less than 1 second, by default), it will delay approximately twice as long before restarting it. A successful run will reset the counter. The primary interface is L{addProcess} and L{removeProcess}. When the service is running (that is, when the application it is attached to is running), adding a process automatically starts it. Each process has a name. This name string must uniquely identify the process. In particular, attempting to add two processes with the same name will result in a C{KeyError}. @type threshold: C{float} @ivar threshold: How long a process has to live before the death is considered instant, in seconds. The default value is 1 second. @type killTime: C{float} @ivar killTime: How long a process being killed has to get its affairs in order before it gets killed with an unmaskable signal. The default value is 5 seconds. @type minRestartDelay: C{float} @ivar minRestartDelay: The minimum time (in seconds) to wait before attempting to restart a process. Default 1s. @type maxRestartDelay: C{float} @ivar maxRestartDelay: The maximum time (in seconds) to wait before attempting to restart a process. Default 3600s (1h). @type _reactor: L{IReactorProcess} provider @ivar _reactor: A provider of L{IReactorProcess} and L{IReactorTime} which will be used to spawn processes and register delayed calls. """ threshold = 1 killTime = 5 minRestartDelay = 1 maxRestartDelay = 3600 def __init__(self, reactor=_reactor): self._reactor = reactor self._processes = {} self.protocols = {} self.delay = {} self.timeStarted = {} self.murder = {} self.restart = {} @deprecate.deprecatedProperty(incremental.Version('Twisted', 18, 7, 0)) def processes(self): """ Processes as dict of tuples @return: Dict of process name to monitored processes as tuples """ return {name: process.toTuple() for name, process in self._processes.items()} @deprecate.deprecated(incremental.Version('Twisted', 18, 7, 0)) def __getstate__(self): dct = service.Service.__getstate__(self) del dct['_reactor'] dct['protocols'] = {} dct['delay'] = {} dct['timeStarted'] = {} dct['murder'] = {} dct['restart'] = {} del dct['_processes'] dct['processes'] = self.processes return dct def addProcess(self, name, args, uid=None, gid=None, env={}, cwd=None): """ Add a new monitored process and start it immediately if the L{ProcessMonitor} service is running. Note that args are passed to the system call, not to the shell. If running the shell is desired, the common idiom is to use C{ProcessMonitor.addProcess("name", ['/bin/sh', '-c', shell_script])} @param name: A name for this process. This value must be unique across all processes added to this monitor. @type name: C{str} @param args: The argv sequence for the process to launch. @param uid: The user ID to use to run the process. If L{None}, the current UID is used. @type uid: C{int} @param gid: The group ID to use to run the process. If L{None}, the current GID is used. @type uid: C{int} @param env: The environment to give to the launched process. See L{IReactorProcess.spawnProcess}'s C{env} parameter. @type env: C{dict} @param cwd: The initial working directory of the launched process. The default of C{None} means inheriting the laucnhing process's working directory. @type env: C{dict} @raises: C{KeyError} if a process with the given name already exists """ if name in self._processes: raise KeyError("remove %s first" % (name,)) self._processes[name] = _Process(args, uid, gid, env, cwd) self.delay[name] = self.minRestartDelay if self.running: self.startProcess(name) def removeProcess(self, name): """ Stop the named process and remove it from the list of monitored processes. @type name: C{str} @param name: A string that uniquely identifies the process. """ self.stopProcess(name) del self._processes[name] def startService(self): """ Start all monitored processes. """ service.Service.startService(self) for name in list(self._processes): self.startProcess(name) def stopService(self): """ Stop all monitored processes and cancel all scheduled process restarts. """ service.Service.stopService(self) # Cancel any outstanding restarts for name, delayedCall in list(self.restart.items()): if delayedCall.active(): delayedCall.cancel() for name in list(self._processes): self.stopProcess(name) def connectionLost(self, name): """ Called when a monitored processes exits. If L{service.IService.running} is L{True} (ie the service is started), the process will be restarted. If the process had been running for more than L{ProcessMonitor.threshold} seconds it will be restarted immediately. If the process had been running for less than L{ProcessMonitor.threshold} seconds, the restart will be delayed and each time the process dies before the configured threshold, the restart delay will be doubled - up to a maximum delay of maxRestartDelay sec. @type name: C{str} @param name: A string that uniquely identifies the process which exited. """ # Cancel the scheduled _forceStopProcess function if the process # dies naturally if name in self.murder: if self.murder[name].active(): self.murder[name].cancel() del self.murder[name] del self.protocols[name] if self._reactor.seconds() - self.timeStarted[name] < self.threshold: # The process died too fast - backoff nextDelay = self.delay[name] self.delay[name] = min(self.delay[name] * 2, self.maxRestartDelay) else: # Process had been running for a significant amount of time # restart immediately nextDelay = 0 self.delay[name] = self.minRestartDelay # Schedule a process restart if the service is running if self.running and name in self._processes: self.restart[name] = self._reactor.callLater(nextDelay, self.startProcess, name) def startProcess(self, name): """ @param name: The name of the process to be started """ # If a protocol instance already exists, it means the process is # already running if name in self.protocols: return process = self._processes[name] proto = LoggingProtocol() proto.service = self proto.name = name self.protocols[name] = proto self.timeStarted[name] = self._reactor.seconds() self._reactor.spawnProcess(proto, process.args[0], process.args, uid=process.uid, gid=process.gid, env=process.env, path=process.cwd) def _forceStopProcess(self, proc): """ @param proc: An L{IProcessTransport} provider """ try: proc.signalProcess('KILL') except error.ProcessExitedAlready: pass def stopProcess(self, name): """ @param name: The name of the process to be stopped """ if name not in self._processes: raise KeyError('Unrecognized process name: %s' % (name,)) proto = self.protocols.get(name, None) if proto is not None: proc = proto.transport try: proc.signalProcess('TERM') except error.ProcessExitedAlready: pass else: self.murder[name] = self._reactor.callLater( self.killTime, self._forceStopProcess, proc) def restartAll(self): """ Restart all processes. This is useful for third party management services to allow a user to restart servers because of an outside change in circumstances -- for example, a new version of a library is installed. """ for name in self._processes: self.stopProcess(name) def __repr__(self): l = [] for name, proc in self._processes.items(): uidgid = '' if proc.uid is not None: uidgid = str(proc.uid) if proc.gid is not None: uidgid += ':'+str(proc.gid) if uidgid: uidgid = '(' + uidgid + ')' l.append('%r%s: %r' % (name, uidgid, proc.args)) return ('<' + self.__class__.__name__ + ' ' + ' '.join(l) + '>')
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