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# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Tests for L{twisted.python.fakepwd}. """ try: import pwd except ImportError: pwd = None try: import spwd except ImportError: spwd = None import os from operator import getitem from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase from twisted.python.fakepwd import UserDatabase, ShadowDatabase SYSTEM_UID_MAX = 999 def findInvalidUID(): """ By convention, UIDs less than 1000 are reserved for the system. A system which allocated every single one of those UIDs would likely have practical problems with allocating new ones, so let's assume that we'll be able to find one. (If we don't, this will wrap around to negative values and I{eventually} find something.) @return: a user ID which does not exist on the local system. Or, on systems without a L{pwd} module, return C{SYSTEM_UID_MAX}. """ guess = SYSTEM_UID_MAX if pwd is not None: while True: try: pwd.getpwuid(guess) except KeyError: break else: guess -= 1 return guess INVALID_UID = findInvalidUID() class UserDatabaseTestsMixin(object): """ L{UserDatabaseTestsMixin} defines tests which apply to any user database implementation. Subclasses should mix it in, implement C{setUp} to create C{self.database} bound to a user database instance, and implement C{getExistingUserInfo} to return information about a user (such information should be unique per test method). """ def test_getpwuid(self): """ I{getpwuid} accepts a uid and returns the user record associated with it. """ for i in range(2): # Get some user which exists in the database. username, password, uid, gid, gecos, dir, shell = self.getExistingUserInfo() # Now try to look it up and make sure the result is correct. entry = self.database.getpwuid(uid) self.assertEqual(entry.pw_name, username) self.assertEqual(entry.pw_passwd, password) self.assertEqual(entry.pw_uid, uid) self.assertEqual(entry.pw_gid, gid) self.assertEqual(entry.pw_gecos, gecos) self.assertEqual(entry.pw_dir, dir) self.assertEqual(entry.pw_shell, shell) def test_noSuchUID(self): """ I{getpwuid} raises L{KeyError} when passed a uid which does not exist in the user database. """ self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.database.getpwuid, INVALID_UID) def test_getpwnam(self): """ I{getpwnam} accepts a username and returns the user record associated with it. """ for i in range(2): # Get some user which exists in the database. username, password, uid, gid, gecos, dir, shell = self.getExistingUserInfo() # Now try to look it up and make sure the result is correct. entry = self.database.getpwnam(username) self.assertEqual(entry.pw_name, username) self.assertEqual(entry.pw_passwd, password) self.assertEqual(entry.pw_uid, uid) self.assertEqual(entry.pw_gid, gid) self.assertEqual(entry.pw_gecos, gecos) self.assertEqual(entry.pw_dir, dir) self.assertEqual(entry.pw_shell, shell) def test_noSuchName(self): """ I{getpwnam} raises L{KeyError} when passed a username which does not exist in the user database. """ self.assertRaises( KeyError, self.database.getpwnam, 'no' 'such' 'user' 'exists' 'the' 'name' 'is' 'too' 'long' 'and' 'has' '\1' 'in' 'it' 'too') def test_recordLength(self): """ The user record returned by I{getpwuid}, I{getpwnam}, and I{getpwall} has a length. """ db = self.database username, password, uid, gid, gecos, dir, shell = self.getExistingUserInfo() for entry in [db.getpwuid(uid), db.getpwnam(username), db.getpwall()[0]]: self.assertIsInstance(len(entry), int) self.assertEqual(len(entry), 7) def test_recordIndexable(self): """ The user record returned by I{getpwuid}, I{getpwnam}, and I{getpwall} is indexable, with successive indexes starting from 0 corresponding to the values of the C{pw_name}, C{pw_passwd}, C{pw_uid}, C{pw_gid}, C{pw_gecos}, C{pw_dir}, and C{pw_shell} attributes, respectively. """ db = self.database username, password, uid, gid, gecos, dir, shell = self.getExistingUserInfo() for entry in [db.getpwuid(uid), db.getpwnam(username), db.getpwall()[0]]: self.assertEqual(entry[0], username) self.assertEqual(entry[1], password) self.assertEqual(entry[2], uid) self.assertEqual(entry[3], gid) self.assertEqual(entry[4], gecos) self.assertEqual(entry[5], dir) self.assertEqual(entry[6], shell) self.assertEqual(len(entry), len(list(entry))) self.assertRaises(IndexError, getitem, entry, 7) class UserDatabaseTests(TestCase, UserDatabaseTestsMixin): """ Tests for L{UserDatabase}. """ def setUp(self): """ Create a L{UserDatabase} with no user data in it. """ self.database = UserDatabase() self._counter = SYSTEM_UID_MAX + 1 def getExistingUserInfo(self): """ Add a new user to C{self.database} and return its information. """ self._counter += 1 suffix = '_' + str(self._counter) username = 'username' + suffix password = 'password' + suffix uid = self._counter gid = self._counter + 1000 gecos = 'gecos' + suffix dir = 'dir' + suffix shell = 'shell' + suffix self.database.addUser(username, password, uid, gid, gecos, dir, shell) return (username, password, uid, gid, gecos, dir, shell) def test_addUser(self): """ L{UserDatabase.addUser} accepts seven arguments, one for each field of a L{pwd.struct_passwd}, and makes the new record available via L{UserDatabase.getpwuid}, L{UserDatabase.getpwnam}, and L{UserDatabase.getpwall}. """ username = 'alice' password = 'secr3t' uid = 123 gid = 456 gecos = 'Alice,,,' home = '/users/alice' shell = '/usr/bin/foosh' db = self.database db.addUser(username, password, uid, gid, gecos, home, shell) for [entry] in [[db.getpwuid(uid)], [db.getpwnam(username)], db.getpwall()]: self.assertEqual(entry.pw_name, username) self.assertEqual(entry.pw_passwd, password) self.assertEqual(entry.pw_uid, uid) self.assertEqual(entry.pw_gid, gid) self.assertEqual(entry.pw_gecos, gecos) self.assertEqual(entry.pw_dir, home) self.assertEqual(entry.pw_shell, shell) class PwdModuleTests(TestCase, UserDatabaseTestsMixin): """ L{PwdModuleTests} runs the tests defined by L{UserDatabaseTestsMixin} against the built-in C{pwd} module. This serves to verify that L{UserDatabase} is really a fake of that API. """ if pwd is None: skip = "Cannot verify UserDatabase against pwd without pwd" else: database = pwd def setUp(self): self._users = iter(self.database.getpwall()) self._uids = set() def getExistingUserInfo(self): """ Read and return the next record from C{self._users}, filtering out any records with previously seen uid values (as these cannot be found with C{getpwuid} and only cause trouble). """ while True: entry = next(self._users) uid = entry.pw_uid if uid not in self._uids: self._uids.add(uid) return entry class ShadowDatabaseTestsMixin(object): """ L{ShadowDatabaseTestsMixin} defines tests which apply to any shadow user database implementation. Subclasses should mix it in, implement C{setUp} to create C{self.database} bound to a shadow user database instance, and implement C{getExistingUserInfo} to return information about a user (such information should be unique per test method). """ def test_getspnam(self): """ L{getspnam} accepts a username and returns the user record associated with it. """ for i in range(2): # Get some user which exists in the database. (username, password, lastChange, min, max, warn, inact, expire, flag) = self.getExistingUserInfo() entry = self.database.getspnam(username) self.assertEqual(entry.sp_nam, username) self.assertEqual(entry.sp_pwd, password) self.assertEqual(entry.sp_lstchg, lastChange) self.assertEqual(entry.sp_min, min) self.assertEqual(entry.sp_max, max) self.assertEqual(entry.sp_warn, warn) self.assertEqual(entry.sp_inact, inact) self.assertEqual(entry.sp_expire, expire) self.assertEqual(entry.sp_flag, flag) def test_noSuchName(self): """ I{getspnam} raises L{KeyError} when passed a username which does not exist in the user database. """ self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.database.getspnam, "alice") def test_recordLength(self): """ The shadow user record returned by I{getspnam} and I{getspall} has a length. """ db = self.database username = self.getExistingUserInfo()[0] for entry in [db.getspnam(username), db.getspall()[0]]: self.assertIsInstance(len(entry), int) self.assertEqual(len(entry), 9) def test_recordIndexable(self): """ The shadow user record returned by I{getpwnam} and I{getspall} is indexable, with successive indexes starting from 0 corresponding to the values of the C{sp_nam}, C{sp_pwd}, C{sp_lstchg}, C{sp_min}, C{sp_max}, C{sp_warn}, C{sp_inact}, C{sp_expire}, and C{sp_flag} attributes, respectively. """ db = self.database (username, password, lastChange, min, max, warn, inact, expire, flag) = self.getExistingUserInfo() for entry in [db.getspnam(username), db.getspall()[0]]: self.assertEqual(entry[0], username) self.assertEqual(entry[1], password) self.assertEqual(entry[2], lastChange) self.assertEqual(entry[3], min) self.assertEqual(entry[4], max) self.assertEqual(entry[5], warn) self.assertEqual(entry[6], inact) self.assertEqual(entry[7], expire) self.assertEqual(entry[8], flag) self.assertEqual(len(entry), len(list(entry))) self.assertRaises(IndexError, getitem, entry, 9) class ShadowDatabaseTests(TestCase, ShadowDatabaseTestsMixin): """ Tests for L{ShadowDatabase}. """ def setUp(self): """ Create a L{ShadowDatabase} with no user data in it. """ self.database = ShadowDatabase() self._counter = 0 def getExistingUserInfo(self): """ Add a new user to C{self.database} and return its information. """ self._counter += 1 suffix = '_' + str(self._counter) username = 'username' + suffix password = 'password' + suffix lastChange = self._counter + 1 min = self._counter + 2 max = self._counter + 3 warn = self._counter + 4 inact = self._counter + 5 expire = self._counter + 6 flag = self._counter + 7 self.database.addUser(username, password, lastChange, min, max, warn, inact, expire, flag) return (username, password, lastChange, min, max, warn, inact, expire, flag) def test_addUser(self): """ L{UserDatabase.addUser} accepts seven arguments, one for each field of a L{pwd.struct_passwd}, and makes the new record available via L{UserDatabase.getpwuid}, L{UserDatabase.getpwnam}, and L{UserDatabase.getpwall}. """ username = 'alice' password = 'secr3t' lastChange = 17 min = 42 max = 105 warn = 12 inact = 3 expire = 400 flag = 3 db = self.database db.addUser(username, password, lastChange, min, max, warn, inact, expire, flag) for [entry] in [[db.getspnam(username)], db.getspall()]: self.assertEqual(entry.sp_nam, username) self.assertEqual(entry.sp_pwd, password) self.assertEqual(entry.sp_lstchg, lastChange) self.assertEqual(entry.sp_min, min) self.assertEqual(entry.sp_max, max) self.assertEqual(entry.sp_warn, warn) self.assertEqual(entry.sp_inact, inact) self.assertEqual(entry.sp_expire, expire) self.assertEqual(entry.sp_flag, flag) class SPwdModuleTests(TestCase, ShadowDatabaseTestsMixin): """ L{SPwdModuleTests} runs the tests defined by L{ShadowDatabaseTestsMixin} against the built-in C{spwd} module. This serves to verify that L{ShadowDatabase} is really a fake of that API. """ if spwd is None: skip = "Cannot verify ShadowDatabase against spwd without spwd" elif os.getuid() != 0: skip = "Cannot access shadow user database except as root" else: database = spwd def setUp(self): self._users = iter(self.database.getspall()) def getExistingUserInfo(self): """ Read and return the next record from C{self._users}. """ return next(self._users)
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