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# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Test cases for twisted.names. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division import copy import operator import socket from io import BytesIO from functools import partial, reduce from struct import pack from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, error from twisted.internet.defer import succeed from twisted.names import client, server, common, authority, dns from twisted.names.dns import ( SOA, Message, RRHeader, Record_A, Record_SOA, Query) from twisted.names.error import DomainError from twisted.names.client import Resolver from twisted.names.secondary import ( SecondaryAuthorityService, SecondaryAuthority) from twisted.python.compat import nativeString from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath from twisted.test.proto_helpers import ( StringTransport, MemoryReactorClock, waitUntilAllDisconnected) def justPayload(results): return [r.payload for r in results[0]] class NoFileAuthority(authority.FileAuthority): def __init__(self, soa, records): # Yes, skip FileAuthority common.ResolverBase.__init__(self) self.soa, self.records = soa, records soa_record = dns.Record_SOA( mname = b'test-domain.com', rname = u'root.test-domain.com', serial = 100, refresh = 1234, minimum = 7654, expire = 19283784, retry = 15, ttl=1 ) reverse_soa = dns.Record_SOA( mname = b'93.84.28.in-addr.arpa', rname = b'93.84.28.in-addr.arpa', serial = 120, refresh = 54321, minimum = 382, expire = 11193983, retry = 30, ttl=3 ) my_soa = dns.Record_SOA( mname = u'my-domain.com', rname = b'postmaster.test-domain.com', serial = 130, refresh = 12345, minimum = 1, expire = 999999, retry = 100, ) test_domain_com = NoFileAuthority( soa = (b'test-domain.com', soa_record), records = { b'test-domain.com': [ soa_record, dns.Record_A(b''), dns.Record_NS(b''), dns.Record_SPF(b'v=spf1 mx/30 mx:example.org/30 -all'), dns.Record_SPF(b'v=spf1 +mx a:\0colo', b'.example.com/28 -all not valid'), dns.Record_MX(10, u'host.test-domain.com'), dns.Record_HINFO(os=b'Linux', cpu=b'A Fast One, Dontcha know'), dns.Record_CNAME(b'canonical.name.com'), dns.Record_MB(b'mailbox.test-domain.com'), dns.Record_MG(b'mail.group.someplace'), dns.Record_TXT(b'A First piece of Text', b'a SecoNd piece'), dns.Record_A6(0, b'ABCD::4321', b''), dns.Record_A6(12, b'0:0069::0', b'some.network.tld'), dns.Record_A6(8, b'0:5634:1294:AFCB:56AC:48EF:34C3:01FF', b'tra.la.la.net'), dns.Record_TXT(b'Some more text, haha! Yes. \0 Still here?'), dns.Record_MR(b'mail.redirect.or.whatever'), dns.Record_MINFO(rmailbx=b'r mail box', emailbx=b'e mail box'), dns.Record_AFSDB(subtype=1, hostname=b'afsdb.test-domain.com'), dns.Record_RP(mbox=b'whatever.i.dunno', txt=b'some.more.text'), dns.Record_WKS(b'', socket.IPPROTO_TCP, b'\x12\x01\x16\xfe\xc1\x00\x01'), dns.Record_NAPTR(100, 10, b"u", b"sip+E2U", b"!^.*$!sip:information@domain.tld!"), dns.Record_AAAA(b'AF43:5634:1294:AFCB:56AC:48EF:34C3:01FF')], b'http.tcp.test-domain.com': [ dns.Record_SRV(257, 16383, 43690, b'some.other.place.fool') ], b'host.test-domain.com': [ dns.Record_A(b''), dns.Record_A(b''), ], b'host-two.test-domain.com': [ # # Python bug # dns.Record_A(''), # dns.Record_A(b''), dns.Record_A(b'') ], b'cname.test-domain.com': [ dns.Record_CNAME(b'test-domain.com') ], b'anothertest-domain.com': [ dns.Record_A(b'')], } ) reverse_domain = NoFileAuthority( soa = (b'93.84.28.in-addr.arpa', reverse_soa), records = { b'': [ dns.Record_PTR(b'test.host-reverse.lookup.com'), reverse_soa ] } ) my_domain_com = NoFileAuthority( soa = (b'my-domain.com', my_soa), records = { b'my-domain.com': [ my_soa, dns.Record_A(b'', ttl='1S'), dns.Record_NS(b'ns1.domain', ttl=b'2M'), dns.Record_NS(b'ns2.domain', ttl='3H'), dns.Record_SRV(257, 16383, 43690, b'some.other.place.fool', ttl='4D') ] } ) class ServerDNSTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Test cases for DNS server and client. """ def setUp(self): self.factory = server.DNSServerFactory([ test_domain_com, reverse_domain, my_domain_com ], verbose=2) p = dns.DNSDatagramProtocol(self.factory) while 1: listenerTCP = reactor.listenTCP(0, self.factory, interface="") # It's simpler to do the stop listening with addCleanup, # even though we might not end up using this TCP port in # the test (if the listenUDP below fails). Cleaning up # this TCP port sooner than "cleanup time" would mean # adding more code to keep track of the Deferred returned # by stopListening. self.addCleanup(listenerTCP.stopListening) port = listenerTCP.getHost().port try: listenerUDP = reactor.listenUDP(port, p, interface="") except error.CannotListenError: pass else: self.addCleanup(listenerUDP.stopListening) break self.listenerTCP = listenerTCP self.listenerUDP = listenerUDP self.resolver = client.Resolver(servers=[('', port)]) def tearDown(self): """ Clean up any server connections associated with the L{DNSServerFactory} created in L{setUp} """ # It'd be great if DNSServerFactory had a method that # encapsulated this task. At least the necessary data is # available, though. for conn in self.factory.connections[:]: conn.transport.loseConnection() return waitUntilAllDisconnected(reactor, self.factory.connections[:]) def namesTest(self, querying, expectedRecords): """ Assert that the DNS response C{querying} will eventually fire with contains exactly a certain collection of records. @param querying: A L{Deferred} returned from one of the DNS client I{lookup} methods. @param expectedRecords: A L{list} of L{IRecord} providers which must be in the response or the test will be failed. @return: A L{Deferred} that fires when the assertion has been made. It fires with a success result if the assertion succeeds and with a L{Failure} if it fails. """ def checkResults(response): receivedRecords = justPayload(response) self.assertEqual(set(expectedRecords), set(receivedRecords)) querying.addCallback(checkResults) return querying def test_addressRecord1(self): """Test simple DNS 'A' record queries""" return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupAddress('test-domain.com'), [dns.Record_A('', ttl=19283784)] ) def test_addressRecord2(self): """Test DNS 'A' record queries with multiple answers""" return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupAddress('host.test-domain.com'), [dns.Record_A('', ttl=19283784), dns.Record_A('', ttl=19283784)] ) def test_addressRecord3(self): """Test DNS 'A' record queries with edge cases""" return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupAddress('host-two.test-domain.com'), [dns.Record_A('', ttl=19283784), dns.Record_A('', ttl=19283784)] ) def test_authority(self): """Test DNS 'SOA' record queries""" return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupAuthority('test-domain.com'), [soa_record] ) def test_mailExchangeRecord(self): """ The DNS client can issue an MX query and receive a response including an MX record as well as any A record hints. """ return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupMailExchange(b"test-domain.com"), [dns.Record_MX(10, b"host.test-domain.com", ttl=19283784), dns.Record_A(b"", ttl=19283784), dns.Record_A(b"", ttl=19283784)]) def test_nameserver(self): """Test DNS 'NS' record queries""" return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupNameservers('test-domain.com'), [dns.Record_NS('', ttl=19283784)] ) def test_HINFO(self): """Test DNS 'HINFO' record queries""" return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupHostInfo('test-domain.com'), [dns.Record_HINFO(os=b'Linux', cpu=b'A Fast One, Dontcha know', ttl=19283784)] ) def test_PTR(self): """Test DNS 'PTR' record queries""" return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupPointer(''), [dns.Record_PTR('test.host-reverse.lookup.com', ttl=11193983)] ) def test_CNAME(self): """Test DNS 'CNAME' record queries""" return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupCanonicalName('test-domain.com'), [dns.Record_CNAME('canonical.name.com', ttl=19283784)] ) def test_MB(self): """Test DNS 'MB' record queries""" return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupMailBox('test-domain.com'), [dns.Record_MB('mailbox.test-domain.com', ttl=19283784)] ) def test_MG(self): """Test DNS 'MG' record queries""" return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupMailGroup('test-domain.com'), [dns.Record_MG('mail.group.someplace', ttl=19283784)] ) def test_MR(self): """Test DNS 'MR' record queries""" return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupMailRename('test-domain.com'), [dns.Record_MR('mail.redirect.or.whatever', ttl=19283784)] ) def test_MINFO(self): """Test DNS 'MINFO' record queries""" return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupMailboxInfo('test-domain.com'), [dns.Record_MINFO(rmailbx='r mail box', emailbx='e mail box', ttl=19283784)] ) def test_SRV(self): """Test DNS 'SRV' record queries""" return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupService('http.tcp.test-domain.com'), [dns.Record_SRV(257, 16383, 43690, 'some.other.place.fool', ttl=19283784)] ) def test_AFSDB(self): """Test DNS 'AFSDB' record queries""" return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupAFSDatabase('test-domain.com'), [dns.Record_AFSDB(subtype=1, hostname='afsdb.test-domain.com', ttl=19283784)] ) def test_RP(self): """Test DNS 'RP' record queries""" return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupResponsibility('test-domain.com'), [dns.Record_RP(mbox='whatever.i.dunno', txt='some.more.text', ttl=19283784)] ) def test_TXT(self): """Test DNS 'TXT' record queries""" return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupText('test-domain.com'), [dns.Record_TXT(b'A First piece of Text', b'a SecoNd piece', ttl=19283784), dns.Record_TXT(b'Some more text, haha! Yes. \0 Still here?', ttl=19283784)] ) def test_spf(self): """ L{DNSServerFactory} can serve I{SPF} resource records. """ return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupSenderPolicy('test-domain.com'), [dns.Record_SPF(b'v=spf1 mx/30 mx:example.org/30 -all', ttl=19283784), dns.Record_SPF(b'v=spf1 +mx a:\0colo', b'.example.com/28 -all not valid', ttl=19283784)] ) def test_WKS(self): """Test DNS 'WKS' record queries""" return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupWellKnownServices('test-domain.com'), [dns.Record_WKS('', socket.IPPROTO_TCP, b'\x12\x01\x16\xfe\xc1\x00\x01', ttl=19283784)] ) def test_someRecordsWithTTLs(self): result_soa = copy.copy(my_soa) result_soa.ttl = my_soa.expire return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupAllRecords('my-domain.com'), [result_soa, dns.Record_A('', ttl='1S'), dns.Record_NS('ns1.domain', ttl='2M'), dns.Record_NS('ns2.domain', ttl='3H'), dns.Record_SRV(257, 16383, 43690, 'some.other.place.fool', ttl='4D')] ) def test_AAAA(self): """Test DNS 'AAAA' record queries (IPv6)""" return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupIPV6Address('test-domain.com'), [dns.Record_AAAA('AF43:5634:1294:AFCB:56AC:48EF:34C3:01FF', ttl=19283784)] ) def test_A6(self): """Test DNS 'A6' record queries (IPv6)""" return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupAddress6('test-domain.com'), [dns.Record_A6(0, 'ABCD::4321', '', ttl=19283784), dns.Record_A6(12, '0:0069::0', 'some.network.tld', ttl=19283784), dns.Record_A6(8, '0:5634:1294:AFCB:56AC:48EF:34C3:01FF', 'tra.la.la.net', ttl=19283784)] ) def test_zoneTransfer(self): """ Test DNS 'AXFR' queries (Zone transfer) """ default_ttl = soa_record.expire results = [copy.copy(r) for r in reduce(operator.add, test_domain_com.records.values())] for r in results: if r.ttl is None: r.ttl = default_ttl return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupZone('test-domain.com').addCallback(lambda r: (r[0][:-1],)), results ) def test_zoneTransferConnectionFails(self): """ A failed AXFR TCP connection errbacks the L{Deferred} returned from L{Resolver.lookupZone}. """ resolver = Resolver(servers=[("nameserver.invalid", 53)]) return self.assertFailure(resolver.lookupZone("impossible.invalid"), error.DNSLookupError) def test_similarZonesDontInterfere(self): """Tests that unrelated zones don't mess with each other.""" return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupAddress("anothertest-domain.com"), [dns.Record_A('', ttl=19283784)] ) def test_NAPTR(self): """ Test DNS 'NAPTR' record queries. """ return self.namesTest( self.resolver.lookupNamingAuthorityPointer('test-domain.com'), [dns.Record_NAPTR(100, 10, b"u", b"sip+E2U", b"!^.*$!sip:information@domain.tld!", ttl=19283784)]) class HelperTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_serialGenerator(self): f = self.mktemp() a = authority.getSerial(f) for i in range(20): b = authority.getSerial(f) self.assertTrue(a < b) a = b class AXFRTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.results = None self.d = defer.Deferred() self.d.addCallback(self._gotResults) self.controller = client.AXFRController('fooby.com', self.d) self.soa = dns.RRHeader(name='fooby.com', type=dns.SOA, cls=dns.IN, ttl=86400, auth=False, payload=dns.Record_SOA(mname='fooby.com', rname='hooj.fooby.com', serial=100, refresh=200, retry=300, expire=400, minimum=500, ttl=600)) self.records = [ self.soa, dns.RRHeader(name='fooby.com', type=dns.NS, cls=dns.IN, ttl=700, auth=False, payload=dns.Record_NS(name='ns.twistedmatrix.com', ttl=700)), dns.RRHeader(name='fooby.com', type=dns.MX, cls=dns.IN, ttl=700, auth=False, payload=dns.Record_MX(preference=10, exchange='mail.mv3d.com', ttl=700)), dns.RRHeader(name='fooby.com', type=dns.A, cls=dns.IN, ttl=700, auth=False, payload=dns.Record_A(address='', ttl=700)), self.soa ] def _makeMessage(self): # hooray they all have the same message format return dns.Message(id=999, answer=1, opCode=0, recDes=0, recAv=1, auth=1, rCode=0, trunc=0, maxSize=0) def test_bindAndTNamesStyle(self): # Bind style = One big single message m = self._makeMessage() m.queries = [dns.Query('fooby.com', dns.AXFR, dns.IN)] m.answers = self.records self.controller.messageReceived(m, None) self.assertEqual(self.results, self.records) def _gotResults(self, result): self.results = result def test_DJBStyle(self): # DJB style = message per record records = self.records[:] while records: m = self._makeMessage() m.queries = [] # DJB *doesn't* specify any queries.. hmm.. m.answers = [records.pop(0)] self.controller.messageReceived(m, None) self.assertEqual(self.results, self.records) class ResolvConfHandlingTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_missing(self): resolvConf = self.mktemp() r = client.Resolver(resolv=resolvConf) self.assertEqual(r.dynServers, [('', 53)]) r._parseCall.cancel() def test_empty(self): resolvConf = self.mktemp() open(resolvConf, 'w').close() r = client.Resolver(resolv=resolvConf) self.assertEqual(r.dynServers, [('', 53)]) r._parseCall.cancel() class AuthorityTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for the basic response record selection code in L{FileAuthority} (independent of its fileness). """ def test_domainErrorForNameWithCommonSuffix(self): """ L{FileAuthority} lookup methods errback with L{DomainError} if the requested C{name} shares a common suffix with its zone but is not actually a descendant of its zone, in terms of its sequence of DNS name labels. eg www.the-example.com has nothing to do with the zone example.com. """ testDomain = test_domain_com testDomainName = b'nonexistent.prefix-' + testDomain.soa[0] f = self.failureResultOf(testDomain.lookupAddress(testDomainName)) self.assertIsInstance(f.value, DomainError) def test_recordMissing(self): """ If a L{FileAuthority} has a zone which includes an I{NS} record for a particular name and that authority is asked for another record for the same name which does not exist, the I{NS} record is not included in the authority section of the response. """ authority = NoFileAuthority( soa=(str(soa_record.mname), soa_record), records={ str(soa_record.mname): [ soa_record, dns.Record_NS(''), ]}) d = authority.lookupAddress(str(soa_record.mname)) result = [] d.addCallback(result.append) answer, authority, additional = result[0] self.assertEqual(answer, []) self.assertEqual( authority, [ dns.RRHeader( str(soa_record.mname), soa_record.TYPE, ttl=soa_record.expire, payload=soa_record, auth=True)]) self.assertEqual(additional, []) def test_unknownTypeNXDOMAIN(self): """ Requesting a record of unknown type where no records exist for the name in question results in L{DomainError}. """ testDomain = test_domain_com testDomainName = b'nonexistent.prefix-' + testDomain.soa[0] unknownType = max(common.typeToMethod) + 1 f = self.failureResultOf( testDomain.query(Query(name=testDomainName, type=unknownType))) self.assertIsInstance(f.value, DomainError) def test_unknownTypeMissing(self): """ Requesting a record of unknown type where other records exist for the name in question results in an empty answer set. """ unknownType = max(common.typeToMethod) + 1 answer, authority, additional = self.successResultOf( my_domain_com.query( Query(name=u'my-domain.com', type=unknownType))) self.assertEqual(answer, []) def _referralTest(self, method): """ Create an authority and make a request against it. Then verify that the result is a referral, including no records in the answers or additional sections, but with an I{NS} record in the authority section. """ subdomain = 'example.' + str(soa_record.mname) nameserver = dns.Record_NS('') authority = NoFileAuthority( soa=(str(soa_record.mname), soa_record), records={ subdomain: [ nameserver, ]}) d = getattr(authority, method)(subdomain) answer, authority, additional = self.successResultOf(d) self.assertEqual(answer, []) self.assertEqual( authority, [dns.RRHeader( subdomain, dns.NS, ttl=soa_record.expire, payload=nameserver, auth=False)]) self.assertEqual(additional, []) def test_referral(self): """ When an I{NS} record is found for a child zone, it is included in the authority section of the response. It is marked as non-authoritative if the authority is not also authoritative for the child zone (RFC 2181, section 6.1). """ self._referralTest('lookupAddress') def test_allRecordsReferral(self): """ A referral is also generated for a request of type C{ALL_RECORDS}. """ self._referralTest('lookupAllRecords') class AdditionalProcessingTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{FileAuthority}'s additional processing for those record types which require it (MX, CNAME, etc). """ _A = dns.Record_A(b"") _AAAA = dns.Record_AAAA(b"f080::1") def _lookupSomeRecords(self, method, soa, makeRecord, target, addresses): """ Perform a DNS lookup against a L{FileAuthority} configured with records as defined by C{makeRecord} and C{addresses}. @param method: The name of the lookup method to use; for example, C{"lookupNameservers"}. @type method: L{str} @param soa: A L{Record_SOA} for the zone for which the L{FileAuthority} is authoritative. @param makeRecord: A one-argument callable which accepts a name and returns an L{IRecord} provider. L{FileAuthority} is constructed with this record. The L{FileAuthority} is queried for a record of the resulting type with the given name. @param target: The extra name which the record returned by C{makeRecord} will be pointed at; this is the name which might require extra processing by the server so that all the available, useful information is returned. For example, this is the target of a CNAME record or the mail exchange host pointed to by an MX record. @type target: L{bytes} @param addresses: A L{list} of records giving addresses of C{target}. @return: A L{Deferred} that fires with the result of the resolver method give by C{method}. """ authority = NoFileAuthority( soa=(soa.mname.name, soa), records={ soa.mname.name: [makeRecord(target)], target: addresses, }, ) return getattr(authority, method)(soa_record.mname.name) def assertRecordsMatch(self, expected, computed): """ Assert that the L{RRHeader} instances given by C{expected} and C{computed} carry all the same information but without requiring the records appear in the same order. @param expected: A L{list} of L{RRHeader} instances giving the expected records. @param computed: A L{list} of L{RRHeader} instances giving the records computed by the scenario under test. @raise self.failureException: If the two collections of records disagree. """ # RRHeader instances aren't inherently ordered. Impose an ordering # that's good enough for the purposes of these tests - in which we # never have more than one record of a particular type. key = lambda rr: rr.type self.assertEqual(sorted(expected, key=key), sorted(computed, key=key)) def _additionalTest(self, method, makeRecord, addresses): """ Verify that certain address records are included in the I{additional} section of a response generated by L{FileAuthority}. @param method: See L{_lookupSomeRecords} @param makeRecord: See L{_lookupSomeRecords} @param addresses: A L{list} of L{IRecord} providers which the I{additional} section of the response is required to match (ignoring order). @raise self.failureException: If the I{additional} section of the response consists of different records than those given by C{addresses}. """ target = b"mail." + soa_record.mname.name d = self._lookupSomeRecords( method, soa_record, makeRecord, target, addresses) answer, authority, additional = self.successResultOf(d) self.assertRecordsMatch( [dns.RRHeader( target, address.TYPE, ttl=soa_record.expire, payload=address, auth=True) for address in addresses], additional) def _additionalMXTest(self, addresses): """ Verify that a response to an MX query has certain records in the I{additional} section. @param addresses: See C{_additionalTest} """ self._additionalTest( "lookupMailExchange", partial(dns.Record_MX, 10), addresses) def test_mailExchangeAdditionalA(self): """ If the name of the MX response has A records, they are included in the additional section of the response. """ self._additionalMXTest([self._A]) def test_mailExchangeAdditionalAAAA(self): """ If the name of the MX response has AAAA records, they are included in the additional section of the response. """ self._additionalMXTest([self._AAAA]) def test_mailExchangeAdditionalBoth(self): """ If the name of the MX response has both A and AAAA records, they are all included in the additional section of the response. """ self._additionalMXTest([self._A, self._AAAA]) def _additionalNSTest(self, addresses): """ Verify that a response to an NS query has certain records in the I{additional} section. @param addresses: See C{_additionalTest} """ self._additionalTest( "lookupNameservers", dns.Record_NS, addresses) def test_nameserverAdditionalA(self): """ If the name of the NS response has A records, they are included in the additional section of the response. """ self._additionalNSTest([self._A]) def test_nameserverAdditionalAAAA(self): """ If the name of the NS response has AAAA records, they are included in the additional section of the response. """ self._additionalNSTest([self._AAAA]) def test_nameserverAdditionalBoth(self): """ If the name of the NS response has both A and AAAA records, they are all included in the additional section of the response. """ self._additionalNSTest([self._A, self._AAAA]) def _answerCNAMETest(self, addresses): """ Verify that a response to a CNAME query has certain records in the I{answer} section. @param addresses: See C{_additionalTest} """ target = b"www." + soa_record.mname.name d = self._lookupSomeRecords( "lookupCanonicalName", soa_record, dns.Record_CNAME, target, addresses) answer, authority, additional = self.successResultOf(d) alias = dns.RRHeader( soa_record.mname.name, dns.CNAME, ttl=soa_record.expire, payload=dns.Record_CNAME(target), auth=True) self.assertRecordsMatch( [dns.RRHeader( target, address.TYPE, ttl=soa_record.expire, payload=address, auth=True) for address in addresses] + [alias], answer) def test_canonicalNameAnswerA(self): """ If the name of the CNAME response has A records, they are included in the answer section of the response. """ self._answerCNAMETest([self._A]) def test_canonicalNameAnswerAAAA(self): """ If the name of the CNAME response has AAAA records, they are included in the answer section of the response. """ self._answerCNAMETest([self._AAAA]) def test_canonicalNameAnswerBoth(self): """ If the name of the CNAME response has both A and AAAA records, they are all included in the answer section of the response. """ self._answerCNAMETest([self._A, self._AAAA]) class NoInitialResponseTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_noAnswer(self): """ If a request returns a L{dns.NS} response, but we can't connect to the given server, the request fails with the error returned at connection. """ def query(self, *args): # Pop from the message list, so that it blows up if more queries # are run than expected. return succeed(messages.pop(0)) def queryProtocol(self, *args, **kwargs): return defer.fail(socket.gaierror("Couldn't connect")) resolver = Resolver(servers=[('', 0)]) resolver._query = query messages = [] # Let's patch dns.DNSDatagramProtocol.query, as there is no easy way to # customize it. self.patch(dns.DNSDatagramProtocol, "query", queryProtocol) records = [ dns.RRHeader(name='fooba.com', type=dns.NS, cls=dns.IN, ttl=700, auth=False, payload=dns.Record_NS(name='ns.twistedmatrix.com', ttl=700))] m = dns.Message(id=999, answer=1, opCode=0, recDes=0, recAv=1, auth=1, rCode=0, trunc=0, maxSize=0) m.answers = records messages.append(m) return self.assertFailure( resolver.getHostByName("fooby.com"), socket.gaierror) class SecondaryAuthorityServiceTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{SecondaryAuthorityService}, a service which keeps one or more authorities up to date by doing zone transfers from a master. """ def test_constructAuthorityFromHost(self): """ L{SecondaryAuthorityService} can be constructed with a C{str} giving a master server address and several domains, causing the creation of a secondary authority for each domain and that master server address and the default DNS port. """ primary = '' service = SecondaryAuthorityService( primary, ['example.com', 'example.org']) self.assertEqual(service.primary, primary) self.assertEqual(service._port, 53) self.assertEqual(service.domains[0].primary, primary) self.assertEqual(service.domains[0]._port, 53) self.assertEqual(service.domains[0].domain, 'example.com') self.assertEqual(service.domains[1].primary, primary) self.assertEqual(service.domains[1]._port, 53) self.assertEqual(service.domains[1].domain, 'example.org') def test_constructAuthorityFromHostAndPort(self): """ L{SecondaryAuthorityService.fromServerAddressAndDomains} constructs a new L{SecondaryAuthorityService} from a C{str} giving a master server address and DNS port and several domains, causing the creation of a secondary authority for each domain and that master server address and the given DNS port. """ primary = '' port = 5335 service = SecondaryAuthorityService.fromServerAddressAndDomains( (primary, port), ['example.net', 'example.edu']) self.assertEqual(service.primary, primary) self.assertEqual(service._port, 5335) self.assertEqual(service.domains[0].primary, primary) self.assertEqual(service.domains[0]._port, port) self.assertEqual(service.domains[0].domain, 'example.net') self.assertEqual(service.domains[1].primary, primary) self.assertEqual(service.domains[1]._port, port) self.assertEqual(service.domains[1].domain, 'example.edu') class SecondaryAuthorityTests(unittest.TestCase): """ L{twisted.names.secondary.SecondaryAuthority} correctly constructs objects with a specified IP address and optionally specified DNS port. """ def test_defaultPort(self): """ When constructed using L{SecondaryAuthority.__init__}, the default port of 53 is used. """ secondary = SecondaryAuthority('', 'inside.com') self.assertEqual(secondary.primary, '') self.assertEqual(secondary._port, 53) self.assertEqual(secondary.domain, 'inside.com') def test_explicitPort(self): """ When constructed using L{SecondaryAuthority.fromServerAddressAndDomain}, the specified port is used. """ secondary = SecondaryAuthority.fromServerAddressAndDomain( ('', 5353), 'inside.com') self.assertEqual(secondary.primary, '') self.assertEqual(secondary._port, 5353) self.assertEqual(secondary.domain, 'inside.com') def test_transfer(self): """ An attempt is made to transfer the zone for the domain the L{SecondaryAuthority} was constructed with from the server address it was constructed with when L{SecondaryAuthority.transfer} is called. """ secondary = SecondaryAuthority.fromServerAddressAndDomain( ('', 1234), 'example.com') secondary._reactor = reactor = MemoryReactorClock() secondary.transfer() # Verify a connection attempt to the server address above host, port, factory, timeout, bindAddress = reactor.tcpClients.pop(0) self.assertEqual(host, '') self.assertEqual(port, 1234) # See if a zone transfer query is issued. proto = factory.buildProtocol((host, port)) transport = StringTransport() proto.makeConnection(transport) msg = Message() # DNSProtocol.writeMessage length encodes the message by prepending a # 2 byte message length to the buffered value. msg.decode(BytesIO(transport.value()[2:])) self.assertEqual( [dns.Query('example.com', dns.AXFR, dns.IN)], msg.queries) def test_lookupAddress(self): """ L{SecondaryAuthority.lookupAddress} returns a L{Deferred} that fires with the I{A} records the authority has cached from the primary. """ secondary = SecondaryAuthority.fromServerAddressAndDomain( ('', 1234), b'example.com') secondary._reactor = reactor = MemoryReactorClock() secondary.transfer() host, port, factory, timeout, bindAddress = reactor.tcpClients.pop(0) proto = factory.buildProtocol((host, port)) transport = StringTransport() proto.makeConnection(transport) query = Message(answer=1, auth=1) query.decode(BytesIO(transport.value()[2:])) # Generate a response with some data we can check. soa = Record_SOA( mname=b'ns1.example.com', rname='admin.example.com', serial=123456, refresh=3600, minimum=4800, expire=7200, retry=9600, ttl=12000, ) a = Record_A(b'', ttl=0) answer = Message(id=query.id, answer=1, auth=1) answer.answers.extend([ RRHeader(b'example.com', type=SOA, payload=soa), RRHeader(b'example.com', payload=a), RRHeader(b'example.com', type=SOA, payload=soa), ]) data = answer.toStr() proto.dataReceived(pack('!H', len(data)) + data) result = self.successResultOf(secondary.lookupAddress('example.com')) self.assertEqual(( [RRHeader(b'example.com', payload=a, auth=True)], [], []), result) sampleBindZone = b"""\ $ORIGIN example.com. $TTL 1w example.com. IN SOA dns.example.com ( 2013120201 ; serial number of this zone file 1d ; slave refresh 2h ; slave retry time in case of a problem 4w ; slave expiration time 1h ; maximum caching time in case of failed lookups ) ; A comment. @ IN AAAA 2001:db8:10::1 example.com. IN A no-in.example.com. A ; technically wrong but used to work not-fqdn IN MX 10 mx.example.com www IN CNAME example.com""" class BindAuthorityTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{twisted.names.authority.BindAuthority}. """ def loadBindString(self, s): """ Create a new L{twisted.names.authority.BindAuthority} from C{s}. @param s: A string with BIND zone data. @type s: bytes @return: a new bind authority @rtype: L{twisted.names.authority.BindAuthority} """ fp = FilePath(self.mktemp().encode("ascii")) fp.setContent(s) return authority.BindAuthority(fp.path) def setUp(self): self.auth = self.loadBindString(sampleBindZone) def test_ttl(self): """ Loads the default $TTL and applies it to all records. """ for dom in self.auth.records.keys(): for rec in self.auth.records[dom]: self.assertTrue( 604800 == rec.ttl ) def test_originFromFile(self): """ Loads the default $ORIGIN. """ self.assertEqual( b"example.com.", self.auth.origin, ) self.assertIn( b"not-fqdn.example.com", self.auth.records, ) def test_aRecords(self): """ A records are loaded. """ for dom, ip in [(b"example.com", u""), (b"no-in.example.com", u"")]: rr = self.successResultOf( self.auth.lookupAddress(dom) )[0][0] self.assertEqual( dns.Record_A( ip, 604800, ), rr.payload, ) def test_aaaaRecords(self): """ AAAA records are loaded. """ rr = self.successResultOf( self.auth.lookupIPV6Address(b"example.com") )[0][0] self.assertEqual( dns.Record_AAAA( u"2001:db8:10::1", 604800, ), rr.payload, ) def test_mxRecords(self): """ MX records are loaded. """ rr = self.successResultOf( self.auth.lookupMailExchange(b"not-fqdn.example.com") )[0][0] self.assertEqual( dns.Record_MX( preference=10, name="mx.example.com", ttl=604800, ), rr.payload, ) def test_cnameRecords(self): """ CNAME records are loaded. """ rr = self.successResultOf( self.auth.lookupIPV6Address(b"www.example.com") )[0][0] self.assertEqual( dns.Record_CNAME( name="example.com", ttl=604800, ), rr.payload, ) def test_invalidRecordClass(self): """ loadBindString raises NotImplementedError on invalid records. """ with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError) as e: self.loadBindString( b"example.com. IN LOL" ) self.assertEqual( "Record type 'LOL' not supported", e.exception.args[0] ) def test_invalidDirectives(self): """ $INCLUDE and $GENERATE raise NotImplementedError. """ for directive in (b"$INCLUDE", b"$GENERATE"): with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError) as e: self.loadBindString(directive + b" doesNotMatter") self.assertEqual( nativeString(directive + b" directive not implemented"), e.exception.args[0] )
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