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#! /usr/bin/python3 # -*- test-case-name: twisted.mail.test.test_pop3client -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. from __future__ import print_function from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory from twisted.protocols import basic from twisted.internet import reactor import sys USER = "test" PASS = "twisted" PORT = 1100 SSL_SUPPORT = True UIDL_SUPPORT = True INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE = False INVALID_CAPABILITY_RESPONSE = False INVALID_LOGIN_RESPONSE = False DENY_CONNECTION = False DROP_CONNECTION = False BAD_TLS_RESPONSE = False TIMEOUT_RESPONSE = False TIMEOUT_DEFERRED = False SLOW_GREETING = False """Commands""" CONNECTION_MADE = b"+OK POP3 localhost v2003.83 server ready" CAPABILITIES = [ b"TOP", b"LOGIN-DELAY 180", b"USER", b"SASL LOGIN" ] CAPABILITIES_SSL = b"STLS" CAPABILITIES_UIDL = b"UIDL" INVALID_RESPONSE = b"-ERR Unknown request" VALID_RESPONSE = b"+OK Command Completed" AUTH_DECLINED = b"-ERR LOGIN failed" AUTH_ACCEPTED = b"+OK Mailbox open, 0 messages" TLS_ERROR = b"-ERR server side error start TLS handshake" LOGOUT_COMPLETE = b"+OK quit completed" NOT_LOGGED_IN = b"-ERR Unknown AUHORIZATION state command" STAT = b"+OK 0 0" UIDL = b"+OK Unique-ID listing follows\r\n." LIST = b"+OK Mailbox scan listing follows\r\n." CAP_START = b"+OK Capability list follows:" class POP3TestServer(basic.LineReceiver): def __init__(self, contextFactory = None): self.loggedIn = False self.caps = None self.tmpUser = None self.ctx = contextFactory def sendSTATResp(self, req): self.sendLine(STAT) def sendUIDLResp(self, req): self.sendLine(UIDL) def sendLISTResp(self, req): self.sendLine(LIST) def sendCapabilities(self): if self.caps is None: self.caps = [CAP_START] if UIDL_SUPPORT: self.caps.append(CAPABILITIES_UIDL) if SSL_SUPPORT: self.caps.append(CAPABILITIES_SSL) for cap in CAPABILITIES: self.caps.append(cap) resp = b'\r\n'.join(self.caps) resp += b'\r\n.' self.sendLine(resp) def connectionMade(self): if DENY_CONNECTION: self.disconnect() return if SLOW_GREETING: reactor.callLater(20, self.sendGreeting) else: self.sendGreeting() def sendGreeting(self): self.sendLine(CONNECTION_MADE) def lineReceived(self, line): """Error Conditions""" uline = line.upper() find = lambda s: uline.find(s) != -1 if TIMEOUT_RESPONSE: # Do not respond to clients request return if DROP_CONNECTION: self.disconnect() return elif find(b"CAPA"): if INVALID_CAPABILITY_RESPONSE: self.sendLine(INVALID_RESPONSE) else: self.sendCapabilities() elif find(b"STLS") and SSL_SUPPORT: self.startTLS() elif find(b"USER"): if INVALID_LOGIN_RESPONSE: self.sendLine(INVALID_RESPONSE) return resp = None try: self.tmpUser = line.split(" ")[1] resp = VALID_RESPONSE except: resp = AUTH_DECLINED self.sendLine(resp) elif find(b"PASS"): resp = None try: pwd = line.split(" ")[1] if self.tmpUser is None or pwd is None: resp = AUTH_DECLINED elif self.tmpUser == USER and pwd == PASS: resp = AUTH_ACCEPTED self.loggedIn = True else: resp = AUTH_DECLINED except: resp = AUTH_DECLINED self.sendLine(resp) elif find(b"QUIT"): self.loggedIn = False self.sendLine(LOGOUT_COMPLETE) self.disconnect() elif INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE: self.sendLine(INVALID_RESPONSE) elif not self.loggedIn: self.sendLine(NOT_LOGGED_IN) elif find(b"NOOP"): self.sendLine(VALID_RESPONSE) elif find(b"STAT"): if TIMEOUT_DEFERRED: return self.sendLine(STAT) elif find(b"LIST"): if TIMEOUT_DEFERRED: return self.sendLine(LIST) elif find(b"UIDL"): if TIMEOUT_DEFERRED: return elif not UIDL_SUPPORT: self.sendLine(INVALID_RESPONSE) return self.sendLine(UIDL) def startTLS(self): if self.ctx is None: self.getContext() if SSL_SUPPORT and self.ctx is not None: self.sendLine(b'+OK Begin TLS negotiation now') self.transport.startTLS(self.ctx) else: self.sendLine(b'-ERR TLS not available') def disconnect(self): self.transport.loseConnection() def getContext(self): try: from twisted.internet import ssl except ImportError: self.ctx = None else: self.ctx = ssl.ClientContextFactory() self.ctx.method = ssl.SSL.TLSv1_METHOD usage = """popServer.py [arg] (default is Standard POP Server with no messages) no_ssl - Start with no SSL support no_uidl - Start with no UIDL support bad_resp - Send a non-RFC compliant response to the Client bad_cap_resp - send a non-RFC compliant response when the Client sends a 'CAPABILITY' request bad_login_resp - send a non-RFC compliant response when the Client sends a 'LOGIN' request deny - Deny the connection drop - Drop the connection after sending the greeting bad_tls - Send a bad response to a STARTTLS timeout - Do not return a response to a Client request to_deferred - Do not return a response on a 'Select' request. This will test Deferred callback handling slow - Wait 20 seconds after the connection is made to return a Server Greeting """ def printMessage(msg): print("Server Starting in %s mode" % msg) def processArg(arg): if arg.lower() == 'no_ssl': global SSL_SUPPORT SSL_SUPPORT = False printMessage("NON-SSL") elif arg.lower() == 'no_uidl': global UIDL_SUPPORT UIDL_SUPPORT = False printMessage("NON-UIDL") elif arg.lower() == 'bad_resp': global INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE = True printMessage("Invalid Server Response") elif arg.lower() == 'bad_cap_resp': global INVALID_CAPABILITY_RESPONSE INVALID_CAPABILITY_RESPONSE = True printMessage("Invalid Capability Response") elif arg.lower() == 'bad_login_resp': global INVALID_LOGIN_RESPONSE INVALID_LOGIN_RESPONSE = True printMessage("Invalid Capability Response") elif arg.lower() == 'deny': global DENY_CONNECTION DENY_CONNECTION = True printMessage("Deny Connection") elif arg.lower() == 'drop': global DROP_CONNECTION DROP_CONNECTION = True printMessage("Drop Connection") elif arg.lower() == 'bad_tls': global BAD_TLS_RESPONSE BAD_TLS_RESPONSE = True printMessage("Bad TLS Response") elif arg.lower() == 'timeout': global TIMEOUT_RESPONSE TIMEOUT_RESPONSE = True printMessage("Timeout Response") elif arg.lower() == 'to_deferred': global TIMEOUT_DEFERRED TIMEOUT_DEFERRED = True printMessage("Timeout Deferred Response") elif arg.lower() == 'slow': global SLOW_GREETING SLOW_GREETING = True printMessage("Slow Greeting") elif arg.lower() == '--help': print(usage) sys.exit() else: print(usage) sys.exit() def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: printMessage("POP3 with no messages") else: args = sys.argv[1:] for arg in args: processArg(arg) f = Factory() f.protocol = POP3TestServer reactor.listenTCP(PORT, f) reactor.run() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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