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# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Tests for L{twisted.internet.base}. """ import socket try: from Queue import Queue except ImportError: from queue import Queue from zope.interface import implementer from twisted.python.threadpool import ThreadPool from twisted.internet.interfaces import (IReactorTime, IReactorThreads, IResolverSimple) from twisted.internet.error import DNSLookupError from twisted.internet._resolver import FirstOneWins from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred from twisted.internet.base import ThreadedResolver, DelayedCall, ReactorBase from twisted.internet.task import Clock from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase, SkipTest @implementer(IReactorTime, IReactorThreads) class FakeReactor(object): """ A fake reactor implementation which just supports enough reactor APIs for L{ThreadedResolver}. """ def __init__(self): self._clock = Clock() self.callLater = self._clock.callLater self._threadpool = ThreadPool() self._threadpool.start() self.getThreadPool = lambda: self._threadpool self._threadCalls = Queue() def callFromThread(self, f, *args, **kwargs): self._threadCalls.put((f, args, kwargs)) def _runThreadCalls(self): f, args, kwargs = self._threadCalls.get() f(*args, **kwargs) def _stop(self): self._threadpool.stop() class ThreadedResolverTests(TestCase): """ Tests for L{ThreadedResolver}. """ def test_success(self): """ L{ThreadedResolver.getHostByName} returns a L{Deferred} which fires with the value returned by the call to L{socket.gethostbyname} in the threadpool of the reactor passed to L{ThreadedResolver.__init__}. """ ip = "" name = "foo.bar.example.com" timeout = 30 reactor = FakeReactor() self.addCleanup(reactor._stop) lookedUp = [] resolvedTo = [] def fakeGetHostByName(name): lookedUp.append(name) return ip self.patch(socket, 'gethostbyname', fakeGetHostByName) resolver = ThreadedResolver(reactor) d = resolver.getHostByName(name, (timeout,)) d.addCallback(resolvedTo.append) reactor._runThreadCalls() self.assertEqual(lookedUp, [name]) self.assertEqual(resolvedTo, [ip]) # Make sure that any timeout-related stuff gets cleaned up. reactor._clock.advance(timeout + 1) self.assertEqual(reactor._clock.calls, []) def test_failure(self): """ L{ThreadedResolver.getHostByName} returns a L{Deferred} which fires a L{Failure} if the call to L{socket.gethostbyname} raises an exception. """ timeout = 30 reactor = FakeReactor() self.addCleanup(reactor._stop) def fakeGetHostByName(name): raise IOError("ENOBUFS (this is a funny joke)") self.patch(socket, 'gethostbyname', fakeGetHostByName) failedWith = [] resolver = ThreadedResolver(reactor) d = resolver.getHostByName("some.name", (timeout,)) self.assertFailure(d, DNSLookupError) d.addCallback(failedWith.append) reactor._runThreadCalls() self.assertEqual(len(failedWith), 1) # Make sure that any timeout-related stuff gets cleaned up. reactor._clock.advance(timeout + 1) self.assertEqual(reactor._clock.calls, []) def test_timeout(self): """ If L{socket.gethostbyname} does not complete before the specified timeout elapsed, the L{Deferred} returned by L{ThreadedResolver.getHostByName} fails with L{DNSLookupError}. """ timeout = 10 reactor = FakeReactor() self.addCleanup(reactor._stop) result = Queue() def fakeGetHostByName(name): raise result.get() self.patch(socket, 'gethostbyname', fakeGetHostByName) failedWith = [] resolver = ThreadedResolver(reactor) d = resolver.getHostByName("some.name", (timeout,)) self.assertFailure(d, DNSLookupError) d.addCallback(failedWith.append) reactor._clock.advance(timeout - 1) self.assertEqual(failedWith, []) reactor._clock.advance(1) self.assertEqual(len(failedWith), 1) # Eventually the socket.gethostbyname does finish - in this case, with # an exception. Nobody cares, though. result.put(IOError("The I/O was errorful")) def test_resolverGivenStr(self): """ L{ThreadedResolver.getHostByName} is passed L{str}, encoded using IDNA if required. """ calls = [] @implementer(IResolverSimple) class FakeResolver(object): def getHostByName(self, name, timeouts=()): calls.append(name) return Deferred() class JustEnoughReactor(ReactorBase): def installWaker(self): pass fake = FakeResolver() reactor = JustEnoughReactor() reactor.installResolver(fake) rec = FirstOneWins(Deferred()) reactor.nameResolver.resolveHostName( rec, u"example.example") reactor.nameResolver.resolveHostName( rec, "example.example") reactor.nameResolver.resolveHostName( rec, u"v\xe4\xe4ntynyt.example") reactor.nameResolver.resolveHostName( rec, u"\u0440\u0444.example") reactor.nameResolver.resolveHostName( rec, "xn----7sbb4ac0ad0be6cf.xn--p1ai") self.assertEqual(len(calls), 5) self.assertEqual(list(map(type, calls)), [str]*5) self.assertEqual("example.example", calls[0]) self.assertEqual("example.example", calls[1]) self.assertEqual("xn--vntynyt-5waa.example", calls[2]) self.assertEqual("xn--p1ai.example", calls[3]) self.assertEqual("xn----7sbb4ac0ad0be6cf.xn--p1ai", calls[4]) def nothing(): """ Function used by L{DelayedCallTests.test_str}. """ class DelayedCallMixin(object): """ L{DelayedCall} """ def _getDelayedCallAt(self, time): """ Get a L{DelayedCall} instance at a given C{time}. @param time: The absolute time at which the returned L{DelayedCall} will be scheduled. """ def noop(call): pass return DelayedCall(time, lambda: None, (), {}, noop, noop, None) def setUp(self): """ Create two L{DelayedCall} instanced scheduled to run at different times. """ self.zero = self._getDelayedCallAt(0) self.one = self._getDelayedCallAt(1) def test_str(self): """ The string representation of a L{DelayedCall} instance, as returned by L{str}, includes the unsigned id of the instance, as well as its state, the function to be called, and the function arguments. """ dc = DelayedCall(12, nothing, (3, ), {"A": 5}, None, None, lambda: 1.5) self.assertEqual( str(dc), "<DelayedCall 0x%x [10.5s] called=0 cancelled=0 nothing(3, A=5)>" % (id(dc),), ) def test_repr(self): """ The string representation of a L{DelayedCall} instance, as returned by {repr}, is identical to that returned by L{str}. """ dc = DelayedCall(13, nothing, (6, ), {"A": 9}, None, None, lambda: 1.6) self.assertEqual(str(dc), repr(dc)) def test_lt(self): """ For two instances of L{DelayedCall} C{a} and C{b}, C{a < b} is true if and only if C{a} is scheduled to run before C{b}. """ zero, one = self.zero, self.one self.assertTrue(zero < one) self.assertFalse(one < zero) self.assertFalse(zero < zero) self.assertFalse(one < one) def test_le(self): """ For two instances of L{DelayedCall} C{a} and C{b}, C{a <= b} is true if and only if C{a} is scheduled to run before C{b} or at the same time as C{b}. """ zero, one = self.zero, self.one self.assertTrue(zero <= one) self.assertFalse(one <= zero) self.assertTrue(zero <= zero) self.assertTrue(one <= one) def test_gt(self): """ For two instances of L{DelayedCall} C{a} and C{b}, C{a > b} is true if and only if C{a} is scheduled to run after C{b}. """ zero, one = self.zero, self.one self.assertTrue(one > zero) self.assertFalse(zero > one) self.assertFalse(zero > zero) self.assertFalse(one > one) def test_ge(self): """ For two instances of L{DelayedCall} C{a} and C{b}, C{a > b} is true if and only if C{a} is scheduled to run after C{b} or at the same time as C{b}. """ zero, one = self.zero, self.one self.assertTrue(one >= zero) self.assertFalse(zero >= one) self.assertTrue(zero >= zero) self.assertTrue(one >= one) def test_eq(self): """ A L{DelayedCall} instance is only equal to itself. """ # Explicitly use == here, instead of assertEqual, to be more # confident __eq__ is being tested. self.assertFalse(self.zero == self.one) self.assertTrue(self.zero == self.zero) self.assertTrue(self.one == self.one) def test_ne(self): """ A L{DelayedCall} instance is not equal to any other object. """ # Explicitly use != here, instead of assertEqual, to be more # confident __ne__ is being tested. self.assertTrue(self.zero != self.one) self.assertFalse(self.zero != self.zero) self.assertFalse(self.one != self.one) class DelayedCallNoDebugTests(DelayedCallMixin, TestCase): """ L{DelayedCall} """ def setUp(self): """ Turn debug off. """ self.patch(DelayedCall, 'debug', False) DelayedCallMixin.setUp(self) def test_str(self): """ The string representation of a L{DelayedCall} instance, as returned by L{str}, includes the unsigned id of the instance, as well as its state, the function to be called, and the function arguments. """ dc = DelayedCall(12, nothing, (3, ), {"A": 5}, None, None, lambda: 1.5) expected = ( "<DelayedCall 0x{:x} [10.5s] called=0 cancelled=0 " "nothing(3, A=5)>".format(id(dc))) self.assertEqual(str(dc), expected) class DelayedCallDebugTests(DelayedCallMixin, TestCase): """ L{DelayedCall} """ def setUp(self): """ Turn debug on. """ self.patch(DelayedCall, 'debug', True) DelayedCallMixin.setUp(self) def test_str(self): """ The string representation of a L{DelayedCall} instance, as returned by L{str}, includes the unsigned id of the instance, as well as its state, the function to be called, and the function arguments. """ dc = DelayedCall(12, nothing, (3, ), {"A": 5}, None, None, lambda: 1.5) expectedRegexp = ( "<DelayedCall 0x{:x} \\[10.5s\\] called=0 cancelled=0 " "nothing\\(3, A=5\\)\n\n" "traceback at creation:".format(id(dc))) self.assertRegex( str(dc), expectedRegexp) class TestSpySignalCapturingReactor(ReactorBase): """ Subclass of ReactorBase to capture signals delivered to the reactor for inspection. """ def installWaker(self): """ Required method, unused. """ class ReactorBaseSignalTests(TestCase): """ Tests to exercise ReactorBase's signal exit reporting path. """ def test_exitSignalDefaultsToNone(self): """ The default value of the _exitSignal attribute is None. """ reactor = TestSpySignalCapturingReactor() self.assertIs(None, reactor._exitSignal) def test_captureSIGINT(self): """ ReactorBase's SIGINT handler saves the value of SIGINT to the _exitSignal attribute. """ reactor = TestSpySignalCapturingReactor() reactor.sigInt(signal.SIGINT, None) self.assertEquals(signal.SIGINT, reactor._exitSignal) def test_captureSIGTERM(self): """ ReactorBase's SIGTERM handler saves the value of SIGTERM to the _exitSignal attribute. """ reactor = TestSpySignalCapturingReactor() reactor.sigTerm(signal.SIGTERM, None) self.assertEquals(signal.SIGTERM, reactor._exitSignal) def test_captureSIGBREAK(self): """ ReactorBase's SIGBREAK handler saves the value of SIGBREAK to the _exitSignal attribute. """ if not hasattr(signal, "SIGBREAK"): raise SkipTest("signal module does not have SIGBREAK") reactor = TestSpySignalCapturingReactor() reactor.sigBreak(signal.SIGBREAK, None) self.assertEquals(signal.SIGBREAK, reactor._exitSignal) try: import signal except ImportError: ReactorBaseSignalTests.skip = "signal module not available"
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