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# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Tests for L{twisted.conch.endpoints}. """ import os.path from struct import pack from errno import ENOSYS import hamcrest from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject, verifyClass from zope.interface import implementer from twisted.logger import globalLogPublisher, LogLevel from twisted.python.compat import iteritems, networkString from twisted.python.failure import Failure from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath from twisted.python.log import msg from twisted.python.reflect import requireModule from twisted.internet.interfaces import IAddress, IStreamClientEndpoint from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory, Protocol from twisted.internet.defer import CancelledError, Deferred, succeed, fail from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionDone, ConnectionRefusedError from twisted.internet.address import IPv4Address from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase from twisted.test.proto_helpers import EventLoggingObserver, MemoryReactorClock from twisted.internet.error import ProcessTerminated, ConnectingCancelledError from twisted.cred.portal import Portal from twisted.cred.checkers import InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse from twisted.conch.interfaces import IConchUser from twisted.conch.error import ConchError, UserRejectedKey, HostKeyChanged if requireModule('cryptography') and requireModule('pyasn1.type'): from twisted.conch.ssh import common from twisted.conch.ssh.factory import SSHFactory from twisted.conch.ssh.userauth import SSHUserAuthServer from twisted.conch.ssh.connection import SSHConnection from twisted.conch.ssh.keys import Key from twisted.conch.ssh.channel import SSHChannel from twisted.conch.ssh.agent import SSHAgentServer from twisted.conch.client.knownhosts import KnownHostsFile, ConsoleUI from twisted.conch.checkers import SSHPublicKeyChecker, InMemorySSHKeyDB from twisted.conch.avatar import ConchUser from twisted.conch.test.keydata import ( publicRSA_openssh, privateRSA_openssh, privateRSA_openssh_encrypted_aes, privateDSA_openssh) from twisted.conch.endpoints import ( _ISSHConnectionCreator, AuthenticationFailed, SSHCommandAddress, SSHCommandClientEndpoint, _ReadFile, _NewConnectionHelper, _ExistingConnectionHelper) from twisted.conch.ssh.transport import SSHClientTransport else: skip = "can't run w/o cryptography and pyasn1" SSHFactory = SSHUserAuthServer = SSHConnection = Key = SSHChannel = \ SSHAgentServer = KnownHostsFile = SSHPublicKeyChecker = ConchUser = \ object from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransport from twisted.test.iosim import FakeTransport, connect class AbortableFakeTransport(FakeTransport): """ A L{FakeTransport} with added C{abortConnection} support. """ aborted = False def abortConnection(self): """ Abort the connection in a fake manner. This should really be implemented in the underlying module. """ self.aborted = True class BrokenExecSession(SSHChannel): """ L{BrokenExecSession} is a session on which exec requests always fail. """ def request_exec(self, data): """ Fail all exec requests. @param data: Information about what is being executed. @type data: L{bytes} @return: C{0} to indicate failure @rtype: L{int} """ return 0 class WorkingExecSession(SSHChannel): """ L{WorkingExecSession} is a session on which exec requests always succeed. """ def request_exec(self, data): """ Succeed all exec requests. @param data: Information about what is being executed. @type data: L{bytes} @return: C{1} to indicate success @rtype: L{int} """ return 1 class UnsatisfiedExecSession(SSHChannel): """ L{UnsatisfiedExecSession} is a session on which exec requests are always delayed indefinitely, never succeeding or failing. """ def request_exec(self, data): """ Delay all exec requests indefinitely. @param data: Information about what is being executed. @type data: L{bytes} @return: A L{Deferred} which will never fire. @rtype: L{Deferred} """ return Deferred() class TrivialRealm(object): def __init__(self): self.channelLookup = {} def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces): avatar = ConchUser() avatar.channelLookup = self.channelLookup return (IConchUser, avatar, lambda: None) class AddressSpyFactory(Factory): address = None def buildProtocol(self, address): self.address = address return Factory.buildProtocol(self, address) class FixedResponseUI(object): def __init__(self, result): self.result = result def prompt(self, text): return succeed(self.result) def warn(self, text): pass class FakeClockSSHUserAuthServer(SSHUserAuthServer): # Delegate this setting to the factory to simplify tweaking it @property def attemptsBeforeDisconnect(self): """ Use the C{attemptsBeforeDisconnect} value defined by the factory to make it easier to override. """ return self.transport.factory.attemptsBeforeDisconnect @property def clock(self): """ Use the reactor defined by the factory, rather than the default global reactor, to simplify testing (by allowing an alternate implementation to be supplied by tests). """ return self.transport.factory.reactor class CommandFactory(SSHFactory): @property def publicKeys(self): return { b'ssh-rsa': Key.fromString(data=publicRSA_openssh) } @property def privateKeys(self): return { b'ssh-rsa': Key.fromString(data=privateRSA_openssh) } services = { b'ssh-userauth': FakeClockSSHUserAuthServer, b'ssh-connection': SSHConnection } # Simplify the tests by disconnecting after the first authentication # failure. One attempt should be sufficient to test authentication success # and failure. There is an off-by-one in the implementation of this # feature in Conch, so set it to 0 in order to allow 1 attempt. attemptsBeforeDisconnect = 0 @implementer(IAddress) class MemoryAddress(object): pass @implementer(IStreamClientEndpoint) class SingleUseMemoryEndpoint(object): """ L{SingleUseMemoryEndpoint} is a client endpoint which allows one connection to be set up and then exposes an API for moving around bytes related to that connection. @ivar pump: L{None} until a connection is attempted, then a L{IOPump} instance associated with the protocol which is connected. @type pump: L{IOPump} """ def __init__(self, server): """ @param server: An L{IProtocol} provider to which the client will be connected. @type server: L{IProtocol} provider """ self.pump = None self._server = server def connect(self, factory): if self.pump is not None: raise Exception("SingleUseMemoryEndpoint was already used") try: protocol = factory.buildProtocol(MemoryAddress()) except: return fail() else: self.pump = connect( self._server, AbortableFakeTransport( self._server, isServer=True), protocol, AbortableFakeTransport(protocol, isServer=False)) return succeed(protocol) class SSHCommandClientEndpointTestsMixin(object): """ Tests for L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint}, an L{IStreamClientEndpoint} implementations which connects a protocol with the stdin and stdout of a command running in an SSH session. These tests apply to L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint} whether it is constructed using L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.existingConnection} or L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection}. Subclasses must override L{create}, L{assertClientTransportState}, and L{finishConnection}. """ def setUp(self): self.hostname = b"ssh.example.com" self.port = 42022 self.user = b"user" self.password = b"password" self.reactor = MemoryReactorClock() self.realm = TrivialRealm() self.portal = Portal(self.realm) self.passwdDB = InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse() self.passwdDB.addUser(self.user, self.password) self.portal.registerChecker(self.passwdDB) self.factory = CommandFactory() self.factory.reactor = self.reactor self.factory.portal = self.portal self.factory.doStart() self.addCleanup(self.factory.doStop) self.clientAddress = IPv4Address("TCP", "", 12345) self.serverAddress = IPv4Address("TCP", "", 54321) def create(self): """ Create and return a new L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint} to be tested. Override this to implement creation in an interesting way the endpoint. """ raise NotImplementedError( "%r did not implement create" % (self.__class__.__name__,)) def assertClientTransportState(self, client, immediateClose): """ Make an assertion about the connectedness of the given protocol's transport. Override this to implement either a check for the connection still being open or having been closed as appropriate. @param client: The client whose state is being checked. @param immediateClose: Boolean indicating whether the connection was closed immediately or not. """ raise NotImplementedError( "%r did not implement assertClientTransportState" % ( self.__class__.__name__,)) def finishConnection(self): """ Do any remaining work necessary to complete an in-memory connection attempted initiated using C{self.reactor}. """ raise NotImplementedError( "%r did not implement finishConnection" % ( self.__class__.__name__,)) def connectedServerAndClient(self, serverFactory, clientFactory): """ Set up an in-memory connection between protocols created by C{serverFactory} and C{clientFactory}. @return: A three-tuple. The first element is the protocol created by C{serverFactory}. The second element is the protocol created by C{clientFactory}. The third element is the L{IOPump} connecting them. """ clientProtocol = clientFactory.buildProtocol(None) serverProtocol = serverFactory.buildProtocol(None) clientTransport = AbortableFakeTransport( clientProtocol, isServer=False, hostAddress=self.clientAddress, peerAddress=self.serverAddress) serverTransport = AbortableFakeTransport( serverProtocol, isServer=True, hostAddress=self.serverAddress, peerAddress=self.clientAddress) pump = connect( serverProtocol, serverTransport, clientProtocol, clientTransport) return serverProtocol, clientProtocol, pump def test_channelOpenFailure(self): """ If a channel cannot be opened on the authenticated SSH connection, the L{Deferred} returned by L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.connect} fires with a L{Failure} wrapping the reason given by the server. """ endpoint = self.create() factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol connected = endpoint.connect(factory) server, client, pump = self.finishConnection() # The server logs the channel open failure - this is expected. errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(ConchError) self.assertIn( 'unknown channel', (errors[0].value.data, errors[0].value.value)) self.assertEqual(1, len(errors)) # Now deal with the results on the endpoint side. f = self.failureResultOf(connected) f.trap(ConchError) self.assertEqual(b'unknown channel', f.value.value) self.assertClientTransportState(client, False) def test_execFailure(self): """ If execution of the command fails, the L{Deferred} returned by L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.connect} fires with a L{Failure} wrapping the reason given by the server. """ self.realm.channelLookup[b'session'] = BrokenExecSession endpoint = self.create() factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol connected = endpoint.connect(factory) server, client, pump = self.finishConnection() f = self.failureResultOf(connected) f.trap(ConchError) self.assertEqual('channel request failed', f.value.value) self.assertClientTransportState(client, False) def test_execCancelled(self): """ If execution of the command is cancelled via the L{Deferred} returned by L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.connect}, the connection is closed immediately. """ self.realm.channelLookup[b'session'] = UnsatisfiedExecSession endpoint = self.create() factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol connected = endpoint.connect(factory) server, client, pump = self.finishConnection() connected.cancel() f = self.failureResultOf(connected) f.trap(CancelledError) self.assertClientTransportState(client, True) def test_buildProtocol(self): """ Once the necessary SSH actions have completed successfully, L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.connect} uses the factory passed to it to construct a protocol instance by calling its C{buildProtocol} method with an address object representing the SSH connection and command executed. """ self.realm.channelLookup[b'session'] = WorkingExecSession endpoint = self.create() factory = AddressSpyFactory() factory.protocol = Protocol endpoint.connect(factory) server, client, pump = self.finishConnection() self.assertIsInstance(factory.address, SSHCommandAddress) self.assertEqual(server.transport.getHost(), factory.address.server) self.assertEqual(self.user, factory.address.username) self.assertEqual(b"/bin/ls -l", factory.address.command) def test_makeConnection(self): """ L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint} establishes an SSH connection, creates a channel in it, runs a command in that channel, and uses the protocol's C{makeConnection} to associate it with a protocol representing that command's stdin and stdout. """ self.realm.channelLookup[b'session'] = WorkingExecSession endpoint = self.create() factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol connected = endpoint.connect(factory) server, client, pump = self.finishConnection() protocol = self.successResultOf(connected) self.assertIsNotNone(protocol.transport) def test_dataReceived(self): """ After establishing the connection, when the command on the SSH server produces output, it is delivered to the protocol's C{dataReceived} method. """ self.realm.channelLookup[b'session'] = WorkingExecSession endpoint = self.create() factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol connected = endpoint.connect(factory) server, client, pump = self.finishConnection() protocol = self.successResultOf(connected) dataReceived = [] protocol.dataReceived = dataReceived.append # Figure out which channel on the connection this protocol is # associated with so the test can do a write on it. channelId = protocol.transport.id server.service.channels[channelId].write(b"hello, world") pump.pump() self.assertEqual(b"hello, world", b"".join(dataReceived)) def test_connectionLost(self): """ When the command closes the channel, the protocol's C{connectionLost} method is called. """ self.realm.channelLookup[b'session'] = WorkingExecSession endpoint = self.create() factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol connected = endpoint.connect(factory) server, client, pump = self.finishConnection() protocol = self.successResultOf(connected) connectionLost = [] protocol.connectionLost = connectionLost.append # Figure out which channel on the connection this protocol is # associated with so the test can do a write on it. channelId = protocol.transport.id server.service.channels[channelId].loseConnection() pump.pump() connectionLost[0].trap(ConnectionDone) self.assertClientTransportState(client, False) def _exitStatusTest(self, request, requestArg): """ Test handling of non-zero exit statuses or exit signals. """ self.realm.channelLookup[b'session'] = WorkingExecSession endpoint = self.create() factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol connected = endpoint.connect(factory) server, client, pump = self.finishConnection() protocol = self.successResultOf(connected) connectionLost = [] protocol.connectionLost = connectionLost.append # Figure out which channel on the connection this protocol is # associated with so the test can simulate command exit and # channel close. channelId = protocol.transport.id channel = server.service.channels[channelId] server.service.sendRequest(channel, request, requestArg) channel.loseConnection() pump.pump() self.assertClientTransportState(client, False) return connectionLost[0] def test_zeroExitCode(self): """ When the command exits with a non-zero status, the protocol's C{connectionLost} method is called with a L{Failure} wrapping an exception which encapsulates that status. """ exitCode = 0 exc = self._exitStatusTest(b'exit-status', pack('>L', exitCode)) exc.trap(ConnectionDone) def test_nonZeroExitStatus(self): """ When the command exits with a non-zero status, the protocol's C{connectionLost} method is called with a L{Failure} wrapping an exception which encapsulates that status. """ exitCode = 123 signal = None exc = self._exitStatusTest(b'exit-status', pack('>L', exitCode)) exc.trap(ProcessTerminated) self.assertEqual(exitCode, exc.value.exitCode) self.assertEqual(signal, exc.value.signal) def test_nonZeroExitSignal(self): """ When the command exits with a non-zero signal, the protocol's C{connectionLost} method is called with a L{Failure} wrapping an exception which encapsulates that status. Additional packet contents are logged at the C{info} level. """ logObserver = EventLoggingObserver() globalLogPublisher.addObserver(logObserver) self.addCleanup(globalLogPublisher.removeObserver, logObserver) exitCode = None signal = 15 # See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4254#section-6.10 packet = b"".join([ common.NS(b'TERM'), # Signal name (without "SIG" prefix); # string b'\x01', # Core dumped; boolean common.NS(b'message'), # Error message; string (UTF-8 encoded) common.NS(b'en-US'), # Language tag; string ]) exc = self._exitStatusTest(b'exit-signal', packet) exc.trap(ProcessTerminated) self.assertEqual(exitCode, exc.value.exitCode) self.assertEqual(signal, exc.value.signal) logNamespace = "twisted.conch.endpoints._CommandChannel" hamcrest.assert_that( logObserver, hamcrest.has_item( hamcrest.has_entries( { "log_level": hamcrest.equal_to(LogLevel.info), "log_namespace": logNamespace, "shortSignalName": b"TERM", "coreDumped": True, "errorMessage": u"message", "languageTag": b"en-US", }, ))) def record(self, server, protocol, event, noArgs=False): """ Hook into and record events which happen to C{protocol}. @param server: The SSH server protocol over which C{protocol} is running. @type server: L{IProtocol} provider @param protocol: @param event: @param noArgs: """ # Figure out which channel the test is going to send data over # so we can look for it to arrive at the right place on the server. channelId = protocol.transport.id recorder = [] if noArgs: f = lambda: recorder.append(None) else: f = recorder.append setattr(server.service.channels[channelId], event, f) return recorder def test_write(self): """ The transport connected to the protocol has a C{write} method which sends bytes to the input of the command executing on the SSH server. """ self.realm.channelLookup[b'session'] = WorkingExecSession endpoint = self.create() factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol connected = endpoint.connect(factory) server, client, pump = self.finishConnection() protocol = self.successResultOf(connected) dataReceived = self.record(server, protocol, 'dataReceived') protocol.transport.write(b"hello, world") pump.pump() self.assertEqual(b"hello, world", b"".join(dataReceived)) def test_writeSequence(self): """ The transport connected to the protocol has a C{writeSequence} method which sends bytes to the input of the command executing on the SSH server. """ self.realm.channelLookup[b'session'] = WorkingExecSession endpoint = self.create() factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol connected = endpoint.connect(factory) server, client, pump = self.finishConnection() protocol = self.successResultOf(connected) dataReceived = self.record(server, protocol, 'dataReceived') protocol.transport.writeSequence([b"hello, world"]) pump.pump() self.assertEqual(b"hello, world", b"".join(dataReceived)) class NewConnectionTests(TestCase, SSHCommandClientEndpointTestsMixin): """ Tests for L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint} when using the C{newConnection} constructor. """ def setUp(self): """ Configure an SSH server with password authentication enabled for a well-known (to the tests) account. """ SSHCommandClientEndpointTestsMixin.setUp(self) # Make the server's host key available to be verified by the client. self.hostKeyPath = FilePath(self.mktemp()) self.knownHosts = KnownHostsFile(self.hostKeyPath) self.knownHosts.addHostKey( self.hostname, self.factory.publicKeys[b'ssh-rsa']) self.knownHosts.addHostKey( networkString(self.serverAddress.host), self.factory.publicKeys[b'ssh-rsa']) self.knownHosts.save() def create(self): """ Create and return a new L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint} using the C{newConnection} constructor. """ return SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection( self.reactor, b"/bin/ls -l", self.user, self.hostname, self.port, password=self.password, knownHosts=self.knownHosts, ui=FixedResponseUI(False)) def finishConnection(self): """ Establish the first attempted TCP connection using the SSH server which C{self.factory} can create. """ return self.connectedServerAndClient( self.factory, self.reactor.tcpClients[0][2]) def loseConnectionToServer(self, server, client, protocol, pump): """ Lose the connection to a server and pump the L{IOPump} sufficiently for the client to handle the lost connection. Asserts that the client disconnects its transport. @param server: The SSH server protocol over which C{protocol} is running. @type server: L{IProtocol} provider @param client: The SSH client protocol over which C{protocol} is running. @type client: L{IProtocol} provider @param protocol: The protocol created by calling connect on the ssh endpoint under test. @type protocol: L{IProtocol} provider @param pump: The L{IOPump} connecting client to server. @type pump: L{IOPump} """ closed = self.record(server, protocol, 'closed', noArgs=True) protocol.transport.loseConnection() pump.pump() self.assertEqual([None], closed) # Let the last bit of network traffic flow. This lets the server's # close acknowledgement through, at which point the client can close # the overall SSH connection. pump.pump() # Given that the client transport is disconnecting, report the # disconnect from up to the ssh protocol. client.transport.reportDisconnect() def assertClientTransportState(self, client, immediateClose): """ Assert that the transport for the given protocol has been disconnected. L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection} creates a new dedicated SSH connection and cleans it up after the command exits. """ # Nothing useful can be done with the connection at this point, so the # endpoint should close it. if immediateClose: self.assertTrue(client.transport.aborted) else: self.assertTrue(client.transport.disconnecting) def test_interface(self): """ L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint} instances provide L{IStreamClientEndpoint}. """ endpoint = SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection( self.reactor, b"dummy command", b"dummy user", self.hostname, self.port) self.assertTrue(verifyObject(IStreamClientEndpoint, endpoint)) def test_defaultPort(self): """ L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint} uses the default port number for SSH when the C{port} argument is not specified. """ endpoint = SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection( self.reactor, b"dummy command", b"dummy user", self.hostname) self.assertEqual(22, endpoint._creator.port) def test_specifiedPort(self): """ L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint} uses the C{port} argument if specified. """ endpoint = SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection( self.reactor, b"dummy command", b"dummy user", self.hostname, port=2222) self.assertEqual(2222, endpoint._creator.port) def test_destination(self): """ L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint} uses the L{IReactorTCP} passed to it to attempt a connection to the host/port address also passed to it. """ endpoint = SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection( self.reactor, b"/bin/ls -l", self.user, self.hostname, self.port, password=self.password, knownHosts=self.knownHosts, ui=FixedResponseUI(False)) factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol endpoint.connect(factory) host, port, factory, timeout, bindAddress = self.reactor.tcpClients[0] self.assertEqual(self.hostname, networkString(host)) self.assertEqual(self.port, port) self.assertEqual(1, len(self.reactor.tcpClients)) def test_connectionFailed(self): """ If a connection cannot be established, the L{Deferred} returned by L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.connect} fires with a L{Failure} representing the reason for the connection setup failure. """ endpoint = SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection( self.reactor, b"/bin/ls -l", b"dummy user", self.hostname, self.port, knownHosts=self.knownHosts, ui=FixedResponseUI(False)) factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol d = endpoint.connect(factory) factory = self.reactor.tcpClients[0][2] factory.clientConnectionFailed(None, Failure(ConnectionRefusedError())) self.failureResultOf(d).trap(ConnectionRefusedError) def test_userRejectedHostKey(self): """ If the L{KnownHostsFile} instance used to construct L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint} rejects the SSH public key presented by the server, the L{Deferred} returned by L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.connect} fires with a L{Failure} wrapping L{UserRejectedKey}. """ endpoint = SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection( self.reactor, b"/bin/ls -l", b"dummy user", self.hostname, self.port, knownHosts=KnownHostsFile(self.mktemp()), ui=FixedResponseUI(False)) factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol connected = endpoint.connect(factory) server, client, pump = self.connectedServerAndClient( self.factory, self.reactor.tcpClients[0][2]) f = self.failureResultOf(connected) f.trap(UserRejectedKey) def test_mismatchedHostKey(self): """ If the SSH public key presented by the SSH server does not match the previously remembered key, as reported by the L{KnownHostsFile} instance use to construct the endpoint, for that server, the L{Deferred} returned by L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.connect} fires with a L{Failure} wrapping L{HostKeyChanged}. """ firstKey = Key.fromString(privateRSA_openssh).public() knownHosts = KnownHostsFile(FilePath(self.mktemp())) knownHosts.addHostKey( networkString(self.serverAddress.host), firstKey) # Add a different RSA key with the same hostname differentKey = Key.fromString(privateRSA_openssh_encrypted_aes, passphrase=b'testxp').public() knownHosts.addHostKey(self.hostname, differentKey) # The UI may answer true to any questions asked of it; they should # make no difference, since a *mismatched* key is not even optionally # allowed to complete a connection. ui = FixedResponseUI(True) endpoint = SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection( self.reactor, b"/bin/ls -l", b"dummy user", self.hostname, self.port, password=b"dummy password", knownHosts=knownHosts, ui=ui) factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol connected = endpoint.connect(factory) server, client, pump = self.connectedServerAndClient( self.factory, self.reactor.tcpClients[0][2]) f = self.failureResultOf(connected) f.trap(HostKeyChanged) def test_connectionClosedBeforeSecure(self): """ If the connection closes at any point before the SSH transport layer has finished key exchange (ie, gotten to the point where we may attempt to authenticate), the L{Deferred} returned by L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.connect} fires with a L{Failure} wrapping the reason for the lost connection. """ endpoint = SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection( self.reactor, b"/bin/ls -l", b"dummy user", self.hostname, self.port, knownHosts=self.knownHosts, ui=FixedResponseUI(False)) factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol d = endpoint.connect(factory) transport = StringTransport() factory = self.reactor.tcpClients[0][2] client = factory.buildProtocol(None) client.makeConnection(transport) client.connectionLost(Failure(ConnectionDone())) self.failureResultOf(d).trap(ConnectionDone) def test_connectionCancelledBeforeSecure(self): """ If the connection is cancelled before the SSH transport layer has finished key exchange (ie, gotten to the point where we may attempt to authenticate), the L{Deferred} returned by L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.connect} fires with a L{Failure} wrapping L{CancelledError} and the connection is aborted. """ endpoint = SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection( self.reactor, b"/bin/ls -l", b"dummy user", self.hostname, self.port, knownHosts=self.knownHosts, ui=FixedResponseUI(False)) factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol d = endpoint.connect(factory) transport = AbortableFakeTransport(None, isServer=False) factory = self.reactor.tcpClients[0][2] client = factory.buildProtocol(None) client.makeConnection(transport) d.cancel() self.failureResultOf(d).trap(CancelledError) self.assertTrue(transport.aborted) # Make sure the connection closing doesn't result in unexpected # behavior when due to cancellation: client.connectionLost(Failure(ConnectionDone())) def test_connectionCancelledBeforeConnected(self): """ If the connection is cancelled before it finishes connecting, the connection attempt is stopped. """ endpoint = SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection( self.reactor, b"/bin/ls -l", b"dummy user", self.hostname, self.port, knownHosts=self.knownHosts, ui=FixedResponseUI(False)) factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol d = endpoint.connect(factory) d.cancel() self.failureResultOf(d).trap(ConnectingCancelledError) self.assertTrue(self.reactor.connectors[0].stoppedConnecting) def test_passwordAuthenticationFailure(self): """ If the SSH server rejects the password presented during authentication, the L{Deferred} returned by L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.connect} fires with a L{Failure} wrapping L{AuthenticationFailed}. """ endpoint = SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection( self.reactor, b"/bin/ls -l", b"dummy user", self.hostname, self.port, password=b"dummy password", knownHosts=self.knownHosts, ui=FixedResponseUI(False)) factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol connected = endpoint.connect(factory) server, client, pump = self.connectedServerAndClient( self.factory, self.reactor.tcpClients[0][2]) # For security, the server delays password authentication failure # response. Advance the simulation clock so the client sees the # failure. self.reactor.advance(server.service.passwordDelay) # Let the failure response traverse the "network" pump.flush() f = self.failureResultOf(connected) f.trap(AuthenticationFailed) # XXX Should assert something specific about the arguments of the # exception self.assertClientTransportState(client, False) def setupKeyChecker(self, portal, users): """ Create an L{ISSHPrivateKey} checker which recognizes C{users} and add it to C{portal}. @param portal: A L{Portal} to which to add the checker. @type portal: L{Portal} @param users: The users and their keys the checker will recognize. Keys are byte strings giving user names. Values are byte strings giving OpenSSH-formatted private keys. @type users: L{dict} """ mapping = dict([(k,[Key.fromString(v).public()]) for k, v in iteritems(users)]) checker = SSHPublicKeyChecker(InMemorySSHKeyDB(mapping)) portal.registerChecker(checker) def test_publicKeyAuthenticationFailure(self): """ If the SSH server rejects the key pair presented during authentication, the L{Deferred} returned by L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.connect} fires with a L{Failure} wrapping L{AuthenticationFailed}. """ badKey = Key.fromString(privateRSA_openssh) self.setupKeyChecker(self.portal, {self.user: privateDSA_openssh}) endpoint = SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection( self.reactor, b"/bin/ls -l", self.user, self.hostname, self.port, keys=[badKey], knownHosts=self.knownHosts, ui=FixedResponseUI(False)) factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol connected = endpoint.connect(factory) server, client, pump = self.connectedServerAndClient( self.factory, self.reactor.tcpClients[0][2]) f = self.failureResultOf(connected) f.trap(AuthenticationFailed) # XXX Should assert something specific about the arguments of the # exception # Nothing useful can be done with the connection at this point, so the # endpoint should close it. self.assertTrue(client.transport.disconnecting) def test_authenticationFallback(self): """ If the SSH server does not accept any of the specified SSH keys, the specified password is tried. """ badKey = Key.fromString(privateRSA_openssh) self.setupKeyChecker(self.portal, {self.user: privateDSA_openssh}) endpoint = SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection( self.reactor, b"/bin/ls -l", self.user, self.hostname, self.port, keys=[badKey], password=self.password, knownHosts=self.knownHosts, ui=FixedResponseUI(False)) factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol connected = endpoint.connect(factory) # Exercising fallback requires a failed authentication attempt. Allow # one. self.factory.attemptsBeforeDisconnect += 1 server, client, pump = self.connectedServerAndClient( self.factory, self.reactor.tcpClients[0][2]) pump.pump() # The server logs the channel open failure - this is expected. errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(ConchError) self.assertIn( 'unknown channel', (errors[0].value.data, errors[0].value.value)) self.assertEqual(1, len(errors)) # Now deal with the results on the endpoint side. f = self.failureResultOf(connected) f.trap(ConchError) self.assertEqual(b'unknown channel', f.value.value) # Nothing useful can be done with the connection at this point, so the # endpoint should close it. self.assertTrue(client.transport.disconnecting) def test_publicKeyAuthentication(self): """ If L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint} is initialized with any private keys, it will try to use them to authenticate with the SSH server. """ key = Key.fromString(privateDSA_openssh) self.setupKeyChecker(self.portal, {self.user: privateDSA_openssh}) self.realm.channelLookup[b'session'] = WorkingExecSession endpoint = SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection( self.reactor, b"/bin/ls -l", self.user, self.hostname, self.port, keys=[key], knownHosts=self.knownHosts, ui=FixedResponseUI(False)) factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol connected = endpoint.connect(factory) server, client, pump = self.connectedServerAndClient( self.factory, self.reactor.tcpClients[0][2]) protocol = self.successResultOf(connected) self.assertIsNotNone(protocol.transport) def test_skipPasswordAuthentication(self): """ If the password is not specified, L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint} doesn't try it as an authentication mechanism. """ endpoint = SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection( self.reactor, b"/bin/ls -l", self.user, self.hostname, self.port, knownHosts=self.knownHosts, ui=FixedResponseUI(False)) factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol connected = endpoint.connect(factory) server, client, pump = self.connectedServerAndClient( self.factory, self.reactor.tcpClients[0][2]) pump.pump() # Now deal with the results on the endpoint side. f = self.failureResultOf(connected) f.trap(AuthenticationFailed) # Nothing useful can be done with the connection at this point, so the # endpoint should close it. self.assertTrue(client.transport.disconnecting) def test_agentAuthentication(self): """ If L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint} is initialized with an L{SSHAgentClient}, the agent is used to authenticate with the SSH server. Once the connection with the SSH server has concluded, the connection to the agent is disconnected. """ key = Key.fromString(privateRSA_openssh) agentServer = SSHAgentServer() agentServer.factory = Factory() agentServer.factory.keys = {key.blob(): (key, b"")} self.setupKeyChecker(self.portal, {self.user: privateRSA_openssh}) agentEndpoint = SingleUseMemoryEndpoint(agentServer) endpoint = SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection( self.reactor, b"/bin/ls -l", self.user, self.hostname, self.port, knownHosts=self.knownHosts, ui=FixedResponseUI(False), agentEndpoint=agentEndpoint) self.realm.channelLookup[b'session'] = WorkingExecSession factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol connected = endpoint.connect(factory) server, client, pump = self.connectedServerAndClient( self.factory, self.reactor.tcpClients[0][2]) # Let the agent client talk with the agent server and the ssh client # talk with the ssh server. for i in range(14): agentEndpoint.pump.pump() pump.pump() protocol = self.successResultOf(connected) self.assertIsNotNone(protocol.transport) # Ensure the connection with the agent is cleaned up after the # connection with the server is lost. self.loseConnectionToServer(server, client, protocol, pump) self.assertTrue(client.transport.disconnecting) self.assertTrue(agentEndpoint.pump.clientIO.disconnecting) def test_loseConnection(self): """ The transport connected to the protocol has a C{loseConnection} method which causes the channel in which the command is running to close and the overall connection to be closed. """ self.realm.channelLookup[b'session'] = WorkingExecSession endpoint = self.create() factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol connected = endpoint.connect(factory) server, client, pump = self.finishConnection() protocol = self.successResultOf(connected) self.loseConnectionToServer(server, client, protocol, pump) # Nothing useful can be done with the connection at this point, so the # endpoint should close it. self.assertTrue(client.transport.disconnecting) class ExistingConnectionTests(TestCase, SSHCommandClientEndpointTestsMixin): """ Tests for L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint} when using the C{existingConnection} constructor. """ def setUp(self): """ Configure an SSH server with password authentication enabled for a well-known (to the tests) account. """ SSHCommandClientEndpointTestsMixin.setUp(self) knownHosts = KnownHostsFile(FilePath(self.mktemp())) knownHosts.addHostKey( self.hostname, self.factory.publicKeys[b'ssh-rsa']) knownHosts.addHostKey( networkString(self.serverAddress.host), self.factory.publicKeys[b'ssh-rsa']) self.endpoint = SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection( self.reactor, b"/bin/ls -l", self.user, self.hostname, self.port, password=self.password, knownHosts=knownHosts, ui=FixedResponseUI(False)) def create(self): """ Create and return a new L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint} using the C{existingConnection} constructor. """ factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol connected = self.endpoint.connect(factory) # Please, let me in. This kinda sucks. channelLookup = self.realm.channelLookup.copy() try: self.realm.channelLookup[b'session'] = WorkingExecSession server, client, pump = self.connectedServerAndClient( self.factory, self.reactor.tcpClients[0][2]) finally: self.realm.channelLookup.clear() self.realm.channelLookup.update(channelLookup) self._server = server self._client = client self._pump = pump protocol = self.successResultOf(connected) connection = protocol.transport.conn return SSHCommandClientEndpoint.existingConnection( connection, b"/bin/ls -l") def finishConnection(self): """ Give back the connection established in L{create} over which the new command channel being tested will exchange data. """ # The connection was set up and the first command channel set up, but # some more I/O needs to happen for the second command channel to be # ready. Make that I/O happen before giving back the objects. self._pump.pump() self._pump.pump() self._pump.pump() self._pump.pump() return self._server, self._client, self._pump def assertClientTransportState(self, client, immediateClose): """ Assert that the transport for the given protocol is still connected. L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.existingConnection} re-uses an SSH connected created by some other code, so other code is responsible for cleaning it up. """ self.assertFalse(client.transport.disconnecting) self.assertFalse(client.transport.aborted) class ExistingConnectionHelperTests(TestCase): """ Tests for L{_ExistingConnectionHelper}. """ def test_interface(self): """ L{_ExistingConnectionHelper} implements L{_ISSHConnectionCreator}. """ self.assertTrue( verifyClass(_ISSHConnectionCreator, _ExistingConnectionHelper)) def test_secureConnection(self): """ L{_ExistingConnectionHelper.secureConnection} returns a L{Deferred} which fires with whatever object was fed to L{_ExistingConnectionHelper.__init__}. """ result = object() helper = _ExistingConnectionHelper(result) self.assertIs( result, self.successResultOf(helper.secureConnection())) def test_cleanupConnectionNotImmediately(self): """ L{_ExistingConnectionHelper.cleanupConnection} does nothing to the existing connection if called with C{immediate} set to C{False}. """ helper = _ExistingConnectionHelper(object()) # Bit hard to test nothing happens. However, since object() has no # relevant methods or attributes, if the code is incorrect we can # expect an AttributeError. helper.cleanupConnection(object(), False) def test_cleanupConnectionImmediately(self): """ L{_ExistingConnectionHelper.cleanupConnection} does nothing to the existing connection if called with C{immediate} set to C{True}. """ helper = _ExistingConnectionHelper(object()) # Bit hard to test nothing happens. However, since object() has no # relevant methods or attributes, if the code is incorrect we can # expect an AttributeError. helper.cleanupConnection(object(), True) class _PTYPath(object): """ A L{FilePath}-like object which can be opened to create a L{_ReadFile} with certain contents. """ def __init__(self, contents): """ @param contents: L{bytes} which will be the contents of the L{_ReadFile} this path can open. """ self.contents = contents def open(self, mode): """ If the mode is r+, return a L{_ReadFile} with the contents given to this path's initializer. @raise OSError: If the mode is unsupported. @return: A L{_ReadFile} instance """ if mode == "rb+": return _ReadFile(self.contents) raise OSError(ENOSYS, "Function not implemented") class NewConnectionHelperTests(TestCase): """ Tests for L{_NewConnectionHelper}. """ def test_interface(self): """ L{_NewConnectionHelper} implements L{_ISSHConnectionCreator}. """ self.assertTrue( verifyClass(_ISSHConnectionCreator, _NewConnectionHelper)) def test_defaultPath(self): """ The default I{known_hosts} path is I{~/.ssh/known_hosts}. """ self.assertEqual( "~/.ssh/known_hosts", _NewConnectionHelper._KNOWN_HOSTS) def test_defaultKnownHosts(self): """ L{_NewConnectionHelper._knownHosts} is used to create a L{KnownHostsFile} if one is not passed to the initializer. """ result = object() self.patch(_NewConnectionHelper, '_knownHosts', lambda cls: result) helper = _NewConnectionHelper( None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) self.assertIs(result, helper.knownHosts) def test_readExisting(self): """ Existing entries in the I{known_hosts} file are reflected by the L{KnownHostsFile} created by L{_NewConnectionHelper} when none is supplied to it. """ key = CommandFactory().publicKeys[b'ssh-rsa'] path = FilePath(self.mktemp()) knownHosts = KnownHostsFile(path) knownHosts.addHostKey(b"", key) knownHosts.save() msg("Created known_hosts file at %r" % (path.path,)) # Unexpand ${HOME} to make sure ~ syntax is respected. home = os.path.expanduser("~/") default = path.path.replace(home, "~/") self.patch(_NewConnectionHelper, "_KNOWN_HOSTS", default) msg("Patched _KNOWN_HOSTS with %r" % (default,)) loaded = _NewConnectionHelper._knownHosts() self.assertTrue(loaded.hasHostKey(b"", key)) def test_defaultConsoleUI(self): """ If L{None} is passed for the C{ui} parameter to L{_NewConnectionHelper}, a L{ConsoleUI} is used. """ helper = _NewConnectionHelper( None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) self.assertIsInstance(helper.ui, ConsoleUI) def test_ttyConsoleUI(self): """ If L{None} is passed for the C{ui} parameter to L{_NewConnectionHelper} and /dev/tty is available, the L{ConsoleUI} used is associated with /dev/tty. """ tty = _PTYPath(b"yes") helper = _NewConnectionHelper( None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, tty) result = self.successResultOf(helper.ui.prompt(b"does this work?")) self.assertTrue(result) def test_nottyUI(self): """ If L{None} is passed for the C{ui} parameter to L{_NewConnectionHelper} and /dev/tty is not available, the L{ConsoleUI} used is associated with some file which always produces a C{b"no"} response. """ tty = FilePath(self.mktemp()) helper = _NewConnectionHelper( None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, tty) result = self.successResultOf(helper.ui.prompt(b"did this break?")) self.assertFalse(result) def test_defaultTTYFilename(self): """ If not passed the name of a tty in the filesystem, L{_NewConnectionHelper} uses C{b"/dev/tty"}. """ helper = _NewConnectionHelper( None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) self.assertEqual(FilePath(b"/dev/tty"), helper.tty) def test_cleanupConnectionNotImmediately(self): """ L{_NewConnectionHelper.cleanupConnection} closes the transport cleanly if called with C{immediate} set to C{False}. """ helper = _NewConnectionHelper( None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) connection = SSHConnection() connection.transport = StringTransport() helper.cleanupConnection(connection, False) self.assertTrue(connection.transport.disconnecting) def test_cleanupConnectionImmediately(self): """ L{_NewConnectionHelper.cleanupConnection} closes the transport with C{abortConnection} if called with C{immediate} set to C{True}. """ class Abortable: aborted = False def abortConnection(self): """ Abort the connection. """ self.aborted = True helper = _NewConnectionHelper( None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) connection = SSHConnection() connection.transport = SSHClientTransport() connection.transport.transport = Abortable() helper.cleanupConnection(connection, True) self.assertTrue(connection.transport.transport.aborted)
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