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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_cftp -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE file for details. """ Tests for L{twisted.conch.scripts.cftp}. """ import locale import time, sys, os, operator, getpass, struct from io import BytesIO from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath from twisted.python.reflect import requireModule from zope.interface import implementer pyasn1 = requireModule('pyasn1') cryptography = requireModule('cryptography') unix = requireModule('twisted.conch.unix') _reason = None if cryptography and pyasn1: try: from twisted.conch.scripts import cftp from twisted.conch.scripts.cftp import SSHSession from twisted.conch.ssh import filetransfer from twisted.conch.test.test_filetransfer import FileTransferForTestAvatar from twisted.conch.test import test_ssh, test_conch from twisted.conch.test.test_conch import FakeStdio except ImportError: pass from twisted.conch import ls from twisted.conch.interfaces import ISFTPFile from twisted.conch.test.test_filetransfer import SFTPTestBase from twisted.conch.test.test_filetransfer import FileTransferTestAvatar from twisted.cred import portal from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol, interfaces, defer, error from twisted.internet.utils import getProcessOutputAndValue, getProcessValue from twisted.python import log from twisted.python.compat import _PY3, unicode from twisted.python.fakepwd import UserDatabase from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransport from twisted.internet.task import Clock from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase class SSHSessionTests(TestCase): """ Tests for L{twisted.conch.scripts.cftp.SSHSession}. """ def test_eofReceived(self): """ L{twisted.conch.scripts.cftp.SSHSession.eofReceived} loses the write half of its stdio connection. """ stdio = FakeStdio() channel = SSHSession() channel.stdio = stdio channel.eofReceived() self.assertTrue(stdio.writeConnLost) class ListingTests(TestCase): """ Tests for L{lsLine}, the function which generates an entry for a file or directory in an SFTP I{ls} command's output. """ if getattr(time, 'tzset', None) is None: skip = "Cannot test timestamp formatting code without time.tzset" def setUp(self): """ Patch the L{ls} module's time function so the results of L{lsLine} are deterministic. """ self.now = 123456789 def fakeTime(): return self.now self.patch(ls, 'time', fakeTime) # Make sure that the timezone ends up the same after these tests as # it was before. if 'TZ' in os.environ: self.addCleanup(operator.setitem, os.environ, 'TZ', os.environ['TZ']) self.addCleanup(time.tzset) else: def cleanup(): # os.environ.pop is broken! Don't use it! Ever! Or die! try: del os.environ['TZ'] except KeyError: pass time.tzset() self.addCleanup(cleanup) def _lsInTimezone(self, timezone, stat): """ Call L{ls.lsLine} after setting the timezone to C{timezone} and return the result. """ # Set the timezone to a well-known value so the timestamps are # predictable. os.environ['TZ'] = timezone time.tzset() return ls.lsLine('foo', stat) def test_oldFile(self): """ A file with an mtime six months (approximately) or more in the past has a listing including a low-resolution timestamp. """ # Go with 7 months. That's more than 6 months. then = self.now - (60 * 60 * 24 * 31 * 7) stat = os.stat_result((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, then, 0)) self.assertEqual( self._lsInTimezone('America/New_York', stat), '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Apr 26 1973 foo') self.assertEqual( self._lsInTimezone('Pacific/Auckland', stat), '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Apr 27 1973 foo') def test_oldSingleDigitDayOfMonth(self): """ A file with a high-resolution timestamp which falls on a day of the month which can be represented by one decimal digit is formatted with one padding 0 to preserve the columns which come after it. """ # A point about 7 months in the past, tweaked to fall on the first of a # month so we test the case we want to test. then = self.now - (60 * 60 * 24 * 31 * 7) + (60 * 60 * 24 * 5) stat = os.stat_result((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, then, 0)) self.assertEqual( self._lsInTimezone('America/New_York', stat), '!--------- 0 0 0 0 May 01 1973 foo') self.assertEqual( self._lsInTimezone('Pacific/Auckland', stat), '!--------- 0 0 0 0 May 02 1973 foo') def test_newFile(self): """ A file with an mtime fewer than six months (approximately) in the past has a listing including a high-resolution timestamp excluding the year. """ # A point about three months in the past. then = self.now - (60 * 60 * 24 * 31 * 3) stat = os.stat_result((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, then, 0)) self.assertEqual( self._lsInTimezone('America/New_York', stat), '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Aug 28 17:33 foo') self.assertEqual( self._lsInTimezone('Pacific/Auckland', stat), '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Aug 29 09:33 foo') def test_localeIndependent(self): """ The month name in the date is locale independent. """ # A point about three months in the past. then = self.now - (60 * 60 * 24 * 31 * 3) stat = os.stat_result((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, then, 0)) # Fake that we're in a language where August is not Aug (e.g.: Spanish) currentLocale = locale.getlocale() locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "es_AR.UTF8") self.addCleanup(locale.setlocale, locale.LC_ALL, currentLocale) self.assertEqual( self._lsInTimezone('America/New_York', stat), '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Aug 28 17:33 foo') self.assertEqual( self._lsInTimezone('Pacific/Auckland', stat), '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Aug 29 09:33 foo') # If alternate locale is not available, the previous test will be # skipped, please install this locale for it to run currentLocale = locale.getlocale() try: try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "es_AR.UTF8") except locale.Error: test_localeIndependent.skip = "The es_AR.UTF8 locale is not installed." else: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, currentLocale) except: pass def test_newSingleDigitDayOfMonth(self): """ A file with a high-resolution timestamp which falls on a day of the month which can be represented by one decimal digit is formatted with one padding 0 to preserve the columns which come after it. """ # A point about three months in the past, tweaked to fall on the first # of a month so we test the case we want to test. then = self.now - (60 * 60 * 24 * 31 * 3) + (60 * 60 * 24 * 4) stat = os.stat_result((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, then, 0)) self.assertEqual( self._lsInTimezone('America/New_York', stat), '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Sep 01 17:33 foo') self.assertEqual( self._lsInTimezone('Pacific/Auckland', stat), '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Sep 02 09:33 foo') class InMemorySSHChannel(StringTransport, object): """ Minimal implementation of a L{SSHChannel} like class which only reads and writes data from memory. """ def __init__(self, conn): """ @param conn: The SSH connection associated with this channel. @type conn: L{SSHConnection} """ self.conn = conn self.localClosed = 0 super(InMemorySSHChannel, self).__init__() class FilesystemAccessExpectations(object): """ A test helper used to support expected filesystem access. """ def __init__(self): self._cache = {} def put(self, path, flags, stream): """ @param path: Path at which the stream is requested. @type path: L{str} @param path: Flags with which the stream is requested. @type path: L{str} @param stream: A stream. @type stream: C{File} """ self._cache[(path, flags)] = stream def pop(self, path, flags): """ Remove a stream from the memory. @param path: Path at which the stream is requested. @type path: L{str} @param path: Flags with which the stream is requested. @type path: L{str} @return: A stream. @rtype: C{File} """ return self._cache.pop((path, flags)) class InMemorySFTPClient(object): """ A L{filetransfer.FileTransferClient} which does filesystem operations in memory, without touching the local disc or the network interface. @ivar _availableFiles: File like objects which are available to the SFTP client. @type _availableFiles: L{FilesystemRegister} """ def __init__(self, availableFiles): self.transport = InMemorySSHChannel(self) self.options = { 'requests': 1, 'buffersize': 10, } self._availableFiles = availableFiles def openFile(self, filename, flags, attrs): """ @see: L{filetransfer.FileTransferClient.openFile}. Retrieve and remove cached file based on flags. """ return self._availableFiles.pop(filename, flags) @implementer(ISFTPFile) class InMemoryRemoteFile(BytesIO): """ An L{ISFTPFile} which handles all data in memory. """ def __init__(self, name): """ @param name: Name of this file. @type name: L{str} """ self.name = name BytesIO.__init__(self) def writeChunk(self, start, data): """ @see: L{ISFTPFile.writeChunk} """ self.seek(start) self.write(data) return defer.succeed(self) def close(self): """ @see: L{ISFTPFile.writeChunk} Keeps data after file was closed to help with testing. """ self._closed = True def getvalue(self): """ Get current data of file. Allow reading data event when file is closed. """ return BytesIO.getvalue(self) class StdioClientTests(TestCase): """ Tests for L{cftp.StdioClient}. """ def setUp(self): """ Create a L{cftp.StdioClient} hooked up to dummy transport and a fake user database. """ self.fakeFilesystem = FilesystemAccessExpectations() sftpClient = InMemorySFTPClient(self.fakeFilesystem ) self.client = cftp.StdioClient(sftpClient) self.client.currentDirectory = '/' self.database = self.client._pwd = UserDatabase() # Use a fixed width for all tests so that we get the same results when # running these tests from different terminals. # Run tests in a wide console so that all items are delimited by at # least one space character. self.setKnownConsoleSize(500, 24) # Intentionally bypassing makeConnection - that triggers some code # which uses features not provided by our dumb Connection fake. self.client.transport = self.client.client.transport def test_exec(self): """ The I{exec} command runs its arguments locally in a child process using the user's shell. """ self.database.addUser( getpass.getuser(), 'secret', os.getuid(), 1234, 'foo', 'bar', sys.executable) d = self.client._dispatchCommand("exec print(1 + 2)") d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, b"3\n") return d def test_execWithoutShell(self): """ If the local user has no shell, the I{exec} command runs its arguments using I{/bin/sh}. """ self.database.addUser( getpass.getuser(), 'secret', os.getuid(), 1234, 'foo', 'bar', '') d = self.client._dispatchCommand("exec echo hello") d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, b"hello\n") return d def test_bang(self): """ The I{exec} command is run for lines which start with C{"!"}. """ self.database.addUser( getpass.getuser(), 'secret', os.getuid(), 1234, 'foo', 'bar', '/bin/sh') d = self.client._dispatchCommand("!echo hello") d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, b"hello\n") return d def setKnownConsoleSize(self, width, height): """ For the duration of this test, patch C{cftp}'s C{fcntl} module to return a fixed width and height. @param width: the width in characters @type width: L{int} @param height: the height in characters @type height: L{int} """ # Local import to avoid win32 issues. import tty class FakeFcntl(object): def ioctl(self, fd, opt, mutate): if opt != tty.TIOCGWINSZ: self.fail("Only window-size queries supported.") return struct.pack("4H", height, width, 0, 0) self.patch(cftp, "fcntl", FakeFcntl()) def test_printProgressBarReporting(self): """ L{StdioClient._printProgressBar} prints a progress description, including percent done, amount transferred, transfer rate, and time remaining, all based the given start time, the given L{FileWrapper}'s progress information and the reactor's current time. """ # Use a short, known console width because this simple test doesn't # need to test the console padding. self.setKnownConsoleSize(10, 34) clock = self.client.reactor = Clock() wrapped = BytesIO(b"x") wrapped.name = b"sample" wrapper = cftp.FileWrapper(wrapped) wrapper.size = 1024 * 10 startTime = clock.seconds() clock.advance(2.0) wrapper.total += 4096 self.client._printProgressBar(wrapper, startTime) if _PY3: result = b"\rb'sample' 40% 4.0kB 2.0kBps 00:03 " else: result = "\rsample 40% 4.0kB 2.0kBps 00:03 " self.assertEqual(self.client.transport.value(), result) def test_printProgressBarNoProgress(self): """ L{StdioClient._printProgressBar} prints a progress description that indicates 0 bytes transferred if no bytes have been transferred and no time has passed. """ self.setKnownConsoleSize(10, 34) clock = self.client.reactor = Clock() wrapped = BytesIO(b"x") wrapped.name = b"sample" wrapper = cftp.FileWrapper(wrapped) startTime = clock.seconds() self.client._printProgressBar(wrapper, startTime) if _PY3: result = b"\rb'sample' 0% 0.0B 0.0Bps 00:00 " else: result = "\rsample 0% 0.0B 0.0Bps 00:00 " self.assertEqual(self.client.transport.value(), result) def test_printProgressBarEmptyFile(self): """ Print the progress for empty files. """ self.setKnownConsoleSize(10, 34) wrapped = BytesIO() wrapped.name = b'empty-file' wrapper = cftp.FileWrapper(wrapped) self.client._printProgressBar(wrapper, 0) if _PY3: result = b"\rb'empty-file'100% 0.0B 0.0Bps 00:00 " else: result = "\rempty-file100% 0.0B 0.0Bps 00:00 " self.assertEqual(result, self.client.transport.value()) def test_getFilenameEmpty(self): """ Returns empty value for both filename and remaining data. """ result = self.client._getFilename(' ') self.assertEqual(('', ''), result) def test_getFilenameOnlyLocal(self): """ Returns empty value for remaining data when line contains only a filename. """ result = self.client._getFilename('only-local') self.assertEqual(('only-local', ''), result) def test_getFilenameNotQuoted(self): """ Returns filename and remaining data striped of leading and trailing spaces. """ result = self.client._getFilename(' local remote file ') self.assertEqual(('local', 'remote file'), result) def test_getFilenameQuoted(self): """ Returns filename and remaining data not striped of leading and trailing spaces when quoted paths are requested. """ result = self.client._getFilename(' " local file " " remote file " ') self.assertEqual((' local file ', '" remote file "'), result) def makeFile(self, path=None, content=b''): """ Create a local file and return its path. When `path` is L{None}, it will create a new temporary file. @param path: Optional path for the new file. @type path: L{str} @param content: Content to be written in the new file. @type content: L{bytes} @return: Path to the newly create file. """ if path is None: path = self.mktemp() with open(path, 'wb') as file: file.write(content) return path def checkPutMessage(self, transfers, randomOrder=False): """ Check output of cftp client for a put request. @param transfers: List with tuple of (local, remote, progress). @param randomOrder: When set to C{True}, it will ignore the order in which put reposes are received """ output = self.client.transport.value() if _PY3: output = output.decode("utf-8") output = output.split('\n\r') expectedOutput = [] actualOutput = [] for local, remote, expected in transfers: # For each transfer we have a list of reported progress which # ends with the final message informing that file was transferred. expectedTransfer = [] for line in expected: expectedTransfer.append('%s %s' % (local, line)) expectedTransfer.append('Transferred %s to %s' % (local, remote)) expectedOutput.append(expectedTransfer) progressParts = output.pop(0).strip('\r').split('\r') actual = progressParts[:-1] last = progressParts[-1].strip('\n').split('\n') actual.extend(last) actualTransfer = [] # Each transferred file is on a line with summary on the last # line. Summary is copying at the end. for line in actual[:-1]: # Output line is in the format # NAME PROGRESS_PERCENTAGE PROGRESS_BYTES SPEED ETA. # For testing we only care about the # PROGRESS_PERCENTAGE and PROGRESS values. # Ignore SPPED and ETA. line = line.strip().rsplit(' ', 2)[0] # NAME can be followed by a lot of spaces so we need to # reduce them to single space. line = line.strip().split(' ', 1) actualTransfer.append('%s %s' % (line[0], line[1].strip())) actualTransfer.append(actual[-1]) actualOutput.append(actualTransfer) if randomOrder: self.assertEqual(sorted(expectedOutput), sorted(actualOutput)) else: self.assertEqual(expectedOutput, actualOutput) self.assertEqual( 0, len(output), 'There are still put responses which were not checked.', ) def test_cmd_PUTSingleNoRemotePath(self): """ A name based on local path is used when remote path is not provided. The progress is updated while chunks are transferred. """ content = b'Test\r\nContent' localPath = self.makeFile(content=content) flags = ( filetransfer.FXF_WRITE | filetransfer.FXF_CREAT | filetransfer.FXF_TRUNC ) remoteName = os.path.join('/', os.path.basename(localPath)) remoteFile = InMemoryRemoteFile(remoteName) self.fakeFilesystem.put(remoteName, flags, defer.succeed(remoteFile)) self.client.client.options['buffersize'] = 10 deferred = self.client.cmd_PUT(localPath) self.successResultOf(deferred) self.assertEqual(content, remoteFile.getvalue()) self.assertTrue(remoteFile._closed) self.checkPutMessage( [(localPath, remoteName, ['76% 10.0B', '100% 13.0B', '100% 13.0B'])]) def test_cmd_PUTSingleRemotePath(self): """ Remote path is extracted from first filename after local file. Any other data in the line is ignored. """ localPath = self.makeFile() flags = ( filetransfer.FXF_WRITE | filetransfer.FXF_CREAT | filetransfer.FXF_TRUNC ) remoteName = '/remote-path' remoteFile = InMemoryRemoteFile(remoteName) self.fakeFilesystem.put(remoteName, flags, defer.succeed(remoteFile)) deferred = self.client.cmd_PUT( '%s %s ignored' % (localPath, remoteName)) self.successResultOf(deferred) self.checkPutMessage([(localPath, remoteName, ['100% 0.0B'])]) self.assertTrue(remoteFile._closed) self.assertEqual(b'', remoteFile.getvalue()) def test_cmd_PUTMultipleNoRemotePath(self): """ When a gobbing expression is used local files are transferred with remote file names based on local names. """ first = self.makeFile() firstName = os.path.basename(first) secondName = 'second-name' parent = os.path.dirname(first) second = self.makeFile(path=os.path.join(parent, secondName)) flags = ( filetransfer.FXF_WRITE | filetransfer.FXF_CREAT | filetransfer.FXF_TRUNC ) firstRemotePath = '/%s' % (firstName,) secondRemotePath = '/%s' % (secondName,) firstRemoteFile = InMemoryRemoteFile(firstRemotePath) secondRemoteFile = InMemoryRemoteFile(secondRemotePath) self.fakeFilesystem.put( firstRemotePath, flags, defer.succeed(firstRemoteFile)) self.fakeFilesystem.put( secondRemotePath, flags, defer.succeed(secondRemoteFile)) deferred = self.client.cmd_PUT(os.path.join(parent, '*')) self.successResultOf(deferred) self.assertTrue(firstRemoteFile._closed) self.assertEqual(b'', firstRemoteFile.getvalue()) self.assertTrue(secondRemoteFile._closed) self.assertEqual(b'', secondRemoteFile.getvalue()) self.checkPutMessage([ (first, firstRemotePath, ['100% 0.0B']), (second, secondRemotePath, ['100% 0.0B']), ], randomOrder=True, ) def test_cmd_PUTMultipleWithRemotePath(self): """ When a gobbing expression is used local files are transferred with remote file names based on local names. when a remote folder is requested remote paths are composed from remote path and local filename. """ first = self.makeFile() firstName = os.path.basename(first) secondName = 'second-name' parent = os.path.dirname(first) second = self.makeFile(path=os.path.join(parent, secondName)) flags = ( filetransfer.FXF_WRITE | filetransfer.FXF_CREAT | filetransfer.FXF_TRUNC ) firstRemoteFile = InMemoryRemoteFile(firstName) secondRemoteFile = InMemoryRemoteFile(secondName) firstRemotePath = '/remote/%s' % (firstName,) secondRemotePath = '/remote/%s' % (secondName,) self.fakeFilesystem.put( firstRemotePath, flags, defer.succeed(firstRemoteFile)) self.fakeFilesystem.put( secondRemotePath, flags, defer.succeed(secondRemoteFile)) deferred = self.client.cmd_PUT( '%s remote' % (os.path.join(parent, '*'),)) self.successResultOf(deferred) self.assertTrue(firstRemoteFile._closed) self.assertEqual(b'', firstRemoteFile.getvalue()) self.assertTrue(secondRemoteFile._closed) self.assertEqual(b'', secondRemoteFile.getvalue()) self.checkPutMessage([ (first, firstName, ['100% 0.0B']), (second, secondName, ['100% 0.0B']), ], randomOrder=True, ) class FileTransferTestRealm: def __init__(self, testDir): self.testDir = testDir def requestAvatar(self, avatarID, mind, *interfaces): a = FileTransferTestAvatar(self.testDir) return interfaces[0], a, lambda: None class SFTPTestProcess(protocol.ProcessProtocol): """ Protocol for testing cftp. Provides an interface between Python (where all the tests are) and the cftp client process (which does the work that is being tested). """ def __init__(self, onOutReceived): """ @param onOutReceived: A L{Deferred} to be fired as soon as data is received from stdout. """ self.clearBuffer() self.onOutReceived = onOutReceived self.onProcessEnd = None self._expectingCommand = None self._processEnded = False def clearBuffer(self): """ Clear any buffered data received from stdout. Should be private. """ self.buffer = b'' self._linesReceived = [] self._lineBuffer = b'' def outReceived(self, data): """ Called by Twisted when the cftp client prints data to stdout. """ log.msg('got %r' % data) lines = (self._lineBuffer + data).split(b'\n') self._lineBuffer = lines.pop(-1) self._linesReceived.extend(lines) # XXX - not strictly correct. # We really want onOutReceived to fire after the first 'cftp>' prompt # has been received. (See use in OurServerCmdLineClientTests.setUp) if self.onOutReceived is not None: d, self.onOutReceived = self.onOutReceived, None d.callback(data) self.buffer += data self._checkForCommand() def _checkForCommand(self): prompt = b'cftp> ' if self._expectingCommand and self._lineBuffer == prompt: buf = b'\n'.join(self._linesReceived) if buf.startswith(prompt): buf = buf[len(prompt):] self.clearBuffer() d, self._expectingCommand = self._expectingCommand, None d.callback(buf) def errReceived(self, data): """ Called by Twisted when the cftp client prints data to stderr. """ log.msg('err: %s' % data) def getBuffer(self): """ Return the contents of the buffer of data received from stdout. """ return self.buffer def runCommand(self, command): """ Issue the given command via the cftp client. Return a C{Deferred} that fires when the server returns a result. Note that the C{Deferred} will callback even if the server returns some kind of error. @param command: A string containing an sftp command. @return: A C{Deferred} that fires when the sftp server returns a result. The payload is the server's response string. """ self._expectingCommand = defer.Deferred() self.clearBuffer() if isinstance(command, unicode): command = command.encode("utf-8") self.transport.write(command + b'\n') return self._expectingCommand def runScript(self, commands): """ Run each command in sequence and return a Deferred that fires when all commands are completed. @param commands: A list of strings containing sftp commands. @return: A C{Deferred} that fires when all commands are completed. The payload is a list of response strings from the server, in the same order as the commands. """ sem = defer.DeferredSemaphore(1) dl = [sem.run(self.runCommand, command) for command in commands] return defer.gatherResults(dl) def killProcess(self): """ Kill the process if it is still running. If the process is still running, sends a KILL signal to the transport and returns a C{Deferred} which fires when L{processEnded} is called. @return: a C{Deferred}. """ if self._processEnded: return defer.succeed(None) self.onProcessEnd = defer.Deferred() self.transport.signalProcess('KILL') return self.onProcessEnd def processEnded(self, reason): """ Called by Twisted when the cftp client process ends. """ self._processEnded = True if self.onProcessEnd: d, self.onProcessEnd = self.onProcessEnd, None d.callback(None) class CFTPClientTestBase(SFTPTestBase): def setUp(self): with open('dsa_test.pub', 'wb') as f: f.write(test_ssh.publicDSA_openssh) with open('dsa_test', 'wb') as f: f.write(test_ssh.privateDSA_openssh) os.chmod('dsa_test', 33152) with open('kh_test', 'wb') as f: f.write(b' ' + test_ssh.publicRSA_openssh) return SFTPTestBase.setUp(self) def startServer(self): realm = FileTransferTestRealm(self.testDir) p = portal.Portal(realm) p.registerChecker(test_ssh.conchTestPublicKeyChecker()) fac = test_ssh.ConchTestServerFactory() fac.portal = p self.server = reactor.listenTCP(0, fac, interface="") def stopServer(self): if not hasattr(self.server.factory, 'proto'): return self._cbStopServer(None) self.server.factory.proto.expectedLoseConnection = 1 d = defer.maybeDeferred( self.server.factory.proto.transport.loseConnection) d.addCallback(self._cbStopServer) return d def _cbStopServer(self, ignored): return defer.maybeDeferred(self.server.stopListening) def tearDown(self): for f in ['dsa_test.pub', 'dsa_test', 'kh_test']: try: os.remove(f) except: pass return SFTPTestBase.tearDown(self) class OurServerCmdLineClientTests(CFTPClientTestBase): """ Functional tests which launch a SFTP server over TCP on localhost and check cftp command line interface using a spawned process. Due to the spawned process you can not add a debugger breakpoint for the client code. """ def setUp(self): CFTPClientTestBase.setUp(self) self.startServer() cmds = ('-p %i -l testuser ' '--known-hosts kh_test ' '--user-authentications publickey ' '--host-key-algorithms ssh-rsa ' '-i dsa_test ' '-a ' '-v ' '') port = self.server.getHost().port cmds = test_conch._makeArgs((cmds % port).split(), mod='cftp') log.msg('running %s %s' % (sys.executable, cmds)) d = defer.Deferred() self.processProtocol = SFTPTestProcess(d) d.addCallback(lambda _: self.processProtocol.clearBuffer()) env = os.environ.copy() env['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(sys.path) encodedCmds = [] encodedEnv = {} for cmd in cmds: if isinstance(cmd, unicode): cmd = cmd.encode("utf-8") encodedCmds.append(cmd) for var in env: val = env[var] if isinstance(var, unicode): var = var.encode("utf-8") if isinstance(val, unicode): val = val.encode("utf-8") encodedEnv[var] = val log.msg(encodedCmds) log.msg(encodedEnv) reactor.spawnProcess(self.processProtocol, sys.executable, encodedCmds, env=encodedEnv) return d def tearDown(self): d = self.stopServer() d.addCallback(lambda _: self.processProtocol.killProcess()) return d def _killProcess(self, ignored): try: self.processProtocol.transport.signalProcess('KILL') except error.ProcessExitedAlready: pass def runCommand(self, command): """ Run the given command with the cftp client. Return a C{Deferred} that fires when the command is complete. Payload is the server's output for that command. """ return self.processProtocol.runCommand(command) def runScript(self, *commands): """ Run the given commands with the cftp client. Returns a C{Deferred} that fires when the commands are all complete. The C{Deferred}'s payload is a list of output for each command. """ return self.processProtocol.runScript(commands) def testCdPwd(self): """ Test that 'pwd' reports the current remote directory, that 'lpwd' reports the current local directory, and that changing to a subdirectory then changing to its parent leaves you in the original remote directory. """ # XXX - not actually a unit test, see docstring. homeDir = self.testDir d = self.runScript('pwd', 'lpwd', 'cd testDirectory', 'cd ..', 'pwd') def cmdOutput(output): """ Callback function for handling command output. """ cmds = [] for cmd in output: if _PY3 and isinstance(cmd, bytes): cmd = cmd.decode("utf-8") cmds.append(cmd) return cmds[:3] + cmds[4:] d.addCallback(cmdOutput) d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, [homeDir.path, os.getcwd(), '', homeDir.path]) return d def testChAttrs(self): """ Check that 'ls -l' output includes the access permissions and that this output changes appropriately with 'chmod'. """ def _check(results): self.flushLoggedErrors() self.assertTrue(results[0].startswith(b'-rw-r--r--')) self.assertEqual(results[1], b'') self.assertTrue(results[2].startswith(b'----------'), results[2]) self.assertEqual(results[3], b'') d = self.runScript('ls -l testfile1', 'chmod 0 testfile1', 'ls -l testfile1', 'chmod 644 testfile1') return d.addCallback(_check) # XXX test chgrp/own def testList(self): """ Check 'ls' works as expected. Checks for wildcards, hidden files, listing directories and listing empty directories. """ def _check(results): self.assertEqual(results[0], [b'testDirectory', b'testRemoveFile', b'testRenameFile', b'testfile1']) self.assertEqual(results[1], [b'testDirectory', b'testRemoveFile', b'testRenameFile', b'testfile1']) self.assertEqual(results[2], [b'testRemoveFile', b'testRenameFile']) self.assertEqual(results[3], [b'.testHiddenFile', b'testRemoveFile', b'testRenameFile']) self.assertEqual(results[4], [b'']) d = self.runScript('ls', 'ls ../' + self.testDir.basename(), 'ls *File', 'ls -a *File', 'ls -l testDirectory') d.addCallback(lambda xs: [x.split(b'\n') for x in xs]) return d.addCallback(_check) def testHelp(self): """ Check that running the '?' command returns help. """ d = self.runCommand('?') helpText = cftp.StdioClient(None).cmd_HELP('').strip() if isinstance(helpText, unicode): helpText = helpText.encode("utf-8") d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, helpText) return d def assertFilesEqual(self, name1, name2, msg=None): """ Assert that the files at C{name1} and C{name2} contain exactly the same data. """ self.assertEqual(name1.getContent(), name2.getContent(), msg) def testGet(self): """ Test that 'get' saves the remote file to the correct local location, that the output of 'get' is correct and that 'rm' actually removes the file. """ # XXX - not actually a unit test expectedOutput = ("Transferred %s/testfile1 to %s/test file2" % (self.testDir.path, self.testDir.path)) if isinstance(expectedOutput, unicode): expectedOutput = expectedOutput.encode("utf-8") def _checkGet(result): self.assertTrue(result.endswith(expectedOutput)) self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir.child('testfile1'), self.testDir.child('test file2'), "get failed") return self.runCommand('rm "test file2"') d = self.runCommand('get testfile1 "%s/test file2"' % (self.testDir.path,)) d.addCallback(_checkGet) d.addCallback(lambda _: self.assertFalse( self.testDir.child('test file2').exists())) return d def testWildcardGet(self): """ Test that 'get' works correctly when given wildcard parameters. """ def _check(ignored): self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir.child('testRemoveFile'), FilePath('testRemoveFile'), 'testRemoveFile get failed') self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir.child('testRenameFile'), FilePath('testRenameFile'), 'testRenameFile get failed') d = self.runCommand('get testR*') return d.addCallback(_check) def testPut(self): """ Check that 'put' uploads files correctly and that they can be successfully removed. Also check the output of the put command. """ # XXX - not actually a unit test expectedOutput = (b'Transferred ' + self.testDir.asBytesMode().path + b'/testfile1 to ' + self.testDir.asBytesMode().path + b'/test"file2') def _checkPut(result): self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir.child('testfile1'), self.testDir.child('test"file2')) self.assertTrue(result.endswith(expectedOutput)) return self.runCommand('rm "test\\"file2"') d = self.runCommand('put %s/testfile1 "test\\"file2"' % (self.testDir.path,)) d.addCallback(_checkPut) d.addCallback(lambda _: self.assertFalse( self.testDir.child('test"file2').exists())) return d def test_putOverLongerFile(self): """ Check that 'put' uploads files correctly when overwriting a longer file. """ # XXX - not actually a unit test with self.testDir.child('shorterFile').open(mode='w') as f: f.write(b"a") with self.testDir.child('longerFile').open(mode='w') as f: f.write(b"bb") def _checkPut(result): self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir.child('shorterFile'), self.testDir.child('longerFile')) d = self.runCommand('put %s/shorterFile longerFile' % (self.testDir.path,)) d.addCallback(_checkPut) return d def test_putMultipleOverLongerFile(self): """ Check that 'put' uploads files correctly when overwriting a longer file and you use a wildcard to specify the files to upload. """ # XXX - not actually a unit test someDir = self.testDir.child('dir') someDir.createDirectory() with someDir.child('file').open(mode='w') as f: f.write(b"a") with self.testDir.child('file').open(mode='w') as f: f.write(b"bb") def _checkPut(result): self.assertFilesEqual(someDir.child('file'), self.testDir.child('file')) d = self.runCommand('put %s/dir/*' % (self.testDir.path,)) d.addCallback(_checkPut) return d def testWildcardPut(self): """ What happens if you issue a 'put' command and include a wildcard (i.e. '*') in parameter? Check that all files matching the wildcard are uploaded to the correct directory. """ def check(results): self.assertEqual(results[0], b'') self.assertEqual(results[2], b'') self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir.child('testRemoveFile'), self.testDir.parent().child('testRemoveFile'), 'testRemoveFile get failed') self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir.child('testRenameFile'), self.testDir.parent().child('testRenameFile'), 'testRenameFile get failed') d = self.runScript('cd ..', 'put %s/testR*' % (self.testDir.path,), 'cd %s' % self.testDir.basename()) d.addCallback(check) return d def testLink(self): """ Test that 'ln' creates a file which appears as a link in the output of 'ls'. Check that removing the new file succeeds without output. """ def _check(results): self.flushLoggedErrors() self.assertEqual(results[0], b'') self.assertTrue(results[1].startswith(b'l'), 'link failed') return self.runCommand('rm testLink') d = self.runScript('ln testLink testfile1', 'ls -l testLink') d.addCallback(_check) d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, b'') return d def testRemoteDirectory(self): """ Test that we can create and remove directories with the cftp client. """ def _check(results): self.assertEqual(results[0], b'') self.assertTrue(results[1].startswith(b'd')) return self.runCommand('rmdir testMakeDirectory') d = self.runScript('mkdir testMakeDirectory', 'ls -l testMakeDirector?') d.addCallback(_check) d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, b'') return d def test_existingRemoteDirectory(self): """ Test that a C{mkdir} on an existing directory fails with the appropriate error, and doesn't log an useless error server side. """ def _check(results): self.assertEqual(results[0], b'') self.assertEqual(results[1], b'remote error 11: mkdir failed') d = self.runScript('mkdir testMakeDirectory', 'mkdir testMakeDirectory') d.addCallback(_check) return d def testLocalDirectory(self): """ Test that we can create a directory locally and remove it with the cftp client. This test works because the 'remote' server is running out of a local directory. """ d = self.runCommand('lmkdir %s/testLocalDirectory' % (self.testDir.path,)) d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, b'') d.addCallback(lambda _: self.runCommand('rmdir testLocalDirectory')) d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, b'') return d def testRename(self): """ Test that we can rename a file. """ def _check(results): self.assertEqual(results[0], b'') self.assertEqual(results[1], b'testfile2') return self.runCommand('rename testfile2 testfile1') d = self.runScript('rename testfile1 testfile2', 'ls testfile?') d.addCallback(_check) d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, b'') return d class OurServerBatchFileTests(CFTPClientTestBase): """ Functional tests which launch a SFTP server over localhost and checks csftp in batch interface. """ def setUp(self): CFTPClientTestBase.setUp(self) self.startServer() def tearDown(self): CFTPClientTestBase.tearDown(self) return self.stopServer() def _getBatchOutput(self, f): fn = self.mktemp() with open(fn, 'w') as fp: fp.write(f) port = self.server.getHost().port cmds = ('-p %i -l testuser ' '--known-hosts kh_test ' '--user-authentications publickey ' '--host-key-algorithms ssh-rsa ' '-i dsa_test ' '-a ' '-v -b %s') % (port, fn) cmds = test_conch._makeArgs(cmds.split(), mod='cftp')[1:] log.msg('running %s %s' % (sys.executable, cmds)) env = os.environ.copy() env['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(sys.path) self.server.factory.expectedLoseConnection = 1 d = getProcessOutputAndValue(sys.executable, cmds, env=env) def _cleanup(res): os.remove(fn) return res d.addCallback(lambda res: res[0]) d.addBoth(_cleanup) return d def testBatchFile(self): """ Test whether batch file function of cftp ('cftp -b batchfile'). This works by treating the file as a list of commands to be run. """ cmds = """pwd ls exit """ def _cbCheckResult(res): res = res.split(b'\n') log.msg('RES %s' % repr(res)) self.assertIn(self.testDir.asBytesMode().path, res[1]) self.assertEqual(res[3:-2], [b'testDirectory', b'testRemoveFile', b'testRenameFile', b'testfile1']) d = self._getBatchOutput(cmds) d.addCallback(_cbCheckResult) return d def testError(self): """ Test that an error in the batch file stops running the batch. """ cmds = """chown 0 missingFile pwd exit """ def _cbCheckResult(res): self.assertNotIn(self.testDir.asBytesMode().path, res) d = self._getBatchOutput(cmds) d.addCallback(_cbCheckResult) return d def testIgnoredError(self): """ Test that a minus sign '-' at the front of a line ignores any errors. """ cmds = """-chown 0 missingFile pwd exit """ def _cbCheckResult(res): self.assertIn(self.testDir.asBytesMode().path, res) d = self._getBatchOutput(cmds) d.addCallback(_cbCheckResult) return d class OurServerSftpClientTests(CFTPClientTestBase): """ Test the sftp server against sftp command line client. """ def setUp(self): CFTPClientTestBase.setUp(self) return self.startServer() def tearDown(self): return self.stopServer() def test_extendedAttributes(self): """ Test the return of extended attributes by the server: the sftp client should ignore them, but still be able to parse the response correctly. This test is mainly here to check that L{filetransfer.FILEXFER_ATTR_EXTENDED} has the correct value. """ fn = self.mktemp() with open(fn, 'w') as f: f.write("ls .\nexit") port = self.server.getHost().port oldGetAttr = FileTransferForTestAvatar._getAttrs def _getAttrs(self, s): attrs = oldGetAttr(self, s) attrs["ext_foo"] = "bar" return attrs self.patch(FileTransferForTestAvatar, "_getAttrs", _getAttrs) self.server.factory.expectedLoseConnection = True # PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes does not exist prior to OpenSSH 7.0 so we # first need to check if we can set it. If we can, -V will just print # the version without doing anything else; if we can't, we will get a # configuration error. d = getProcessValue( 'ssh', ('-o', 'PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=ssh-dss', '-V')) def hasPAKT(status): if status == 0: args = ('-o', 'PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=ssh-dss') else: args = () # Pass -F /dev/null to avoid the user's configuration file from # being loaded, as it may contain settings that cause our tests to # fail or hang. args += ('-F', '/dev/null', '-o', 'IdentityFile=dsa_test', '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=kh_test', '-o', 'HostKeyAlgorithms=ssh-rsa', '-o', 'Port=%i' % (port,), '-b', fn, 'testuser@') return args def check(result): self.assertEqual(result[2], 0) for i in [b'testDirectory', b'testRemoveFile', b'testRenameFile', b'testfile1']: self.assertIn(i, result[0]) d.addCallback(hasPAKT) d.addCallback(lambda args: getProcessOutputAndValue('sftp', args)) return d.addCallback(check) if None in (unix, cryptography, pyasn1, interfaces.IReactorProcess(reactor, None)): if _reason is None: _reason = "don't run w/o spawnProcess or cryptography or pyasn1" OurServerCmdLineClientTests.skip = _reason OurServerBatchFileTests.skip = _reason OurServerSftpClientTests.skip = _reason StdioClientTests.skip = _reason SSHSessionTests.skip = _reason else: from twisted.python.procutils import which if not which('sftp'): OurServerSftpClientTests.skip = "no sftp command-line client available"
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