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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_ssh -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Common functions for the SSH classes. Maintainer: Paul Swartz """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division import struct from cryptography.utils import int_from_bytes, int_to_bytes from twisted.python.compat import unicode from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecated from twisted.python.versions import Version __all__ = ["NS", "getNS", "MP", "getMP", "ffs"] def NS(t): """ net string """ if isinstance(t, unicode): t = t.encode("utf-8") return struct.pack('!L', len(t)) + t def getNS(s, count=1): """ get net string """ ns = [] c = 0 for i in range(count): l, = struct.unpack('!L', s[c:c + 4]) ns.append(s[c + 4:4 + l + c]) c += 4 + l return tuple(ns) + (s[c:],) def MP(number): if number == 0: return b'\000' * 4 assert number > 0 bn = int_to_bytes(number) if ord(bn[0:1]) & 128: bn = b'\000' + bn return struct.pack('>L', len(bn)) + bn def getMP(data, count=1): """ Get multiple precision integer out of the string. A multiple precision integer is stored as a 4-byte length followed by length bytes of the integer. If count is specified, get count integers out of the string. The return value is a tuple of count integers followed by the rest of the data. """ mp = [] c = 0 for i in range(count): length, = struct.unpack('>L', data[c:c + 4]) mp.append(int_from_bytes(data[c + 4:c + 4 + length], 'big')) c += 4 + length return tuple(mp) + (data[c:],) def _MPpow(x, y, z): """ Return the MP version of C{(x ** y) % z}. """ return MP(pow(x, y, z)) def ffs(c, s): """ first from second goes through the first list, looking for items in the second, returns the first one """ for i in c: if i in s: return i @deprecated(Version("Twisted", 16, 5, 0)) def install(): # This used to install gmpy, but is technically public API, so just do # nothing. pass
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