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from __future__ import absolute_import import bisect import logging import os import os.path import re import shutil import struct import sys import tempfile import unittest from logging import Handler, ERROR, Formatter from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase from twisted.python.compat import StringType as basestring from twisted.python.compat import _PY3 from twisted.python.failure import Failure from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred from twisted.internet.error import ConnectError from landscape.lib.compat import ConfigParser from landscape.lib.compat import stringio, cstringio from landscape.lib.config import BaseConfiguration from landscape.lib.reactor import EventHandlingReactorMixin from landscape.lib.sysstats import LoginInfo class CompatTestCase(unittest.TestCase): if not _PY3: assertCountEqual = TestCase.assertItemsEqual class HelperTestCase(unittest.TestCase): helpers = [] def setUp(self): super(HelperTestCase, self).setUp() self._helper_instances = [] if LogKeeperHelper not in self.helpers: self.helpers.insert(0, LogKeeperHelper) result = None for helper_factory in self.helpers: helper = helper_factory() if hasattr(helper, "set_up"): result = helper.set_up(self) self._helper_instances.append(helper) # Return the return value of the last helper, which # might be a deferred return result def tearDown(self): for helper in reversed(self._helper_instances): if hasattr(helper, "tear_down"): helper.tear_down(self) super(HelperTestCase, self).tearDown() class FSTestCase(object): def assertFileContent(self, filename, expected_content): with open(filename, "rb") as fd: actual_content = fd.read() self.assertEqual(expected_content, actual_content) def makeFile(self, content=None, suffix="", prefix="tmp", basename=None, dirname=None, path=None, mode="w", backupsuffix=None): """Create a temporary file and return the path to it. @param content: Initial content for the file. @param suffix: Suffix to be given to the file's basename. @param prefix: Prefix to be given to the file's basename. @param basename: Full basename for the file. @param dirname: Put file inside this directory. The file is removed after the test runs. """ if basename is not None: if dirname is None: dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp() path = os.path.join(dirname, basename) elif path is None: fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix, prefix, dirname) os.close(fd) if content is None: os.unlink(path) if content is not None: with open(path, mode) as file: file.write(content) self.addCleanup(self._clean_file, path) if backupsuffix: def remove_backup(): try: os.remove(path + backupsuffix) except OSError: pass self.addCleanup(remove_backup) return path def _clean_file(self, path): """Try to remove a filesystem path, whether it's a directory or file. @param path: the path to remove """ try: if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) else: os.unlink(path) except OSError: pass def makeDir(self, suffix="", prefix="tmp", dirname=None, path=None): """Create a temporary directory and return the path to it. @param suffix: Suffix to be given to the file's basename. @param prefix: Prefix to be given to the file's basename. @param dirname: Put directory inside this parent directory. The directory is removed after the test runs. """ if path is not None: os.makedirs(path) else: path = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix, prefix, dirname) self.addCleanup(self._clean_file, path) return path def write_script(self, config, name, content, bindir=None): """Return the path to the script after writing it to a temp dir.""" if bindir is None: bindir = self.makeDir() config.bindir = bindir filename = self.makeFile( content, dirname=bindir, basename=name) os.chmod(filename, 0o755) return filename class ConfigTestCase(FSTestCase): def setUp(self): super(ConfigTestCase, self).setUp() self._old_config_filenames = BaseConfiguration.default_config_filenames BaseConfiguration.default_config_filenames = [self.makeFile("")] def tearDown(self): BaseConfiguration.default_config_filenames = self._old_config_filenames super(ConfigTestCase, self).tearDown() def assertConfigEqual(self, first, second): """ Compare two configuration files for equality. The order of parameters and comments may be different but the actual parameters and sections must be the same. """ first_fp = cstringio(first) first_parser = ConfigParser() first_parser.readfp(first_fp) second_fp = cstringio(second) second_parser = ConfigParser() second_parser.readfp(second_fp) self.assertEqual(set(first_parser.sections()), set(second_parser.sections())) for section in first_parser.sections(): self.assertEqual(dict(first_parser.items(section)), dict(second_parser.items(section))) class TwistedTestCase(TestCase): def successResultOf(self, deferred): """See C{twisted.trial._synctest._Assertions.successResultOf}. This is a copy of the original method, which is available only since Twisted 12.3.0 (from 2012-12-20). """ result = [] deferred.addBoth(result.append) if not result: self.fail( "Success result expected on %r, found no result instead" % ( deferred,)) elif isinstance(result[0], Failure): self.fail( "Success result expected on %r, " "found failure result (%r) instead" % (deferred, result[0])) else: return result[0] def failureResultOf(self, deferred): """See C{twisted.trial._synctest._Assertions.failureResultOf}. This is a copy of the original method, which is available only since Twisted 12.3.0 (from 2012-12-20). """ result = [] deferred.addBoth(result.append) if not result: self.fail( "Failure result expected on %r, found no result instead" % ( deferred,)) elif not isinstance(result[0], Failure): self.fail( "Failure result expected on %r, " "found success result (%r) instead" % (deferred, result[0])) else: return result[0] def assertNoResult(self, deferred): """See C{twisted.trial._synctest._Assertions.assertNoResult}. This is a copy of the original method, which is available only since Twisted 12.3.0 (from 2012-12-20). """ result = [] deferred.addBoth(result.append) if result: self.fail( "No result expected on %r, found %r instead" % ( deferred, result[0])) def assertDeferredSucceeded(self, deferred): self.assertTrue(isinstance(deferred, Deferred)) called = [] def callback(result): called.append(True) deferred.addCallback(callback) self.assertTrue(called) def assertSuccess(self, deferred, result=None): """ Assert that the given C{deferred} results in the given C{result}. """ self.assertTrue(isinstance(deferred, Deferred)) return deferred.addCallback(self.assertEqual, result) class ErrorHandler(Handler): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Handler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.errors = [] def emit(self, record): if record.levelno >= ERROR: self.errors.append(record) class LoggedErrorsError(Exception): def __str__(self): out = "The following errors were logged\n" formatter = Formatter() for error in self.args[0]: out += formatter.format(error) + "\n" return out class LogKeeperHelper(object): """Record logging information. Puts a 'logfile' attribute on your test case, which is a StringIO containing all log output. """ def set_up(self, test_case): self.ignored_exception_regexes = [] self.ignored_exception_types = [] self.error_handler = ErrorHandler() test_case.log_helper = self test_case.logger = logger = logging.getLogger() test_case.logfile = cstringio() handler = logging.StreamHandler(test_case.logfile) format = ("%(levelname)8s: %(message)s") handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(format)) self.old_handlers = logger.handlers self.old_level = logger.level logger.handlers = [handler, self.error_handler] logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) def tear_down(self, test_case): logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(self.old_level) logger.handlers = self.old_handlers errors = [] for record in self.error_handler.errors: for ignored_type in self.ignored_exception_types: if (record.exc_info and record.exc_info[0] and issubclass(record.exc_info[0], ignored_type) ): break else: for ignored_regex in self.ignored_exception_regexes: if ignored_regex.match(record.message): break else: errors.append(record) if errors: raise LoggedErrorsError(errors) def ignore_errors(self, type_or_regex): if isinstance(type_or_regex, basestring): self.ignored_exception_regexes.append(re.compile(type_or_regex)) else: self.ignored_exception_types.append(type_or_regex) class EnvironSnapshot(object): def __init__(self): self._snapshot = os.environ.copy() def restore(self): os.environ.update(self._snapshot) for key in list(os.environ): if key not in self._snapshot: del os.environ[key] class EnvironSaverHelper(object): def set_up(self, test_case): self._snapshot = EnvironSnapshot() def tear_down(self, test_case): self._snapshot.restore() class MockPopen(object): def __init__(self, output, return_codes=None, err_out=""): self.output = output self.err_out = err_out self.stdout = cstringio(output) self.popen_inputs = [] self.return_codes = return_codes self.received_input = None def __call__(self, args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None): return self.popen(args, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) def popen(self, args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None): self.popen_inputs.append(args) return self def wait(self): return self.returncode def communicate(self, input=None): self.received_input = input return self.output, self.err_out @property def returncode(self): if self.return_codes is None: return 0 return self.return_codes.pop(0) class StandardIOHelper(object): def set_up(self, test_case): test_case.old_stdout = sys.stdout test_case.old_stdin = sys.stdin test_case.stdout = sys.stdout = stringio() test_case.stdin = sys.stdin = stringio() if not _PY3: test_case.stdin.encoding = "UTF-8" def tear_down(self, test_case): sys.stdout = test_case.old_stdout sys.stdin = test_case.old_stdin def append_login_data(filename, login_type=0, pid=0, tty_device="/dev/", id="", username="", hostname="", termination_status=0, exit_status=0, session_id=0, entry_time_seconds=0, entry_time_milliseconds=0, remote_ip_address=[0, 0, 0, 0]): """Append binary login data to the specified filename.""" file = open(filename, "ab") try: file.write(struct.pack(LoginInfo.RAW_FORMAT, login_type, pid, tty_device.encode("utf-8"), id.encode("utf-8"), username.encode("utf-8"), hostname.encode("utf-8"), termination_status, exit_status, session_id, entry_time_seconds, entry_time_milliseconds, remote_ip_address[0], remote_ip_address[1], remote_ip_address[2], remote_ip_address[3], b"")) finally: file.close() def mock_counter(i=0): """Generator starts at zero and yields integers that grow by one.""" while True: yield i i += 1 def mock_time(): """Generator starts at 100 and yields int timestamps that grow by one.""" return mock_counter(100) class StubProcessFactory(object): """ A L{IReactorProcess} provider which records L{spawnProcess} calls and allows tests to get at the protocol. """ def __init__(self): self.spawns = [] def spawnProcess(self, protocol, executable, args=(), env={}, path=None, uid=None, gid=None, usePTY=0, childFDs=None): self.spawns.append((protocol, executable, args, env, path, uid, gid, usePTY, childFDs)) class DummyProcess(object): """A process (transport) that doesn't do anything.""" def __init__(self): self.signals = [] def signalProcess(self, signal): self.signals.append(signal) def closeChildFD(self, fd): pass class ProcessDataBuilder(object): """Builder creates sample data for the process info plugin to consume. @param sample_dir: The directory for sample data. """ RUNNING = "R (running)" STOPPED = "T (stopped)" TRACING_STOP = "T (tracing stop)" DISK_SLEEP = "D (disk sleep)" SLEEPING = "S (sleeping)" DEAD = "X (dead)" ZOMBIE = "Z (zombie)" def __init__(self, sample_dir): self._sample_dir = sample_dir def create_data(self, process_id, state, uid, gid, started_after_boot=0, process_name=None, generate_cmd_line=True, stat_data=None, vmsize=11676): """Creates sample data for a process. @param started_after_boot: The amount of time, in jiffies, between the system uptime and start of the process. @param process_name: Used to generate the process name that appears in /proc/%(pid)s/status @param generate_cmd_line: If true, place the process_name in /proc/%(pid)s/cmdline, otherwise leave it empty (this simulates a kernel process) @param stat_data: Array of items to write to the /proc/<pid>/stat file. """ sample_data = """ Name: %(process_name)s State: %(state)s Tgid: 24759 Pid: 24759 PPid: 17238 TracerPid: 0 Uid: %(uid)d 0 0 0 Gid: %(gid)d 0 0 0 FDSize: 256 Groups: 4 20 24 25 29 30 44 46 106 110 112 1000 VmPeak: 11680 kB VmSize: %(vmsize)d kB VmLck: 0 kB VmHWM: 6928 kB VmRSS: 6924 kB VmData: 1636 kB VmStk: 196 kB VmExe: 1332 kB VmLib: 4240 kB VmPTE: 20 kB Threads: 1 SigQ: 0/4294967295 SigPnd: 0000000000000000 ShdPnd: 0000000000000000 SigBlk: 0000000000000000 SigIgn: 0000000000000000 SigCgt: 0000000059816eff CapInh: 0000000000000000 CapPrm: 0000000000000000 CapEff: 0000000000000000 """ % ({"process_name": process_name[:15], "state": state, "uid": uid, "gid": gid, "vmsize": vmsize}) # noqa process_dir = os.path.join(self._sample_dir, str(process_id)) os.mkdir(process_dir) filename = os.path.join(process_dir, "status") file = open(filename, "w+") try: file.write(sample_data) finally: file.close() if stat_data is None: stat_data = """\ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 %d\ """ % (started_after_boot,) filename = os.path.join(process_dir, "stat") file = open(filename, "w+") try: file.write(stat_data) finally: file.close() if generate_cmd_line: sample_data = """\ /usr/sbin/%(process_name)s\0--pid-file\0/var/run/%(process_name)s.pid\0 """ % {"process_name": process_name} else: sample_data = "" filename = os.path.join(process_dir, "cmdline") file = open(filename, "w+") try: file.write(sample_data) finally: file.close() def remove_data(self, process_id): """Remove sample data for the process that matches C{process_id}.""" process_dir = os.path.join(self._sample_dir, str(process_id)) shutil.rmtree(process_dir) class FakeReactorID(object): def __init__(self, data): self.active = True self._data = data class FakeReactor(EventHandlingReactorMixin): """A fake reactor with the same API of L{LandscapeReactor}. This reactor emulates the asychronous interface of L{LandscapeReactor}, but implementing it in a synchronous way, for easier unit-testing. Note that the C{listen_unix} method is *not* emulated, but rather inherited blindly from L{UnixReactorMixin}, this means that there's no way to control it in a synchronous way (see the docstring of the mixin). A better approach would be to fake the AMP transport (i.e. fake the twisted abstractions around Unix sockets), and implement a fake version C{listen_unix}, but this hasn't been done yet. """ # XXX probably this shouldn't be a class attribute, but we need client-side # FakeReactor instaces to be aware of listening sockets created by # server-side FakeReactor instances. _socket_paths = {} def __init__(self): super(FakeReactor, self).__init__() self._current_time = 0 self._calls = [] self.hosts = {} self._threaded_callbacks = [] # XXX we need a reference to the Twisted reactor as well because # some tests use it from twisted.internet import reactor self._reactor = reactor def time(self): return float(self._current_time) def call_later(self, seconds, f, *args, **kwargs): scheduled_time = self._current_time + seconds call = (scheduled_time, f, args, kwargs) self._insort_call(call) return FakeReactorID(call) def _insort_call(self, call): # We want to insert the call in the appropriate time slot. A simple # bisect.insort_left() is not sufficient as the comparison of two # methods is not defined in Python 3. times = [c[0] for c in self._calls] index = bisect.bisect_left(times, call[0]) self._calls.insert(index, call) def call_every(self, seconds, f, *args, **kwargs): def fake(): # update the call so that cancellation will continue # working with the same ID. And do it *before* the call # because the call might cancel it! call._data = self.call_later(seconds, fake)._data try: f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: if call.active: self.cancel_call(call) raise call = self.call_later(seconds, fake) return call def cancel_call(self, id): if type(id) is FakeReactorID: if id._data in self._calls: self._calls.remove(id._data) id.active = False else: super(FakeReactor, self).cancel_call(id) def call_when_running(self, f): # Just schedule a call that will be kicked by the run() method. self.call_later(0, f) def call_in_main(self, f, *args, **kwargs): """Schedule a function for execution in the main thread.""" self._threaded_callbacks.append(lambda: f(*args, **kwargs)) def call_in_thread(self, callback, errback, f, *args, **kwargs): """Emulate L{LandscapeReactor.call_in_thread} without spawning threads. Note that running threaded callbacks here doesn't reflect reality, since they're usually run while the main reactor loop is active. At the same time, this is convenient as it means we don't need to run the the real Twisted reactor with to test actions performed on completion of specific events (e.g. L{MessageExchange.exchange} uses call_in_thread to run the HTTP request in a separate thread, because we use libcurl which is blocking). IOW, it's easier to test things synchronously. """ self._in_thread(callback, errback, f, args, kwargs) self._run_threaded_callbacks() def listen_unix(self, socket_path, factory): class FakePort(object): def stopListening(oself): self._socket_paths.pop(socket_path) self._socket_paths[socket_path] = factory return FakePort() def connect_unix(self, path, factory): server = self._socket_paths.get(path) from landscape.lib.tests.test_amp import FakeConnector if server: connector = FakeConnector(factory, server) connector.connect() else: connector = object() # Fake connector failure = Failure(ConnectError("No such file or directory")) factory.clientConnectionFailed(connector, failure) return connector def run(self): """Continuously advance this reactor until reactor.stop() is called.""" self.fire("run") self._running = True while self._running: self.advance(self._calls[0][0]) self.fire("stop") def stop(self): self._running = False def advance(self, seconds): """Advance this reactor C{seconds} into the future. This method is not part of the L{LandscapeReactor} API and is specific to L{FakeReactor}. It's meant to be used only in unit tests for advancing time and triggering the relevant scheduled calls (see also C{call_later} and C{call_every}). """ while (self._calls and self._calls[0][0] <= self._current_time + seconds): call = self._calls.pop(0) # If we find a call within the time we're advancing, # before calling it, let's advance the time *just* to # when that call is expecting to be run, so that if it # schedules any calls itself they will be relative to # the correct time. seconds -= call[0] - self._current_time self._current_time = call[0] try: call[1](*call[2], **call[3]) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) self._current_time += seconds def _in_thread(self, callback, errback, f, args, kwargs): try: result = f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: exc_info = sys.exc_info() if errback is None: self.call_in_main(logging.error, e, exc_info=exc_info) else: self.call_in_main(errback, *exc_info) else: if callback: self.call_in_main(callback, result) def _run_threaded_callbacks(self): while self._threaded_callbacks: try: self._threaded_callbacks.pop(0)() except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) def _hook_threaded_callbacks(self): id = self.call_every(0.5, self._run_threaded_callbacks) self._run_threaded_callbacks_id = id def _unhook_threaded_callbacks(self): self.cancel_call(self._run_threaded_callbacks_id)
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