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"""Provide access to the persistent data used by L{PackageTaskHandler}s.""" import time try: import sqlite3 except ImportError: from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite3 from twisted.python.compat import iteritems, long from landscape.lib import bpickle from landscape.lib.store import with_cursor class UnknownHashIDRequest(Exception): """Raised for unknown hash id requests.""" class InvalidHashIdDb(Exception): """Raised when trying to add an invalid hash=>id lookaside database.""" class HashIdStore(object): """C{HashIdStore} stores package hash=>id mappings in a file. The file is a SQLite database that contains a single table called "hash". The table schema is defined in L{ensure_hash_id_schema}. @param filename: The file where the mappings are persisted to. """ _db = None def __init__(self, filename): self._filename = filename def _ensure_schema(self): ensure_hash_id_schema(self._db) @with_cursor def set_hash_ids(self, cursor, hash_ids): """Set the ids of a set of hashes. @param hash_ids: a C{dict} of hash=>id mappings. """ for hash, id in iteritems(hash_ids): cursor.execute("REPLACE INTO hash VALUES (?, ?)", (id, sqlite3.Binary(hash))) @with_cursor def get_hash_id(self, cursor, hash): """Return the id associated to C{hash}, or C{None} if not available. @param hash: a C{bytes} representing a hash. """ cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM hash WHERE hash=?", (sqlite3.Binary(hash),)) value = cursor.fetchone() if value: return value[0] return None @with_cursor def get_hash_ids(self, cursor): """Return a C{dict} holding all the available hash=>id mappings.""" cursor.execute("SELECT hash, id FROM hash") return {bytes(row[0]): row[1] for row in cursor.fetchall()} @with_cursor def get_id_hash(self, cursor, id): """Return the hash associated to C{id}, or C{None} if not available.""" assert isinstance(id, (int, long)) cursor.execute("SELECT hash FROM hash WHERE id=?", (id,)) value = cursor.fetchone() if value: return bytes(value[0]) return None @with_cursor def clear_hash_ids(self, cursor): """Delete all hash=>id mappings.""" cursor.execute("DELETE FROM hash") @with_cursor def check_sanity(self, cursor): """Check database integrity. @raise: L{InvalidHashIdDb} if the filenme passed to the constructor is not a SQLite database or does not have a table called "hash" with a compatible schema. """ try: cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM hash WHERE hash=?", ("",)) except sqlite3.DatabaseError: raise InvalidHashIdDb(self._filename) class PackageStore(HashIdStore): """Persist data about system packages and L{PackageTaskHandler}'s tasks. This class extends L{HashIdStore} by adding tables to the SQLite database backend for storing information about the status of the system packages and about the tasks to be performed by L{PackageTaskHandler}s. The additional tables and schemas are defined in L{ensure_package_schema}. @param filename: The file where data is persisted to. """ def __init__(self, filename): super(PackageStore, self).__init__(filename) self._hash_id_stores = [] def _ensure_schema(self): super(PackageStore, self)._ensure_schema() ensure_package_schema(self._db) def add_hash_id_db(self, filename): """ Attach an additional "lookaside" hash=>id database. This method can be called more than once to attach several hash=>id databases, which will be queried *before* the main database, in the same the order they were added. If C{filename} is not a SQLite database or does not have a table called "hash" with a compatible schema, L{InvalidHashIdDb} is raised. @param filename: a secondary SQLite databases to look for pre-canned hash=>id mappings. """ hash_id_store = HashIdStore(filename) try: hash_id_store.check_sanity() except InvalidHashIdDb as e: # propagate the error raise e self._hash_id_stores.append(hash_id_store) def has_hash_id_db(self): """Return C{True} if one or more lookaside databases are attached.""" return len(self._hash_id_stores) > 0 def get_hash_id(self, hash): """Return the id associated to C{hash}, or C{None} if not available. This method composes the L{HashIdStore.get_hash_id} methods of all the attached lookaside databases, falling back to the main one, as described in L{add_hash_id_db}. """ assert isinstance(hash, bytes) # Check if we can find the hash=>id mapping in the lookaside stores for store in self._hash_id_stores: id = store.get_hash_id(hash) if id: return id # Fall back to the locally-populated db return HashIdStore.get_hash_id(self, hash) def get_id_hash(self, id): """Return the hash associated to C{id}, or C{None} if not available. This method composes the L{HashIdStore.get_id_hash} methods of all the attached lookaside databases, falling back to the main one in case the hash associated to C{id} is not found in any of them. """ for store in self._hash_id_stores: hash = store.get_id_hash(id) if hash is not None: return hash return HashIdStore.get_id_hash(self, id) @with_cursor def add_available(self, cursor, ids): for id in ids: cursor.execute("REPLACE INTO available VALUES (?)", (id,)) @with_cursor def remove_available(self, cursor, ids): id_list = ",".join(str(int(id)) for id in ids) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM available WHERE id IN (%s)" % id_list) @with_cursor def clear_available(self, cursor): cursor.execute("DELETE FROM available") @with_cursor def get_available(self, cursor): cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM available") return [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] @with_cursor def add_available_upgrades(self, cursor, ids): for id in ids: cursor.execute("REPLACE INTO available_upgrade VALUES (?)", (id,)) @with_cursor def remove_available_upgrades(self, cursor, ids): id_list = ",".join(str(int(id)) for id in ids) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM available_upgrade WHERE id IN (%s)" % id_list) @with_cursor def clear_available_upgrades(self, cursor): cursor.execute("DELETE FROM available_upgrade") @with_cursor def get_available_upgrades(self, cursor): cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM available_upgrade") return [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] @with_cursor def add_autoremovable(self, cursor, ids): for id in ids: cursor.execute("REPLACE INTO autoremovable VALUES (?)", (id,)) @with_cursor def remove_autoremovable(self, cursor, ids): id_list = ",".join(str(int(id)) for id in ids) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM autoremovable WHERE id IN (%s)" % id_list) @with_cursor def clear_autoremovable(self, cursor): cursor.execute("DELETE FROM autoremovable") @with_cursor def get_autoremovable(self, cursor): cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM autoremovable") return [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] @with_cursor def add_security(self, cursor, ids): for id in ids: cursor.execute("REPLACE INTO security VALUES (?)", (id,)) @with_cursor def remove_security(self, cursor, ids): id_list = ",".join(str(int(id)) for id in ids) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM security WHERE id IN (%s)" % id_list) @with_cursor def clear_security(self, cursor): cursor.execute("DELETE FROM security") @with_cursor def get_security(self, cursor): cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM security") return [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] @with_cursor def add_installed(self, cursor, ids): for id in ids: cursor.execute("REPLACE INTO installed VALUES (?)", (id,)) @with_cursor def remove_installed(self, cursor, ids): id_list = ",".join(str(int(id)) for id in ids) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM installed WHERE id IN (%s)" % id_list) @with_cursor def clear_installed(self, cursor): cursor.execute("DELETE FROM installed") @with_cursor def get_installed(self, cursor): cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM installed") return [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] @with_cursor def get_locked(self, cursor): """Get the package ids of all locked packages.""" cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM locked") return [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] @with_cursor def add_locked(self, cursor, ids): """Add the given package ids to the list of locked packages.""" for id in ids: cursor.execute("REPLACE INTO locked VALUES (?)", (id,)) @with_cursor def remove_locked(self, cursor, ids): id_list = ",".join(str(int(id)) for id in ids) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM locked WHERE id IN (%s)" % id_list) @with_cursor def clear_locked(self, cursor): """Remove all the package ids in the locked table.""" cursor.execute("DELETE FROM locked") @with_cursor def add_hash_id_request(self, cursor, hashes): hashes = list(hashes) cursor.execute("INSERT INTO hash_id_request (hashes, timestamp)" " VALUES (?,?)", (sqlite3.Binary(bpickle.dumps(hashes)), time.time())) return HashIDRequest(self._db, cursor.lastrowid) @with_cursor def get_hash_id_request(self, cursor, request_id): cursor.execute("SELECT 1 FROM hash_id_request WHERE id=?", (request_id,)) if not cursor.fetchone(): raise UnknownHashIDRequest(request_id) return HashIDRequest(self._db, request_id) @with_cursor def iter_hash_id_requests(self, cursor): cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM hash_id_request") return [HashIDRequest(self._db, row[0]) for row in cursor.fetchall()] @with_cursor def clear_hash_id_requests(self, cursor): cursor.execute("DELETE FROM hash_id_request") @with_cursor def add_task(self, cursor, queue, data): data = bpickle.dumps(data) cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO task (queue, timestamp, data) VALUES (?,?,?)", (queue, time.time(), sqlite3.Binary(data))) return PackageTask(self._db, cursor.lastrowid) @with_cursor def get_next_task(self, cursor, queue): cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM task WHERE queue=? ORDER BY timestamp", (queue,)) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: return PackageTask(self._db, row[0]) return None @with_cursor def clear_tasks(self, cursor, except_tasks=()): cursor.execute("DELETE FROM task WHERE id NOT IN (%s)" % ",".join([str(task.id) for task in except_tasks])) class FakePackageStore(PackageStore): """ A L{PackageStore} with an additional message table to store sent messages. """ def _ensure_schema(self): super(FakePackageStore, self)._ensure_schema() ensure_fake_package_schema(self._db) @with_cursor def save_message(self, cursor, message): cursor.execute("INSERT INTO message (data) VALUES (?)", (sqlite3.Binary(bpickle.dumps(message)),)) @with_cursor def get_message_ids(self, cursor): return [row[0] for row in cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM message").fetchall()] @with_cursor def save_message_ids(self, cursor, message_ids): cursor.executemany( "INSERT INTO message (id) VALUES (?)", [(message_id,) for message_id in message_ids]) @with_cursor def get_messages_by_ids(self, cursor, message_ids): params = ", ".join(["?"] * len(message_ids)) result = cursor.execute( "SELECT id, data FROM message WHERE id IN (%s) " "ORDER BY id" % params, tuple(message_ids)).fetchall() return [(row[0], bytes(row[1])) for row in result] class HashIDRequest(object): def __init__(self, db, id): self._db = db self.id = id @property @with_cursor def hashes(self, cursor): cursor.execute("SELECT hashes FROM hash_id_request WHERE id=?", (self.id,)) return bpickle.loads(bytes(cursor.fetchone()[0])) @with_cursor def _get_timestamp(self, cursor): cursor.execute("SELECT timestamp FROM hash_id_request WHERE id=?", (self.id,)) return cursor.fetchone()[0] @with_cursor def _set_timestamp(self, cursor, value): cursor.execute("UPDATE hash_id_request SET timestamp=? WHERE id=?", (value, self.id)) timestamp = property(_get_timestamp, _set_timestamp) @with_cursor def _get_message_id(self, cursor): cursor.execute("SELECT message_id FROM hash_id_request WHERE id=?", (self.id,)) return cursor.fetchone()[0] @with_cursor def _set_message_id(self, cursor, value): cursor.execute("UPDATE hash_id_request SET message_id=? WHERE id=?", (value, self.id)) message_id = property(_get_message_id, _set_message_id) @with_cursor def remove(self, cursor): cursor.execute("DELETE FROM hash_id_request WHERE id=?", (self.id,)) class PackageTask(object): def __init__(self, db, id): self._db = db self.id = id cursor = db.cursor() try: cursor.execute("SELECT queue, timestamp, data FROM task " "WHERE id=?", (id,)) row = cursor.fetchone() finally: cursor.close() self.queue = row[0] self.timestamp = row[1] self.data = bpickle.loads(bytes(row[2])) @with_cursor def remove(self, cursor): cursor.execute("DELETE FROM task WHERE id=?", (self.id,)) def ensure_hash_id_schema(db): """Create all tables needed by a L{HashIdStore}. @param db: A connection to a SQLite database. """ cursor = db.cursor() try: cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE hash" " (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, hash BLOB UNIQUE)") except (sqlite3.OperationalError, sqlite3.DatabaseError): cursor.close() db.rollback() else: cursor.close() db.commit() def ensure_package_schema(db): """Create all tables needed by a L{PackageStore}. @param db: A connection to a SQLite database. """ # FIXME This needs a "patch" table with a "version" column which will # help with upgrades. It should also be used to decide when to # create the schema from the ground up, rather than that using # try block. cursor = db.cursor() try: cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE security" " (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)") cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE autoremovable" " (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)") cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE locked" " (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)") cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE available" " (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)") cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE available_upgrade" " (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)") cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE installed" " (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)") cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE hash_id_request" " (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, timestamp TIMESTAMP," " message_id INTEGER, hashes BLOB)") cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE task" " (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, queue TEXT," " timestamp TIMESTAMP, data BLOB)") except sqlite3.OperationalError: cursor.close() db.rollback() else: cursor.close() db.commit() def ensure_fake_package_schema(db): cursor = db.cursor() try: cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE message" " (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, data BLOB)") except (sqlite3.OperationalError, sqlite3.DatabaseError): cursor.close() db.rollback() else: cursor.close() db.commit()
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